South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Tuesday 8 November 1870, page 6



mo annual meeting ot memDers was ueia at the Institute on Tuosday ovoning, October li the Rov. Canon Farr, one of the Governors, in the chair. In about half an hour after the

The following aro tho chief portions :— 1. Tho Board of Governors would havo been better pleased if they could havo commenced this report by congratulating tho members of the Institute on a docidod improvement in tho position and prospects of its several dopart ments. This, however, is unfortunately out of tho question as yet. Such a result could only follow a general improvement in colonial affairs; aud whatever may bo tho prospects for tho future, it is undoniablo that tho state of depression which has existed for so long a period has not yet passed away. Under theso circumstances all tho Board could expect was that there should havo been no marked retrogression, and this they can safely say as regards the Institute year now closed. There has been some increase to tho Library; and tho number of subscribers and of volumes circulated havo not materially varied from last yoar. Tho Reading-room and Museum havo been quite as well attended as formerly, and tho other departments of tho Institute as they pass under review will bo found to admit of satis factory comparison with tho results of former years. A change has been mado during the past year in tho hours during which tho Institute is open to the public. Tho Reading-room is now open from 9.30 a.m. to 9.30 p.m., instead of from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. as formerly; aud tho Library is open from 11 a.m. to 1' p.m., instead of from 12 noon to 10 p.m. A motion recommending the change in question was passed at tho Lost annual mooting, tho suggestion was adopted l»y tho Board, and they havo reason to think that it has been acceptable to tho subscribers and tho public. Tho Reading-room and Museum havo been open to tho public till G p.m. on tho scvonil public holidays which havo occurred during tbo year, and with only one exception thoy have been well attended on those occasions. 2. Tho most important event that has oc curred in connection with tho Institute- during tho past year has been tho reduction of tho annual grant for 1870 from £1,500 to £1,000. The Board cannot, in justice to themselves, the members of tho Institute, and tho public, refrain from expressing their regret that such a sweep ing reduction should havo been mado without more consideration of tho position, means, and requirements of tho Institute. It was indeed stated by the Treasurer then in offico that ' tho Institutes (meaning tho South Australian and country Institutes) must bo a little more self supporting than hitherto,' but the Board aro of opinion that such institutions as tho South Australian Institute aro not usually expected to be self-supporting; and perhaps if it in that respect had more nearly resembled other institutions of a like character, its claims, or rather those of literature and scionco, might havo met with moro cordial recognition. Under the circumstances somo reduction was perhaps to be expocted; but it does appear to tho Board that moro attention and consideration should havo been given to tho matter. Tho grant was, however, reduced, and the Board had no alter native but to curtail their expenditure as much as possible without doing anything which might have tho effect of diminishing that part of their I income derived from Library subscriptions. As for tho Mwseiya mi Roading-room, it is not easy to seo how they could bomadosolfsupport ing. even if tho Board had any legal right to make a charge for admission to them. In connection with this matter, it may bo ad well to say a few words on an important subject which has been referred to already some five or six times iu theso reports, viz., Uio enlargement of the ^ Institute building, tho necessity for which increases year by year. Considering how liberally real or supposed public wants in tho matter of buildings hava been suppliod during tho last few years, it is much to be regretted that the Public Library, Museum, and Reading-room, which are really of moro value and interest to the public generally than almost any other description of public building, should have been overlooked so long. 4. Classks.— The ovening classes havo, gone on satisfactorily during the year, with the ex ception of the Chemical Class, which tho Board regret to say has not been well supported. Tho class in existence at tho date of tho last report completed tho elementary courso on which it was then engaged, and it has not sinco been found practicable to form another. The classes which havo been in oporation during tho year aro as follows, viz.:— French and German— Mr. H. Nootnagol. I.atin, Greek, and English— Mr. G. R. Irwino Vocal Music— Mr. H. F, Price. Drawing, Painting, and Modelling— Mr. C. Hill, under tho superintendence of tho South Australian Society of Arts. Chemistry, Practical aud Theoretical, Mr. O. Francis. Also, tho Elocution Socioty, which has con tinued to meet regularly during tho year. 5. Country Institutes. — The Board are able to report favourably of the country In-stitutes, which appear to be making very satisfactory progress, in spite of the unfavour-able seasons, which have operated so prejudi-cially on the agricultural interest of late. Five Institutes have been affiliated during the year, viz.:— Goolwa (re-established), Brighton (do.), Talisker, Saddleworth, and Thebarton; and two Institutes have ceased to exist; making the total number in operation at the present time 57. Tho following were tho principal statistics of the country Institutes on January 1. 1870, viz.:— Total number of books, 50 Institutes ... 29,072 Total number of members, 49 Institutes 1,848 Income for year ending Docember 31, 18C9, exclusive of Government aid, 45 Institutes ? £2,646 311 Circulation of books during tho year ending December 31, 1869, 45 Institutes ? 41,648 Number of lectures delivered under the auspices of the Board to 12 Institutes 15 The annual grant to country Institutes is now in course of payment by tho Board, the applica tions having been as usual received and con sidered by them, and their recommendations approved by the Government. They cannot but regret that the grants to country Institutes, in proportion to their income are less than half those of last year. Thi3 is partly in comequenco of tho country Institutes grant for 1870 having been reduced in tho same pro portion as the South Australian Institute grant, viz., by ono third, and partly because Tao total amount of income of the country Institutes for 1869 was very large, some of them having mado considerable efforts for the completion or fur nishing of buildings, and also because tho number of Institutes in a position to apply for grants was much larger than in the previous year. The number of boxes of books in circulation amomrst thecountry Institutes lias been increased by eight during the year, making tho total at tha present time sixty. N03. 1 to 5, which have been in circulation since 1859, have been called in, and will be refilled before being again issued ; tho greater part of their contents being worn out, and of no further use. The remainder of tho first ten boxes will if possible be dealt with similarly during the onsuiug year. In spite of the increase that has been made from time to time in the number of boxes of books in circula tion (from eight boxes in 1859 to sixty in 1870), tho demand increases so steadily that it is difficult to keep out of circulation a sufficient number to allow of the neccsary examination and repairs,

The number of lectures delivered to country Institutes during the past year has been but small. The causes assigned in last year a report forai'milar falling off are no doubt still in operation, but it is to bo hoped that some improvement* may be manifested m thra respect before long. __ , , , 7. MUSEUM Department,— There has not been much addition made during the year to the collection actually exhibited in the Museum. This is chiefly due to the necessity imposed on the Board for a reduction of their expenditure, which together with tbo deficiency of proper accommodation in the Museum, made it appear impracticable to expend money at present on the preparation of specimens for exhibition. There have, however, been considerable additions to the collection since the date of the last report, a large number of specimens having been re- ? ceived from the Northern Territory, and many acquired from other Museums bjr exchange ; many donations also have been received. 8. Library Department.— The annual examination of the Library took place as usual, in May lust, with the following results, viz. :— -f* ' m Vols. Vois. Total number of books in the'] Catalogues (printed and manu- I script), in May, 1870, not in- V 14,575 eluding the Patent Specifications ? ) Less, Books withdrawn prior to May, ) 1809, bavin sr been lost, worn V 335 out, or otherwiso disposed of ... I ? 14,240 Deduct, Fooks found to be missing in) ?,,« May, 1870 ? ... / 11S 'Hooka condemned during the year \ as unserviceable, being worn V 107 out ? J '. 3oi)ks (duplicate copies) removed \ from Library to be used for - 26 country Institute circulation . ) ? 251 13,089 Add, V:iter.t Specifications ? 1,570 Total number of volumes in tho Library, 'J ? or in the hands of subscribers, at the - 15,559 time of the examination ? ) A considerable number of the books ordered to replace deficiencies in the Library, as exjiained in the last report, have been received curing the year, also parcels of books from London and Melbourne, as well as several small parcels of books scut per mail with the perio«;ieals. 9. Statistics.— The following are the principal .statistics of the Library Department of the Institute for the past year, the corresponding l.jmrca for the previous year being also given icr the sake of comparison: — 1869-70. 1868-9. Number of volumes circulated ) ,0 QrQ . , 0-_ during tho year ? rJ-l''J ii'-fM Number of volumes in thei Library at the anuual exami- -15,559 14,879 nation in May ? j Kumber of now subscriptions^ received during tho year— \ 110 111 quarterly, 99; annual, 11 ... J 'Average number of subscribers^ throughouttheyear,asshown I /..-w. p™ by the amount roceived for f subscriptions ... ..) 10. Board of Governors. — The Hon. ^'-.gustine Sto-.v, M.L.C., retired from the Board by rotation on October 1st, 1869, and tho vacancy so caused was filled up by the appointment, by His Excellency the Governor-in-Chief, of Mr. S. Fiddian, M.A. Mr. N. Blyth will retire by rotation on October 1st, he having held office lonpest of the three nominated Governors ; and Mr. W. Everard, tho representative of the Society of Arts, and Mr. C. Todd, who represents in like manner the Philosophical Society, will retire from oth'eo during the month; the vacancies so caused will doubtless be tilled up in due course. At the last annual meeting of the subscribers 10 the Library Mr. L. Glyde, M. P., and Mr. .1. Howard Clark were elected Governors for the t year. They will retire from office at t!.e annual meeting to be held on October 11, and it will be the duty of the subscribers at that meeting to till up the vacancies so caused. All the retiring Governors are eligible for re-election or reappomtment, as the case may be. 12. Conclusion.— The Board would conclude this report by expressing the gratification with wbich they are able to report so favourably of the position of the Institute after a long period of general depression, and by recording a r ope that the speedy return of prosperity to the liiftterial interests of the colony may furnish tho cleans of remedying those deficiencies which i they have so frequently pointed out and n ^retted. GEO. H. FARR, Chairman. KOBT. KAY, Secretary. Australian Institute, Sept. 30, 1870. AFTKNDIX A. Kejiort ? f the Curator of the South Australian Institute Museum on the progress of the Museum 'luring tho year ending 30th September, 1S7--.To To the Board of Governors of tho South Australian Institute.Gentlemen Gentlemen — In laying this annual report 1 1 fore you 1 have the honour to state that, notwithstanding tho small sum available for Museum purposes during the above period, tho jTogress made in procuring specimens by exchanges of duplicates with other Museums may be 'considered very satisfactory; but it is much to be regretted that for want'of suitable cases r.r.d space a large collection of valuable specimens, which 1 have assorted and labelled, is now stowed away, and cannot be made (-?tuerally available to the public; and that, consequently, they cannot enjoy to so great an extent a- might otherwise bo the case, the advantages vLich a well-arranged public museum iscalcuh ted to afford, as a means of education and recreation. In addition to the largo number of objects n.ontioned in my last annual report, which, for the- above reason, cannot bo exhibited, I would l-i'g particularly to mention, among others, a collection of about SO rare and beautiful birds, collected in the Indian Archipelago by Air. Alfred 'Wallace; also, a great variety of miscellaneous objects, which have been presented by donors taking a kind interest in the Museum, among v. hieh I would especially mention some specimens ff beautiful Indian pheasants, presented by Mr. George Hawker; a small collection of coins and other objects from Mrs. bullivan; a small collection of rare and tcautifully-mounted reptiles from the Far North, from 'Mr. Percy 'W ells; and some very interesting and valuable fossil remains of gigantic extinct animals found nsar Lake Victoria, New South Wales, from Mr. Filgate of Wentworth (these fossils with others are now about to be forwarded to Professor Owen for his examination); also a large collection of specimens selected from those obtained by Mr Schultze in the Northern Territory, comprising some rare animals, many fine specimens of birds and reptiles peculiar to that locality, also a variety of shells, insects, crustacean, kc, kc. A considerable number of specimens of natural history (also not exhibited) have been recoived in exchange for duplicate specimens, among which are the following:— A collection of exotic shells (230 species) and 60 different kinds of t:inenils from tho Royal Museum at Berlin; a collection of rare reptiles, and somo rare birds r cculiar to Western Australia, from the Austra1 an Museum, Sydney; some skins of animals, j.r.d about 70 skins of birds peculiar to Madagascar, |-5m the Museum of the He de la Reunion; about 50 skins of exotic birds from Mr. Johannes Odewahn, Gawler River, principally from Mexico and North America; some skins of rare Australian birds, including several new species, from Mr. J. T. Cockerell of Brisbane, collected at Cape York; and a selection of birdskins from North Queensland, from the collection of Mr. Samuel White, Reedbeds. I have also received during the past year a large assortment of duplicate specimens, consisting of various specimens of natural history, collected by Mr. Schultzo in the Northern Territory-; besides wbich, there aro 20 cases of specimens on board the Bengal, expected to arrive shortly. Also some skins of rare species of birds, collected in the Far North by the late Mr. Frank Gibson. I have been in communication with various Museums in Europe and the colonies on the subject of exchanges, and 1 have reason to Anticipate that the large numbers of duplicates

now available for that purpose .will be the means of greatly increasing the value and attractiveness of this Museum in the ensuing year. . It is much to be regretted that the necessity for retrenchment in expenditure, caused by the reduction of the Institute grant for 1870, has made it impossible that the acquisitions wbich I have enumerated should be exhibited in the Museum; and that I must again call attention to the .pressing necessity for increased accommodation tiiere.The The number of visitors still continues to be great, amounting to probably upwards of 1,606 per week, and the Museum being open on public holidays is generally crowded throughout the day by persons coming from the country. I now beg, on behalf of the Governors of tho Institute, to return thanks to the following ladies and gentlemen who have bee» kind ?enough to make donations to tbe Museum : — Mrs. Kreusler, Gawler Mossrs. Frank Gibs«n River G. W. Goyder ' Sullivan Adolf Grummgt Rev. J. G. Paton E. Hall Captain Sweet W. B. Hanton Dr. Engelhart G. Hawker ' McHenry W, W. Hoare ' Peel R. Hyde ' Schomburgk R. Jagoe, sen. Serg.-Major R. Saun- J. W. MoKecknie, ders Mount Barker Messrs. J. Acranan W. Malcolm, Gawler R. B. AndrewH A. Molineux J. B. Austin J. Odewahn B. H. Babbage E. Phillips, Port AdeJ. B. Baker. Flax- laide man's Valley J. F. Phillips, Port . — Ballantyno Augusta W. Bednall — Powell, Mount W. W. Blyth Gambier J. T. Cockerill, En's- P. D. Prankerd bane C. Reese H. Dean J. Reynell H. Debney J. Rfppon F. S. C. Driffield J. T. Roberts \V. Everard — Sabine J. Ewens, Blanche- G. Sayer town C. Simeon - Filgate, Went- T.D. Smeaton worth Percy Wells R. A. S. White, Reedbeds G. Francis C. A. Wilson. D. Gall I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your most obedient Servant, F. G. Watkriiovse, C.M.Z.S., Curator. AITENDLS B. Abstract of the Transactions and Progress of the fe'euth Australian Society of Arts for tbe year ending 30th September 1S70. 1. At a special general meeting held on the 2Sth October last, William Everard, Esq., J.P., was elected a Governor of tho Institoite. 2. The Thirteenth Annual Exhibition opened on the 23rd December, !StJ9, and closed on the 27th January, 1S70. The number of visitors amounted to 5,71-1. The exhibits catalogued were 436*. 3. The works entered to compete for the 72 prizes (amounting to £140 Us.) were 199 iu number. 5. Each member for the year ending this day has been presented with the right of selecting one out of 75 photographs expressly produced for the Society. 7. The annexed report from the Master of the School of Design exhibits a large increase in the number of pupils. In 18t59 the attendance averaged 2SA per month, while this year it has reached 33. The arrangement made with the Governors of the Institute— they paying the Master 2s. per month for each scholar, and the Society allowing the subscribers to the Library and tho members of the Philosophical Society free admission to the annual Exhibition upon presentation of their subscription-cards — remained iu force for one year, and then the capitation grant in question was, in consequence of the reduced amount voted by Parliament to the South Australian Institute, diminished to Is. per month per scholar. The Society has consequently been necessitated to resolve that tho subscribers to the Library and members of the Philosophical Society be allowed free admission to the Exhibition once ; each person so entitled will be presented with a pass. The charge to the pupils rcmaiusjas before, viz., 5s. per month. ' School of Design, Institute, September 27, 1870. 'Sir— 1 have great pleasure in reporting a very large incre;iso in the number of female pupils under my instruction, viz., an aggregate of 202 as against 130 last year. Of male pupils, during the first six months the number corresponded with tho samo period of last year, but during the latter six months(owing to the general depression in trade) the number has decreased from 113 to 92. Tho total pupils attending the school have averaged 33 per month as against 28 'i in 1S09. The attendance has been geuerally good, and progress satisfactory. A few good examples in oil and water colours arc much wanted, especially by those pupils who wish to compete at the annual exhibitions. 'Annoxcd are the tables of attendance for the year ending 30th September, 1870. ' Yours obediently, 'Charlks Hilt., Master. 'To A. Abrahams, Esq., Hon. Sec. to tho South Australian Society of Arts.' 8. The prize-list for the Fourteenth Annual Exhibition consists of (51 prizes amounting to 108 guineas. 9. The arrangements for the ensuing year are being made on a scale to meet an anticipated increase of members. The Art Unien prizos have been ordered from London; they consist of statuary of a very costly and beautiful description. 10. Tho only room in tho Institute building now available for the Annual Exhibition being small and badly lighted, the Thirteenth Exhibition was held in the Town Hall Buildings at a considerable additional cost to the Society. This matter needs immediate remedy. 11. The Committee have great pleasure in congratulating the subscribers on the staadily increasing advance made by the Societj, both iu its number of members and usefulness. They believe that its objects are being attained more and more fully every year in educating the public taste, in stimulating the artistic zeal of the colonial youth, and in enabling numbers of colonists, not only to see, but to possess works of art of a superior character to what they could have procured in any other way. The Committee think that this Society may fairly lay claim to a considerable share in effecting the marked improvement already visible in the style of the ornaments and objects of art now to be mot with in almost every house, and they aro glad to find thai, tho advantages offered by this Society to tho public are being appreciated iu the country quile as much as in Adelaide itself, as the recent great increase in the number of country subscribers fully testifies. Abraham Abrahams, Hon. Sec. Adelaide, September 30, 1870. The report was taken as read. The Chairman moved, and Mr. C. HlLL seconded, that the report be adopted. Carried. By last mail the particulars of the meeting went home. The principal business was the re-election of Messrs. L. Glyde, M.P., and J. Howard Clark as Governors, and the carrying of tho following resolution : — 'That tho Board be requested to call a special meeting of the members of the Institute in six months' time to take into consideration the necessity for an enlargement of the Institute Buildings.' THE KAPUNDA INSTITUTE. The foundation-stone of a new building was laid at Kapunda by the Hon. John Hart, C.M.G., on Wednesday, October 12. The Institute, which was established there many years ago, has not hitherto had so prosperous a career as those who have been most intimately associated with the enterprise wished to see. A want of interest on the part of those for whose benefit such a literary institution was mainly established has been the main cause of this, and although at times accessions of members and increase of visitors led the Committee to hope that a permanent improvement was at hand, their hopes were doomed to disappointment. During the past year, however, the library and readingroom have been more extensively used than previously, and in view of this encouragement (t was determined by the parties concerned to commence the erection of a building worthy of the town, the Institute having for some timo been established in not very commodious r remises in the main street. Parliament

some time ago resolved t« supplement subscriptions in aid of such erections in tbe country to a certain extent, and taking advantage of the vote Kapunda put in -i claim, which was approved, for a subsidy of £750. The depressed times since then prevented any attempt being made to raise the requisite funds until early ia the present year, when the ladies of tbe town held a bazaar, wbicb was very successful, realizing nearly £200. Besides this ia a considerable amount promised, including £150 offered by 15 gentlemen who agreed to give £1Q each. As the laying of the foundation-stone of a structure of euch importance i3 a rare occurrence, and as Kapunda has not had any circumstance calling for -a general public display lately, it was resolved to make the day a gala. There was a limited display of bunting, but no attempt at general decoration in the streets. Crase's Hotel -was adorned with evergreens, and had any number of small ensigns and crosses flying from the balcony. The day was perhaps the most delightful we have had this season, yet the ooncourse who turned out was less numerous than those most deeply concerned expected. After 12 o'clock nearly all the places of business -were closed. The Government, to assist in -ensuring a successful affair, allowed excursion fares to be charged on the railways. Not very many, however, availed themselves of the privilege. About 100 members of tbe Masonic 'body in regalia and Friendly Societies, with nearly 500 school children, were well maishalled by Captain Tuckfield and Mr. M. Watts. At 1 o'clock they proceeded to the EailwayStation and met the Hon. the Treasurer, -who, with Mr. E. A. Hamilton, M.P., arrived by a special train. The precession then marched through Mainstreet to the site of the .now building in Hill-street in the following order:— Kapunda Band, the Mayor, Councillors, and Town Clerk, President and Committee ef Institute, and tho Architect, Messrs. E. A. Hamilton and J. Pearce (Members for Light), members of the Masonic Body in full regalia, the Hon. John Hart, C.M.G., Oddfellows (M.U.), Foresters, and Druids in full regalia, Sunday-school -children and teachers four deep with banners, juvenile and adult Reehabites in regalia, general public. Arrived at the building, which is already about seven feet above the ground, Mr. D. Gablick showed Captain Hart tho plan, and Mr. J. G. Pitcher, the President, read the following description :— The building will consist of a basement and ground floor. In the former will be included a largo room, 30 feet by 14, with two class-rooms, 28 feet by 14, and 14 feet by 10 feet 6 inches, and a store-room. On the upper floor will be the reading-room, 30 feet long by 14 wide, and the library, an apartment of similar width, and 20 feet in length. The remainder of the space is occupied by a Committee-room, 14 feet by 10 feet 6 inches, and a hall running down the -centre, at the end of which a staircase descends to the basement. Only the front part of tho building is intended to be erected at present, but tho designs have been drawn to include a spacious and handsome Lecture Hall at the rear, measuring 54 by 35 feet, with a height of 27 feet to the ceiling, provision being made for a kitchen and other outhouses at the back. Tho hall is to be lighted with six windows high up in the walls, and finished with ornamental surroundings and a cornico above, broken with consols surmounted by coronets at intervals, the ceiling being divided into moulded and enriched panels. At tho further end is to be a raised platform with an alcovo at tho back, richly finished with ornamental work. Ample provision is made for veutilation by means .of openings in the walls and in the ceiling, from which tubes ascend through tho roof, the windows also boing constructed to open when required. In the front portion of the building a provision is made for a supply of fresh air both to the basemen b and the ground floor, by openings in the coiling communicating with tho roof. The walls will be of beautiful grey stone finished with freestone, both descriptions being found in the neighbourhood of Kapunda. The quoins will bo of white freestone with sunken joints, and each alternate stone tooled and brooched. There are two architrave windows in the front surmounted with a cornice. Tho entrance will be through a recessed lobby by means of a flight of steps, which are to be of Mintaro slate. In either sido will be a pilaster with ornamental capital, the arch being surmounted by a keystone and cornice, and above a parapet from end to end along tho whole front of the building. The cost of the portion now to be erected is expected to bo about £1,000. Mr. Pitcher, addressing Mr. Hart as ' Right Worshipful Sir,' then said, on behalf of the Committee, he had much pleasure in requesting acceptance of a trowel (a very neat silver one). They know that leaving the matter in his hands the material stone of tho Institute would bo well and truly laid. They trusted that the highest objects aimod at in the existence of tho building the foundation-stone of which wasthen to be laid would be imbued with some of that venerable spirit which characterized the Masonic Order. Might tho spread of knowledge in the neighbourhood, and tho general advancement of tho people's welfare, irrespective of colour or creed, be sought. They hoped that the difficulties they had encountered wore left far behind in the hazy distance, and since a paternal1 and wise Government had so far consented to help them, supplementing Iheir subscriptions by giving a pound for every pound they raised, he trusted that all would put their shoulder to the wheel, aud come forward as liberally as their means would permit. Let them all strive to have a stone in a building which would be an ornament and a credit to the town. ' For the structure that wo raise, time is with materials filled; Our days and yesterdays are the stones with which we build.' (Hear, hear.) He then read the following document, which, with a copy of Register, Adocrtiser, nnd Kajmnda Herald, was placed in a bottle under the stone: — ' Kaponda Institute. ' On Wednesday, the 12th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy, in the thirty -fouith year of tho reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, the Right Hon. Sir Jas. Fergusson, Baron6t, 'Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, being Governor of South Australia, and tho dependencies thoreof, &c, &c— ' Tho stone beneath which this document is deposited (being one of the principal stones in the building for the Kapunda Institute incorporated) was laid with Masonic honours by the Hon. John Hart, Companion of the Honourable Order of St. Michael and St. George, Treasurer and Premier of the Province, and Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of the Freemasons (Scotch Constitution) in South Australia. ' Officers of tho Institute— President, Mr. John Garlick Pitcher ; Vice-Presidents, Mossrs. John B. A damson and John Albert Bruce ; Treasurer, Mr. Joseph Gurr ; Committee, Messrs. Israel Bennett, Alex. Buchanan, Robt. Cameron, Wm. Henry Darwin, Jas. Elliott, Wm. Oldbam, and John Small ; Secretary, Mir. Ezra Riley. ' Architect, Mr. Daniel Garlick ; contractors, Messrs. Manson & Hitt.' The stone having been raised and the bottle placed beneath, Captain Hart spread the mortar, and the block was lowered. He then applied the mallet, square, level, and plumb, and said — May the Great Architect of the Universe protect this stone and building. I declare this stone, in the name of the Groat Architect, well and truly laid. He felt great pleasure in being present to lay tho stone of that building, which he trusted would be of great service to the town of Kapunda and its neighbourhood. He did not know anything which tended more to tho civilization of a community than having the means of a quiet read which a building of this kind afforded. He had now arrived at an age when his experience in these matters was of some value. He had been a reading man all his life, and believed tho greatest possible pleasure one could derive was in having an opportunity of extending knowledge by means of books. It was well known that it was next to impossible in one's own dwelling to get the information books afforded, and it was by Institutes that this difficulty was overcome, and knowledge was also largely obtained from lectures. One of the greatest pleasures he had had in the long course of his life— which for the most part bad been spent at sea— was after hard work to obtain a knowledge of the ideas of learned men from books. It was therefore a great pleasure to him to see buildings of this kind encouraged, and he

should give his small mite towards it, and trusted the coming harvest would * enftbls those' he saw around him to do more than they had been able to during the last year or two. He had come up by the train and seen tbe smiling face of Nature on the way as he had not seen it for four or five years; in fact he had seen nothing better for the last 30 years. He trusted with these prospects that the Secretary would be in a position to say at the end of the year, ' We will go on with the remainder of the building.' (Hear, hear.) He had come there with considerable difficulty, it being mail day, and from the amount of work he ha4 had to do had not been able to appear in regalia. He did not know that he could say more than thank the Town of Kapunda and the District of Light, for which he always felt the liveliest gratitude, for the kindness they had shown him from the time he first represented them until now. (Cheers.) Band—' Song of Australia.' At the request of Captain Hart, three cheers were given successively for the success of the Institute, the Architect, the Committee, and tbe ladies; and three rooro having been most heartily given for Captain Hart, contributions were laid on the stone to the amount of over £71, the Sunday-school children sang tho National Anthem, and the ceremony terminated. This part of tho proceeding? over, above 30 gentlemen partook of luncheon at Crase's Hotel. Mr. J. A. Bruce occupied the chair, and was supported on his right by Captain Hart, Messrs. Garlick, .and Pearce, M.P., and kon his left by Messrs. D. Nock (Mayor), Hamilton, M.P., R. Kay, and W. Lewis, J.P. The Kapunc'a Mine Band was in attendance, and played several selections of music. The Chairman montioned that ho occupied the position instead of the President of tho Institute, Mr. Pitcher, who should havo done so, but was prevented from being present through a recent bercavoment. He had received a telegram from Mr. H C. Palmer, stating that through mistaking tho hour at which the special train started he was not able to attend. The usual loyal toasts having been duly honoured, Mr. Nock proposed 'The Ministry,' to which the Hon. the Treasurer feelingly replied. Mr. W. Lewis, M.P., proposed ' The Parliament,' Mr. Pkahck, M.P,. who was greeted with applause, responded, and Mr. E. A. Hamilton, M.P., who was well received, likewise returned thanks. The Chairman proposed 'Tho Health of tho Hon. John Hart.' (Cheers.) Captain Hart having replied, Mr. R. Cameron proposed ' The Governors of the Central Instituto,' and Mr. Robert Kay, Secretary of the South Australian Institute, responded. He excused the absence of the Governors Mid also of Messrs. John Howard Clark and L. Glyde, M.P., especially on the ground of its being mail day, and their having other engagements, reading a letter from the former gentleman to that effect. Ho thought a few statistics would bo more interesting to them than a speech, and would show more forcibly the progress which had been made. Comparing tho year ending July 1, 1859, and the year ending December 31, 1869, thero were in tho former 20 country Institutes, and in the latter 53. The number of books issued in 1859 were 8,811, and in 1869 29,072. Members in 1859 numbered 941, and for 49 of tho Institutes in 1869, 1,848. Tho total circulation for 1869 was 41,648 volumes. In 1859 eight boxes of books were in circulation; in 1869 there were 60, and it was desirable tho number should be increased. (Hbar, hear.) Captain Hakt next proposed ' Prosperity to tho Kapunda Institute,' and Mr. J. Elliot responded. The '' Officers of the Institute, the Architect and Builder,' and various other toasts followed, and the meeting separated. In the evening a literary and musical entertainment was held in Crase's room. GAWLER INSTITUTE. Tho thirteenth annual meeting of the Gawler Institute was held on . October 18, about 30 members boing present ; Dr. Nott, the President, in the chair. The Secretary read the report, which spoke of tho progress of the now building and the benefits expected. Tho Committee hoped its completion would enable them 'to proceed vigorously with many objects an Institute should embrace, such as various classes, a laboratory, school of arts, lectureroom for scientific purposes, and a proper place for their valuable museum,' for none of which does the present Instituto give facilities. Tho contract amount is £3,640, of which sum £1,250 has been paid, and it is hopod the builders will finish about the beginning of next year. Tho services of tho ladies who were working for the bazaar wcro heartily recognised. A detailed statement of tho works in tho Library in every class of literature showod that there were 4,000 volumes, of which only 1,400 were works of fiction— about one-fourth of the whole, and not three-fourths, as had been lately stated in a local paper. Twenty-six periodicals aro taken in, only seven of which could be classed as fiction, and those of the best class, such as Bclgravia, Corn/till, Once a Weekf Temple Bar, &c. — the others being devoted to science, art, mechanics, and goneral literature. The President spoke rer}' warmly aud severely on this matter. The valuable, though gratuitous services of the Curator of the Museum (Mr. Wiuckel) were referred to; and several donations, especially one from Mr. C. A. Wilson, a collection of about 1,800 insects, wero acknowledged. The balancesheet showed an income of £269 from all sources, and an expenditure of £263, leaving a little nest-egg to begin tho year with. Dr. Nott, Mr. George Palmor, and Mr. Bailey wero re-elected respectively as President, Treasurer, and Secretary; Mr. Ferguson chosen as Vice-President; Messrs. John Mitchell, Peryman, 0. Wehrstedt, Cranz, Frankel, Wainwright, and J. F. Martin, Committee; and Messrs. Giles and Heifers, Auditors. MITCHAM INSTITUTE. On Monday, October 10, tho uew School and Instituto at Mitcham were opened with an entertainment. The foundation-stone of this pretty and commodious structure, of which Mr. D. Garlick is the architect, was laid on April 2 by Mrs. W. Morgan. At the entertainment on Mouday evening thero was a large attendance, and Mr. William Townsend, M.P., presided. The Chairman of the Building Committee (Mr. Easther) said that the amount spent had been £750, and £470 had been raised, leaving a rather heavy debt. The programme consisted of musical performances by amateurs, which were very creditably carried out, and a lecture by Mr. W. Harcus on 'Saying No.' The entertainment closed soon after 1 0 o'clock. i