South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 24 September 1870, page 3


The annual dinner of the members of the Old Scholars' Association, in connection with tho Adelaide Educational Institution, was held in the large room at Beach's restaurant on Fridav

evening, beptember 23. Thero were between 40 and 50 of the old scholars presont, in addition to Mr. J. L. Young (the Head Master of the Institution) and several of his assistant teachers. The room was very tastefully decorated with flags and evergreens, and the utmost care was evinced in all tho arrangements. The tables, moreover, wero beautifully furnished by Mr. Beach. Mr. J. H. Finlayson (President of the Society) occupied tbe chair, and Messrs. S. Goldsack and W. Bickford acted as Croupiers. Letters of apology wore read from Mr. T. Bennett, who expressed great regret at being prevented by sickness from attending; also, from Mr. Geo. Needham, the Rev. Mr. Poole, Mr. J. Howard Clark, and several other gentlemen. The customary loyal and patriotic toasts having been proposed by the Chairman, Mr. C. Babbage gave the toast of the evening, ' Success to the Adelaide Educational Institution.' In doing so he said they must feel an interest in the Institution, and therefore would bear him out as to the importance of the toast. It was important, as tho welfare of tbo colony depended upon tho future career of the young men— a career which could only become successful according to the education they received. Mr. Young not only endeavoured to give them an ordinary training, but had made them think for themselves, and that was one oi tho groat points which mnrked the success of his efforts. His aim had been to instil into their minds principles of morality and rectitude, thereby preparing them to act the part of good citizens. They had all felt the greatest respect for Mr. Young whilst at school, and since then that feeling bad increased tenfold. In proposing the toast he would couple with it the name of Mr. Young. Received with loud applause, aud three cheers for the Principal of the Institution. Mr. Young, on rising, was greeted with enthusiastic applause. He said it gave him great pleasure to bo present at the annual gatherings of his old scholars, as it not only revived pleasant memories of the past, but mado him feel that he was not forgotten, and that an interest was taken in his educational efforts. Education, at the presont time, was occupying the minds of the great statesmen of Europe as well as that of philanthropists ; and uo wonder, when they found that tho prosperity of the world at largo rested on the future career of tho young men. The feeling was agitating the nations that the people were tho source of all power, and as that view would gain the preeminence, it was essential that the people should by education be fitted to fulfil tho high trust reposed in them. (Applause.) The stir in England at tho present time with regard to education was the beginning of a mighty movement which would, he boliovod, end in tho overthrow of tyranny, oppression, and superstition, and tend to the establishment of a lasting peace, when nations would respect each other as brothers, and when Christ would reign throughout tho world. He would say in the language of one who was awake to the urgent necessities of the case : — 'In these timos of artificialities and money worship, when dancing barlots drive heaven's own inspiration to tho shades, and tho senseless, the sensual, and tbe frivolous are worshipped as more noble than the high, the pure, and tho celestial, let us still have an eye on tbe truth, and reverence God and the God-like in man.' (Cheers.) Ho thanked them for tbe hearty manner in which they had responded to tho toast. (Loud applause.) Mr. C. Hack, in a humorous speech, proposed 'The Health of Lady Edith Fergussou, Mrs. Young, and tho Ladies of South Australia, to which Mr. M. Giles responded. Mr. C. Peacock proposed ' ' The Masters,' and expressed his regret at tho absence of Mr. Bennett, the only one of the present masters under whom ho had had the pleasure of studying when at school. Although they might not know the other masters individually, their having been selected by Mr. Young to assist him was a sufficient guarantee as to their efficiency. Messrs. Nichols, Von Schleinitz and Hill fittingly responded. Mr. J. F. Conigrave proposed ' The Parliament of South Australia,' Ho considered that in the present Parliament the various opinions of the community on tho subject of tho Tariff, the Land Bill, and Education wero well represented, and that as a fair reflex of tho people's views it would bear favourable comparison with many othevs. With regard to the Land Bill, they had taken a step in the right direction by recognising the principles of settlement upon land, and he wished that had bepn done years ago. Be firmly believed in tho righteousness of tie principles of free trade, so consistently and earnestly advocated by Mr. Young. (Hear, hear.) Mr. C. C. Kingston, in the absence of Mr. W. H. Bean, M.P., briefly responded. Mr. J. T. Fitch gave ' The Friends of the Institution,' which was responded to by Mr. M. S. Clark in the absence of Mr. J. H.Clark. ' Our Absent Friends' was proposed by Mr. S. Goldsack. Mr. Wadey proposed ' The Kindred Societies,' which was responded to by Mr. Wyly, the President of the North Adelaide Grammar School Old Scholars' Association. The toast of 'Tho Land we Live in' was proposed by Mr. H. Bickford in a few suitable remarks, and responded to by Mr. W. Cleland— 'the native-born,' numbering fully three-fourths of these in the room, standing up during the response. ' Our Next Merry Meeting,' proposed by Mr. E. H. Babbage; 'The President,' proposed by Mr. C. Peacock; 'The Committee,' proposed by Mr. J. F. Conigrave; and ' The Health of Mr.' Beach' followed. During the evening a number of songs and recitations were delivered, and added much to the enjoyment of the evening. The members fully carried into effect the preliminary recommendation of the Chairman not to study formality, but to make the occasion one for free and general intercourse. The Blues.— On September 21, the Festival of St. Matthew, a dinner, attended by residents here who were educated at Christ's Hospital, London, was provided at the Prince Alfred Hotel in capital style by Host Aldridge. The Rev. Canon Farr, M.A., presided, supported by Mensrs. E. A Hamilton, M.P., andW. J.Briud, J.P. ;the Vice-Chairman being Mr. W.R.Wigley, supported by Messrs. F. i. Blades and W. H. Little. A pleasant evening was spent in relating reminiscences of old school-days. The claims of the Benevolent Society of Blues were discussed, and its objects prominently presented. Tuhtle.— The voice of the turtle, it is presumed, may be heard in Gawler, for Mr. Gordon, an employe' of Mr. H. E. Bright, M.P., caught one in the North Para River on Thursday,