South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 14 September 1870, page 4


The latest instalment of the already voluminous Equity Judge correspondence vwi laid before Parliament on Tuesday. I! 3 tenor bas already been mado public, but the

luiiera meinBeives wiu ue read with mterew*. The next step will be the introduction of a Bill to adjust the duties of the Judges. ' Chief Secretary's Office, Adelaide September 9, 1870. ' dir — I have the honour to acknowledge tho receipt of your Honor's letter of the 31st ultimo, and to inform you that while not agreeing with -the conclusions arrived at by tho Judges in tho question at issue, tho Government feel it inexpedient to prolong tho correspondence, and as thoy seo no other course open to them for averting the evils that must ensue by the continued stoppage of tho equity business, intend . to advise His Excellency the Gfovornor to accept the resignation of Mr. Justice Gwynne as' Primary Judge. 'I have also to state that, as tho Judges appear unable to make a satisfactory arrangement among themselves for the conduct of th© business of the Supreme Court, the Government propose to introduce a measure into the Legislature upon the subject, copies of which when prepared will be forwarded to the Judges forany suggestions they may wish to mako. 'Ihave,&c., ' William Milne ' ' His Honor Sir R. D. Hanson, Chief Justice.' , ' Chief Secretary's Office, Adelaide ' i/c 11' «. .SePtol«*« 8,1870. j ' Sur— I have the: honour to inform you that ' His Excellency the t Governor in Council has been pleased to accept your Honor's resignation of the office of Primary Judge in Equity tendered in your letter of 31st May lasti 'I am, Sir, &c, »rr- rr „ 'William Milne, 11 His Honor Mr. Justice Gwynno.'

Fatal Accident ont Mount Babker-road. — On Tuesday afternoon, September 13, Sir. R. B. Colley, J.P., with Mr. E. C. Homersham as Foreman, held an inquest at the EagleontheHill (Fordham's) on the body of John Marks, found dead on the previous evening. The witnesses examined were— Charles Marks, father of deceased; John Carter, a carrier; Dr. Davies; and James Tighe, landlord of the hotel. The evidence* was that deceased— a man of 23 years, who . enjoyed good health— was on Monday evening driving a wagon drawn by three horses, and loaded with about 75 rails. Shortly before 7 o'clock he called at the Eagle, where he had a nobbier of rum, to which he was treated by Carter. He was thought by the landlord to be not quite sober. Carter and deceasod started together, and shortly after, when about opposite Mr. Honiersham's house, the former's attention was attracted by his horse turning. Ho saw Marks lying flit on his back on the road, with the whip across his breast. Carter took his hand^ and spoke to him, then rau on to stop his horses, and on returning two men and a woman were with deceased. Together they took him to the hotel in a cart, . but he was quite dead when they lifted him in. Carter stated that he accompanied decease 1 from the Hp!fway House, where he had a nobbier, and afterwards one at the Ea^leontheHill, as mentioned. Deceased seemed quite sober, and able to take care of himself, and witness could not account for the position ho was found in. He did. not see him ride on the shafts. Dr. Daties, having examined the body, found that several of the cervical vertebrae— Home above the nerves of respiration— had been fractured. The injuries were such as would produce immediate death, and appeared to have been caused by ^ome heavy body having passed over him ; the whe 2I of a loaded wagon would have caused such injuries, and he judged such had been the case. Verdict, 'Accidental Death.' Kapunda Accident. — On enquiry at the Hospital we find that William Payne, who had his leg amputated in consequence of injuries received from tho falling in of an embankment near Kapunda, is getting on as well as could be expected. Telegraphic Charges.— Wg loarn from the Peninsula that great dissatisfaction is expressed at the advanced charge for telegraphic messagr s to and from town and Port Adelaido. It is said that far more money was taken at the old rate of sixponco than h jiclded now by the .shilling charge. Tho Superintendent has bean applied to, but his answer is that ' while sensible of the arguments in favonr of the old rate, it is undesirable under a uniform system of charges to make exceptions in favour of particular localities.' It is said that the residents will probably petition Parliament upon the subject. A correspondent writing on the same dtiestion from Glcnelg reminds us that the South Australian Government is not following the example set some time ago in England with regard to postal charges, for that tho rate3 there \auler the old system, ranging from 2d. to Is. and more, were reduced to Id., being only half the minimum; whereas here the charge is made by striking an average, the price being doubled on the largely-used lines, and reduced upon those over which few messages pass. Theatre Royal.— One crowded house has not exhausted the interest in Sir Charles Coldstream and Captain Patter. They had a second grand levee on Tuesday night, when the Theatre again overflowed with warm appreciators of high comedy. Mr. Mathowswas called bofore the curtain at every opportunity which offered itpclf, and the performance throughout seemed to be equally inspiriting on both sides of the proscenium. To-night tho same pieces will bo repeated. Roads Near the New Reservoir.— At a mooting of ratepayers of Highercombe on Tuesday, September 6, Mr. Gollop, District Chairman, presiding, and about CO ratepayers present, it was unanimously resolved that it was necessary to petition Parliament for relief, their roads being destroyed by the works consequent upon the construction of tho now reservoir and aqueduct channel; also, to request members of Parliament whose districts are benefited by these operations to support the memorial. Tho document will be presented by Mr. E. Ward, who has consented to take charge of it. ThePri^ceofWales's Birthday.— Enquiries are already boing made as to whether the above holiday will be observed on November 9, that being tho day on which the English mail leaves, or whether some othor day will be substituted. There is no reason why this question should not bo immediately sot at rest, as it interests all who anticipate joining parties of pleasure. Discovery of Gold.— The Government havo i.-^jed a notice to the effect that in future any persons wislvng to eto'.m rewards for the discovery of fresh leads of gold must conimumcate immediately pfter such discovery with the Warden of the Gold-fields, Barossa, on whose report, approved by the Commissioner of Pub^.c Works, rewards from £5 to £100 will be granted. Developing Gold-fields.— The other day our Jupiter correspondent wrote respecting the expectations formed thoro as to tho steps the Government were about to take to thoroughly search for gold. From Barossa a memorial was scut to the Executive, asking that tho Humbug Scrub might be tested in a satisfactory manner. A reply from the Departmental Secretary said, ' I am desired by the Honourable tho Commissioner to thank you for the suggestions contained therein, and to state that he had already taken action prior to ths receipt of your letter.' The diggers were much gratified at the announcement, but now are expressing a very different sentiment from having learned that the action taken was tho employment of two men and an overseer as a prospecting party. One result has been the posting on prominent places of the following lampoon : — ' Notice. — Applications will be received at the Camp, Barossa Gold-fields, or anywhere else, until noon of Monday, the 5th of September, from parties anxious for employment ia prospecting; the Government will supply mutton and damper, but the men will have to find tools, powder, safety-fuse, candles, buying and sharpening picks, gads. &c, &c. Early application will bo necessary, as only the limited number of two will be required. Gad save the Queen, and God help Barossa.' Plans of Northern Territory Townships. — The Surveyor-General has issued a portfolio of plans of Northern Territory townships, drawn to an unusually large scale. There are four in all, and they refer to Palmerston, Southport, Daly, and Virginia. Not only are all the streets, squares, and allotments delineated and broadly distinguished, but in some instances the physical features of the surrounding country are indicated. The Duty, on Cocoa Nibs.— It is objected ('H. & Co.') to tho proposed duty of 2d. per lb. on cocoa nibs that it will have the effect of preventing the manufacture of certain kinds of confectionary here, as they could be imported from Melbourne at Id. per lb., while the raw material was taxed at twice that amount. Presbyterian Church, Port Adelaide.— On Sunday evening, September 11, the Rev. J. Hendorson gave a lecture on 'CEcumenical Council and Papal Infallibility' to a crowded congregation. On Monday the same gentleman lectured on the 'Oddities of Genius,' when there was a good attendance. Afterwards a very handsome harmonium was presented to Mr. James McCole, who has for a long period conducted the psalmody. Tho choir, led by Mr. Betty and assisted by members of other choirs, sang anthems very creditably, Mutual Provident Society.— The Inmravie Review, after recapitulating the salient points in the annual report issued by this Institution, remarks— 'The present position of the Australian MutuaU?ro\ident, with its clearness of accounts, vigoilkof management, and economy in expenditure, /fe&ms to us to be most creditable to all who havtT been concerned in bringing it to its present prosperous state. The last quinquennial report is deserving of more than a cursory examination.' The Commercial World, also an insurance periodical, speaks of the office as an 'excellently conducted and prosperous life assurance institution;' and, before collating published [details, writes that 'the clear and succinct manner in which the business and accounts aro detailed furnishes a capital model ior all other fire offices to follow,'

^ Chamber ok Commerce.— a meeting of the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce will bo held to-day to consider the new tariff. The Education Resolutions.— This afternoon there will be a contest for precedence between the education and financial resolutions. Mr. Hughes will have on his side the strong argument that it is a private day, and that the discussion on education has already been adjourned; but the members will feel anxious to come to some conclusion in reference to finance, especially as a question of confidence in the Ministry has become mixed up with the new tariff. If Mr. Hughes is obstinate, the education debate will no doubt be adjourned after the opening speech. ? -Vignerons' Club.— At a meeting of the Vignerons' Club on Tuesday, it was resolved that a memorial be forwarded through His Excellency the Governor to the Secretory of State for the Colonies, representing that our wines are practically excluded from the English market by the lower duty fixed at 26 per cent, proof spirit, and praying that the limit may be raised to 30 per cent, as the lowest limit of natural wine. A deputation was also appointed to wait on tho Treasurer urging him to bring in a Reciprocity Bill similar to that now passing through the Parliaments of New Zealand and Tasmania, also to urge aa arrangement with Victoria regarding the Border duties. TflE Mounted Police Pay.— On this subject our attention has been called (' Veritas') to the general order of June 29, 1869, showing constables entering at 5s. per day may reach as first-class men (taking six or seven years) 7s. per day, corporals (about 16 years) 83. per day, and sergeants (about 25 years) 9s. tid. per day. He denies the Treasurer's statement that fuel is supplied at countiy stations, and alleges that the traveling allowances are grossly insufficient, amounting for a week's absence to only 18s. (v'-z., 3s. each for 5 clear days, and Is. 6d. each for the days of leaving and returning), while the actual co3t of 21 meals and 7 br Is would be, at Is. 6d. each, £2 2s., and in some parts of the country, at 2s. each,£216s.,besideswhich policetroopers are often put to extra expenses in tracing offenders. [From yesterday's Evening Journal. J Amateur Entertainment at Glenelg.— On Monday evening an amateur entertiinment was given at the Lc iture Hall, in aid of a family in distre3sed circumstances resident at Glenolg. The chailjibleobjcstof the ladies and gentlemen who so kindly interested themselves on tho occasion _ was abundantly accomplished, the room being crowded ; and they must have felt further gratified by the high appreciation which was shown of their artistic efforts, for every separate piece was warmly applauded, and several were redemanded. Duets on the pianoforte were very nicely executed by a lady and her daughter and by two sisters. Another young lady sang two duets with hor brother, who gave besides two solos. There were also songs and recitations from two other gentlemen, given with excellent effect. But the most remarkable item in the programme was indicated by the single word 'Ventrilo-quism,' and the gentleman who exhibited this rare power acquitted himself with great success, canying on a mimic conversation with one man upon the roof of the building and another in an imaginary cellar. His Worship the Mayor (Mr. W. R. Wigley), who prosidod, referred with pride and pleasure to the brilliant success of tho evening, and conveyed to the amateurs and the company tho heartfelt acknowledgments of the deserving family for whose benefit the entei iainment had been given. The Rainfall.— The rainfall between 9 a.m. on Monday and the same hour on Tuesday has been registered as follows :— Auburn ? 0-010 Goolwa ? , 0-005 Clare ? 0*050 Robe ? 0'030 Mount Barker 0-175 Mount Gambier 0*130 Willunga ... 0*145 Gumeracha ... O-0S0 Normanvilie ... 0-030 Charleston ... 0*045 B'*nchetown... 0*025 Life Assurance.— A lecture was delivered in the Town Hall, Norwood, on Monday, Soptember 12, by Mr. W. A. Thomson, agent for the Australian Mutual Provident Society, on 'Mutual Life Assurance,' mentioning the advantages and disadvantages of that Society. Mr. W. C. Buik occupied the chair. There was a small attendance. Complimentary Entertainment to Herr Bandmann.— On Monday evening, Scptembor 12, Mr. Bandmann was invited to a banquet at the Hotel Europe, when about 50 gentlemen sat down to a well-supplied table; Mr. Treuer occupying the cha;r, supported on his right by tho guest of the evening and on his left by Dr. Lacroix. On the removal of the cloth, Mr. Treuer said that on an occasion like the present it would be out of place to go through the usual toasts, and he would therefore at once proposo tho health of their guest, but would first read the following address:— 'To Mr. D. E. Bandmann. 'On your loa\ing this colony we take tho opportunity of a complimentary dinner to you to express our feelings of respect which we have towards yon as a man, friend,, and artist. A man who has raised himself through continued study to such a pinnacle of fame in dramatic art, and who has mastered a foreign language to such an extent as to be able to produce Jiritb. surprising ability the master works of dramatic talent in that language, is rarely to be seen, and we may therefore be proud of you as our countryman. But although for many years separated from our native land, following your professional career, you have still retained in your breast that patriotic feeling by which we are proud to hail you as our countryman. With true German spirit, you held out to us this evening a helping hand, to ass;st in alleviating the fearful distress caused by_ war, and we heartily thank you for your kind assistance. We wish you and the talented artiste who is your amiable wife the best results of your prosent tour, and we hope you may remember with kindly feelings your visit to this colony.' The Chairman concluded by saying— In handing to you th;s address it is not necessary for me to add much, but I may say that we all will with much pleasure look back upon our present meeting; and if I further say that this is the anniversary of Mrs. Bandmann's birthday, I am sure all present will join in the expression of our best wishes for Mr. and Mrs. Bandmann. (Prolonged applause and musical honours.) Mr. D. Bandmann, who on rising was received with cheers, said that although an actor, and used to appepr before the public, he could say but little on an occasion like the present, particularly when he so little expected such a handsome f ddress would be presented to Mm. As soon as ho heard that the German colonists were ready to lend a helping hand to their suffering countrymen, he took it as his duty to assist them as far as, lay in his power, but he did not expect to have any special thanks for doing so. It was tnw what was said in the addres3, that he still retained his attachment to his father-land, and wherever he had travelled he had always carried with him the same good feeling for his countrymen. He could assure them that he would long remember their kindness, and that Mrs. Bandmann would be highly pleased to hear of the kind wishes expressed for them both that evening. (Tremendous cheering.) The address was most beautifully engrossed by Mr. T. Voges, and was signed by the whole of the Committee. The evening closed with several good songs and ftppropriate speeches. DRUIDS.— A meeting of the General Committee in connection with the annual festival on behalf of the Widow and Orphan Fund of the United Ancient Order of Druids was held in the Allied Lodgeroom, Wellington Inn, Currie-street, on Monday evoning; P.P.P. Hagedorn in the chair. Progress reports of the various Sub-Committees were given, and the Chairman intimated that he had engaged White's Rooms for the concert and ball. PRINTING. — On Monday evening, September 12, a lecture was delivered before the Tyntestreet Mutual Improvement Society by Mr. Lindsey Cooper on 'Printing.' There was a moderate attendance, and the Rev. J. L. Parsons presided. The subject was ably dealt with, and the address was listenod to with unflagging attention for an hour and a half. At the close a collection was made on behalf of the Sunday-School Library Fund. Tweed Factory. — Only about 160 shares have been applied for in the proposed Tweed Company, so it is to be presumed the undertaking will be abandoned.