Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 2 January 1928, page 11

Mr. Robert Keable.

Death in Tahiti.

LONDON, Dec. 31.

News of the death in Tahiti of Mr. Robert Keable, the noveslit, has been re ceived by his London publishers. Mr Keable's death occurred after a long ill


Mi Kcublc was boin in Maielt, ISST, and VVUn tile Sun ut a Jjcdtoliistlllc ciclfcJIU

\t Uun budge he fcijutacu la A and »unie ¿cni» wi.el, in 11)14, lie liecauie .MA in lilli lie wau uidiiincd and beeaine eui ne ot iaindioid luilbii Ulmen lou sime tie was asbocialed with tile ljnivcit,ilic»i vin,

sion to Lcnti ii aVuici nom lui- to 1J14, and was icctoi ol .Ccuoc liusiilot uni Hum 1U14 lo lt2u in ill« au I 11)18 \li Kcaule waa chaplain tu the ¡south Auteuil lutces in 1 tance lie iCaigiicil Ins eil clem in 1j2I, tile J cul in winch Ins lust novel, «biinun Uille-U i'etei was publislicil iheie lind been 1U cuilici volumes on devotion ii bill) jeets, and some ot those vu nings weie in veisc In Mr Ken lile was nu ussibtutit master nt Dulwich College, and m 11)22 he waa ut Dunstable Ginmiiuii 'school A few ycais nfeo he visited Atisttahi

?simon Lulled l'ctei ' mil some of the othei novels ot Mr Ivcihlu hive been

best selléis ' A eel tam li eedoiu in choice of mnlciial mid in ticalnicut has lind much to do with thcu sulcs, the} have no hteiuiv vnlne ihe tuet Hint the nuthoi was ot had been, i cloie.}mun nibo ni uensed the sules in view ot tile conttast be tween th it Inct lind the st) le ol newels

the Mothci ot All Living, i'eiudven tine,'nnd Recompense loliovved the hist book ot hction"'\Numcroiis iiensitie" (1)25) hud an island gul foi pnncipnl elim tclci

Lutci books ivuc ' ininti, Isle of Dicams, ' and Recognition '