Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Thursday 12 April 1928, page 10



Mltli the expansion of Industri ii activities st Bill-Ut North a compnliinsn. iwlirv of etrr«.t work* Is becoming mort _KtT.8_.TV. The \ rogrcbs .«oclation lind directed the ut but Ion of the HutiKuri- Shire Council to the ii«*d íor forming font) albs an«) channels, ami for improung tltc t-trnts grn.rilh, some of ti» ra being in a verj bad «tile of r-piír 1 ho eii-glrrcr (Mr I li

\.mon) lins i.rcpaicd *i schedule ft works uhi-h it Is .tiLg-t-tid t-hould he dono* out of loan mon«;j, but tilt- council bus deferred corii-Iderulion of It

In the CH\ Court on \\fdtiet*hn hnuntnl lie chftrp 1 lustin Reid* w ilh ha\ ing ust-d in suiting «ords within the hearing of the public on \pril '. Complainant's btorv w is that. Keldy purchased fonic pean- nt hi. i-hop nnd accused bira of hating given ¿holt w_lcht f< Dow Ing which be «sod im-nltlng words lleidj idmittcd th<_ charge, .uni was lined 10/, will» 7/10 costs

lletails as to cost ure being uwaitrd ly the Dalljrat ¡.hire Council before any decision is arriu-d nt regarding a proposal tlmt fairly cxten sl\c planting of «.floods should be undertaken on portion of the I-nko Bu mi rabee t Ursen e Tho mutter bus l>ctn discussed bv representatives of the frörest« Commission, the Jlallarat Wattr Com mission, which lus large plantations on the re senes,, nnd the council It l8 proposed that a 10 >cars planting programme should be adopted bj the council, which Is destrona, of knowing what flnnrclnl llabltltj would be Incurred by it Trees would be supplied from the water reseñes

An cari> beginning is to be made with the erec-tion of a n_w Mechanics' Hall at Bungaroo to replace the one which was wrecked by a tornado

sonic mouths ago

M a meeting of the hospital committee on Wed-nesday night u cheque for £65/12/3 was presenta) by Mr. li. IMi.ncy, president of the lia)larat Rust Bo« 11 np Club, being (lie proceeds of on electric light Howling tournament run In aid of tho institution. It was decided to recommend him, and M'-fiár*. E. O. lMnney and W. Proven as life subscribers in recognition of the gift. It was

suggested that the tournament might be made au, annual one. It will reported that a cheque for1 £1,350 had been ree-tlved as the third Instalment of the Government grant for the year, making the i total £-.200, wblcli is £300 in excess of last year's amount. The average dully cost for pa-tients far the month was G/3, against 6/ for the corres pond lng mouth of lost jour.

There whs a fair penning of baconcrs in the piff market on Wwinesday. Tho offerincs itieluded some nlre prime lots, which had good Victorian ond inter* la to comjwtition, valueH being well sus-tained. Dackfuttcrs were lightly supplied, and beot reallned Ü10/3/R. Porkers were a shade easier owing to the supply exceeding" the demand, while stores and young pigs showed no mutcrlfll change.

The 25-ton boiler which is to b«i installed at Messric J, and It. Morley's tvoiks at Ballarat North, wus delivered on Wednesday from Cowlcy's foun-dry/ A beginning has been made to put lu the shafting lo drive the machines.


Tho picking ot tho tomato crop in the Bendigo district is nearly finl.hed, und d10 j leid, despite the devastation canted to Um early crop by tJie metallic fly and Keilli, lu the largest tor many year». A much larger area ««as cultivated than in iiroviotu years. Owing to the heavy rains and cooler ««eather sale« for ilgmeietic consumption showed a considerable reduction, and manufac turi'in «tea' unable to take delivery of ull the supplies offering, consequentij- many growers did not dispose of tho «iholo of their crop. Ulrge quantities of tomatoes from the late crop were used 01. feed for pigs.

Complaints aro made by market gaidcncrs in the Bendigo district of the depredations of insect pests. . The catilllloAvcr crop bus been affected by ted spiiliT, and early plantings especially have been disapiiolntliie-, t .

Douall! Telford, aged IS sears, of Macorna, fell from a waggon at tho Bendigo ralt«vay station and

broke lils log.


On Wednesday morning'a fire broke out In the wkker working fftctor> of Mr. II. \V. Copley, at tho connr of Little li* ile nnd William streets. Tho firemen ctfectcd a good save in confining the .outbreak to » btorcroom. A quantity of cane was destroyed. Mi. Cophn, who own» the premises, estimates thi> Ira-, at J-60. TI io prora i .cb und stock

were both Insured.

An appeal Is being launched by the Y.W.Q.A. in (icclonp for £-¡,0-X) for the erection of the hobtel in Mver-s street. It is propof-ed to double the cipiciiv of the building, which is now full. The gill« connectiHl with tilt hostel have guaran *

teed to nise -£.r>00.

In (îeelong Klght Hcurs Day will be obscned on Monday, and it is expected that at the annual social funrt ion on Fatui day night an im-portant announcement in reg trd to the building of a Trade*» Unll In Geelong will be made. The Premier (Mr. Hogan) mid deputy leader of the Kcdtral Labour putty (Mr, Scullin) havo been in*

vitcd to ho prf-int.

In the City Court on Wcdnosdav George Bright nnd Leslie J. Kevlor were each lined -L2, in de-fault 11 days* imprisonment, on charges of hav-ing brim ted in an onVnsho manner.

Alarm \is lreing Mt throughout tho district ¡it the depredations of the grub which lias followed the plague of moths of ubout a month ago. Vege-tables and flowers are being ntttcked- and the pent bas now appeared on the saltbueh hedge, in nuny cases almost ruining the hedge.

Tho policy of tile Hailwajb department in de-manding from the Harbour Trust cash for the co«t nf relaying Killi» on tho lallway pier is re stntcd by the Geplong Trades Hall Council, which has expressed tile opinion that the department should relay the rails so that Uie pier can be mude usi> of at the earliest po_*ible moment. The coal berth, except for tho decking, has been prac-tically rccoiL-tructed, but the completion is being delayed- owing to the action of the ltailwajs de

Mr, Hoy Lambie, formerly a Coolong «uoiicgian,

who was on tim tea-rhing -"-taff at the college for 12 jeurs, ou Wednesday rejoined the statf. Tlie college council In order to rope with the inervas ing mimbir of students tins decided to bate

erected two new -logroom*-».

For this G17.371 boga of wheat have gone into the stackH at -North Orelong and 216,063 bag« lune been shipped. This total is far short of last

year's figuren.

The fitcimer Ilelnn, which carne from Morocco with n cirgo nt phosplmttc rock, is discharging at the Coilo Quny wharf.

The Corin Capital branch of. the National TV-de-ration on Wednesday night gave a farewell dinner to Mr. O, A. Kent, who is. leaving for Horsham.

In recognition of her mtvIcob bb president of the women's committee of the gala last year and for fcrvlces in the cau*o of charities for a number of j ears the Geelong Uoepltnl committee ou Wed-nesday appointed Mrs. M, Kenny a life governor, Mrs. Kenny is the first vornan life governor to the Institution. At the requcft of Commander and Mrs. Hlddlrcomb- £100 of the £300 donated to Uic institution was earmarked for the nurse»* now quarters. The rcf-lgnatlon of Mr. J. AV. Gray owing to Ids removul from Oeelong was accepted, nnd Mr. T. L. Ourr «ns appointed tn tho vacancy. Dr. G. R, Darby ivas appointed on the j»d\ Ihory boord in mecewlon to Dr. Mcl'lire, v. ha is leaving for a tour oversMi. A legacy of £200 from the estate of the late J. H. J-iimborn, of Barwon Head**, wat announced by the Union Trustées Company.

After a di**cu>slon concerning the ownership of _ wapffonette that he was ririiing II. Doherty, aged 31 jean-, of liyan Mrcet. Hero lilli, was, it I« ullcged, severely assaulted by a young man In Geelong West on Wednesday afternoon. It Is stated that Doherty was left lying on the road in u semi-conscious Mate, Ho was removed to the hospital und treated for injuries to his face

and neck.

Harold Wilms, aged 29 years, of Mount Pleasant road, Belmont, was admitted in hospital on Wed-nesday with a broken thigh. Wilms was thrown

from a jinker when the horse he was driving



Arrangements are being made for the visit of Mr. Belt Hinkler to Warrnambool on April 21. Hie racing club will not agree to allow bim to land on the racccouit-e on account of tho winter racing earn hal being held on the following


Alfred Percival Budge, aged lo years, ol Pres-ton, was charged in the Warrnambool Court, that, on March 27, he int Iced a girl under tho age of 15 years to lf_ue her hume. Hew as charged also with an offener against the girl. He was remanded to appear at Preston on April 12.

There was a small offering of pigs at the fort niphtly market. Values wiro not quite up to tho rates ruling at last rnaiket. The market for store« showed a Blight advance. Prime baconers mario £1/10/ to -IM/IS/, odd pens of extra choice ¿5/n/G, prime lightweight baconeis £3/1./ to £4/5/, primo and heavy porkers i_5/ to G5/, light-weight 4S/, prime buckfaUcrs £5/10/ to £6/10/, bebt forward stores 50/ to 60/, other stores 36/ to 45/, slips and suckers 20/ to 30/.


Alfred Ernest Roblnson, aged 42 years, his wife Stella B Robinson, aged 42 years, and their son Clarence W. Robinson, aged 23 years, were charged in the police court with having entered the busi-

ness premises of E J Gleeson, tailor, Ararat, and stolen rolls of suiting materials to the value of £250. They were committed for trial at the Ballarat Supreme Court on April 24, bail being, allowed each accused on a bond of £100 and an approved surety of £100 each. Edward James Gleeson said that on Saturday, February 25, he left his shop securely locked, and, returning there on Sunday morning, found the back door had been forced and a quantity of material removed. Sub-sequently he went to Melbourne and picked out two rolls of cloth as his property. Detective Lacey said that he visited the Checkers Inn Hotel, Bay street, Port Melbourne, of which Mrs Robinson was the licensee, and inspected property in the billiard room there. Under the billiard table cover he came across two pieces of cloth.

William Allan Green and Edward Patrick Silver, both young men charged in the police court with house-breaking at Dimboola, were remanded to

Dimboola on April 18.

The last month was one of the busiest experienced at the Ararat Hospital for some years. There were 67 admissions to the institution and more than the usual number of operations had been per-formed. A sum of £22/16/- was received by the committee from the Willaura Masonic Lodge as a

result of its recent Pleasant Sunday Afternoon service. The debit balance of the hospital is


At half-past 2 o'clock on Wednesday morning Mr. W. H. Mackay found the large glass door of his shop broken and the padlock missing. Jack Holt (who had been released from gaol only the previous day) and Alfred Phillips were

charged at the police court this morning with having loitered in a public place with intent to commit a felony. They were each sentenced to Imprisonment, for six months In the Ballarat Gaol. They were also fined £2 in default imprisonment for 14 days, for having used obscene language. John Condon, a baker, who lives at the rear of Mackay's shop, gave evidence that he was awakened between 1 and 2 o'clock by two distinct crashes. He saw one man standing outside Mackay's shop, and saw another emerge from the doorway. He followed them up the street until he met Constable Proctor, who ar-

rested them. The lock of the shop was found in Holt's pocket. In his evidence, W. H. Mackay said that he had been Holt in his shop the pre-

vious day, and in his son's office at the back of the shop. There was then a great deal of money belonging to the charities carnival in the shop.


\ _.1\ r m i h l i i I tel j ut oí th I , h ii (.Mile It * ttl it t nt v

1 1\ Mr I

1 li li . w i_| ,

in ti i inn n, i im lui nil Ins k n d i v ti Ii -m k lil nlv tin « to . . ipe In thi ii nij_lit 11 cn 1 e Hie 1 ohm. wai In surcd for £100 anl th furniture in a »unllir amount Hu house wa* val ted nt £_-»

Tlie Bait-i oil HUtrUt CnrUt ..j-octatton lies ulcrcil i rp j lav »f ti fin I match between

Bairnsdale and I-ucknou, won by the foi mer by au inning» and 12Ö nins The rules of the associa-tion -stipulate that flnils arc ti he pi a j ed on mut ral grounds, Ti} nest ii In l>clng chosen for this pirticuhr match. In a desire to assist the Bairns-dale Hospital with funds, the teams concerned arranged to pla} tho match ou the Bairnsdale oi al, anil make a chirgc for admittance without Inning ionsultcd the nt->odation.

The ltc\. G It* Godbcbcir, who for thr**c ï ears his Ijeoij in charge of tho Batrn<d.-lo MtthodWt Circuit, 1ms Iwen succeeded by the Jtrv. J J Webb, of Tranigem. Al a farewell sochl, Mr. Gfilivhcar was giien a wallet of note-*» from tht* circnil, while from tin* various religious Unliea with which she was associated, Urs. Gi-d l«ln_r ipc-fhtd i copper jirdlnlrre, Miss Glidjs Godbeheir rtcelied a wrist watch from the mem-bers of the llairnKlulc choir ,

In recognition of manv jeirs serilcc as diolr master of Ki, Man's liomin Catholic Church, Ualrnsdile, Mr. C J. Humphreys, who is tasting the district, was prowntcd lu the members of the choir with a traicUIng stiituihc. /

After nin«" ^ejrs as brid drcsMnaKer of fchan non's draprry establishment, Bairnsdale, Miss Fotheringham has If ft the firm to take a trip to Scotland. She was gl\en a travelling case by tlie


In Comparison with pro ions j ears, th«°re was a marked decline in the number of tourists % lilting the .Lakes district this ..astir, notwithstanding the fact that it is beiond the memory of residents of long standing finer such perfect weather has been experienced at ¿aster,


The Moama A.L 1*. presented Mr. II. Ij. Dale iith an Australian made-woollen traietllngTug before he left for Kearfilc}.

Alderman A. E Bartlett, Mont m'a street, Moama, was the Uctlm of a severe cjcle acci-dent, which necessitated attention to his right


The Kcv. Prior Maddock presented Ml«s It. *»Iv with nn ornamental statue from her friends. Miss fily Is shortlj to be tmrricd.

Farmers have been deluded in their prepara


Tlie Hew It. Hopper was presented with a wallet of notre Iwforo loaiinc Biaduk, m here Ik had been

A debate in which members of th«» Hamilton District Rifle Clubs* Union Ko. 10 emphasised the difference between rifle shooting as a sport and shooting as understood by the military authorities occurred at the union's annuil nuxtlng. It was initiated by a motion by Mr. J. G. Lewis that Uie meeting Instinct its member of the council of the Victoria^ Hiflc Association (Mr. A. Whit*) to try to persuade the Incoming council to discontinue tin» use of the n<»w Bislej "tin hat" target at both 300 janis and ranges farther bick. The motion was agreed io unanimously. The balance-she*, submitted to the meeting showed that during the 5ear the union's credit balance had increased from £125/5/7 to £147/3/5, and net receipts for the year were C20I/1C/9. The meeting recommended that more lundlcap teams matches be pimided. Mr. J, Fenton was rr-elccted president, Mr. V, Grant honorary secretary, and Mr. J. C. Lewis honorary


Donald Armstrong, who was arrested hy Plain clothes Countable Paul on n charge of hating stolen £15/10/ in money from John Thomson Moore at Hamilton on March 16, was brought More Mr. W. 8. Wallace, J P., on Wednes-day, and was remanded until Tuesday, ball being fixed In Armstrong's own recognisance of £100 and one su ret j of £100


Before leaving the district Mr. P.Breheney and Miss K. Breheney were entertained by the residents of Little Hampton. Mr. Breheney was presented with a case of pipes and tobacco pouch filled with notes, and Miss Breheney with a dining-

room clock and roll of notes.

Further quantities of firewood have been carted to the Kyneton Hospital from the military range at Bald Hill, a distance of three miles, making a total of 500 tons gratuitously carted within the last two months. Of this 100 tons were brought in by Mr. A. Bremner in his motor-


Forty additional cases of apples, making a total of 75 cases, have been given to the Kyneton Hospital by the fruitgrowers of Elphinstone.

A new sawmill is being erected at the Redesdale railway station for the sawing into sleepers of

red gum timber from Coliban Park Estate.

An appeal for subscriptions towards the Shrine of Remembrance has been launched by the Kyne-ton riding councillors and members of the Re turned Soldiers' League, and is being generously supported.


The Tullaroop Shire Council baa decided to take wcotiary action to ensure that the régulation.; relating to travelling ßtock aro enforced. Cora plaints hive been made that stock do not move the required si\ miles each day, but are allowed to remain in «elected spoin.

For the March quarter the maintenance coat of the Man borough Hospital showed a reduction to £ÍISG. For the corresponding period of last j ear

the cost was £1,100.

At It« meeting on Tuesdaj*. the Tullaroop Shire Council discussed the appeal for tho balance of funds for the erection of the Shrine of Kciucra brance It waa considered that the shire quota of £1H0 could be raised, but it was thought ad-visable that residents of fhe district should first 1* allowed to contribute, the council to give any balance necessary to reach the quota.

, The Malborough Hospital and other charities will benefit substantially from the Hallway Em ployees' picnic, held on Eat-tor Saturday. The Carisbrook charity carnival, held on Easter Mon-day, formed Carisbrooke annual effort on behalf of the hn«_»ltnl Ibis gathering was also a pro-

nounced success.

A pun.le mcetln gat Majorca appointed Miwrs Bilton, Mason, Young, Hanley, Nesbit, and Lugg as trustees of the Majorca Cemetery, the control of which bis been banded over by tho Tullaroop

Shire Council.

Ernest Greenwood received severe bums to his

niele through cracken, ««hieb lud been left in lil» tn-ue-er« nocket, lie-comlns IgniU-d. Un ««as ' niltted to the hospital for treatment,


Before Messrs. "! Klsbcy and J Patterson in Ihc Mllelura Court Harry Oniloiv pleaeleel eulin to luilng stolen £1/10/ from the Colllnilnu Cifo nt lied Cliff«, the property of J-imr» nitchie. Onflow said that lue men and himself held ; social ««lieu they drunk 00 bottles of licet and

quart of ««Ino. lie did not remember opcii'i'ir the till at the cafe nnel stealing the mo Oneloer, Mho hid prciious din«Ictions, ««us

leneeel to three month-' imprisonment. John Victor Darcy was fined ¿.1 on a eharge of ha«lug on .Vprll ö been in unla««-ful poi-se.aiou of


Mr J K. Malton, from Mell-ourne, bogan duly at the Mildura Lands otllcc in succession to Mr. O VV. h«te», who has rrturnoel to Mcll-ourne.

Mr. I'aill R Montford, sculptor, of Toonk, has completed In plaster u statue* of the late Mr. VV. B. Chaffey, and -»III «Isil Mildura at an early dite to examine the site before putting the pedestal in hand


The dcaUi oce^irreel in the SU Arnaud Ho«pltal of Francis Gilchrist, aged 43 «cars, labourer, of Watchem. Sir. II. J. Meakin, deputy coroner, opened an inquiry» ««hieb uns adjourned to a date

to be fixed.


Senior l'hiin-cloiiics Constable li. Dunn artcstcd I Hcrlwrt George Nnlelcr ot flie Stawell raras on a charge of vagrancj. He «vas brotiglit before Mr. C. C. Hunt, J.I'., and remanded to Ararat on Wedneeda«. Constable Dunn informed tile Bench flint N'alilcr ««-as wauled on other clial-MS,

The deatli has occurred ot Mm Mary Eilen Allison, aged S3 >cars, ««ife of Mr. John Allison. At durèrent pcrioels she was associated with her husband in tlie conduct of the Star Hotel (no««' de. licenced), Commercial Hotel, Sta««cll, and Cram plans Hooeee, Hall's nap.

Through falling o«er a child's trlcjclc 1n her Barden, Mrs 11. Hook, of llro««o street, sustained

a fractured rib.



Growers of tomatoes on creek Huts at l.a«inglnn sustained hca«y losses oi«ing to the fruit beiiic alletteel by roi. T««o groud» each loit 1,000 cases, tho «aluc being estimated at _l,C0O. The dlse'ise is not affecting the t/imatoM on higher lind. The grape crop in the district suffued sciercly o««ing to c\cc#,si«e lain.


For having taken a motorcar, the property of William Thomas Brown, and gone* joy-riding, jCleorgo Reid wa« sentenced to si\ months' Im-prisonment, and Carl Henry Enj{h to three months* imprisonment, when charged in the Wagga Police Court. On a further chargfe of hiving stob n Roods valued at £10 waa sentenced to one month's imprisonment, and Reid to three months* imprisonment William Henry Creen, aged _!Q j ears, convicted of having obtained £14 by false pretences, wns sentenced to sit months* imprison-ment. It was stated that -.Green pnwnted a valueless cheque at The Hock, and obtained £14. Thomas Walsh, aged C1 jears, convicted on^a similar oh.rge, the amount involved being £2, was sentenced to sevtn dajs* imprisonment, the sentence beine suspended on accused agreeing

to make restitution.


The foundation stone of a new church building for the Roman Catholic community of Carrathool was laid on Sunday by the Rev. Father McManus in the presence of a large assemblage, which included visitors from Hay, Darlington Point, and Whitton. Carrathool is a part of the Hay Parish. The sum of £210 was subscribed at the laving of the foundation stone, and the commit-tee previously had £270 in hand. The building will be mainly of wood.

At the annual meeting of the Hay Gun Club Mr. C. Hidgcock, ol Pevensey was elected presi-dent and Mr. T. M. Gibson secretary.



Perfect weather prevailed for the Faster holi-days, making swimming and beach snorts *rer> popular.

41 the home of the Rev. F. Wilkin a conference of Baptist ministers from all paru of the State is being h«ld. Among them Is the Rev. W. 1). Jack-son, of the Collins street Baptist Church.


Before leaving tho district for fvjdney, Mrs. E. El liga te nnd family were entertained by the resi-dents of Upper Indigo. Mrs. K11 Iga to received a travelling rug, Mr. W. El! Iga to a set of brushes, and Miss Ellfgatc a toilet set.

Having sold his farm with the intention of living privately, Mr. John Connell was entertained and presented with a1 smoker's outfit, and Mrs Connell with a set of aluminium baucepans and


As a result of the fine weather prape-plck ing is now in full progress. The crops at all the

lintjards ore prollfia


A concert and dramatic entertainment realised £15 for the children's pla*,ground. A fete wns held in the Assembly Hall grounds to provide funds for the purchase and equipment of the children's playground. The Prime Minister (Mr. Bruce), who has accompanied by Mrs. Bruce, opened the fete. Air, Bruce inspected a number of of apples from local orchards, and met

many of the orchardlsts,


The fine weather that prevailed during tho holidays probably induced many day tripper» to \ the Phillip Inlands, as well as the holding of the Victorian Motor cvele Club races. On some dajs Hie bk. Alvina made as many as seven trips to and from «Stony Point, as well as several made

b\ the s « Genc-ta. The pas_cng_r Uaffic \ .is

(.a*il\ j xtcord

Tlu motm-l>ou Thistle conned«) with the lïf ?*> ct. hilda .uclit Club will« li uti ted here at Cfartt mas time, returned for the recent holidays. Th*» crew report c\\ client i\hiting and schnapper f *?!*) ing, and jnticipite thit as i r« <ult oi their *islu In th future nun» mure of the club's boat« will mike the trip to NeMcrnport during the bolidui


Councillor O Itowdfti newly elected TCpreunU i\e fur the 'iooradfn Ittding in the Cranbourne ?birt, t ounril, w is welcomed hy the prennent .loumillor f.t-orgc lhirhop) at tlie last meeting

The o\ mirait of th' «-hi,., wa« tfiowu us 4/1,-500/3/2 \ccounts pi«cd for piymcnt wer. -(funeral, £7*3/1*'^» Country Ito ids Boan!,

'",271/0/7, maVing the o\enIratt JC11.6S5/2/2

council rifrided to nnkp n grant of £100 ii , yearl*. payments of £20 to tht It oyal Inctttut**

foi the Blind

A lu war and autumn show at Devon Sleudo*"» re«li*ed a net profit of À.CA (or the debt on the ball Tho fchow was opened by Mr. J Hogg, ct


A Uli in the shire liatl for the building fund of St, Agatha's ltoman Catholic Church, Cranbourne, was a 6UCCC5R. The bull wat arranged by Mr. anr>

Mrs J 1». SullhftH

A\hen Mr. J. lilalr, motor garage proprietor, of Itrighton, was ridinz a motor-cycle near the rail-way «ind pit cToe8Íng on the Tooradin road, a bolt snapped Mr. Hhfr was thrown heavily on the ground, and sustained i fracture of the collar bone anti a -tompoiind fiacttnt ot a leg, lie vj_ taken to a prhalc hOf-pital


On Tuesday embie a ucathirboard cottage cn Jie Castlemaine road near the nine plantation owned and occupied by Mr llobert Horn was destroyed by fire There w-as a Ftrong north wind blowing, and no water n\ailablc Mr. Horn roj'h-d into the building in th«» hope of Ravine* »nmt tiling, and mor o\ croome In the «noke. Thç con-tents of tho hnupe. wire deslroyed


D ran-hen of the I'rwhvtcrlan Girls* Association In the Wimmera prcslnicry held a camp In th*» «.hool during the Hasler holidays Mira Campbell, of Kew, was camp mother Inter-branch -sport wen» held on Monday, Dimboola winning tho W tra-mera pennant with 30 points. Ararat, wag second with lit points,


Tlio Rev. R. Hunt, of Foster, has been trar» ferred -to Leongatha. Mr. H. Tompkins présentai him with a gotd'tnounted fountain pen ou behalf

of his friends in Fish Creek.

A dance In nid of the State school library funds

feet, and motor traille to Waratah Bay and the National Park wus very heavy.


Delightful weather vvue experienced throughout tlie Easter holidays. Many tourista visited Foster, and all accommodation places were packed. A large number visited Wilson's Promontory, and camping parties were seen everywhere.

The Rev. IL G. Hunt, who has been In charge of the Methodist Church, was bidden farewell by thu members before his removal to LcODgatha. Ho was presented with an electric reading lamp. Mrs. Hunt received a silver sugar basin and crcsm bowl from the women's auxiliary at Fish Creek. Mr. Hunt was pret-cnted with a gold-mounted foun-tain pen, and by friends at Hoddle Range with a wallet of notes. The 1st Foster Boy Scout Trnop, of which Mr. Hunt was Scoutmaster, pre-sented bim .with a set of hair brushes. Mr. Hunt's successor Is the Rev. C. K. Dans, from Bendigo.


The tennis club entertained Mira K. Bullock *t rocla) and presented her with a silver pUtai cake basket in view of her arproaf-binc fflSTriage.

The local branch of the Stawell Hospital Auxiliary held a dance on pister «Saturday nipht. The takings were moro than £8, the proceeds being in aid of crockery for the institution.


At a meeting of the Katamatite Rifle Club Mr. R. Currie wa*, elected captain in place of Mr. H. V. Sidebottom, resigned. Members of the club competed for a cup presented by Mr. F. K_ Hal-liday. The cup was won by J. Slodart, lia points, from J. W. Ashton, l18 points.


In the final tnoteh of tlu Gorya Tennis Associa-tion Lascelles defeated Speed by 11 sots to 0.

Woomelang defeated Lascelles at cricket in the

At the annual meeting oí the Numurkah rob branch of the Royal Automobile Club of Victoria the following olDcers were elected :-President, Mr. H. J. Pearsou (re-elected); vice-preside at*, Messrs. C. Corktt (Numurkah), C. Grant (Cob-ram), and W. E, Lubke (Nathalia); «eoetary, Mr. 1). P, Simpson.

. The combined Diumanurc-Wunghnu Football Club, which for Hie last few years lias had wt team playing in the Goulburn Valley Association,

has been disbanded. A club was formed, to be known as the Wunghnu Club, and the following oUlcers were elected:-President, Mr. G. Bourke; scatttary, Mr. G. Gillespie. A club hoe been formed at Drumanure, und will 'oin the Druma nuro-Katamatite-Dooklc Association.

Wilbur Sanders, aged 17 ye-iit., »on of 3lr. and Mrs. James Sanders, of Wunghnu, and Victor Tre mellen. aged 17 ycats, son of Mr, and Mrs. F. T. Trcmellcn, of Bunbartha, have died from typhoid fever. .


Approximately SOO peoplo spent the Easter holi-days In and mound Yurra Glen. About COO wer« carried by the railways and the remainder came by privately owned motor-airs. Numerous tents were pitched ou tho river banks, and the campers spent the time fishing and shooting. One party caught 40 perch on the afternoon of Good Friday. Other seekers of sport and rest when to Christmas Hills nnd other outlying places, to enjoy the brief respite from the city. The weother lemained excellent throughout. This has boen the busiest Easter experienced hero since 1924. The railways carried more passen-gers than has been the case for tho last three vears, but this was evidently due to the recent Motor-'hus Control Act.