Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Thursday 6 June 1929, page 53

USÎ1? UNDERGRADUATES CELEBRAI ED : After a week of rags in their own grounds, the Sydney University student cLmïmoraVh« Ä!Ä"J?JSn wRUSL t«mi2ATI°M.WH/N,,«AFTER 8 dls0racAul rIot in a cIl» "umber of students were alleged RwtaänUd î,^n?.Ttaph TT. Wa.rt!n P'1C'- Mu40h ,pu,blll! fie,in° *a5 soused by this action and the vice-Chancellor of the Unlverilty cancelled the festivalI week programme. The picture shows a typical rag between the medical, enBineerIn0, arts and scienco students, which look place Ifi the Unlvenlty

grounds. Flour bombs and soot comprised portion of the ammunition.