South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Thursday 1 June 1871, page 6


On Wednesday evening, May 31, a meeting of those interested in the formation of a South Australian Cricketing Association was held at the Prince Alfred Hotel. There were about 60

present, and Mr. J. A. Fergusson presided. Letters of apology were received from the Rev. Mr. Green and Mr. W. B. T. Andrews, both of whom expressed their willingness to aid in the support of an Association. The Chairman said the movement had been originated by the Norwood Cricket Club, and it certainly was high time that the cricketers united in forming an Association. Mr. J. Pickering (Secretary of the Norwood Cricket Club and Acting Secretary at the meeting) thought it due to the Norwood Club to mention the ideas which had originated the movement. Firstly, as all those pre-sent were aware, cricketers knew very little of each other, they being so sepa-rated from each other, and never meeting unless on the cricket ground. Then, again, there was no ground worthy of the name. The ground they had was not in proper order, and possessed no attraction for visitors. It was so bad, in fact, that a good bowler could never count on the efficiency of his bowling, and very often a hit was made which would not have been made if the ground had been good. In its present state it was also very bad for the fielder. This resulted in a carelessness or nervous play ; but all these defects could be remedied by com-bined action. They should choose a ground and plant it with couch-grass, and also beautify it otherwise, so as to make it an attraction for visitors. They should get practical advice as to the planting, and in a short time they would have a place they might be proud of. Meet-ing on the same field would conduce to more friendliness amongst cricketers. They should also be particular in choosing a President, one who was a player, and would show himself, and attend all the matches; and the Vice-President should be one who would vie with the President in forwarding the interests of the Club. The Treasurer should be a man of keen business tact, and the Secretary ought to have plenty of energy and perseverance ; for, of course, his duties would be very arduous for the first season or two. After the grounds had been laid out and ornamented, they would want a pavilion in which they could hold meetings, and there would be various other requirements that would have to be attended to. With regard to the funds, the members' tickets must be managed something after the fashion of the Philharmonic concerts— so much for a playing member and so much for a non-playing one. If the formation of an Association was carried into effect, they might get one they could be proud of, and all the members meeting on one ground, the Committee would be able to pick out a good team to play in intercolonial matches. (Cheers.) Mr. Bellhouse said, after the baci? remarks.

that had been made, it would be unnecessary for him to say anything. He had great pleasure in moving — . ' That this meeting considers it desirable at once to form an Association to be called ' The South Australian Cricketing Association and pledges its hearty support thereto.' Mr. E. M. Ashwin seconded, trusting that the presence of the Chairman augured well for the Association. A great want felt here by cricketers was the aid and sympathies of the influential classes. If the formation of an Asso-ciation was left to the young men alone it could not be managed, for their pockets would hardly bear an expenditure to the extent they wished, and consequently their spirits wavered. Here some men of high standing depreciated and rather looked down on the young men who took an interest in cricketing. He had noticed in two or three visits to Melbourne that a different feeling existed there between the employers and the employes, for there they met as one, and the employers brought their influence as well as their money to bear. He hoped the Association, if started, would put cricketing in this colony on a proper footing. The action of the Government and of the Corpo-ration seemed very strange. In Victoria every district had its cricket-ground, which could be used for all purposes; and an admission-fee was charged when thought proper. Here the South Australian Club had the gift of a piece of ground; but by the terms of agreement they were bound to leave two apertures for the ad-mission of spectators, who could not be charged. A piece of ground would be of no use to them, unless they were granted the exclusive use of it, and the right to charge an admission-fee to the matches. He could not see why the Agricul-tural Society should have the gift of the Exhibition Building and the right of charging for admission, and the Club should not be allowed the same right. If an Association was formed, the first effort would be to get a piece of ground granted for its exclusive use; and if they could not obtain that to lease or purchase a block. The idea of regularity in play was the height of absurdity with their present grounds. In Victoria South Australian cricketers and athletes were laughed at. He was sorry to see the whole of the Clubs not equally represented. At present there existed a great deal of jealousy and ill-feeling, amongst the various Clubs, and if this was not put aside they would have no success. The proposition was unanimously carried. Mr. R. J. E. Warburton moved— 'That the objects of this Association be to prepare and keep in order a central cricket ground, with all necessary requirements, to promote union amongst cricketers, and stimulate their improvement in the game, and to make arrangements for occasional intercolonial matches.' There were a great many difficulties in the way of the Association, for when they got the ground how where all the Clubs to practise? All the Clubs would want to practise, and unless they had certain grounds allotted them many difficulties would arise. Mr. W. H. Bundey seconded. Certainly a better meeting for forwarding the object before them could not have been desired. There was some in the room with whom he had had the pleasure of playing some years ago; but lately his rotundity had so extended that he could not play cricket as he used to do. If, however, he was not a cricketer in practice he was one in feeling, and as long as he lived he hoped to forward an object like the present one before them. He hoped that the influ-ential people would be brought to support an Association. In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland no sport, in his opinion, was so truly manly as cricket. There was not one single objection raised against it. A man to be a cricketer must possess determination of cha-racter, physical strength, quickness of eye, and must be careful in living. The more a young man was encouraged in cricketing, the better and more useful man he would make. There were no doubt some in the room not yet married, but he would advise all those present, when they had children, to bring them up as cricketers. He himself, on account of his rotundity, had to give up cricketing and take to yachting, which cost him a great deal more money; but as far as his humble services went, he would be glad of forwarding the object of the meeting. He was sure that if the employers were only brought to see the advantage of cricketing, they would not only support it, but give their young men so much time per week in which to practise, and in the long run they would be the gamers by so doing. He was sure the whole of the employers would come forwards as honorary members. Mr. Ashwin had Stated that the Victorians looked down upon South Australian cricketers. He also had been in Melbourne; but he had not had that experience, for he did not hear them spoken of in derisive terms. In Victoria the population was double that of this colony, and they could afford such large Associations; but whenever any one went from this colony to the next to take part in some sports he had always done well, for if he had not come in first he had come in second. In cricketing they should merge all jealousy, and only put forward the best men when it came to the point. Where there was a will there was a way. Carried mem. con. Mr. Searle proposed— ' That the Association shall comprise a Presi-dent, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and a Committee of three from each Club and non players.' He entered heartily into the matter. It was important that the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary should all be persons well qualified for the post. He was inclined to think that it would be better to alter the last words, for they would have a rather large Com-mittee. Re considered that besides the office bearers, three members from each Club, with power to add to their numbers, would be better, One of the greatest wants of the cricketers was a professional player of the highest style. In intercolonial matches they would have to play against first-class bowlers, and having a pro-fessional player would be an advantage to them in preparing them for these matches. He hoped the present spirit would be kept up, and that they would work well together, and that before long they would arrange an intercolonial match. Mr. C. C. Gooden seconded. He was very glad to see the action that had been taken. Some time ago he visited Melbourne, but he did not hear such remarks as Mr. Ashwin had heard. He thought an Association very desirable, and with several fellow-cricketers he had taken the matter up, and it was agreed between them to do nothing until the closing of the playing season. He hoped by the formation of an Association that cricketing would be reinvigo-rated. The employers were overcoming their scruples, and he thought they would soon be gained over, and would then give their support in a pecuniary way. The Chairman said all present were aware that cricketing in this colony was not a very high standard. An Association was very neces-sary, and it would not do to have a number of little Clubs here, for they could not send eleven men to Melbourne to play. The best men were not all in Adelaide, but they were in South Australia. A short time ago he saw the Mel-bourne Eleven at Hobart Town, they having gone there after receiving a licking at Laun-ceston, but they made a good fight at Ballarat About March last he saw a letter in the Register advocating the formation of an Association Then letters from 'Shortleg' and 'Longleg' followed. Now these letters were really worth acting upon. Then with regard to the season. It ought not yet to be over. They should begin a little earlier and end later. The present ground of the South Australian Club was very bad, and it would take a deal of money to make it good. But he thought they could do better than lay out their money on this ground, for in the neighbourhood of the Racecourse there was some very good level ground. It was a mistake to think that an Association would supersede existing Clubs, for it fostered and encouraged them in every way. If all the Clubs enrolled themselves under the Association they would be able to bring out more than one good eleven. Then, as regarded the non-players, they wanted their money. The subscriptions for players should be small, say from 5s. to 10s. a year, but a guinea for non-players. There were lots of people in the colony who would be very glad to support such an Association. He thought the President night be a non-player. The Governor, perhaps, if asked, would accept that post-(Hear. hear) -or the Hon. Mr. Hart might. The Vice-President might be the cricketer, and also the Captain of the

Association; so that in the getting up of matches the Captain and the Committee would make their selection of teams. The Committee would also get money from people all round. Let them have a good, rich, strong Association, so as to have cricketing all through the season. ln the Albert Grounds at Sydney, a person could go at any time and he would be sure to see some playing. Let them here have a good match every Saturday. Another thing the Com-mittee would have to decide was, who should have the grounds for practice apart from Saturdays and days on which there were matches. This could be decided by giving it to these who first applied. Then, again, they would do no good without a professional player. If an Association was established they might get Caffyn over. They must have a professional. He hoped before long the Association would be firmly established. A discussion then ensued as to the advisa-bility of at once appointing the office-bearers, Mr. J. F. Conigrave thinking it would be better to first appoint a Sub-Committee to collect information, and then to report at an adjourned meetings and at which the Standing Committee and office-bearers could be appointed. Mr. T. W. Harris considered enthusiasm was catching, and it would be better to elect officers and Committee at once. The motion was then altered and carried as follows:--' That the Association shall comprise a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secre-tary, and a Committee, to be decided upon at the next general meeting.' Mr. Leader moved, and Mr. J. F. Coni-grave seconded, and it was carried— "That the following 15 gentlemen form a preliminary Committee to communicate with the public, with a view to starting the Associa-tion on a proper basis, previous to the election, of officers, procuring names of those who are willing to become members, and to draw up proposals for the next meeting:— Messrs. Warburton, Gwynne, J. A. Fergusson (South Australian Club). J. Colton, Joyner, F. Searle (North Adelaide), E. M. Ashwin, Burgan, and G. Aldridge (Kent), C. C. Gooden, Pickering, and H. Morgan (Norwood), H. E. Bright, jun,, Peryman, and Mellor (Gawler).' Mr. T. Burgan moved— 'That the subscription for playing members be 10s. 6d. per year, and for non-playing; members £1 1s. per year.' Mr. Aldridge seconded. Carried. Votes of thanks to the Chairman closed the proceedings. Before leaving, between 40 and 50 of those present attached their names to a paper signifying their willingness to assist in the formation of an Association.