South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Thursday 18 April 1867, page 1

SHIPPING. ^Ck-k QTEAM TO ENGLAND VIA 'Wif^v^ PANAMA. - auRfcfigr Panama, New Zealand, ahd Aub ? ?'' TBALIAN EOTAL MAIL CoHPANT, - \- . . Limited. This Service is now regularly performed by the undermentioned Steamships : — Bteamflhip!. Tons.?^- Commander. ? MATAURA ... 1,767 550 G. E. Bird, R.N.R. KAIKOURA... 1,501 500 H.8.Machin. BUAHINE ... 1,503 450 T. S. Beal. BAXAIA... ... 1,450 400 S. H. Wrieht, R.N.R. One of the above Ships leaves Sydney for Panama at 3 p.m. on the 1st of each month, and Wellington on the 8th. Passengers from Adelaide can join the Company's Branch Steamer from Melbourne, 26th of each month, which meets the Panaini Boat at Wellington. For particulars, apply to -?. ? HERIOT, FULLARTON, & CO., ,1O8''1O ' Agents. ? C^- ; OOK MELBOURNE DIRECT. ^SnTSK. -T The Steamer 43Bffi|S^. ALDINGA, ?^?^'* Hiifib McMeikan. commander, will Bail*fdr'Melboume on Wednesday, April 24. Pas sengere by L3Q p.m. tram. J. NEWMAN & SON, Port. IOS'14 -J.' DARWENT, Grenfell-street. i^L-l I^OR WALLaROO.-REDUCED ^?W^T V RATES.-The Steamer ? jrjr/rr- kangaroo *'wt*wr' leaves every Wednesday, at 5 p.m. iFares-^Cabin, jEl 10s. ; Steerage, 15s. Hay and Chaff, £1 per ton. Timber. 12s. 6d. Deitoa. '?- ??;?? G. H, PAQUALIN, Wallaroo. 46e. ' '? C. LAMB, Port Adelaide. «ztl'±- 1?OR WALLAROO.-The Steamer 4f»±k J? ROYAL SHEPHERD, 'irinr^- Captain H. Ward, will sail for Wai — »«*i*w^ laroo on Wednesday, April 24, on arrival of 3.30 p.m. train. Freight- Hay and Chaff, 20s. per ton. BLDERTSMITH, & CO., \mnm nm1 Pnrf JOS. STILLING & CO., |Town and Port' . J. DABWENT, Orenfell-gtreet IQS'U .a_CKiv FF0B P0KT LINCOLN AND 4Qj£|^r PORT AUGUSTA. -The %V^''!^ amM LUBRA, Captain McCoy, will soil for Port Lincoln and Port Augusta on Saturday, April 20, at 4 o'clock. ELDER SMITH, & CO. I ,T\n . Pnrt JOS. STELUNa&CO., / Ioirawid Port' J. DAKWENT. Grenfell-street. 105'10 j^Ckv 'DUBLIC HOLIDAY.— EASTER *mra^Jr MONDAY. APRIL 22. Jfgiilg- EXCURSION TO GLENELG. . ?''^ The favourite Steamer '?'.'.,?..: ELEANOR will proceed to Glenelg on the above date, leaving the Wharf on arrival of the 11 o'clock train from Town, and returning in time for the last train, A first-rate Band is engaged. Refreshments can be ban on board. Fares to or from Glenelg, 2s. Cd. ; Return Tickets, 4s. each. 106c, G. W1LLIMOTT, Agent. iitev 1?PR LONDON DIRECT with ?BaSS^,*. Dispatch.— Now taking in Cargo. JjflTff^ —The new Al fast-sailing Ship ?*»?»'' AUGIE M., 782 tons register. This vessel has discharged her sugar cargo free from damage after encountering a severe storm, and with difficulty reached this port. She is just off the Slip, haying had a thorough overhaul* being supplied with new masts, sails, rigging, and everything necessary to make her a most desirable vessel for a Grain Cargo to England. For freight; apply to 9210IsthC ; THOS. GRAVES, Cume-street. A&AL'' T?OR~ 8YDNEY, with Immediate ?jB&fl&il-1 Dispatch.— The fine Hamburg Ship g&aagy WANDRAH51 ''BOBBrnf. will have quick dispatch for the above port For freight or passage, apply to 107c B. AM3BERG ft CO., GrenfeU-street. AJ&^ TF0E SYDNEY and NEWCASTLE. ?gflSSfcy ' —The fine fast-sailing Brig ?BHBfir 253 tons register, T. J. Sivier, master, ia now ready to receive cargo. For freight or passage, apply to Captain Sivier, on board ; or to 108-10 ? H. SIMPSON, Agent Aik^ : I^0K MYPONGA AND YANKA rfBgiRikJu T.TT.r.A ? The Schooner wi'iaBm* j. Simmons, master, having been de tained in consequence of the boisterous weather, will Bail this day, April IS (weather permiting). Apply on board, or to x ? [ ? C. LAMB. Ali*. T7-OR VENUS AND STREAKY dflg^l1 BAYS.-The Schooner ?ggggar DAPHNE, uiligiffnp- flf# Crocker, master, is now loading. PPHUNTER. STEVENSON, & CO., Town. J. FORM8Y, Port. ? 9Sc_ as, I^OR WALLAROO and PORT UN dSg^l? COLN.-The Schooner lyggSy ECLIPSE MrtMfcr- will sail this week. Apply on board, to 99c ? JOHN YEO. X2- A. f?OR PORT VICTOR.-The favourite j§a^.X1 Schooner 3ffilBBy CYNTHIA, mTSIOSw c. Heath, master, being detained by the boisterous weather, will sail this day, weather ? pey* F B J0NES & co t Portj X&-*. 1?OR FKElGfiT OR CHARTER. .jSSS^F The Brig Sg^p» miss kilmansegg mitUnr 230 tons, Brown, master. Apply to 91c J. DARWENT. Grenfell-street. sX-l irOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. ,}fli3£R^_JP The clipper Barque SjllSSP' BESSIE, *K*3Wr. 262 tons register. Apdl? to Captain Simmons, onboard; or JOSc' ... CLBLAND, PAGE, & CO., Port. SHIP HARWICH, from I.omlou.— All CLAIMS against this Vessel must be left in duplicate at the Office of the Undersigned not later than noon on Saturday, the 20th April, or they cannot be admitted. |07hsl0 ? ELDER, SMITH, & CO. ELIZA OORRY, from Swan River.— CONSIGNEES are requested to PASS ENTRIES immediately. Bills of Lading must be presented at the Por; Office of the Undersigned, and Freight paid before delivery of the Goods. X GILES & SMITH, Agents, THE REWARD of ONE HUNDRED . POUNDS is STILL OFFERED for th DISCOVERY of the ZANONL Apply to 102c ? H. SIMPSON. FOR SALE, the PLEASURE YACHT MA BELLE BESSY; five tons burden, with Sails, Anchors, Cables, &c., in firet-rate order. Will be on view opposite the Government Steps, Port Adelaide, for one week only, commencing 1st May. Further particulars on board. 103 21 rpo BOATBUILDERS, — TENDERS X- are required, till April 29. at 12 o'clock, for BUILDING BOAT for Beach Service. . Par ticulars and Specification at Beaisler Office, Port where Tenders may be left addressed to Richard jagoe. . ? ^ ? lC8sth20 WA. EATON, GOVERNMENT . and MERCHANTS' PRIVATE TELE GRAPHIC AGENT, POINT DE GALLE. Telegrams sent to all Parts of the World. Fee, 15i each Messsage, in addition to cost of transmission. ? 50c TO SHIPMASTERS, MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS.-The SHIPPING: RE PORTER attends to Telegrams or Letters, and his Boats are available for all purposes connected witb Bhipping in the Gulf. Boat flag, No. 3. RICHARD JAGOE. Beach Branch Olh'ce. Lefevre'g Peninsula. ; MERCHAJrDISE. ~~ STEAM-ENGINES, PORTABLE and STATIONARY, of 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 15. Horse-power. JAMES ROBIN & CO., IQSthsg ? Grenfell-street: FOR SALE, a Second-hand 15 Horse power PORTABLE ENGINE, fitted with reducing speed, suitable for pumping and winding or a River Boat; a new Donkey Engine, complete ; Back Press for pressing Wine or Oil. GEORGE WYATT Adelaide Foundry. North-terrace. ? . ? ^^ 21cv ON SALE, Gawler-place— 1 Spanish Prince Albert BUGGY 8 Travellers' Buggies . 2 Erpreaa Wagons 3 Basket Phaetsns Lamps, Axles, Springs Coach and Saddlers' Ironmongery ':.?. : .'. AL86, Baddies, every variety and price Harness, from buggy to cart Bridles, Whips, Spurs. Manila Rope English and Colonial Harness Leather. 33c: : James a. holden. ON SALE, ex Hebschel— 1,000 SPOKES (HJckorj) l\ in. to 2 in. Bims, Hubs, Shafts, Poles, Lazybacks, VVhippletrees and Bars, Neck Yokes, Tep bowB, made-up Wheels, Seat Sticks, mal leable Iron, Platedware, Enamelled and Patent Leather, and all Material for manu jycfactUre°fBUSgie3'&IESA.H0LDEN. ON SALE, at Flinders-street Yard, near Government Oiiices— BUILDING MATERIALS of all descriptions. Materials for Cabinetmakers, Wheelwrights, and Shipwrights, well seasoned, and of best quality for low nrices. A BRANCH BUSINESS has been OPENED at PORT. VICTOR with powerful Saw-Mill to accom modate the Southern Districts auJ the Murray Shipping. All orders will be executed with dispatch. ? Dig E. WENTZEL. N SALE, by the Undersigned— MOBEWOOD'S Beat Lion Tinned LEON Morewood's Best Untinned Iron Smith's Best Horseshoe Iirand Iron Eagle Brand Wire, Nos. 5 and 6. Via PHILIP SANTO, Waymouth-street COAL S.— English and New South Wales, for household, nteam, and black ?mlthfl' use, of best quality, for Sale in any quantity it lowest price. Mr, w. A. Paquaun, Grean'a Exchange, ia op* Wanted my Salesman in Adelaide. M HENhY SIMPSON.

: ; BTTSDEESS NOTICES. A LL FOLK, GREAT AND SMALL flu FOLK, ORDER YOUR CttOSS-BUNS AT ONCE, ? AT GOLDSAOrTS. 1Q7''S SP E O I AL NOTICE. GOOD FRIDAY. ; The AERATED BREAD COMPANY'S ESTABLISHMENT will l-c CLOSED on GOOD FRIDAY. Customers ami the Public are there 'ore respectfully requested to arrange for their junplies of Bread and Cakes in anticipation. Cakea will be obtainable every day during the Holidays with the above exception. luiJo CAKES FOR SCHOOL TREATS. AERATED BREAD COMPANY. 10S'12 O HILLING CAKES for allCLASSES. 0 AERATED BREAD COMPANY. 103''12 SUBSTITUTE FOR HOT CROSS BUNS. AERATED BREAD COMPANY. 103'12 PICNIC CAKES ~FOR' EASTER. AERATED BREAD COMPANY. 10S';12 SPECIAL CAKES FOR EASTER, AERATED BREAD COMPANY. IPS '12 pRAWFOHD'S PALE ALE, Bottled V- by John Leramey, Pennington-terrace, North Adelaide. ? -14c tTIQHERCOMBE WINE.— The above JJL Wines can lie had on application to Messrs. Giles & Smith, \ A-ipj-M,,. nT ftlr.HENHY NOLTESIUa, / Adt'lalCle' Or Mr. J. Mundt, Highercombe. Highercombe. February 5, IStiti. 37'43mhc DEMOVED, PEVVSEY VALE WINE JA; CELLAR from Ruudle-place to IMPERIAL CHAMBERS, King William-street. 107-'9 A GRICULTURA.L IMPLEMENTS.— X3L SELLING OFF. — FARMING IMPLE MENTS. Giving up Business. githac JONES BROTHERS. GALVANIZED IRON ROOFING— Morewood's, 6, 7, 8, and 9 feet lengths. Best Scotch, 5. ft. 7, and 8 feet, very cheap. 99thsc J. BROWN, Wayuouth-stheet. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS.— JAMES BROWN has much pleasure in intimating that his Stock of FURNISHING GOODS is now offered at the LOWEST CASH HKICES. Colonial-made Sofas, Couches, Cedar Chairs, Tables, Safes, Washstands, &c; also, a variety of American Chairs, Atattresses and Paillasses. Furnishing Ironmongery, Bedsteads, Kitchen Ranges (Havel's). Register Grates, Fenders. Fireirons. Cottage Stoves (colonial made expressly for J. B.'s trade), Earthenware, China and Glassware, Sheffield Goods, &c. PARTIES FURNISHING will find it to then advantage to make their purchases at J. B.'s Store, as the btock embraces all the Requisites of a Household, at MODERATE PRICES. GENERAL STORES, WAYMOOTH-STBEIfr. [107c NEW FURNISHING & BUILDERS' IRONMONGERY SHOP, No. 6, Hindley-street, Opposite Bunn's Exchange. J. ANDERSON having commenced in the above line, trusts by strict attention to business to merit a share of public patronage and support . ? I0Q-*13vl87 HARROWS. HARROWS.— Fi»t Prize Colonial Zigzag Harrows, better than Imported, at Reduced Prices. Encourage Colonial Industry by purchasing from JOSEPH MELLOR, Adelaide and Kapundx N.B.-FIRST PRIZE HORSE-RAKtS at £11, equal to imported at £14. ' 105'34v3I GAS COKE. GAS COKE.— ON SALE, in large or small quantities, at Mellor's, Franklin-street. ? 105-34v31 BEAN BROTHERS, Tannebs, Cureikrs, and Importers, 25 and 27, King William-street, Adelaide, in thanking their Cus tomers for the liberal support they have received for the last seven years, beg to inform them that they have this day DISPOSED OF their RETAIL BUSINESS to Mr. A. BEAN, who will carry on the same as heretofore at 25, King William-street, and for whom they would respectfully solicit a continuance of the favours which have hitherto been accorded to tbem-Bean Brothers will continue the Wholesale De partment at 27, King William-street,, where every Article in the Trade can be obtained. AprilB, 1867. r- E F E R R I N G to the foregoing, 1 1» ARTHUR BEAN begs to inform his Friends and the Public that having Purchased the Retail Business as above, he is prepared to supply every Article in the Trade at moderate rates, and trusts -y attention to business, and. his thorough know ledge of the requirements of the trade, to merit that support which has hitherto been accorded to his predecessors. All orders which he may be favoured with will receive his best attention. 96cv VTOTIOE TO THE PUBLIC. 11 . This is POSITIVELY: THE LAST WEEK T. & D. DUNBAR'S CLEARING-OUT SALE. N.B.— T. &D. D. intends Selling next week by Auction the'LEASE of the PREMISES, 48, King William-street, together with the Remaining Stock, of which due notice will be given by the Auctioneers. Adelaide, April 15, 1867. ? 106'8 Established 1839. PLATTS'S BOOKBINDING ESTABLISHMENT. Every style of Binding executed on the Premises by the aid of Competent Workmen and New Machinery. ? ROLLING for the Trade by HOpkinb's newly invented double-purchase Machine; 12mos. 2s. per dozen, Svos. 2a. 6d. per dozen. 30q J WILLIAMS, Adelaide Stationery ? Warehouse and Account-book Manutac tory, Gresham-street, opposite the Savings Bank. 102-92. TO SURVEYORS and Others.— FOR SALE, a good 10-inch DUMPY LEVEL, nearly new, by Troughton & Simms, London. Apply by letter to A.B., office of this paper. 73c READING WITHOUT BODILY . FATIGUE. LETTS'S READING' EASEL is a cheap, simple, and efficacious; arrangement to facilitate reading without bodily fatigue. May be inspected at the Upper Show-Room at Platts's, 50q * Number One, Corner. VTEW TYPES aid New M ACHINERYi lv for ECONOmOAL and'. ATTRACTIVE PRINTING, now to hand at the Register Genera Printing Offices, Grenfell-street. ?? 60c^-A LARGE SHIPMENT of PIANOS A by eminent Makers is now unpacking, and will be disposed of at very reduced prices, to make space for further supplies, now on the water. . Detailed Lists, with descriptions and prices, will be forwarded on application. ? PLATTS, No. 1, Comer, 14q Established 1838. RRIVED, the SHIP HARWICH, 1 WITH NEW GOODS foe : , BRANDON. PAN K L I B AN O N S. ! BRANDON'S. KA M P T U L I O A N S. ? BRANDON'S. HOP L~B M U R O M A S. ;. BRANDON'S. LE V A N T S. , BRANDON'S. A LLJhe LATEST STYLES in A. BOOTS and SHOES. BRANDON'S, ,86c 78, RUNDLE-STBEET. DRINTING.— REGISTER and JL observer general steam print ing OFFICES, Gbenfeix-strket, Adelaide. LETTER-PRESS. STEREOTYPE, COPPER PLATE, ana MACHINE PRINTING of every description executed in the most Superior Style, arid on the most Reasonable Terms. Missus. ANDREWS, THOMAS, & CLARK have great pleasure in announcing the Completion of their New anil Commodious Premises, built ex pressly to Buitthevariqusreiiuireinentsof the Trade, the possession of which, together witb the latest and most approved Machinery and Materials, and the employment of skilful Workmen, enables them to execute all Work committed to their care in a style not to be surpassed, with the utmost expe dition, and at the lowest possible rates. Just Imported, a larjre quantity of New and Beautiful Founts of ISoolovork Type, and a Series of Medieval Founts for neat Circular Work; also New Fancy Types and Blocks. Always in Stock a great variety of every descrip tion of Papers, Inks, and Cards. Just received, Fancy Papers and Cards from De La Rue s. Wood Enqratisg and Stereotyping equal to London Houses. Fancy Pristikg in Gold, Silver, and Bronze, in Inks of any and every Colour. Posting and Hand Bills in any quantity got out on the shortest notice by Steam. Programmes for Public Entertainments promptly anil cheaply executed. Books, Forms, and all the work required by Cor porations, District Councils, Boards, Committees, Agricultural, Insurance, Mining, and all other Societies, with promptitude, and on reasonable Bill-Heads, Mill and Cart Notes, Business and Address Cards, Circulars, Cheques, Chemists' and other Labels (gummed and cut), Magazines, Periodicals, Almanacs, Catalogues, Mercantile 1 Pncea Currents, Pamphlets, Music, Deeds with Plans and Booksrork and Job Printing in general. I Specimens of Printing of every description and 1 Prices can be had on application. ! Printed Forms of various descriptions always on hand, such as Blank Mill and Cart Netes, Ac ceptances, Bills of Exchange; House, Shop, Btore, Wanted, and other Bills, ; ladeotmee, Jjeaaes, Wills,

BUSINESS NOTICES. THE PUBLIC are respectfully in formed that the WHOLESALE and RETAIL DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENTS will be CLOSED an EASTER MONDAY, April 22. WSv rpHE ADELAIDE PHOTOGRAPHIC J- COMPANY respectfully inform the public that their ESTABLISHMENT will be CLUSISD ba GOOD FRIDAY and the following MONDAY. x II. DAVIS, Manager, i NOTICE.— Mr. DURYEA'S PHOTO- | GRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT will bo ! CLOSKD on GOOD FRIDAY and EASTER ; MONDAY. Persons wishing their Cartes to for- I ivard per outgoing English Mail will please ! forward their Orders as, early as possible. T. DURYEA. 1Q8''1O ? CO anl t-S, King William-street. INVESTMENT, LOAN, AND COM- ! 1 MISSION AGENCY. HEN R Y K Y M I L L (Late Confidential Clerk for many year? to the Hon. Hy. Ayers) ! Is prepared to undertake the Investment of , Capital on Mortgage of Freehold Lands, or in I other safe and eligible Securities the Management ; of Trust Estates anil Collection of Interest, Debts, &c, the Sale or Purchase of Landed Property, | Bank Stock, insurance or other Shares, and to I Transact Monetary ami General Aeency Business. | Address-Iinperial-Chaiubers, King William- ! street, Adelaide. ? 95cv | SAMUEL SMALL, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, MA.RRABEL, RIVERTON, ANDAUBUUN. No Extra Charges anywhere within 20 Miles. Address either Marrabel or Auburn. G4ths'2Jli pUILD, CHAPMAN, & CO., VJT WHOLESALE DRAPERS and IMPORTER3, King William-street, Adelaide. 3G3thsl78 DRAPERY'ANS^LOTllISrG! EARLY CLOSING. MITCHELL'S. Please to take notice for Saturday, the 20th, this SHOP will be CLOSED at Two o'clock. On Tuesday Morning the SEASON'S GOODS will be ON VIEW. __^ ? 108' 10 WINTER WOOLLENS. A. MACGEORGE & CO. Invite special attention to their Stock of WINTER WOOLLENS, Just Received, comprising all the Newest Goods in COATINGS. VESTINGS. & TROUSERINGS. Patterns and Instructions for SelfMea sdremknt Post Frek. ? A. MACGEORGE & CO , ? ' Tailors and Outfitters, !9£|hstll0vll7 40, King William-street. 3EEDICAL. SIR JAMES MURRAY'S FLUID MAGNESIA, CAMPHOR, and LEMON ; syrup. The Undersigned, having been appointed Sole Agent in South Australia for the Sale of the above Goods, bas constantly, a Stock on hand, and is pre pared to supply the Trade with any quantity, or execute orders from England for the same, and allow for all breakage. CAUTION.- Ask for Sir James Murray's Fluid Magnesia, Cordial Camphor, and Lemon Syrup. The only genuine article recognised by the Pro fession and the Trade. Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Chemists throughout the Colony. 38sth2lSS M. 0. DAVIE3. Gilber'-place. , TTOMO3OPATHI0 PHARMACY CONSULTING ROOMS. No. 34, King Wiluam-street, Adelaide. E. S. WIGG, Proprietor. In consequence of the increased and increasing demand for Homoeopathic Medicine it has been found necessary to engage separate Premises, as above, which will be opened on and after March 14. Every form of Homoeopathic Medicine will be kept in stock, and due care taken to ensure their purity.' Note the Address — 34, King William-street, first door north of Rundle-street. 73c I PROFESSIONAL. ARTIFICIAL TEETH FROM 10s. JuL Mr. MEYERS, Surgeon-Dentist, - No. 39. King William-street, Adelaide. The Loss of Teeth supplied. All Operations scientifically performed. Mr. MEYERS attends at Mr. Wald's, Watch maker, Commercial-road, opposite Custom-House, Port Adelaide, every THURSDAY Afternoon, from 2 to 6 o'clock. ? l(J7''Sk GS. PRICE, ACCOUNTANT, ? Commercial-Chambers, Gilbert-place, is prepared to undertake the periodical Audit of Merchants' Books and the Accounts of Public Companies and Station Properties, the Adjust ment of Disputed Matters of Account, and the prompt Collection of doubtful Debts. Insolvent Estates realized, as between Trustees and Creditors, speedily and at a moderate cost.' He also tenders his services and advice to Traders whose books may be in arrear, and who may de Bire to be relieved from the uncertainty of then position. . Clients attended in the country if necessary. ' ?? ? 38mhl26 Ti A ME S C U M M ING, «J i ARCHITECT, SURVEYOR : AND LICENSED LAND, BROKER, Tembers-Chambers,20, Curne-sbeet, Adelaide. ? , ? 59mwfc TO SURVEYORS.— THEODOLITE, by Troughton & Sims, nearly new, FOR SALE. Cheap. J. Williams, stationer, Gtesham Btreet, ? 108'8 EDUCATION. MR. J. M. MITCHELL, late of Glenelg, having secured a commodious Residence at MAGILL, is now prepared to receive a limited number of BOARDERS and DAY. PUPILS. The Quarters may commence, if pre ferred, on the day of entrance. The Autumn Quarter will begin on Monday. April 1. vybodforde, Magill, February 21, 1867. ' 53cv i TENDERS. GTRATHALBYN AND MIDDLETON Oi RAILWAY.— Contract No. 12. . TENDERS for LABOUR and ALATERIALS required in the CONSTRUCTION of the ROAD WAY PLATFORM of the CURRENCY CKEEK VIADUCT will bo received at the office of the Engineer and Architect, Adelaide, until 12 o'clock noon of Friday, 26th instant, where Drawing and Specification can be seen and particulars obtained. 0n and after Wednesday, April 17, Plans and Specification can also be seen at this office. Neither thelowest nor any Tender will neces sarily be accepted. t G. E. HAMILTON, Resident Engineer. Resident Engineer's Office, Goolwa, April 10, 1867. IOlsthllSvlO . Engineer and Architect's Office, Adelaide, : April 8, 1867. 'FENDERS for ERECTING CLERK'S X ROOM and other ADDITIONS to COURT HOUSE, ANGASTON, will be received up till 12 o'clock 'noon of Thursday, 18th instant, at this Office, where Drawing and Specification can be seen. Copies of Drawing and Specification can also be seen at the Police Station, Angaston. Neither the lowest nor any Tender will neces sarily be accepted. : R. G. THOMAS, 99hstlO8vlO3 ? Assistant Architect. '?? Engineer and Architect's Office, Adelaide, ????I- Aprils, 1867. LENDERS for ADDITIONS to X GOVERNMENT OFFICES. Central Front to Victoria-square, Adelaide, will be received, up to 12 o'clock noon, of Thursday, May 9, at this Office, where Drawings and Specification can be seen on and after Thursday next, 11th iastant. Neither the lowest nor any Tender will neces sarily be accepted. R. G. THOMAS, 96thsl29vl03-124 ? Assistant Architect TENDERS FOR LAND. X Engineer and Architect's Office, Adelaide, April 12, 1807. The Hon. the Commissioner of Public Works is prepared to receive OFFERS for the PURCHASE of LAND in the TOWNSHIP of KAPUNDA, in a Central and Main Position, of not less than 50 feet frontaRe, on which to erect a POST-OFFICE. Tenders from parties bavins land to Sell, stating Price required, with Sketch and Description, are invited to be sent to this ollice up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, 23rd instant. R. G. THOMAS, 103thsl3vI0 ? Assistant Architect. TO BUILDERS. -TENDERS will bo received until Saturday next, the 13th inst., from Persons who may be willing to Contract for the ERECTION of .-i CATHOLIC CHURCH at BLUMBERG. Plans, &c, at this Ofiicc and Copies at Mr. Scheltz'e, Napoleon Buonaparte Hotel, Blumberg. The lowest not necessarily accepted. WEIGHT, WOODS, ft HAMILTON, Architects. Imperial-chambers, Adelaide, April 5, !Sfi7. ? 9tkksl30*vj rpo CONTRA CTORS.— Persons X desirous of contracting for PAINTING the BANK of AUSTRALASIA can inspect the Speci fications at Mr. Kingston's Ollice, Grote-street, on ami after Wednesday, the 17th, between the hours of 10 a-iu. and 4 p.m. Tenders to be left at Mr. Kingston's office hefore 4 p.m. on Tuesday, the 23rd instant. ? lOa-lOrmhslO LOST AffD POUND. LOST, the LAND GRANT of Section 7S1, ^strict IS, Hundred oi Noarlunga, whoever will return the same to Josl Roberts, 71, King William-street, will be rewarded. I02''8vx TWO POUNDS REWARD.— LOST^ from the Grange Farm, Lower Mitcham. on Monday, 1st inst., Two ('hesnut HORSES, branded F near shoulder white face. One Pound each will be paid on delivery to Alfred Eurford, Grange Farm, Lower Mitcham. lutjc f^OUND, on the Bay-road, a OAR RIAGERUG. The owner can have the sany by paying the expense of this advertjaement

PUBLICATIONS AND STATIONERY ? THE LIONS AT LAST! X 'Thank you, .Sir Edwin. England at last has 'done her duty.''— Punch. | PHOTOGRAPHS. C. de V. size, of the Lions at the base of Nelson's Monument, Trafalgar-square. Price Is. 6»l., per post 1b. Sd. lOSii ? PLATTS, No. 1, Corner. EC O E HOMO. Rcville's Apollonius of Tyana, the Pasan Christ of the Third Century Phillip's Physical Atlas for Beginners. Sunday Magazine, 18(50. Sunday at Home, ISM. Leisure Hour. ISM. Ug. ROBERTS, .58, King William-street. rTOOTHBY'S ALMANAC AND 1 - DIRECTORY for 1867, price 2s. 6d. 36Iq At ROBERTS'S, 5S, King William-street. T ETTS'S DIARIES FOR 1867, Xi Office and Pocket Editions, at Reduced Prices. 306q At EOBERTS'S, 5^. King William-street. ENVELOPES. ENVELOPES, All Qualities and Sizes. Yankee BufFand Brown Tinted, thick and thin Cream Laid Blue Laid. E. S. WIGG would call the attention of Mer chants, Tradesmen, Lawyers, and others, to hia i larfje and well-assorted Stock of the above Goods, I which he is now selling at prices which will bear favourable comparison with any in the trade. Also, all kinds of Stationery at EQUALLY Low Rats. _102q ? E. S. WIGG. 12, Rundle-street. PUBLIC OPINION.— A Comprehen X sive SUMMARY of the PRESS thrqughou the WORLD on all Important Current Topics. The increasing circulation and popularity of the above Newspaper has induced the importation «f an extra number of Copies, which are now obtainable from the commencement of 18G7 at a very reasonable rate of subscription, viz. :— Town, 2ls. ; Country, 25s. 6d. It is published Weekly and forwarded up to the latest date via Marseilles. Each number contains 32 pages of closely-printed matter, the four numbers for January consisting of 12S pages. PLATTS, 81q ? Number One Corner. Just Published, OOOTHBY'S BOOK ALMANAC X- FOR 1SH7. HOWELL'S SHEET ALMANAC FOR 1867. HOWELL'S CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, with the Price attached to each Book. ? 356c LET~TS'S dTX II I E S, 18G7. Byng's Sheet Almanac, 1867. Price 6d. Stationery and Account-Books at Moderate Prices. tST Bookbinding neatly executed on the premises, BYNG, Bookseller, &c, 363thsc ? 41, King Wi lliam-street. THE POSTAL QUESTION, considered with reference to Direct and Regular Intercourse with England by large Steam ships. 102q W. C. RIGBY, 53, Hindley-street. SILK BOOKMARKERS. —Just re ceived, a Fresh Supply of these very hand* some Goods. &lq ROBERTS, 8, King William-street. SC O T T'S NOVELS, NINEPENCE EACH. W AVERLEY, with all the Authors latest Cor rections, Notes, and Introductions. Edinburgh, A.. & C. Black; Adelaide, Platts. All other Editions imperfect unless bearing the Imprint of the Author's DeSk at Ablwtsford. 80q NEW STORY, by Mrs. Oliphant, Author of 'The Life of Edward Irvinjr,' 'Agnes,' &c, &c. MADONNA MARY, A Story of Modern English Life, Is now appearing in 'GOOD WORDS' Monthly. 105q ? PLATTS, No. I, Corner. I' ETTS'S DIARIES, HALF-PRICE. Xi In consequence of the increased Shipments to this House for the present year not having; met with the usual rapid demand, the remaininglStock is offered to the public at HALF-PRICE. The selection is large, and the Diaries will at this rate be found cheaper than ordinary Account Books. PLATTS, 102q Number One, Corner. BINDING PERIODICALS. -As the December Parts lately delivered form the completion of Volumes, Subscribers are informed that they can have Periodicals Bound in Cloth Cases, expressly manufactured for the pnrpose, at a very economical charge. PLATTS, 59q ? Number One Comer. NEW VOLUMES.— Family Treasury, 1866. Christian Treasury, 1866'. Leisure Hour, 1868. Sunday at Home, 1866. Children's Friend, 1866. Infants* Magazine, 1866. British Workman, 1866. Band of Hope, 1866. Children's Paper. 1866. Happy Home, 1866. Christian World Magazine, 1866. Our own Fireside, 1866. London Society, vol. 10. Cornhill, vol. 14. Argosy, vol. 2. . Congregational Year Book, 1867. Peter Parley's Annual, 1867. '. : Cottager and Artisan, 1860 Tract Magazine, 1866 Child's Companion, 1866 Children's Prize, 1866 ' The Adviser, 1866 Old Merry's Annual, 1866 . ? Aunt Judy's Christmas Volume, 1866 , Routledge's Christmas Annual, 1867 Warne's Christmas Annual— Five Alls. Penny Miscellany, Vol. I. The Quiver, Vol. I., New Series, Illustrated Sunday Magazine. 1866 Nautical Almanac, 1867. AY. C. RIGBY, Importer, 39q ? 53, Hindley-street. PROTECTION ALL HUMBUG. L FREE TRADE, and NO RESTRICTIVE DUTIES. BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS, DUTY FREE. Cheaper than eveb, At HOWELL'S, 4. Rcndle-stbeet, comprising— A very large Assortment of Juvenile Books, School Rewards, &c., &c. An immense Variety of Theological Works and Religious Boeks in general. Novels, and general light, amusing, and instruc tive Literature. The largest and most varied Stock in the Southern Hemisphere. History, Voyages, Travels, and Miscellaneous Literature. A large Stock on hand. Just Published, A Catalogue of a large and valuable Collection of Books now in stock, comprising many thou sand Volumes; price Is. each, returnable to Purchasers to the amount of 5a. The Stock of English-made ACCOUNT-BOOKS is very superior, and at little more than half the price of Colonial manufacture. Envelope?, Writing Paper, School and Mercan tile Stationery at very moderate charges. Remember the Address— NO. 4, RUN'DLE-STnEET, 95q Second door from King William street. ENQUIRE WITHTnUPON EVERY-THING, 312th Thousand. Price 3s., or by post 4s. The Dictionary of Daily Wants. The Dictionary of Useful Knowledge. Neil's Elements of Rhetoric 2s. 6d.. or by post 3s. Neil's Composition and Elocution, Is. 3d., or by post Is. 6-1. Neil's Young Debater, Is. ?d., or by post Is. 6d. Neil's Culture and Self-Cilture, Is. 3d., or by post Is. 6d. Nejl's Martin Luther, Is. 3d., or by post Is. 6d. Neil's Shakspeare, a Biography, Is. 3d., or by post Is. 6d. The Handy-Book of Shopkeeping, Is. 3d., or by poet Is. 6d. Our Charades, and bow we Played them, Is. 3d. , or by post Is. 6d. Glenny's Farming for the Million, Is. 3d., or by post Is. 6d. Waxflower Making, Is. 6d. or by post la. Sd. Douglas's Selections for Recitation, 2a., or by post 2s. 6d. The Book of 100 Temperance Beverages, 8d.. or by post lOd. J2q ? E. S. WIGG, 12, Rundle-street. [LLUSTRATED BOOKS.— X Touches of Nature, by Eminent Artists and Authors Jean Ingelow's Poems The Spirit of Praise Bright Thoughts for the Little Ones Hamilton's The Prodipal Son Bonar's Hymns of Faith and Hope Lady of the Lake English Children, as Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, illustrated with 15 Photographs, by A. k E. Seeley Oriqu'mitaine, illustrated by Gustave Dore Etchings, by John Leech Griset's Gretesques. W. C. MGBY, 99-1 ? 53, Hindley-street, ALMANACS FOR 1S07. Just Published, at the lUgisUr General Steam Printing Offices, Grenfull-street, and to be had oi all Agents in Town and Country, rrHE ROYAL SOUTH AUSTRALIAN X CARD ALMANAC for 1SG7. Price Threepence. Size, 6 in. x9 in. THE 'REGISTER' ALMANAC FOR 1867. Price One Penny. Size, 6 in. x 4J in THE DESK ALMANAC for 1S67. Price One Penny. Size, 31 in. x!-l| in. j THE 'REGISTER' CARD ALMANAC foi 1867. Price One Penny. ; Size, 3iin. xSJin. i ? THE 'SMALL CALENDAR' FOR 1867. , Price Onk Penny. j Size, 3J in. x 2J in. ' MINIATURE ALMANAC for 1867, Price O»B PENNT. ; Size, 3 in. z \\ in,

? _BELIGIOUS NOTICES. ? Stow' memorial church. -The SPECIAL SERVICES connected with the Opening of this Church for Divine Worship ! will be Continued on Sunday, April 21. The Kev. j C. W. Evan, B.A., will Preach in the Morning at : 11, and the Kev. F. W. Cox in the Evening at half- i past (i. I Collections in aid of the Building Fund. 10S.«in ' WES LEY AN METHODIST CHURCH- ADELAIDE 2nd CIRCUIT. A CAMP MEETING will be held on GOOD FRIDAY at ENFIELD, in the Grounds of Mr. Folland. Service will commence at (half-past 10 o'clock. Sermons and Addresses by Revs. S. Knight, J. Y. Simpson. J. Watbford, R. C. Flockart, J. J. Watsford, and Messrs. Duns and Gillingham. Carriages and Vans will leave Archer-street at 10 o'clock, and two or three times during the day. ? lfiS-'9 WHITE'S ROOMS.! The PRIMITIVE METHODISTS will j OPEN a BAZAAR On WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY, April 17th, 18th, and 19th. A number of Goods have been received direct from London. There will be a great many useful ; Articles. Head3 of Families will do well to come i and purchase, as everything will be Sold Cheap to | meet the times. Also, 100 Splendid VIEWS on the SOLA.R SYSTEM and other subjects will be shown each night by the PHANTASMAGORIA LANTERN ? in the MASONIC HALL. Open first day at 2 p.m., and the two following | days at 1 'sura. One Shilling admission first day; Children half price. The two following days Free until 6 p.m. Some splendid Specimens of Copper Ore will be for Sale. Chapman's Band each Evening. 106'8 INSURANCE ¥0TICES, rPHE ONLY MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE ! X IN THE COLONIES. AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY. Principal Office-Netv Pitt-street, Sydney. Persons effecting Policies with the AUSTRA LIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY have the guarantee of an accumulated and invested Fund, amounting to JE334.1&}, and an Annual Revenue from all sources ei ceeding £150$00. And its business being conducted on the prin ciple of Mutual Assubance, tha whole PBOFrra belong to the Members, and are divided periodi cally among them. BONUS PERIOD.' Policies issued by the Society during the current year will be entitled to participate in Profits at the declaration of February, 18S9. By order of the Board, ALEXANDER J. RALSTON, Secretary. Sydney, April 10, 1867. ADELAIDE. Wm. Gosse, Esq., Medical Referee. . : THOS. PAuMAN, Agent, 108ths97 ? Opposite Railway Station. A LLIANCE BRITISH and FOREIGN Jlx. LIFE AND FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Insurances effected at the Lowest Current Rates, and Losses paid in Cash. JOHN MORPHETT, Agent Gresham-ch ambers. 220c NEW SOUTH WALES MARINE ???: ASSURANCE COMPANY. 73 1M - JOSEPH STILLING & CO., Agents. OYAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. - . Canital, j£2,000,000. 'Annual- Revenue over £'600 000. FIRE.BRANCH.-Insurances granted at Re duced Premiums, Claims settled in Adelaide. LIFE DRANCH.-Modcrate Premiums, liberal conditions, and undoubted security. No extra charge for voyage to England. Medical Referee— R. w. Moohe. Esq. 21cv ACKAMAN MAIN, LINDSAY, k CO. pHURCH OF ENGLAND AND V-' GENERAL FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE AND ANNUITY INSTITUTION. , Capital, One Million. I Fire Risks taken at usual premium. All Claims promptly settled in the colony. ' Loans granted on personal security, on Land Grants, and on Freehold Property unen cumliered. JAMES HILL, Agent, Grenfell-street, 880cr21Cc Next door to Elder. Smith, & Co THEADELAIDELIFE ASSURANCE X AND GUARANTEE COMPANY. Incorporated by Act of Parliament. Capital, £100,000. DlREBTOKS: Hon. W. Milne, Chairman. E M. Bagot, Esq. Jno. Hodgkiss, Esq. : J. Oolton; Esq., M.P. I G. S. Kingston, Esq.,M.P. JNO. BROVVN, Manager. ? 84, King William-street. . 165mhcv fillY OF GLASGOW: LIFE V. ASSURANCE. COMPANY, - ? ' Established 1838. ' Medical Keferee-R.. W. Moons, Esq., Colonial ' '. i ' Surgeon. 312mhtI26 , ? W. & J. STORRIE. Agents. GOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE O COMPANY, LIMITED. ? '??? Directors : Hon. Thomas. Reynolds, M.P., Chairman. J. M. Linklater, Esq., DeputyChairman. Ri G. Bowen, Esq. J. C. Verco, Esq. J.P. J. Hardman,Esq. I F. W. Thomas, Esq. 1 N. Blyth, Esq., M.P. FIRE and MARINE RISKS taken at Reduced Rates. ' -Losses paid promptly either here or in England. Money Lent on Mortgage. Agencies at every Township in the Colony. Central Cilice, King William-strset, Adelaide. 275cv202c R. E. TAPLEY. Secretary. ADELAIDE MARINE AND FIRE XX. ASSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated by Act of Parliament Capital, £255,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, ? Thomas Graves, Esq., Chairman. Hen. A. Blyth. Hon. W. Peacock. C. H. Goodc, Esq., M.P. James Smith. Esq. W. Morgan, Esq. Thos. Whinnerah, Esq. Offices— Grenfell-street-, Adelaide. MARINE RISKS effected at lowest current rates. WOOL taken with AVERAGE recoverable on each BALE. Losses payable in London or Adelaide. , FIRE KISK3 aken at Liberal Rates in Town or Country. LOSSES promptly settled in CASH. FKED. S. C. DRIFFIELD, Secretary. MONEY to Lend. . SHmwfcvS EAGLE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Subscribed Capital. £2,000,000. Accumulated Fund, £2,000,000. CORNWALL FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COMPANY, LAUNCKSTON Claims paid in London or. Adelaide. 93mwfscv HENRY SCOTT, Agent. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND . GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, Two Millions. RISKS accepted at the REDUCED RATES. CLAIMS Promptly Settled in the Colony. 36#t273thscv e. J BECK & CO Agents T TNIVERSALMARINE INSURANCE U COMPANY (LIMITED) OF LONDON. EDMUND W. WRIGHT, Accnt, Imperial-chambers. 93thsc HENRY COWIE, Broker, Gilbert-place. TMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE X COMPANY OF LONDON. 93thac EDMUND W. WRIGHT, Agent. GOVERNMENT ADVERTISEMENTS 13 EAL PROPERTY ACT NOTICE.— JAj Whereas ANTHONY HALL and JAMES LIDDON SIMPSON have made application, under Section No. 79 of the Real Property Act of 1861, to be registered as proprietors of part of Section 250, Hundred of Adelaide, notice is hereby given that unless caveat be lodged with the Registrar-General on or before the twenty seventh day of September, 1S67. such applicants will be registered as the proprietors of, and cer tificate of title will be issued to them for the said land. 'W. B. T. ANDREWS, Registrar-General. Lands Titles Registration Office, Adelaide, March 25. 1SC7. 8Scv D EAL PROPERTY ACT AOTIOE.— XL Whereas ISABELLA HAWKINS and ALFRE!) SPENCE have made application, under Section No. 79 of the Real Property Act of 1861, to be registered as proprietors of part of Section 280, Hundred of Adelaide, notice i3 hereby pven that unless caveat be lodged with the Registrar General on or before the eleventh day of October, 1867, such applicants will be registered as the proprietors of, and certificate of title will be issued to tnem for the said land. W. B. T. ANDREWS, Registrar-General, Lands Titles Registration Office, Adelaide, April 8 1867. 162cv REAL PROPERTY ACT NOTICE.— XV Whereas MARGARET BEEBY has marie application, under Section No. 79 of the Real Pro perty Act of lSb'l, to be registered as proprietor of part of Town Acre 297. notice is hereby given that unless caveat be lodged with the Registrar General on or before the twenty-seventh day of September, 18*7, such applicant will be registered as the proprietor of. and certificate of title will be issued to her for the said land. W. B. T. ANDREWS, Registrar-GeneraL Lands Titles Registration Office, Adelaide, March 25, 1867. SScv AGENTS IN MELBOURNE.— Messrs. GORDON & GOTCH. of (Minis, rtreet west, Melbourne, have been appointed AGENTS hi Victoria for the Register and Obzerver I Newipapcrs, and arc authorized to collect Accounts 1 doe. Adverti«ements and Subscribers' n&ms* will te eceivad. by Uisffli aa will bm wife prwapj

PUBLIC NOTICES. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN RAILWAYS. —NOTICE of POSTPONEMENT of the TIME of DEPARTURE of the LAST TRAIN from the POUT on THURSDAY. EVENING, the 18th instant. The Public are respectfully informed that the Time of Departure of the Last (Jp-Tkais from the Port on Thursday, the 1Mb instant, will be 9.30 p.m. instead (if U.O p.m. By order of the Commissioner. ' ? THOS. OVERBURY, Accountant and Supervisor. Accountant and Traffic Supervisor's Ollice, Adelaide, April 1U, 1So7. 107-%8' SOUTH TUSTR ALIAN RAILWAYS. GOOD FRIDAY AND THE EASTER HOLIDAYS. The Public are respectfully informed that on GOOD FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, and MONDAY, the 19th, 20th, 21st, ani 22nd instant, EXCURSION TICKETS will be issued between all Stations on the North Line, available for return up to and by the last Train on Tuesday, 23rd instant. On the Port Line Excursion Tickets at Single Faies, available for return the same day. will be issued on Good Friday and Easter Monday between all Stations. By order of the Commissioner of Railways, THOS. OVERBURY. Accountant and Traffic Supervisor. -Accountant aivl Traffic Supervisor's Office, Adelaide, Aptil 8, isti?. 9i'hstIlQ-'12vlO3. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE CLOSED. The INSTITUTE will be CLOSED on FRIDAY, the 19th inst., being a Public Holiday. By order, _x ? R. KAY. Secretary. , NOTICE— A PUBLIC MEETING will l-e held at the District Hotel. NAIRNE, on Tuesday, 2Srd April, at 7 p.m., to take into consideration the Questions of our INSOLVENCY LAWS and PROTECTION OF NATIVE IN DUSTRIES. - : ? D. CHAPMAN, Chairman N.D.C. Nairne, Apiil 15, 1867. ? . ., . x . TN the ASSIGNED ESTATE of G. X and M. KINGSBOROUGH. of Kapunda.' Storekeepers.— In order that a Dividend may be declared, NOTICE is hereby given that all Per sons having CLAIMS against this Estate are re- ? quested to send in Particulars of their Accounts I to Messrs. W..Moboak & Co., not later than the 26th instant. Creditors not complying with this Notice, and who have not signed thd Deed, will be excluded from participation in the realized Assets. ? By order of the Trustees; ' : . ? W. BLACK WELL, Manager. -April 11, 1867. : ; 102-'lBvl0 MOTICE.-A11PERSONSINDEBTED -Li to the Undersigned are hereby requested to Pay their respective Amounts within three weeks f rota to-day, so as to avoid legal proceedings in case of non-payment I F. H. SONNEMANN, Baker. ttahndorf, April 15, 1S«7. ' W'8 N.O.TICE.-.A11 DOGS, PIGS, , GOATS, &c found TRESPASSING on I Sections 0069, G070, 6253, 6083, and 606J, will be ' DESTROYED on and after this date: T GEORGE GREGORY, 106'*8vl7 ? Hundred fnlunga. TiRESPASS.— NOTICEis hereby given X} that all GOATa, PIGS, DOGS, POULTRY, and RABBITS found TRESPASSING on Sections 1197, 1429, and 1430, District of Onaunga, after the 19th instant, will be DESTROYED. .. ! . JOHN VIVIAN. Greenwood, April 15, 1867. 10S-'9 1 MINING NOTICES. ^HHE KARKARILLA MINING Li COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE ig hereby riven that a GENERAL MEETING of the SHAREHOLDERS in the Karkarilla Mining Company, Limited, will be held on Friday, the 2(5th April instant, at 3 o'clock, at the Arbitration Hall, White's Rooms, King William street, to confirm the Resolution for Winding up the Company, carried at a Meeting held on the 9th (April, to appoint a Liquidator, and such other business as may be necessary to give effect to the said Resolution. ? i By order of the Board, ; . JAS. S. SCOTP, Secretary. Temple-chambers, April 10, 1807. [I03,8,13,l«vxl0 QlXTH CREEK GOLD MINING O[ COMPANY. NDTICE is hereby given that a SPECIAL GEMERAL MEETING of the SHAREHOLDERS of the above Company will be held at White's Arbitration Room, King William-Btreot, on Thurs day j next, the 18th instant, at 11 ,o clock a.m. punctually, for the purpose of giving power to the Directors to make a Call, and to consider Clause 12 of the Deed of Settlement of the Company. By order of the Board, 106-'8 ; O. G. IVE. Secretary. | INSOLVENCY NOTICES. Tit the, CUURT of INSOLVENCY. X In the' ASSIGNED ESTATE of JOHN . . 1 THOMAS CRESVVELL. : TAKE NOTICE thatTHOMAS EATON BURY, andEUDOLPH WILHELM EMILE HENNING. the Trustees of a Deed, dated the third day of No vetnl-er, 18C0, made under andbjLvirtue of Division VI. of the Iuaolvent Act, 1SC0, have this day filed in the Court of Insolvency the Account required by Section 187 of the Insolvent Act. I860. And further take notice that all CREDITORS of the said John Thomas Crcswell entitled to prove on the said Estate are required to SIGN the said DEED, or assent thereto in writing; and that the said .Trustees will, on and after the twelfth day of Majj next, PAY a FHIST DIVIDEND of Five Smi)UNG3 in the Pound on all Claims admitted, and }n respect whereof the Deed has been executed or assented to. Tlje Dividend will be payable at the offices of the undersigned between the hours of 10 and 3. Dt ted the 16th day of April, 1867. , ' I ? BOUOAUT & WHITBY, . I Penn-chambere, King ?William-street, 107|8vl7 Adelaide, Solicitors to the Trustees. TO JOHN CHERRY, Esq., Official i Assignee in Insolvency. NOTICE is hereby given that by Indenture dated the eleventh day of April, one thousand eight hundred ami sixty-seven, made between STEPHEN HUTTON. of Cudlee Creek, near Gumeracha, in the Province of South Australia, Farmer, of the one part: and ISAAC HUTTON, of Alnty Plains, in the said Province, Farmer, of the olhef part: the said Stephen Hutton did CONVEY and ASSIGN all his REAL and PERSONAL ESTATE and EFFECTS in the said Province, for the BENEFIT of his CREDITORS, unto the said Isaac Uutton, his heirs, executors, adminis trators, and 'assigns, pursuant to the provisions of the Insolvent Act, I860, with respect to arrange ments between Debtors and their Creditors by deed. And notice is hereby given that the said Deed is lyingi for Inspection and execution at our office, Green's Exchange, King William-street, Adelaide. Dated this seventeenth day of April, 18t-7. ISTRANGWAYS, CULLEN. & WIGLEY, x j f ? Solicitors for the Trustee.. fNJTHE COURT OF INSOLVENCY. X .&-uth Australia.— WHEREAS Adjudications in Insolvency have been made against the under mentioned persons. Notice ia hereby given that the Commissioner has appointed the following (layi for Meetings in each Estate to be held at the Town Hall Buildings, King William-street, Adelaide; at the date of which meetings the Insolvents are required to surrender and make disclosure of their estate and etlects, and the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts, and vote in the choice of an' Assignee or Assignees, and at the last sitting the Insolvents are to finish their examinations:— FREDERIC!! RUDOLPH STRAUS3, late of Stockport, Fanner, on Tuesday, second April, at eleven o'clock ; and on Tuesday, thirtieth April, at twelve o'clock. WILLIAM HENRY BENJAMIN DAWSON of Two 'Wells, Shoemaker, on Monday, first April, at eleven o'clock; and on Monday, twenty-ninth April, at twelve o'clock. GOTTHILFF WEINERT, late of Stockport. Farmer, on Monday, first April, at eleven o'clock; and on Monday, tweiity-niinh April, at twelve o'clock. WILLIAM MO WATT, of GavderTovm, Boot maker, on Monday, twenty-fifth March, at eleven o'clock, and on Monday, twenty-ninth April, at eleven o'clock. JOHANN WILHELM HA ME BUNG, of Light's Pass, Farmer, on Monday, twenty-fifth March, at eleven o'clock, and on Monday, twenty irinth April, at eleven o'clock. EDWIN aud WILLIAM COOK PEACOCK, of Blyth Plains, near Clare, Farmer.? (trading under the style or firm of E. & W. C. Peacock), on Monday, twenty-fifth March, at eleven o'clock, and on Monday, twenty-ninth April, at eleven o'clock. JOHN THOMAS HAYM AN, of Port Adelaide, Blacksmith, on Tuesday, twenty-sixth March, at eleven o'clock, and on Tuesday, thirtieth Apiii, at eleven o'clock. THOMAS SHERIDAN, of near .Sruldletvorth, Farmer, on Tuesday, twenty-sixth March, at eleven o'clock, and on Tuesday, thiitieth April, at eleven o'clock. CI1ARLE3 ERNST KLTNGNER, of Walton, near Grcenock, Farmer, on Monday, eitrhth April, at eleven o'clock ; and on .Monday, sixth' May, at eleven o'clock. JAMES BRAID SMITH, of Yankalilh, Labourer, on Monday, eighth April, a; eleven o'clock; and ou Monday, sixth May, at eleven o'clock. BEKNAKD GILLICK, of Marrabel, Farmer, on Monday, eighth Apiil, at twelve o'clock; ami on Mondav, sixth May, at eleven o'clock. JOHANN ?. GO mULF LEHMANN, of the North itliine. Farmer, on Tuesday, nineteenth March, at twelve o'clock, and on Tuesday, six teenth April, at f welve o'clock. JOHN DICKSON, of Harrowgate, near Nairne, Farmer, on Monday, fifteenth April, at eleven o'clock, ami on Monday, thirteenth May, at eleven o'clock. WILLIAM KORTEN, of Tanunda, Ajxnt, on Tuesday, sixteenth April, at eleven o'clock, and on Tuesday, fourteenth May, at eleven o'clock. ROBERT HOLT McGKE. of Wright-street, Mason (lately carrying on business with Thomas! Nimrno, under the firm of Nimmo & McGee, as Contractors), on Tuesday, thirtieth April, at eleven o'clock, and on Tuesday, twenty-eighth May, ai eleven o'clock. JO UN TETCHR?. Official Aswicmep. HORSES, CATTLE, VEHICLES, &c. FOR SALE, DRAUGHT SINGLE HARNESS mjvl SADDLE HORSE8, Apply

? AMUSEBmjtTSl' ?».'??.-?.?? ' y 1 C T OR I A $ H E AT R E. ; ANOTHER GLORIOUS TREAT. Tom Tatlou's great Comedy of THE MINISTER OF PRANCE, Ob Plot asd Passion, FASHIONABLENKilirsLNTERTAINMENT. Also the Choice and Favourite Ballet of MAD AS A MARCH HARE. j THIS EVENING (Thcrsday* April IS, -Will be produced, for the first time this Season, the Splendid Comedy, in three Acts, entitled THE MINISTER OF FRANCE, Or Plot and Passion. m , i ,i i , ilh a Puwerful cast. To be followed by J. B. Edouin'a Charmine little Ballet of au J,M^DnAS A, M AUCH HAKE. Abounding m Beautiful Airs and Choice Dances. For paiticlars, see bills of the day. The Gorgeous Fairy Spectacle, THE ICE WITCH, or THE FROZEN HAHB, will be produced, together with other Novelty, on EASTER MONDAY. A few Boxes still unlet. - Moonlight Boxes may be engaged either at Mr. Plata's bookseller,. &c. King 'William-street: or at the Box-office, at the Theatre ;-also, Monthly Tickets &t xl IS. ... ; ^ ^HITE'S ASSEMBLY ROOMS, SATURDAY EVENING NEXT, Ahul 20^ ? ???? And during THE EASTER HOLIDAYS. ' . Q R A O E E~G EETON -Mbs. GEORGE CASE) ahd f Mb. GEORGE CASE, Have the honour to announce the completion of their overland trip from Melbourne and arrival in Adelaide. The pleasing reminiscences connected with their former representations in South Aus tralia nave i induced them, previous to their depar tureto fulfil some lucrative engagements in India, to arrange to appear onre more before their kind Adelaide patrons. Their performances must be strictly limited, as they are compelled to fix an early departure from the colony; They have much pleasure in being able to present an ; ENTIBELX.N.EW. ENTERTAINMENT, . : . entitled. , THS LOST PA11TF, produced in Sydney, and . pronounced by the Public and the Press their Greatest Success. Reserved Seats, 4a. ; Second Seats, 2a. Doors open at halfrpast 7. To commence at 8 o clock. ? ? iooc SOUTH AUSTRALIAN ASSEMBLY ROOMSi Mr, J. N. HINES'S EVENING ASSEMBLY, On EASTER MONDAY,- at 8. . EXTRA MUSIC. Mr. E. J. Wivkll has kindly consented to act as M.C. _Tickets-3ingle, 3s. 64; double, 5s. ? x_ pATHOLIO YOUNG MEN'S V SOCIETY'S PICNIC. ? The ANNUAL PICNIO in connection with the above Society will take place on EASTER MON DAY, at the STURT, in the Grounds of W. H. Trimmer, Esq. , The Committee have prepared a variety of AMUSEMENTS, consisting of all the favourite Out-door Games. The CATHOLIC BAND will be in attendance during the day, and also a Celebrated IRISH PIfER. ' \ .?..??: ^The s PROCESSION will START from the CATHEDRAL, Victoria-square, at 9 o'clock a.m. sharp. . ^Conveyance Tickets, there and back, 4s. each. Children under 10 years of age, 2s. Cd. each. Luncheon Tickets, la. Gd. each. Tickets to be obtained from the Very Rev. J. Smyth,;V.G., the Ven. Archdeacon RusselL M. ttpaTOyiP^ Messrs. J. W. Egan, W. Delano, J. J. Uronin. T. Lonergan, Councillor Murphy, J. A. Upton, P. Gillespie, L. Shinnew, P. Coleman. C. K Mumme, M.^McMullen, P. Bennett, J. and W. McDonald, W. Meara, D. J. Delauy, J. W. Delany, P. Healey. J. Malony, fiL O'Dea. To Becure tickets early application is necessary. ' W. W. JlKWJflT, Hon. Sec. April 10, 1867. IQ2athlQ EX H I B I T ION. SELOU3' TWO GRAND PICTURES OP ! JERUSALEM IN nER GRANDBUR, VIJTVL . ('!'?'., CHRIST'S TRIUMPHAL ENTRY Into the Holt City. JERUSALEM IN HER FALL, As now viewed from the Mount of Olives. Now Exhibiting at PLATTS'S GALLERY OF ENGRAVING3, No. 1, Corner, King Willian-street. i - Admihbion Fkek. - Key and Book of Reference are at the service of visitors. ? 99c ?'?[.-'? SPORTING. NORWOOD AND KENSINGTON RACES. To take place on EASTER MONDAY in Prescott'a Section, Norwood. 'PROGRAMME. . . r : v ' -FibstRace. For the Norwood and Kensington Purse of Fifteen Sovereigns— For all horses that have never started for public money except hack stakes, Entrance, £1 Is. Weights, 8 st. Heats, one mile and a quarter. ? ? ' Second Race. Hurdles-of Fifteen Sovereigns. Open to all horses. Twice round the courses over ten jumps. Entrance, JEl Is.' Weight, 9 st. 'Four entries or no race. Third Race, For a Colonial Hogskin Saddle andBridle For all horses that have never started for public money except hack stakes; winner of the Purse to be excluded. Entrance, 103. 6d. Mile and a quarter heats; catch weights. : ' ., Fourth Race. For Whip and Spurs, with entrance 53. added— KQt ponies not exceeding 14 hands iu height. Once round the course; catch weights. Fifth Race. Hurryskurry. ! -Entries for the Purse and Hurdles will be taken by the Secretary at the Robin ! Hood Hotel, Nor wood, not later than 12 o'clock on Monday. First Race to start at 1 o'clock sharp. Lunch at the Robin Hood at 12 o'clock. J.H. JENNINGS, I08'10 ? Robin Hood Hotel, Norwood^ PLENELG SPORTS.— Tho following VT SporU will take place at Glenelg on EASTER MONDAY :— Hack Races, BoatiRacing, Duck Hunts, Tub-Racing, and various other SporU. ' - , IttihslO . 'HOTELS AST) LIVERY STABLES? \I7'ANTED to be MADE KNOWN, VV that BILL is HlMSELFvlGAlN. Call and see an Old Friend. ? . Groq Withodt Water. W.B. MURRAY, 108c ? Blenheim Horn. ' COBB : & OQ.'S STABLES, : r ? i ? PIRIE-bTREE'r: -Horses received upon Livery or Bait Superior ISarness or Saddle Horses, -and an assortment of New American Vehicles to Let. CarriaRes for, Wedding : Parties provided. Horses , and Carriages Bought ;and Sold. Messrs. Cobb and Co. are also importing Invoices of American Vehicles, of lust manufacture, direct from; the States, which will be on view and for Sale. Horses Trained to saddle and harness. - 91c 's' PROBUCE. STORAGE of WHEAT at PORT ADELAIDE.— The Undersigned are pre pared to receive Wheat and other Produce on Storage at their usual low rates, and to procure Advances on the same if requiied. ' tfmihc A. b'. CHRLSTEN&OO. WHEAT. WHEAT. WHEAT. The Undersigned are Buyers of Wheat al the Highest Market Price for Cash. Wheat Stored and Bags Lent on the most lil«ral terras. , REHDER & STOBIE. Kapunda, December 12, 186g. - 348cv WOOL, HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, &ct PURCHASED at the Highest Marlce Price by . . *? . ' .r . ?? lUthcv JOHN T. SAG AR. Tliobarton. OOL, HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, SHANKBONE3, TALLOW, 4c, PUB CHAHED by the umletBigned in Adelaide, . their Aseot, J. M Hunt, at Koorintra. 1 cy__ ? W. PEACOCK*: 80S : ixroiih, HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, Ac.. W PURCUASKD at the Highest Marke Price by ll'tcv .TOUVT.AVLOR K- SON Thfihartrm ''' EMPLOYICENT WMTED. rpO BItKWKRS AND MERCHANTS. i -W'ANTKD. SITtTATION as BOOK KKEPER or TCAVELL^R. Address H. Y. T., General Post-Oflicc. lOChslO PERSONS WAIITED. 37' ^O IRONMONGERS' ASSISTANTS! i- -WANTED, an experienced Hand, who is a fair Bookkeeper, to tro into the country. Apnly Martin & Sach, Hindley-street. Wy'8 GOOD General Servants Wanted for the Countrj'. Mrs. Brown's Registry Office, x WANTED, a GENERATmiVAM1 wha can 9??^:_JLJH!lcklcr' Portl x WANTED, a thormigir'GENERAL SERVANT. Apply to Mrs. Alfred Zbnnin, east end of South-termce. ini:c WANTED, a respectable yoiiB.^ Person a3 NURSEMAID. Anp'y at tho I'unomp.c, CJiristchurch. North Adelaide. ? x_ ANTEDra~SerwTni as PLAIN COOK, who can W.vh and Iron well. Reference wanted. Enquire T. Johnson, ware houseman, King Will:'amst-ect. ? 10-£_ W' 'ANTED, ontlieiethof April, agooa COOK, who will have to Assist in the Laundrv and attend to * small Psiry. AWy H

LAKi) AircTioy notices! ; (JrEJSfiN & .WADHAM'B ! NEXT .JUbNTULY f AND AUCTION SALE JLJ will be held tn the : ? LANDMABT i , '. . : ? . ?: -. on- ?- - ? * FRIDAY, MAY 10. 18C7. Particulars of Properties intended for tliis auction arc requested to be forwarded on or before the SQih April. , ? ; , ; ??;?? .; , ? -103CT T^.'-iiAHD^AHh HOUSES, ~~ O REEN; ^riDHAH,' VT ? LAND AGENTS ' AKD LAND AUCTIONEERS. LANDED PROPERTIES VALUED. ? ? ' LANDED PROPERT1K nr.vrr, ™_ SURVEYED. PLANS Purnished and TOWNSHIPB LAID JUT. Plans of Townships, Hundred* &o. to. throughout the COLONY^ways opSfoc&pro. tion, , - ? ? HOUSES' STORES, LAND r SECl'IONST&a, LET or LEASED, BXCHANGE LAND MART And Land Orlicea, Kino WUliunnrtneL LAND, LOAN, AHD GENERAL COMMISSION OFFICES. GOVERNMENT l^W fa t»«a!rdantB w!lh SECTIONS \ &.l?s.tmctl?581 9^ P'0' GOVERNMENT llfiB^JjSttnteM-.- ' SECTIONS S with Right of PurohawT^ ? 8PECIAL NOT1GE. GREEN & WADHAM'8 ADVERT1BEMKNT8 i let GREEN & WADHAM. Land AgenhL D EGISTER CHAMBERS, noxt to ilia At Register aud Observer Offices, Grcnfelt* 8treet-TO bo LET, OFFICES luitahlefoi BROKERS or ARCHITECTS, and CHAMBERS, with Fireproof Rooms, suitable for SOLICITORS and CONVEYANCERS. . ?:?;??. 2Scv ANDREWS, THOMAS, & OLABfc WAR EH O USB and Extenaivo ?' . CELLAR in Grenfell-street neit to the Register and Obtcner Olfices, TO be LET. Private Road at the side, and Rood Stablo in e rear. Apply to 225cv ANDRE^Va THOMAS, h OLABBu pELLAR in Eastera Wing of tlie v/ Register and Obterver BuildinRs, GrenlelU stre TO be LET. 225cv ANDRE\yB, THOMAS, & OLARK. HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALBL CHEAP.-TO be SOLD or LET, LAND and HOUSE, IKensington-road and Queen-street, NORWOOD-Laud consisting of Three and a Half Acres, in beautiful condition, and the Houao substaiitialiy built. To be Let on Lease, with Right of Purchase ; or to be Sold in one Lot, or in Allotments to suit Purchasers. Apply to 8AML. ALLEN, 93c 33. King William-street, Adelaide. RIVER MURRAY-NORTH-WEST BEND.-FOR SALE, Six 80-acro SEC TIONS, numbered 240. Sil, 242, 213, £44. and 245, on the Eustcrn Bank; at present leased to (X ' B. Fisher, Esq. Lease will expire 25th June next Apply to F. J. Sanderson, Mill-terrace, North Adelaide! ? ; ? ? iWSrJi S' TORE in STEPHENS-PLACE, lately occupied by Padman & Co., TO n LET. Apply to H. L. VoRz, 82. Kundle-Btreet 03o ,'PENDERS will be received tUl 1st X May by the Undersigned for the PUR CHASE of SECTION fk HUNDRED ot GRAOB, containing £15 Acres of Arablo Land, all sub- ? stantially Fenced in three Paddocks, with House, Stockyards, Sheds, &c and Well of good Water. Part of the Purchase-Money may remain -on Mortgage. The Property may be riewed on application to Mr. Job Pratt, on the Premises, near Mallala, and further particulars obtained of I0ltli2Qvl0 8. J. W A¥, 69, King William-street. , V7*ALU1B^ FARM near MINTARO. » -TENDERS are invited unUl Baturday, April 27, 18157, at 4 p.m., for tho PUROHABK oi LE-\SK of SECTIONS 119, 120, and 181, HUN-' DRED of STANLEY, containing 266 Acres of ' excellent Arable Laud, all Fenced, within a short distance of Mintaro. The Lease has 10 yean to run from the 1st June, 1867. Tenders to express the amount offered for the Lease, together with terms of payment. For further particulars, apply to . ??? ARTHUR KING, Watervale. These Sections were lately in the occupation of Mr. Gurry, and are known 03 Mr. Qox'h. ir , EjiAMILY RESIDENCE TO be LET or i. SOLD, consisting of £ight woll-flnished Rooms. Cellar, &c. ; Stablipg, Coach-house, anJ Outbuildings, with 40 Acres of Land; situatton the SOUTH-ROAD, five miles from Town, , OilAS. ROWLAND, Agent, SOthsc ? King William-itreeb . FOR SALE, VALUABLE LEASE-' HOLD PROPERTY, NORTH-TERRAOH, immediately ? opposite tho Adelaide Railway Station. Building recently erected, and admirably ndapted for a Public-House or a Family Hotel. ' Must command a large business. For particular*, apply to GREEN & WADHAM, Land Agents. Exchange Land Offices, Adelaide. 67mhot FOR SALE, on easy terms, a FARM of 32-2 Acres, all in one Block, with three wired Fence all round; a good Six-roomed House and cemented Tank of 7,000 gallons ; lying six miles north-west of Salisbury and three miles south of Virginia, two hours' drive from Adelaide, and, a good main road from each place. For particulars; apply to John Wlnzor, Angas-street, Adelaide; or to John Winzor, jun , adjoining the Farm. ? ?? - , ? Mthicr FOR SALE, SECTION 28, FREE LING TOWNSHIP. Address V. O.,offl» of this paper. ? -?.:? ? B5thc TO be LET, thosa CommodioUB PREMISES. No. 34. RUNDLE-STREET, lately in the occupation of Mr. L J. Barclay. For further particulars, apply to 34(i-43thsc JOHNDAVIg. TO be LET, OFFICES at No. 7L, KING WILLIAM-STREET. Apply to Mr. Joel Roberts, on the premises. ? 103th»c »pO bo LET, onoof the best FARMS near JL KAPUNDA. 500 Acres; 240 fallowed and ploughed last winter, now ready for sowing : 50 grazing with lucern; all well watered. Excellent Homestead and Buildings. TheStoctand Imple ments may be purchased or let with the Farm on advantageous terms. ' . ' To view and for terms, apply to Messrs. Hugging and Benham, Kapnnda. ' 8-'8,103ct110 ? TO bo LET, in the Best Position in RUNDLE-STREET-No. 77.' opposite Messm. WilU&Co.-the SHOP and PHBBtJtUSB lately in the occupation of the undersigned. Rent moderate '..? ??.?'''??? 8. BACH, Ironmonger. 108stl3 '? No. 54, Bundie-Btreet. rp0 be LET, at NORTH KENSING- , X TON, & Four-Roqme^ H0U8E; good Water, with or without Garden. Apply to James DunsUn, on the premises. ? ? 106'IPvl7 ? TO be LET, foir a term of yeare, as may be agreed utnn, that first-class House know as the OAKFIELD HOTEL, lit MOUNT BARKER with Stables, Stockyards, Ac. For par ticulars and terms, apply to Mr. Macfarlan, the-. Proprietor, on the Premises. None bat a penot) of means and respectability need apply. -osiiwi? BOARD ANI) LODGDTO. SUPERIOR APARTMENTS for Two O Gentlemen, at moderate terms, about five minutes' walk from the Post-Officc. Apply F.S., office of this paper. 850 A PAUTMENTS for Two Gentlemen XX. or Ladies at No. 5, Dorsetta-terrace. 108''12 WANTED, in a Private Family, Two FURNISHED R00M9. Apply to Alpha. Criterion Hotel, King William-street. ltfe^ WANTED to PURCHASE, for Cadi, 1 BURBA BURRA 8HARE8, 108stl3v- BOORD BROTHERS. Hindley^street, A DELAIDELOAN AND DISCOUNT xi. , , OFFICES, ; HlNDLET-STBKKT WEST. MONEY ADVANCED from £5 and upwards on Personal Security or' Deposit of Deeds.- Re payments by Weekly or Monthly Instalment*. Office hours from 10 to 4 ; Saturdays. 10 to L 94thsc . . SAMUEL KEARCE. Manager! \f ONEY TO be LENT on Freehold uX Lands under the Real Property Act or other wise, ? '' LAWRENCE, KNOX.&THBUPP, Solicitors, 35Uh?l65 02. King Willlam-Btreet, Adelaide. MONEY LENT ON JlOBTGAGit, LOANS NEGOTIATED. GREEN & WADHAM. ?cv ' Krehange Land Officeii. King Willbim-BtrePt \/i ONEY TO LEND at Current Rates i-'X on Freehold Securities. Land Agency and Land Broker's BiiHincss transacted by G. W. COTTON. Watcrhouse-bmlding* King William-stroet, Adelaide. 353CT ONEY to LEND, on Freehold Se- '?? enrities, at Current l!a!es of Interest. HKNRY KVMILU 9-lcvl Imiierial-chumber.s, Kitif,rWilliain-s{reet. TfOK* EY~~T0'~l'e~N D. Property ivl brought under the Heal Property Act MortipiRcs, LeiiFC?, r.rid Transfers ('raxru, W. M. LETCHFOHD. LiceuEcd Land Broker, V»T;iterhouca s-buildinirs ? C4Scv MONEY TO LEND on toehold Security. ? ? ? - » ANDREWS as BOHNIN, 61 ... ;'-/;|