South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Monday 4 July 1864, page 1

SHIPPING. ; -i ' K»v QTEAM TO GUICHEN BAY, i IeU**$^ -^ MACDONNELL BAY. AND ^jy^ MELBOURNK-The magnificent gSeSBSil^ new ant^ P°wcrful Steamer PENOLA, Al 12 years, 500 tons, Frederick P. Snewin, com Blander, will sail on ? WED-E3DAY, the 6th JULY. No Goods taken on board without a Shipping Order. Goods to be taken from alongside at MacDonnell Bay at Consignees' risk and expense. Passengers by the 1L15 train from town on Wed nesday. WM. YOUNGHUSBAND. JUN., & CO. ? lSQ-'8 i 'k^ CJTEAM TO MELBOURNE ?nWr*^ VO ANT) NEW ZEALAND.— VSnMYIiV^ The 'arSe aD^ powerful Steamer 'i5Jj{fij& GOTHENBURG. I Hugh Marine, commander, will Bail for Melbourne and New Zealand on Thursday, the 14th instant. Apply to JOHN FORMBY, Port. 1S6'96 J. UARWENT. Grenfell-street. _^JTts^ Ti108 THE RIVER DARLING, raMfl^v JP WENTWORTH, MEXIS J/frgJT^ DEE. MOUNT MURCHISON, ^?'7 life AND FORT BOURKE. — The Steamer ALBURY, Captain G. Johnston, will sail direct from Port ] Adelaide 8th July, from Goolwa 15th instant, and Blanchetown the following day. Will be ready to -receive camp on Friday, 5th inst. N.B.— Shippers are requested to insert weights of goods in their shipping-notes. i IStimwsOS JOSEPH STILLING & CO. -i 'k*. TfOR SALE BY PRIVATE ' flZta&T^ -T CONTRACT - Either of VjNJTiiY^. the fast and powerful Screw CITY OF HOBART OR SOUTHERN CROSS, | the property of the Tasmanian Steam Navigation , Company. t The first-named vessel, so favourably known in these colonies, has 'just effected a most complete . overhaul, and shipped new Boilers at the works of theA.S.N. Company, Sydney, and may be con sidered in every respect almost as good as a new 1 vesseL 1 The SOUTHERN CROSS is a new ship, 641 i tons gross measurement 343 tons register, 13) I hofce-power nominal, and classed Al nine years at « Lloyd s. She is a \ essel of great power, on a li^ht I draught of water, and attained a speed on her official trial trip of l'.i\ knots an hour. She has ' iust arrived from Glasgow under canvas, and will | be in .Melbourne about the 25th instant, where she can be inspected. i Both vessels have most complete and extensive outfits. v Application to be made to . a BENJ. AL CUNNINGHAM. v 177c Manager T.SJf. Company. Hobart Town. -__x 'C1OR COLOMBO DIRECT.-The | ?*a2E?\ -T Al Ship ' Ji 'VKfTsSfr ' '^ ILIA, iC i ^S» 67b' tons register. Captain E. Pavey, will have immediate dispatch, and offers a very favourable opportunity for shipping horses or other v stock, having large and roomy between-deck. Excellent accomodation for passengers. -For charter, freight, or passage, apply to Captain Pavev, on board; J HARROLD BROTHERS, Ade'aide; or lTflc CLELANU PAGE, & CO., Port. --£h- T?OR MELBOURNE WHARF ^sff^ ?'- DIKECT.-The Al Brig I&&&K& EUKOPA, g/lngaffuy 200 tons, J. Lindsay, master, has the greater portion of her cargo engaged and will have quick dispatch. Apply to ROBIN & LE MES5URIER, Port; or to 181el T. E. BURY, Graham-chambere. ' -T4» TJIOK PORT AUGUSTA. -The -fc$!__\ JC Schooner t£L»uniie- is now loa-linz. Apply to ' H.\\rELlS,or ' 177c ? C. LAMB. . -*-_ |^l»P. YANKAULLA, RAPID ! -%_?|_\JL DAY. and VICTOR HARBOU1L j Echooner.i now loading. Apply to j lS4c ? ROBIN' & LE MESSURIER. \ rv 17 0 U WALLAROO. j^^BN. X' Schooner ; KSwerSw will sail on WednesdAy, Sth instant. JOHNYEO, or 1S6''S ? C. LAMB. -C*k T? ASTERN ^H&SSKv -TJ FKKIGHT or CHARTER to ___$_& CALCUTT A, calling at MADRAS, lfe'.«-)l!y should sutlicient inducement offer. Apply to E. SPICE K. ? 17.1c rO SHIPMASTERS, MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS.— The SHIPPING RE- 1 PORTER attends to Telegrams or Letters, and his Boats are available for all purposes connected with Shipping in the Gulf. Boat flair. No. 3. RICHARD J AGUE. Beach Branch Office. Lefevrc's Peninsula. niOWAGE.— TO SHIPMASTERS.— -i- Towage performed by the Powerful Steam Tug YOUNG AUSTRALIAN. Rates— For 2i-» tons and under ? £5 0 0 For each ton above 3 W, per ton. 0 0 7 G. W. BROWN. Asent. Jnne.lS61. ? i*^!^ PORT ADELAIDE STEAM BISCUIT MANUFACTORY. -SHIP and FANCY BISCUIT always on hand. Shipping supplied at the shortest notice. l?2mwfS351 ? J. LAV1N, North-parade. SHIPS' POSTERS and EVERY DESCRIPTION of PRINTING got out on the shortest notice, and MUST REASONABLE TERMS. A large Supply of COLOURED PAPER, COLOURED INKS, and NEW TYIE. Orders received at the Register General Printing Ortice, Grenfell-street, Adelaide : and by the Shippirg Reporter* at the Port. lev MERCHANDISE. ? FOR SALE, by the undersigned— BBS Bar and Rod Iron, Sheets, Hoops, and Boiler Plates Fencing Wire, Nos. 4 and 5 Blasting and other Gunpowders, and Safety Fuse English Mining Leather, and all descriptions of Mining Materials Leather Belt, and other Millers' Goods Patent Mail Axles, Cart and Gig Springs, &c. Tarpaulins, Beilsteads Westell's Patent Pullev Blocks Ewbank's Patent and all other descriptions of Nails Gas Tube, Black and Galvanized Sewing anil other Twines Sheet Zinc, No.s. 9, 10. 11, 12, and all kinds of ? General Ironmongery 215mirCT ? HARROLD BROTHERS. WHITBREAD'S STUOT. Ind Coope k Co.'s Ale Port Wine, Bottled Beer Hodges & Co.'s (lin. Oilmen's Stores Holloway's Pills and Ointment, Keat IIops Berger & Co.'s Starch. Corn-Flour Sardine;!, Essence of Anrhoyy Currants, Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil Spirits of Turpentine, Scentctl Soap Tinplate*. Brewers' Bnnra anil Spiles Empty Wine Casks, Boots and Shoes Stereoscopic Views, Cut Floor Brads Writing, Printing, and Tea Paper Howard's anil Ransome & Sim's Ploughs Axles and Springs, Iron Bedsteads Firebricks, Cement, Flooring Tiles, &c On Sale by FRANCIS CLARK & RONS. SlnrwfcvS ? Birth-street. I AN SALE at our Stores in Currie VJ ; street, ex Mary E. Eay, Venilia, Oryx, * Codan, and Palestine— HO5KEOPATHIC COCOA, Fry's Chocolate English Cheese, Sardines Con-nan's Mustard, in liottles anil jars Lemon Peel, Arrowroot, Tartaric Acid Twelvetrees's Soap Powder. Carbonate of Sdla Taddy's Snutt LinsFiah, Paper Bags Single and Double Demy. Royal Hand Bell & Black's Matches, Wax Vestas Bryant & May's Safety Matchrs, Pearl Barley Oatmeal, in cask? ami tins, Salmon Shop and Dutch Twine, Bottled Fruits Epsom Salts, Barracci Juice. Jamaica Ginger Eleme Figs, Red Herrings, Pickles Potted Herrings, Salad Oil, half-pints and pints' Hew Prunes, Eleme Raisins, Keillor's Confec tionary. ? 165-225 ? W. MORGAN & CO. ON SALE, 34, King William-street— Wickerwork GIGS and PHAETON, Rugs Wool Mats, suitable forDrawing-Romus Large Sewing-Machine, for manufacturing purposes ?Wrought-Iron 'Wheelbarrows, Curled Horse hair ? Galvanized Continuous Roofing for Wool sbeds Lanc^woodand Ash Shafts, Axles and Springs Gig ; Lamps,' Beanmt Cdach Ironmongery Bnamelled Buppar Hides, Patent Leather Riding Saddles of all kinds. Ladies' Saddles Bridles, Whips, Saddlers Ironmongery, Rope Buagy. Gift Carriage, and Cart Harness Ana every description of Colonial-made - Saddlery Harness and Whips made to order on the VtWk*' . J- A. HOLDEN & CO. i^EMENT. C5EMENT. CEMENT. \j l The undersigned has always ON SALE besi Portland Cement and Plasterof Paris. . . H. L. VOSZ, Oil and Colour Warehouse, 16-2JB ? S2., Bundle-street. 82. r^OALS.— Best English: and' Newcaatli \J ? N.S. W.) Coals can be bad in any quantity, a H. SIMPSON'S Coal-yard. Port Adelaide: or r-. KK.KWIOK'S. (^renfell-street. ? V_ C-OALS.— ENGLISH aud SYDNE1 ' HOUSE COAL& any qur.ntitv. ' WILLIAM W. BLYTH, 1SJ-243 Iron and Coal Yard, North-terrace. COALS. COALS. COALS J17-2Q71 T. E. BUBY, tiresham-chamben.

? maraMasnDisE^ ? ._ ON SALE, at the Stof es of tlie 1 Undersigned— , i £ FENCING^ WIRE, Nos. 4 and 5 j T Register Stoves ! J»' Flavel's Kitcheners-all sizes , b; Colonial Ovens ? *' Moderator Lamps . 1 ' Best Refined Colza Oil si American Kerosine Lamp3 si Downer's KeroUne . tc Iron Bedsteads n Rogers's (Jutlery Electro{)IiUed Goods # _ And a general assortment of Building and Furnishing Ironmongery. SCARFE & FRASER. «; ISSmhcv ? 43. Hindley-street -rvN SALE, AMERICAN CARRIAGES ii \-r aud HARNESS of the following descrip- P ion— v Top Bupgies * Open Busgies u. Boston Chaises -a Cone .nl Wagons (double seated) I Breast-plate Harness ri Light Bugg-- Harness y, ?Chaise Harness. « At the Store of theundersizned. . y. 174c J. W. SMITH, Port Adelaide. t ? H \/f*AIZENA.— Cases coutaining 40 L»X Pounds or 20 Pounds, in Pound and Half ound Packets, on Sale by ? 4b-mwfcv ? D. & J FOWLER. j HTARRNA.MB00L POTATOES.— * » Two Hundred Tons, now landing, ex Wave, or Sale in bulk or bags. J£c ? ? H. H. HAUSSEN. BUSINESS NOTICES. 1 CHARLES SCARFE, in returning j -J thanks to his custetner3 and the public gene illy for the verj* liberal patronage bestowed on -im while in business in Stepney, begs to state that e has LET his BUSINESS and PREMISES to 1 Ir. J. T. Grave, and solicits the same support for h is Successor that has been long accorded to him. THHE undersigned begs to acquaint the -i- inhabitants of Stepney, Norwood, Kent 'own, and the surrounding neighbourhood that he as TAKEN Mr. Charles Scabfe'h BUSINESS i Stepney, and trusts that by keeping Meat of the est quality only at the lowest possible price to v; lent a continuance of that patronage so liberally V estowed ou his predecessor. j ? J. THOMAS GRAVE. '^ BENNETT, GENERAL JT. AUCTIONEER and COMMISSION -lGEXT. corner of Clarke's-buildings, Adelaide. Sales attended at any distance from town. The ^ tmost care taken of Stock, &c, and sent for to S uy part of the colony. Good Paddocks (well * ratered) for the reception of Cattle and Sheep. si ? 37crmc tl CHARLES T ID EM ANN, 'i -J LICENSED LAND BROKER, AUC- t( TIONEEt:, AND VALUATOR, CURRIE-STREET, ADELAIDE. J AH Business connected with the above Branches J ?ill lie promptly and carefully attended to. gi ££T iMuNLY to LEND, m Large or Small Sums ai n Freehold Properties or other Securities. C Z3- ADV.VNCES 3IADE on Goods and other ?roperties for intended Auction Sales. rt ? l(J{-217rm24!) st f\7' H. CROPPER, STOCK, SHARE, h -T . AND MONEY BROKER, 49, Collins-street west, Melbourne. ~ IJefebence— I The South Australian Banking Company. J Fi;hniary!).lS(U. 40-221 J A~W. DOBBIE, HRASSFOUSDEIl j CX. and TUENEIJ. REMOVED next door a i) Messrs. Paduian 4c Co., Gawler-place. - ji ? !SiJ)is4inwf!)7 I A CARD. —GEORGE COZENS, ?, :i. AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION V Lt'.ENT. STRATHALBYX. NOKTH. I11S-20S fj \r0TlCE'0FilEM0\rAL.-SAMUEL „ Li LAWRENCE, AUCTIONEER, &c. l-egs 2 ') inForm his Friends that he has REMOVED a mm Hindley-street to £», RUNDLE-STREET, iear the Glol-e Inn. 107c ^ VToffCE.— H. B. BKAY. WHOLE- : L- HALE antl RETAIL GROCER, liegs respect- I iiily t-r inform his Friends and the Public generally hat he has left the Premises lately occupied by \h.T. Graves, and has KEOPKNED his OLD iSTAULISHMENT. 148 and 150. HINDLEY iTKKKT. whure lie hopes to merit that patronage utlicrto sliown him. All Arncles of the best quality and at the ^ lowest possible prices. 177cv [ NOTICE. — ROBERT DODGSOX, PAINTER, PLUMDER, and GLAZIER, y.kcs this opportunity of returning his grateful ;hanks to his numerous customers and friends foi . their lilk-ral supoott and patronage, and begs to i inform them that he has OPENED the NEW SHOP this day, at the Corner of LEIGH- J STRUCT, whew all orders will be thankfully received and punctually attendeil to Business L-arried on as usual in the old premises, and for the c Wholesale Trade in general t Leish-strevt, April It, ISftl. lOOcv y Seeds! sh,eds. seeds. — Fine s AG UICULTUKAL SEEDS, Just Received r per Unicorn from London :— White and Red , Clover. Trefoil, Linseed, Ryegrass, Tick Beans, ,j and Chevalier Barley— all prune samples— at s UOnihsc -K CANTS. 11. Curne-street. j TTOM(E'3PATUIC DISPENSARY.— | 11 TINCTURES. GLOBULIN, PILULES, , and TRITURATIONS, of any degree of strength \ and in any iiuantitics. Also, i VETKKLNARY TLNCIURES and TUITU- s RATIONS. J (JASES for IJOMESTIC USE, in ffood cr . leather. Also. Dd.ME.ST10 GUIDE BOOKS J The Monthly Homceopathic Review r _SV| ? E. S. WIGG, 12, Rnndle-streeL J NUX VOMICA, and a variety of HOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINES, just un ( packed. Also an Assortment of POCKET CASES, -FAMILY MEDICINE CHESTS, 1 &C, &C, &C. j PLATTS, 47q ? Sole Agent for Leat & Ross. 1 WATTLETiLLE^JAMST^rMessrs; ' » » \V. MORGAN & CO. havini: arrange.l for the whole of the above Jams of the Season ISftl . intended for the South Australian Trade, the undersigned begs to refer his friends to that Firm I for their supplies. ] 357mwfti9UvliM] T. REYNOLDS. Wattleville. I rkLN' NEFORD'S PURE FLUID MAG- , xJ NESIA has been during twenty-five years , emphatically sanctioned by the Medical Profession, and universally accepted by the public as the best ( Remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Heartburn. . Headache, Gout, and Indigestion, and as a mild t Aperient for delicate constitutions, more especially for Ladies and Children. Combined with the ? ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP it forms an \ at,Tecable Effervescing Draught, in which its ' aperient qualities are much increased. During hot seasons, and alwve all in hot climates, the ; regular use of this simple and elegant remedy has been found highly beneficial. Manufactured (with the utmost attention to strength and purity) by DrxxEFORD Ac Co., 172, New Bond-street, London; and sold by all respectable Chemists throughout the world. S8mf tS3 INDIGESTION AND STOMACHIC J- WEAKNESS.-PEPSINE WINE. T. MOR3ON & SON, direct the attention of all suffering from these serious Complaints to their fur-famed preparation of Pepsise, which supplies in a palatable form the principles of digestion. Each teaspoonful contains a dose of the medicinal Pepsine. The researches of the most eminent of the faculty of London and Paris have enabled Morson & Sou to otter the purest and surest substitute for the Gastric Juice, which assimilates the food to the requirements of the human frame. Its use is now becoming universal. Sold in bottles, 3s., 5s., and 10s. each; and may be obtained through Chemists and Druggists, and Patent Medicine Vendors. MORSON'S PEPSINE LOZENGES in Boxes. 2s. &L and 4s. (id. per box. Also MORSUN'S PEPSINE POWDER. MORSON'S. PATENT GELATINE. A Pure antl Economical Substitute for Russian Isinglass, forming a Colourless Jelly, which pos sesses the Nutritions and Restorative Properties of the best Calves* Feet Jelly. lu Packets, tjd., Is., and Is. 6d. each. Manufacturers of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Preparations, and Wholesale and Export Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, and Photographical Che micals. Wholesale and Retail by T. MORSON & SON, 19 and 4S, Southampton-row; London. V Orders (to be made payable by London Houses) are carefully prepared and shipped in any nuantity to all parts of the world. [74m249 EPAGE k CO., ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Victoria Iron Works, Bedford, and Laurence Pountaey-place, Cannon-street, London, England, Manufacturers of High-Pressure, Condensing, and NonCondens ing Steam-Engines Portable Engines, Steam-Boilers, Sugar-Mills Saw-Mill Machinery, Self-acting Engineers' Tool Brick, Pipe, and Tile Making Machines Clay-Crashing Mills, , Pugging-Mills And every description of Agricultural Imple ments and Machinery. Illustrated and descriptive Catalogues, with Prices, may be had free on application. 74mtlS HARPER TWELVETREES' GLYCERINE- SOAP POWDER is a com pound of Soapmaking materials, and is econo mical, efficient, and harmless.. Mrs. Goulder, Chelsea Laundry, London, S.W., says, 'She can wash 50 Counterpanes with four Penny Packets of Harper Twelvetrees1 Glyceiine Soap Powder and half a pound of Soap, in six hours: and Sheets. Shirts, Table Linen, and ether articles in one half the usual time.' Patentee— Harper Twelvetrees, Bromley-by-Bow, London. Wholesale Agents for South Australia- ? 257mte49nt247 ^ DEVONIAN CREAM for Strengthen ing and Promoting the Growth of the Hair. Sold in lwttles, at 2s. and 3s. tjd. each, by W. C. BLADLS (late Rowland), Dispensing and Family Chemist. Adelaide. ? 3omh312 nnO SAWYERS.— WANTED, a fw -I- Thousand Feet of good BLUE or PINK ? ? GUM. 1 183'9 APAMSONBBOIBEES, Kapunda,

BTTSIlffESS ffOTICES. i ;-EDFORD CL1SBY begs to inform;' A; the Musical Public that having received his J lird Coasienment of J. B. Cramer & Co.'s cele- ' b ated PIANOFORTES andPIANETTES (named ] h ? K. O. the Bush Piano), respectfully invites the ! G teutioii of intending Purchasers to these splendid ' v istrunicnts, warranted foi brilliancy of tone, j t pcriotity of finish, and general .excellency ! a I-erior to any in Adelaide. Also a fresh liupor- v tion of every other description of Musical Instru ents, and a choice selection of new Music MUSICAL REPOSITORY, 68, Rundle-street July 4. ? lSGmwfc [UST RECEIVED, and on Sale at I R. CLISBY'S MUSICAL REPOSITORY, o. «i Rijsdlestreet— COTTAGE PIANO DRTE3 and Pianettes, Tricord, from Cramer, ;ale, & Wood's, London, at greatly Reduced rices; warranted superior to anv in Adelaide. N.B.— Solu Agent for the sale of the above ianofortes. Every description of Musical Instrum ent on sale. ltfSmwfc PIANOFORTES, HARMONIUMS^ Brass Instiuments, Clarionets, Flageolets, rums, Fifes, Piccolos, Violins, Violoncellos, uitars. Organs, Meliphones. Bugles, Post Horns, Hicertinns, Fiutinas, Accordions, and all other nils of Musical Instruments and Music, to be had large variety at B. SANDER'S. 11, Hindley-street, 147c Two doors from the Exchange Hotel. D I A N O F O R T E S, by the most eminent Makers, ALEX ANDRE'S HARMONIUMS. The largest Selection of Music in the oJony. PLATTS'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE. No. 1, Hindley and King William streets. 93q ? Established ISO. ? imjRKBOXES, WRITLNG-DESKS, ' T &C., ? Rosewood, Walnut, and Papier ache, &c. I7fo At BAMENrS, 25, Hindley-street. V R C H K R Y . A- Bows, Arrows, and Equipments. To be id a PLATTS'S SHOW ROOMS. 120q Hindley and King William streets. C~H O M A S R . JONES, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT. GlLBEUT-I'LACE. Carefully-selected Colonial Wines of the best irietics, including Espanoir, Suiraz, JSlataro, erdeilho, Blanco, tec, &c. Foreign Wines and Spirits of the choicest kinds. Fiunilics supplied with a Single Case of either 'hies or Spirits at Wholesale Prices. ' lllmwreuu ? THUS. R. JONES. f M. WENDT, WATCHMAKER, '. MANUFACTURING JEWELLER, and .LYEUSMl'fU, in returning thanks to his riends and the Public for their patronage and ipport during the past nine years, begs to inform am that he has added to his Stock alargeassort ent of Electro-Plated Goods of superior quality id aevrest designs, and invites persons furnishing inspect the same before purchasing. Silver Tea and Coffee Services, Cups, Claret igs, Inkstands, and every description of .?wellery, of the most elegant patterns and ori nal -le-igus, manufactured on the premises, in Iditioii to a very recherche stock of Watches, locks. Timepieces, Jic, warranted. J. .5L \Y. has completed arrangements for ceiving a fresh supply of the choicest and most lect Goods i-y every Overland Mail from the best nises in Europe. Hi, RUNDLE-STREET, 84. ? ? ? 144mwf232 MTORTANT NOTICE.— ? H. COLBRUN. Haiudkesseb and Pkkfumeb, 0. 1st, Ruti'licstrcet, iiess to acquaint his patrons, iends. and the public in general that he has UST RERE1VED, ex Venilia and Overland Mail. NEW ASSORTMENT of PERFUMERY and ANCY GOODS, which he intends to sell at very ow Prices to make room for altemtious. Piesse id Lubiu's Essences at 2s. (id., former price 1. tid.; Gentlemen's Wigs, 30s. and upwards; aJies* Curls, newest f:ishion, direct from Paris, om 7s. fid. ; Ladies' Fronts, Ax., &c, fromSs. N.B.— Pomatums, Toilet Vinegar, aud Lavender ^iter ail at yrcntly reduced prices. Please come id see, and jiulge for yourselves. Remember the Address No. 19. Rumlle-street, next door to Mr. Scar )r- mill's, saddler, &c. Adelaide. lKOmhc ''1 ii 1 C K E T B A T S'. ?J CRICKET BALLS, CitlCKET STUMPS, Gloves, Lcjj-Uuanis, llulcs, kc. PLATTs. Agent for Houert Dark 47q ? (Lord's Cricket Ground). tKIBBA G E BOARDS. J Miniature Photograph Albums Miniature Photographs of the Royal Family. To be had at PLATTS'S SHOW ROOMS, I2Cq nindley and King William streets. TTOSTETTER'S STOMACH -1 BITTERS. This celebrated AMERICAN TONIC )mes into the South Australian market guaian :ed by the stremgest scientific endowments, and ith the prestige of a true popularity such as few icdical preparations can bvast. What is asked n it here is a trial— nothing more. It will ecommejd itsfxf! It is the great anti-dyspeptic ie.iiv.itie of the ape, and as a cure for general ebility and a means of imparting vigour to the liattcred constitution and enfeebled frame is be eved to l)e unapproachable. In California, Vic )ri;ij New South Wales, and New Zealand it is nplicitly relied on ;ls a preventive of the com laiuls which prevail in the diggings. Few miners ?outd go without it. It qualities and renders niocuous unwholesome water, and diffuses a eneral glow through the system without exciting lie nerves. iO MIXER, NO SETTLER, NO TRAVELLER, o man who believes in the wisdom of warding oft' isease by reinforcing the powers of nature should lil to keep a supply of HOSTETTER'S BITTER n hand. For sale by all first-class druggists, -wine mer hants, and hotclkeepeis. Hostetter & Smith, Pro netors, Pittsburgh, Pa. Thomas Lee, Wholesale Igent. 2S. King-street, Melbourne. F. II. FAULDING k CO., and JOHNSTON, 'UUXISS, & BLAKEWAY Agents for South Australia. ? 71mwftC9 \/fURRAY & LANMAN'S L'A FLORIDA WATER. This is the original Toilet Water so much ex olled by the Spanish Press of South America, and tow so much used throughout the Australian bionics. The FLORAL ESSENCE hat exhales from it is the most captivating of all ictfumes. In the land of bloom from which its material is lerived the flowers themselves breathe no sweeter iroma; aud there it Ls so healthful, so reviving, elievmg . HEADACHE AND EXHAUSTION ike a charm. No other essence or extract is half m histing or refreshing. HURRAY & LANMAN'S FLORIDA WATER s adapted for either handkerchief or bath; and allies use it diluted for the bath, and gentlemen liter shaving. For sale bv first-class drucsists and perfumers tinman & Kemp, Proprietors, Water-street, New fork. Thomxs Lee, Wholesale Agent, 2S King itreet, Melbourne: F. H. FAULDING k CO, 71niwH69 ? Agents for South Australia. T OTT, NIGHTMANTAckLmd-street. i-i Price, from £1 5s. to £1 10s. 17.0mwf22l A TTRACTIVE SrlOW^BILL^ in TX NOVEL COLOURS got out on the SHORTEST NOTICE at tl£ ^«.°Steam Pnntmz^fhce. Greirfell-stree Adelaide. 271c COMPANIES AnFsqcIETLES. QOUTH AUSTRALIAN WINE O GROWERS' ASSOCIATION Presiilent— His Excellency Sir Dominick Daly A SENEGAL MKETI^U of ?™e JSo*S»a will be held at the Institute, North-terrace, on Wednesday, July 20, 1SU, at 11 a.m., at which a Paper will be Read by Edward J. Hector Esq., on ' Winegrowing in the Sherry Districts of Spain:' after which there will be a discussion on the Pruning of the Vine. Parties interested in the growth of the Vine and the manufacture of its produce will be adinittec free. PETER G. HARMS Secretary The next Exhibition of Wines will be on the 17th August ? IS4-aSrmwBQ2 OOUTH AUSTRALIAN GAS O COMPANY.-The ANNUAL GFNERAL MEETING of SHAREHoLDtRs in U.« Com piiny will be held on Monday, the 25th of July at the ArbitrationRooios. Adelaide Assembly Rooms, at half-past 2 p clock p.ul, for the transaction o the following business :-To receive the Genera Statement and Balance-sheet, showing the state o atfaiwofthe Company tothe»Jth of June 1S64 to fix the amount of remuneration to th' Directors and Auditors for the past year; to elect three Directors m the room of Hon. Henry Ayeis. Thomas Graves, and George Youn? Esns the retiring Directors (who are eligible for le-efection and offer themselves accordingly); to elect two Auditors for the ensuing year. The Books of Transfer will be closed from the 18th to the25th July inclusive. WW from '* lSlmwf207v205 JOHN PAXTOy^Se^^^ S~r~0UTH AUSTRALUv — (ds COMPANY.-NOTICE.-Any Shareholder duly qualiBed by holding SO Shares in tlfeGom-pany, and intending to be a CANDIDATE fnrthe office of DIRECTOR at the ensuing eMon onthl 25th of July, wnst give notice by writineof h intention to the Secretary on or before Mnmlav the Uth of July, at 2 o'clock p.m.S e Monday« lSi'SSfm'JOv'91 JOHN PAXTON, SecrPtarr I MINING NOTICES ~~~ INING VENTURE~l90(fIlA xMEETING of SHAREHOLDERS in the above .Venture will be held at the office of the undersigned, Gresham-chambers, on Mondav the 4th day of J uly, at 11 a.m. )|ine lKf'B . J. HAMTx|g LOST AND gO?SJT^7~ O^T, on Saturday morning lasPbe^ tween Slagill and Adelaide, a Plain' Steel RING, with three Keys. Whoever will bring the same to the office of this paper shall receive Five SfailhpgsJReirBid, , lgg

PRAPEBY AND CLOTHINCr, . £ i J) VANCE. ADYANCE ADS- 1 id VTRALIA.— Ri- JURY, feeling convinced 1 r the extensive patronage he has received since is GREAT REDUCTION on the PRICE of ENTLEMEN'S CLOTHlNGi that a discerning ublic will credit liim for making use of no adver sing puff, begs to inform his Tiumerons friend ml the public thatTiavihg seen the great disad intage that 'persons (especially the working-class [id countiy gentlemen, who purchase ready-made othing), have been under, beirs toinform them lathe has JUST RECEIVED' a ? IAfflJE-Atf D eHOieK-ASSOETMENT OP READY-MADE CLOTHING, 1 Warranted Shrunk, and of Colours that will not ade, which he intends offering this season, as an ltroduction, at - ; , LOWER-PRICES -lan the showy nnshrunk Slops usually sold by. â–ºrapers and Slopsellers, as the J.ew said of the izors— ' Made/for sale and hot for use.'* ' N;B.— As R. Jnry has only 2(10 Snits unbespoke, e. would advise intending Purchasers to make an larly Visit; and that all shall see they get good alue for money, nothing will be sold of this: uperior Stock after dark. The Establishment' ill be open from 9 a-m. Jill 6 p jn. Observe the Address-r - --.-?.. R. JURY, ~ The Hole-in-the-Wall, Hindley-street, ? 2S0c . , opposite Bunn's Exchange. 21, HINDLEY-STREET. ~~ 3ETER CUMM1NG -fc SONS L have now. on hand a Large Stock of ; ? CAliPETS in BrusseKKiddermihster, and Velvet Pile.' PRINTED DRUGGETS. HEARTHRUGS and DOOR-MATS. FLOOR OILCLOTH, all widths to 18 Feet. EASONABLE DRAPERY and CLOTHING, Aver}' Extensive and Well-assorted Stock. -PETER CUMMING & SONS, 21, Hindley-street. June 10, 1864. ? 163cv D. CUMMING b SONS L . have JUST RECEIVED a SUPERIOR .SSORTAIENT of GOODS OVERLAND, com rising— ~ New Shawls in Broche, Plaid, Cashmere, ' Llama, &c. Dress Silks in Chene, Cord, and Checked, in various colours ; Ribbons, Buttons, Tiimmings, &c. 21, HixPLEr-STKEKT, June 13, 186'4. 166cv TOHN H0DGKISS & CO. request » the attention of CASH .BUYERS to the r'stemim which their Business is conducted, viz., i-ery Article marked the LOWEST CASH 'KICE, and where credit is given interest charged a the account. By this system the cash buyers xure the advantages they are entitled to, and ie credit buyers know the amount they pay for le accommodation they receive.' Observe-JOHN HODGKISS & CO., 275cv ? 26 and 2a Bundle-street CLOVES, GLOVES, GLOVES, JT LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S. Josephine Francois and Jouvin. 176c At BAMENT'S, 25, Bindley-street. \ GOOD SERVICEABLE SUIT of 1- TWEED for Thirty Shillings, at 2S0-^ ? J URY'S. Hindley-street STEW WINTER DRAPERY.— -* ALTERATION OF PRENHSES. The Subscribers have much pleasure in an ouncing that they have JUST RECEIVED a .AKGEand SEASONABLE STOCK ofAVLNTER -R APERY, to which they would solicit an early ispection; and they' can assure those who may ivour them with their patronage that nothing liall be wanting to make their estibhshment one f the cheapest in Adelaide. G. & S. would also direct special attention to ie alteration and improvement in their Shep Vindows, thereby rendering greater facilities for lie better display of their New Goods. GAULT & SCOTT, Times Dbavekt Mart, 14, Rundle-street, 153cv Opposite Red Lion Inn. propessionalT R7'IL1, \3I MURRAY, Assoc. lust. VV C.E., and Licensed Surveyor under Acts To. 13 of 1S59 ami No. -22 of 1801, will lie happy to ndertake Surveys of every description, by con ract or otherwise. Address Exchange, Adelaide; rMr. Tassie, Port Augusta; or Captain Bishop, 'ort Lincoln. ? I39mwft-7v91 \TERVOUS DEBILITY.— Consult Dr. L- PERRY & CO., Sukgeoxs, and Authors i the well-known Medical Work 'The Silent i'riend.' Price &. bM. ; to be had at the Surgery, Jo. 5, Dorsetta-terrace, Flinders-street. 1S2''S EbuCATION. ? HLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL O ACADEMY. King William-street and North errace. will REOPEN' on Monday, July 4. The Course of Instruction will comprise a com ilete. English Education, the Latin and Greek Jlassics, the French, Italian. Spanish, aud German ^nguages, Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, Algebra, Jeometry, Trigonometry, Plane ami Geodetic Surveyin?, Navigation, Coonlinate Geometry, 'onic Sections, piffercntial and Intesral Calculus, Calculus of Variations, Calculus of Finite Diffe ences, Statics and Dynamics. Young Gentlemen carefully and expeditiously irepared to pass Examinations in Surveying and Navigation. The EVENING CLASSES for Bookkeeping, ilatltematics, ice, will Recommence July 4. A Vacancy for one Boarder. Terms on application. 1S2'6 ? - ? R. THOMSON. \/TR. NE SB IT'S BOARDING L-X SCHOOL, ANGASTON, will be RE )PENED on Monday, July 4. Terms can be had rom Mr. Shawyer, King William-street, Adelaide, ir from Mr. Nesbit. 174''S7 VI R. HOSKING'S COMMERCIAL LtI SCHO(.)L, Gilbert-street. Duties will be Resumed on Monday, July 4. Terms, &c, on application. 1S3''6 «/'AYMOUTH-STREET SCHOOL.— » » Duties Resumed ou Wednesday, J uly 6. ? 1S3'9 T»HE FELLENBERG COMMERCIAL JL SCHOOL.— The DUTIES.of this.SCHOOL rill be RESUMED on Jlonday, the 11th July. Terms and programmes of studies may be obtained ir forwarded on application. 177,'9,S6VS-'93 JOHN MARTIN. ADELAIDE EDUCATIONAL ex INSTITUTION. - The nest Quarter will :ommence on Monday, July 4. Applications for Hoarders to be made to Mr. rohn L. Young, Parkside. 176-'86vS4. pOLLEGIATE- INSTITUTE. Angas -S street.— The Studies of the abovenained istablishnient will be Resumed oh Tuesday, the 5th nst, under the Management of Mr. SYMS. M^A., vho has engaged, with the assistance of competent Masters, to carry on the School for the benefit of he late Mr. Haire's Widow and Children. Terms is usual. ? x ORTH-TERRAOE BOARDIiSG and DAY SCHOOL for yOUNG LADIES. Conducted by Mrs. a J. CABLETON. The Duties of this Establishment will be Re sumed on Friday, July 8. x JVfRS FERNELEY'S ESTABLISH-.. 1-1 MENTfor the EDUCAIION of YOUNG LADIES, Eugenie Cottage, Anga3-street. The Duties of this Establishment will be Resumed an Monday, July 4 ? ? ? 1SO'G SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, O Soward's-buildings, Pulteuey-street. ; Conducted by Miss PHILLIPS and Miss JAMES. The Young Ladies of this Establishment will Reassemble on Tuesday, July 5. 183**7 A DELAIDE INSTITUTION fOR XX THE EDUCATION OF YOUNG LADIES, Pennington-terrace, North Adelaide. Lady Superintendent, Mrs. J. M. BELL. The next Quarter commences on Tuesday, 5th July. ? Applications for Boarders to be made to Mrs. J. M. Bell, at the Institution. lSQhsImwfgOvai \/l RS. HENRY DAVIS'S BOARDING ML and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, Pulteney-street, North-terrace. The Duties of this Establishment will be Re sumed on Monday, July 4. ? 182nih'9 rPHE Advertiser, a Lady who Ls coin -L petent to instruct Junior Pupils in English and tlie Rudiments of French, Dancing, and Drawing, wishes for a SITUATION in a SCHOOL in or near Adelaide. Address X. Y. Z., Port Elliot. ' ^ ' 186'8 H. VON SCHLEINITZ, PROFESSOR of GERMAN LANGUAGE, Collegiate School of St. Peter, begs to acquaint the public that he has still some vacant time for private Tuition. Address^North-terrace east. ' 186*'91 DANCING.— Air. W. H. HILLIER respectfully informs his Pupils and the PuLlic that his ACADEMY is REMOVED to No. 91, HINDLEY-STREET Gate Miller Ander son & Co.'s), and that hfc is prepared to give Lessons in Class or Private. Practice Night, everv Wednesday evening, from 8 to 10. Schools and Private Families attended. |18.m'6 TElfDERS. TO BUILDERS.— TENDERS will be received by Mr. Butler, North-parade, Port, until 2 p.m. on Tuesday, the 12th July next from persons who may be willing to contract for the sundry WORKS to be done at the WESLEYAN CHAPEL.PORT. Specification, &c at Mr, Butlers. Neither the lowesfnor any tender necessarily aC°eP WRIGHT & WOODS, Architects. Adelaide, June 30, 1S64; ? IS3m'6 r p6* BUILDERS.— TENDERS will be -L received by the undersigned until noon on ! Saturday, the Pth July next, from persons who may be willing to contract for ADDITIONS to BUSI NESS PREMISES in Eundle-street. j ' Plans and Specifications at our office. Neither the lowest nor auy tender necessarily accepted WRIGHT & WOODS, Architects. Adelaide, June jQ, lS'it. ? lS3mwft)0 CONVEYANCES. PARRIAGE TO STRATHALBYN, yj LAXGHORNE'S CREEK, and MILANG. —All Goods for the above places sent to the Sturt Stable, addressed care of Stanley Burgess, wiUbe carefully lorwanld weekly. 186 8Y205T

gBHCATIONS AND STATJOJEEBY J JEW- BOOKS by Mail and Ship.— 1 *: Reade's Savage Africa ? _? Westgarth's Colony of Victoria ? ru Forster's Life of Sir John Elliott, 2 vols. « - Mrs. Oliphaut's life of Irving 'J - Old Helmet, by Author of Wide Wide World ' Ned Locksley. the Etonian ' ~ Lost and Saved, by the Hon. Mrs. Norton Recommended toilercy — Carlyle's History of Frederic the Great, 4 vols. £ -Walk from London to John O'Groat's, and k othtr Works oy Elihu Burritt P New British Pharmaccepja A Sir G. C. Lewis's Administrations of Great 3C Britain from 17S3 to ISM . a Brown's Divine Treatment of Sin '' - ' m Pattison's Rise aad Progress of Religious Life in England. &c., &c 167.1 KS. WIGG. 12, Bundle-street uT USIC. MUSIC. MUSIC— *i E. S. WIGG has recently added largely to , s Stock of SHEET and BOUND MUSIC. * Favourite English and Scotch Songs Favourite Airs, Melodies, and Marches Favourite Dance Music Negro Melodies ? New Music by Popular Composers Easy Music for Beginners Instruction Books and Exercises ^ Union Tune-Books and Harmonists I Church Music, &c. * 167u E. S. WIGG, 12, Rundle-streeL T ? , ? , ? _a JEW PERIODICALS— VOLUMES. S ^1 Ait Journal for 1863. * ? Chambers's Journal, voL 20. « Ladies' Treasuri', voL 7. p London Society, vol. 4. 5 Once a Week, vol. 9. r Christian Treasury, voL 7. i, Cornhill, voL 8. , S ' Family Treasury, vol 7. i-Good Words :for 1863. }\ Leisure Hour for 1S6& „ Sunday at Home for 186:?. ? Child's Companion for 1S63. Tract Magazme for 1863. British Workman for 1S63. / The Cottager for 1S63. \ Children's Paper for 1S6S. _ Intellectual Observer, vol. 4. y British Controversialist for 1863. t, All the Year Round, voL 10. _ ? Temple Bar. 1S63. Cassells's Paper, voL 12. . Law last for 1S64. ~ ISOq ? W. O. RIGBY. Importer. 1 iOYAL AROMATIC PATENT ELASTIC BANDS. These Bands arc not only perfectly free from the ipleasant smell of sulphur, which, detracted so uch from the value of the old Bands, but have, _ i the contrary, a very agreeable perfume. .'' ENVELOPES. ALL SIZES. S1 LINEAR NOTE-PAPER. ?' CAMELHAIR PENCILS. U RUBBER-HEADED PENCDLS. PATENT INK-ERASERS. . MARKING-INK PENCILS. PLATTS, O No. 1, Hindley and King William streets. x 181q Established 1839. ! g ? ? ? i jj JEW BOOKS AND FRESH , Tl ?N SUPPLIES. ? |f The Speeches and Addresses of H.R.H. the i g Prince Consort. * British Pbarmacopcea, 1864. *J Ityan's Mauritius and Madagascar. Lewis's Administration of Great Britain from -17S' to 1S30. S. Evans's Speculative Notes. Vonier's Pride, by Wood. The Foot of the Crass, by Winslow. Human Sadness, by the Countess de Gasparin. Death or Life, or the Story of my Experience on 'the Line,' or 20 Years on the Railway. Bavlee's Intermediate State of the Blessed Dead. Brovn on tlie Divine Treatment of Sin. r Chanipney's Facts and Fragments. '-Leisure Hour, 18(3. Sunday at Home, 1S63. Good Words, 1SS3. (Juthrie on the Gospel in Ezefciel. Kingslcy's The Uoiuan and the Teuton. _ Ticktior's Life of Prescott. -1 Old Helmet, by the author of Wide Wide World. J Sylvia's Lovers, by Mrs. GaskelL S Macdutt's Prophet of Fire. S Photographic Albums, a large assortment. 1 Copjing-l'rcsses and Account Books. S 16Tw JOHN HOWELL. Rundle-street C ? C NEW BOOKS, SUPPLIES, &c.— Colenso's (Bishop) Village Sermons. Trench's Subjection of the Creature to Vanity. Wars of House of Hapsburg, by author of Heir of Redclyffe. Oxenden's Cottage Readings. 80 Years' Progress British North America. House of Ellmore. Ned Locksley the Etonian. Gascoyne the Sandalwood Trader, by Ballan-tyne. Sylvia's Lovers. Holmby House, cheap edition. Old Helmet. Parker(Theodore), Life and Correspondence of. Birks's Exodus of Israel. England's Workshops. What will he do with it. 2 vols. Macduff's Prophet of Fire. Macduff's Sunset on the Hebrew Mountains. The Soul Gatherer. Capps's National Debt Financially Considered. Stewart's (Dugald) Outlines of Moral Philo-sophy. Bentham's Theory of Legislation. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, 11th edition. W. C. RIGBY, Importer. 180q In the Press, and will shortly be Published, DR. L. L. SMITH on the PROLONGA-TION of LIFE, the CAUSE and NATURE of DISEASES. and HOW to AVOID THEM. This Volume, complete in itself, is the First of a Series of Works to be issued, and will contain nformation of a plain practical, yet Professional haracter, the result- of over 12 years' experience 2 s a Medical Practitioner in these Colonies. JS .B. — Dr. Smith wishes to point out to bis ( 'riends and Patients in South Australia who are, I iesirous of- availing themselves of this his first Vork, and of possessing the complete Series, the 1 lecessity of at once giving orders to their Book ellers, as the Edition is limited. 184mws214vl91 LOST AND SAVED, by the Hon. Mrs. Norton. PLATTS, Number One. 181q STORY OF A CITY ARAB. PLATTS, Number One. 181q SCHOOL AND HOME ; a Tale for Schoolboys. PLATTS, Number One. 181q HOME NEWS. 12s. per annum in town. 13s. do. posted. PLATTS, Agent for the Home News. 74q A CHEAP DESK ALMANAC FOR 1864. Just Published, at the Register and Observer General Steam Printing Offices, Grenfell-street, and to be had of all Booksellers, Price Three-pence. THE ROYAL SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CARD ALMANAC FOR 1864. an' immense amount of useful and »rrect Information in a small space, viz. :— Feasts, Anniversaries. Jewish Festivals. Principal Articles of the Calendar. Days of the Week, Month, and Year. Moon's Phases for Year. Sun's Rising and Setting once a Week. Eclipses. Law Terms. Civil Sittings. Criminal Sittings. Trades' Holidays. Railway Termini Time Table for North Line and Port Line. AND Table to find the Day of the Week on which any given date will fall. PRICE THREEPENCE. SENSATION NOVELS. — Eleanor's Victory, Aurora Floyd, Lady Audley's Secret, Mr. Halliburton's Troubles, The Chan-nings, East Lynne, and No Name, all 7s. each. W. C. RIGBY, Importer. 71q RIGBY'S SOUTH AUSTRALIAN SHEET ALMANACK, Price 6d. Wholesale and Retail. RIGBY, 53, Hindley-street. 96q Now Ready, PLATTS'S ALMANAC, 1864. 311 Just published, MAP OF AUSTRALIA, Showing the TRACKS of LATE EX-PLORERS into the Interior and Across the Con-tinent, together with their Discoveries. Projected, compiled, and drawn by Mr. O. W. O. Bennett. Subscribers can have their copies Plain mounted . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1s. 6d. extra Book form ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3s. Mounted and Varnished, with Rollers 5s. do. PLATTS, Publisher, Comer of Hindley and King William Streets. [Established 1839.] 140q Just Published, Price Is.; by Post, Is. 2d. 'VTOT QUITE AS OLD AS THE HILLS 1^1 —A LECTURE on the Evidence of Man's Antiquity, by the Rev. Julias E. TexBox Woods, F.R.G.S., F.G.S., F.L.S. 12S-i ? W. C. RIGBY. Just Published. Piuce Sixpence, H OYAL SOUTH AUSTRALIAN JLV SHEET ALMANAC, 18t-4. &&' Country Agents can now be supplied with the above, corrected up to the hour of going to Press. Register and Observer General Steam Printing Offices,' Grecfell-stre November o. 1 (3. ? ONTE C H R I S T O, by Alexandre Dumas. Twentv Illustrations. PLATTS, ISlq ? Number One. QHAKSPE ARE'S TERCENTENARY. £j Sliakspeare's Plays, 6s. Gd. PLATTS, ? 107q Number One.

rPTJNEBAL JfOTICES , j PUN£RAL:!NOTICR— The Friends of \ tlie hte Mb THOMAS BEADLE are respect- ;' Uy informed that his Remains will leave his late '-, ?idence, Walkerville, This Day, Monday, the 4th st, at 2 o'clock, for the North-road Cemetery, i WM. BUNDEV, Undertaker. i'ITBLIC NOTICES 'OUTH AUSTRALIAN RAILWAY. - —THE TENDERS of the undermentioned srsons for the Annual Supplies of the South jstralian Railway durinc the year ending June , lStio, have been ACCEPTED for the whole or .j jortion of the articles tendered for, as the case ay be:— '?' ?? ' Harrotd Brothers A. Jones F.'H.Faulding Bean Brothers '? Phillips & Co; Slain &Geyer Wight & Co.. F. Reynolds Martin &Sach . J. Davies R.Dodgson, W. Parfitt H. L. Vosz . F. Thwaites ? J. Powe KWentzel P.1 Gumming & Sons W.H.Hamilton Horwood&Son W.Thomson..., C. S. HARE, fiianager.. Manager's Department,. Adelaide Statiou, .. .i ; July 2. 1So4. ? . x PURSUANT to au ORDER of the . SUPREME COURT of SOUTH AUS- i EIALIA, made in a Cause 'Smith v. Cullen and nother.V the CREDITORS of MATTHE\Y J llllti, late of Adelaide, Esquire, Deceased, who ed in or about the month of November, 185$, c, by their Solicitors, on or before the twenty cond day., of August, 18t-4, to come in and ROVE their DEBTS, at the Master's Office, at e Supreme Court-House, Victoria-square, Ade ide; or, in default thereof, they will be peremp-' riiy excluded from the benefit of the said Order. rednesday, the; twenty-fourth day of August, : 64, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Master's Hice, is appointed for hearing and adjudicating ; ion the claims. Dated this twenty 'ninth day of June, 18S4. i IS6mw235v WILL HINDER Master. GEORGE TODD, Great Yarmouth^ J X Encland, last heard of at or near Gawler 3wn — Write to your Sister, Sarah Fraserl ictoria-road, Upper Hawthorne, Melbourne, Vic ri». . 18b*''9l AMUSEMENTS. F:HITE'S ROOM S.— rT FOR A SHORT SEASON. Will commence THIS EVENING MONDAY, JULY 4, 1S64. The World-Renowned and Original ... CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS, Who have had the honour of appearing before Her Majesty the Queen, the Royal Family, the Emperor and Empress of the French, and nearly all the Crowned Heads of Europe. PROGRAMME For Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. PART L Overture (Guy Mannering). ... \ Christy's Opening Chorus (Semiramide).. / Minstrels Oh, gently breathe . . . Mr. J.Stewart : Hat and Feather . . . . Mr. W. Norton We meet again ... ... ... ... Mr. T. Rainford Hold your horses... ? Mr. H. Leslie Silver shining moon ? Mr. J. H. Melvin My Willie has gone for a soldier Mr. W. Norton Quintette— Come where my love lies dreaming— Messrs, Stewart, Melvyn, Rain ford, Nish, and Steele Sleigh Polka— A musical description of) a fashionable sleigh ride, with the de- 1 ' parture, race oh the road, arrival at ! Christy's the hotel, the ball, preparing to re- f Minstrels turn, all aboard, the chorus, ind the arrival at daybreak (full bandi ? J ' An intermission of ten minutes. PART IL Violin Solo— Mr. A. Nish. Burlesque Polka— Messrs. Norton and Leslie. i Descriptive Song, ' The Desert '— Mr. Rainford. Banjo Duett, or Talent v. Stupidity— Messrs. Norton and Leslie. Violincello Solo— Mr. U. Steele. American Prize Jig— Mr. W. Norton. An intermission of ten minutes. a conclude with the Christy's celebrated Burlesque ITALIAN OPERA! Meddle Oyster Patti . . Mr. W. Norton Signor Marry-Ho . . . Mr. J. H. Melvyn Signor Grass-i-o-u ... ... Mr. A. Nish Herr School Formes . . . Mr. T. Rainford Sentry on Duty . . . Mr. JI. Leslie onductor ? Mr. J. Stewart rehestra ? Mr. O. Steele. Supernumeraries by a host of Auxiliaries. Price of Admission— Front Seats, 5s.; Back eats, 2s. tid. Seats can tbe secured at the Rooms from 11 'clock till i Doors open at half-past 7; to commence at 8 clock precisely. Carriages may be ordered at a quarter-past 10. Stage Manager and Musical Director— Mr. A. tan. Treasurer— Mr. J. H. Meiaule. SPECLVL NOTICE. Reserved Seats may_ be secured by applying to ie Secretary, at White's Rooms, from 11 to 1 'clock daily. EDWAKD HARVEY, _181c ? Secretary Christy Minstrels. [T1CT0RIA T HE AT R E. ' GRAND EXTRA FASHIONABLE NIGHT, fader the Distinguished Pa ronage of His Excel lency the Governor, Sir Domkick Dalt, and hxm Daly, I 'ho have graciously signified their intention of ! being present, the performances being for the BENEFIT OF MR. SHUTE. ' ' ? THIS EVENING (Monday), July 4, he performance will commence (by desire) with i ie singularly successful moral Drama, by Tom 'aylor, Esq., entitled . . THE TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN. tobert Brierly ? Mr. Shute. With all the original powerful cast. Interlude. I Highland Fling, Miss Selina Nathan. Tautical Hornpipe (by desire), La Petite Marian ; Nathan. including with, for the first time, the new libernian Farce, by George Colrnan, entitled THE WAGS OF WINDSOR. ?ooney McToulther ... ? Mr. W. H. Shute. Tickets and seats to be had of Mr. Nathan. Carriages may be ordered at half-past 11. x PORT THEATRE FOR THE NIGHT OxVLY. Under the distinguished patronage and presence f F. Reynolds, Esq., Mayor, and Members of the lunicipal Corporation. ; Mr. J. R. GREVILLE, ? And the acknowledged talented STAR COMPANY. TUESDAY EVENING NEXT, July 5. The New Drama of extraordinary interest, Minded on Miss Braddon's popular Work of the ime title, AURORA FLOYD. k-mtc Dance— I and my Double— Mr. J. Chambers. And the Laughable Hibernian Afterpiece, -, ? . . THE HAPPY MAN. Gallery, Is.; Pit, 2s.; Boxes, 4s. x ! B. M. NATHAN. Acting Manager. Zpma AUSTRALIAN ASSEMBLY ?J ROOMS, 117, HlXDLEFSTBEET. A GRAND FANCY DRESS BALL ? . ? will be held At the above Rooms, on Monday, July 11, in'der the Patronage of the following Consuls : — F. S. Dutton, Esq., SLP., Consul for Netherlands. A. Gaedechens, Esq., Consul for Belgium and Denmark. G. Bartleet, Esqi, Consul for Italy. G. von der Heyde, Esq., Consul for Bremen. Hy. Blyth, Eso., Acting-Consul for France. B. Amsberp, Esq., Consul for Hamburg. Parties 'wishing to obtain tickets can do so by eaving their name and address at the above Rooms m or before the 6th of July, as no tickets will be ssued after that date. Tickets, double or single, lalf-a-Guinea each. N.B.— Masks or Dominoes ?will be strictly pro libited. »-'??? . 167.'9,'7V«,W8 NEW WAXWORK EXHIBITION. ' JUST ARRIVED FROM LONDON, tfextdoorto the Hamburg Hotel, Bundle-street. Open daily from 10 a.oi. till 10 p.m. THIRTY MAGNIFICENT FIGURES, SPLENDID DRESSES AND SPEAKING LIKENESSES, jyH; J. Meech, of London, who obtained tke only jrize at the International Exhibition 'of 18(2, ncludinz Her Majesty the Queen, Princess of Wales, Empress of the French, Princess Alice, ate Prince Albert, Prince of Wales, Emperor of the French, John McDouall Stuart (our own SxplorerX Carlotti Patti (the eminent Prima 3onna), and American and Foreign Celebrities, Moving and Characteristic Figures, &c., &c, &c. Admission— Is.; Children half-price. 18ti'8 ' AST ADELAIDE ASSEMBLY ROOMS (TIVOLI HOTEL). Every 'Monday and Thursday evening, SOIREE DANSANTE. -Admission 2s. 6d. Eilb'an's Full Brass Band is engaged. 257mhc , J SUHIEMER, Proprietor. AST ADELAIDE ASSEMBLY ROOMS (TrvoLi Hotei,). GRAND MASQUERADE BALL. -- On THURSDAY, July 14. ? [184mw'8 fBODOCE. HPHE Undersigned are PURCHASERS X of BEEF and MUTTON TALLOW at current Rates in anyquantity for Cash. ???'?-G. VON DER HEYDE & CO., -18r'21O ? 31, Grenfell-street WOOL, HIDES, SHEEPSKINS VV SHANK BONES, TALLOW &c, PUP. (PHASED by the undersignci in Adehide, or by their Agent, J. M. Hunt, at Kooringa. lev ? . W, PKAOOfig ft SON. T\T00L, HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, 4c, T T PURCHASED at the Highest MarkeJ Price by 113cv JOHN TAYLOR k SON' Theb'.rtnn 'hotels asp liyee? stables' eagle-on-the-hill, mount 'BARKER-ROAD.-A. KOltDHAM be»s to return thanks to his numerous Friends and the Public for past favours, and to inform them he hasRENEWEI* his LEASE of this delightfully situated HOTEL, and ho;^s to merit a continua tion of their favours. N.B.— First-class Wines and Spirits; Stablesand Stockyards, &e. June -0, 1804. ? 183-212 CRITERION HOTEL.— V An OBDINAEYPaUy at 1 o'clock, [m-%

: IKSUEA1TCE K0TICE3. _ HHURCH OF ENGLAND AND ' ^ GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE AND I LNNUHY INSTITUTION. '? ' ' - Capital, BIiixioh. FRANCIS S. DUTTON, Agent, 40mtwfs3(»v- . Rumllo-place. I IVERPOOL AND LONDoFFIRK U AND LIFE ASSURANCli: COMPANY. t Cahtai, T^vo Miluoks. i' RISKS accepted at the REDUCED RATES. . y CLAIMS Promptly Settled in the Colony. Star * P'. J. BECK & CO., Agents. ^OUTH AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE : ^ COMPANY, LIMITED. , The Directors of this Company are prepared to tccept MARINE RISKS - B. E. .TAPLEY. Secretary. R. M. Taplbt, Agent, Port ; March 2I.:lStf4. ' ?[ .- ? 82cv . PVERWENT AND TAMAR MARINE \J AND FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ' ' Capital, jEKHXOOO.— Established 183& Head Office: Macqu&ric-strcct, Hobart Town. ???'?-? ADELAIDE BRANCH: . Agent, W.SASfsos. Office: 6, Currie-street. i Marine and Fire Risks are accepted by the ] igeht, without referettce to tbe Hcatl Oltice, at the \ owest rates, and Losses promptly settled. Marine losses may be made payable in London f required. ? . ? 40c P~~ACLFIC FIRE AND MARINE t INSURATTCK COMPANY. I Capital, je500.000, Unlimited Liability. : Head Office— Pitt-street, Sydney. . ' C£:M. Smith, Esq., Manager. The undersigned having been APPOINTED ' &.GENTS in South Australia for the above Onice. ( we prepared to-receive Proposals for Fire and ^ Marine Risks at the current rates of premium, ind will Issue Policies at once in terms thereof. Claims in either department settled here imm liatelv on proof of loss. Vessels insured ou tim policies, or otherwise m liberal terms. S74c Q.A.&H. BARTLEET. Grenf ell-street l^HE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE t J- FIRE INSURRANCE COMPANY. ti ? Capital— One Million. All Claims settled in the colony. EDWARD J. SPJ5NCE, Afjent, 25Sc .-? King William-street. Adelaide. QUEEN FIRE AND LIFE '?INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital,' One Million. , A Claims settled in the colony. WM. YOUNtiHUSBAND. JUN., v CO., 6c Asents for South Australia. ( ROYAL FIRE AND LIFE r - INSURANCE COMPANY. Q - : - Capital, i2,0(K),000. ? . Annual 'Revenue, nearly j£SOO. 000. Increase of Fire Business last year ft) percen ' more than that of any ofh'ce in Great Britain. FIRE BRANCH.-Insurances granted at re- ? iuced' premiums. Claims settled in the colony f, immediately on proof of loss. LIFE BRANCIL^-Kuglish rates of premium . inly charced, and conditions on Policies extremely liberal. Bonus at recent -divisions of profits, 2 per t :ent. per annum ou amount of Policies. Example: . ? ? ?; Policy dated Dec. ],' litf 5 (smu assured) £1.000 * Increased by oonus to Dec, 1860, to ...' 1,279 Total premiums paid being ? 'M Medicai Referee— R. W. Moore. Esq., Colouia Surgeon.- ? ? - - ? . ACRAMAN MAIN. LINDSAY. & CO., . 1'Tcv .. AeenU QOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE 1 O ? ? COMPANY, L1JUTE1). ( i King Willjunj-street Adelaide, ^ For effecting Insurances at REDUCED RATES \ igainstFIRE, - ? - ?? 1 Agencies at every township in the colony. Chairulan, J. M. Linklatsr, Esq. ? Deputy-Chairman. R..G. Bowen, Esq. Money Lent op BIortpaKe. lev ? R.K. TAPLEY Secretarr ' A USTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVI- ! ' J\ DENT (LIFE ASSURANCE) SOCIETY. ? Pkincipal Offices: \ SYDNEY: New Pitt-stkeet. ' Chairman : The Hon. A. T. Hoh-Qyd, Esq., M.L.A. Deputy Chairman: The Hon. James Mitchell, Ksq., M.Ij.C. I John Fairfax, Esq. I S. A. Joseph, Esq. i Robert Uilfillan, Esq. | Samuel Thompson, Esq. ! MELBOURNE: 107, Collins-street west. Chairman : ' The Uon. T. T. A'Bcckett, Esq., M.L.C. I Deputy Chairman : j The Hon. Matthew Hervey, Esq., M.L.O. ! \ James Oallendcr, Es-i. j Robert McDougall, Esq. The Hon. Arch. Michie, Esq., M.L.A. ( ADELAIDE. Medical Referee: Wm. Gosse, Esn, BUSINESS OF THE SOCIETY. Life Assurances of all kinds. Granting Annuities on Lives, present, deferred, and reversionary. I Granting Endowments for children and old age. -ADVANTAGES OF THE SOCIETY. I ! Prompt Settlement of Claims. j ' Liberal Conditions as to Voyaging, Resi dence, &C ; I ' Miners' Lives Assured on favourable terms. I This is tbe only purely Mutual Assurance Office . in the Australian Colonies. j The. whole of the large Profits are therefore j Divided among tlie Policy-holders. I Tliesc Profits are more than threefold those allotted by most other offices in the colony. ] For prospectuses and all information, forms of i proposal, &c, apply to , PADMAN& CO., Agents. Adelaide, May 1, ISM. . 125c , MARINE INSURANCE. : ADELAIDE LLOYD'S ASSOOIA- j j TION OF UNDE1J WRITERS. I ' i Hon. Wm. Peacock Chairman. j ? Thos. Graves, Esq., Deputy Chairman. I Marine Risks taken at current rates, aud policies I issued immediately on account of the' same. CLAIMS FOR LOSSES, j promptly ettled in cash without deduction. ?? , fred; s/c. drjffield, ! Agent to the Association, UrentHli-Kireek ! ' - Business for the present carried oo iu the same ' office as before, Grenfell-gtrcct ? 183mwfc OBART TOWN and LAUNOESTON ' . MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. ' I - (EstabUshed 1836. . . MAEESE BUHVEYOll AT PORT ADEUIDKt -Captain H. Simpson. I The tmdersigned aecept Marine Risks at current * rates. ? .- ? ? '????' F. J. BECK & CO., Agents, . »2mwfcT - Adelaide and Port. ' TMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE ! -X COMPANY OF LONDON. Capital, £1,600,000. ' All Claims Settled in the Colony. I EDMUND, W. WRIGH'IV Agent : 218mhcv King William-street. Adelaide riORNWALL FIRE AND MARINE VJ INSURANCE COMPANY, LAUNCESTON ! ??. ;v ,, (Established in 1841. Agents at Hobart Town, Melbourne, GeeloDg and River Mersey. ; , Agent at Adelaide,' ' ' ABRAHAM SCOTT. Bljlh-street 3mhcv' JAMESAIKENHKAD Secretary. THE CITY --OF , GLASGONV LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. JE8TABLISUKO 1838. Capital, i!G0ao 0. Medical Adviscr-rR. VY. Moore, Esq., Colonial Surgeon. Agents for South Australia— W. &? J. STORRIE, 19 Currie-street. ? - ' . «fl-92mwf2U » EMPLOWP^T WAHTED. A! GARDENER (married man), with ; 15 years' colonial experience, and thoroughly understanding Wfnemaking; is willing to take an ENGAGEMENT as GARDENER. Address A. B. G., office of. this paper. 183''6 WANTED,' by a' young Lady accus - tomed- to Tuition, a SITUATION as GOVERNESS in the Country. Address J. H., Poat-Omce, Adelaide. ? lfcO'« : PERS0K8 WANTED. WANTED, a BOOKKEEPER for a Wholesale Business; must write a good band and be perfect at accounts. Salary, £15ti per annum. Good reference indispensable. Apply by letter, B. C, Post-Office, Adelaide. 18-Sc WANTED, a generally useful Young MAN, about 10 years of age. T. R. Jones, Gilbert-place. ? ? ? x_ WANTED, a good SHOEING and JOBBING SMITH ; a single man preferred. Apply to J. Hardy, WiUnnga. ? 188'8 WANTED, a Respectable Youth as aa APPRENTICE totbeCABINETMAKING. Apply at J. Weils'a, 157, Hindley-stteet x W' ANTED, a good COACHJIAN. , i Apply any morning before 10 o'clock to the Hon. John Hart, Roseltaplace, Franklin street. ? . I84'7 WANTED, Well-Sinkers and other Hands. Apply at Hunt's Labour Office, x WANTED, a good GENERAL SER VANT. Apply at the Gresham Hotel. ? 184c p ENERAL SERVANT WANTED. vT Apply to Mrs. Hack, Childersstrect, North Adelaide. ' 1«4'7 BOABD 'Aira i LODGIHG.' WASTED, by a Gentleman, a BED - KOUManilSITTING-KOUM, neatly Fur nished, in a respcctaMi1 bou=e whurc no other lodgers are kept, with BOARD. A house with a stable and garden attached to it would be preferred. Address M. H., office of this purer. ]R}'6 :[QRSES. CATTLE. VEHTCLES. .&?. FOR SALE, a well-bred Bay MARE, with Saddle and Biidle; will also po in Harness. Apply at Mr. T. ?. Sharp's Stables, Pirie-Btreet, 179mvrfc

LAKD AUCTION HOTlCES. . K BSTRAOTof GREEN&WADHAM'S 1- JULY . LAND AUCTION BALK, To be held in the LAUD MART, ADELAIDE, On FRIDAY. 8th JULY, 18W, AT 11 O'CLOCK PRECISELY. Dt. TOWN PROPERTIES. . ACRE m, NORTH A DELAIDE. L ACRE 982, NORTH ADELAIDE. SUBURBAN~PROPERTIEa. '. ALLOTMENTS 11 and 1W, KENSINGTON. COUNTRY'pROrKRTIE8. .. SECTIONS 25t» and 2i70 -192 AcresX - BUEMER. L BLOCK (Suburban, 112), PORT AUGUSTA. I. SECTION 1»19 (55 Acres). KONDOPARINGA. I. SEOTION 7H9(12.iAcrea), KITITPO. , I VALUABLE WHARF i'RONTAUE. PORT AUGUSTA. )&10. brobder ok the assignees of good' 1 man Hart. ). SECTION 660S (79 Acren), TALUNGA. J. ALLOTMENT 15, PORT ELLIOT. ). RESIDENCE, LAND, &c, GAWLER TOWN. L BUXJKS 104, 105, and 116, Suburban to , PORT AUGUSTA ^ - &c, &c, &c. (For full jarticulare. see current advertisement* i REGISTER and OBSERVER Newgpapew ob [oaday. Thursday, and Saturday.) 180cv LAND AND HOUSES. ^ R E E N h W AD H AM, JT LANDAGEJNT8 -AND LAND AUCTIONEERS. LANDED PltOPHIiTIKS , . VALUEa, LANDED PROPEBTIES . SURVFA'ED. PLANS Furnished und TOWNSinPS LAID UT. Plans of Townships, Hundrado, Ac., &o iroughout the COLONY always open for Inepeo HOUSES. STORKS. LANDS SEOTIONST&c, LET or LKA8ED. BXCHANGE LAND MART, * And Land Offices, King William-rtrwt. LAND, LOAN, j GKNERAL^MMISSION : OFFICES. . niTPRNM pnt ) Purchased in accordance ffitn SECmONS Uie »i«trucUons of partlei 8LO11OH3 | a|)sent from Adelaide OVERNMENT \ Purchased and Lot on Ixaac . 8ECTION2 / wjth_RiRhtof Purchasa. ? SPECIAL NOTICE. GREEN & WADUAM'S ADVBRTISKMBNTli ijpcar In the 'REGISTER' Newspaper on [ONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and iu tha OUSERVER' of Saturday. Ict GRBEN & WADHAM. Land AgeHta. TO BE LET. ^IRST-CLASS RESIDENCE, KEN - S1NGTON, late in the occupation of J. .. BUCHAN. Esq. Coach- Hoime, Stable, &c. Also, other Houses in the Township. For further particulars, apply to GREEK ti WADHAM, Land Agents. Exchange Laud Offices, King William-street. ??? ? 121nnhc TO BE LET. aUNDRED OP KANMANTOO.— MINERAL SECTIONS 14. 20, and 21, nown as Portion of the BIUTANMA and ARINGA MINING COMPANY'S PRO 'E1LTY, containing together 3-;9 Acres. Vot further particulars, apply to GKEISN & WADHAM, Land Agents. Exchange Land Oilices, King William-street. ? l-2atm\icv FOR fiALK. rfUNDRED OF KANMANTOO.— LJ. SECTION 20. adjoining the TOWNSHIP i L'ALLINCiTON, to be Sold in ALLOTMENTS o suit Purchasers. TERMS EASY. For particulars, apply to (UiEEN cV WAOHAM, Land Agonts. Exchange Land Uiliccs, King William-street. ? lgtrmhcv FOR SALE, tlmt Comfortablo RESIDENCK in HANSON-STKEET, the iropcrtyof J. B. AdnniBon. who is leaving town. :'he House contains Four liOonis, Kitclicn, Cellar, Jatliroom. It is uIho fumishud with n largo Jndercround Tank and other conveniences. The Garden is stocked with YineB und Fruit rccs, in full bearing. Possession can be lied in a fortnight. Apply to J. U. Adamaon, Adelaide or Kapunda. Junej^JSOi ? lriUc ? JTRATHALBYN.— TO bo LET or C5 SOLD, on Reasonable Teinm, a BAKE MUSE and DWELLING-llOUriK attached, ivory encouragement given to mi euterprisiiiR Jcuant. Apply to D. Gollan. 148c r~'0 bo LET ou LEASE, at NEW GLENELG. and about 4(HI yards from the Tetty, wiih 8ea Frontape, HALTUAM HOUSE, atcly andfor the last eight yCare under the occu mtion of John Ikntlmni NualeD, Vmi, In uddi ion to the usual conveniences of n (leiitluman'a .esidence, there is a Cottage attached to the (kjnch 10U8C for servants, an.l nine Acres of Land divided nto Padduck'K. Apiilvto is«c ARCHIBALD JAFFREY, Parkglde. TO bo LET, at the SOUTH RHINE, on the main road between Angnslon and tfount Pleasant, a Good HOUSE of BisRoonw, md 30 Acres of Laud; an opening for n 8tw&-ceeper or Blacksmith, both being rcnutied; Andy ?. O . South Rhine. ? 18fl-'i)lv PO COACHJiUILDERS, MHU -L CHANTS, and Others.- TO bo LET, those Extensive PREMISES known as MORCOMB'a late Annoufs), in Franklin-street. Apply to Mr. ). Farr, Franklin-street; or Mr, A. Annour, ^change. ? ? ^ lHCiucv 10 bo LET, a convenient Six-Rooiaed . HOUSE, OARR1NGTON-8TREET, tioarthe iaracen's Head. ? . ? liXia'8 r'O~ be~LET, the SHOP and PRE MISES lately occupied by Price & Wntt, wnsite the PIou«U and Harrow, .KUNDLE. iTliEEr. ? ?' : . , JAMES THOMSON, lCflnwfc ? J07, Rundle-street. rO bo LET, at WOODVILLE, tho . HOUSE lately occupied by O.iitairi Abbott, nth about Three Acres of Loud; olio, BAK£ 1OUSB and SHOP, fronting Port-road. Apply to T. C. Verco, Morphett-struet. 181mwfc '1^0 bo LETf the STORES lately X occupied by Messrs. Amsbcrg & Co., next o the Victoria Theatre. Apply to ' 1 LAWRENCE, KNOX, 4c TURUPP. , lSlmwfc ? Addatde. TO be LET, SHOP and FIXTURES, corner of O'Conuell and Arolier streoti, NORTH ADELAIDE. Apply to a Bakewefl, Peel-street. ? ? _ lCflc TO be- LET immediately,, tho PREMISES, 17, Rl/NDLli-STEEET, lately . occupied by F. Henninc&'Son;- For particular!), ipply at the Globe Inn, Runflle-ttreet. / ,. JKto r''0 be LET. -A. Neat HOUSE to he Let, on LEFUVRB-TKUEACE, North Ade laide. Enquire of Mr. J. T. Bagot ????,,. x ? llQIfEY. THE SAVINGS BANK OF SOUTH ? . AUSTRALIA. MONEY TO LEND. The Trustees Lend Money at Seven anda Half per cent. Interest on Mortgage of approved Free hold Property, in sums of £-M and upwoids , . Forms of application may be obtained at the. Bank Office. 158inhev H. .H. TURTON, Accountant, VI ONE Y TO LEND. .-Sums of On« l«JL HundrcSJ Pounds, and upwards, At from IP jer cent, interest ' GRKEN & WADllAM^Lattd AgeuU Efchange Lnnd Ofliccs, King WilHam-8tn»L _j ? ; ? 3mhcT MONEY TO LEND!. '' * LOANS NEGOTIATED. . CASH ADVANCED, In large or small sums. Icy] Exchange Land OtUces, KingWilliam-atreet. ONEY TO LEND, 'for lojig or ahoit -terms, at Lowest Rates. ????-. ? ANDREWS & BONNIN, . Bkv 61,Klng\yiUlam^ljeefe \ jl/TONEY fO LEND/' 'Property ' lTJ. brought under, the Heal Property Act. Mortgages, Leases, and Transfer* drawn by ; W. LEl-CHFORD, ' ;.... Iicenfied Land Broker, Waierhouse's-bnlldings.— charges as allowed by the Act, [MS'Sfflv ONEY TO bo, LENT in varioua . Sums, on approved Security. 77c ,, .LAWRIJNCjB, KNOX.&THRUPP. ?\T0NEY TO LEND, on Freehold . » Securities,, in sums of Irmn £50, to £1,000, at Reduced Pates of Interest. Sections taken un and Ut with or without Right of Purchase (} \y Cotton, La«d A^ent and Brokur, . 'VVatcrhouge' buildings, City. ; IW'gmwfc 'MASONICrODDFELLOWSILfpr&ei' MEMIiEUS of tho various FItlENDLY SOCIETIKS are invited to nttend a MKETIN(J to I* held on Monday, the 4th instant, at the Hotel Europe, at 7 o dock pre ciselv, to consider the Friendly Societies Act now before the Legislative Council. x ? _L B. M ATIIE\V;s.__ A NCIEST ORDER OF MltECTBS. /V. —A DINNEIi to commemorate the 11th ANNIVE1WAHY of COURT HUNTSMAN S PRIDE. No. 2478. will be held at the Huntsman's Hotel, North Adelaide, on Tuesday, July. 1th, 1M4. Thomas English, fcn-, Chairman: Hiciher \V. Burnley Viee-Chairman. Mr. McCullaiih is ex ;-ectcd to be present. Dinner on table at half-past 7 sharp. ^ x .