Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Saturday 17 September 1927, page 12

Medical men agreed a

lubricant is best for


MORE than half the doctors questioned in a

recent investigation stated a lubricant is the best treatment for constipation.

Doctors prescribe Nujol because it relieves constipation without any of the unpleasant and weakening affects of other remedies. Nujol does not upset the stomach, cause nausea or griping, and is not habit-forming.

It contains no drugs, no medicine. Its action is mechanical. Itmerelysoftens the red waste matter in the intestines and in-bricates the passage so that the muscles of the bowels can ex-pel the waste matter regularly, naturally and thoroughly.

Nature-given Remedy

Nujol appeals to the medical man because it is a simple, scientific and safe remedy for con-stipation, no matter how severe the case may be. It is gentle in its action and pleasant to take.

Get a bottle of Nujol from your chemist today. Doctors advise it for constipation, whether chronic or temporary. Avoid substitutes. Made by Nujol Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey).

Doctors Advise Nujol Nine doctors out of every ten told us they were advising the Nujol type of treatment for their patients in place of other reme-dies- and for these

X Nujol is not habits


2 A more natural


3 Nujol conquer!

chronic constipa-


4 Does not gripe.

5 Is not irritating.

f. Nujol gives lasting




For Constipation

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