South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Monday 17 June 1872, page 5


The Union College.

The meeting to inaugurate the operations of the Union College was held on Thursday evening in the Town Hall Exchange Boom with a succev which we hope is a promise of the

iuvure prapantj m um uueumv msuwiaon. A large and respectable audience filled the room, and upon the platform were the Revs. Davidson, Jteadj Jefferu, Lyall, Symes, Parsons, Man

thorpe, Cox, and Hainina-, and Mossrs. G. 5Toung, R. Davenport, and G. MoEwin. Dr. (Vhittell having been called to the chair, the Rev. C. B. Symes opened the meeting with prayer. The Secretaiiy stated that apologies had been received from the Hon. A. B. Murray, Dr. Gosse. and Mr. J. H. Clark, who regretted oeing unable to attend the meeting. The Chairman, m an excellent speech, jf which we give an abstract, said that tie did not know that ho had ever attended 1 meeting with greater pleasure than he did that evening^ They were assembled with the object of inaugurating the commencement of a new educational establishment called the Union College of South Australia, and their principal business was to hear addresses from the gentlemen who had consented to act as tutors to that institution. As he understood it, the Union College had two objects. First, it contemplated putting within the reach of such young^ men as might be fitted to enter tho Christian ministry means whereby they might obtain knowledge and mental training essentially necessary for that sphere of usefulness. This perhaps was its more important purposo. Another object was to place knowledge within the reach of all who were desirous to possess it. In fact, the new College contemplated enabling young men after they had left the various educational establishments in which their schooling bad been obtained to pursue still higher branches of knowledge. From whichever standpoint they might view the institution, they could not fail to see that it supplied a want long and increasingly felt— (Hear)— and that it intended taking up ground hitherto unoccupied in South Australia. It was not intended that the Union College should enter in any way into competition with any other educational establishment. Its work would rather begin where ordinary schools left off; fcr it would be not so much a school for boys as a College for men. Having, then, established the need of such an institution, the next question was— Is it likely the new College will succeed? Will there be enough students 'desirous of mental culture to justify the considerable expenditure of money contemplated, and the expenditure of that which was of far more value — the time and trouble of the gentlemen who were to act as, tutors? Well, they could but make the experiment, and although they might not meet with tho success they Were desirous of seoiog they had ample reasons for commencing. And if the tutors, upon whom the burden of the work would fall, were willing to give the timo which would be necessary, there wore those at that meeting who would not be willing to see thorn foil through lack of funds. (Applause.) The people of South Australia were sometimes twitted with being fond of money-making to the exclusion of mental culture. Perhaps there was some truth in that, but he did not think they were the only people desirous of making money. He had heard of canny Scotchmen— {laughter)— who were certainly as fond of money, and who knew how to take care of it too. And he would take them to be an illustration of what they might attain to in this colony. In a speech of Dr. Lyon Playfair in the House of Commons tho striking fact was brought out that in Scotland the proportion of students in the Universities was one to every 800 of the population; and in England, while the proportion was not so gieat in,referenoe to universities, which were not so popular as in the neighbouring country, yet, if the students in the colleges, high-class schools, and universities were reckoned, he thought it likely the proportion to the general population would be the same. Let us supposo, then, that one in every 800 in South Australia were engaged in obtaining a university or collegiate education, that would give us 250 students in Adelaide at the present time. Perhaps for the present the tutors Would bo content with a half, or a quarter, or even a sixth of that number, but ho thought that in the course of time they would get the fuil 250. It would be a happy day when Mich was the case. (Applause.) He thought, too, that the young men of South Australia were not behind the youth of other countries in mental power; that they would nob expose themselves to the taunt that while caring much to put money in their pockets they did not care to put Knowledge into their minds. Thay were told by political economists that tho 'demand created tho supply,' but he was sometimes disposed to ' think that tho supply created the demand. This was sometimes said of doctors, but it depended on tho sort of doctor. (Laughter.) Give their young men tho opportunity of trotting knowledge, placo tho College bafore, their view with its manifold advantages, and he believed that not many years hence they would have to enlarge their premises, and| add to tho duties and operations of the College those of a University. (Applause.) They had heard

ana seen mucn 01 me question ?? wnac snail we do with our boys?' and he thought they might well turn politicians and try to dispose of tome part of their surplus male population. So long as there were large masses of poople living together, so long would men havo to be employed to do certain things for all, each could not do for himself, and there would be lawyers, ministers, doctors, architects, engineers, and other special professions. At present with tho exception of the law it was scarcely possible for any. young man, unless he had a large sum of money inhis pocket, or some liberal friend at his back, to become administer or a member of the medical profession. If the opportunity existed it would be as easy for them to be trained for these positions bore as in England or Scotland. That their young men were equal to others in ability, and if they had like opportunities would make tho most of them, it was only necessary to refer to those educated for the law in this colony. For the leaders of the bar— those in whom they had the most confidence — wero colonial young men, and if this wore the case in tho one profession why should it not be so in others? At any rate the Union College afforded tho opportunity to make the attempt to have it so. It was sometimes said that it was not necessary that ministers should havo tho training and the education he bed spoken of — that they could preach as well about religion without a knowledge of Latin and algebra, and kindred subjects. This was true, perfectly true; and speaking, conscious that ministers wero around him, he thought it must bo admitted that religion and its truths [were always unchangeably the same. But yet tho circumstances of different times demanded a different style of treatment in various ages. (Hoar, hear.) H» held it was quite possible from this for a man to bo a most successful preacher in one age who would pot be in another. If tho pulpit was to retain its prestige and usefulness in those days a highly educated ministry was absolutely needed, and on this account he was delighted to occupy the position ho did that night. But he bad said the object of the College vas to afford training for all who desired it, no matter what creed they professed, or what Church they belonged to. He was rejoiced to find it so, for, as a medical man, he was always pleased at an opportunity of getting a sharp lad, and turning him into a doctor if he could. He thought it a shame that before now they had not had a properly organized Medical School in South Australia. (Hear, boar.) They had a large Hospital, supported by the Government and the country, and a staff of medical men, of whoso qualifications he would not speak, but who, at any rate, were willing to teach what they knew. Perhaps he might not be chargeable with telling tales out of school if be stated that the attempt was being made to take tfce firtt step i» starting a Medical School, and that ^he hoped in six months to see the * Hospital a properly organized institution in which medical students could go through a portion of their training, bo that instead of its being necessary for them to go to England for four years, it would only be necessary for them to go for two. This would be a boon to many of them, for it would enable a father to have his eye on his son at a critical time of his son's life, when a father should alwayB bo by his child's side. But this was the point. Before a young man could enter as a medical student in England he must pats a close examination on some subjects this College would teach. He rejoiced in the undertaking, therefore, upon the ground that tho College would be useful to intending medical students by preparing {hem for examination in branches of knowledge they could get trained in in South Australia only at that institution. (Applause.) From those he saw before him he thought they had the right stuff, to form a

College, and though many were present who could not attend the classes, they would at anyrate be able to help supply the necessary funds, while the genial presence of the ladies was a further pledge of success. 'Without further remark, he would call on the Rev. J. Davidson to give h's address upon ' The Study of English Literature.' Papers were then read by the Rev. J. David* son upon ' The Study of English Literature and Moral and Mental Philosophy;' by the Rev. S. . Mead, M.A., LL.B.,on 'The Studyof the Greek Testament;' and by the Rev. J. Jefferis, LL.B., tipon 'The Study of Mathematics and Natural Sciences;' the various departments in which these gentlemen are to act as tutors. Mr. R. Davenport moved a vote of thaaks to Dr. Whittell. for the acceptable manner in which he had occupied the chair. Mr. D. Fowler seconded, speaking of the benefit likely to be derived by the training of school teachers at the College. Carried. Dr.- Whittell acknowledged the vote of thanks, and the meeting broke up. We are informed that 42 names have been entered for Mr. Davidson's class, nearly 40 for Mr. Jefferis's, and 15 for Mr. Mead's. Adelaide Educational Institution. The halfvearly distribution of awards to pupils of Mr. J. L. Young's school took place at Farkside on Friday. Subjoined is the prizelist :— First Class.— Conduct, G. A. Hawfces. Industry, E. B. Overbury ; c. W. Sims ; h.m. A. B. Wigg, L. W. Calf, and G. A. Hawkes. Geometry, W. Cumming ; h.m. E. B. Overbury and *L. W. Calf. Algebra, W. Cumming ; c E. B. Overbury ; h.m. W. Sims. Arithmetic, H. W. Sholl ; c. G. Crowder and C. F. Whitridge ; h.m. H. Wright, H. Wigg, F. Sims, C. Hawkes, R. E. Myles, and C. Hall. Mental Arithmetic, W. Cumming ; c. E. B. Overbury ; h.m. H. Wright. Science, E. B. Overbury ; c. W. Sims ; h.m. A. E. Wigg, L. W. Calf, and Jas. Young. English, E. B. Overbury ; c. C. F. Whitridge ; h.m. L. W. Calf, A. E. Wigg, W. Sims, and G. A. Hawkes. English Literature, W.Sims ; , c. E. B. Overbury ;? h.m. A. E. Wigg, W. Cumming, and G. A. Hawkes. Latin, B. Penaluna ; c. F. Sims ; h.m. A. E. Wigg, and G. A. Hawkes. History, W. Sims ; c. A. E. Wigg ; h.m. E. B. Overbury, H. Wigg, G. A. Hawkes, and F. Suns. Geography, E. B. Overbury; c. W. J. Sims; hum. A. E. Wigg and G. A. Hawkes, H. Wigg. Bookkeeping, H. W. Sholl ; h.m. E. B. Overburyand 'W . Sims. Drawing, W. J. Scammell. Mapping, W. Cumming ; c. A. E. Wigg ; h.m., E. B. Overbury, and L. W. Calf. Second Class.— -Arithmetic,' J. Sando ; c. E. Brown; h.m. W. Carr. Science, P. M. B. Murray; c. E. E. Light ; h.m. C. Hall and R. Brown. English, C. Hall; c. E. Phillips; h.m. F. Phillips and J. Sando. Latin, C. F. Whitridge; c. D. Gordon; h.m. L. W. Calf. History, P. M. B. Murray; c. C. Hall; h.m. E. E. Light, C. Williams, and A. Crowder. Geography, A. Crowder; c. P. M. B. Murray; h.m. E. E. Light, C. Hall, and F. H. Clark.' Writing, R. Brown. Third Class.— Arithmetic, J. Stephens. English, MacKostie; h.m. A. Marchant and F. Marchant, History, geography, and science, W. C. Thornber ; h.m. J. L. Cumming, A. Marchant, F. Marchant, and J. Stephens. Writing, H. E. MacBostie; h.m. J. Stephens and J. L. Cumming. North AdelatdeEducatjonax Institution. The midwinter distribution of prizes took place at tie schoolroom, Ponnington-terrace, on Thursday, June 13. There was a moderate attendance of parents and friends, and the Hev. John Davidson presided. Upon the desks were excellent drawings and a display of ornamental penmanship, while on the walls were well-executed maps. Specimens of good English and German writing were handed round. The Chairman spoke highly of the institution from what he had heard and seen. Mr. Nesbit spoke of great attention having been bestowed upon the subjects of study, and said care was particularly paid to German and other spoken languages. The boys had made much progress in various branches of knowledge, and he, with his partner, had been thus gratified at the result of their labours. Recitations in English and German were delivered, in many instances with good effect, the German pronunciation of English scholars being creditable. The Chairman said he was exceedingly pleased with the selections and the way they were rendered, singling out the recitations— 'Die Schatzgrater' and 'The Nautilus and the Ammonite,' by H. Solcmon, as being the best given. 'Der Erlkonig,' by A. Armbruster, and 'John Barleycorn,' by J. Lindsay, were also noticed. Subjoined is a list of the awards : — First Class.— Grammar— A. Shawyer, c. J. O'Reilly, J. Ashmeade. Arithmetic — J. Lindsay. Latin— J. O'Reilly, c. J. Hall. German — H. Menkens. German (English boys)— A. Shawyer, c. J. Hall. History— J. O'Reilly, c. A. Lindsay, C. Sonthcombe. Geography — A. Lindsay, c. A. Shawyer. Drawing— J. Ashmeade, c. E. Sharland. Ornamental penmanship— J. Ashmeade, c L. Kauffmann, W. Sharland, J. Lindsay. Progress in German— E. Krichauff, c. L. Kauffmaun, W. Sharland, H. Menkens,' H. Solomon. Industry— G: Ayliffe, c. R. Cowham, E. Krichauff, C. Uhlmann. H. Stacy. Cleanliness — G. Ayliffe, and 13 certificates. Writing — E. Simmons, c. W. Sharland, J. Ashmeade, E. Sharland. Second Class. — Arithmetic — J. James, c. A. Armbruster, C. Eimer, W. Menkens. Geography — H. Solomon, c. T. Dewhirst, W. Smythe, C. Uhlmann. Grammar— H. Solomon, c. C. Uhlmann, A. Armbruster, H. Stacy, W. Menkens. Spelling — C. Uhlmann, c. A. Armbruster, G. Ayliffe, H. Solomon. Dictation — H. Solomon, c. J. Kightley, W. Menkens, A. Simmons. German— E. . Krichauff, c. C. Uhlmann, W. Menkens. .German — H. Solomon, c. T. Dewhirst, W. Sharland. History— C. Eimor,c.W. Ballantyne, H. Solomon, A. Armbraster. Science — H. Solomon, c. T. Dewhirst, W. Ballantvne, G. Ayliffe, W. Smythe. Industry— G. Ayliffe, c. T. Ballantyne, A. Armbruster, W. BaUantyne? . W. Sagar. ^Writing— A. Simmons, c. 'A. ArmIrcuster, J. Hancock. German Writing— L., Kauffmann, c. J. KightJey, B.' Cohen. General Improvement— J. Hall, c. A. Harrington. Third Class— Spelling— A. Kightley, c. J. Cowham, C. Bastard, J. Kindermann. Arithmetic — H. Turner, c. J. . Kindermann, F. Shawyer. German — A. Armbruster, c. C. Eimer, W. Vollbrecht. Reading— J. Cowham, c. C. Bastard, C. Bagot, A. Kightley. Slate Writing— J. Kindermann, c. J. Cowham, H. Turner, C. Bastard. ' v Workmen's Club, Mucham. ,....' ; On June 3 the working men of Mitcham, with their wives, met, by invitation of Captain W. W. Hughes, in the large room of Mr. Taylor's house, where they were entertained, to the ' ' number of 100, at a hospitable and cheerful f'. tea-table. The object was to inaugurate a Reading and Club Room. The Rev. fl. Read, ; H.A., informed the meeting that the room wa* opened co provide for working men a place of , comfort in which they might read papers, periodicals, and books, or enjoy various games, such as bagatelle, ches-3, draughts, ^ &c. The idea when first suggested had met with opposition and questioning from several quarters. It originated in II r. Hughes's desire to provide at his own expense healthful and innocent amusement and improvement for the whole of the ? resident labouring class. The movement, so far from being intended to rival or interfere with . the Institute, was to be transferred to that building when it was far enough completed to receive it. Mr. W. W. Hughes, in a kind and genial address, assured the -meeting of the pleasure it gave him to be able in this or any way to minister to the comfort of the people among whom ho lived. He well knew the trials and labours of a working man, and felt that the opportunities afforded by such a . . place as he wished to provide for them could not . . ? fail to prove useful in lightening the fatigue of the day's labour and improving the tone of their minds. It rested entirely with them to show their appreciation, and should they find it useful i. and agreeable he was willing to assist them in the advancement of the object which that evening inaugurated. From time to time he : hoped to visit them and share their amusements and friendly conversation. ' Mr. _ G. Prince, compared the condition of things .in this favoured country with the pinching poverty that often prevailed in England, and ?congratulated the people of Mitcham on having & resident of Mr. Hughes's power and generosity io advance their welfare. Mr. J. Prince, of Lower Mitcham, as a member of the Institute Committee, expressed his hope that by the success of the present undertaking they would soon be enabled to complete the needec

buildings, so that the Club might hold its meetings atHhe Institute. Mixing as he did with the working class, he knew their many wants, and the benefit they might hope to receive from this institution. In the name of the people with whom his business ^ connections brought him into such intimate contact he thanked Mr. Hughes for, his liberal action. Mr. H. Breaker cordially pro posed the thanks of the community to^ Mr. Jughes, assuring him. that they fully appreciated his disinterested kindness. They felt that the room would be a blessing to them, and would cheerfully avail themselves of it. The audience then voted Mr. Lowe into the chair, and it was determined to ask Mr. Hughes to act as President; also the Rev. Henry Read and Mr. G. Prince as Vice-Presidents. The following were chosen as a Committee: — Messrs. H. Breaker, P. and R. Taylor, C. Read, C. J. Webb, J. Prince, D. Deans, W. Lowe, and Lane. Mr. C. J. Webb was appointed Secretary. '.. Vezxce Alfred College.— We are informed that the deputation to Yorke's Peninsula, comprising the Rev. W. P. Wells, Messrs. James Scott and G. W. Cotton, on behalf of this institution have been very successful, having been welcomed and assisted in their mission not only by the ministers and members of their own Church, but also by several ministers of other denominations, who by their presence and addresses from the various platforms united in advocating the claims of advanced education upon the attention of all classes. By these means not only have several pupils been gained but the' funds have benefited by the liberal contributions of residents to the extent of above £150. - .'?.;???