South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 1 February 1868, page 3


[From the Government Gazette, January 30.]


Proclamation by His Excellency the Governor further proroguing Parliament from the 1-lth February to Friday, the 2ah March next j APPOINTMENTS.

JAXUIjr UVMUU|W lUAlD, AMHJ., U.AJ., bM IW A^llUlneer-in-Cbief, from the |27th March, 1S67, inclusive. Hubert George Thomas, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Assistant Architect, to be Architect from 1st instant, inclusive. George McEwin, Esq., J.P., andThos. Playford, Esq., to be members of the Central Hoard of Main Roads. Thomas Burgoyne. Esq., of Port Augusta; Charles William May, Esq., of Adelaide ; and Pierce Romrs Warren, Esq., of Port Augusta, to be three of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the Province.

SOUTH AUSTRALIAN VOLUNTEER MILITARY JrOKCE. His Excellency the Govemor-in-Chief directs that the following portions of the Volunteer ; Military Force shall bear the titles named, which His Royal Highness tbe Duke of Edinburgh bos been pleased to confer upon them :— The South Australian Resiment of Volunteer Cavalry to bear the title of 'Duke of Edinburgh's Volunteer Light Dragoons.' The Adelaide Regiment of Volunteer Rifles to bear the title oC 'Prince Alfred's Rifle Volunteers.' No. 2 (Scotch) Company of the Adelaide Regiment to bear the title of the 'Duke of Edinburgh's Own.' PH0M0TI053. S.A. Regiment of Cavalry.— No. 3 Troop- Ser-

Kcauii tMHiii xivauB to uc iruup oerKeaut-uiajur; Corporal Arthur Ranks to be Sergeant; and Trooper R. E. Venn to be Corporal, iu succession to Sergeant-Major John McKno, resigned. Trooper James Thompson to be Corporal, vice Savage, resigned. DISCHARGES. Artillery.— No. 1 Batten— Gunner T. O'Brien, resignation accepted. Adelaide Regiment.— No. 1 Company— Private L. E. Orimmer, resignation accepted. No. G. Company— Private A. Iftinsjorf, resignation accepted. Privates (youths enrolled as drummers) K. G. Hall, M. O'Shaughnessy, T. Wilson, J. Hogg, A. W. Hubble, R. H. Loughhead. F. W. Kainsford, W. C. Suadgett, T. Brown, S. J. Durieu, W*. E. Bagshaw, 1). J. Durieu, and J. Johnson, discharged. Privates P. burke, A. Ely, E. Johns, H. Phillips, C. J. Page, L. irimuie'r, and W. liryant, discharged. Private M. Shauahan, resignation accepted.

REPORT FROM TBE CHIEF INSPECTOR 1 'F SHEEP. Littlehampton, January 23, 1868. Sir— I have the honour to forward my report for the quarter ending December 31, 1867, for the information of His Excellency the GovernorinChief, of the state of tbe flocks. Mr. Inspector Watson reports 'only 4,000 sheep imported via the Barrier Ranges route from New South Wales. The sheep from ihe SouthEast, on a eecond examination, I found to be perfectly free from disease. All the sheep seen in the Northern District look healthy and dean.' Mr. Inspector Glenie reports ' the Murray District as healthy. Fifteen thousand six hundred iheep have been imported from New South Wales by this route, and as the restrictions are not removed no exportations have taken place during thia quarter. During the year 80.4')7 were imported from New South Wales and 1,520 frcm Victoria, the exports amounting to only 15,(5 0. This is a great falling (iff from 1866*. when the imports only exceeded the exjwrts by 27,100.' Sixty-two thousand fix hundred sheep have been imported into the South- h-t from Victoria during the quarter, but uearly half thn number belong to those persons who have sUtionx on the boundary. No disease has been repotted a-) having been found in the South-last among the South Australian flecks, but the Boundary Patroller has destro)e«l several stray Victorian sheep, some of which were

aiseaseu; ana ou fneep irnni a Victorian run (McAllum's) were taken out of a flock of Mr. Sutton'ft running close to the boundary, but no disease wsa reported as being seen on them. One flock has been dipped as a precaution. Although my information of the state of the adjoining runs near Mount Gambier (in Victoria) wan indignantly and abusively denied by letters publicly, I havo found that all the stations alluded to, and more, have been advertised as scabby during the post six mouths; and were it not for the active exertions of the Victorian Inspector, who works hard under disadvan°a?eous circumstances, the sheep would be in a much worse state. At present 1 lock upnn the sheen on our runs adjoining, the boundary, south of Penola, as being in imminent danger of infection. The Suburban Inspector reports the sheep in the Adelaide District and those passing thtouch the market. yards as healthy. Several lots ot sheep have been imported. Two hundred rams from Victoria were snipped to Fowler's Bay, the agenti agreeing to have them dressed in proper medicine. It would he of great advantage to importer*, and a safeguard to our shipowners, if some pait of Port Adelaide was proclaimed a quarantine ground for imported Bheep to be landed, and there dressed in strong medicine before being removed inland. This could bi done without inconven'euce under the present Quarantine Act, and 1 am satisfied would allay much uneasiness that at present exists as to the danger of parties importing diseased Bheep. Iu the Wellington District, on the east Bide of the hiver Murray, the sheep being clean the quarantine has been reduced to a much smaller area; that part on which the worst diseased sheep were destroyed is now known as District Ho. £ Thomson's Ferry has been placed in quarantine as District No. 4, so that if necessary 1 Ban at once stop any sheep from travelling, and all requiring to cross tbe Murray most Hist obtain an examination and special permit fur their stock. This they were not obliged to do formerly, consequently it will ensure that all ttock travelling across the Murray will be inspected. District So. 1 has been retained without alteration, and District No. 2 is reduced on this side of the Murray to Messrs. Hughes &Kaye's and Mr.'linrUax'a station*. principally in tbe Hundred of fcrinkley. The flocks on these stations have been carefully watched, and the medical treatment which they have undergone, so far as can be detected at piesent, seems to be effectual, and in appearance tney

luv* iictuiujf nuu wrn. no Kneep nave ucen )&? moved of these stations about which I have had anj doubt; and those removed I felt fully justified m allowing, as they were isolated from any dig. eased sheep, and must have shown disease had there been any in them from the length of time during which they were carefully watched. Although no disease has shown Itself, and the sheep look healthy, it will not be advisable to withdraw Districts N03. 1 an 12 from quarantine for some months yet I have, &c, C. J. VAUarriNE, Uhief Inspector of Sheep. To the Hon. the Coramitiioner of Crown Lands and Immigration. IA^POUNDED AT THE PUBLIC POUNDS TUNGKILLO, Section 19J(nearest Po»W)ffice. Tungkillo). Job Hobbs, Poun4ke$per.— One bay mare, black poinU, like JI ngar ihoulder. If not claimed, will be sold February 24, 1SGS, at noon. HINDMABSH (nearest Post-Office, Hindmsish), William Brooker, Poundkeeper.- (lap hiftcJc anq white bull, blotch of tar near rump, no other brani viaiWe. If not claimed, wiU Ue Bold February 3, 1868, at noon, by order 0! a Justice of the Peace,

KOUK1NUA, Section 3040 (Redroth, nearest Post-OfficeX D. llacnamara, Poundkeeper.— One flea-bitten grey horse, like MC with x or OC conjiiined. under near shoulder, shod: one bay pony, a piece of rope round neck, like K near shoulder. Jf not claimed, will be sold February 21, 1868, at noon. MEADOWS (nearest Post-Office, Meado*»l Wm. Ellis, Ponndkeeper.— One light brown haw, black poinw, shod, branded like DoSLrAect^f not claimed, will be sold February $fc l&tiS, at noon. WALLAROO, BAY (nearest Post-Office, Waflaroo Bay}. Benjamin Bate*, Poundkeeper.— One haj mare, black points, branded like f)R conjoined Bear neck. S near shoulder, ehod all round, very poor, collar-marked. If not claimed, will be Bold February 24, 1888, at noon. ^* GLEN OSMOND (neares; Host-OBlce. Glen Osmond), John M.c«v«fl. Poundkeeper.— One yellow-sided cow, back and belly white, strawberry hen und neck, branded like diamond over P -?fln-pined off shoulder, like A over V conjoined ofl nbs. wide horns. If not claimed, will be sold Feoruary 24, 1^63, at noon.

GAWLER TOWN. J,oho Skirer. Poundkeeper -One»n mye. aged, off hind foot white, branded *L pear shoulder, marks under the 1 Yl\bvfl no,t ^?iW(-- lf not claimed, will be SoljUebruary 17. 186S. at noon, by a Magistrate's 8TRATHALBYN (nearest Post-Office. Strathalbyn), O. Milway, Poundkeeper. - One bay bore** black points, Idee E and writing W near shoulder, tmafl white spota on back. If not claimed, will t* ?old February 24, 18©^ at noon.