Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Thursday 19 June 1930, page 23


Work Commenced.

Convinced that the bridge over the Swan Biver between East. Perth and Rivervale, generally known as the Bun-bury Bridge, has now reached thc stage in its life when the cost of maintaining it is no longer a payable proposition, thc Railway Department has commenced work on a new structure about 46 feet on the Causeway side of the bridge. The new bridge is estimated to cost £26,000, and it is anticipated that it will take about 18 months to complete.

The Commissioner of Railways (Mr. E. A. Evans) said last week that the exist-ing bridge had stood up well under the heavy traffic it had been called upon to carry, but the time had arrived when, to keep it in a safe condition for traffic for any continued length of time would cost between £2,000 and £3,000 a year, with out any permanent advantage being gain-ed. Therefore, after careful consideration of the question from all points of view, the department had decided to replace the structure with a new temporary wooden bridge. To build on the same site without causing serious dislocation of thc train service and considerably increased costs would be impracticable, so it had been decided to construct the new bridge about 46 feet down-stream. This would involve a deviation of the railway for about three-quarters of a mile, allowina: for a permanent bridge of modern design to be built later on the site of the exist-ing bridge.

The temporary bridge will be of 86 spans of 15 feet and one span of 40ft. over the deepest portion of the river. The piers will consist of piles driven to the usual depths, and it .is anticipated that the total length of many of them will exceed 90ft., necessitating one, and possibly two splic-ings of piles. The first two piers on the

Mr. G. L. Sutton.

Rivervale side have already been driven, and are down 83ft. and 88ft. respectively, Those in. the river bed will be consider-ably longer. The girders used will lie of rolled steel of Australian manufacture.