South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 17 July 1852, page 1

F0r?*EONliON DlfcustrkC'''' . UNDER ENGAGEMENT WITH THE SOUTH AUS TRALIAN MINING ASSOCIATION TO SAIL IN XFEWDAYS. ; ?.. ? -. .,.-:-::,'. ;..r;Ha t»^N^. The 'well- armed, fast-Bailing, frigate /3^1& U' 8 ^CHARLOTTE JANE, '''' dBBBH^ 'Al at Lloyds' for/ 13 years), 750 tons register, Alexander Lawrence, commander; guarantees not to take more than two-thirds her register tonnage of dead* Weight (the whole of which is engaged), thus effecting a material Bavin g;-ojJbippcrfl of CLoM-and-«tt other freight as regards insurance ; besides ensuring them the quickest and most eligible opportunity that will be offering for some months to come. . ,fier thoroughly ventilated, magnificent, and capacious cabin accommodations cannot be surpassed. She carries an experienced surgeon, and the steward's wife will attend upon lady passengers during the voyage. ; /':! ' . ; .Cabin plans may be seen at the Exchange; also at the. office of the undersigned, where particulars of passage, or of light freight and Gold may be obtained. : '.-.'?.. , -' . ? 'Captain Lawrence will attend in town daily from 1 to 3, pan., for the purpose of signing bills of lading. JOSEPH STILLING & CO. ? Hindley-street, July, 18;2. . ' . - . FOR LIVERPOOL. ~ : . ., To aaU t» about 10 days. ? : . r —?/ksri? -?- -Tire-fine fast-sailing ship JyKi\ MARTIN LUTHEB, h ?]'-:, /5ta^9£u' 1341 tons register, Captain Kenny, is daily jf/g^gjj^ expected from Port WakefieW, and will sail as above. ? ?:..-?? ?-??'? :':'??' ?'?-? _The cabin accommodations of this beautiful vessel are very superior. . . She will also take, Intermediate and Steerage Passengers. ' : '' ?' . x *:?' ' ''?'' '! vt For freight of Gold and Light .Goods, or Passage, ap ply to. ' . .- j -'.:.? ?? -.?: ,.;? ,; ?.- ? ?.?.Hi.lUI ;:?;'! ? ? WM. YQUNGHUSBAND, JUN^,& CO, -? ?? '.???'? ?. '?'?? ? ' ''?'??' ?* ' :_- J: ' ' Agents.'',';. '?_ ~TT~' FOR SYDNEY DIRECT. y^ ^ ; ' ifcff&ISv ? ' ' ? -3UB0E,,.,. ,5.--,f ? , ; ? jF7fY-*K&' 550 tons, W.' E. Maurice, commander, is jJUpp ; under engagement to sail for the above, port -in a few days. The whole of her, dead^ght -beuig^en-j gaged, has only room for light' goods, which must /be sent alongside at once. '~-: * ' ' '?'' ' '' y— ''?'?) For freight or passage apply to .;:/.! ??? -'. M '? ^^ LbBAIR & ROBIN,. : - '- — --' Grerifell-street; or ^ ; , , , ,; JOHN NEWMAN, Port.. ? [ .-;.?:: il . FOR' MELBOURNE: i tw-'\ «.l TO BE KEPT'RE^GULAELY~IN~Tlll TRADE, AND GOES' DIREOTi TO .THE: WHAEFa /fcvL The fine barque J^*Vi, -...- GLENCOE,:^ ?????i j^|j^^ 200 tons, John LeUewall, commander, hourly^ ^/g/fgggjjfir expected, has excellent accommodation for Passengers,, and stowage for a limited quantity~of Goods., For uefgfit or passage apply to the Captain on board ; '.;?',' :-'Z: HALL & CO., : :l Port Adelaide. :_ FOR MELBOURNE. fj^ — .' ':''? ?' A REGULAR. PACKET. TO FOLLOW THE ' LOUISA^' As^i The splendid clipper barque ffflF&& 500 tons, J. R. Roberts, commander. The j|gmi^ accommodations of this fine vessel are unequalled in the trade, and her sailing qualities are un rivalled. ? Will sail punctually on Saturday, 24th instant. For terms of freight or passage, apply to :,l ? . HioORD: BROTHERS, .???????, HindleyTHtreet, or J. F. BENNETT, ; ?Port Adelaide. July 16, 1852. . ; ? ? i --. ; Z :: ; FOR MELBOURNE. ; 'L-- The splendid clipper brig ^^^^\, Captain Alleni will have herusual despatch. _ ?''^ PP 7 [ BOOED BROTHERS; ? ?. -. i- . Adelaide^ or ' & ::-. = ,, /? J. F. BENNETT^: .ci«7- * ??!''{ .'??? ? ? ??'' 'i i-'Port. . '' : July 16, 1852. ? ? -.?:; ?- ? -I'' . '_ '- -.' £f 'H FOR MELB6URNE. 'LjK The regular 'tinned packet brig ?- ; M louisa^a. ., : j£Jm&* 180 tons, Wm. Heslop, commander,; will sail* «NHHb» ^ *^e — — P°rt P°^^Te^7 on Safarday'.the'; 17th instant. . ??'',,'; ?_. ? -?? ;?;. ; '' ''jj.-.t' This brig wfll carry Horses if required. '' -..-?'.*. For freight or passage apply to ??,? :.; . .. . . BOORD BROTHERS, Adelaide; ?-? J.T. BENN^TTi Port; orto i , CAPT.; HESLOP, on Jyard. ' .' \ \i\ : FOR MELBOURNE. . \\. \ ; v ?'??'- : ; DIRECT TO THE WHARF) ?; -^W: ? The favourite schooner ' :' nJgl^. amzcus, m 2m3EaS£ C. E. Berthean, commander, daily expected, will: ^^*^^'* sail seven days after arrival. , s t'. ' ,; .'.' For freight or passage apply to ?, ;? ,' ! ' ,'!-' ??'-'--?' ^ NOLTENIUS, MEYER, ,fc CO-i ,. ; . , Blvth's-bmldiugs; orto john newman, ;:I ;: j - ii: .; ' ;?; :::, :.-Port!*:. July 7th, 1852. . t r '..I.-;' ) ' ^;'; ~' ~ NACH MELBOURNE. - .;.. - --Direct an deniWharfgekehd.- ,. «?'_''--t'Wi^ Der woblbekannte _' schnellsegelnde ***P'*'r:CaptC.-E.Bertheau, wirdsieberi Tage nach dessen taegUch erwarteten EKerkunlt zurueckexpedirt. ' ; -Wegen Fracht und Passagegeld ertheilen naehere An*1 : kunfk, ' . '?:'.? ' -. \r - ??'? '' l~ NOLTENIUS, MEYER & CO.* ( -'-'?'?? ? ''. ' ' Blyth's BuildingB, und JOHN NEWMAN,, ; ; - ' k,-J JnK7^1852. ? ; .;.; ;- ' ;' : ??Por^7-FORGEELONG. _ 7 V'Wi The brigantine' ? ... ??? .v. t^^^. VELOCITY, ??? ... . JfeilBSy' 120 tons.W. Sinclair, Commander, is now on ^^^^'r the berth, has good accommodation for a limited number of 'steerage and- cabin passengers, ani will aul punctually on Tuesday, the 20tk instant' ' ^ -'?'*': For freight and passage apply to 'the Captain on board, ? Qtio ?? ? .???? ' ' :?? J . . ?:..? HALL&CP^ ' . Port Adelaide. CIAI»T. LILLEY, of the Barbara Gordon, will _( iui^lje answenible for any DEBTS contracted by mV 'I70R SALE, the fine Britiah-brnh BARQUE JD 'BARBARA GORDONr'' -33» ton meawreawn^ and 500 tons burthen. , „ This Vessel has just been fully repaired and newly cop pered, is extremely well found, ana can be scat'toata' i^thost any .expense. . ?. ..:,,,.,: Appfy to Messrs. -X CleTe' and Co' or to Captain LflleT. -jjrljdSl|lr ? —r— Jf cAa-|aiabifiJar/l^W52v .., ?-.., ;fV.. r, .:.7/r e , ,,vf,

*:]: ^bOJJb^ARA feORDON/' FROM LONDON. -fiTBfc^ . - .CoKgiGKEEg bT: this ship are. requested to ^yjiaC p*M»betc entries without delay, and receive their 3oodi in terms of Bills of Lading. r -.» ; C. CLEVE Sf. CO., Agents. nLOOJ)^ . I^CEIYED for SHIPMENT, or Ul :; WAREHOUSEX) 'on arrival, by the undersigned, in lis new and capaciouk Stores,1 on the Company's Wharf. '' ' ' ?''? i~:& ?'?=-.': J-YF. duffT^ ..:.,... King Wiiliam-street, Adelaide. Ci OODS Ml- LU(jGAafi stored by the: W JT DERSIGNED, on reasonable terms. . . .-,. ? :.,rr; ?:,??? '. : . '. : J. T. JUST^ ?-..,.: ': . Blyth-street BOTTLED ALE and PORTER Alleop's Burton Pale Ale . v r Jessee Hobsou's London * Porter . ' ?-. .' ? ? .??.????? STAKEMANN & LOCKWOOD. ' Gilbert-place, Carrie -street, 25th Jane, 1852. 1H|[T1L LIGHTFOOT £. CO. beg to inform the Yy.; inhabitants of Adelaide and its vicinity, that laviag taken ptemises they purpose following the business if FAMILY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, and wpe by filing a pure article at a moderate profit, to secure i share, of their support ' . ,;-..-; , .':.. .Terms — Nett Cash. ; )fBce, ;King William-street, adjoining Mr. Geo. Green's LdaA Agency office. . ^ :; ;. .j.. Store, Gilbert-place. ?-,- ,:(; HAYLWIN & CO. beg to remind their 4 - Friends and the Public that they have constantly in; SALE, at their Stores, the undermentioned Articles, of he best quality and lowest market figure— ? ? ?? ? ? ??? ?? Port, Offley's and Warre1* l ' Sherry, Duff, Gordon, and Co. Marsala Claret Hook ; Sauterne 'Champagne Brandy, Martell's, Hennessy's, and U. V. C. . ? - Ditto; bottled ' Bom, Jamaica Gin, London O. T., in wood and bottle ?? - Ale1, Bass' Burton, No. 2 and 3 Do., do., bottled Porter, Troeman, and Taylor's Stout Do., bottled -Ciganr, Noi 2 and 3. Terms — Cash on delivery. ' Blyth's Buildings, Adelaide; ^ ? ??: ?? 'March 80, 1852.: : — N SALE by the UNDERSIGNED— Hhds. and qrs. MarteU's and D.V.C. Brandy ' : ; Qrs. Browning's Gin . Port and Sherries in hhds. and qrs ' /Burton;and.Cobb's Ale .? - , ? Truemah's, Barclay and Perkin'8, and Channing's Porter . .. ?? ; ??--?.?'.,'-' ': ' :':; '..T Ale and Porter, bottled, Byads's Dunbar's, Mar-^ zette's. Harper's, and Bridges' . ; ; : . ; :' Invoices of Groceries,1' &c.; &c. ? I JOHN R.s HARRIS, | . , Opposite Exchange. : 17th Jnlyy 1858. ; M :. - v; ; ' T-EST ^HOUSE and SMITH'S COAL and JD -'PATENT FUEL on SALE by ' ? ' .-,^.r:::ii,K vl ,- :? . .?'?,-?;. PADMAN & CO' June 29th, 1852. ' TWIOW UNLOADING, ex Royal Shepherdess J.1 and other late arrivals, and on Sale by the Undersigned— : ; ' '1 .-' Best BBH Iron (all sizes) -Cast Shear, Blister, and Gad Steel Anvils and Vices ?'??'. . :; .. . . Smiths1 Bellows (small sixes suitable for thedig .. ? ? gings ? ?? . - ?- -. ?.???,;.. ??:;.:? Horse i'asps, Files, &c Mould Boards and Share Moulds Axle Arm Blocks, and' Cart Boxes ?' Horse Nails (all sizes) : . ?. ? Plough Soles and Side Plates, &&,&c PADMAN&CO. -July 3, 1852. \\- -.,.?.' -,- ,-, \\ €?:?., EOR SALE, at the Stores of the UNDER ;:. SIGNED, ex Dreadnought,- .and .Glen HvmOey, invoices — '.: ? . ;! , ' ; .. Round Thread Brown Low Sheeting Finished ditto ditto . : ' Best ditto, .Osnaburgs Farming Implements ' ? . ;; Paints, . : - ? . ? ' . ' Stationery (assorted) : Pianos and Music j Wpplnacks ; Corn Sacks I Twine I Grindstones (assorted sizes) ; Iron ditto . ? ' ' Anvils \ . ; Whitening (in small packages) Champagne, in one and three dozen cases Claret *. ' ; . . . Whiskey, in hhds. ' ' * ! GEO. H. FOX & CO., (Late Were, Todd, and Co.'s Stores) ...;.-.... ' ' Currie-street : PATENT SLD?. TO SHIP OWNERS, CAPTAINS, AND AGENTS. THE undersigned begs to announce that he has now in good working order a PATENT SLIP, on which vessels of 1,000 tons may be raised. V:» ln:-A'. '? lUrSV. '?:- ?, '? I— :y. B.C. FLETCHER, : ,lri V. ,:',:?.,-? i- ,' ;; -.-;-.? ? :.-?: ' n ' ; Port Adelaide. . ],N.B.-r-Shipwrighting in all its branches ..carefully at tended to. ,; .:-?;';:.??.:' ':,.;-,K ??.??r.v.^ y» ':,SM--, ??..-'? ? ?. OR SALE, 60,000. BRICKS, and about 500 ? LOADS of LIMESTONE. To be sold in large j or small quantities. Can be delivered if required. Apply t? ;-; r. w: customs, /} ' . '.-. . ' ?? ? - , ' Brompton. ; . . ship biscuits. ???'? tK . Tto captains, ship- agents, and parties -. 'proceeding to the diggings. ?fipHE ABOVE are respectfully informed that ; X r they can be supplied with the best KELN^DRIED BISCUITS' at T. NELSON'S Baking Establishment, Franklin-streetf Adelaide.— ? — -. Orders left at Mr. S. Nelson's, opposite the Black Bull, ! Hindley-street, will receive immediate attention. ON SAL E— 30,000 Launceston Broad Palings. . ' AtSO,' A lot of Deals, to be sold at low prices. . JOHN STEWART, I ; -: Australian Timber Yard, ; . . ??-?.?;..?. Hindley-street. SELLING OFF, the remainder of the STOCK of TiMBER, at the usual low prices. ! : , .. - JOHN STEWART, Australian Timber Yard, . . : ,. Hindley-street. ON SALE, at the Timber Yard, Bank-street, entranee from Hindley-street, and North-terrace— 100,000 5-feet Launceston Paling 50,000 feet V.D.L. Quartering 50,000 ditto ditto Joists 2,0Q0 Gottehburgh Deals, 11 x 3, 9 X 3, 7 X 3, 7 X 2|—aU lengths I Cedar in log and boards 40,4^48. , ?. ROBERT MACOEOBGE. 19th, June, 1852. , ; « /

WHEAT, BARLEY, AND OATS. yHE UNDERSIGNED is a purchaser at the LL . highest Market Price. . ^ .. ,:-.;, .,. : ; . ' ; WM. PAXTON.., I .-?.-- Grenfell-street, '- ? i Opposite the stores of A.JL. Elder and Co. ! April 9th, 1852. . ? - ...;.. - - 1 ;., , ,...,;.. . -. ; X1HE UNDERSIGNED is a PURCHASER J_ of WHEAT and BARLEY, at . the. highest Cash price. Stores, GrenfellrStreet, and Hindley-street. i Adelaide, March 10. .1-. : - ; V. 'JQHNlHART. CHEESE, BACON, OATf\ .BARLE Yi AND POTA | ? ..:??? ???TOES.:.-- , ' ., -::. [pHE UNDERSIGNED is a PURCHASER UL of the above at the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. i ??v-^';i:;i ' ;::: ' ^- ?', . r' ???:'?? .-, d.,fisher, ., . I '''? '??' ???* ' ;; ...' ' ''... Cornfactor and. Seedsman, i TOBACCQ! (BARRETT'S) TOBACCO ! ! ! IvrpW on SALE, just arrived ex Glen Huntley, [Llfi at the Stores of the UNDERSIGNED— . I Half-tierces of Barrett's anchor-brand Twist, of the j .,', ; best quality. f . ',. .. ... '.?..-.,:.: ! ' ?:???? :'' ''?? ? ''?''? ' *U&i - '' ? ' ' r -., ?.?; i Kegs of Sherrard's Twist, in bond. * j M.&S. MARKS, j. . . Liverpool Mart, Hindley-street lOOR SALE, by Private Contract, the remainder UP of out Stock of IRONMONGERY and CUTLERY, wing about to decline that portion of our business. Apply personally to ? _rr__r_ ? BOORD BROTHERS. Adelaide- 12th July, 1852. SCHOOL BOOKS JUST UNPACKED, Carpenter's, Mayor's, Vyse's, and Fenning's Spelling -.., ? -v Books . -Goldsmith's Grammar of Geography '. Guy's Geography, abridged ''' ' : J Pmnock's Catechism of Qeograpny '. History of England : —^ ? _ Grammar ! — ? — ' Bible and Gospel History ] Goldsmith's History of England, to 1850 Murray's Grammar ,....' Lennie's Grammar and Key — -Bhut*? Catechisms .: Walkin game's 'Arithmetic : ?? . . ..? -.. . . -A1HO,- ' - ?..-.?. ?? !? A large assortment of Congregational Hymn Books. j E. S. W1GG, |. ' ? ' Rnndle-street. ? j June 29th, 1852 .'...'. '?j^ S. 'WIGG, has just received a supply of — ll_i» Pocket-books, of Russia and roan leather I Ebony Rulers, round and parallel ! Bill Cases ; . ] ' Pewter Inkstands 1 Red, black, and white Sealing Wax ! ' ' Wafers , ? ', | Best bottle and Patent India Rubber ! Riga Quills j Metallic and other Memorandum Books. '. Superior Bank Post Paper, in folio and quarto ] Whatman's Thin Post, in folio -{ Bank Foolscaps : Very superior laid and wove Foolscaps 1 Common Foolscaps I Envelopes, all sizes : Pink and white Blotting Paper i Very superior tints jof Coloured Tissue Paper : 'Music Paper. . , DRAWING MATERIALS. A large assortment of Reeve's celebrated. Water ' Colours, loose and in mahogany boxes 'Rowney'8 Drawing Pencils i Palattes, Brushes, Flat Tools \ Juvenile's Colours, loose and in boxes : Transparent Slates Royal Bristol Boards. ? A large quantity of Antiquarian, Double Elephant, Elephant, Imperial, and Super Royal Drawing Paper, of 'Whatman's make, which will be sold at lower prices than have hitherto obtained in Adelaide. ' v also;- ~ Superior Cartridge, for School Maps and Agent's Plans ? E. S. WIGG has also replenished his Stock of Binding Materials, and continues to make up Account Books at his. usual moderate rate of charges. ' : E. S. WIGG would call the attention of Milliners, &c, to his Stock of Deep Pink Tissue Paper. Adelaide, 29th June, 1852. RE-OPENED. . H. A. CRAWFORD, FAMILY GROCER and CORN DEALER, has MOVED from Rundle street, to Premises near the Club-House Hotel, HINDLEY-STREET, Formerly Mr. Mann's, and then known as the CITY GROCERY MART. H. A. C. takes leave to tender his friends his grateful acknowledgments for their steady and increasing patronage ; and he hopes, by assiduous attention to the wants of the public, to merit their further support. ? Observe^ — Opposite Blyth Brothers. STRATHALBYN MILL. TO PARTIES PROCEEDING OVERLAND. WILLIAM CQLMAN begs to inform the public that he has always FLOUR on hand for Sale at the Mill, by which the carriage up all the bills may be avoided, his being the last null on the direct route. Present prices— Flour, £18 per ton, bags included; Bran, Is. per bushel. , . May 17th. ? ' '- ' ' .. . MOUNT BARKER STEAM MILLS. FIFTY POUNDS REWARD. V\T HEREAS some evil-disposed persons have T Y spread a rumour that parties proceeding overland to the Diggings have been disappointed of obtaining their supplies of Flour and Bran at our Mills, or else have been compelled to pay an exorbitant price, we hereby offer the above Reward to any one who will prove a single instance of overcharge or disappointment. Mount Barker Steam Mills lie 22 miles from town, in the direct route to Mount Alexander, and parties proceeding overland to the Diggings, in purchasing their supplies of Flour and Bran of the undersigned, will not only save cartage of the heaviest portion of their loads over 22 miles of very rough road ; but w also gain a decided advantage in price, as we will engage to supply them with Flour and Brau of the very best quality and in any quantity fro n one to 100 bags, at 20s. per ton less than the Adelaide prices. (Signed) JOHN DUNN & SON, Mount Barker, Steam Mills, July 13th, 1852. S GOLDSACK, BAKER, PASTRYCOOK, and CONFECTIONER, begs to inform his name rous Friends and Customers that he has this day Rfci MOVED his Establishment two doors eastward, to the Shop lately occupied by Miss Sanders, whic'i premises being more commodious than the ' Little Shop,' will be much more adequate to the demands of an extended busi ness, and enable S. G. to accommodate his Customers with room and a seat. - S. G. confidently professes to have by far the best assortment and the heaviest stock in this colony of first-rate London and Paris Confectionary ; aa alas, East Indian Jams and Jellies, Chinese Preserves, Ac. BREAD WEIGHED on Delivery. Hindley-*reot, lOta July, 1852. -

L ROACH, Hamburg House, Rundle- street, ; ? Adelaide,- bias on hnd a large Variety of Christy's ; celebrated Silk Velvet-nap HA IS. Gentlemen wishing to ivail then. selves of a good article, in Hats, will do well to pay an early visit to the above establishment. * ,' ' .? DOUBLE SOLED CLOTH BOOTS, in all sizes 'may be ob~tained~at7 ' . ? ?? - ? - ,,V -.'.' f- ?-?:- L.;roACH'S, '?'?-' -.' ?'??' 5? '?'':? ; Drapery Establishment, -, A^ * . ..Hamburg House, Rundle-street' - -CHINESE WORK- TABLES, ETC. ri'N 'SALE, at A. B. AARONS, ex Ferdinand, \J from China, a LADY'S WORK-TABLE, beauti-' fully- inlaid with Gold, and embossed. Writing Desks, Tea Caddies. Cigar Boxes, Dressing Cases, Work Boxes, Silver and Ivory Card Cases, Silver Brace Buckles, &c, Sec.; altogether the choicest assormontof Chinese Goods ever seen in the colony. . . - ' : CHEAP AND GOOD WINTER CLOTHING/ THE UNDERSIGNED has just received per GlenHuntley and Standard a LARGE ASSORT MENT of GENTLEMEN'S WINTER CLOTHING, com prising Overcoats, Shooting Coats, Moleskin Trowsers, Waistcoats, Hats, Guernseys, and every description of Hosiery. ABRM. B. AARONS, . Hindley-street READ THIS! 'NO PUFFING.' JCHAPMAN has OPENED the SHOP next * door to the CITY BRIDGE HOTELi HINDLEY STREET, with a hurge assortment of Drapery, Hosiery, Lace, Haberdashery, -Ready-Made Clothes, and; Fancy Goods, of every description. The system of business will be ' Cash -Payments,' Small, ??'?'' ' Profits, and Quick Returns. '; \ : Give him a Trial. ! RYLEY'S DRAPERY AND READY-MADE CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, No. 1,RUNDLE-S^TREET. HIE TO, THE '! BEE-HIVE.' .,. . \1/'E are up and awake, in the bright morning TT tide, . . t , , . ...... , The Bee-hive's our home, and its business onr pride; ' ' Come and lsok o'er our stoek, and we warrant you'll say, That for beauty and style we can still bear the sway.' We fear not our rivals, can shake our renown, ? . ? For the Bee-hive' stands first, both in country and town ; And first on the list it will surely remain, For we serve all so well that they all come again. We can ihrnish our Patrons as none can beside j . ' -We can rig out a Bushman or fit out a Bride ;. We have mantles and shawls that a Queen might adorn, And the clothes that by Diggers and Bushmen are worn. And at night when the shops in their brightest are drest. Then .the Bee-hive shines out like a star 'mid the rest ; And the public throng in, for 'tis well understood ' ' / That none can supply them so cheap or so good. ' -See the Gold-diggers' wives to our showrooms repair — ? -They find fashion, and cheapness, and quality there ; And that three pounds eleven is the price given for Gold, When spent at the Bee hive,* may freely be told. Hurrah for the Bee-hive, the pride of the town; Each week adds new triumphs and swells its-renown; And let all who would purchase, of us come and buy — We can furnish you all from our boundless supply. TO DRAPERS, HOSIERS, HABERDASHERS, HAW KERS, AND THE PUBLIC OF ADELAIDE. j.'de~qTrqbin ' HAVING taken those extensive premises, lately occupied by Carey and Wren, on advantageous terms, has opened this Establishment with the largest and choicest selection of Drapery Goods ever known in this colony. It is sufficient to state that MR. CHAS. ROBIN,' 'who met with so extensive a share of public favour during the time he was in business in Hindley-street, has made the following selection of goods in the London, Manchester, and Scotch Markets for Mr. J. De Q. Robin, who is deter mined to follow out the principles of business, so suc cessfully adopted by his brother — small profits and quick returns— a lively sixpence before a slow pound. The fol lowing list will convey a faint idea of the price of goods in this establishment. -2,000 pieces Hoyles prints, 700 ditto BntterwDrth ani Brooks, dark Cashmere pattern, 270 pieces small [pattern, Swiss Prints for morning dresses, all one price,; 3s. 9d. the dress, warranted fast colours ; the money returned if not found so. - 400 pieces navy blue Prints, 6Jd. per yard. 900 Dresses, 9£ yards each, Is. H£d. the dress.. , 8 bales Blankets from the celebrated firm of Bannermau and Sons, Manchester, comprising 5-4, 6-4, 7-4, 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, and 12-4. Will be sold cheap. 4 bales Welsh Flannells from Chad wick and Son's, Lon don. Commencing at 8fd. per yard; warranted all wool. 1,000 magnificent Cloaks; the most fastidious, could not find fault with the selection. Prices vary from 15s. to 55b. 400 pieces Wool Plaids in every variety that the imagina tion can conceive, irom Is. to Is. 6d. per 'yard. Some very beautiful scarlet and royal blue small Plaids, suitable for childrens' dresses, at the same prices. 75 boxes Bonnet Ribbons, very neat and ladylike styles, from 4d. to Is. 6d. per yard. .,?-175 pieces strong twilled Serges, from 15 Jd., being at least 6d. per yard under what they are commonly, sold for. 100 pieces rich black Alpaca and lustre Orleans, from Is. upwards. ' . ?, , 800 pieces Cobourgs m all shades, from 14&d. A splendid choice. .?..'? 2,000 pieces rolled Linings for the above, from 3£d. per yard. ' . ' ' . .' 600 Dunstable, whole Straw, Tuscan, Rice, and open -work Bonnets, in all sizes, from Is. 6d. - 700 dozen beautifully fine Cambric Handkerchiefs, in ele gaHt fancy boxes of one dozen each, from 10s. 6d. ? ' 1,000 Dress Caps, from Is. to Is. 9d. 350 ditto ditto, richly trimmed, from 2s. to 3s. 6& each.' 10,000 Cap Cauls, from 3d. each. 1,000 black ditto, embroidered, 6d. each. ~ Edgbd Blonds, Laces, Edgings, Habit Shirts, Chemisettes equally cheap. Stout Bolton Sheets, from 2s. 6d. Coloured Counterpanes, from 2s. 9d. White ditto from 3s. 3d. 8-4 and 10-4 Grass Bleached Sheetings, from Is. per yard. 1,000 pieces Oilcloths, from Is. per yard. 2,000 dozen of Ladies' Gents' and children's Gloves, in Kid, Silk, Thread, Lace, &c, from 16£d. per pair. - - : An especially cheap lot of embroidered Thread Gloves, slightly damaged, at 6Jd. per pair.' 100 packages Delaines, very rich, and the newest pat terns, from 6s. 9d. the dress, of 10 yards full. 250 dresses, ditto beautiful quality, in the most elegant Cashmere and Barege styles, 10s. 9d. the dress. 14 cases Windsor, Ri sselyn, and Florence Checks, small patterns, for children's dresses, at Is. 3d. per yard and upwards. ? . 10 bales, containing stout Trouserings, from the firm of Samuel and Sons, Manchester, all at Is. per yard, worth 3d., the public are requested to attend to this lot at once. We could go on for hours enumerating the prices of articles from this extensive stock, and we have also advices of 175 cases, containing Drapery and Silk Mercery of every description. We solicit one trial, feeling assured that at the price we are selling goods we cannot fail to command a fair share of public support. All uncut goods returnable at one week after date of pur chase, if not approved of. Notice the addreu — JOHN DE Q. ROBIN, ? Next door to '^MMfeltt _ And opposite the Blenheim, I^^^^Het. May 31st, 1852. ? ^^^J . GLOBES. ^ A N ASSORTMENT of GLOBESJ^Bved, IJjL in Pain, orTerwtrial only, in F^^Bcn BriMtaK 12 inch, 9 inch, 6 inch, 5 mch, to ^^^H ', ? PLAT/rea look^^^L'

rpHE UNDERSIGNED are PURCHASERS of X GOLD, at £3 9s.. 6d. , - f C. CLEVE & CO.,) I. -Currie Btreot. : i . 13th July, 1852. ? . . .-.« FRAUDULENT WEIGHING. TO destroy the above system -~ . . . DIGGERS. « ? . m jan test the weight of their Gold, free of charge, at m * »fficeVKing William-street y _»»,...... * '. - GEO. GREEN,- .u :,^ Land Agent Land, Loan, and Bullion Offices, . , , . . Adjacent to the Bank of Australasia, King William-street ; GREEN'S LAND AND BULLION OFFICES. ? , , .? GOLD B OUGHT for C A SH^ or taken in exchange at * -£3 11s. PER OUNCE, , v '' Tor Landed or Household Properties. ASSAY OFFICE and ESCORT RECEIPTS PUR CHASED, or Money advanced upon them. - GEORGE GREEN. , Offices adjacent to the Bank of Australasia, ' -. King William-street ' , . , g . rpHE UNDERSIGNED is a purchaser, of GOLD JL at the highest price. v; i . E. A; WRIGHT. ! Adelaide Gold Agency Office, '. Exchange Chambers, next the Savings' Bank. ?'?; ''' Assay Office certificates purchased. ' .' -PRECAUTION AGAINST FRAUDULENT , . WEIGHING. ; SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BULLION OFFICE, NEXT DOOR TO COPPIN'S HOTEL, HINDLEY-STREET. GOLD DIGGERS arid OTHERS are respect-' fully informed that GOLD may be ACCURATELY WEIGHED at this Office without charge. . : , . . c '-Adelaide, June 17, 1852. ; l tS - ; '? . _.. GOLD! GOLD 11 GOLD!!! ?/,., ..^r'' SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BULLION OFFICE, * next door to Coppin's Hotel, Hindley-street, estab lished for the purpose of securing to GOLD DIGGERS the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for their GOLD, and CORRECT WEIGHT GUARANTEED. I Parties desirous of realising the Government Price for ? Gold can. do m on application to this Office. . ' . ; Government Assay Office Certificates and Escort Cer tificates, purchnsed, or Money for immediate purpose advanced on the same. ' ;.*. If ^ OLD BOUGHT for CASH, at j GT RICHARDSON'S BULLION OFFICE, ,.,- ? Next to Messrs. Youughusband's Store, ! ? - King William-street TO GOLD DIGGERS AND OTHERS. ^ : NEW GOLD OFFICE. , AT the NEW GOLD OFFICE, just opened at . the Auction Mart, corner of Hindley and King iWilliam-streets (near Coppin's), the best price can always be obtained in CASH for GpLD., V ' \ GOLD BOUGHT and SOLD m any quantities: : Scales and Weights, in strict accordance with those of the ASSAYrOFFICE and BANK8. *** Observe.— Auction Mart, entrance, corner of Hindley and King- William-streets. . ; . .??'.'. ' ?? - T. B. BARNARD, ; ^ ? ' . . / Broker. ~~ 'GOLD AND COMMISSION AGENCY. rjlHE UNDERSIGNED purchases GOLD 'on JL Commission for Residents in Adelaide. FRED. SINNETT, v from Adelaide. The Wharf, Corner of Waiiam-street, . ^ ?? -Melbourne, 2nd April, 1852. . ~ ~ . ? GOLD. '.; '?,; ? ^~ ''pHE UNDERSIGNED is a PURCHASER of ! JL GOLD, at the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, and will make LIBERAL ADVANCES ON ESCORT RE CEDPTS. ? . I ? . ' . ? J. S. HENRY, Opposite the Royal Hotel, Hindley-street.t ' . ;. -. GOLD. . . . ',?.., . , T ^PHE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE given for X GOLD by F * GEO. BRUN8KILLi ? . i. , Grenfell-street, three doors from King William-street'.: i~~~ ~ ~~ gold: '^'^ . THE UNDERSIGNED are PURCHASERS of GOLD. - ?' . . ' - ; F. J. BECK & CO., * . Corner of Hindley and King VVilHam-stroetk. GOLD. ~ ~' GOLD Bought at'the Highest Market Price. : GILL & BLACKIE,' ', Z '-.IM ' i .' , Commission Agents, Exchange Portico. ' I ; ~^ gold. ? ; ','?. ???-''? VpHE UNDERSIGNED are PURCHASERS of ; JL ' GOLD, in any quantity, at the highest Market Price J - LANYON & HARRIS, ! - - Hindley-street. ! * GOLD. ... - ? ' . ? . ~! /PHE HIGHEST CASK^PRICE is GlYBsf foV i i ' GOLD by . J . ' - -, * ! ' . F. DUVAL. ; . Surveyor, Bullion and Land Agent, tl 1 ' . Exchange 1 GOLD- '~T' THE UNDERSIGNED is a PURCHASER of GOLD-DUST for CASH. . v. ?.-',, ,, 1 GOLD' bought for the Assay Office, or for Export, on Commission. . .'-'? JOHN BROWN, Bank- street, Hindley-Btreet, or at the Exchange. y 6th Jnly, 1852. - -y- ? , - * ?, | : GOLD. GOLD, GOLD. ? .. .. -. v SOLOMON and CO., City Auction Martiara/ PURCHASERS of GOLD in any quantities at tht i HIGHEST PRICE for CASH. ; v Jnly6,1852v '. ~^ GOLD. . ; ' I WE UNDERSIGNED are PURCHASERS »t X MARKET PRICE. FARMER & HODGKI8S. } GOLD PURCHASED for CASH. Money to Lend on Mortgage. ' . LAVINGTON GLYDE, ? . Exchange. Jnly, 1852. ? ? '?? -'? ~ LEDGERS, JOURNALS, &c., &c. LEDGERS, JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS* ' LETTER BOOKS, and every other description of ACCOUNT BOOKS, made to order, warranted to be equal to any imported, on the shortest notice, by JNO.JBRENTOtfj ,, Gawkr-place, Adelaide. : Machine Rating, Copperplate Printing, Booa- .' , binding, ftc^ Ac - ?. ,