Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Tuesday 13 December 1927, page 13




¡ Objects of Education.

Creditable summaries of achicv ements I both ID the classrooms and on the sports j

ground for the year just closed wer* pre aented in the reports at the annuvl speech night of Caulfield Grammar School nt the St Kilda Town Hall last night lhe Attendance at the school in the j car was a record In distributing the mires won by scholars the Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne (Dr H C Lees) discussed the aims of modern education I am glad to «ee from the annual reports that too much attention ia not being given to the mere mechanical process of forcing book learn mg' into the bojs ' he »aid It is clear that the lim has been not bo much to drive in knowledge as to draw oiir what as alreadj m the scholar Tins is education as it Bbould be undertaken The ann of the educationist should he to apply know ledge to his student as witcr is ipi lied in the pnniing of a pump to oting foith an enoimoviklj greater volum "nn lint which was used to pioducc the fliw 1 am proud also ot the fine record WUK h ( aul

field Giammai School possesses f n ita work tor the Empire and foi God tricia is no «chool in Victoria which has done more to assist m mission work ibroad, and which, has sent more of it« scholars ovci «cas as missionaries than Caulhell fiiam mar School and there is no other school in Victoria which provides so nianj of its boys when thev leave school for training as ministers of the Church of rngldivd than Caulfield Grammar Th'rc aro schools -hundreds ind hundreds of them sett tered all over Fngland - which were iounded centuries aRo bj great kings and (treat men lhe old boss from these ?tchools have penetrated to avery patt of the Empire and the Behool names are well known all over the world Caulnell Grim mtl School although not so cid in term o£ 9*ars an manj of these British schools bas ilreadj a rccorl which makes it a ?vigorous branch of tine old sjetcm lo my mind not the least satistjing patt of the 3 ear s work have been the man j sue «.esses on the plajing fields The class room records show that the boys are t ti "lit to nse then heads and these sports records prove that thej aie equallj well trained in the use of their hands ind bo lies J lie result of the combimtion is tint thev glow tip healthy in both mind and body ind readv when thev leave school to take a »useful part m the life of the commumtv "

Sports trophies won during the year -.ero presented bj Dean Aickiu

Principal's Report.

The principal (Air A\ Al Buntine, JVÍ A ) refcirod to the stcidj giowth of the «'hool since its loundition and said that the present had been i recoid ittendanco vear There hid boen liJ new boj« cn rolled since the beginning of fust term Without considering the cbonsteis fiom tSt Johns Latiobe bticet who entered in a bods the enrolment bad been the largest in the histoij of the school and the numhci attending during the j ear leached the total of 4->7 The import mt

decision made three vcirs ago to apply to th« linivcrsitj for approval as a school ?where the public exiintnations might be conducted internally had fullj lustificJ it

»elf, and this j car had been conspicuous for smceritv and thoroughness m their w-nrk b} the bojs of every form in the school

There was alreadj noticeable a new 6cnse of personal rcep msibihty and self effort on the part of the bojs and the gndual disappearance of the irresponsible and the «.arelebB In the future there could not

fail to be a larger percentage of pisses at

all examinations A new enthusiasm for tstudy had revealed itself many times m the wav bojs would expenment for them »elves or would consult books of reference which were placed within their reach ind enter up notes for use latei The svstem encouiagcd the teichci to become adviser »nd friend ot cverv bos under his care and it was his intimate concern to co operate with them in a United effoit foi futtets as the Tear piocecdcd lhe class A" sv-Btem as it was tailed adapted ltselt icadily to puuciplcs which were oven div iinding expression m modern educational roethods Boys ind gills were being en i oin aged to galhei then own stock of seien tine facts direct fiom nature In making investigations foi tliemselvcs instead ol le «etving them secondhand from books and «uagrams which weie the work of others lhe plan of Caulfield Grammar behool offered a due amount of freedom - pai Ticularly to the senioi bov s - ind well «elected books of reference foi use in fice periods *iftcr all, the pioof of a sjstcm

.was in the results Attained and an era ot thoroughness and enthusiastic effoit was the b»6t guarantee that the best coutae was being pursued

Schools and World Peace

Xo problem of international character could compare with the general problem of Christian brotherhood and world peace

»nd no bodv of people could be found in

whose hands its solution could be more «.ffectively treated than the teacher« m our schools The one subject in our curri

tulum which more than anj other had been taught with i direct nationalistic bias was the subject of historj AAhcrc we deal with the historv of our race it should be studied in its woild eettinc. md with duo ifgard for the truths of Insto v as thev Are iel eile 1 in the acts ot < thei peoples Un addition howevci to the actual pre dentation of historical truth through te\t hooks much might be done bj the hcids ot schools offering oppoitunilv to tho e who had live I in othoi lind» to visit and Jectuic to joung people upon the intiméis and customs, ot those of othei nations 1 hoff» w ho hid i e id the Ciulhclil Gi im manan ot tin» veai would leam that we

I id been tivouiol with clucationtl tulls ] bv visitéis who hld lived in vanous pa ts ol Africa China India the Pacific Islands and even Thibet Most ol the vtMtors hld been misHoiiaiicn and there was nee! to empha»i60 the poiul of view that the great

est woild problems ire lnoic likely to lind a satisfailorj solution through the work of the mu-sionaiv thin through that of the politician The linking up of school

pupils bj correspon leuce with, those of ] loreign lands thiough misMonatj channels would cnlurgc their knowledge their bj m patines and thus (,o a long waj towitds the lealmation of thustiin biotherhood

It was with pt ide nnd s it isfaction that he | told of the depaiturc to inisi>iomij woik j in non Christi iu lands of three jotiug men

who had been a lew jeal s ago hoarders ] an tht school One had gone to New Guinea one to Central "ifviev mil anothci was on his wav to Abjssinia, while u tom th xvaa in prepaiation to go short]} 1'iac ticil work of that kind far exceeded anj thing that could bo done ni the class

room in the waj of promoting world ]


Head Master's Report ] The hcid mastei (Jlr 1 II Archer, ( 3tl *i ) said that one of the greatest eu \ «.ouragements was that the strength of oui i schools carne nmre and more fi om the tv pe

emphasised bj Cecil Rhodes bojs who j entered fullv into evcrj kind of school ex ] pcricnce reidj at all times to do then bebt i whethci in clansruom or sports team or ] m the earning out of school proieits lor ( example the dux of the intermediate foim with an avciage of 8J ] ci tent in eight subjects w is conspicuous is a member of the first eighteen and first eleven An other who at the age of l8 vena passed Ins leav ing cxamin ition m six subjects w is « pretect a good footballei and athlete At the end of last venr 12 boja had quail

tied for the leaving ceitificate two others passed ni three subjects etch, mid three others m two subjects each Eleven indi Tidual honours weie gained the most men toriouB result being that of C 1) Thomas who was amone, the highest in the first s lass in historv and iTench and tied foi

first place m the second t laBS in * ngl sh Another candidate who did very well was H.G. Laugher holder of a Government scholarship, who secured a good first class in histor, a good second in English and was awarded a Goverment senior scholar ship-£40 a year for four years. At the intermediate 24 gained the full certificate, two Othei s secured six subjects each mi s mg a compulborv one tive passed in live subjects and eight m four subicc's each The results for the iieseut vear were not ?vet complete became two subjects-dru vv

ing and commercial principles - were not included in the exemption and the lCBults of these were not jet available lo tho present, 12 bojs had qualified for Iciving, and 26 for the intermediate examination, and others would secure at least a foul

«ubject certificate The dux of the school ?was J Hooper, and R K 4stlej was next The best passes at the leav mg examination «o far had been obtained by T W Vor rath and R Hopkins, with six subjects each The studj of economics had been introduced in the sixth form and had been much appreciated bj senior bov s In the intermediate section special credit was one to R Ala thews, dux ot the form who passed Ins intermediate in eight subject* with an average of SO per cent Bojs also ?worthj of special attention are the win Hers of the memorial pnzes-Ljle Bun tmc Science prize 1 AV A'onath Geoffrey Jlacgow en prize G \^ ilson Dougie Rankin piize, L R Murdoch, Ernest Morgan, Jl J Smith Roy Prendergast prize, R Marsh; Frank Ramsden prize, W T Hop KUM Mote than 60 old Grammarians «ad been pursuing various course* at the

University thi» year, and 10 bad recently taken degrees - three in engineering, two in arts and education, four in medicine, and one in law Se era! were holding lecture ships at the Unitcrsit«, and otheis o"cu pied posts as honorary phjsicians and sur gepns at the Melbourne and Alfred hos pitáis In games the most appreciated success had been the winning of the 15th succe««n c football premiership In ci iel et the school tied for second place In alb letica the contest for the "Age' and Leader Cup had been exciting, the school finishing onlj fite points behind tho win ners The most conspicuous members of the tcim were I) Trood, who besides winning the weight putt won a great nee in the 410 yards G Northeast broke the record in the under li high jump, clearing the remarkable height of 5ft Min Arnon-, other school ictiuttcs referred to were the tennis ind sinmming the gjminas tics the Scout troup the magazine, eollec tiona for charities and for missions and the hobbies club An exhibition of bob lues had been held at which 2.>0 «.hints were presented Mr Lamb Smith, a mem-ber of the staff, with a keen committee of bots had earned the thanks of all bj the enthusiasm and effort which thej had «lis plas ed making the exhibition such a sue ces» AB H iceult of the house competí

fions for the Tear, the ' Cock House' Clip, presented b*. Miss "Marj Buntine, bad ROI e to Danes House The Eajncr Calvert Cup for best all round sportsman had ben aw aided to R G William-) and a cup gi« cn to Barnett House bj Mr Drew, inn , had been awarded to M S Wragge The Old I aiilfield Gramminans toothill team aftct a hard season maintained their positiou in the \ section of the Alctropolitan Ama tours Hie Old Caulfield Gramnnrians' tennis team had won the premiership and the cup m the competition of the Old Gram nnrnns' ».ssociation The Caulfield Gram mai ians Misóme Lodge had continued to giow in numbers and prestige ind had given many opportunities for the iciiBWol of school associations.

Prize List

Kindergarten - « A Htrherbcrt

I reparation 1 -C Russell, J Hepuorth, T P Pcamer P « Clemens T O Ochiltree Dus. of Preparatorj I - h R Hoult.

Ireparatory II (MU« Brown« Prize) -M J On«aid I-orm irires-fl R Ingli« J M Eier l«t Gift of Urs Barrett-G B Simmons Du* oi Preparatory II -G 1) Mmmon«

Preparatorj III (Miss Broun s Prize) -OG »?aundcrs Form Prlies-A I Sutherland S H Richards Mis« Broun « Prize-F O Birch Rov Prendergast Memorial Prize-R Marsh Dux of Preparatorj HI (gift of a parent)-R Marah

111 'Jorro-Music (Miss Buntine s Tri**) -J S Turnbull Physical Culture (Mr Weber« Medal)-R \ Larke Gymnastlr« (2nd) -R M Sheldon Mr Lorback « Medal - H U hecln-rit-ht Form Prizes-J S M ellington R Hopkin« J Turnbull T O Piman Dux ot III form (gift of Mr« McCann) - h Hopkins

IVb Form -Fme«t Morgan Memorial 1 rire R 1 Smith It «i H Smith F Michail V bin noll «. McCall Dux of 1\ b i oral- t O


1\ a Form -Form Prize**-F K Archer 3 G Ritchie II R Hutchins Phjsical Culture (Mr Heber« Medal) - U R Hutchins W P nhttc Dux of Ita Form (gift of J C Hodgson, Isq )

D O Baker

"i 1 Remoie Form - Physical Culture (Mr Heber« Medals)-V ». Hindhaugh I C Dun can Form Prizea-J Gill R II Morgan Mo lin (M- Burton« Prize)-\ Brand I R Mur doch Bougie Rankin Memorial Prlre - I R Murdoch ill« of Remoie I orra (Gift of Mrs MxC inn)-T t Duncan

"ic Lo»«er lorm - Phrsical Culture (Mr Meiers Medal)-fl II Hales Gimnástica =enlor (2ml)-T C Uithbrrtson 1 orm Prizes-M II Smith K n Sturdee II F J Dickens W T Hopkins Bille lunior (Mrs C \ Rams len i t lit) - MT nopklns Geoffrey Maceo» ar Memorial Pnrc-G V, il'on Dur of t c rower Vorm (Gift of Mrs. 1 n L Tutt) - K Wcllin:


Jc Lpper Tonn-Cvmnasllcs (Mr Vrback Medal-J C I irle Mr W eher « Modnl-K 1

Morrey Bille Senior (Gift of Mrs Bindle«-) C R Copian 1 Form Prize« - G H «colt I W «is-man A E Etheridge C V ».

Pjman W ». Christiansen D i*( of \o lower I-orm (Cift of _ y WJ*cman Esq ) - ». "


VI» I-orm (Sub intermediate)-Form Trii C R long M, I Miller G N Read A

Cameron h L "Hood D O «t.e«ens ^u* ol \b Form (Gilt of A J Carlton, Fsq ) - M


\a and V Form« (Intermediate) - Drawing -II W Johnson Music (Mi's Hutchinson Irire)-F M Ken lal! Phjsical Culture (Mi

w c1 er"« Medal) - T ». tatham I-orm Trlrcs R J Home R O williams C D Candy, 1 r McLaren O O \orrath J D Hargraie Dus of Intermediate Form - RA Mathews

M Form (la-aiIng) -Pans - House Prefect leadership (Gift of the Bishop of Gippshnd) 1- f Ezard Boxing (Mr Lorbarh s Me lal -(! R \evison rorm Pri7e« - li tt alters G 'V

Cand« T V« Vorrath Lile Buntine Memorial Trlre for Science - T W \orrath Iii noun -Science-R X \stley Dus of School - J

Unhersilv Results-Passed Intcrmeliate - I I ».dam \ G Mlawa« A I Broun G \ Canl«, fl It Cuthbertson K M Do««dlng D G Bunn I G B Firal A I Frerrin I He«« son R 1 Hopkin« I 1 Horne H G tester C C, McAulilTo S R Mct,l» I I Murdoch T T A Paige S C Pelrcr C H Pliers B F G «im son I ». slatter r M \orralli I Malter» IT G Whittaker. Passe I Four or More Sub leets -I I Atkinson F A llinscn A M Cameron R M gidgell n F Conke C F Train R » «mitl W R Cock I I Kendill C M VcQoie I r PolUid I I Smith B D Trocí O r Walton T I Wilshire Pawel I ealing FAamination-R K ".«tie« \ D Bit ferham ». S Broun J I* Clarke I MoD Cook C Da« le» I Hooper C V lester T 1 McMatking R N -Munt!- D I Nnnkerns D n Sargeanl Passed T«»o or More Subjects -CR Cuthbeitson I R Robertson n R Beehenaise F I Tzard R R Griffith« Fthlbitlons at Trinllj College-H Ü laugher, A B Fdivnrds

II O Hewett




Many parents and friends attended the annual speech day of the Stratherne Pres -byterian Girls' Grammar School, at the Glenferrie Town Hill last night An at attractive programme was given by the


The report of the principals (the Misses B S and J A Thomson) said that behind all the life and play of the school lay the most important thing - the school spirit -and in the year just ended that spirit had shown itself at Stratherne at its best. In every phrase of school life there had been a growing harmony, a stronger desire on the part of everybody to put the school first, The report continued:-

Hie goneial ««oik of the school has been «en satistattoi«, though thcie are ol com se ah«i«s isolated cises that fail to lcspond ti ul) but this foi the most pitt cm be accounted lot bj lack of coiitiinntj in the cailiei stiges of then education In kindergarten md prim ii j dnisions wotk has gone on happilj It is tiulj an in spirition to see these lojous wijfntcis,' eigei ad«enturéis on the load to know ledge In the public e\ iminntions 102G foin candidates secured intermediate tei

tificates ind otheis obtained partial passes, tn-.hidin_r one who pissed in Rix subjects but failed in n compulsor« betel al can duhtes are this «ear sitting fir both lea«

ing and íntei mediate examinations The \ It Due memorial pnze for head of the si hool has been won bj Nancj Diwdson in Al, « i Lit 83 pci tent foi the j ear s work and the highest percentage shield bj lois Peipeis, in \a , with 94 per cent the runnel up foi tina shield being IMIICL Dickms, in IA a with 01 per cent Marian Chambers has been successful in wmuing the scholirship \iiucd it £2i offered In the British Imperial Oil Compon« lo girls secondan. schools The fiist munni cup presented by AJISB *ilsa Mactier lite head prefect for the greatest all round impiotc mont has been aw aided to Niuej Buck In Scripture the school is igam indebted to tho Ile« A I Dindson foi his untiling interest m the senior classes enjojnient and benefit hue been denied from the phjsical culture classes under Miss Alliier (S P I-ngland School of Phjsical Culture) \ displaj m Otto her ga«c ample cudencc of the splendid woik done bj these classes Under Miss Veitch the elocution classes baie cirrnd on the tradition that she established long ago It is with dec» regret that we saj good bj e to AIiss Acitch this j ear She has tiught it Stntherno since its onihest da« s ind han had i \crj laige share in building up the traditions of the school b« hei skill ml nc\ci failing cnthusnsm and lo« alti The ko note of hei success has c\er been that she has gi« cn of her best Past and piescnt pupils join us in «« islnnr, her happiness m her «roll earned rest Her place will be filled bj Miss Caiendish who conies to us highh lccom mended, and w c are sure that she w ill cirrj on the fiue traditions of the class Alisa Cochrane'« classes in art woik though not so large aB they desene to be, are doing «en fine work original work is encouraged, ind thus i girl tle\ clops happilj alon¿ the

linea she has a taste for The music staff, ' under tho direction of Ah«s K Dmeij femjth, has continued to do excellent work lins icar a octy departure was made in special class for shorthand and tjpewritiug We hope to go further next j ear and make these subjects part of the general school course, with onlj a small extra charge foi the use of tjpc-ritcie for practising

Next ».car we are opening up a ne«v side of school life by giving girls an opportunity of a course in domestic science All will acknowledge that this is a jerj important side of a girls education, but one which we ha\e not been able to work in hitherto bcciuse of difhcultj in equipment Now, how c*. or, the difhcultj has been met bj the establishment of central classes, where gills from surrounding schools may bo taught cookeiy and home making, or maj take the full com se of intermediate or len« mg domestic science îlrs A'assill Cox, who holds first class diploma N S T.C. London, and who baa had considerable ex penence in Acetona, will open m How 'thorn the Homeleigh School of Domestic

Science, «pecially for guli attending tecond» J

ary schools AVc hope to sec a large num bcr of girls enter for all or part of this woik next j ear

One of the pressing needs of the school is H room to tie u«ed as a library. There arc already about "?00 books in the circulât mg librarj, w hich finds a home in the sixth classioom but there is no definite place tint is central and quiet and alwajs avail able for using the nianj Mluablo reference books tint the school possesses, miny of them presentations in recent yeais So much his been done alrcadv for Stratherne that wc feel that it is fitting that the school itself should, in this case make an effort to raise the funds necessary to pro vide a libran The prefects already have under consideration a snnll baturdav after noon fete to bo held towards the end of tbo

first term

In sport wc have to record the most successful j^ir in thelnstoij of Stiathcrne In both tennis and bisket ball the teams vseic unbeiten, and m both sports won the B section cupB and quill Red for the V section A\c feel that this outward success is evidence of something finer, of the spirit that places the team and there fore the school, before the individual In Red Cinss work wc have been particular)} active this jeir, the class subscriptions mil spccnl collections have been well BUp ported, and interest his been stimulated bv lunch hour talks on xanous aspects of social woik The preparation of a port folio dcsciiptive of Austnhm life and industrie*!, to bo sent to i junior Red Cross circle in Camdi created much, interest The work wis of a vcrj high stindard, and Stratherne won the first prize in the ovciscis portfolio competition oiganmed bv the Victomn Red Cross Societj We aw nt with interest a return portfolio from the Canadnn circle lhe competition be tween the houses has been most keen The basis of competition is one of work, fi] ort, and general usefulness to the school 1 he Seckamp challenge cup his hcen won bj Patterton House, with 145 points, run norup, Dare House with 14Î points, while Davidson House gained 118 points. In inter house sports competitions Dare House won the annual sports and basket bill and Pitterson House the tennis Pre fects for the j ear have been A Pedersen (head) S. Corley. N. Davidson, C Peipers, md B Thompson As two are retiring those elect for next j ear are N Davidson (heidl, SI larrar and M Araughan A special service of induction of prefects is conducted by our minister in March of

each >car

It is with regret that wc bid goodbye to night to four of our 6taff-AIiss Veitch AIiss A Robinson, Miss "V Barton, and AIiss Sillier AA'c would express our ap prcciation of the lojaltv and wholehearted ness of the staff and piefects, that alone make the happiness of school possible Our thinks arc also due to the Old Strather mans' Association, to pit cuts who have made gifts to tho school through the year, to all those who have so generously con tributcd to the ptizo list, to the Rev A I Davidson M \ for his kindlv and ever reidy help and finally to tho Rev J AIickcii7ic 51 A , and ÎIrs Alackcnnc, for their presence and help here to night

Prize List

lorm Frircs (First Place in Clisa) -VI-N Das! Ison lies 1 o( fchool (V Ii tiaro memorial prirc) M Remos c - B Thompson \ Inter mediate-M Troup. VA. - L. Peipers. VB. -D.U Bell and S. Macintyre, equal IVA. -N. Dickens, IVB.-C Benke, 111A- H. Beale and A Towns equal 111B.-V Stevenson IIB -B Franks. I. -

I. Logan.

Ccrtifie-itcs (Percentage for A esr) -Honour (SO percent)- "s Davidson I Pelpere C Bell, M n Arcs ii Clumber« U Bell, S Moclntsrre, B Thomson \ ricken« 1) Bass bora I MacUonald C llenke J Nolan H Harrison J Harrison, A Tossnt li Heile I Whittle Muriel 1 arrar, A Mesenson P Sutlerlaid B leonard M Lasvson M Beenie 1) holán I Carl ind P Gray, B 1 ranks I Logan J ¡Norn« I redit (70 per cent )

I pipers t Horsfall B Tlompon, »I Troup, Cnrlev >s Disldsoi M Vaughan t Kehtn

U Denier 0 "-utlierlanl \ Buck O liol land E buHierland R Hossell v. Lsani, M Kennon 0 Locan D Bald» in V vpperlcv, M Bossier I Kel non Pass (60 per cent ) -F Rolertíon ii Jarrar s Pedersen, J Ingram, r rooper VI laj a Cate VI Carter li I raser, s Hiirraj I McNab, E William«, B Hunt, L

Jarrett A Henrj

Shakespeare Certificate«.-N Davidson 0 Tel per« Music Certificates -Orado III -P nore fall I Itolcrteon M Viughan Io ser Division -G Stithorisn 1 Elementar)- U Denier Pri mars-r IV ill lam* J Nolan

«School Intermediate Certificates (Public FJ i ¡nations 1926) - \ Davidson, I Horsfall, C Belper« 1- Roi erlson

Special Subject« -Scripture-N Tins Idson S Dvsi ison L. Teller« c Murra} D Dassbom C Bcnke V Tossns P Sutherland J reich lro gress-C. Peipers, J. Ingram. L. Peipers. . S VtiielntsTC II Hunt J Harrison VI isic-I

Horsfill, VI V anchan J Ingram G Sutherland J No1 in Painting- b ^crkamp Drassmg- \ Dicklns II Beale V Stesaison INecllessork A lederscn U I cipei» B Miller B TI om'on V Fsans V Tossis B leonmd Hu demit I! Hirrlkon Vluricl Varrur Hocutlon- \ David son V Williams 11 sslcal C lUurc-B Thomson VI V mghii C Bell V 1 Tins P Sillherlan 1 Vlap izlnc I rbes -1 ro e-I I pipers Poem-N Das Id on Pmss ins-It 13 "ii Boarder« 1 rite« -Hou e-J Ingram "-en eUI)das =01 oo,-F Hors fill Inter S S-VI I raser Inn « s -B Har rison Ailsa Martlcr C ip-\ Buck Highest I er pentan Shiel 1-1 I eil ers (It per cent on 3 ear s s ork) S| erial 1 s ij 1 rlze-11 Thomson scrioiBr or British !m¡eilnl Oil Co-VI (I ami er- Pre fects Priies_\ le leñen (leal) <. Corles, \ DasU'on C telper« 11 Thompson

House Contests - Tennis-1 attcrnon Ho ise Basket lill-Dire House Anninl Sports-Dare House Old Slmtlienilmu' shield for boat thro v

fuer-Dasf Ison Ho JSP Scekimp C1 allcnge Cup for Work and sport-Patterson House

«port - Tennis - 1 rlzes-Il Denier 0 Bell Second Fight- V Bowser Chami lonshln - M

ghan Interform Cup-V Inter (W Vaughan . S Corle}) Basket tall Team Vorit-B Ihoinpson N Pis idson Generous donations were made to tile prize fund bv members of the I stuff the Res V 1 Davidson, Mnnnvmous Dr

Bcgir Mm r C Bell Mra R Bracken Mr« li Rralshass, Mrs J A lawson, and Mr W P

j Thom) son


Lord Someis on. Civic Spuit

1 he AA llson Hall, Bnghton, was crowded jcsteidnv evening foi the annual speech night of leighton Gi animai School at which the Govcrnoi (Loui Someis) Y>ie sented the pn/cs Aichdeacon Hancock pi estded

Aftet the audience had been entertained bv songs horn the bovs, the school choir and the chou bois 01 St \11d1e\1 s Chinch liiigliton, T.oid Someis in a shoit address pointed out the nctuliii lcsponsibilitics it tichmg to the pic-cnt gcnemtioii of bojs .There w is now a ticniendoiis tip in the malo population ot this and the other nllied countries and 111 those of oin late enemies One comp'ctc gcneintion Ind eitlici been wiped out 01 so incapacitated as to bo lui geh unfitted foi the hcavj work of civic life 1 he 1 mpno had lost m killed alone moic th in tlic »hole populjtiou of

Ciieatci Alclbourne

The Younger Generation.

1 hat gap ptobublj accounted foi the c,reat amount tint was heard vinUcn and said about the sounder genciation, the wav it was lu ealing awav fiom the old tradi tions anl even the «holtness of its skuts 01 the length of ita tiousers (Laugh


loui Poincis, added that lie liked to como to euch a school and to visualise the futuic of the bosi when thev vient out into the world llicic weie niuns politic ii ¡.clmols of thought and man} lehgious und anti lehgious bodies, all Irving to capture the voutii ol to dav He had hciiid tint the ConumiiiiHt League 111 Gieat Hil tom had bein tiving to captuie the Hoy Scout move mont piolnbh because the Doj Scouts vveio tivmg to gund then King and coun trv The piofe<sed Communist did not sccin to lcqune 1 belief 111 God 01 lung md bad a verv distoitcd one 111 Ins own lountiv lhe boss of the gi linnnr mid public school* intiat pioduco the lcadeis of the futuio who weie so ingentlj needed, and woik foi the joung state which re quncd the civic help of all (Applause)

Principal's Report

In Ins îcpoit the hoad master (Air H I -DINOU) Mid tint tile vear had been one 01 sttadv piogicss The mimbci of 1 os s m attendance had been 120, including 44 bom dei s Hie new butldings winch cost 130,000 had been opened bj His 1 xcellcncj the Govcinoi General (Lord Stonehaven) eailj 111 the vear The exnmir ion icsults for the school leaving (pass und honoin ) certifie ites and for the school intermedíalo ratifícate had been

vcij satisfactoiv In the competitions of the issocntcd Griminal Schools of A ictoin ¿lie school had won the pieiniet

ships in swimming und cricket and had obt unod second nlnce 111 football

U10 prircs dmtnbuted were as fol-

low -


Rhodes Prize (the fcelsvjn íioall Memorial Prize)

D VV Paroissien

Form lion VI -Dus: of School (presented by the chairman of the council, Mr E. J Stock)

R I.. Uphill

lorm M-Dux (presented bj Mr V God«) W J Nicholas Commercial Principle« and Prac-tice and Lconoruics (presented by Mr H A.

Smith>-K 11 Evan«

lorm \ -Dux (presented by Mr O R Snow bill)-G VA Sobec Second in lorm-M M Minuit Third in "orm-0 II M Haydon

Honours-I* Langmore

I orm 1J.\ a -Dux (prCBonted br Mr O F Broad head)-J C R sun(jercombe becond in Form 1 1 bcossn Thirl in lorm-K II Dudflcld Honours-VI li Macdowell N R Snell

"orm L.\b- Dux (presented by jVIr J K Pear

1)-O L Lucas Vcom] in Form-C C Cox Third in Foim-F M Crook Uououre-J S Macarthur N \ I as lor


lorm IVa-Dux (the Russell Heldlnc Waring Memorial Pline)-i C Jluzollcli Second In Form -J M Anderson Third In Form-E A Rintoul Honours-R J t Hamilton Special-T 0 Ridge


Foi m IsIAa-Uux (presented by Mr Xt. 3 1 Paroluicn)--. J. Meagher. Becoad ia Fon_- :

8 »" loica« Third in Form-I J O La«i*j*. Uonoura-G H Mackenzie R D Turner


Form IVb -Dux (presented bv Mr H V. Mitchell)-C Donald'on Second In Form-J _ Pearson Third in Form-K J T Bier! Special

V E. Griffiths

Form L.I\b-Dux (presented by Mr W A Jack)-O A Bon-man Second in Form-H O I urse Third in ierro-H F Mcholls Honour» H Dcntrj-, A B D Frans.


Form lVc -Dux (pretontcd by Mr R Harvey) E Bruce »»econd In Form-C P Lloyd Third ia Form-F J Davi« Honours-?» G A Jack «peela! (presented by Mi«. Macarthur)-J B.


Form Illa -Dux (presented bv Mrs. Longton) 1 O Hack Second in Form-R I». B Turner Third in Form-G R Brun«. Honours-K O Wilson, 1 R Bick

Form Hit».-Dui-D O Petler "-eeond In Form -I \ Barker Third in Form-J B Bruce Honoirs-(J J Whitehead, F M. Crook, G H. Hanej


French (presented by L'Alliance Fiançai«)-"S.

H Elans.

Englteh (Ihc G H Jeffre«on Memorial Prize)

W Browning

General 2\catne-i (presented by Mm. Lamb)

J H Law

CAMBERWELL GIRLS Presentation of Prizes.

Tho prizes won at the Camberwell Girls' Grammar School wcro presented by the Rev Eoscoo A\ llson at a gathering of parents and pupils on Satuiday after


Prize List.

Torm VI -B Pearce, dressmaking (gift of Miss Macharej) L Fndaj, best kept book» (silt of Misa Homan, R R C ) > Clarke, pros access, general knoulcdgr, school captain, C Briggs, dux of «chool (physical culture certificate) L Blacklcr, honour, improiement pianoforte (gift of Bliss Urnes) essay and magazine work (gift of Miss Russell), special drawing (gift of Miss Hann) h Clarke, citizen-bip (gift of Ker Boscoc


I-orm Va-F Cresswell, improvement V

sett, senior pbjnsical culture, lit and certificate (gift of BjelkcPeter-cn), P Clatke «locution (rrift of Sllsa Dwyer), senior mapping, tennl» championship (gilt of M O G A ) dux of \ a

Form \ -J Reglar impro«cracnt in «ewing, M Turnor Improiement in music (gift of Miss Leask) physical culture certifícale P Dohle, boarder» prize (gilt of Mr« Hoi e> P Fowler, ia dustry and improiement junior tennis V Friday, pata, Trench comcrsatlon (gift of Mdlle Stand ley), N Maconochie, honoui, M Pearce, senior Scripture dm of \ ... .....

Form IVa -N. Umphelby, elocution (gift of Miss Dwyer), special for Junior mapping, physical culture certificate; T Whitley, honour, best-kept books (junior), special magazine, physical culture certificate, and junior 1st prize; J Dohrmann, spe-cial honour progress, improvement exercises physical culture certificate; P. Cullen, sewing, improvement, magazine work, general knowledge,

dux of IVa.

l-orm II-P Oalr, junior Scripture Junior clo eutlon (gift of lils« Dwyer) B Clarke honour, B \\ «son. dux of II (Rift of Mrs Trancls)

Kindergarten Gift« -0 Calder, P Cul en, N Kemp, A Parker, O Wilkinson, O Price, N I-icry I Demain« I Crocker 1) Taylor, K Whitley J Campbell F Ferris,» Bradshaw (for

progress), R, Maconochie

rriies- M Adair, ard prize, P Webb, 2nd

prize nature stud«

S Tiancis dancing (gift of Miss Lascelles),

"i Bradshaw, Sunbeam (gift of MI'S 0 Webb)

South Camberwell Branch Kindergarten-Gifts -B 1 Uiot, B nobcrt», T Anderson, Ii Balllot ». Gaivler, E Duncan J Holden M nutton W \arlcy H \arl", 0 Neuman, N Potter, M I itt R Rennick ( Barford i Kradshaw, 1 Hearne J Hill M. I«nouf n Icnnlngs 11 Mad docks J Cameron B ritt, J Taylor 1' Rimer, J Green r^zc«-Special h Kilner F Osborne, special progress D Gardiner 1st in third division, P Potier, musle (gift of Miss leask), J Taj lor, monltress J Mccutcheon, physical culture, 1 Rennie (gift of Mr and Mrs Pitt) '.crlpture, J Claspcr sunbeam (gift of pircnt«' council), J Ihkin rhvlhmlc, mu«lo (gift of Mrs Esnouf) and dux A Watt __________


Satisfactory School Year.

"Satisfactory progress has been observ able throughout the whole school j ear, end this, despite set eral changes in the staff, and a certain amount of reorganisation," said Mr T \Ve6ton, chairman of the school council, in his address at the annual speech night of the Box Hill Grammar School, which was held in tho Recreation Hall, Box Hill last night

The folio««ing is the list of pmes which jreie presented bj Jlr 1-dgar, M LO -

SCHOOL PRIZ1S Form la -W Oreen«« ood 1 orm 2 -C Eivin Form 1-R Luke

l-orm Remcie b-0 E«ans 1 \ Heston 2

lum Perm»«« a - R Richards, 1, H Russell

Torra 6- J Hayivard, 1, G Herbert, 2, E

Goode J

lora Cb-S Berg 1, W Beattie, S, J Watts,

Form 6a (Intermediate) -M S Greenwood, 1, 0 I- Bhd, -

Honours Suth (tea«log)-T P, Hodges, 1,

S L Sharpe 2

Prlw for Mapping (Gift of Ure Loftus) -J I

Na) 1er

1 rlzc for French Dictation (Gift of Mrs «trug

nell) -B H estén

nead Maslers Prizes for Reading-Senior-0 Tully Junlor-H Rus eli

Dux of the school (Gift of th« President of the School Co mell) -T P Hodge«

The sportB prizes were prccnted by the majores« of Box Hill, Mrs. J G Murphi


In the presence of a large number of parents and friends the fourth annual speech night of Strathcona Girls' Giammar School took place in tho Memorial Hall, Canterbury, last night

The Ret J H Dewhurst, after in in spiring and illuminating address to the parents distnbuted the prizes

The annual report showed much solid progicss in woik and sport Tho school hid becu most successful m the utrtous examinations enteied foi n nnclj, the in tu mediate chutch miisionaij, head mia ti esses' scning exiniin ltion, ind Tjnuei bitj Coiiseriatoiiiini musir cxainiintions

An cnjojablo piogrimmc ot song», tolk dances cultuie tennis dull um" curlnthnuc cxeiuscs was gi\cn bj til« pupils The iolloiiins is the

Prize List

Kin Icrgaiten-M Lot gonl li Hen iel on J Ciouile, I Patrick M Robin on W riting I i r». -J le ¡path M IIoAlngj Reading -D Hsrdv M Marlj Number-J Hanl-on h Dellhurst Nituit. Mul) -N Morsln, \ Cole M Horne

i omi li -Diligence- N lllell M Bario Im pro« erneut-1¡ Riel mond 1' I leid T I at«-1! Sa«a(hP B T«ncr Honours-M »-,n<,_| J Ita wick Itax-t. I Uc

Toni lllb- Honour«- L Little R Reid Dux

-11 Mcwilliam

lorni Hil-Ia««-r Hmot 1) Hour J Pob crb-i i Ciedlt-R Tjier L Jare« Honoui¡ I Ulis 1 Mailcod t Tinkler Dux (gift oí

MKs llrazenor)-S Robertson

I-orm I\-Uri «ing-J Innes tngll'h and I itcraturc (nft of Hr J Smcal)-! «tali cr Ore dit-II whjte J Thlemeicr Honours-E Moul ton J Vorster 1 Whjl« ». White «econd 1 orm -B Hall inlj ne Dux (gift of Mrs *_.

Cromie)-I* White

rona \b- Gre lit-M Little B Horn F 0 Con nor M Smith b. simmons Honours-G Tinkler G Tubb, M stainer ». Cuzens Third Prize C Craig »-econ 1 I rize-I Osborne Dui (gilt

of Mrs M Jacobs)-V Ward

Form 1 a -Composition-C Ghin Credit-M Ho««p B rii«codlne A Glasrodlne Honours V JlrCarter W Halsej Third I-orm-M teale sccoi 1 I-orm-II Cromie Dux (gift of Mrs. S.

Balfe)-J Woodard

Sab intermediate -Crelit-M Hindhaugh

Hud Maths-1 Morris Secon I I orm - h lune" Din (gilt of Miss 1 Hughes)-F Cromie

Intermeulate-Credit-I Mlender Hrst Stalin -M Bilfe I-irst Hi tor», trench and Gtograpbi ("¡ft of All« I Hughes)-Jl Banks First Fng and llnsiologj (gift of Mr= ». Ciomie)-y


».I -dal I rizes -I hy leal Culture (g ft of « P I uglan I) -Juniors 1 L White .' T linkler In lirnellatc-I Ward Sei lor-1 M lkinks 2

M Balfe

Rea ling (silt of Mrs Charlrs Whyte)-S Robert »on Bealing of Prr-ared »»peech (gift of Mrs W H Criig)-«enlor-M Teale Reading (gift of Mr» W II Craig)- Intermediate-!- Craig Mapphg- F Ward B Jiallantinc, M reale Doug la» little Tennis Cup-! Halw-j anl K Punes Tennis Pritts (gill of Mr« Dough» Little)-»

Halse} M Balfe I Little School Conduct (gift of Mrs If Ballantine) («oted for hi the school) -B Allen 1er Jli*n Richardson a Music Prize T Moulton i rhlemeicr I) Ballantine ». (uzen« Mh.s Basham s Music Prize-» Glaseo dine Miss J Wilkinson Wlljte s Draulng-1 M Teale 2 h Pune DrauIng Irires (gift of Jl s R Banks)-». Cuzens and I Osborne equal

Se«« Ing-G Tubb Scripture- t Cromie Botan« and lhislology Diagrams-r Cromie General Knowledge-F Cromie Special Ei»jy (gift of liri J 1 Ward)-! Halse«


Those ti ho attended the annual pri/o giving of the Oben« j I Girls' Giammar ¡school, at the Pi csbj terian School Hall, ilma road, St Kilda, last night, were cn tcrtaincd with an excellent programme of dances songs, and other items bj the pupils The He« John Jones prcisded and presented the pnzess

Following is a list of the pme winners -

Klndcntartcn - B Mitchell M licrson

I orm I -R tllot, P Robinson, J Fcrrl«, pro


Form Ha - \ Frankcl, N Percy progres« N Blom, progress, phjsical culture (gift of Mr Eng


I orm Iib - M Carrinuton Punch V Burnham I y rands D LIndse« I Si lers class prizes, J Lcggo, head of class (gift of Mr II Murphy), »crlp


lorm Illa - R Iicrson, music (gift of Miss Wooiis) H Jlack M Blom, general improvement II Solomon needlework L WcBt««ood clocli

tion (gilt of SI is» Hanse) B Leg(,o scripture, ?\ lien lemon G Mendelsohn bunour« I Wuod I ouse dran Ing, head of form 0.1ft of Mr W H

W atson)

lorm lllb -li Cuodirln, needlevroik li Slack

das« singing It Cocking, improiement (gift of I SIlss Bishop) J Johnson conduct «nd good «sark I (gift of Jin. lyon«), P Harlem, honour«, F I isaac», honour«, G Thomas, honour», L, Lamb,' honours physical culture (gift of Mr England), N, McMlnn, honour», It. Pye, drawiag, .oriptgit.

needlework (gift of Min Greer»), bead e! form (gift of \tr W H Watson)

Form IV -J Rowe, general improv-rraent (gift of Mr« McLean) M ».ndetton, drawing (gift of Ml«« Wh} te) 1 Wenman, cl«s« «Inging, V Green, honours needlework, mu«lc (gift of Mr«. Hood), B Linden honour« mmic, certificate, L. Con war, honour« J Iver«on, honour«, Scripture, mu«io (rift of Miss Woods), R Fo»ner honour«, ela«« drawing J Robinson honours J Martin honour« tennis M Calrter honour«, physical cul

turo (gift of Mr Ingland), B Curtis, head of form (gift of Mr Watton) I

lorm Va-P Ha>« mapping, _ Brown, music (gift of Mrs Hood), M Curti«, honour« li Krcrouse, honours, B Woodhouse honour«, Scrip lure VI Buff, head of form (gift of Mr W. H W«tson)

Form Vb-M Le«n good work (gift of Miss V roland) M Michaels, scripture O Row, French consersatlon tennis, G Bremner 2nd rhy«lcal culture (gift of Mr England) P naltton l.t physical culture (gift of Mr Fwrland) drawing (gift of Mis« Whs te) A. Murphy, needlework L Steel, das« einging, V Peryman honour« 1 Ogils-r, head of form (gift of Mr VV H Watson)

1 orm "V I - L. Lyons, French conversation millie (gift of Mis« loung) P Lockh»rt, tpecM hi« torr drawing (gift of Mia Whyte) I Mabord, scripture D Bradford honour« English, eloeu lion (gilt of MU« n«a«e) minie (gift of Mi» Field) Shlkcspcare certificate T Cocking proxlme accessit (gift of old girl«), T Ogilsy, dux (gift of old girl«)


There wa» a large attendance of parents and friends last night in the schoolroom of St Paul s Preparatory School, at the corner of Dandenong and Glenferrie road*; Caulfield, when the pupils assembled for the presentation of prizes gained during thexeai The Rev A M S Wilson, who presided, spoke appreciatively of the at-tendance of Alis» K A Gilman-Joncs Miss Gilman Tones, who distributed tho certiß cates and prues, and gavo an address, was presented with a bouquet bv one of the little scholars SIiss Ethel Robinson and Miss Pringles of the teaching staff, who, for health reasons, have decided to give up teaching foi some time, received pre sents from the parents Kindergarten games, action songa, and carols by the scholars made up a most cnjojable pro


In her fourth annual report the head mistress (Airs K J Hoggart) said that the progress throughout the j car had been very good, and, m some cases remarkable The attendance had been excellent Although it was not desired to keep bojs at the school after they had pafcscd the age of 8 or 0 years, it was desirable that girls should be left at the Behool until thej had completed the primarj couise of their schooling This would take about six years Next j ear the »chool would reach the highest standard at which it desired to carrj on work A girl who completed the school's course eliould have a good grounding in primary work, and be fit for her place in any of the large secondai v schools Ten of the older pupils sat for the Divinity examination of the Diocesan Board of Education, and the school gamed throe first class honours two second class honour» and four passes, three of w hich were gained bj scholars who were over ogo for the priman division, and, therefore not eligible for honours though each obtained over 83 per cent-the stand ard set for fii st class honours The icport leferied to success in school Bpoitp and to excellent results in kindergarten training, for which Hiss Robinson was responsible AIiss Thelma TaoUon had been appointed to take AIiss Robinson's place on the staff Thanks for gifts of books and money for prizes wete expressed to Mesdames Goldie, Sutton Kemp AV ilson and Bowes, nnd to Air AV TIardv (honorary sccrctarv), for his work throughout the year

Prize Ll>t

Diocesin Divinity Certificates rilmary Division lind class Honours-Rencp Cooper Millie Harvey, Tovre Holrosd Second clas« Honour«-Kathleen Pullyn Marjorie Bosses Pass- Lorralnp Goldie, lean Linds«} Allison Pollard Walter Ray

School Prircs (Dlvlnlly) -Bett} Stillwell Jovce Holrov d, Renee Cooper (Honour Prize«) -Her bert Hards, Jack Kemp, Helen Bennett, Margot »ivis. Glad}« Smith, Billie Opraj, Marjorie Bosse« Millie Harvey, Lorraine Goldie, Kathleen Pulls n Renee Cooper

Special Prizes-Attendance - Peairee Russell Gloria Bowes Geoffrey Stillwell Herliert Hardy Tack Kemp Dorothy Bowes, Betty Stillwell Har jorie Bosses Billie Opri} General Improvement -Lorna Caro Walter Rvr Mollie Sutton Allison Pollard Mistress I rire- Jean I iudsav Well kept Books-Jos ce Holro}d Captain of School-Lor

Presbyterian ladies' Preparatory

School, Malvern.

The annual conceit and distribution ot prizes of the Prcsbj terian Ladies' College j'reparatoi} School, Alalvern, was held ra the school hall. Pine grove, Malvern, on Friday evening The Rev D Macrae Stewart piesided ovei a ciowded attend ance of parents and ft lends Air A\ llham Graj M A B Se , principal of the college, and Mrs Gray were also present

The head mistress (AIiss AI E Beath) in her report referred to the continued success ot the school and the satiofactorj standard of work which bud been done during the jeal The pnzea were pre cntcd bj Alis AA Graj

Prize List

Klndeigarten Cift« - «hirley Smith Geoflrcs Mirks Joan Hatfield, David Alclntjre Alleen Tilnsli, Ossendoljn Adimson Wanslck Coghill Pcgery (»ra} loan Mathews Roma Vndercon CIvde Clifford Alurraj Hutchinson Toyce Bicker «taff Marjorie Margetts Ronald Christie

Improvement Prizes -Marjorie Clack Patricia _o}s Svilncy George Beverly Turnbull arah metle Merle Meab} spelling, Juno Phillips drassing, Nancy Bos writing Neill Gardner reading Scripture dux ol kindergarten Elaine


lorm Ia - Progrès« Prizes - Patricia Warn« Jean Edward» ph}llis Comport Lydia Fills Patricia Hutchinson Margaret Sergeant Jo}ce Ta} 1er Joan Donnison Drassing Helen Boss, Scripture Clifford Jacobs reading and handsvork lean Vdum.on ssritlig j inior elo"Ution, and dux of form Patríela Prichard

Form lb- Writing, Nolu Moliólas reading Via \pssstead drawing I m I Posvcll, Scripture and dux of form \aner Sergeant

loim Ila - Progress lean White reading Pa tiltia M rsliall writing I itiicia junior pluslcal culture Gssen Mia Jdoc-V spelling neat ne.« and order sLiipture dux of form Dorothr


>orm Ile -Heading A is len Allen spelling lins Stewart spelling Mildred Jarnos junior hsthm and music snting drassing Vivian Cook ce lug ph}sleil cultuie scripture dux or foi-m Maigaret V ]am*on

loim lila-Junior tennis Martory Cleeg draw ing general cxccll nee Fnil Whitehead general

?xcellence Ruth Idvirds scniop. elocution gene

il excelle! to I hxlils To«« reading general ex eellcnee lamia Kiel general evcellence, lllra beth Mien s ntlng neatness and order *-crip ' ire dux of form Fdrta Spiv

lorm lill - Sp^inff ijrlev rieoate, reading I inior tcnnle Mflrj lalronei writing elocution \anev rtirtlere spelling Catherine Jaeoi s dras ing cenej-al excellence A inr} Spry Scrip turp and dux of form Phsllis Goold *

lorm IV a - Senior teni» Mas I« Pirsons ?enlor physical cultuie tends Beth Coghill is riling nrefect s prize lean Kerr reading «pell ing senior music loan Relph senior music general excellence ludlth Llcolte general excel leuce Fna VfpKInles drawing general excellence Conslanco Baldock Scripture dux o' echool Ruhr