South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Friday 6 August 1852, page 4

sales by Public AUcnoN^ . ?'? . ?'- ? ♦ ? r— ... . . -.:??- . ? BOOT AND SHOEMAKERS' J UPHOLSTERERS. LOOK at SAMSOnTwICKSTEED, & CO/S ADVERTISEMENT* for SATURDAY, AUGUST7. ABSTRACT OF SALES OF FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES. Catalogue* may be had at SAMSON, WICKSTEED, & CO'S., TOMORROW, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7— Three- room Cottage in Maddnnon-parade. - Saturday, August 14 — In re Schmidt, Cottages in Tynte-street ' ? .? In re Macdonald, House (fire rooms) in Buxton-street, and Section on the Torrens. In re Doran. five Acres (more or less) at Stepney. Land at'the corner of Jerningham and Melbourne-streets, North Adelaide. House in Maukinnon- parade ( De Home's). Allotments in South-terrace. Cottage in Pennington-terrace. On Tuesday, August 17— ! The Grand Junction Inn. ' The Waterman's Arms. 1 The Newmarket Ion. ' House in Wright-street. TOMORROW. SAMSON, WICKSTEED, & CO., Will sell at the Mart, at 11 o'clock— A FIRST-RATE DOG-CART. TO-MORROW. SHERIFFS SALE. Gooch 'I T- r Adcock. ) To be sold by auction, at the Mart, on Saturday, the 7th day of August instant, at 12 o'clock, by virtne of a writ ot fieri facia* in this case to me directed — ALL the DEFENDANT'S INTEREST in One Case of MERCHANDISE, consisting of— A lot of Wearing Apparel, Boots and Shoes, &c, &c. C. B. NEWENHAM, Sheriff. Samsox, Wickbteed, & Co., \ Sheriff's Auctioneers, j' TO-MORRO W. SAMSON, WICKSTEED, & CO. Are instructed to sell at the Mart, To-morrow (Thursday), August 5th, at 12 o'clock— OA() BAGS FINE SALT, ~'U ex Barbara Gordon. TO-MORROW. TO TENTMAKERS, DIGGERS, & OTHERS. SAMSOX, WICKSTEED, & CO. Are instructed to sell, at the Mart, To-morrow (Saturday), 7th August, at 12 o'clock — QQ BOLTS OF CANVAS. TO-MORROW. SAMSON, WICKSTEED, & CO. Are instructed to sell, at the Mart, To-morrow (Saturday), August 7th, at 12 o'clock — 1 (\(\t\ GOOD STRONG SECOND-HAND 1)'vu CORN and FLOUR BAGS. Without reserve. TO-MORROW. TO BOOTMAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. MORE BOOTS AND SHOES. SAMSON, WICKSTEED, & CO. Are instructed to sell at the Mart, at 12 o'clock — MEN'S. EIGHT Pairs stout Wellingtons 14 pairs light do. 26 ' very superior do. (finest Bordeaux calf) 7 ' stout button Boots 16 ' men's Bluchers 13 ?' boys' Bhwhers 18 ' stout lace Shoes 7 ' calf Alberta 13 ' patent Alberts, chamoi3 tops 6 ' patent leather Alberts 7 ' cloth button Shoes, with patent leather fronts 8 ' kid Shoes, button and spring 12 ' hide Shoes do. do. 8 ' kid Boots, springs, patent leather golosh ' 9 ' calf and hide side spring Boots 10 ' long patent leather dress boots, Morocco legs 13 ' short do. WOMEN'S BOOTS, ETC. Black cashmere, single and double goloshed, to button and lace . Thin sole Morocco Shoes Thick do. do. French Boots, coloured and black Ditto Shoes Ditto Bluchers Fancy dressing Slippers Black and white satin and bronze Slippers. ALSO, Hors-hair Seating Morocco and roan Leathers Brass Castors, Hinges Papering Canvas, embossed Canva ? Blue and salmon Damask Crimson Velvets, brown Hollands Patent thread Blind Lines Brass pole Rings, Ornaments and Brackets, webbing ChintzScrews, Screws, Tacks, Clout Nails Forfar Canyas, 42 in. Sheeting. ' TO-MORROW. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE. ' To be Sold by Auction by SAMSON, YVTCKSTEED, & CO., At the 'Mart, Hindley and King William-streets, on Saturday, the 7th day of August next, at noon — =. =. ALL that PIECE or PARCEL of LAND, situate in Finniss-street, in North Adelaide, portion of the town acre section of. land, numbered 964 in the Provincial Survey marked, with the letter. A, and which piece of Land abuts on the north, or nearly so; upon the one acre section numbered 993, twenty-six feet and three inches ; on the east, or nearly so, upon other part of the said acre numbered 964, 210 feet; and ou the west, or nearly so, upon other part of -the same act e, 210 feet— be the same several dimensions little more or less. - - : ?? ? ?-- The above Property adjoins the gardens of tff.'Sievenson, and is fenced in. There are standing thereo'n a Cottage containing three rooms, well built of brick and stone, and some 'other Buildings. '-???' The above will be sold together with TWO SHARES in the Seaside and Rural Building Association, subject' to a weekly payment of ten shillings, and sixpence each share danng the continuance of the Association, which it is expected 'will not exceed sixteen months. : - . For further particulars apply to . FENN & WEARING, ,28th July, I8§2. . ' ? / ' . , , f .Solicitors. POB-THE BENEFIT OF WHOM IT; MAY CONCERN. SAMSON, WICKSTEED, & CO. -Are instructad-tt sell by I auction, on Monday, August 9, ?:;h n) v.-i : T afi'the Mart; at 12 o'clock^- ??-'-'. i ' ' f |*HR£E XJA&ESf of BOOKS, sea damage^ *ex -^jt^i'^c^Svj^j ' '''? : ':? ' ?' ?'?/.'?7~ : ^ ' «^'i''4'jbase,inuchaama^ecl. , . .,- .*;:';. ','.''' ', ? ???? : ;??:: '^'2f^s6s, slightly damagea. -i-~^

IMPORTANT SALE OF DRAPERY. SAMSON; WICKSTEED, & CO. i re instructed to sell, at the Mart, on Monday, August 9, -. . ? , at 12 o'clock — PIGHT CASES of -SLOPS. Without reserve. MONDAY, August 9. SUNDRY REMNANTS. SAMSON, WICKSTEED, & CO. Are instructed to sell at the Mart, at 12 o'clock— FIVE CASES of SUNDRIES, viz. :^-1 case Cutlery, Brushes, Combs, &c. , ? '; . 1 case Perfumery, viz., ItearV, Grease, Soaps, Combs, Brashes, Shoehorns, Razor Strops 1 case Lamps (London made), r ' ..' 1 case Novels and Books1 (various) 1 case Glass Shades, Needle Cases, &c., &c. To be sold by auction by SAMSON, WICKSTEED, & CO. On Wednesday, August 11th, at 12 o'clock— A VIEW OF EDINBURGH from the Calton l\. Hill, locking west, in oil colours, from sketches made n the spot; by J. Shaw, in 1850, showing the Scot Monuaent, the Railway with Train, with nearly. 100 figures, deluding .particulars of Lord Rebertson, Nosey Bevendie, he Old Billsticker, A. Herrioter, and other Edinbro' haracters; SAMSON, WICKSTED, & CO. : \xe instructed to sell at the Mart, on Wednesday, August 11th, at 12 o'clock, ex Dreadnought— P in diamond, 1 to 39 \ K»f CASES OILMAN'S 41 to 48, 50 to 60 j' ' STORES. Bottled Fruit, Jams, Jellies, Scotch Marmalade Sardines, and prime Cheese, in bladders . On WEDNESDAY, August 11. SAMSON, WICKSTEED, & CO. Are instructed to sell, at the Mart, at 12 o'clock — . A QUANTITY of HOUSEHOLD FURNI£JL TURE, consisting of Sofas, Tables, Chairs, Washstands, Chests of Drawers, Lounging Chairs, Iron Bedsteads, Fender, &c, &c, &c. Plated Hash and Maccaroni Dishes. A few Valuable Standard Works AS SOON AS LANDED, EX ' HENRY TANNER.' SAMSON, WICKSTEED, & CO. Are instructed to sell, at the Mart — gg QR.-CASKS SHERRY (3 samples). Further particulars as soon as furnished by Port Agents. ABSTRACT OF SOLOMON & CO.'S SALES BY AUCTION. 11HIS DAY (Friday), at 11 — Continuation of Extensive Sale at Messrs. Boord Brothers. Saturday, 7th August, at 12 — At the Cattle Market, 18 broken well-bred Horses, with the usual odd lot of Horses and Cattle. On an early day next week— All those splendid and com- i modious Premises, with the Half Acre of Land, in Franklin- street, knowu as the Port Lincoln ! Hotel. j ALL THE REMAINDER OF THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, VALUABLE HOUSE PROPERTY, ENCOUNTER BAY FISHERY, AND SEVERAL VESSELS, THE PROPERTY OF MESSRS. BOORD BROTHERS. SOLOMON & CO. Have the pleasure to inform the Public that they have re^ ceived instructions from MESSRS. BOORD BROTHERS To announce a series of Sales, without the slightest reserve, ofALL ALL their EXTENSIVE and WELLASSORTED STOCK OF GOODS, of so general and varied a description, as to make it quite unnecessary to particular ise. ASD ALSO, Of all those Splendid BUSINESS PREMISES (with the DWELLING-HOUSE and GARDEN attached, extending from HINDLEY-STREET to NORTH-TERRACEI The Eligible PREMISES in Hindley-street, West, 'THE ROYAL OAK,' now occupied by Mr. Bawden, and doing a first-rate business. The Business PREMISES at the BURRA BURRA, known as MESSRS. BOORDS' STORE,' with one of. the best connexions in the Township, together with STOCKIN-TRADE. A Third Share in the ENCOUNTER BAY FISHERY. One-half Share in the clipper Schooner 'DAPHNE.' One- third Share in the beautiful Brig ' HERO.' One-third Share in the clipper Schooner ' AMICUS.' The sale of Merchandise will be continued at the IRON STORE OF MESSRS. BOORD BROTHERS, THIi DAY (FRIDAY), 6th August, at 11 o'ebel; and will be continued on each succeeding Tuesday and Friday until the whole is disposed of. The Sale of the Vessels and Properties will be duly announced on some future day, when full particulars will be given. ? The Eligible Premises THE ROYAL OAK PUBLIC HOUSE Will be sold at half-past 12 o'clock, on Friday, August 6th The attention of parties investing in real estate is respectfully solicited to, these truly valuable business premises, offering a first-rate opportunity for profitable investment^ in a locality by far the best in the city. Luncheon will be provided each Sale Day. The Goods will be on view each Morning of Sale. Remember— No Reserve. THE CLIPPER BRIG 'HERO ' FOR SALE1 ON TUESDAY NEXT. j SOLOMON & CO. : Have been instructed by Messrs; Boord Brothers, to: announce the arrival of i THE BRIG 'HERO,' . And to inform the Public that they will ,' ' , '? On TUESDAY next, August 10th, ''.'.'.? AT THE STORE OF MESSRS. BOORD BROTHERS; At half-past 12 o'clock, immediately before the sale of ? - THE EXTENSIVE BUSINESS PREMISES, ' ?- ? - Sell by Public Auction .:.-, *?:?-?? A LL MR. BOORD'S INTEREST in f that j\. % SPLENDID CLIPPER, being ONE THIRD share- _ ; ;v-'!-', ??'? ?:, ?' ' ?! 'The Hero is ! too well, and favourably known to' require comment, she is in splendid condition, well found in every description of Stores, Gear, and Tackle. She is the most regular Teasel trading between Adelaide and -Melbourne, and from her good name and accommodations, always secures a greater share of Freight and Passengers thiin any other vessel in the trade. She'- has grossed for her owners no less a sum in three months than £2,500, and .by4 continuation of like management' will, during ' the ensuing ' Spring, realise a large sum ; for the fortunate purchaser. : ; ? '? ? --' : TO-MORROW. ~~~T~' ' r HORSES, BULLOCK TEAMS, JJOWS, &c. :-.-,;--ij.V.' .;.;.:;;.: SOLOMON & CO. i; : : Will T sell by auction, at the Cattle Yards, Tomorrow (Saturday), 7th August, at 12 o'clock, without reserve — ' ANE CHESNUT COB, a Splendid Roadstek V/ '6 Very superior heavy Draught Horses ' ??}? c/ ~ — ^,T2;Heavy Draught Mares, used to work together ; ~ '6 Light Horses for Gig or Spring Cart _? 5. Very excellent Saddle Horses. . . r .: '. Several Horses of various descrip^onsj' and/. ': J- '- . i Twp Teams of Bullocks, 6 eachj with Dfays, bows and

I ' ' ? ' MONDAY:: . AT PORT: ADELAIDE. SURPLUS STORES AND FITTINGS OF THE ,.-:? 'STANDARD.' ; SOLOMON & CO. Will sell by auction, on board the Standard, at the Port, ? on Monday, August 9, at 12 o'clock— rr.HE/ SURPLUS STORES and FITTINGS, -L consisting of -Flour Biscuit Butter Pickles Mustard Rice Raisins Preserved Meats Soap' V Oatmeal Lime Juice Medicine Chest Sugar Coffee Tea, &c. With' all the Fittings. MONDAY. TO PUBLICANS. SOLOMON & CO. Will sell by auction, at the City Mart, on Monday, 9th August, at 12 o'clock— ONE splendid four-motion ENGINE, nearlynew ?1 1 Cot, 1 Bedstead, and Stove. TO GROCERS, PAINTERS, AND OTHERS. SOLOMON & CO. Will sell by auction, on Monday, August 9, at 11 o'clock, at the City Mart— A CONSIGNMENT of BRUSHWARE, VARNISH, &c, comprising — Stock Brushes, various numbers Ground Brushes do. Unground Distemper do. Ground do. do. Sash Tools, 1 to 8 Camel-hair Pencils — assorted Sable Penci'8 Steel Combs Copal Varnish, 1 and 2 gallon cans Oak Varnish do. Variety Paints, &c, &c. MONDAY. PAPER ! PAPER ! ! PAPER ! ! ! SOLOMON & CO. Are instructed to sell by Auction, at the City Mart, on Monday, August 9th, at 12 o'clock, without reserve — ?piGHT BALES PAPER, as follows— W (in diamond) 159 — 1 bale (20 Reams), Royal Hand, 41 SH and 42 lbs. 160—1 do. 20 do. do., 42 flbs. 161—1 do. 20 do. do., 38 lbs. 162—1 do. 20 do. do., 37 and 38 lbs. 163—1 do. 20 do. do., 40, 41, 42, & 43 lbs. W (in diamond) 406 — 1 bale (30 Seams), Bag Cap, 20 lbs. SH 407— 1 do. 30 do. do. 30 lbs. 408—1 do. 20 do. do. 40 fb*. ALSO, 36 Helmet Summer Hats 3 kegs Nails Half-chest Tea. To close consignments. On TUESDAY, August 10. THE MAGNIFICENT BUSINESS PREMISES OCCUPIED BY MESSRS. BOORD BROTHERS. SOLOMON & CO. Have been instructed to announce that the sale of all those splendid premises in Hindley-street, and on Northterrace, occupied by Messrs. Boord Brothers, will be sold by public auction on the premises, on Tuesday, 10th August, at 1 o'clock precisely. 'PHE PREMISES COMPRISE— I 1st.— The Freehold SHOP in HINDLEY-STREET, with extensive Iron Stores and Sheds in the rear, standing on a space of about 32 feet frontage to Hindley-street by a depth of 210 feet. 2nd.— The very excellent COTTAGE on North-terrace, immediately at the back of the above, with a frontage of about 35 feet by a depth of 210 feet, extending to the rear of the above property. This Cottage and Ground is nearly equal to a freehold being held for about 17 years at the nominal ground rent of £15 per annum. The Auctioneers beg to call. the attention of capitalists I to this really 'valuable city property, valuable alike as an I investment, and from the fact ? f its being the oldest esta blishment, and having the largest connection of any store in town. Its capabilities are such as to warrant the Auctioneers in stating that a business of the greatest magnitude may be therein carried on with the greatest facility. ? ? ?? t' ? *£&& All further information may be obtained upon application to the Auctioneers, or to Messrs. Boord Brothers. TO-MORROW. At 12 o'clock. AT THE RISK OF THE FORMER PURCHASER. VALUABLE SECTION OF LAND IN THE HUNDRED OF ONKAPARINGA. EDWARD MACCABE Will sell by auction, at his Rooms, Hindley-street— ALL that 50- Acre SECTION of LAND, more J\. or less, No. 1139, situate in the Hundred of Onkaparinga, County of Adelaide, being partly fenced^ and on which are erected Two good and substantial COTTAGES, also Stockyards, Piggery, Hen-house, &c, and part of it laid out in Gardens. AFTER WHICH, By Order of the Mortgagee, Allotments of Land at North Adelaide and Norwood. ' Terms and conditions at time of Sale. : TEN POUNDS REWARD. LOST from-Btmgaree, a GREY GELDING, known by the nirae of Fidget (the celebrated steeplechaser), and the C it ESNUT GELD ING Reindeer, well known as a racer. Any person ? delivering them to Mr. ( Sharp, Veterinary Surgeon, Adelaide, or to Mr. Hawker, Bungaree, shall receive the above reward. ONE POUND REWARD. LQ&T, from North Adelaide, a Bay HORSE, .with black points and short switch tail/and branded M on the near shoulder.. ?-..*??- ? ? Whoever will bring the, same to Mr. J. Richardson, at North, Adelaide, shall receive the above reward. ONE POUND REWARD PER HEAD. ;T= OST, on Monday night, the 2nd August, on I i being taken from the Royal Oak to the Torrens, ONE BROWN COLT, with white off fetlock, branded DR on. near shoulder, and one DARK GREY; COLT, with white near fore fetlock, and white off hind fetlock, branded DR on near shoulder. : The above reward and all expenses will be paid to who-' ever will take them to Mr. Bawden's, Royal Oak. : T*HIS IS TO GIVE WmCEi that ^the UnJ- ? . dersigned has paid -all chirges 'demanded by the Destitute Board 'from him for the maintenance of, bit wife end children during his absence to the Diggings. ' . ' -—'-??/ -:- ': :; ? '? ' ;/--v; : \ ::^;8. LEAKE. ' August 5th. '--? ------ ?-? ' --??'?

ANGAS-STREET-ACADEMY. ' ' ? i NGAS-STKEST AOADEMY^Sraducted by 1 £\. MR. JOHN MARTIN; lale Catechist and School- J oaster at Tungkillo, is open to the Children of Artisans d md others, where they may obtain a sound English Eduation, based on religious principles. -THE COURSE OF TUITION ?;?;' 1 ncludes Reading, Writing, Slate and Mental Arithmetic, English Grammar, GeoCTaphy,,and^ History^ also, to the oore advanced Pupils will be taught' the Elements of Aljebra, Geometry, Mensuration Land Measuring, and of the 7 . Natural Sciences. . ' ' ' , ^ . Terms, including tuition, the use of class reading books; * -ens and ink, school-room maps, and of a small school ^ ibrary: — , ' '?;'. | £1 5s. per Quarter, to be paid in advance. S . ? ?' ? '??? '?????' '' ? - ? - -? ? ?- - : ? ? ti COLLEGE EDUCATION. ; a A LBERT HOUSE ACADEMY, Victoria- » i\. square; under the. direction of Mr. F. HAIRE,A-B. i Terras: Board,, with Instruction^ iii Greek; Latin, French ind English Languages, .' Mathematics, and the necessary iranches of a Liberal Education— '. * . j Under 9 years of age ... 30 Guineas per Annum. From 9 to 12 ditto ... 40 ' » Above 12 ditto ... 50., ' ' . ' Day Pupils ? 8 Guineas per Annum. ' Day Boarders ... 14 '; ' ' All the above Terms to be Paid Quarterly in advance.' '' A Quarter's Notice, or a Quarter's Payment ?required ; previously to the Removal of a Pupil. The Quarter begins J m the day of Entrance. . | Mr. Haire confidently refers to the Parents or Guardians ' , )f those Pupils who have been, or who are at present, under discharge. ' i PULTENEY STREET CENTRAL SCHOOLS. Established 1847. -Visitor— The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop ef Adelaide. TTNDER the Management of Twelve Trustees. U Head Master— Mr. W. X. Cawthorne. i Governess^Miss Bridgman. The Children receive a superior Commercial Education, and have the use of the Globes and Maps. 1 The Girls are taught Needlework, &c., and are separated . From the Boys' School. : The Pupils' Fee is Three Shillings per Month, paid in advance, with all Materials found. Hours from 9 a.m. to 12, and from 1 p.m to 3. ] Applications to be made at the School. JOHN ADAMS. . Honorary Secretary. ' C. J. CARLETON, -C HE M IS T, Bundle-street, . T^MBRACES the opportunity of his return to i Jji Adelaide, to thank his Forest Creek Friends for their i Bupport at the Diggings. ' ? \ ' , C; J. C. is now preparing a large supply of the following articles, the necessity of which all Gold Diggers know by experience. Carleton's Baking Powder ? ' Farinaceous Food. ' Dysenteric Pills. ' ' An tibilious Pills. The highest Cash Price given for Gold. , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LEAD, WINDO WGLASS, AND PAINT WAREHOUSE, LEIGH-STREET. ON SALE, an INVOICE of WARNER'S BRASS LIFT and FORCE PUMPS, suitable for the Diggings Patent Safety Valve Pan Water-Closets Sheet Lead, Patent Piping, Lead Pumps. Invoices of Plumbers' Materials, consisting of— Water, Stop, Beer, and Spirit Cocks, Washers, and Water Strainers, &c., &c. Window Glass, from 42 x 32 ltd 10 X '.8, Plate Glass Ground, Embossed, and Coloured Glass, &c. Linseed and Boiled Oil, Turpentine Paper Hangings, White Lead Paints and Varnishes of every description Glue, Glass Paper, English Putty Patent Notting, &c., &c. Painting, Plumbing, and Glazing in all their branches. Country Orders punctually executed. S. R. HALL, Leigh- street. SALISBURY PLOUGHING MATCH. rV HE above ANNUAL PLOUGHING MATCH L. will take place on FRIDAY, Aug. 6th, commencing at 10 o'clock. a.m., when the following PRIZES are offered for competition: — * . . Fob Men. First Prize ? £6 6 0 Second ' ... ? 4 4 0 Third ' ? ... 3 3 0 Fourth' ? ... 2 2 0 Fur Bors, Under 18 yeareofage. First Prizs ... ..T ... £3 3 0 Second ' ? ... 2 2 0 Entries to be made at the New Road Inn, Salisbury, on Thursday, the 5th August. , . N.B. — Competitors may use either horse or bullock teams, and must subscribe not less than 10s. 6d. to the fund. A Dinner will be provided at 6 o.clockat Wright's, New Road Inn. JOHN FISHER, Esq., Hon. Secretary. : THE AUSTRALASIAN, COLONIAL and GENERAL; LIFE ASSURANCE and ANNUITY COMPANY,; No. 129, Bisbopgate-street, and corner of Comhill, London, and No. 448, George-street, Sydney, ? Capital-£200,000 in 2,000 Shares. 1 Directors: ' Edward Barnard, Esq. Gideon Colquhoun, Esq. Robert Brooks, Esq. Chas. E. Mangles, Esq. Henry Buckle, Esq. Bichard Onslov. Esq. John H. Capper, Esq. William Walker. Esq. Trustees: ' Edward Barnard, Esq. J. H. Capper, Esq. Edward Thompson, Esq. . Bankers: Union Bank, of London. Solicitors : Messrs. Maples, Pearse, Stevens, and Maples. Actuary and Secretary .? Edward Kyley, Esq. Directors for Sffdneg : ? .? John Thacker, Esq. H. W. Young, Esq. C. D. Riddle, M.C. William Walker/ Esq, of the ? London Board* ?' ; Trustees: ? . ? ; -'??;? John Shacker, Esq. , Hon. C. D. Riddle,' M.C. A. W. Young, Esq. * .'... _ . -Physician: ' t William Dawson, Esq^ M.D, Inspector-General of Hospitals Solicitor: . ... James Norton, Esq. ' ' Secretary : - - ,. R. Styles, Esq. . . Bankers /or Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Launeeston, and Hobart Town : The Bank of Australasia. AOVAHTAOXS OF THE IXST1TDTIOH. A large subscribed capital in England, and ample funds to pay losses within the colony. 7' Very low rates of premium, without proite, per Table No. 4, and a Table of Rates, No. 1, with profits ? ?' ^ -? iiiiinl hare the option of paying only two-thirds of tke piemiam fartkm Ant mWm wn. the interest on the remaining one-third being paid snaoaUy at the im|e of 5 per cent ? i No extra premium for one voyage to Europe and back, or for Tagwn* I in approved vessels to, or residence in any part of Australasia in ap- ! proved situations. . Policies may be made payable in Australasia or London, and altered by endorsement. . .-? ? ? ' . SPECIMEN OF RATES WITHOCT PEOF1TS. TABLE SO. IT' AGE. | OXEYEAK. | SEVEX.YBAHg. | ilFE. £ S. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. | 5 0 17 5 0 19 ' 7 1 14 11 30 119 184 207 35 14 6 16 2 2 7 0 40 178 199 ,2 15 8 45 1 14 5 1 15 5 3 6 6 SO 1 19 2 ? 2 7-2 V j'1',8 SPECOIEjr OP RATE3 WITH TROtt* PER TABEE XO. I., JOK '? ''. -i - . : TB& 'WHOIJS; IAPE. , ' . ' AQE._|_JJFE. | AGE. J. IJFE. | AGE. | '. . hitit. ? 25^ | 2 2 1 I 35 ,2 15: 2 I ,45 ,i 3vlo/ 9 30 I 2 8 2 ;{;. 40 I 3 4^0 [^50: J^ 11,;8 An extra premium of £1 per' cent, per annum wfll be eaari^d for riskof death *«n casualty by coUUion with to«borifiaes^whleh may beassured or not a^ the option at the, assurer. .„-. _»« ^ ,. '. . ,.r -.1 ' Prdapeerosecti'vith' fpU tables of rates, and aff «eedfnl fnfcimation, J may] be had at tlie office of -*5'1 v a ? -w-'.:'V::. ^ L. MONTEFIOEE Ageat

?j; STAR INN/ r8TAR IN»^ STABtlNN^r^: ^ TREE and EASY EVER Yt EVENING at ?; . r half past il Sentimental and Comiif Sdnga it abnnince. Music— Pianoforte, Violiti,JFlote, &ou '-r; '?'?[ . Come' and judge for yourselves; ' ; ' ' ; ;;;.;,:, ';;;;/ ;:. ;; ;??? A. H^GOUGE; ; HE LARGEST NEWSPAPER IN THE AUSTRALASIAN COLONIES. ^ .'.?:?.?? CHE 'ADELAIDE OBSERVER^ ist the 'Largest Newspaper in the Australasian Colonies. It ntains all the English, Colonial, and Foreign News, Full sports of the Legislative Council prooeedings, Tablkr' Meetings,- the Law and Police Courts, the ' Central Road ?'' nard, and the Board of Wty Commissioners and Local and; ( lipping Intelligence, without abridgment, -with Agricul-' '? iral, Scientific, and other Interesting Articles, Original 'i id Selected; -?-'????-'.?????.?? ^ :?? ? ' - ??, \~:nh v:- ;--m s An Early Country Edition is printed on Friday (with the-* jws up to the time of publication) for transmission by the ails on that day, so as to reach the Buna Burra and other- * stant places on the Saturday. The Town Edition is published on Saturday mornings,- ? id is sent info the Country by the Mails which roach their istinations on that day. The Adelaide Observer- presents a superior medium for- * advertising, from its almost exclusive circulation as a weekly paper in Town and Country, having attained a number far greater than any other weekly journal in the province. To-morrow's Adelaide Observer, with a Supplement (gratis), amongst other articles, will contain — Late News from Europe by the Epaminondas. atelligence from the Victoria and New South Wales Gold- ' fields, by several late arrivals, including two Letters from our Special Reporter at Bendigo. . ?-.-.? leports of the Second Annual Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce ; Municipal Corporation ; Gumeracka Fanners' -Society Ploughing Match and Dinner ; and the VViUunga ? Ploughing Match and Dinner. ? ? . ? i. : kmrespondence on Bank Notes and Gold Tokens; the'. Wants of the Nation ; and a New History of the Bullion Act. leading Articles on the Chamber of Commerce ; the Ocean ' Steamers ; Selection of Land; &c. . '.??'. ^ articles on the Prospects . of the Ministry ; the War with ' Ava; Commerce with Japan; Biography of Thomas . Moore; Establishment of an Assay-Office and Mint in ' Melbourne; a Bullion Act for New South Wales, &c. - '? deposits of Gold at the Assay-Office; Delivery of Gold. Ingots ; and G«ld Assay Regulations, 'he Government Gazette, with Appointments, Selection . of Crown Lands, Meetings of Bench of Magistrates, InsoU . vency, Impounding, tind. other Notices, 'he ' South Australian Agriculturist.' . local and Police Courts; Loctl and Shipping Intelligence (with names of emigrants, and arrivals and departures to and from the Gold-fields) ; Markets, &c., &c. . -r~ HE ' AdVlA-I D E O B S E R V E;B^ is regularly transmitted from Adelaide to Melbourne very week, where it may be procured at the Agent's, MR. W. HARRISON, Adelaide Store, 40, Elizabeth- street, Melbourne, nd where also Advertisements and Subscriptions, both for ? fiat paper arid for the South Australian (daily) Regiiter, rill be received. ' [ \N SALE, at the Office of this paper— L/ Emigration Forms ' Forms of Application for Crowu Lands Depasturing Forms ALLIANCE BRITISH AND FOR El ON f\_ LIFE AND FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Bartholomew-bine, London. EttabUihtd by Act of Parliament Capital— £5,000,000. ? ♦ ? ? i ? . BOAKD UP DIRECTION1. Presidents: Samuel Gurney, Esq. ? ' Sir Moses Uontefiore, Bart ? Directors: . ? . ' Jeorge H. Barnett, Esq. Samuel Gurney, jun- Esq. Sir E.N.Buxton, Bart, M.P. John Irving, Esq. Sir R. Cambpell, Bart Louis Lucas, Esq. Sir George Carroll ? ' Thomas Hasterman, Esq. Phe Rt Hon. G. R. Dawson . Baron L. De Rothschild, M.P. lames Fletcher, Esq. Sir A. N. De' Rothschild, Rait. ,'harles Gibbes, Esq. Oswald Smith, Esq. Yilliam Gladstone, Esq. Melville Wilson, Esq. REDUCED FIRE SCALE OP PUEHIUKB FOR ADELAIDE BB ASCII. First-Class Risks. ^centytn. buildings constructed of Brick or Stone, covered with Slate, « d. Tile, or Metal, and detached or separated so as not to be effected by their contiguity to other buildings ? 7 6 buildings constructed and covered as above, but joined to other buildings not being of a hazardous. nature, and not of inferior construction ? „.. ? ;... jo. 0 buildings constructed and covered as above, but adjoining to shingled or other buildings, of inferior construction ... 12 0 If hazardous goods be deposited In any of the aboveuuned buildings, 2s. 6d. per cent per annum extra will be iharged. -Second-Class Bisks. buildings constructed of Brick or Stone, and covered with Shingles, but detached or separated so as not to be effected by their contiguity to any other buildings ? U « buildings constructed and covered as above, but joined to ,. others of a similar or not inferior construction ............ 15 0 JuildingB of Stud work, or Brick nogged, and covered with Slate, Tile, or Metal, but separated by a proper space from, so as not to be effected by any other building ...... 12 6 buildings constructed tts above, but joined to other buildings of a superior class, with proper party-walls between ? 16 0 If hazardous goods be deposited in any of the buildings lamed In this ClasK, 2s. 6d. per cent per annum extra to be iharged. ' i ' ' Third-Class Risks. Jnildings weather-boarded, or all or part of wood, and detached or separated, so as not to be effected by their contiguity, to any other building, and their contents not hazardous, and not being occupied for any hazardous ;'. trades; ? -...-. ? 25 0 Suildiugs constructed as above, but adjoining to others of similar construction and occupation ? i......... 80 0 If hazardous goo's be deposited in any of the buildings ' named in this Class, 5s. per cent pur annum extra to be charged. ' . . Goods will be insured at the same rate as the buildings In which they ire deposited. ' . ?.'?'??? UXZABDOCS OOOU8. Such as Cotton, Flax, Hemp, Oil, Rozin, Saltpetre, Spirits, Pitch, Tttr, Turpentine. -tc ftates for short period assurances as follows.: -Mot exceeding three months— One-half of the aunual premium. ' Exceeding three, and not exceeding six months— Three-quartern of be aunual premium. ' . Exceeding six months — The full annual rate. BATES OX SniPPIKO AT AbELAIBR. : : - 1 year. 6 mtm. 8 mon — ?'?-?'? '?? d. s. d. s. d With a warranty not to repair ? 10 0 7 01 fi 0 With liberty to repair ? 15 0 10 6 7 6 3hips building ? : ? 21 0 15 O 1 10 « Goods in ships loading in harbour, say for four months, at 7i. 6d. per sent ??.;?? ' ? . ' ,..?.. . Persons effecting Assurances with the Alliance Company enjoy the following important advantages :— .1. Perfect Security.— -The large capital, and upwards of 1,000 Shareholders composing the Company, render the security presented to the public undoubted. . . 2. Moderate Rates of Premium.— The Rates of the Premiums of Assurance for the greater part of life will be found lower than those In use in many of the older and most respectable office*. ? ??. : ' ? . 3. Participation of profits by the assured, both in life and fire. -4. Parties who obtain the settlement of losses from fire are not thereby eprived of their right to participate in the profits of the Company 6. Losses by lightning are made good. Surveyor— E. W, Wright ' The Assurances of Lives are also effected on favourable terms. Medical Referee— Wm. Wyatt, Esq. M.R.C.3.L, WERE, TODD, & CO., January, 1851. Agents, Currie-stwet IMPERIAL FIRE IN8URANCE COMPANY— No. 1, ? OW Broad-street, and 16, Pall Mall, London.— Snb-?eribed and Invested Capital, Owe Miluos Six Huxokzd Tbousavo Pouxos ? , -. . . ? . ? ? rates or wbcrajccb. iv cent wan. 1st Classy-Buildings of Brick or Stone, with Roofs of Slate, s. ? d. Tile, or Metal, detached ? „; 7 6 Ditto, adjoining to or within the risk of other Buildings , of like construction, and having proper party-walls ... 10 0: Ditto ditto ditto, to inferior Buildings ? 12 6 2nd Class.— Buildings of Brick or Stone, with Roofs of Shingle, detached ? - IS 6 Ditto, adjoining to or within the risk of other Buildings ' : of like construction, and having proper party-walla ... 16 0 Bid Class.— Buildings all or in part --i Wood, detached ? 25 0 Ditto, adjoining to or within the risk of other Building* 80 0 .All cases involving risks not comprised iu the above Tables will be imaged by special agreement . Building* where Hazardous Trades are earned on, or in which Hazardous Goods are deposited, or without proper party-walls, will be subject to an additional Rate of 2s. 6d.. per cent for the 1st and 2nd Class, and 5s. per cent for the 3rd Class. . ' - . The Company also ondertaka to grant Assurances on Ship* la Harbour, at the following rates : — ? ? ? . 1 year. 6 mon. 3 mon. - ? s. d. s. d. «.. * With condition against repairing ......... — ........ 0 0 7 6 8 0 With liberty to repair... ? . ? ? 15 0 10 6 7 6 Building ? ~ ? - ? 21 0 15 0 10 6 Hazardous Trades. — Bread and Biscuit Bakers, Carpenter* Chemists, Coachmakers, Coopers, Cabinetmakers, Distiller*, Liquor and Spirit Shops, Oilmen, Printers, Ship and BoatfouUders, Blacksmiths and the like. Hazardous Goods.— Cotton, Hemp, Flax, Oil, Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Saltpetre, Spirits, Tallow, Turpentine, and others of an equally dangerous character. ~ . .' . , local aoextb: Koorinoa— Mr. Joseph Godfrey, -?' ?? OawUr Tovtn— Mr. William Barker. ? A. J. WRIGHT, & W, D. FISHER, . Agents, Exchang* ChambtHL ' - King Williajn-itreet :; Printed and PubUshed daily by Henry Hussey (for 'the Exeewtors of: the late John Stephens), at the office: vt the So^kApMtralianBegitter, Hindley-street, Adelaiie^BdWh Atutralia, where orders, advertiseintjnta, and oommaakirtioBt are received. ?