Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 11 May 1927, page 19







CANBERRA, Tuesday.—The good for-tune in regard to wcathci conditions during the visit of the Duke mid Duchess of Yolk lo timberi« has continued Hie conditions on Alonliv nitjil wcie throdening ind i un was evpecle I thin morning Howcvci tlunell it wis cold and fog!,) m the carl} boms a btautifiillv line nnd cnlm da} foi

lowed low ault« evening the clouds lolled up md a diini. is now expected shoitlv

Hoav) lain dm nix the celebrations vroul 1 have beni (.enons foi those vuitois who had to live lindel cinvas

\\ hen the Uni c an I Duchess left (»overnment House thev wcie greeted b} the ^00 Bov Scouts who were chosen fiom all the feintes to ionic to Cnnberra for the inauguiatioii cciemonv Their welcome wai unexpected hut ti c Duke ordoiod the cal to »top nu 1 he ind the DucLees posed foi a photogiupb It seemed that nearly evci}

scout h id a cann ri

1 n__ei is visitéis, wcie to leich Can ben i fin the ccremoii} of tho open mi, of Parliament House, the} are now appin ntl) even mole eigei to leave The canil s ml hostels aro alike bc»ng abindoncd, anl i vei} small propoi

ti n of the temporir) population ia left tonifcht Die gie it majont) left eirl) in the morinn_r some almost at di) bleak Bj 9 o clock the most not ible feature of the i oíd traflic w is the iiumbei of hden cars on winch Innige of ever) descnptiou was stiapped Hie vi«itois had seen the mo»t niteiesting limctton and the minor events ol to da) had not sufticient mteiest to keep them in tho citv Ot tho hostel« where the olhcial visitois wcie lodged during their sta), fleets of cars weio di iwn up mime diatel} aftci hicakfnst and the favoured ones m tiuvclhng garb were sjjmg fare wells t) one another before the enhances Alnnv uitendiil Icnviu_, bj load for Sjdncj and Melbourne but otheis decided to wait lor then fust convenient trams at Ya»s andothci places li the dennicul« c1 nearly all the campéis lacked the commit and dignitv ot that ot the olhcial guest», It was ceitunlv moic inteiesting and cntei

taming Iho c imps wcie astir earl), and in »pite ? f the cold then inhabitant!", more oi less die sed begin dismantling the tents V huge maul a it the iinotheial visitors had come b) io id md brought their own tents, which thiv folded and attached to then elis J ho cooking utensils were left until the list and long lines uf nmutcui cool s wcie to be seen preparing breakfast, "eneiall} m fi)ing pins over the com munit} lues 1 ho meal was eaten round tho ftjiiig pan and newspapers were spread on the giound on which tho parties snt m spite of the inconvenience and discomfort which would not have been tolerated foi a moment in their own homes Everyone scorned happy and contented IIow easily conventions can ho shed in such circum staucia was shown bj the unstudied and domestic costumes of the women 1'iobabl) the fnct that they weie all mole or less alike m costuino icsulted m the genctal disiognid foi appearances Im medintel) after breakfast the packing was complete, and the luggage was fastened to the e iib w Inch movedotf for the hi_h louds looking liku caravans

Some Attend Reception

î»ot all of them left at once, however Mam of them dcteiniiiied to pav their ie spects to the Duke nuil Duchess of York at the public icccptiou, and the laden cats weie pail ed as dosel} to l'arbamcut House as the vigilunt police would permit Aftei Mint, boloic then Kovil Highnesses the former campéis returned to the cats and

di ove aw a

Hie last dav of the Rojal visit was unovcntful Aftei the function of jcstciday the progrimme foi today was of compara trvcl) iniiiot impoitance Their Itojal Hi. messes held a public lcception at Pal llamen t House this morning, at which theic was a lau attendance ¿lan) of the campers had pacl ed then tents on their motorcars, hut wnted foi the final cere monies bcfoic lcivmg

Tins morning tho ltojal part) inspected poition of tho cit), and the Duchess I hinted trees to commemorate the yisit then Kojal Highnesses left Canberra bv ti am at 9 o clod to night

After the public reception Paibamcnt House was thrown open foi inspection b) the public, and people were permitted to wander ficdy all over tho building A treat many historic relics and documents were displaved lu cases in Kings Hall, and these vvc-e a great centre of attiactlon Owing to the gi eat distances to bo covered, and tho tact that there aro no ti insport facilities m Canbena, there was a vei) sm ill public attendance at the places of interest visited b) the Ko)al paity toda)

Ibis afternoon the camp sites were an unplcasing BJ cctaclc lhere aie still a few tents standing whoso occupants will bo leaving to monow, but between these ate tho well defined malka of those that have been removed Hie amount of litter, foi which thcte was no menus of disposal was cnoimous The ground is thickly covered with newsnapeis tins, bottles especially battles ana all the rubbish of three or foul

da} s of al fresco liouacl eenuig Among HUB the workmen emplojeil by the Federal Capital Commission aro busy They -io collecting the rubbish, and destro)ing all tint will bum b) lue Iho remainder will be removed md buried It is worthy of placing on record that as far as the camps were conocí ned there was no unpleasant niellent to lepoit \n)one with dishonest intentions lindit hive reaped a rich hal

vest, but tlcic was not one instance of I ilfni mg oi loss, in spite of the fuct that fn the gteatel put of each day ncarlj ull the tent» wen dcscited and practical!» ui|guuidcd I bete w is au olheei of the commission on dut« but he could not poa sihlv h iv e 1 now n w ho had l ight of access to individual tenta Noithci was thcie any disordci amone, the 400 or TOO occupants of the cnup Man) of the campéis mingled fi eel) with those tn neiLlibouiing tents and helped each othci m the difficulties which ai ose At ni.lit it was not uncommon to see a dozen oi 20 voung people dancing on the none too smooth mounds of tho hillside to music supplied by portablo giumaphones B} thm time to monow theie will piobabl) not be one cimper left In the morning the last will fold up their touts like the \rabs and silently steal

nwuv "

Telegraph Office Busy

One of the interesting fcatuica of the Kojal visit has been the tremendous amount of work imposed on the telegraph oflice T.he work of tiansmitting the re porte of proceedings to the Australian and ovciscas newspipeis jcBterduj devolved on the special staff of 13 operators and a super visor Iho Postmaster General (Ml. Gibson) stud on Sunda) that it was cstl mated that 100 000 words would be trans nulled Aetuall} 177 000 words wero lodged, and the unexpected number caused a con tidci ible nmount oi coiiLcstion It was not until 20 minutes to _ o'clock this morning that the transmission vi as completed This is sud to be bj fir the heaviest daj « wotk of the kind ever carried out in Aus


.llhough on the suifacc nnangements for the visit of the Duke und Duchess to Can

bein have run smoothl), n considerable

nmount of irntation has been caused bv frétillent and unexpected alterations to pro giummes und the difhciiltv in obtaining authoiitativc infoi inn tion fiom an) official on an) niattci notifications of drastic

ilteiatioiis wcie m 6onic eases mado it mid night foi the following dav, and those i unod cndlcs confusion I hen there weie uiBi» ni which aftei the tilteicd arrange mc nts weie pi ov iib d, it was decided to adhcie to the oii.nuil plans at the last nu in« nt 1 he contradictor} notices which

haio been circulated indicate etcrything but ft united control, and conflicting orders at times came from four directions Iwen

allowing for the difficulties experienced li) .¿he authorities, the Bo)al MBit was not well


^Attendance at Opening Ceremony.

_t bus been cstinntcd bv the chairman oi the roderai I ipitil Commission (Sir ^J6hn Butten.) tint the total attendance o£ Msitors mil lesidcnts at the opening cercmoii) on Aimdii) ivas 25 000 ibis does not include visitors fiom the stir rounding districts who cunt In motor coaches and cais especiall) for the cere mom, irnung cat!) in the morning mil returning after the review of troops b} the Duke


J King's Reply to lord Stonehaven

j'His r\cellenc} the Co\ crnor General «(Lord 6toneha\cn) has received the foi J low mg message from tho King in reply to alus cabled icpoit of the opening of Icderal

{Parliament House bv the Duke of Xork -» I "I hasten to thank you for your mes { > sage detailing the various events of to« J t day's ceremony establishing the seat cf . * government at Canberra, when Parlia l ment met thero for tho first time I

i r rojolco to think that my son represented J Ï mo at the inauguration of this further J t landmark In the political history of the

. *? Commonwealth I am proud to know that

1 you find the Immortal spirit of the Anzacs , animating this fresh and Invigorating im . * pulse in tho national life, and it is re J v assuring that the people of Australia, 2 strong in their loyalty and devotion to i i tho Throne, confidently look forward to . « new era of development ind well " being (Signed) GEORGE Ft I '



t -

'SEVERAL AMUSING INCIDENTS I CAMJLRUA lucsdn) - Iweho hundred {residents nul usitois to Cnnbtuu lnelud Jing pictiucbque old pioiiceis of the dis

ftrict, filed past then Ko)al Highnesses «before the stcjs of Paihnment lloiibo this Ï morning Tilt Duke and Duchess joined ¡J«jill tho crowd ni luuL,htci over se\crnl J liinusmg miníente n hilo tho brilliant sun

? Rhine encouraged umnteur photogi ipbers T to an extent that lidded frcqucntl) to tlie £ mci i imoiit of a hupp) ccrcinon)

. Inside Pal hument House was a crowd of »?visitors, ulule bc)ond tho buriléis weie ¿man) iiho picfciied an uninterrupted {\icw of then lto}ul Highnesses to the J pi i\ llego of passing in levitw btforo them < llicso pave a tumultuous welcome to the .¿Duke and Duchess on then uirival A

eonll foi chotis foi the Duchess mid the

J bah) Princess being cnthustasticull} it

trMHindod lo '

; An c\tinordinnr} incident oeciuiccl -.

tjio Rovol ninvul nt I'uibament House Jhtcps Iho Prime Mimstci and Aim Dime ¡descended the cnipcted steps to welcome ¿them, nnd the) wcic joined b) a slrungei i of distinguished appeal ance who stepped Jforvvnid just at the light moment to greet jttho Duclicss whom he sliool warmly I» .tho band Ali Bruce seemed astonished, ïbut the strangti appeared quite self posses

heil and followed their Roval Highucsses *into King's Hall ivhcrc ho nos lost in î-the ciowd "Inquines in olhcinl tíreles ¡showed that the idcntit) of the btranger ¡¡ivas a complete liijstci} Ali Brace re

Tilled to inquiries1 li) staling thal he had "liot the faintest idea who lit was

> Jin thor outbuists of cheering gieolcd their Ko) al Highnesses on Hitit nppcarjncc "on the tenace On tho steps thev rcretAcd .the people as they passed slowl) befóte

them Pudo of place was given to 30 pioneers led by n leterun aged 08 j ears,

ii ho all his life bad lived in what is now 3 edel al 'leintoi) loi each of tho old T copie the Dido lind a salute, mid tho »Duchesi a smiling recognition of their


. ' A safe return to both of 3011 God Mess

«jou " crieil one old woman, ns slit stopped

nefore the steps nnd wai ed a little flag ..?¿rho pionceis ivcre followed bj 40 small ïj-irls tn tho ulutc and Bcmlet uniforms tif ¿the Telopea Tumor Red Ci IBS Ibcn carne

Jtfic ptoplo of Canberra und \ IM toi s to the

t^ipitnl Cit) I hcv took tiltil timo m »passing stopping frcquentlj to dihpln)

then childi eu or with 1 email able persist-ence to snapshot then lîojal Highnesses -To piotcct tho Duchess ft oin tht heat of -the tun, Alls Bl nee stepped foiwnrd with fie parasol and held it so that Her Rovnl > Jlighuoss s face »ai m the shadow, to the

ihstppointinciit of many joung people . trjth cnmeins, ivlio then manouevred e\

iitedl) nlong the hamer« to dod^c the 'Shadows fiom the parasol Young mimbus "of Hit district Inantli of the \11cTent Ordei . of l/orostcis ndded a binve show of gi cell fnnd goltl to the line Then carno the first . heart) outburst of nppicciativc luughtci, Jin which the Duke und Duchess joined Sullen one of tho Cnnbeiin olbeials marched (proudly ulong bealing Ins babv twins III ; long clothes, one on oich irm Ho stopped «graiely before their Ho} ni Highnesses, and j as graccfull) as ho tould 111 tht circuni vntanccs bowed Then nmid a roar of de t lighted applause, he passed out of the ïscene

"King Billy" Saluted.

Soon after there was another humorous incident, when an ancient aborigine, who calls himself King Billy, and who claims sovereign rights to the Federal Territory,

walked slowly forward alone, and saluted the Duke and Duchess. They cheerily ac-knowledged his greeting. The old aborigine, with his long, matted beard and nondes-cript clothing, is a popular identity of Can-

berra, and must be one of the most extra-ordinary figures who has received a Royal salute. After tho crowd li id pissed, the

iDuko and Duchess ivcnt inside to tile

J "«cunio tlubroom ivhtrt Jil Biuct intro

duted the -edeial members and their wives nt nn informal leeeption

The Duchess theil 1 etui ned with Li lv «?Cavan to Government House nnd tho liol e »went ivith Alnjoi nugent to Duntroon AI1I1

Jtaij College



i Second Royal Patron Appointed.

J CANBERRA TueKÏn) -In the luncheon ^loom of Pnrbnmont House late this after »noon the list of the Duke s ollicial cngigc ! monts took phce His Ro)al Highness ivas enttrtained at afternoon tea by tue Jlfcderal executive and the ledeinl cipital .branch of the Returned Sulors and Sol dicrs' Impcnal League The function ivas of an inform ii nature

» A crowd of several bun lred congiegited ?-ti front of Parliament House to ivitness

the Dukes, uuvnl, md theie ivas general disappointmtnt when it w is seen thut the Duchess was not with linn His Roj d 'Highness had insisted on the Duchess le turning to Cpvtrament House, m utw oí tho night journej iheid of them ii though she w ished to attend the function

* I he Did c who was accompanied b\ tlie

I all of Cav in was 1 cecil ed bv the ittin" tJfederal president of Hu leugne (Air J

5 Turnbull) an 1 the president 1 f tilt ledei ii f îpital bnnth (Ali \ 1 Jackson) mel ntlici membeis ti tht I e Uni cvxtutivt lhere ivis 11 distinguished (.ithcuiig pic 'nent, including the Prime Almistcr (Ml Biucc) and Airs Brace the president of tin »"»cn ttc (Sn John Jvtw linds) nnd Inch ^Newlands tht *s| eaktr of the House ot Kcprtsentitives Ciu 1 v tlltton Gloom) uni Lady Groom, the Alunsltl loi H une nul ÎTulitónos (Mi Aim) nul Airs Aim the «eli tirm in of tlie 3 e lei ni t ipit d commission

(Su John Bnttcis) mil 1 ndy Butters Jjieut General Sn lehn Afoiusb S11 John fjtlhbrteiid Bnyidici t cnei ii Binni Su -JriidcncU AA lilli 1 e 11 Admirai \npiti and Ollis Nipicr the leidei u the Oi j ositi m in the House tf Repicstiitativts (Ali Charlton) ii d Alis Coulton Air AV JI Hughe«, At IlTt anl Dime Alan Hughes Scinloi md Mis "Sttdham Alis L, I rurnbtill Alls \ 1 1 ickson Ah uni Mrs 1 1 Dibdm Dr I oitus Hills md Airs Hills Air mel Ah« \ Newton Ali

and Mrs R. Rowe. Mr. and Mrs W I,

Coningham, Mr F Davison, Mi. h G. Elliott, Mr. W. I'. .T. McCann, and Mis. F. II. B Creswell (booth Africa). The Governor General (Lord Stonehaven) or rivod some time aftei the function had bo


Mr Turnbull, who presided, extended, on bnhulf of the league, i cordial and heart-felt welcome to His Hoval Highness It vías peculiar!) appiopnatc that the leigue should cvtend a welcome to His Royal Highness, becmse it felt tint it was cn gaged in a work similar to the great mib sion that he wan performing, the binding together of the links of Umpire

"A Common Hcrltaoe."

"We, as an organisation," said Mr. Turn bull, "feel that we have a common hen tage, a common bond, mid a common task which is to cndeavoui to peipetunte ni the civil life of the country the spirit for which wo fought in the Great Wat, and foi

Inch 80,000 paid the supreme saci dice " Mr. 'lurnbull expressed, on behalf of the returned soldiers of Australia, then op prcciation of the wonderful hnspitabtj that had been extended to them m Britain (Applause ) His Roval Highness, he Bald, lind airead) seen a piactical espies sion of the ldcolp of the oiganisation in the Anzac Day service witnessed ni Mel-bourne The) would like linn to convov to His Mnjestv tho King an assmanco that

whatever might be said of the Austiallan| returned soldier, he would novel be found


All that was left or the aeroplane which crashed with Flying-Officer F. E. Ewen at Canberra on Monday afternoon. Air mechanics are seen examining

the wreckage.

among the impractical, the indolent, or the disloyal. (Applause.) Olio heaid much about the complete autonomy of the Do-minions- Their greatest desire was to io-nium, above everything. British, and they would like His Royal .Highness to assuie the King of those benliments. » ' . Spirit of the League.

In an eloquent speech, Sir John Monash said that he was not «peaking' that day in nny ropiesentativc, capacity,'except as representativo Of very many letiirned men who had served uuuer lum in France. Being more or less independent, he thought bo might saj' a few words about - the league itself. Ilis'Koyol Highness had had opportunities in various capitals of seeing reunions of returned men, and particularly that wonderful demonstiiitiou in Mel-bourne n week or two ago. He would like to saj' that the spirit behind those dcmonstiations was foulet eil entirely by the meinb'ois of the league. No credit was too high to give to that organisation for tho work it lind done lo keep alive the spirit of Hie Australian Imperial Forces. Ho could Bay that without any reservation, because the league, had been can ¡ed on by the junie'.' nicmbcis' of tile Australian arm}- regimental olliccis, noii-comiuissioiicd officers, and privates. Although the senior officers were always willing to co-oporatc, and hail given nil i the help they could, it remained true that the prosperity of tlie league was in tlie hands of the rank and file. That circumstance confirmed what he had always said, "Put the wish to tlie Australian soldier to do something, and

ho gets there."

no concluded by wishing their Roj'nl Highnesses a happy and safo return.

Presentations to Duke.

Mr. Turnbull, on behalf of the league, then presented His Royal Highness with


This is the member of the Gundagai tribe who, as representative of the original aboriginal owners of the land, was given a prominent placo at the historic ceremony at Canberra on Monday. He carriod in his right hand a small Australian ensign.

. (.old biilcc of the Relinnel f-aiiois and »Soldtets luipenal I on.tie and a cop) of Di 1 of tus Hill s ' Htstoiv of the I cague " I He also Innded to the Dill e a icvvel cn»l el euiRtiucted of figiucd imple with a bind wood eilte and mlii 1 with ebon)

foi present ition to the Duchess Iii sud that he wishi i to c\pus» then ippieeii tion of the lionoui Ills Rov ii llidine»! bid confined upon them in conscutinc, to become the second pition of the lei_iue ol

which lu» biotliet the l'unie of \\ lies was the hist jition Jin e lsl el he »ml, was mud ti Vi »ti lliun wood» lu in \us hall in factoiv h\ \usti ilian woilmeu

His Poyal Highness Rephos

'On Kb tit ot the Duel»»» uni nivseil

saul the Duli in leplv, I think von foi the vciv wann web uno winch vin have MVín us hoie this aftoi noon 1 mi vol) dntl to nave this oppoitunitv of mcdill,, the ledeial executive ct the Returned isnlois md Soldais' Impel ni leanne of \usliaba 1 think von al») Ali Picsi

dent foi h run,. eil me this bidge is sei omi j iii on ni the I mi vctv I loud to hold tint po»ition "»ince 1 h ive been in Vustinlii, lu ill the % mons cities windi I nive visited I have seen i gleit niimbei ot e\ soi vico men mid women I know what join oiganifration Ilia- done and is doing, and I am sure if

the Empire should get into difficulties, that jour organisation as a body would come to its aid. I should like to say that when we were in Victoria visiting Bendigo, Ballarat, nnd Geelong, we were greatly im-pressed with the way in winch those win» made the supreme sacrifice were honouied m such a wondeiftil manuel. On mv wav up here, vi Inn vic stopped at Albuiv. I was gieitl) struck bv the wonderful monument on the top of the hill, which nt night was lit up nennst the sk). I think that it is a vcrv fine memonal. It cei tamly shows the vvi) the Returned Soldier«' Lenone is pointing onward. In conclusion, 1 would like to thank jon again foi the welcome jon hive given mc belo this afternoon, nnd to with the 1'edeial executive in Melbourne, and also the hunches of the league in the diffcient States tlie best of luck and success in the inline" (Prolonged applause)

The crowd which had waited outside the building heal til} checied the Duke as ho di ove off to Government House.



Returned Soldiers' Conference.

CANBERRA, Tuesday. - Canberra's night climate is not comparable to Tas

mania's, said Sir John Gellibrand, -1.11.11.. speaking nt a luncheon to-day. Ile added that it would bo necessary to go to the top of Mount Wellington, Ho b.nit, to appioach Canberra's climutc.

Tlie luncheon waa given in honour of interstate delegates, who aro attending n,meeting of the Federal executive of the Returned Sailors and Soldiers' League at Canberra ,

Bng.-Gcncrul Brand, who has been electetl vice-patron ot tlie branch, was also a guest of honour, mid ho said that he did not expect that Defence headquarters would be moved to Canberra for two years. He understood that the 'Postal department would'bo tiunsfcrrcd last and the Defence department second last.

The president of the Federal Territory brauch (Air. A. I. Jackson) presided. ,

At tho conference to-day 'the acting Federal president (Air. 13. Turnbull) pre-sided,' aiul-theie were present _Ie-)rg.>X. J. l-Vfl '(Q.). L. C. Elliott (N.S.W.), N. S. Osborne (V.), AV. F. J. AlcCann (S.A.). JJ. E. Tilney (W.A.), Sir John Gellibrand (T.), and R. Rowe (Federal Territory).

Tlie following was the most important resolution pnssed:

Tho League 1B conccrnoel with the nr-atliy of the redend Ministre,- In Hie mai ter ot defence.

quate provision lor Its protection, deploren the want of any continuity of policy and lack ot eiip port afforded Hie inspector-general of nillitiry forccB, as evidenced by Hie continued cutting

cloven of tlie Defence estimates.

The following resolutions weie also passed:

That all concessions now* granted to Auslntlitui returned soldiers should bo mude to apply to ull former Imperial soldier settlers.

Til-t the Federal executive approach the rede.

lil "Minifilr) sid ifk it lo mike n e,rant t) the Mites to le alloc lte<l no1 I) for the i ur

I use if JI icti«JatIn_ Hie nrrcirs oí li II»lilual |

toi Her settl rs

rl it the cxieuthe consider ti e erect! n of i lit niorhl nt C ni rn In letoMitllon of iii Mtritic h oí woniin in tile t,reit VVur

It w is n_ieed tlso thnt nil effort should I In in tile to luivc Anzac Day included in | ill aibitrntiou aw aids is a statutor) hob di)


Criticism of Tederal Officials.

SYDNEY", lucsdaj - Members of the|

State Paibament who attended the Can

beria coi enlomes cxp-csc:' "ndigmtion I to dav it the treatment that bid been |

meted out to them bv the 1 cdeial anthon

lus dm mj, then visit to the 1 cdeial I Cipital Genciallv thev asset ted tb-t li wns with the gleitest difhcult. tluit the} could < \ cn obi nu idniittance to the

ledeial l'ailnmeiit House aftei the close |

of the ceiemonies

Members pointed out that they were 1

to have returned to S}dncy by a train to leive Canberra on Monday night at 7 o'clock, but the trim did not get awi} till well towards midnight The reason for tlie deliv wis that a number of Federal mcmbeib bid attended 1 lcieption, which lud been held nt night No official invi t itions, it seems, had been issued to State members to ittcnd this githciing, but a verbil invitation was given during the iiteinoon bv a member of the Federal t ibinct Hovvevci this action on the put ot the Fedeial luthonties wis regirded is nu insult bv the majorit} of State members, who decided to stand on their digmtv and not attend the night lune lion, the invitation to which, thev as

scrted had oni} been Liven to them |





CANBERRA Tncsda} -With impressive I militar} ceremonial the Duke of York pre

sentcd King's and regimental colours to tlie '

torps of staff cadets at the Rojal Military College, Duntioon, this afternoon. After Hie reception at Kedeial Pat hument House the Duke of York motored to Duntroon, whole ho was ieeeived bj a guaid of honoui consisting of a corps of stott cadets. His Rojul Highness then lind lunch with the Commandant (Colonel F. B. Hciitage). -When ho nrilicd on the pmndo gi omul m the nftcinoon, a lmge ciowd liad assembled to iiew the tcrciuonj.' Tlie toi ps of staff cadets was formed up on paiude as u bat taliou in line, mid the Duke of York was teceiv ed w ith a Roj ul salute. Follow nig un inspection of the battalion by the Duko the new toloms weie bl ought up and placed on piled drums opposite tho saluting base, and weie uncased, -landing befóte the di ums, tilo iicting Pinnute und Chaplain Geiieial of tlie military foi ces (jiichbishop Rilej) conducted mo tonsttratiou sei vice, assisted bj Cbapluni F. ti. Wind. Follow. ing the consociation scivicc the Duke pio

sented the toloms."*

The King's tolour was bunded by Cap-tain A. W. Wai dell to the Duke. He, m luin, handed it to Battalion Seigcunt-Mnjoi 1 II. K. Chauvel. The coloms were handed by Captain J*, li. MncGilh cuddy to the Duke, fioin mom they wup ieceived b} Companj ¡buigcant-Majoi J. W. Flciehei. The colouis weie lcteivcd b} these men on bended knees.

Duke's Tribute to Duntroon.

The Duke then nddiesseil tho pin ade. He said--"The Commandant, olliceis, mid staff cadets of tue Ko) ni Militai} College of Austinliu, it gives mc much plcasme to see jou on pal ade, and to píesent colouis to tile coi ps of slnir cadets. The presenta-tion of colouis is nu impressive .md his-toric event in oin militar) life, both lo the old and }ouug solchen. 'Hie teiemouy awakens memories of the past and aioiibes uspnutions foi the future. Foi in a regi-ment the toloms mc its iccoul of gloncu won, mid un incentive to emulate loi ull time those gloucs. The act of consocia-tion invests them with speciul significance, for the) aio then no longer meit' banners, but sacred emblems leinindiiig those to whom the) aie ititi Usted of then duty to then King, then countiv, and to them-selves Youl eolotiln ate not mseubed willi the names ot v le toi ions t ampaigns, but they bear ,i motto teimtiding Jon that learning is ti som te of Hticngtli Mnicovu, the) arc hen looms of fits gi cut institution with-in whoie walls mini) distinguished Aus-tralian holdicis hove ieeeived thou' iiist training lu cull listing these colinos to )out cue. I enjoin jon to look up to them, honoui them, and by join conduct hand them on unsullied to those who tome aftei jon "

In replv. Hie Commandant (Colonel Heuttige) said -"On behalt ot the olhccis and stall cadets of tile college, I denne to thunk jon foi the signnl honoui' jon have lonfciicel on the college "bj performing thus eeremonj' this nftcinoon. That join Rojal Highness should have picscnlcd these colours on om pul ade giounds is au honoui which we bluill alw ijs lemeinbei, nud toi which ive cspeuullj' Illunie jon By pie beiitmg these toloms jon will entouiugc picseiit mid lutulo genuations of cadets to legard tim» event moto highly "

The toloms weie green' a geneial salute, and then the bittalion marched past the Duke of Yoik. It then udviinced m levien oi dei and gave a Rovnl snlute The line physique of tho cadets, then soldicilv bear-ing, and then faultless miht ii) movements,

great]} linpicsscd onlookeis.

I'oi ming np again m fiont of the saluting base, the cadets then lemoved their bats, and g.nie tinco cheeta for tlie Duke Thev then filed pist linn, and be shook bunds with t.itb cadet m linn. While he was doing so, the Duthoss of Yoik nuived al the pal ade ground unexpected!), and was given an enthusiastic welcome.

Bcfoie leny ing the college the Duke mnde n brief inspection ot the quuiteis of

the cadets.


Parliamentarians' Match.

Disappointing Results.

LOXDOX. Jluv ».

Such a gulaN) of talent lia» nevei con-tested the opening of a chess match with buth small lesults as that yvhieh took patt m the match pla) ed bj benn wueless ar langed by Senator 'liiomis, of Austinha, between a team nt Cinben.i and a team from the Bntish lion- of Commons Iheic were si- bonds, nul the Duke of Yoik leplitd to the fitst nieve at the second boaid 'Hie House of Commons team in eluded ¡Sa John Simon, foi mci ly jUtoi nev-Geneiiil and liten Home Seueturj*, who stttuficcd two dijs ot toutt woik to play


'he English pin)eis spent four bonis

chiefly m uwutting moves fiom Austiahu. 'Iho beam yens -working o-cpllcnllj, but the Mclbourno-Cnnbciia land line yens ei i alie '1 lie committee loom was tiowded when the Prune Afinistei (Mr. Baldwin), who had n black and white bulldog as a mascot, played the lirst move at the second bond. A little latci the Duke of link's move ivas received yvitb loud eheeis. Play then began in caí nest, but it Ausliali.i wishcb to justifj the etpçiimcnt she must speed up the Melbourne Cnnbeu i land line btfoie plaj is continued to mollow.

(Uy Beam w ¡relees )

Pi ogress in the benm wueless chess was disappointingly slow, and instead of the senes being linlf thiough only si\ moves wue mule in foin horn« 'Iho House of Commons team at 7 o'clock sent n message asking C'nnbeiia to tout lime, and a leplj

yens not ieeeived until on hunt latei l'lo gics» was so slow that illicit her di) s play yyonld meon that the Anstiuliutis would begin at midnight. Tlie House of Com-mons team therefore suggested the aban-donment of the match as a. draw.



£1,400,000 INVOLVED.

Extension to the activities of Ho}ts|

Theatres Limited weie auuouncod jestei dav bv Messrs. George F. Gniiith and F. W. Tluing (mnnagmg directois)

The company lia« acquired fiom í-ünrka Brotheis Limited, .S}diuv, the Enmore, Arncblfe, and Gladesville theatri s, and from Mr E L. Betts, the Bondi, Clovelly, l»o7cl!o, National, AiniiMi, and Double Bay theatres, all being in New South Wales and scvcml in the viciint} of S.vdtic}. In-volved ni the traiihiction is capital expenditure ainoimtmg to t,l"iO,O00. Hie compan} now controls nbont 100 theatres

in the Austi alian Stiles

A large new thealic will be erected ad-joining the site of the oh» office of "llie Argus" in Collins stieet, Melbourne. 'Iho demolition of the Cambiulgc buildings and other premises now occupvmg the site was commenced on Mondav. The now theatre

will be distinctly modern, and will cost, it is estimated, £400,000.

In addition, Hoyts Theatres Limited is creeling in Adelaide n theatre which will cost £175,000, the site being in Rundle street. Another modern theatre is to make its appearance in George street, Syd-ney, near the Town Hall, by arrangement with J. C. Williamson Limited, tho esti-mated cost being iCJOO.000. A similar building is now being built in Queen street, Brisbane. _ The company has also .-icipiiral an interest in the pic-ture theatre hi . Lydinrd street, Ballarat, tho capital involved being approximately £,10,000. Still another theatre is being built in Perth by arrangement with the trustees of the Queen's Hull.

The directors announce also that close attention is being given to tile proposal to pioduce films in Australia. They state thal if it be found practicable to embark upon film production in Australia a. new company would be formed for that pur-pose, in which Hoyts Limited will hold a large interest, but in which the public will also lie-given > an opportunity lo take up
