Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), Wednesday 19 August 1936, page 3

_ ? '. ENTERTAINMENTS ' ' -? -? ? r IMPORTANT! FIRST BIG SESSION OF 'THE FLYING DOCTOR' ON FRIDAY, 9 A.M. in view of the intense public Interest sessions on both Friday andSaturday will commence at 9 a.m. daily, ,r ? . -.-At Friday evening's gala performance Special Motion Pictures will be taken of the audience arriving. Ned Tyrrell and Orchestra will present a special musical programme and the proceedings of this unique theatre event will be broadcast from the fovcr bv Stnt.lnn -ibh. Gala World Premiere ^^SB| I ;OM FRIDAY (//'||l I AUSTRALIA'S Greatest Hour of Film '''11(1(1 ** Triumph, is at hand . . . and to Hoyt's )( } Regent belongs the distinct privilege of pre- jli, ' senting National Productions £45,000 Screen ^ jjflj | J Masterpiece . . . the cluminating triumph of Ar-//) All Australian Productions ... a picture that vj!M||I is destined to win unprecedented fame \ \f : throughout the world. ^'' V \ 't-Plans for Friday's premiere are filling rapid- ijjj1- J|k 4 ly. Book to-day at Theatre. B 3777. 'vi||iis||jjl| '? Mm ^^_lli__§i«*^''— *? „ - ? 'f J -».' , , '-' T '? v*^ ftEiE'* rpaSY ? * ' * Kb ' II ,/| 'vt o| » ^g sl B r ? % I m B H ?______! 1 * Us £?*« !HM5Hl___u_HiM__«i______Hfl__n__________C__MM____9 it flaifl^Oflfl^^^V OSm Bm _R_H__H_____l_MJ_BsBimH_l__^_' * Pfl_— 4 1 & '$? ***sf W M M _F M ^ *Br _ . ^_ ?? I ( '^m ? jib Thrill packed entertain-. ^\ - '-_«»* merit that throbs with dy- : I *J3&&&. namic drama .... heart» \yf3?r -? racing action . . . . and margaret vyner. glorious romance. Internationally iamous ???-.',;?' Australian beauty rises .'??? lo dazzling heights in ? , her first Screen role. ? j-_S**_Sv With °ne brillianl Jf^^St* mr* **$m* ?esture Australia lif Is f |||k Jr - ^S its screen reputation ^J|§&' i§Pi - K$* ? to '^e highest, pin- y^H^ H%-, (m^jL^, L-.« '' nacle. To Pagewood. ^\%'r^W - € - Ipll l5* ' -he most modern film yw^^^J^L * -£ * - producing Studios in SlS F - iSi-3 the s°uthern Hem»- .rwk / 1 r^V****'' sphere came MILES ' ^o|% '*!Wi % . -* X ' -*w fS MANDER (the over- , -jy ; | *\ f -'*) sea directorial genius joe'valu. \ JAMEs' RAGLAN W^° ^ » s c ° v e r e d Popular Comedy \ Favourite of staqi- Madeline Carroll and star in the »?- Screen. M ? r 1 ? O b e r O n) ^JiS?-0 ' ? '-_t__R-_- together with Capt. ^ : iftPM§P& 7. O. C. Orion, famed /I i ;w7 ' 1 scenarist to ensure // /I u -?» *-» fhal 'The Flying .Mi \ £ «* ^ Doctor' would equal . . ..' ^ //' '? ;; ^ t *%, / *e W0IWs best .... J ' ' i J s -^L./ a hope thai has been ..V. '? %^Ssi / more thcm {ullY real--'''^^T^==-==— i EHICCOLMA^I ? ^^fl^S^^^fflO^H ; (brother oi Ronald). .. Hsifr^i3IlliSlS|ffiffl3^^^P i S^lread' ii1Ori0S'tO .^r^LlM k^^^S ? « cesses. a ' T 5UC --a^^5**- ? cs^ ,1 .'. '? Plus this 2nd BIG AX TRACTION' |f ' . . ? . ? . .. . ?

Tl\l^l I 1 FIRST SESSION gM|^^ I I VwLI | TO-DAY AT 9 A.M. ^V -?- ^yf-^ ?MMJBBPMB^TirSnvMMB \'i*^Bwl |^, $ y*^^^^ *^^fe^^^ftXI^BHHflBflBHHHiflHBflBK^.^^^B^HS^L IAnU this Warner Bros, attraction, GUY KIBBEE and big cast ' i. 'THE BIG NOISE.' ? I Also showing ? HAL LE ROY Comedy, 'WASH YOUR STEP,' Cinesound Kevlew, Fox News. Great Sliow Week Entertainment.