South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Thursday 3 March 1853, page 2

SALES BY PUBLIC AUUTlun. | Concluded from Last Page.] MR. JOHN BENTHAM NEALES begs to intimate to the inhibitante of Adelaide and the Mercantile Community connected with the Province, that, he has re-communcja hiu profes-ii »ua! avjcati ns in con unction with his successors, Mr. William Sam-son, aud Mr. Frederic VVicksteed. In reference to the above, Messrs. Samson, Wicksteed, and Co. have great pleasure in announcing an arrangement of a partnership with Mr. J. U. Neale3, and hope that the return of the original proprietor to the Mart at the corner of King William and Hindley-streets, will create an increased claim to public confidence*. ? SAMSON; WICKS rEED, & CO. rpHIS DAY, March 3— At the Mart, the barque JL Margaret', Cod's Tongues and Sounds; Iron Bed steads, &c Friday, March 4— At the Mart, 112 tons Coals, at the Port. Saturday, March 5— At the Mart, Phaeton and Miscella neous lots. Monday, March 7 — At the Mart, immense lot of Landed Properties. Thursdav, March 10 — At Grange, the Furniture, &c, of Capt. Start. Further particulars in this day's Tines, and in tomor row'g Register. ? . ? THIS DAY. To be Sold by Auction, bv SAMSON, WICKSTEED, &'CO., This Day (Thursday), March 3rd, at the Mart, at 12 o'clock — rpHE FINE FAST-SAILING NEW BARQUE JL '? MARGARET,' 236 tons register, with all the Stores and Appurtenances as she now lies at the Company's Wharf, Port Adelaide. TO-MORROW. BY ORDER OF THE COLONIAL SECRETARY. SAMSON, WICKSTEED, & CO. (The Government Auctioneers) Are instructed to sell, on the Queen'3 Wharf, Port Ade laide, To-morrow (Friday), March 4th. at 1 2 o'clock — 1|9 TONS of POWELL'S DUFFRYN STEAM *-*-& COALS, now on board the Wa'visch. SAMSON, WICKSTERD, & CO. Are instructed by Captain Sturt, who is leaving the colony for Englaiid, to sell, at GKANGE, on Thursday, March 10— ALL his HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CAR RIAGE HORSES, spleu,lid DAIRY COWS, BOOKS, PLATE, &c, &c, &c. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. TO BREEDERS OF STOCK, HORSE DEALERS, AND THE PUBLIC. MR. W. G. LAMBERT, AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER, begs leave most respectfully to announce to the public, that the Bench of Magistrates have this day granted him an Auctioneer's Licence. He will therefore be prepared to Sell by Public Auction, upon th-j following terms, every description of Stock and Farm Pro luce, Estates, Furniture, and Effects, on the pre mises of gentlemen who may be quitting their residence or leaving the colony : — Horses, Cattle, Farming Implements, Pro duce, &c. ? 1\ per cent. Furniture and Effects ? 2J ' Valuations ? i\ ' Merchandise, on the Promises of the Pro prietor ... ? 2$ ' Ships' Stores at the Port ? 2£ ' Subject to a reduced arrangement, according with the ex tent of sale. Mr. Lambert, in making this announcement, begs to re fer to the assiduous and unremitting attention displayed by him in conducting the Out-door Sales of Messrs. Solomon and Co., while in their employ as Sale Clerk and Auc tioneer ; and he confidently trnsts that the discriminating public will accord to him a portion of their patronage. Mr. Lambert will attend the Cattle Market every Satur day Morning early, and he trusts Gentlemen who intend favouring him will be particular in reserving their Horses and Cattle expressly for him, having engaged an experienced Assistant to mount horses intended for sale. Mr. Lambert, in conclusion, begs to add, that arrange ments are progressing, which he trusts will enable him to establish a Horse Bazaar and Carriage Repository ; and as it is contemplated making this branch of the Auction busi ness his particular study, it is not arrogant to assume, that if he does not equal, his arrangements and style of con ducting business will be after the model of tue ' celebrated Tattersall.' A Register of all Horses Stolen or Lost will be open for inspection by the public ; aud a very particular account of the brands of horses sold at auction will at all times be kept for reference. Auction Mart, Hindley-street, 13th Dec, 1852. HILTON &' CO., GENERAL PRINTERS, respectfully beg to announce to their supporters and the public, that, to accommodate their increasing business, they have Removed from the office next door to the Register and Observer offices, to the old Publishing Office of the Gazette and Mining Journal, next Messrs. Younghu.sband's Stores, King William-street, where, having secured the services of an efficient staff, they hope, by Neatness and Despatch in the execution of orders, and reasonable charges, to merit a continuance of the support of their Friends and the Public. N.B.— Orders will be received on their behalf at the Register and Observer Office. HHUSSEY, having re-opened his PRINTING ? OFFICE, in King William-street, is prepared to execute orders in printing with neatness, dispatch, and .it moderate charges. Office— Private entrance next door to Mr. J. Richardson's, Land Agent, and opposite the Southern Cross. LADIES' CARD CASES.— Receded, ex Mel bourne steamer, an assortment of Ladies' Card Cases. On sale at PLATTS'S Show-rooms. PIANOFORTES, -HAR^IONIUMS, and MU SICAL INSTRUMENTS generally,. Toned and Repaired, by — G.T. LIGHT, Bnndle-street East, nearly-opposite the Exeter Hotel. January loth. IR53 -V FLUTINAS AND ACCORDIONS. ETVE HUNDRED ACCORDIONS and FLU ?*? TINAS have just been received, forming the largest assortment of these Instruments ever imported. They are of superior and war ranted manufacture, and are uneqnalled for delicacy of tone and perfect finish. To be had only at PLATTS'S Warerooms. FOR SALE, a splendid ZEBRA PIANOFORTE, 6} octaves, with metallic plats and patent compensation bars, rich and brilliant in tone, and fully warranted to stand the climate. To be seen at PLATTS'S Showrooms, Hindley-street THE MOST APPROPRIATE PRESENT TO A LADY IS A WORK BOX. Tj'HE only place to buy one — to obtain a selection -*- from & CHolee and varied stock, replete with designs, simple, elegant, or gorgeous— is at PLATTS'S Showrooms, Hindley-street ~~ ACCOUNT BOOKS. ES. WIGG, ACCOUNT-BOOK MANU ? FACTOBER and MACHINE-RULER, Bundle-street Orders executed promptly, and as moderately as the times will permit . . BOOKBINDING, PORTFOLIOS, BILL C ASES, &e, made to order, by _ ? E. 3. WIGG, Bnndle-street. DRAWING - PAPER, from Demy to Anti qoarian,at -- ? E. 8. WIGQ'3, Rnndle-gtreet COMFORT IN WRITING. A QUANTITY of GOLD PENS, in silver-plated s Holders, at ? E. S. WIGG'g, Bandle-strect jpOPYING PRESSES, large and small quarto \y Ditto ditto ditto folio , Copying Book, folio and quarto Copying Paper ditto ditto Copying Ink Just received by E. S. WIGG, Bundle-street

B. B. COLLEY'S LAND-OFFICE. . ..' FOB SALE. t OT 1.— FOUR-UOOMED HOUSF/with 26 LJ acres of Land, fenced, Section No. 2075, near Port Adelaide^ 2.— Good House with Land at Norwood. 3.— Five-roomed House, with 2J acres, at Bnraside, cheap. 4.— Three Cottages at Unley. 5. — Two Houses at North Adelaide. 7.— 28 ) acres, Sections 301. 305, 307, 308, near the Torrens. 8.— SO acres, Section 261, GoodHTtwd-road. 9. — 20 acres, Sectiou 172, Bay-road, good water. U.— 40 acres, Section 480, near Walk«rville. 13.— 16 acres splendid Garden Ground, at Fullarton, dose to town. 14.— 20 acres, Findon, Port-road, good water. 16.— 1 to 10 Acres, Beverly, Port-road. 17.— Acre 2S6, East-terrace. 18.— Acres 970. 101 1 , (portions of,) North Adelaide. 19.— 131 acres. Section No. 341, under the Hills, known as Woodford, magnificent laud for Gardens, &c, &c. 20.— Land at Beaumont Walkerville, Glenelg, Norwood, &c 21.— Three-roomed Cottage, Tynte-street, North Adelaide, a nice property. . 23.— Two Cottages adjoining, in Albert Town. 25.— 15* Acres, with Cottage of three rooms, Garden, Water, &c. three miles from town. 26.— Wooden House in Wakefiold-street seven rooms. N.B.— Parties having Properties for Sale are invited to Register the same at my office. No charge for insertion in above list January, 1853. . POR SALE, a FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE, ?*- with Garden, Well of Water, &c. The House is detached, has a Verandah, and is situated on section 240, adjoining the Park Lands, and is within .0 minutes' walk from the centre of the town. Apply to R. B. COLLEY, Land Agent. King William-street, February, 1853. R. B. COLLEY'S LAND OFFICE. TO BE LET. PINE FOREST— Section, 70 acres, with excel lent Dwelling-house,* containing eight rooms, besides detached servants' rooms, dairy, &c., stabling and out-houses, garden of two acres well stocked with choice fruit trees, good water. Right of pur chase will be given if required. A FORTUNE IN THREE YEARS. 'pHE BEST PUBLIC-HOUSE in South Ans 1 tralia to be LF:T The business now doing not to be equalled by any other house in the colonies. Any person having £2,000 to £3,000 may apply for particulars to R. B. COLLEY, King William-street. RICHARDSON, SHARE and MONEY ? BROKER. HOUSE and LAND AGENT. MONEY LENT on Mortgages, and approved Securities, and BILLS DISCOUNTED. LANDS SURVEYED, and COUNTRY SECTIONS BOUGHT for parties who wish to lease the same with Right of Purchase. SECTIONS for SALE and to LET iu most parts of the country. HOUSES in NORTH and SOUTH ADELAIDE to LET and for PURCHASE. N.B.— The Highest Price given for Gold. Offices — King William-street OR SALE, AT RICHARDSON'S LAND OFFICE, KING WILLIAM STREET— . GAWLER RIVER ? 200 Acres in a block, partly fenced, with Cot tage and other improvements; land first-rate and permanent water. KAPUNDA ? Three Sections of Agricultural Land, situated near the Kapunda Mine. MACCLESFIELD ? Five Sections of first-rate Land, with perma nent water. BRIGHTON ? A block of four acres, fenced and cropped. NORTH ADELAIDE ...Several Allotments, some with Park frontages, beautifully situated. An Acre delightfully situated on Strang ways-terrace, commanding a fine view of the' hills. SOUTH ADELAIDE ...Several Properties, worthy the attention of the capitalist consisting of Shops, Public Houses, and Warehouses, some of them situated iu the best business positions. PORT LINCOLN ? Allotments in the Township. Three Sections near the Mine. LITTLE PARA. ? 132 Acres, fronting the river, and first-rnte land. PORT ADELAIDE ? Three 13-acre Blocks, on the roadto the North Arm GAWLER PLAINS ? Two Sections of first-rate Land for agricultu ral purposes. PORT ROAD ? A block of ten acres of first-rate Land. tJOR SALE, situated on Kingston- terrace, North Adelaide, a HOUSE containing 10 moms, with stable, gig-honse, and a permanent supply of Rood water. The Garden, consisting of about an acre, is planted with a choice collectioivof shrubs aud fruit trees, the whole substantially fenced. Apply to J. RICHARDSON, Land Agent King William-street. FFICES to be LET in King William-street Apply to J. RICHARDSON, King William-steet THOM A S- P O W ELL, LAND OFFICE, No. 1, EXCHANGE COLONNADE. I' AND SURVEYED, and reported upon. _i A. BEGI8TER of all Properties to be disposed of, or re quired, kept open for inspection. PROPERTIES of all descriptions bought or sold on Commission. GOVERNMENT SECTIONS bought a;id leased with right of purchase, or MONEY ADVANCED to complete purchases of the above. * Sales of Land by auction, either private or public, attended for parties residing in the country, .' PROPERTIES will be submitted by Public Anction, without extra charge. MORTGAGES EFFECTED and MONEY ADVANCED on REAL SECURITIES. The following Properties are now for sale . — South Adelaide. To be LET, a Ten-roomed House, with Garden, and Paddock. . To be LET, on Building Leases, two Acres frontage in Pirie and Greafell-streets. To be SOLD, a well-built 4-room Brick and Stone Cottage, with cedar fittings, lately erected ; and a two-roomed ditto, with verandah and cedar fittings, in Gilbert-street. For SALE, Acre 335, Victoria-square. For SALE, Acre 348, Robert-street. For SALE, Acre 195, Morphett-street. For SALE, Allotments in Stephen-street and Hanson-place. For SALE, Four-ro -med Brick House in Gilbert-street North Adelaide. For SALE, 85 feet frontage to Mackinnon-parade. For SALE, several Building Plots. ' Pabk Lasds. For SALE, three Acres on Devonshire-terrace. For SALE, Corner Block of 14 acres, facing Park Lands, aud corner of Glen Osmond-road Unlet. For SALE, Land and Cottages. Burxside. To be SOLD, beautiful site for residence— 15 Acres of Land delight fully situated, commanding a fine view of the Gulf. Also, 5 Acres, with Garden, Stabling, &c, and a large House partially erected. Kkssisotos. For SALE, Building Allotments. Plyjhtox. For SALE, Ten Acres, block. Goomva. For SALE, Town Allotments. SECTIONS for SALE at Mount Barker, Goodwood, Wellington, Currency Creek, Victoria, Light and Port Gawler. Gawleb Towx. For SALE, Allotments Nos. 67, 153, 161. 174, 183. For SALE, a splendid Section, with double frontage to river and road —one of the finest in the colony. STRATnALBTS. SECTION watered all the year, fenced. Maclesfield. SECTION, with House and good water. A. WRIGHT, LAND and COMMISSION * AGENT, Exchange-chambers, next the Saving* Bank. LAND SURVEYED and laid out for sale. GOVERNMENT SECTIONS selected or examined, and reported upon for intending purchasers. *-. LOANS negotiated ; and Land and Jlouse Property Valued for parties desirons of lending money thereon, or making purchases. X register kept of Land or Houses for Sale or Lease. SECTIONS for Sale and Lease in various parts of the colony. SUBURBAN LAND, HOUSE*, and TOWN PROPERTY for Sale and Lease. GOVERNMENT SECTIONS bought for parties desirous of renting them with right of purchase. CASH ADVANCED in aid of purchases or on Property placed in tho hands Of the undersigned for Sale. GOLD BOUGHT and CASH ADVANCED on Escort Receipts and Assay Certificates. . . E. A, WRIGHT. Exchange-chambers, King William-street,' Next the Savings Bank. E. A. W. has made arrangements for the SALE of PROPERTIES BY AUCTION without any additio . al charge to the prop FOR SALE AT E. A. WRIGHT'S. UNLEY ? One Cottage, and two Cottages KENSINGTON...Two Cottages f 32 Acres of Land, enclosed and subdivided, with House, Garden, Dairy, and numerous SUBURBAN to NORTH; Outbuildings, water and abundance of - ADELAIDE ? ' timber. One of the snuggest and most complete properties In the colony, well adapted for Dairy purposes. NORWOOD ? Two Four-roomed Cottages. BOWDEN ? Well-built brick Cottage and Outbuildings. MITCHAM ? One mile from the Church— Twelve Acres en closed TORRENS ? Ten Acres, with frontage to the river MORPHETT VALE ...Section 682, near Chandler's Hill YANKALILLA ? Sections 1086, 1087, water aU the year ENCOUNTER BAY ...Eighty-Acre Section, enclosed, with capital - house, &c. GAWLER RIVER ? 1 PEACHEY BLLT ...... Sections for Sale or Lease, with right of LITTLE PARA ......... ' purchase — good water, timber, and sec and ' tions that may be . ploughed from end HUNDRED of PORT to end ADELAIDE ? SALISBURY ? Two Sections near the Township. TO BE LET. THE STURT ? ..........Six-roomed stone house, with 80 acres of land, six miles from Adelaide. GAWLER RIVER, North, Sections 165 and 169. LIGHT SURVEY ? Section No. 1153 NURIOOTPA ? Section No. 80 LIMESTONE VALLEY )Sections No. go.,, 2025-about three mile* LYNDOCHVALLEY...J from Gawler Town GAWLER- PLAINS—...Section No. 3157, near Smith's Creek Sections 3134, 3135, 3136, 3128, 8146 YANKALILLA ? Sections Nob. 1136, 1146, 1147, 1149. ? ~A 'BARGAIN BOB £160. 'I HE LEASE of THREE COTTAGES in one J. of the best situations in North Adelaide, having about 11 years to ran, and subject to ? a peppercorn rent only. They are underlet to respectable tenants at 15s. per week; and an excellent opportunity offers for a purchaser to live rent free, and receive beside* about £35 per annum. For further particulars apply to W. A. HUGHES, King William-street -2nd March, 1853. near the Southern CroM.

GEORGE GREEN, , ? - , LANDAGENT, I' T--ANDS SURVEYED and i'ROPERTIES J_i VALUED. LOAN8 NEGOTIATED. GOVERNMENT LAND SALES. ' -Parties desirous of buying SECTIONS at the above SALES at GOVERNMENT price, and requiring assistance in the whole or part payment thereof, may obtain the same at the Offices of the uuder m'gned. LANDS and LANDED PROPERTIES For SALE. For LEASE, Pur RFXT.IL, NORTH » - within, the EAST r or vofor or Vofor SOUTH j CITY or ADELAIDE WEST ) \ GOVERNMENT SECTIONS. Parties requiring GOVERNMENT SECTIONS can have them purchased by the undersigned, and lease them with a tight of purchase. NOTICE. The undersigned begs to announce to his clients and to the public of South Australia generally, that from and after this date he will hold AUCTION SALES of LAND aud LANDED PROPERTIES on the first and Third Friday in each month, at his LAND AUCTION MART, King William-street GEORGE GREEN, Land Agent. Land Auction Mart, King William-street HILL COTTAGE. FOR SALE, all that beautiful RESIDENCE known as HILL COTTAGE, recently occupied by the late Judge Crawford. This property, long known as one of tlio most beautiful in the neigh bourhood of the city, abuts upon the Park Lands, North Adelaide, and consists of a SUBSTAN TIAL STONE RESIDENCE, containing hall, drawing-room, dining-room, four bed-rooms, kitchen, servante' rooms, &c; STABLING for six horses, the whole built of stone ; as also COACH-HOUSE and HARNESS-ROOM. There are also TWO WELLS of excellent water, and a TANK capable of holding 10,000 gallons, fitted with pump complete ; Fowl house, Cow-house, and other conveniences too numerous. to specify. The entire property is in first-rate order, and presents an opportunity of acquiring one of the most complete residences in the colony. THE GARDEN contains seven acres, and is wull stocked with shrubs, flowers, &c, and there is also a PADDOCK of three acres, with additional Land if desired. Plans of the property maybe seen, and all further particulars learned, on application to GEORGE GREEN, Land Agent. Land Agency Office, King William-street. PARK LANDS. FOR SALE, a snug COTTAGE, on the edge of the South Park Lands, with Garden, Stables, &c Apply to GEO. GREEN, Land Agent. Land Agency Offices, King William-street TO THE NORTHERN STOCK-FARMERS AND GRAZIERS. FOR SALE, an excellent SECTION of LAND, 80 acres, situate within eight miles of Adelaide to the north. This property is fenced in, and has an excellent new STONE HOUSE, of five roods, with Verandah, &c. It is situate on the road from Adelaide to Port Gawler. There is a first-rate spring of good water upon it capable of watering ONE HUNDRED HEAD OF CATTLE daily. There is also a large block of unsurveyed Land immediately adjoining thus offering every advantage for a home station. As tht owner is desirous of leaving the colony within a very short period, a very moderate price will be taken. GEO. GREEN, Land Agent. Land Agency Offices, King William-street HUNDRED OF PORT GAWLLR. TO be SOLD, THREE SECTIONS, with good *- water — adjoining Sections nt last Land Sale r.allzed nearly £2 per acre. Apply to T. POWELL, Exchange-colonnade. TX)R SALE or LEASE, a SECTION on J? Echunga Creek, 81 acres, between the farms of Mrs. Cavanagh and Mr. Sanders. Also, TWO ALLOTMENTS at the Port, each having60 feet frontage to Quebec and St. Vincent-streets, with a depth of 236 teet. ApplyattheCouptiiig-hoiiseof G. il. FOX & CO. Adelaide, 20th January, 1853. ^^O be LET. — The uudersigned are prepared to grant LEASES upon liberal terms for the following TOWN ACRES and COUNTRY SECTIONS, viz.:— Acre 326 in Urote-Btretit ' 3:)1 in ditto ditto ' 839 in Wakefield-street ' 916 Burton-terrace, North Adelaide ' 917 ditto ditto ditto 11 918 O'Conuell-terrace, ditto ' 978 Mann-terrace, ditto Section 1042 on the Murray ' 1131 on the Light ' 1175 on dit'.o. Apply at the counting-house of G. H. FOX and CO.. Cnrrio-streft Adelaide, 20th January, 1853. BROWN HILL CREEK. TO be SOLD, a Substantial Roomy STONE HOUSE, with large garden, paddock, and we'll of excellent water. Situation healthy, with a fine view of the sea. Apply to Mr. Styles, at the Unley St-re. GENEKAL STORE TO BE LET. TO be LET, a first-rate STORE, in Franklin *? street, with good Dwelling-house, now orcup-ed by Mr. T. Nelson, but owing to the increase of his Baking Business he cannot give the attention to it which it requires. For further particulars apply to ? THOS. NELSON. Franklin-street. TO BUTCHERS. A GOOD BUSINESS to be LET, with House, Shop, and Out-buildings, &c, situate at Unley, fronting the main road. Immediate possession will be given. Apply to Mr. Faulkuer, Wellington Inn, or Mr. Styles, Post-Offic?, Unley. W7 ANTED to RENT or PURCHASE, from Tl Five to Ten Acres of LAND, with HOUSE, &c, within two miles of the Port-road and three of Adelaide. Apply by letter to R. S, office of this paper. WANTED to RENT, within a few miles of town, a four or five-roomed HOUSE, with stable, &c, and from 5 to 40 acres of Paddock. Apply at the office of this paper. BROAD PALINGS. THE BOARD of UNDERTAKERS for the Adelaide City and Port Railway are willing to Sell about 4,000 (say four thousand) Lannceston Broad Palings, six feet long, well seasoned, being the surplus \nft from the fencing of the Adelaide Sta tion, and at present stacked in the yard of the old Police Station, North terrace. Sealed Tenders for the above, at par thousand, addressed to thi Chairman of the Board (and marked outside ' Tender fur Broad Paling*'), will be received up to 11 o'clock on Monday next, the 7th March. To be removed by the purchaser within a week from time of sale. Terms, cash on delivery. By order of the Board, II. HIGGINSON. Secretary. Railway Office, King William-street 28th Feb., 1853. ? TENDERS FOR M STALLING. TENDERS will he received by the undersigned on *- or before the 15th March, for 100 tons good METALLING, to be delivered immediately on. the North-parade, Port Adelaide. For further particulars apply to E. G. COLLINSON. TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are invited immediately for the erec ??- tion of FOUR STORES, in Grenfell-street'lately hurnt Par ticulars may be obtained on application, on and after Thursday next at 28th February, 1853. LE BAIR & ROBIN'S, Grenfell-street. C. J. CARLETON begs to inform his friends and the public that he has disposed of his Drug Business to Mr. Parkinson, for whom he solicits a continuance of that support which he has himself received. JAMES PARKINSON begs respectfully to in form the public that he has taken the business of C. J. Carleton, Chemist, Rundle-street Dispensary, and hopes by strict attention to merit a share of the public patronage. 11 NELSON'S VICTORY.' RICHARD CHAMINGS, formerly of the Devon Arms, Hauson-atreet Adelaide, begs to inform his numerous friends and the public that he has taken the Nelson's Victory on the Willunga Road, with its Stables and Stockyards, Skittle and Quoit Grouuds, well-watered Paddocks and other appurtenances. The Wines, Spirits, and Malt Liquors are good, and will continue to be carefully selected ; R. C. being determined that the ' good cheer' to be found under his roof shall render it a favourite resort for travellers occasional visitors, and wedding parties. PHCEN1X HOTEL. RICHARD MARTIN respectfully begs to in form his friends and the public that he has 'Removed from his old house, the King's Head, King William-street, and taken the PHG3NIX HOTEL, Hindley-street West The Phoenix Hotel has been thoroughly repaired and repainted, and R. MARTIN respectfully begs to draw the attention of his old friends and the public at large to the superior accommodation ho can now offer them. Good Beds; a Porter np all night; Wines, Spirits, and Liquors of the very best quality; and a first-rate Ordinary every day at 1 o'clock. Good Stabling, &c Moderate charges. GFISH takes this opportunity of informing his * numerous Friends and the Public generally, that he has taken that well-known House the GENUINE OLD BLACK BULL INN, Hindley-street where they may always rely upon getting good accom modation ; and though his predecessor has never yet omitted to serve good cheer, he (G. F.) is determined that no one shall aver say he has been beaten, as it is his intention to keep a first-rate stock of Wines, Spirits, Ale, Porter, &c. The whole of the house having been thoroughly cleansed and re paired, renders It one of the best hotels in the city. The Stables and Stockyards will be kept as liberally as ever they were by A. Malcolm, when he took the Ball by the Horns. It is the express wish of 'A. M. that all his Country Friends will con tinue to patronise thi ' Old Dull,' as he is quite sure they will have the spme accommodation as ever. Adelaide. January 29th, 1853. WE. MUNRO will be happy to meet bis ? Musical Friends and all lovers of social harmony at the Black Bull Inn every WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY EVENING|I whtn the utmost attention will be paid to order and yroprUty. ' ;

^MINING ADVERtlSEM^JS. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN ilN.lNli ASSOCIATION. NINETEENTH DIVIDEND.— Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of One Hundred per Cent on the Capital Stock of this Company (being £5 per share) has been this day declared by the Directors, and 'that the same will be paid to the Shareholder on Wednesday, the 2nd day ot March nest, between the hours of 10 and 1 o'clock, or any Wednesday or Saturday afterwards between tne same-hours. ' The Certificates of Shires must be left at the office for examination at i-Mitit three days previous to the Dividend being called for. By order of the Board, HENRY AYERS, Secretory. Adelaide. 10th February, 1853. ? ? iNOTICE TO TEAMSTERS. INCREASED RATE OF CARTAGE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Pa tunt Copper Company hare fixed the RATE OF CAR ? AGE between the Burra Copper Works and Port Wakefield at 35s. per ton, and between the Burra Copper Works and Adelaide at 40s. per tun for the ensuing season, say until 31st March, 1853. The Company will also be willing to enter into arrangements with parties who may be desirous of hiring teams to work in their service on the Port Wakefleld ICoad. , Adelaide, 22nd November, 1852. ? . ALL Parties~Indebted~to~the late Firm of S. R. CLAKKE & CO, Wharfingers, Contractors, Ship Chand lers, and General Commission Agents, are requested immediately to pay their Accounts; and all claims against the said Finn are also re-, quested to be addressed to Mr. S. R. Clarke, Exchange, Adelaide, or to Li ps( iii-street, at the Port 1st March, 1853. ? NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hitherto subsisting between JAMES HALL and THOMAS C UTTER is thisday dissolved by mutual consent H^HoPK^r' } Witae88eS- JAMES HALL. February 26,' 1853. ? , I THOS. CUTTER, of Pirie-street, have 9 no further connection nor dealings with JAMES HALL, for merly of Gawler Town, now of Pirie-street, the partnership hitherto existing having been dissolved in the presence of Thomas Adams and other witnesses. ? . ? : NIGHT SOIL AND DRY RUBBISH. j ^V7 OTICE is hereby given that the undermen _l_^l tioned localities have been selected by the City Council for the deposit of Dry Rubbish, and also of Night Soil, Manure, or other offen sive refuse ; and that all persons hereafter found placing the same else where within the City Boundaries will be prosecuted without further notice. FOR DRY RUBBISH ONLY. A space on the Park Lands between the River Torrens and 'North-terrace, a little to the east of the City Market Yards, and as marked by two poles erected them. FOR NIGHT SOIL, &c. Such parts of the following Sections as may be pointed out by their respective occupiers, viz. : — . Section No. 91, South Richmond— Mr. Thos. Balfort ' ' — Thebarton — Mr. John Craig. ' ' 96, Five Sections west of Thebarton— Mr. John S. Williams. ' ' 369, near Prospect Village— Mr. Caleb Fldler. ' ' — near Eastern Park Lands-Mr. W. Prescott By order of the City Council, WILLIAM T. SABBEN, Town Clerk. City Council OfiBce, February 25th, 1853. RIVERSDALE HOUSE AND BOARDING SCHOOL, NKAR GUMERACKA. qiHE REV. S. P. R. ALLOM receives a limited X number of Pupils, exclusively Boarders. The course of study includes the usual Classical, English, an 1 Mathematical subjects, with their practical application to Book-keeping, Land Measuring, &c. Also, Singing in classes, and Lectures (with experiments) on the Natural Sciences. Tkkms.— For boys above 12 years of age, £40 per annum ; under that age, £36. Drawing, with Landscape and Flower Painting, £6 each per annum. ? ' Terms to be paid quarterly in advance, and a quarter's notice given previous to the removal of a pupil. Vacations at Easter and Michaelmas. COLLEGIATE SCHOOL OF ST. PETER'S, ADELAIDE. Incorporated by Act of Council. UNDER the management of a Council of fifteen Governors. -Visitor— The Lord Bishop of Adelaide. Acting Head Master and Superintendent of Boarding Establishment at Norwood— Rev. Edmund Jenkins. Assistant Masters— Rev. Fred, Platt and Mr. R. Reid. ' Professor of Modern Linguages — Mr. H Nootuagel. Terns, quarterly, payable in advance. Board and Tuition, including washing and mending of linen — Boys above 12 yean of age ... £10 per quarter. . Boys under 12 years of age ... £9 per quarter. . Day-scholars ? £2 12s. 6d. per quarter. Library fee, on entrance, £1 Is. Pupils admitted at any time. The charges commence from the date of admissiou, a&d a quarter's notice required previous to the removal o any pupil. The collector will attend at the School for the purpose of receiving the Fees, payable in advance, on the 17th, 18th, and 19th January 1853. ? .' -. For further particulars apply to the Secretary, G. W. Hawkes, Esq. Adelaide, December, 1852. ? ADELAIDE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. A LIMITED number of BOARDERS will be received in connection with this Institution on and after April iKt For terms and further particulars apply at the School, Stephens place, between the hours of 4 and 5. J. L. YOUNG. TO BULLOCKDRIVERS AND OTHERS. 7~ WANTED to HIRE, from eight to ten SIX BULLOCK TEAMS, for 6 to 8 months. Apply to W. distance, Brornpton. TO BOTTLE COLLECTORS. WANTED, 1000 Dozen Porter BOTTLES, by T * GEORGE HICKOX, Cordial Manufacturer, ? Hindley-wtreet Adelaide. NOTICE. A LARGE NUMBER of EMIGRANTS intended J\. for this colony being expected to arrive shortly in H.M.S. Hercules, persons in want of Servants or Labourers are requested to notify to the Colonial Labour Office, or to the Emigration Agent, all par ticulars as to description of Servants, Wages, &c As the ship Hercules is of too large a tonnage to be brought into Port Adelaide, the Emigration Agent will afford every facility and assistance to the public in selecting and engaging servant-*. Persons resident in country districts will be expected to find means of transport for servants engaged. * All communications addressed to the Colonial Labour Office, King William-street, Adelaide, or to the Emigration Agent, Port Adelaide, must be prepaid. H. DUNCAN, M.D., Immigration Agent Immigration Office, Port Adelaide, February 28, 1853. IMPORTANT TO SETTLERS AND OTHERS. MESSRS. TUCKEY & ROBERTS beg most respectfully, to annonnce, that in consequence of tho very in efficient means afforded Emigrants in' obtaining Situations on arrival in this colony, and with a view of rendering the pnblic greater facility in procuring suf table Servants, they have determined upon opening a general REGISTRY OFFICE for every description of Mechanics, Household, and Farm-Servants. Messrs. T. & It., in making this announcement beg to refer to their extensive experience in the above, combined with the great advantage of residing at the Port, which enables them to receive the first intelli gence as to arrival ; and trust by the most assiduous and unremitting attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. N.B.— Persons desirous of obtaining passages to Melbourne or else where, may do so by applying to Messrs. T. & It, at their office, Port Adelaide ; and all letters pre-paid, addressed as above, will be punctually attended to. ? A COMFORTABLE HOME, with a Moderate Salary, is offered to /A any YOUNG LADY competent to teach the Junior. Pupils, and willing to make herself useful, in a respectable School, a few miles from Adelaide. Address by letter, post-paid, to H. F. J, office of this paper. ? -. ? ' TO SOLICITORS. A YOUNG MAN, lately arrived from England, wishes for a Situa J\ tion as Copying and Engrossing Clerk in a Solicitor's office. Haii been in the profession upwards of 8 years. -Address by letter, J. A. G, at this office. ? . ? ?_ ? -f pWO first-rate hands at the DRESSMAKING Business, JDBt arrived l_ from London, will be happy to undertake the Dressmaking and plain Needlework of any private family, who will find their orders executed in a superior style and at fair charges. No shop need answer this. Addreiw, Mesds. WIteorab and Mason, White Cottage, Gilbert Btreet East, South Adelaide. ? ? ? ? ? ? TO DRAPERS. WANTED, by a Mau aged 30, just out from England, a SITUA TION. He thoroughly understands the business. Apply by letter, J. C, Postroffice, Adelaide. ? WANTED, by a respectable man, a SITUATION as BARMAN. Has had several years' experience in England and thoroughly understands his business. Apply by letter, post-paid, to X. Y. Z, at the Post-office, Glen Osmond. ANTED. MECHANICS, to ERECT a WEIGHBRIDGE at the Prince's Wharf, Port Adelaide. Apply to the undersigned, ! . '. ? ? E. O. COLLINSON. TO DRAPERS. \ FEMALE is desirons of obtaining a Situation as SALESWOMAN in a Drapery Establishment Address I. O. U, office of this P«per. ? . TO DRAPERS' ASSISTANTS. ??.??,.„ WANTED immediately, an Assistant Apply to J. V. B. Eyley, The Bee Hive, No. 1, Rnndle-street ? ' ' ?? ? WANTED, a WET NURSE. Apply to Dr. Woolridge, North Ade laide. TITANTED, a NURSEMAID. Anply to M.S. George Green, Mel YV bourne-street North Adelaide; or at Mr. Green's office. King William-street ? ' ANTED, WATCHMAKERS and JEWELLERS. Apply to Henry Muirhead, Hindley-street The highest wages given. WANTED, a Man and his Wife, as Ontdoor Servant* ; the Man as Groom, the Woman to take charge of offices and wash for the fimily. Also, a Lad wanted a-s Indoor Servant Apply to Mr. Giles, North-terrace. __ _ WANTED, a Copying Clerk. Apply to Mr. Symes, Solicitor, Port Adelaide. TITANTED, a HOUSEMAID^ None~bnftboie~bf g«ri~ character \V need apply, and good wages will be given. Apply to Mrs. C.Jacobs, Gold Ofiice, Hindley-street 1ITANTED, a first-rate SHOEING SMITH. Good wages will be fV given. Apply to J. G. Coulls, Hindley-street. N. B. One that could take charge of the shop would be preferred. j PRINTING PAPER. 1 \I /-ANTED to PURCHASE, DOUBLE ROYAL, DOUBLE' ME-I W DIUM, or DOUBLE DEMY FEINTING PAPER. Apply at the Rftpsttr and O'n'.rvrr Offices, Hindley-street FOUND, on Friday, the 25th instant, a Bunch of Small KEYS, on the road to Beaumont The owner can have them on application to this office by paying for this advertisement ?????. m

TESTIMONIAL TO GEORGEf TiNLlNEpESQ. T^HE Services renlered by Mr. Tinline to all classes of the coramuni y, during and subsequent to the crisis which led to the introduction of the Bullion Act arc, it is presaroed, ad-. mitted by nearly every individual in the colony. As there is a probability that he will shortly retire from the position lie has held during the temporary absence of the Manager of the Bank of South Au. tralia, it has imen considered by many that such a time ivould be a suitable one to present him with a fitting testimonial of the ? estimation in which his public conduct has been held by his brother' colonists. A subscription has therefore been opened for this purpose, and Mr. G o. Elder has undertaken the duty of Treasurer, and Mr. John Brown tliat of Collector. It was intended that the list should be closed without any public notice that it was in progress ; but there has been a good deal of difficulty In . communicating with parties at a distance, and it has been found to- ' possible to give an intimation of it personally to all interested in the matter, even in Adelaide and its immediate neighbourhood. It has, therefore, been detormibed to insert this advertisement, that . all who wish to join in the measure may have an opportunity of doing :*?' so ; and they are hereby requested to forward their names and sub scriptions to'bither of the undersigned as soon as possible, as it Is in- . ~ -tended that the list shall be closed on hu early day, and, if practicable. onthe8thinst Due notice will be given of a meeting of subscribers to fix the day' and mode of presenting the testimonial. ' . GEO. ELDER. JUN, GrenfeU-street JNO: BROWN, Bank-street 1st March, 1853. DISTRICT COUNCIL FOR THE SOUTH-WESTERN DIVISION OF THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF WEST TORRENS. AT an ADJOURNED MEETING of Proprietors **- and Occupiers in the above division, held at Mitcham, on Monday, the 28th February, and numerously attended, the following Rosolutions were proposed and carried with * single dissentient voice:— % ? 1st. That the area comprised within the Bay-road, and western, ' southern, and eastern boundaries of the Electoral District would form a most convenient District for the purposes' of the District Coun cils Act - ? , 2nd. That His Excellency the Lleutenant-Governor be requested to nominate and appoint the following persons to constitute the first Council, in accordance with Section 64 of Act No. 16, of 1S62 :— Messrs. Overton ~. Cumming, and Babbsge, Styles. Eider, ' The following memorial was then adopted and numerously signed : — To Sir Henry Edward Fox Young, Knight, Lieutenant-Governor of. -South Australia.- .._-.'? The humble Memorial of the undersigned Owners and Occupiers of Land in the Southern portion of the Electoral District of West Torrens, as divided by the Glenelg-road, humbly showeth— . That your Memorialists, desiring to avail themselves of the privileges and advantages to be derived from the District Councils Act pray that the Southern portion of the Electoral District of West Torrens, as divided by the road known as the Glenelg-road, be constituted and pro claimed a District within the meaning of the said Act to be designated the District of Mitcham. ' And that the following rateable inhabitants be appointed by your Excellency the first Council thereof: — Messrs. Overton, ? Babbage, -Elder, Cumming, and Styles. Your Memorialists respectfully submit that the proposed area Is at -once compact in form and convenient in size. So long that the cost of ' efficient management need not absorb too great a proportion of the gross revenues, yet not so large as to embrace conflicting interests, or to ' place any of the ratepayers at an inconvenient distance from the central place of meeting— the Valley of Mitcham. ? W. L. O'HALLOBAN, Chairman. . EAST TORRENS. AN ADJOURNED PUBLIC MEETING will beheld on Monday evening next, at 7 o'clock, at the Maid and Magpie, Stepney, upon the subject of the District Councils Act PIKST OF APRIL GAZETTE, or SOUTH -1- AUSTRALIAN TODDY (being not quite equal to Punch). To be published on 1st April next, No. 8 of this fascinating periodical, . regular published now and again. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. ... ' If those skits which are purely local are as clever as those of more general character, our contemporary's talents are equal to his modesty.' — Punch le Veritable; or, Punch ipse, not tipsy. Edited by Riauuu Funxidos, lor whom contributions will be received atPlatts's. Advertisements, if sufficiently spicy (bnt not in the gromrie line), will be admitted graciously. ? . ? , ANY LETTERS or ORDE US left at the Ex -tx change Heading Rooms for the undersigned will immediately be attended to. STEVENS & COKE. Company's Mills, 8th February. 1858. ? ; TO THE BENE\ OLENT. THE attention of the Philanthropic is earnestly directed to the case of Mrs. Thompson, the widow of the late Mr. T. H. Thompson, formerly Reporter to the Adelaide Times and South Australian Register newspapers .as one worthy ot their consideration. Mr. Thompson died of consumption on board the Sea if itch, on the 17th of January last, during the late passage of the vessel from Mel bourne to this Port He has left behind him a widow and three young children, who are totally destitute of the means of maintenance. A few friend* of the deceased make this appeal to the public, in the ' hope that his exertions while a member of the Adelaide press may be considered to have entitled his helpless family to a share of their -sympathy and benevolent attention. A subscription list has been opened, and has been committed to the care of Mr. W. M. Akhurst, of the Adelaide Times, by whom donations will be thankfully received and acknowledged. OPIES of the NEW TARIFF, which is now in force, on Bank Post Paper, and of a large size for posting in Counting-Houses, can be obtained at the office of this paper. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. THE Public are hereby respectfully warned ?*- against a disreputable artifice that has been adopted to mislead them into purchasing a new weekly paper in place of the ADELAIDE OBSERVER. The OBSERVER is only published at the old-established office, next door to Messrs. Flett and Linklater's. Adelaide, 27th January, 1853. -