South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 30 August 1851, page 1

OVERLAND TO EUROPE.— FOR BOMBAY DIRECT. The noble frigate-built ship OMEGA, 800 tons, Samuel Potter, commander, will positively sail on Friday, the 5th September. Accommodations for passengers very superior. This vessel carries an experienced surgeon. Fox terms of freight or passage, apply on board ; or to JOHN NEWMAN, Agent, Port Adelaide. 27th August, 1851. FOR MADRAS DIRECT. v|\i The finis fast-sailing nearly new A 1 Im&-^©\ British-built Ship ia£ff-fy& SULTANA, 4HK» 588 tons register, David Mainland, com mander, will sail for the above port in about ten days. For terms of freight or passage (the cabin accommoda tions being very superior), apply to Captain Mainland, on board; or to ALEXANDER THOMSON, Bundle- street. August 20, 1851. FOR SWAN RIVER. /ivi The fine A 1 barque JWraSS, GLOBE, fjtz§PGt&i Captain Brown, to sail on about the 10th For freight or passage apply to the Captain, on board ; or to N1CHS. P. LeBAIR, Grenfell-street. FOR SINGAPORE DIRECT. ~T~JK Tub fine fast-sailing brig .jAjNlk ESPERANCE, j^yK\ 268 tons, Capt. Kirkpatrick, will sail This JiMMMlfiL Day (Saturday). Foe terms of freight or passage, apply on board; or to J. F. BENNETT, Port Adelaide. August 30, 1851. FOR SYDNEY DIRECT. 'lOv The teak-built, fast-sailing brig Tj*OT^\. 204 tons o.m., H. D. Dale, Commander, will «?£????» commence loading for Sydney on Wednesday the 27th instant, and will meet with quick despatch. A limited number of steerage passengers can be taken, for whom comfortable accommodation and an ample scale of provisions will be provided. Has also superior accommo dation for cabin passengers. For terms of freight or passage, apply to J. F. BENNETT, Port Adelaide ; or to J. S. CLARK, Adelaide. August 23, 1851. FOR SYDNEY. rv The fine ketch gjk BOUNTIFUL, J«N^ 1^0 tons burthen, will sail in ten days. For terms mnmm of freight or passage, apply to CAPT. J. F. DUFF, Exchange ; or to R. TAPLEY, Port Adelaide. August 27, 1851. ? ^^

CABIN PASSAGE FOR SYDNEY. /kvi The fine clipper barque _falyft\ MARIE, Hk&ttk 400 ton8» ^P1- RattJet ^ 8aa for Sydney , jfgggggjBft in ten days, having room for a few cabin passengers only. Accommodations most superior. Apply on board ; or to D. P. GAFFNEY, Port Adelaide. 29th August, 1851. ? j FOR SALE, FREIGHT, OR CHARTER. j /fcvi The fine American barque js^KS. SELMA, F$tHB&H& 405 tons. For terms apply to ^g£BJBi£& J. F. BENNETT, Port Adelaide. August 23, 1851. FOR SALE, FREIGHT, OR CHARTER. /ist The fine French barque _JJ&2&\, EUGENE, l^l^Kw 213 tons register; now lying inPortAde aflBQg3£p» laide. Terms very liberal. Apply to Capt. Beaavais: or to ? WM. YOUNGHUSBAND, JUN., & CO. ~' NOTICE. Jtfjl^l hereby give notice that I will not be SSMig answerable for any debts incurred by the crew of my vessel. A. BEAUVAIS, Master of the Eugene. A Ship's Galley for sale, which distils fresh water enough to keep the ship's crew. NOTICE. Jtfp?* Captain Drexnan of the Sea Bird, will not Jfci§E£fc be responsible fur any debts contracted by the crew of the said vessel. J. & N. HENRIQUES, Agents. BILLS OP LADING on sale at the Offices of the South Australian Register and Adelaide Observer. NEW SOUTH AUSTRALIAN TARIFF on SALE at the office of this paper, in a neat form, on bank post folio, for transmission through the Post, or foi the counting-house. PATENT SLIP. TO SHIP OWNERS, CAPTAINS, AND AGENTS. THE undersigned begs to announce that he has now in good working order a PATENT SLIP, on which vessels of 1,000 tons may be raised. H. C. FLETCHER, Port Adelaide. N.B.— Shipwrighting in all its branches carefully at tended to. ON SALE, by the Undersigned, the CARGO of the brig Punch, from Singapore, consisting of— 2,787 bags Grocers' Sugars, 11 samples 1 ,044 boxes Packet Teas 52 bags Black Pepper 22 bags White Pepper 4 boxes Nutmegs 30 bales Gunny Bags 10,000 No. 1 Manila Cigars 30,000 No: 2 ditto ditto 48 rolls India Matting, W. YOUNGHUSBAND, JUN., & CO. NEW ZEALAND TIMBER, EX 'AUGUSTUS.' ?,,n - ' ? ; £)OO TONS of the above, now stacked' at Port **''' -^Adelaide, 'of all descriptions and, sizes, FOR BALE' in lots to .suit purchasers.. For terms and price,' apply to ' BURNETT NATHAN, '? Currie- street, Adelaide. 'ECONOMICAL COOKING APPARATUS. .* ;\i. ^ -? - ? -y'.j BOBfeRTS & SONS, Manufacturers of the O '; ' celebrated COOKING APPARATUS made to suit the nobleman or peasant; also Makers of the Newly ;;;;liwentied STOVE GRATE, Queenstown, opposite 'the ;,,, Albert Hotel, near port Adelaide. : /^For particulars, apply\ to Mr. Alexander, Metal Store, . ;:;ffindli)y^reet ; or at th^JToxka, Queenstown, - \ .

CHEAP STANDARD WORKS. BOHN'S SHILLING SERIES. 1. Emerson's Representative Men 2. Irving's Life of Mahomet 3. The Genuine Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin 4. Willis's People I have Met 5. living's Success- -rs of Mahomet 6. Irving's Life of Goldsmith 7. Irving's Sketch Book 8. Irving's Tales of a Traveller 9. Irving's Tour on the Praries 10. & 11. Irving's Conquests of Granada and Spain 12. & 13. Irving's Life of Columbus 14. Irving's Companions of Colnmbus 15. & 16- Taylor's El Dorado, or Pictures of the Gold Region 17. Irving's Adventures of Captain Bonneville 18. Irving's Knickerbocker 19. Irving's Tales of the Alhambra 20. Irvivg's Conquest of Florida 21. Irving's Abbotsford and Ncwstead 22. Irving's Salmagundi 23. Irving's Bracebndge Hall 24. Irving's Astoria An additional Assortment of CHAMBERS'S PUBLICA TIONS has lately been added to the Stock. PLATTS, Hindley-street, pHURCH SERVICES, magnificently bound, \J ? adapted for Presents - Reference Bibles a large assortment Companion to the Altar Concordances Wesley's Hymns Family Prayers,and One Thousand Religious Works. On Sale at PLATTS'S Book Warehouses. PRINTING. CHEAP, NEAT, AND EXPEDITIOUS PRINTING. JS. JONES (some time Manager of the Job ? bing Department of the late Mr. J. Stephens), COMMERCIAL, LAW, and GENERAL PRINTING OFFICE, Kiug William-street (opposite the Southern Cross), Adelaide. J. S. J. calls the attention of Merchants, Shipping Agents, and the Commercial Public generally, who require neat and expeditious Printing, to his stock of Choice and Elegant Type, a large portion of which have been selected expressly for Trade Lists, Catalogues, Circulars, Notices of Sale, &c. ; and for general purposes his office will be found replete with every requisite for the production of superior work. Chemists and Druggists, Wine and Spirit Merchants, and others requiring large quantities of Labels, will find J. S. J.'s experience in that department peculiarly advantageous to them, many years of his time having been engaged in the management of the most extensive business of the kind in London. Bills of Lading Summonses ' Exchange Writs Cart Notes Trade Lists and Prices Shipping Notes Current Cheque Books Bill and Invoice-Heads Money Orders Drapers' and Grocers' Bill Receipts Heads Agreements for Land Catalogues Indentures Labels Deeds Cards and Circulars Mining Scrips Posting and Hand-Bills, Leases And every description of Law and Commercial Printing, promptly executed, and on the most reasonable terms, for cash. Fancy Labels, in Gold and Coloured Inks, for Chemists, &c., on Sale. Engraving, Copperplate, and Lithographic Printing, Ma chine Ruling, Account Books, &c., made to order on the shortest notice. J. S. Jones has received direct from London an assort ment of Ledgers, Account and Memorandum Books, Prints, &c, which he offers for sale at low prices TO PAINTERS AND OTHERS. CHEAP GLASS. ON SALE, ex Wilhelmine, Condor, and other arrivals — 600 boxes Window Glass, at 21s. per box; or, parties taking 20 boxes, 20s. 300 boxes Crown, Coloured, Ground, and Plate Glass, very low 20 tons Sheet Lead, Perforated Zinc, Sheet Zinc Invoices of Noble and Roll's Varnishes, French Polish, Patent Knotting, &c. White Lead, and Paint (asssorted) Plaster of Paris, Glue, Glass Paper Lead Piping, 1£. 2, 1 j, 1, J, and J-inch Tin Spirit Pipe, Boiled Oil, Turps Linseed Oil, Gold Moulding, Lead and Brass Pumps ; an invoice of Plumbers' Materials, consisting of Water, Stop, Bib, and Spirit Cocks, Washers, and Wastes, Brass Strainers, &c, &c. An extensive assortment of Paper Hangings Invoices of Hubbuck's Patent Zinc, Paint, Dryers, and every article in the trade, at very low prices. Country orders punctually attended to. S. R. HALL, Leigh-street. June 18th, 1851.

VERANDAHS. M0REW00D, ROGERS, & CO., beg to direct attention to their CORRUGATED GALVANIZED TINNED IRON, as forming the neatest, as well as the strongest and best VERANDAH ROOF that can be erected in the colony. It can be put up at a moderate expense, as it requires no framework, excepting, the wall plates and columns. ROOFS covered with this material are much cooler than Slate, as will be shown by actual experiment on application at the office — are light, durable, and not so costly as Slate The Rates of Insurance will also be found a consideration of importance where valuable buildings are concerned. For PUMPS, CISTERNS, and WATER-TUBING, it is by far the best material that can be employed, as it keeps the Water pure and wholesome under all circumstances. In the important towns of Newport and Cowes it is used exclusively by the Water Companies for their fittings, and to a greater or less extent in the principal cities and towns in England and the United States. BATHS, BUCKETS, DEED-BOXES, &c., made of Galvanized Metal to order, and kept in stock. ? GUTTERS, riPES, WINDGUARDS, and CISTERN-HEADS can always be supplied without delay. The ships Briton and Ancient Briton, lately from England, have brought an increased supply. ; Offices, Leigh-street, Adelaide. DR. GRAHAM'S ANTIBILIOUS AND DIGESTIVE PILLS, so celebrated in India and other Hot Countries for their wonderful efficacy in Diseases of the Chest, Liver Complaints, &c., &c., &c These PILLS are particularly recommended to persons suffering from Bilious and Liver Complaints, Tightness ol the Chest, Consumption, Headache, Indigestion, Asthma, and all complaints arising from the want of a regular action of the Digestive Organs. Testimonial from Mr. George Ottaway, of Bundle-street, Adelaide. Dear Sir— Acting upon your suggestion, I tried Dr. Graham's Pills, and have taken them regularly ever since, and I am happy to inform you that I find them keep down the bile, and in other respects act so beneficially, that I feel much better now than I have done for the last four years, although I tried during that time many other remedies which proved wholly inefficacious. : ' i . As you wished me to let you know how the Pills acted, 1 feel much pleasure in writing the above, which you can make public if you wish. - ? ^ J - I am, yours very obediently, ': G.OTTAWAY: To Mr. W.Dashwood, Adelaide. *:? - ; Sold in Boxes at One Shilling each ; and may be had ol W. Dash wood, Grenfell-street and Exchange Colonnade, Agent for South Australia; also by the following Local Agents: — .?;.. :?????.' .????'? Mr. W. McClure, Storekeeper; Kooringa, Bum Bans. Mr. Booth, Storekeeper, Gawler Town. ? -' i iMr. Water&lL Strithalbyiv : ; \ -

MINING ADVERTISEMENTS. BREMER MINfNG COMPANY. A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of the ±\- SHAREHOLDERS of this Company will be held at the OLD MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, oh WEDNESDAY, the 10th Sept, 1851, at 12 o'clock precisely, for the purpose -f considering the question of ERECTING a STEAM ENGINE at the Mine, APPOINTING a DIRECTOR in the place of Mr. A. Smith, resigned, and other business; It is hoped the importance of this business will induce a large and punctual attendance. Shareholders are also reminded that the next quarterly, CALL of 5s. per Share will be due on the 1st Sept. TENDERS for a STEAM-ENGINE of 30-horse power, . for mining purposes, 'addressed to the undersigned, will be received by this Company until TUESDAY, the 9th Sept. By order of the Board, ROBT. HAWKES, Secretary. King William-street, Aug. 27, 1851. ? ~ ~ COPPER. THE PROPRIETORS of the YATALA SMELTING WORKS invite offers for REFINED COPPER, in quantities as required. Samples to be seen at the office of Mr. John Baker. EXTRACT. , ' Calcutta, 15th March, 1851. ' As regards quality and suitableness for this market, there is no copper which commands a more ready sale or full price than the supplies of the Yatala Smelting Works. 'They have been most favourably reported on at the Government Mint; ami our dealers equally approve of the size of the ingots and their quality. . . ' Jaeoine, Skinner, & Co.' CARTAGE TO AND FROM THE BURRA COPPER WORKS AND PORT WAKEFIELD. THE rates of CARTAGE during the months of July, August, and September, will be 30s. per ton each way. Afterwards 25s. per ton each way. TO BUTCHERS, DEALERS, AND OTHER PUR CHASERS OF CATTLE IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, VICTORIA, AND NEW SOUTH WALES. CAUTION. AS the PATENT COPPER COMPANY will not dispose of any Horses or . Cattle bearing their brand P.C.C., the Public is hereby cautioned against purchasing any Stock, their property, bearing that brand. Legal proceed ings will, in all instances, be taken against parties unlaw fully retaining possession of, and offering such Cattle with that brand, P.C.C., for sale ; and a liberal Reward will be given for any information that may lead to the conviction of the offender or offenders. The keepers of the Public Pound and others are respect fully solicited to forward early infonnution to any of the Patent Copper Company's Agents, of Cattle bearing the P.C.C. brand in their possession, when immediate steps will be taken for their release. ALFRED R. BELL, Accountant, Commission, and General Agent, Clark's-buildings, Hindley street N.B. — Rents and Accounts collected. GOODIAR and SOWARD beg to acquaint \JT their friends that they have entered into PART NERSHIP, and will commence business as CONTRAC TORS and TIMBER MERCHANTS This Day. G. SOWARD begs to return his thanks for the liberal support he has experienced ; and he has no doubt that the new firm will merit and receive an equal degree of public confidence and patronage. Rundle-street, August 1st, 1851. RUNDLE STREET DISPENSARY. C. J. CARLETON, DISPENSING CHEMIST, formerly Resident Apothecary at the Adelaide Hospital, begs to inform his Friends and the Public that he has removed to those commodious Premises, recently occu-pied by Captain Allen, in Rundle-street, four doors east of Gawler-place. In returning thanks for the very liberal support accorded to him, C. J. C. deems it only necessary to state that his business will continue to be conducted upon the same principles which have hitherto secured to him so extensive a share of public patronage. Adelaide, 1st August, 1851. EDWARD SUTOR, BOOT and SHOE MAKER, Hindley street, begs to inform the Publi-tha he has recommenced business in the premises lately occupied by MR. CARLETON, Chemist, near Leigh-street where he has laid in a LARGE STOCK of every requisite for the Trade. GENTLEMEN'S Boots and Shoes of every description LADIES' ditto, ditto, of newest and best pattern CHILDREN'S Boots and Shoes in great variety. ORDERS attended to with the greatest punctuality am dispatch. COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS and SETTLERS sup plied with every article in the line upon the Shortest Notice and most Reasonable Terms. Hindley-street, August 20th, 1851. JOHN CRAIG, BUTCHER, begs respectfullj to announce to the Inhabitants of Adelaide and its Vicinity that he has opened those Premises in Rundle-street lately occupied by Mr. Usher, where he intends to keep t CHOICE ASSORTMENT of all kinds of BUTCHERS MEAT, HAMS, PICKLED TONGUES, FINE PRE SERVED ROUNDS of BEEF, CORNED BEEF MINCED COLLOPS, and SAUSAGES, as prepared bj J. C. during 17 years he was in Business in Glasgow. All orders entrusted to him will be punctually attended to. JEAN DESCOR, COOK, PASTRYCOOK, and WHOLESALE CONFECTIONER, King William street (late Hussey), begs leave most respectfully to announce to the Public of Adelaide and Storekeepers of the Colony that, having engaged a First-rate Experienced Confectioner, he will be enabled to keep on hand a Large Assortment of Goods, at prices that will defy competition One trial will prove the fact. Country Orders punctually attended to. N.B. An Apprentice Wanted.

PATENT MEDICINES.— The following medi cines may be had,- wholesale and retail, at the offices of the Daily South Australian Register and the Adelaide Observer Weekly Newspaper, Hindley-street, Adelaide, and Df the sub agents appointed: — Morison's Pills Frarapton's Pill of Health Parr's Life Pills Widow Welch's Female Pills Blair's Gout and Rheumatic Pills Cockle's Antibilious Pills Dr. Roberts's Poor Man's Friend ? Pilulae Antiscrephuhe McKinsey's Katopotia ? Cerate. Sub-Agents for the Sale of Patent Medicines: Port Adelaide — Mr. Ephraim Teakle, storekeeper, Port. Mitcham, und the neighbourhood of the BroumhM Greek. — Mr. Henry Taylor, storekeeper, Mitcham. Mount Barker Township. — Mr. John Dunn, storekeeper, Mount Barker. Noarlunga and neighbourhood. — Mr. Alexander Birrell, Sahndorf, Klemzig, and LangmeU. — Rev. A. KaveL Pastor to the Evangelical Lutheran Churches. District of Morphett Yale. — Mr. Win. Bradshaw store keeper, Morphett Vale. Encounter Bay District.— 'Mr. Robert Higgins, store keeper, Fncounter Bay; also, Mr. John McCarthy, store keeper, Freeman's Nob. Township of Gawler. — Mr. C. Jacobs, Beehive Stores, Gawler Town. County of Stanley. — Mr. C. Greenslade, of the Stanley Arms, Penwortham. . District of Koorihga. — Messrs. Marks and Gollin, store keepers, Township of Kooringa. j Town and District of Fart Lincoln.— -Captain. Underwood, storekeeper, Port Lincoln. .-'.{?'. Lttle Para Survey. — Mr. Thomas Battersby, general storekeeper, Village of Houghton. - '.: i -Angaston. — Mr. Samuel Keeally, storekeeper, Angaston. District of RiwU Bay.—Hr. James Smith, storekeeper, JftroHBay. ..'.-'? v' ' : .'???.??.?-?.:. .---.: i/,

THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE. ON SABBATH MORNING, 31st inst., the Rev. Mr. GARDNER, of the Free Church, will preach for the LADIES' ASSOCIATION, in aid of the above-named Institution, at the Congregational Chapel, Freeman-street. HIGH MASS AND CHARITY SERMON. ON SUNDAY NEXT, September 7, SOLEMN HIGH MASS will be celebrated at the Catholic Chapel, West-terrace, and a CHARITY SERMON preached by the Bishop in aid of the Funds towards the ERECTION of the CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL near Victoria- square. _ The Choir will be composed of upwards of 30 of the Prin cipal Singers of the Province, who have kindly volunteered their services. Monsieur Del Sarte will preside at the new organ, which will be used on the occasion. A Collection will be made after the Sermon. Divine Service will commence at 11 o'clock precisely. Tickets of Admission, 2s. 6d., and for Reserved Seats 5s., may be had at the residence of Monsieur Paris, Tavistock buildings, Rundle-street ; Mr. Parrott, at the Exchange ; and of Mr. Cremins, Catholic School, Franklin-street. ~ PROSPECTUS. PORT ADELAIDE SCREW-PROPELLER COMPANY. JL SCHOONER intended to be Fitted with an 'O. auxiliary SCREW-PROPELLER being now UPON THE STOCKS, at Port Adelaide, and the steam-engines, apparatus, &c., in course of construction in the city, it is proposed to complete the undertaking by means of a COMPANY, with a CAPITAL of £2,500, in 500 SHARES of £5 each ; which will be sufficient not only to accomplish the building and outfit, but leave a Surplus of £440 as Working Capital. A MODEL of the VESSEL, as she will appear when ready for her first voyage, has been exhibited at Calton's, Port Admiral Hotel, and will be shortly sent for public Inspection to the Royal Admiral Hotel, Adelaide. The sailing qualities of the vessel are intended to be first-rate, and the Engineer is confident that, with the steam power and auxiliary screw, a speed of eight to nine miles an hour may be accomplished, without the sails. As to the Working Expenses, they have been estimated by a thoroughly practical man at £70 per month ; and as the earnings of the Government Steam-tug have averaged £200 per month, with about five hours' steaming per day, it is thought that, even with eight hours' steaming out of the twentv-four, the profits of the Screw-propeller Schooner will be at least as much as £130 per month, because she will perform a variety of services for which the Steam-tug is not adapted. The object of the originators is to have the vessel ready within four months, and to place the undertaking at once under satisfactory inspection and control. With these views, it is desirable to get the requisite Funds Subscribed without delay, and to appoint from the body of Subscribers a Managing Committee or Acting Trustees, who wiJl make the Money Calls in accordance with legitimate requirements, and eventually regulate the voyages — which are intended to bo limited to the Gulf and the contiguous seaboard. In the meantime, the undersigned has undertaken to receive applications for Shares, and to furnish information as to the contemplated voyages, pleasure trips, &c., C. BOWEN MENDS, Secretary pro tern. Adelaide, August 12th, 1851.

[N THE INSOLVENT ESTATE OF KRONK AND ZIMMLER. A LL parties INDEBTED to the above Estate l\_ are requested NOT to PAY any accounts excepting w parties authorized by the Trade Assignees. (Signed) MORRIS MARKS. GEORGE DALE. Adelaide, 26th August, 1851. THE LARGEST NEWSPAPER IN THE AUSTRAL ASIAN COLONIES. THE 'ADELAIDE OBSERVER' is the Largest Newspaper in the Australasian Colonies, being printed on Two Sheets of Double-Royal, and comprises FORTY-EIGHT CLOSELY-PRINTED COLUMNS. It contains all the English, Colonial, and Foreign News, Full Reports of the Legislative Council proceedings, Public Meetings, the Law and Police Courts, the Central Road Board, and the Board of City Commissioners and Local and Shipping Intelligence, without abridgment, with Agricul tural, Scientific, and other Interesting Articles, Original and Selected. An Early Country Edition is printed on Friday (with the news up to the time of publication) for transmission by the Mails on that day, so as to reach the Buna Burra and other distant places on the Saturday. The Town Edition is published on Saturday mornings, and is sent into the Country by the Mails which reach their destinations on that day. The Adelaide Observer presents a superior medium for advertising, from its almost exclusive circulation as a weekly paper in Town and Country, having attained a number far greater than any other weekly journal in the province. PRICE SIXPENCE. The Adelaide Observer of This Day amongst other articles, contains Full Reports of the debates in the Legislative Council on the Land Fund, Civil Appointments of the Colonists, Removal of the Colonial Minister's Veto on Acts passed by the Council, the Extension of the Constitution, the Stoppage of the Supplies, and the Government Grant to Religion. The Petitions 'presented to the Council by Messrs, Borrow and Goodiar, R. G. Symonds, the Commissioners of the Hundred of Kuitpo, Mr. H. W. Parker, of the late Railway Company, Mr. E. G. Collinson, Mr. G. A. Anstey on the Yatala Election, Mr. Henry Calton, and Mr. Henry Watson on his removal from the Customs. Council Papers relative to the Receipts and Expenditure. Important Correspondence with the Colonial Office relative to the City and Port Railway Company. The Government Gazette, containing Official Notifications, Port Elliot declared a Port, the Insolvency and Im pounding Notices. The ' South Australian Agriculturist.' Proceedings of the Central Road Board, with the Annual T?pnnrt

Proceedings of the City Commissioners. Public Dinner to John Hart, Esq., M.L.C., at Tungkillo. Dinner to Peter Cumming, Esq., at North Adelaide. Dinner to J. B. Neales, Esq., M.L.C., at North Adelaide. Port Lincoln News. rhe Bridges — Report of the Colonial Engineer ; and sug gestions from Mr. Tolmer. Leading Articles on the Estimates, the Proposed Loan, the Spirited Proceedings of the Council, and other interesting subjects. Sews from India, Mauritius, New bouth Wales, Tasmania, Portland, California, and other quarters ; with the latest Gold News from all parts. Letters to the Editor on various subjects, Local and Shipping Intelligence, the Latest South Australian and Colonial Markets, &c., &c. With a Full Report of Yesterday's Council Proceedings on the Grant to Religien Bill ; and the Latest News up to the moment of Publication. THE LATE DISTRESSING ACCIDENT BY FIRE. pHARLES COLLINS, the sufferer by this y_J calamity, is a worthy and industrious working man. Saving rented a section of land at Yankalilla, he had irected his slab house, laid in his six months' stock of pro risions, clothing, &c., and commenced operations as a dairy 'armer. Mr. Collins was in -Adelaide when the accident )ccurred. His wife had gone some distance to drive home \ cow, and on her return found the house, with all it con tained, destroyed by fire. It is not known with certainty how the fire originated, but it is supposed that cinders were forced up the chimney, ind lodged in the thatch, by a whirlwind passing over the bouse. By this accident a deserving family, seven in num ber, are deprived of their all, and left in a state of entire destitution, ' ? % . This is a case which commends itself to public sympathy, and it has been thought advisable to open a subscription list for the purpose of ministering aid to the sufferers. Donations will be received by ' ? The Rev. D. J. Draper, Gawler-place Mr. John Colton, Hindley-street ; Mr. Robt Hawkes, King William-street . . And at the office of this Paper. ' ' '

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. LAST NIGHT OF THE SEASON. BENEFIT of Mr. LAZAR, upon which occasion he has le honour to announce that the Performance will be under le distinguished patronage of HIS EXCELLENCY the rOVERNOR and LADY YOUNG, who havo signified ieir intention of being present ; also the various Lodges of lNCIENT FREEMASONS in the Province. Mr. ELLARD, the celebrated Pianist, bas kindly volun jered his valuable services, and will play a DUET with Ir. MOORE. The Orchestra will bo considerably increased, and Mr. .EE has given his services upon the occasion. NOTICE. — The carriage-way from Currie-stroet up the ircade to the Theatre will be repaired, and lights placed for lie convenience of vehicles. °|N TUESDAY, September 2, will be presented iv for the first time m this colony, Sheridan's favourite Somedy (compressed into three Acts), entitled THE IIVALS, to be preceded (first time in this colonv) by the Kerture to William Tell. Pas Seul, Miss Chambers; )ance, Mr. Chambers ; Grand Duo do Ln. Fiancee, pour lo 'iano ct Violin, Mr. El lard and Mr. Moore ; Pas de Deux, rliss and Master Chambers. To conclude with (for the irst time these three years) the laughable Farco of the )ANC1NG BARBER. Characters by the whole strength f the Company. ADELAIDE CASINO, TEMPLE TAVERN. PRO BONO PUBLICO. ONE of the SPLENDID NEW ROOMS of the above TAVERN has been fitted up for the above mrpose, under the superintendence of a FIRST-RATE LRTISTE. Rules and Regulations of the SALOON will bo placed n a conspicuous position. Evenings of Entertainment— MONDAY and FRIDAY, at $ o'clock. ALLIANCE BRITISH AND FOREIGN t\. LIFE AND FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY, Dartholomcw-lanu, 1-iondon. EsUM lulled by Act of Parliament. Capitai,— £5,000,000. board of dikeut1on : Presidents : Samuel Gurnoy. Esq. Sir Moses Montefiore, Bart. Directors: George II. TJarnett, Esq. Samuel Gurnoy, jun., Esq. Sir E. N. Buxton, Bart, M.P. John Irving, Esq. Sir It. Campbell, lkit. Louis Lucas, Esq. Sir George Carroll Thomas Masterman, Esq. The Rt. Hon. G. R. Dawson Baron L. DoRotluchild, M.P. James Fletcher, Esq. Sir A. N. Dp Rothschild, Bart. Charles Gibbcs, Esq. Oswald Smith, Esq. William Gladstone, Esq. Melville Wilson, Esq. REDUCED F1UE SCALE OF PREMIUMS FOR ADELAIDE BRANCH First Class Risks. q? cent. ra- an. Buildings constructed of Brick or Stone, co- $. a. vered with Slate, Tile, or Metal, and detached or separated so as not to be affected by their contiguity to other buildings ? 7 6 Buildings constructed and covered as above, but joined to other buildings not being of a hazardous nature, and not of inferior con struction ? 10 0 Buildings constructed and covered as above, but adjoining to shingled or other buildings, of inferior construction ? 12 6 If hazardous goods be deposited in any of the above-named buildings, 2s. 6d. per cent. per annum extra will be charged. Second- Class Risks. Buildings constructed of Brick or Stone, and covered with Shingles, but detached or se parated so as not to be affected by their con tiguity to any other buildings ? 12 6 Buildings constructed and covered, as above, but joined to others of a similar or not in ferior construction ? 1') 0 Buildings of Stud work, or Brick nogged, and covered with Slate, Tile, or Metal, but sepa rated by a proper space from, so as not to be affected by any other building ? 12 C Buildings constructed as above, but joined to other buildings of a superior class, with proper party- walls between ? 15 0 If hazardous goods be deposited in any of the buildings named in this Class, 2s. 6d. per cent, per annum extra to be charged. Third- Class Rinks. Buildings weather-boarded, or all or part of wood, and detached or separated, so as not to be affected by their contiguity to any other building, and their contents not ha zardous, and not being occupied for any hazardous trades ? 25 0 Buildidgs constructed as above, but adjoining to others of similar construction and occu pation ? 30 0 If hazardous goods bo deposited in any of the buildings named in this Class, 5s. per cent, per annum extra to be charged. . Goods will be insured at the same rate as the buildings in which they are deposited. HAZARDOUS OOOD8, Such as Cotton, Flax, Hemp, Oil, Rozin, Saltpetre, Spirits, Pitch, Tar, Turpentine, &c. Rates for short period assurances as follows : — Not exceeding three months — One-half of the annual premium. Exceeding three, and not exceeding six month* Three quarters of the annual premium. Exceeding six months — The full annual rate. KATES ON 8II11'PINO AT ADELAIDE. 1 year. 6 mon. 3 mon. «. d. s. d. s. d. With a warranty not to repair ? 10 0 7 6 5 0 With liberty to repair ? 15 0 10 6 7 6 Ships building ? 21 0 15 0 10 6 Goods in ships loading in harbour, say for four months, at 7s. 6d. per cent. Surveyor— E. W. Wright. The Assurances of Lives are also effected on favourable terms. Medical Referee— Wm. Wyatt, Esq., M.R.C.S.L. WERE, TODD, & CO., January, 1851. Agents, Curri» street

IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. —No. 1. Old Broad street, and 16, Pall Mall, London.— Subscribed and Invested Capital, One Million Six Hundred Fuousand Por:n-r*. RATEH OF INSURANCE. ip- CCIlt. »? an. 1st Class. — Buildings of Brick or Stone, with *. a. Roofs of Slate, Til.-, or Metal, detached ? 7 6 Ditto, adjoining to or within the risk of other Buildings of like construction, and having proper party-walls ? 10 0 Ditto ditto ditto, to inferior BuildingB ? 12 6 2nd Class. — Buildings of Brick or Stone, with Roofs of Shingle, detached ? 12 6 Ditto, adjoining to or within the risk of other Buildings of like construction, and having proper party- walls ? 15 3rd Class. — Buildings all or in part of Wood, detached ? 25 0 Ditto, adjoining to or within the risk of other Buildings ? 30 0 All cases involving risks not comprised in the above Tables will be arranged by special agreement. Buildings where Hazardous Trades are carried on, or in which Hazardous Goods are deposited, or without proper party walls, will be subject to an additional Rate of 2«. 6d. per cent, for the 1st and 2nd Class, and 5s. per cent, for the 3rd Class. The Company also undertake to granf Assurances on Ships in Harbour, at the following rates: — ? . - , 1 year. 6 mon. 8 mon. s. d. m. d. s. d. With condition against repairing . . 0 0 7 6 5 0 With liberty to repair. ? 15 0 10 6 7 6 Building ? ...: ? 21 0 15 0 10 6 Hazabdoos Trades.— Bread and Biscuit Baken, Car penters, Chemists, Coachmakers, Coopers, Cabinetmakera, Distillers, Liquor and Spirit Shops, Oilmen, Printers, Ship and Boatbuilders, Blacksmiths, and the like. Hazabdocs Goods.— Cotton, Hemp, Flax, Oil, Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Saltpetre, Spirits, Tallow, Turpentine, and others of an equally dangerou character. A. J. WRIGHT, Pro Agent, North-tetnoe,