South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Friday 5 June 1868, page 2


III. — Steam Turnery and Moulding.

One of the most novel and interesting exhibits at the Grand National Exhibition of 1867 was a collection of mouldings and turnery from the Sarnia Steam Mills.

Port Adelaide. Though Messrs. Robin and LeMcssurier may not be able to assume the credit of first introducing this industry, they have concentrated their attention on it more than any other competitor, and have given it a firmer position in the colonial market. They have imported the best machinery for every branch of the manufacture, and have adapted their new establishment at the Port to its special requirements. Any one who may chance to find himself in the vicinity of the Commercial road with a few minutes to spare could not spend them more profitably than in an inspection of the various processes about to be described. Speaking from our own experience on Tuesday last, we can assure them of a courteous reception, and of tho services of a very intelligent chaperon. The premises adjoin the new Congrega tional Church, and may be recognised at a distance by the long galvanized shed which forms the central building. On entering the yard, you first pass on the right hand the timber stacks, which are all under cover and exhibit an unusual variety of material. Above them is an extensive and well-lighted workshop, where machine and hand labour may be seen in friendly co-operation. At the further end is a second workshop on the ground floor, in which the finer processes, such as moulding and turning, are conducted. The motive power for these is supplied by a ten-horse engine erected within the shop.

At the north side of it is the leading attrac tion of the place— the moulding-machine. Very small and insignificant it looks com pared with the wonderful results it produces. The height of the framework does not exceed four or five feet, and its other dimensions ore even smaller. In the centre is a com plication of wheels, which drive a spindle projecting on one side. This has four slots or horizontal grooves into which the knives are fitted. A ledge underneath receives the wood to be operated upon, and holds it firm by lateral pressure, the upper part being nicely adjusted to the edges of the knives. The man who feeds steadies the board while it enters, and the receiver assists its passage through by vigorous pulling. The construction of the knives is the most critical part of the process. The visitor will be shown an endless variety of patterns from the plain OG to the most fanciful archi trave. The maximum breadth that has yet been attained is nine inches. The mouldings shown at the Great National Exhibition

ranged up to seven inches ;but as knives can now be made on the premises, there is no practical limit to their size or complexity. The originals which were imported with the machine form a very small part of the present collection. In the con-struction of the new ones, careful experi ments have had to be made both in the selection of the material and in finishing. At first cast iron was used, but bell-metal has been found to give a better edge and greater durability. The last set made of this material has been very successful in resisting the violent concussion with knots which is the worst drawback to the superiority of rotary motion. The most common patterns yet introduced are those technically called back, base, corner, and bed mouldings. In skirtings, the principal patterns are OG and torsobeads. Archi traves have no limit but breadth, which at present ranges from four to nine inches.

Designs can be executed to order m any or. ;hese branches of domestic art. . But the moulding-machine is a versatile institution, and can be easily adapted to dmost any form of carpentering. A slight change in the spindle will transform it into a rteam plane. Armed with suitable chisels it will plough or tongue far more delicately, as well as expeditiously, than can be done by hand. Its versatility has been turned to account of late in a doormaking experiment, which promises welL though it has not been a positive success. Messrs. Robin & LeMes surier have studied the door trade in all its bearings, both as importers and makers, and they are sanguine that ultimately their machinery will enable them to com pete with the imported article, cheap as it appears to be. Their first venture was made about three weeks ago, and, not withstanding temporary disadvantages, it came within eighteenpence per door of the American price. A good deal of the planing and other work had to be done by hand; but a new set is about to be commenced, in which everything, except the mere fitting together, will be steam- wrought, it is hardly a year since this moulding-machine was imported, and it has already given its owners the command of the building trade for the articles to which it is specially aflnnted. A smaller one had been nreviouslv

tried in Mr. Wentzel's yard; but this is the first, we believe, that has found constant employment. In a recess behind the engine is the turning-Lithe, also driven by steam. During our visit the man in charge of it was turning off sofa rails at the rate of eight or nine per hour. Around him were piles of table legs chair Iegs, drawer stumps, and other requisites of cabinetmaking. The finer work includes curtain poles, pattrasses, and carved trusses for mantelpieces. This is said to be the only steam-lathe in the colony. It has been at work for six months, and its pro spects are highly satisfactory. In tho work shop over the timber stacks is a mortic'uig macliine, the latest addition to the establish ment. It is small enough to be worked by kind, but should the doormaking experiment prosper as its predecessors have done, it may soon have to be superseded by a larger one. This business, in which so much intel ligent self-reliant enterprise has been dis played, is an off-shoot from Messrs. Robin and LeMessurier'a sawmills in Lipson-street.

Though little more than eighteen months old it has already all the appearance of a progressive and prosperous undertaking. About ten hands are generally employed, and a large trade is done besides in building materials, both timber and iron mongery. A better antidote to protectionist dyspepsia could not be recommended than an infusion of the private enterprise which has produced new industries like these. While the Hotel Europeans have been expounding to us what might be done with a discrimi nating tariff, business-men like Messrs. Robin and LeMessurier have shown us what can be done with the tariff as it is. They have de monstrated that the encouragement of native industry is less a fiscal question than a labour question. Workmen, instead of asking for protective duties to bolster up antiquated and cumbrous forms of labour, should say, 'Give us the machinery with which these American doors or that English ironwork is made, and we will do our best to produce as cheap an article.' Ii an ordinary carpenter's shop were placed alongside a set of machinery such as we have described, no man in his senses could imagine that the one had any chance of competing with the other. No conceivable amount of protective handicapping could reduce the steam -horse to an equality with mere human muscle. In nine cases out of ten fiscal encouragement would only delude the inferior into a ruinous contest with the superior power. It would deaden the spirit

of industrial enterprise, and thwart it by hindering the introduction of its primary requisite— machinery. It would deliberately prefer the drudgery and wastefulness of the old system to the lighter labour and greater economy of the new. For an illustration of how producers and consumers may be both ' protected' at the same time — the one by saving of labour, and the other by reduction of cost— the Bowdlerists should apply to Messrs. Robin & LeMessurier, of the Sarnia Moulding Mills.

RiEVENUE AND EXPENDITURE. — The Auditor-General has issued the comparative statement of revenue and expenditure for the quarter and year ending 31st March, 1SG8, with much greater punctuality than for the preceding quarter. It shows that the revenue from all sources during the fir3t three months of lSGSwas £170,360, as against £185,124 in the corresponding period of 1867, while tho total revenue for the year was £701,531, as compared with £862,716 during the pre ceding twelve months, exhibiting a deficiency of £161,185. The expenditure totals are as follows:— Quarter ending March 31, 1SG8, £181,978; do., 1867, £280,412; year ending March 31, 1868, £904,837; do., 1S67, £1,132,136; decrease in year 186S, £227,291). The memorandum giving particulars of the bonded debt, including English accounts, to December 31, 1867, supplies the following information: — Amount of bonds issued, £1,644,400; do. redeemed, £367,150; do. in circulation, £1,277,250; interest paid, £500,881. The total revenue balance at the commencement of 1S68 was £116,114, and by the close of the quarter on March 31 this had been reduced to £104,4%. Pabty at Government House.— Mrs. Hamley's first 'At Home' on Thursday evenin? was a truly eBJoyable party. The rooms were well but not inconveniently filled, and the kind host and

hostess were most successful in providing lor the comfort of their guests. There was a brilliant gathering of lailies— ied coats, of course, were numerous, and in the early part of the evening a few professionally black ones mingled in the throng. Dancing commneccd at 9 o'clock, and was kept up^with the utmost spirit till morning. Thr Late Volunteer Preb Firing. — We understand that the prize-money in connection with the late volunteer prize-firing will be dis tributed shortly. Ihe delay which has occurred in the matter is due, we understand, to the circum stance cf all the returns not having been sent in to the Staff Office. This Evksisg'sICohcebt.— The concert to he given this evening .by Madame Anna Bishop and Mr. Lascelles is for the benefit of Air. George Loder, who, with Mr. F. Ellard, will assist in the performances. The programme contains several noveltie?, and the beautiful song 'My Mother's Bible,' which was rendered with so much feeling on Saturday last, will be repeated. Ihstjtute Lktoms.— The ltcv. J. E. T. Woods will this evening deliver his second lecture on ?Geology' in the library of the Institute. The ecturer on this occasion will direct the attention of the audience specially to the geology of South Australia. TUK Thkatbk Botau-Od Thursday night ** Arrah-na-Pogue' and 'A. 8.S.' were repeated to a very poor house. The same bill of fare will | be repeated to-night

Draper Mkmoiiial Ciidiicii Bazaar.-- mis bazaar has been continued tluoughout three dajs, and we understand the pioceeds will be someihing like £350 thu fust day, i3JU the second, and £124 the third, and that there is still a large variety of goods of rich texture and colouring unsold. The paper published in connection with the luunar was duly published each da)*, and from this source on account of the advertisements sent in alxmt £30 will be received We have to invite attention to au advertisement iu our business column.1), inti maliug that the baziar will be continued. Imt positively close on Saturday ni?ht, and that the prices of goods will be considerably reduced en Fiilay and Saturday, the charge for aduiissim being returned in goods. We are desired nUo to state that one of the features iu conducting this bazaar is the entire prohibition of raining, lotteries, post-otnees, and sales l.y aucti'.n. Our Times, in its clo&ing remarks, says:— 'We must congratulate the ladies ou the large measure of success which during the past two days lias crowned their eilortr, manifest in the magniiio/nt liuancial result -£(150. We do so with the prta'cr pleasure as the absence of rattles and poBt-ollkcH is n.-tab!e. Will the ladies whose names we now give accept our apology for the omission of their names iu our yesterday's notices:— .No. 1 Stall, Mrs. O.irse-1 and Misses Wilkinson an I Uunnui.'

The New l£iFLES.-The Uaranjah, which sailtd frorn London on the 12th March last, and has con setjmntly been S4 d.iys out, is now expected almost daily with the 5JJ stand of arms (breechloaders) intended for the use of the infantry portion of tl e South Au-tralian Volunteer Force. The wear-ons on their arrival will be subjected to rigid exami nation at the Arinouiy, to ascertain if they come up to the pattern, and will then, if found t atUfuc-tor}', be distributed amongst the men. As soon as possible after the distribution, arrangements v. i!l be made for the class firing, the infantry usiua the breech-loader, and the other branches of the force the ordinary weapon. Accident.— On Wednesday afternoon, June 3, an acident happened at tleelton to a man named Richard Nunjc. Us was engaged at work ut a house in course of erection. One of the ewss pieces of the scuilolding having slipped out of ihe wall the boarding gave way. and the man fell !o the ground and dislocated his ancle. Dr. Cl n dening was sent for. and subsequently the suf ferer was brought to Kapunda, about 11 miles distant from the scene of the accident. He re mained in Kapuuda the remainder of the night, and was conveyed to the Adelaide Uospital by the first train the following innming. Theie it was found that the injury was of such a serious nature as to necessitate immediate amputation of the foot at the ancle. ADELAIDE LOCALCOUBT.-The fortnightly Kilting of the Adelaide Loc:d Court (Full Jurisdiction Civil) closed ou Thursday, J unc 4. In Day v. Bell, judgment was entered for the plaintiff* for the sum claimed. Iu Haussen and Another v. llichards, the plaintiffs elected to lie nonsuited. Adelaide Polics IJouiiT.-On Thursdar, June 4, a driver, charged with inebriety, was lined KM Four young boys who had absconded from a lie* foruiatory School Jwere admonished and suit back without punishment. A defendant, charged with the use of insuliincanilnrovonative hmin^urp I ;i,\

to pay £2 5a. line and costs. An information, chaiglng a nuisance by depositing the carcafe of a dead horse within the municipal boundary of Glenelg, was dismissed. Inspector tiee intimated his intci.tion to lay a fresh infuunnlinn. Sudden Death.— On Wednesday evening a man named Ik-nj-iniin Davis, residing on Ihe Pot Hand Estate, died very suddenly. He had during the evening returned from a prayer-mutim.', and was in the act of kneeling at his prayers before retiring to re^t when he fell back and expired. Dr. Uethinn made a postmortem examination, ami pave it as his opinion that dm ased had died from disease cf the hcait The Coroner, therefore, did not consider it necessary to hold an imjuest. INQUEST. — An inquest was held by the Coroner, Mr. Ingleby,at the Hospital on Thursday, June 4, on the body of the male infant of a young woman, aged 19, named Lucy Jane Virgo. Mr. P. McRostie was chosen Foreman of a Jury of 15. The mother of the child had been arrested by the detectives on the charge of having caused its death, and was in attendance. Her father not seeing the necessity for having legal advice, the Coroner stated that she could put, or he would ask for her, any questions she might wish to the witnesses Annie Hall, of Glenelg, widow, first examined, said she knew Lucy Jane Virgo, who resided at New Glenelg with her father. Went to the house on May 27 in the afternoon. Saw Lucy, and asked her what had happened. She said, "I have had a miscarriage." Asked her how far advanced, was said, "'I think about six months." In answer to other questions she said she had taken some castor oil. No one was with her, and

her father did not know anything about her deliverance, as she had made no noise when she was ill, which was at about 2 o'clock on Sunday morning previous. He heard her groaning later, and thought she was suffering from a bowel complaint, and gave her some cholera drops. She also said Mrs. Cooper bandaged her. Did not ask anything about the child, the dead body of which was shown her by Mr. Virgo. Margaret Cooper, of Glenelg, widow, said she knew Lucy Jane Virgo. Suspected she was in the family way. Was sent for on Monday, May 25, Saw her in bed, and put a bandage on her. She had no mother or sisters and no female was living in the house with her. James Virgo deputed that he learnt that his daughter had given birth to a child on May 23. Had not seen anything, but from what he had heard had asked her. Saw her in bed. Charged her with being in the family way. She said, "l am not." Said, "Then you have had a miscarriage;"' and she replied that she had, and that the child was in a box at the foot of her bed. Opened the box, and found the body of the child. Scolded her for having kept the matter from him, and she wept very bitterly. Took the child, and put it in a truck which was in a shed in the yard. Showed it to Mrs. Hall. On Sunday morning, believing his daughter had taken cold, took a cup of tea to her at 7 o'clock. Had not the slightest idea she was pregnant. Buried the child on Monday evening in the yard. No person was present. By the Jury— The child was dead when he saw it. His daughter told him it had been born on Sunday. Having shown the body to Mrs. Hall he did not think he was doing wrong to bury it. By the Coroner— His daughter told him the child was born at 7 o'clock on Sunday morning. Was in the adjoining room at that time and till 9 o'clock, but heard nothing that caused him to have any sus-picion. The child was lying on some wearing apparel in the box. Did not know whether it was on its back or face. The navel string was round its neck. Did not hear any child cry. Heard his daughter make a noise as if in pain, and supposed she had bowel complaint. There was only a slight wooden partition between the rooms. Henry Edward Harrison, House Surgeon at the Hospital, stated that he had yesterday made a post-mortem examination of the child in question. His opinion was that it was born alive. The lungs were crepitant and floated in water. The body was not very much decomposed. No air was given out by the lungs when in water, but on pressing a section between his fingers vesicles of air were given out. There was no appearance of the umbilical cord

having been tied. There was no evidence of external injury or of internal lesion. The thorax and abdomen were healthy. It was generally usual for children at birth to cry. Should not like to say from the absence of any cry whether the child was born dead or alive. The presumption was that it was born weakly. A child might be born and die within an hour. Imagined that the child died from neglect and exposure. A young female of the age of the mother, with her first child, and having no one with her at the time of confinement, might allow the child to die through ignorance of what should be done. There was no evidence of the child having been smothered. It was full-grown and healthy. By the father -It was an unusual thing for a child to be born with the umbilical cord round its neck. Had delivered one that way. It would affect the life of the child if the mother had no assistance. By the Coroner—

The child did not die from strangulation. James Gibbison, detective, gave evidence as to his obtaining the body, and bringing it to the Hospital, and his arrest of the mother of the child. Mr. Virgo stated that the cord was three or four times round the child's neck, and that he undid it. The Coroner summed up the evidence, explained the laws of murder and manslaughter to the Jury in a clear and concise manner, and directed their attention to the character of the verdict which they might bring in. The Jury, after a consideration of almost 25 minutes, returned a verdict of "Died from natural causes," expressing their displeasure that the mother of the child should have been brought up from Glenelg in her present delicate state. The Coroner had previously mentioned his surprise at seeing her in Court. Fire and Inquest at Port Elliot.— On Friday morning about 6 o'clock the inhabitants of Port Elliot were aroused by the cry of fire. The family of Mr. R. Wallace, on getting up in the morning, discovered that a fire had broken out in the cellar, in which place was deposited a lot of blasting powder. Fortunately water was at hand, and the fire, which did not appear to have originated more than 10 minutes before the alarm, was got under before any disastrous consequences happened. From several suspicious circumstances connected with the fire it was deemed necessary to hold an inquest, which took place at the Court- House on Monday, June 1, before Mr. R. F. Laurie, S.M. The investigation lasted several hours, In the course of the enquiry it was elicited in evidence, that Wallace's two boys had frequently obtained powder to fire a cannon with, and it appeared that they had access to this blasting powder. One witness deposed to having seen the two boys with

about 2 lbs. of powder in a tin bread tray, and that they crushed it with a stone. The Jury returned a verdict that the fire was malicious, and in all probability committed by the boys; but there was not sufficient evidence to implicate them. The-Jury wished an expression of censure given to Robert Wallace, the father, for his carelessness in leaving blasting powder about so that children could gain access to it. Australian Nomads in Ceylon.— Some of her uncomplimentary remarks as to the hones irn- j ported into Ceylon from Australia are made by the Colombo Observer of the 2Gth April, which con trasts unfavourably the imports from this colony with tho«ft from the Cape of flood Hope. It is said:— 'The well-known Ceylon trader Francis arrived from the Cape on the 16th inst., kinging six well-hred horses, besides numerous Mieep nnd goats, which ought to find favour in our market. Two of the horses (a fine pair) belong to ait im portant official member of the Civil Service, and having been landed in fine conditien, we mav expect soon to see them in harness on Ualle Face, admired by all admirers. Another, a saddle horse, nf fine raking form, is for a well-known officer of artillery, and will nn doubt pull off more than one good race at our forthcoming September meetintr. The remaining three are for sa'e. And being handsome and well-bred, offer a decided ; contrast to most of the mongrel misshaped brutes we get from Australia As they are brought more , to try the Ceylon market than otherwise, it is to bo hoped that they will fetch such prices as will induce the Cape people, and such enterprising shipmasters as Captain F. W. Hill, to send or fetch as more of the same HuV'-Australatviii.