South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 6 February 1864, page 2


Steps have at length been taken for the celebration in this colony of Shakspeare's three-hundredth birthday. A meeting, which was open to the public, was held yesterday in

the south Australian Institute, and although there were but very few people present a coa meucement was made in what we hope will be a successful undertaking. It would be melan choly, indeed, if the feeling of the colony on this subject were to be measured by the small-, ness of the attendance at the meeting. But it should not be so measured. Doubtless many warm admirers of Shakspeare were unavoid ably absent owing to the early hour at which the meeting was held ; whilst it ia evident that others who are interested hi the movement had not been communicated with, for only a few of the gentlemen whose names had been put on the Committes-list were present. The arrangements made at the meeting for securing a suitable commemoration of Shak speare's three-hundredth birthday are bo pre pared that they can hardly be a failure. It ia in tended on the evening of the birthday to gWe a Shaksperian entertainment in White's Kootns, and previously to request the members of country Institutes to keep the anniversary in a Bimilar manner. Thus far the scheme is so simple and unambitious that, even in the absence of

any great enthusiasm, it cannot very well break down. Most of the country Institutes will be glad, we imagine, to hold a meeting for Shaksperian readings or lectures on the 23rd of April, and in the carrying out of such an entertainment they can hardly fail, for, thanks to the practice which many of their members have had in reading and reciting, there ought to he no difficulty in getting elocu tionists enough for both town and country. It will be a good opportunity for local talent to test itself, instead of relying, as 13 too much the case, upon itinerant lecturers. But in addition to the proposed meetings it is intended to raise funds for obtaining a memorial of Shakspeare, which may be in the form of a statue, a tablet, or something equally suitable, according to. this amount of money which may be collected. It is hoped that the entertainment in Adelaide will be of material aid in this respect, and if the country Institutes like to subscribe to the same object they will have an opportunity of doing so ; for, although the memorial is to be placed in the eity, it is not likely that any feeling of ' town versus country' will prevent the colonists generally from doing honour to the memory of Shakspeare. But setting aside the subject of a memorial and the questio.i of raising sub scriptions, the arrangements which have been made ought at least to ensure that on Shak Bpeaie's three-hundredth birthday his works shall be read throughout the colony. In England Committees have been at work on this subject for nearly twelve months. It is not expected there, apparently, that the great mass of the public will be induced 1 to take much interest in the matter ; but I still amongst nearly all classes there is so con siderable a proportion of genuine admirers of Shakipetre's writings that the demonstration U low to be worthy of the occasion. There

nas been much disputing, however, as to the best mode of doing honour to the great poet. At Stratford one party of admirers want to erect a grammar school ; whilst another party are anxious for a statue. In London, after a great deal of consideration, it has been resolved to raise a monument, the stone of which is to be laid on Shak^peare's birthday. It was also proposed to give, at Drury Lane, what Ihe adverti-iemenis called a 'Grund Melange Dramatique.' But the Shakepean? Conimiltiv discountenanced this. Iho theatres generally, however, will no doubt i?o sonifthing towards celebrating the birthday in a suitable manner. Tho idea of including the colonies in tlit; scheme of the English Committee was started by Sir Richard MacDcnnell ; and though it was doubtless expected thai this iuclwsiou would result in an increase of funds towards the proposed monument, it was still regarded as something more important that if Australia and India could be induced to take part in the movement, the anniversary- day would be kept in all parts ot* the world. So far, then, the views of the English Committee will be met by what is proposed to be done in this colony. We shall celebrate the birthdhy on the 23rd of April in a suitable and useful manner, though we shall not contribute money towards tho monument which is to be raised in London. The question whether or not the colonie* should be asked to contribute towards national memorials need scarcely be discussed now, i'or the invitation from the Shakspeare Committee is different from that which was transmitted by the Duke of Newcastle iu respect of tl e Prince Albert Memorial. In all cases the e are strong reasons why subscriptions raised to do honour to the memory of great men should be expended in the colony ; but on the* other hand, should we not consider ourselves slightrd if, in a matter taken up by the English Govern

ment, all Her iiajest^'s subjects were to be invited to assist except ourselves? It is certain that some persons would complain of this, and the Colonial Office would be charged with having acted invidiously. In the present case, however, the colonists have the Shakspeare Committee alono to deal with, and the sending of subscriptions to London may be very well excused on the ground that we want them for a memorial in South Aus tralia. That the birthday will be duly honoured amongst ourselves we have a right to conclude from the fact that the movement is in good hands. The Literary Insti,ute3 of the colony would have no excuse in neglecting to do honour to the memory of Shakspeare. It may be expected, then, that the . scheme proposed at the Central Institute will be

warmly supported throughout the country. There can be no better way of showing our veneration for Shakspeare than extending a knowledge of his works, which canuot be too well known. Of their value it is not necessary to speak now. Nobody in this colony would have agreed with Lord Brougham had be been so foolish as to have formed the opinions which were recently attributed to him, for it would have been remembered that Ilis Lord ship has the repute of having once beforo made a serious mistake about poetry. As a critic he pronounced Byron no poet, and advised him to turn his attention to useful pursuits. ? His Excellency Sm Dosonick Daix— Our readers will see with regret by the letter of the Private Secretary to the tthakspearu Memorial meeting that His Excellency the Governor has for some days been su tiering from an attack of Asiatic cholera. The letter stated that His Excellency was recovering, but remained very weak; and we are sorry to say that upon enquiry last evening we were informed that His Excellency was not so well as when the letter of the Private Secietary was written. Intercolonial News.— It will be seen by our telegraphic information that the Victorian House 1 of As&iiibly has, with the exception of five post poned items, passed the whole of the Estimates as submitted by Government without the addition or reduction of a sixpence. This amiable conduct on the part of the popular Chamber augurs a short and successful session for the McCulloch Ministry. The Melbourne Cricket Club has resolved to secure the services of one of the All-England Eleven for three years. With such coaching the Victorians may expect to turn out a team that will carry or drive all before them. A fresh instance of the manufacturing energy of the Victorians is to be found in the fact that they liave commenced rope making by steam machinery obtained ti-nu .\ .. w York. Some interesting items of commercial intelligence will also be found in the telegrams. Mb. R. R. Tobbenb.— A preliminary meeting of Mr. Torrens's friends was held at the Clarence Hotel on Friday,' February 5, to devise some means for recognising the great public services rendered by that gentlemen, who was the originator of the Real Property Act. His Worship the Mayor $lr. S. Uoodc) presided, and letters were read from several gentlemen expressing their wil lingness to assist in the movement Two sugges tions were made— first, that the Legislature should be memorialized by the country at larce, praying I that a public recognition of Mr. Torrcns's services micht lie made by the Parliament; and. secondly.

that the testimonial should 1« raised by private subscription. After some conversational discussion it was decided to call another meeting of the friends of. Mr. Torrens ami the Real Property Act An advertisement in another column convenes the meeting for ^Yednesday, Febiuary 10, at 3 o'clock The New Towx Hall.— At a special meeting of the City Council, held on Friday, it was resolved to sanction the expenditure of £17,521 on the new Town Hall and the side buildings. The amount of Messrs. English & Brown's original tender was £17,691; but some trifling deductions have been made at the recommendation cf the Architect, amounting to £170, leaving the actual expenditure as stated above. Insolvenct Court.— Inthe'Insolvency Court on Friday, February 5, Edward Martin, who attended for his adjourned final hearing, underwent a strict examination from Mr. Bakewell, extending over nearly two hours. At its close the Official Assignee asked him a few questions, after which the meeting was adjourned until a day to be named. Mr. A. F. Boord was appointed trade assignee in the estate of S. Field, who attended for his first hearing. No business was transacted in the case of H. T. Pilgrim. Adelaide Local Court.— The only case before the Adelaide Local Court of Full Jurisdiction (Criminal) on Friday, February 5, was that of William Reylin, who was acquitted on a charge of stealing 2s. 6d., the property of John Marshall. Adelaide Police Court.— In tli* A-int-.M«

Police Court on Friday, February 5, Cornelius' Lyons was committed for tnal, on two charges of forging and uttering, at the next Criminal Sittings of the Supreme Court. The landlord of the Arab Steed, Gilles-street, was fined 40s. and costs for neglecting to have the 55th, 56th and 57th clauses of the Licensed Victuallers Act posted up in the bar and taproom of his house. An information against Eliza, Cox for using insulting language was dismissed. A man named John Brown was fined 40*. and costs for a cruel assault on a little l»y about six years of age ; and a fine of 5* and costs was inflicted on Andrew Tolmey for allowing his chimney to catch fire Teatree Gully Local Court. -There was no case of importance brought before the Teatree Gully Court on Wednesday, February 3, except, indeed, one-Klopper v. Hunt-in which '(is. sd'. was claimed for excessive damages under the Impounding Act. It was shown by the evidence that the defendant's fence consisted only of a post and two wires, and a verdict was conse quently given for the plaintiff. Fisxi&i Misls« Claims. _ A. private letter received by a gentleman in town states that Mr. Warmington, who lately took up the surrendered leases of the Finniss Mining Claims, has struck upon a fine lode of copper ore. The letter status that Mr. Warmington was offered next day the large sum of £1.000 for hisridit, but refused the offer. The Band of Hope.-The annual festival of the juvenile total abstainers from intoxicating drink will take place on Monday, February 8. at the Temperance Hall, North Adelaide. There will be a tea meeting, a public meeting, and a collection. Notice to Publicans. - The Clerk of the Bench of Magistrates apprises publicans by ad vertisement that forms of application for licences, &c, can be had at his office, or will be forwarded, properly filled up. by letter, to parties sending for them. THE Inner Bar.— A correspondent who has observed in his Englisb letters, received per last mail, a prevailing impression that the impediment offered by the inner bar is much greater than it really is, recommends a publication by the Marine Board of the arrivals during the past 6ix weeks from England and elsewhere, giving the draught of water and pilotage in each case. He observes that the pilotage charge is according to the draught of water, and therefore concludes it would give the Board very little trouble to furnish a leliable state ment calculated to dispel unfounded apprehensions as to detention, lighterage, and pilotage,

SHAK8PEARK TEHOENTEN'ART COMMEMORATION. -Pursuant to advertisement, a public meeting was held at the Institute on Friday, February 5, to diseuss the best means of securing the com memoratiun in the colony of the tercentenary of Shakspeare's birth. The Lord Uishop of Adelaide , presided, but the attendance was not numerous. 1'esolutions affirming the desirability of erecting a permanent memorial to Shnksi'enre in some suitable place in the metropolis; of holding on enUTLiiiimuut in White's Rooms in aid of the funds; and of cnmnnininiting with the various country townships and local Institutes, witha view of hiving simultaneous entertainments of a similar character throughout the colony, were carried. A Committee of 21 was appointed ta see those reso lutions carried out, and other steps for forwarding the movement initiated. After tho close of the meeting the members of the Committee present remained for a few minutes, and decided to meet on Friday next, at :\ o'clock. Comm iss ARi at Supplikh.— The tender of Messrs. Hart & Hughes has been accepted for the supply of 350 tons of flour for the service of the Com missariat at Hongkong. We have not heard tho price, but we understand the supply can be placed at Hongkong at a lower rate than Californian flour; Irrigation.— A few days ago we visited he garden of the Hon. George Hall at Woodside, near Mitcham, for the purpose of witnessing the effect of irrigation upon his shrubs and fruit-trees. Mr. Hall has an abundant supply of well water, and has erected costly machinery by which he dis tributes it over the whole of his grounds, and the result, as may be supposed, is of the most satis* factory kind. The orange-trees particularly are looking healthy and beautiful, and their progress during the last few months has been something surprising. Mr. Hall feels, however, that the great advantages of irrigation cannot be exton sively enjoyed if the necessary apparatus is to be as costly as his has been, mid he has addressed to us the following letter, which we h;*e much pleasure in giving publicity to. and which we hope will have the effect of creating an interest in what must be deemed a very important subject :— 'I hardly need call attention to the great impor tance of irrigation and its beneficial results. The fact must be patent to all who have gardens and the means of watering them. I think it would lie of great public benefit if the subject was ventilated in your columns. I have an unlimited supply of water in a well within 40 feet of the surface, and have imported puiuds and machinery for 11 Imnm

to work, but at far too Uuavy a co»t to admit o( tbd same description of gear coming into general use. Wind is a cheap power, but not to be depended uiKin when it is most required. The desideratum is some simple machinery that can he worked by bullocks or horses, and thereby made available at any time. It should be of strength sufficient to prevent ordinary neglect or mismanagement from damaging it. Surely there is sufficient engineering talent in the colony to devise something simple tlTat would suit the purpose.' Bush Fires. —Our readers will have seen by the report of proceedings in the Normanvillc Police Court, printed in the Register '.of Friday, that several parties have been charged with causing bush fires. Great praise is duo to the officer who brought forward these cases, and it 'b to be that his example will be followed elsewhere. In suppressing bush fires or punishing the parties who cause them the jwlice cannot 1kj too active, and the Magistrates can on conviction be hardly toi severe. Kapunda.— Our Knpunda correspondent's letter describes a successful trial of one of Adamson's new reaping and thrashimr mnchinoa. H« ahn

states that improved appliances, including a silk dressing machine, have been introduced in tho mill. He desciilxa a furious attack by a bull upon a bullock-team, and states that the mam street of the township is now crowded daily with wheat-leaden drays, there being a considerable accumulation of cereal produce, which the utorea cannot accommodate or the railway remove io-iapidly as it arrives. Masters and Servants.— A case in the Port Elliot Locr.1 Court, referred to by our correspon dent, shows the importance of parties under-' standing the Jaw which regulates the relationship* of master and servant. A written agreement is binding; and when a servant enters upon his or her duties under a verbal agreement, it Incomes a valid engage aieut, which can only Ira determined on legal notice or by mutual consent By the deci sion of the Port Elliot Local Court the signing of a receipt in a book for wages constitutes a written contract. Defalcation. — There is a very distressing rumour current as to the discovery of a somewhat extensive defalcation by a late Secretary connected with one of the leading Benefit Societies of the province. However this affair may turn out upon further investigation, it is to be hoped that those who have accepted high office in such Societies will sec that proper security is given by Secretaries and others having the charge of money, and that the bonds arc placed beyond the power of the parties whose interest it might bo to destroy them. Cricket.— A public meeting for the purpose of forming a Cricket Club at Hindmarsh took place at the Black Lion Inn, Hindmarsh, on Friday evening, February 5. There were about 20 persons present, and Mr. J. Chesterman was voted to the chair. A proposition was made and carried that a Club should be formed, to be called the United Hindmarsh, Bowden, and Brompton Cricket Club, and 12 persons gave in their names as members. Mr. J. Tait was appointed Secretary, and Mr. T. Jaques Treasurer. Messrs. Jessup, Chesterman, Allen, Davis, and Hammond, and the Secretary and Treasurer were elected as a Committee of Management, and a day was fixed for a Committee meeting. Several rules for the regulation of the Club were then read and adopted. The Treasurer was authorized to obtain the necessary articles required for the use of the Club, and it was decided that the Club should practise for the first time on Saturday, February 6. The time ap-pointed for the meeting was 8 o'clock; but in con-sequence of the very small attendance an hour lapsed before anything was done. The meeting concluded by a vote of thanks to the Chairman. SUICIDE BY HANGING. — A young man named Hezekiah Crouch, son of a farmer at Paracombe, near Houghton, terminated his existence by hang-ing himself in a pear-tree in his father's garden on Thursday evening. Dr. Woodforde held an inquest on the body on Friday, when it appeared from the evidence that the deceased, who was 23

years of age, and living with his parents, had become somewhat embarrassed in his business— that of a butcher— but from his conduct had excited no suspicion of his design, further than appearing low-spirited and taciturn. His parents and family were utterly stupified by the discovery made in the evening by his little brother of his body hang-ing from a pear-tree and quite dead. He had dined as usual at home, and was a sober and well conducted young man, and living on terms o£ friendship with his family. The Jury returned a verdict of temporary insanity. Willunoa' Volunteers. — A correspondent sends the following:— 'On Tuesday evening, the 2nd February, Colonel Bigg3 attended at thejBush Hotel, Willunga, to read the new regulations and receive the names of volunteers willing to serve Her Majesty for the remainder of the six yearn1 service. There was a good muster, and 30 of tho company signified their willingness to continue in the force. Colonel Biggs also administered the oath to two other young men who embraced tliig opportunity of joining. During the evening he remarked that Major (late Colonel) Blyth had always spoken favourably of the Willunga Com pany, and he attributed their good discipline and efficiency to their officers— Captain Atkinson and Lieutenant Snoswell— who, on their part, also awarded great merit to their men for their subordi* nation and zeaL The next drill is to be on the 19th.'

Tbawling.— A correspondent writes as follows: — ' Any one who has recently noticed the railway traffic intelligence communicated by the Devon* shire and Cornish papers must have been In terested by the enormous quantities of fish sup. plied to the London market and the citiai and large towns accessible by the main lines or their branches. The turbot, the sole, and other varieties of the finny tribes which are chiefly found at or near the ground in deep water can only l-e taken in quantity by means of trawls or other gear, car ried by trawling-8loops or large sailing-boats of the Mount's Bay description. There cannot be a doubt that in our gulf*, straits, and bays varietiea of fish, to which we have hitherto been unaccus tomed here, might be obtained through trawling: by the use of better appliances than we now pos sess ; and, as Companies can accomplish more than individuals, it is a wonder that we have not a Com- ? pany, with the object of exploring the submarine capabilities of our deep waters, and turning to pro fitable and salutary account the treasures they may afford.'* Cricket Match.— A correspondent says:— 'On Monday last, February 1, a game of cricket came olf between two elevens of the Houghton and Teatrw Gully Clubs. The wickets were pitched about Id o'clock, and the Houghton men having won the toss for choice of innings, sent their opponents to the wickets. The following is the score :— Teatree Gull* Club. First Innings. Second InningH. E. Haynes, b. Banks ? fl C. Ucnnet ... (i T. Kawlingn, b. Partridge ... 0 not out ? & W. Hrirmer, c. Came ... .. 7 b. lianks ... 13. I{. Trc«ea(.'le, b. Partridge ... 3 b. Partridge . 4 Jno. Karmer, b. Partridge ... '.', b. Ranks ... 'X A. Stoneham, b. Banks ? 0 b. Banks ... tt H. Cox, b. Partridge ? 2 c. Hounslow 0 J. Brooks, nut out ? 3 i'obertHon.b. Partridpe .. fl H. Hayiie?, b. Partridge ... 0 c. Hancock... i' \V. Stoneham, Rtumped ... 2 b. Banks ... 1 Jno. Hicks, c. Came ? 1 b. Partridge.. 0 Byes ? 2 Byes ? 0 2- 47 Hotjghton Club. J. Partridge, b Harraer ... 12 c. Tregeagle 3 W. Came, c. Harmer ? 5 b. Haynes ... 0 F. Bennett, b. Harmer ? 0 c. Ktoni.hara. 3 J. lianks, c Haynes ? 0 not out ... i» R. Hoimslow, b. Haynes ... ' ? li. Nee.l'iam, c. Hnynes ????*.„ „ E. Longbotham. not out ... 12 b. Haynes ... 7 K. Hancock, b. Harmer ... 0 I). Hi'un.slow, b. Harmer ... 0 G. Oollop, b. Haynes ? 3 \ J. Bhain, b. Banner ? « . ; ; Byes ? * 'I*61 ? ?? . 39 ??.'?? « ????'.'?,» n L ♦