South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 19 July 1851, page 1

; ' OPHIK, THE NEW GOLD-COUNTRY. \ \ .*?'??*?' ' ^— — ' - i V . FOR SYDNEY DIRECT. ' ? Ai The fast-sailing A 1 barque ^ ^lal^^^' 300 tfms burthen, Captain \Leufesty. This '''?jjgj/mgj/fL vessel has lofty 'tween-deckB, and offers an ?aiflwipATa opportunity for parties proceeding to the Digi gings. ' As the greater part of her cargo is engaged, she ; wiff positively sail This Day (Saturday), July 19. Intending passengers and shippers are requested to make early application to the Captain, on. board; to . PHILIP LEVI, 1 Bundle-street; or NICHS. P. LeBAIB, r . ' . Grenfell-street 'HST OF KEGULAB PACKETS TO SYDNEY. .. FOB SYDNEY DIRECT. '? . | ~ ~ To 8aU on Monday the 21st instant. :'lL-. The fine fast-sailing brig ' ^Ok LOUISA, . ! ? ^Sflmjfr 181 ton8' C^P**'1 Healop. This fine vessel has V4HHBS1 Tei7 superior accommodations for cabin am} * SS^BEpMsengers ; and presents a favourable oppbrtamty ' for bersbna desirous of proceeding to the OPHIK GOLD DIGGINGS, _??-.. -'For terms of freight or passage apply to - - v j. s: clark, King William-street ; or to . '\ ? J. F. liENNETT, - ' . Port Adelaide. : . Tb« vessel will be succeeded by the brig .-'-?;*''?? ???'?*? ?? ;;?? - .. . PUNCH, : ? ? . ?-?;?}. Captain Allen, and the well -known clipper -^ ' * ?'-: WILD IRISH GIRL. . j : Port Adelaide, I6th Jnly, 1851. ; :: FOR SYDNEY DIRECT. , ~ib. .-?' v' . To follow the 'Xoumo.' M *T-Jv Thb splendid A 1- clipper brig jGSb PUNCMX jm/g^ Captain Allen. This fine vessel will be fitted JHHEft expressly for the accommodation -of steerage passengers, who will be taken at a reasonable rate, and for whose comfort' and accommodation every provision will be ' made. ' . ' :- For terms apply to : ? ?.?'???*?? - . - J. P. HUNTER, ' -? - ; Next th& Union Bank, Adelaide ; or to J. F. BENNETT, ; — Port Adelaide. Joly 16»1851, FOR SYDNEY. ~~ . -.' . ' ' l^sj. The fine clipper barque -;fO_l&Sfesv CANTARO, yr£s!k£&fc& 310 tons, William Murray, commander, is i , mHRhSJIp* novr prepared to take in cargo for the above port, .and wilj meet with quick despatch. ' Forfreight or passage, apply to t, t -b r6APT. J. F. DUFF, ' . '.--, , Exchange; or to . , C. H. GOLDSMITH, . ??'' '' - ? - ' ' Port Adelaide. July 2nd, 1851'V V FOB PORT PHILLIP. 1 * k^Tu^ 'The clipper schooner :-ffl^h- WATERWITCH, 6§mKaj& 92 tons, Captain Cole, will sail in a few days. -^^SB^^' For terms of freight or passage, apply on oard; orto J. F. BENNETT, ? - Port Adelaide.. i 8th Jnly, 1851. ' ? FOR MELBOURNE DIRECT. fc-L The fine fast-sailing barque ilJ^iV KING WILLIAM, ? i3^^g^» ^°° ton8» D- Dewar, commander, will pro'*iHbBiHBHF* ceed to above port in ten days ; has room for T goods, cabin and steerage passengers. Apply .on board ; to ^ ^B. COLLET, :? . King William-street; or to : . JOHN NEWMAN, . -.-.-.', ?...?-.?' ? ; Port Adelaide. FOR HOBART TOWN. ! . *il-r^K - The splendid brigantine . .i-. zJLZm^ CAMILLA, , ;^ ;1^EK\. 202 tons, Captain Nichous, will sail in 10 days. ~ «HHKl» Her accommodations for passengers are firstrate. Apply to ? '/751-!. .-?????,? D. P. GAFFNEY, ; Port; orto . W. H. FORMBY & CO., ':'',.''' ; .?'?.':' . Gilbert-place, Adelaide. ,? , ; '' FOB LAUNCESTON DIRECT. ^LJK --Tub fine brig . ; ''^iSfiv. 'r..' '..; , .Panama, :}\fXfK& 280 tons, Captain Winsborrow, will sail foi ' u«9HpflBft Launceston direct on Saturday next, the 19ft For terms of freight or passage, apply on board ; or to ^^J. FT BENNETT, . ' ??????? ?. ?.-- Pdrt'AdeWdel Jnly 15,. 1851. 1 ? ' ? ]_ ~ ?'} ' FOR F^EMANTLE^ - - -A, REGULAR TBATDBrT-^TO FOLLOW THE - ' li ' ' :?''.''.' 'LOtJISA.' '''^j^W* The fineTnew scbooner '-'Wra^s- UNKNOWN, i .;JM0K§3E£. 70 tons, : H. E- Adams, commander,, wil ^^F^^^. sail next Tuesday the 22nd, inst. ........ '.' For freight or passage, early application is necessary k^sneis fimng up fast Accommodations for passenger 1 excellent ? : \ ?For terms, apply onboard; or to . ...' JOHN NEWMAN, Agent, , : Port Adelaide. : - / July 10ih, 1851. :. ' * ~ ,-. .NOTICE.—' KING WILLIAM,' FROM IX)NDON. .''rft.CoNaiGNEEs by the above vessel are re ~ r,'r SffiSg quested to cause their entries to be passed at th ' / Costom House .without delay, as. the Goods are ready & - -delivery. : ? ?-?..?'? j ? . ??' . JOHN NEWMAN, . . Agent NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. * '~t£$hi?'1IE ^)ar^ue ^* Michael, Capt. France, frox \ f- ,jB^r^£ London, being alongside the wharf, Consignee '. of .Goods on board are requested to pass their Custom ' 'Entries as early as possible. * ' ? ALEXANDER THOMSON. . Bundle-street, Jnly 17th, 1851. . , PATENT SLIP. -, ' TO SHIP OWNERS, CAPTAINS, AND AGENTS.; t, :/T^HE undersigned begs to announce that he ha _„-,.!: now in good working order a PATENT SLIP, o . . which vessels of 1,000 tons may be raised. * ; ' - H. C. FLETCHER, Port Adelaide. ? -.J.:N.B. — Shipwrighting in all its branches carefully a ,, tended to. - ^ NEW ZEALAND TIMBER, EX 'AUGUSTUS.' -500 T^NS of' the above, now stacked at P01 '* ^iTr, . A.delaHe, of all descriptions and sizes, FOi j#AJu£m m lots to suit purchasers. For terms and pria ??- *FPv to ? . BURNETT NATHAN, Currie-street, Adelaide.

hiNHSiLB, by the.. Undersigned, the CARGO L/ of tiie brig Punch, from Singapore, consisting of— 2,787 -bags Grocers' Sogars, 11 samples ? - 1,044 ;bpxe» Packet Teas ? ? 52 bagfrBlack Pepper -. \ 22 .bags White Pepper -- .--\ 4 boxes Nutmegs ' ^ _ 1 - - 30 bales Gnnny Bags . i' -0 ! 10,000 No. 1 Manila Cigars . - : r -: = '30,000 No. 2 ditto ditto L 48 rolls India Matting, ' ' : W. YOUNGHUSBAND, JUN.y & GO. ON SALE, at the Stores of the undersigned, Invoices of the following GOODS, viz. : — JANUFACTURES, consisting of Blankets, Flannels, ? Prints, Hungarian Checks, Calicoes, Dowlas, Hosiery, Embroideries, Bonnets, Satins, Silks, ' Cashmere Shawls, Delaines, Tweeds, &c., &c. ?APER— Single and Double Demy, Double Smallhand, Imperial Brown, Cartridge, Grocers' Boyal Hand Post and Foolscap, Double Royal ?aper Hangings 3oots and Shoes ron — Hoop, Bar, and Rod, various brands, assorted Sheet Lead. Patent Nails - ' ' ?ig Iron, No. 1 Gilder ?olar Black Oil, finest, batts and hhds. ?owder, Blasting, Gtm, and Rifle Award's Pickles. Oifaaeu's Stores - - ' . Salad and Castor Oils. Finest Durhajn Mustard . . -_ j ?ambro' Loaves ' ,* ' ' '. ' + ; Day and Martin's Blacking Etaisins Sarthenware . . ; _.. ' ?' . . i [jondon Soap . ? . -? Patent Starch and Blue Haylock'8 celebrated Dessert Biscuits WlNES— Offley, Webberand Co's Choice Old'Ports, in / .pipes, hhds., and qr.-casks; Raskin's Golden- Sherry,; ? Cape Wine, in hhds. and qr.-casks; Constantia, in qr.casks \lmonds ' ? Seed Oats Truman's Stout : Jesse Hobson's Bottled Beer Whisky, in hhds. ' . ' . Two tons Yan Diemen's Land Butter Cape Raisins ; - r: ? -Gbleman's Starch and Bine New Currants, in Carotels BOOKBINDERS' MATERIALS, consisting' of Marble Paper, Embossed Cloth, Coloured and Rough Calf, Mill Boards, and Gold Leaf Iron Bedsteads Tennent's Soda-ash Cottage and Grand Pianofortes. : : JOSEPH STILLING & CO. Hindley- street. 13th May, 1851. . . CIGARS. . ONLY LOT in the MARKET.— 100,000 No. 3 ? CIGAKS.. - . DISHER & MILNE. 18th July, 1851. TOBACCO. TUST ARRIVED, ex St. ffickad, a few kegs and O . Jialf- tierces TOBACCO, best brands. DISHER & MILNE. 18th Joly, 1851. rpOBACCO ! TOBACCO ! TOBACCO ! in: or JL out of. Bond,, on. SALE at the Stores of the Undersigned. '-??'.M. M. &S. MARKS, . . Near the Union Bank. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NOTICE. EXTRAORDIN ARY REDUCTIONS. M. & .S. MARKS, UVEBFOOL MAST, BEING -determined1 to offer their -present Extensive Stock of ? — r WINTER DRAP*RIES, CLOTHING, BOOTS, - SHOES, &c. at Piuue Cost, to meet the present depressed state of the times. ' ' ? ? -t M.&S. MARKS further beg to call the attention of their Country Customers o the List of Prices as under. All Goods will be offered at the prices quotedibr Cash only. M. & S. MARKS, in returning thanks for past patronage, would call the especial attention of LADIES AND GENTLEMEN -in Adelaide and its immediate vicinity to. the List of Prices, from which no deviation will, be made. M. & Si MARKS would- further beg^ to add that being Direct Imfortek places them in a position to offer their Goods at LOWER PRICES than houses buying in Adelaide. The following Goods, enumerated as under, will be found worthy .of .notice :— Rich Silks for Dresses, from 2s. 3d. to 3s. 9d., in al] colours Tweed -Mantles, lined, @ 8s. 9d. Rich Delaine Dresses, @ 5s. 9d. the full dress Rich Gala Plaids, in immense variety, @ Is. 3d. » yari 5,000 Print Dresses, @ 2s. 9d. to 5s. Super. Calicoes, from ljd. to 6d. - 10,000 yards, in all colours, Orleans, @ Is. 4d. » Fine 7-4 German Merinos, @ 2tr. 9d to 3s. 6d. . t ?;' 6-4 Ceburgs, from 14 Jd. to 18d. i - 2,000 pairs Prunella Shoes, @ 2s. 6d. ^ pair i 2,000 ?' Patent Leather Shoes, @ 3s. ' ( 2,000 ' Cashmere Boots, @ 5s. 6d., worth 9s. ' Fine Saxony, Lancashire, and Welsh Flannels, firon 8fd. to Is. 6d. Two-yards-wide Sheeting, @ 7£d. f£4 White Sheeting, @ Is., usual price Is. 6d. 10^ ^Vhite Counterpanes, only 3s. 6d. ' - ' BUck Watered Moreens, from Is. 6d. ^ yard ' 6-4 Table Oilcloths, @ Is. 2d. ig- yard ? Broad Cap Lace, @ Id. ^ yard ' ' Blonds and other Fancy Goods, equally cheap L ' Large assortment of White and Coloured Stays, fron ? 3s.9d. ? 100 doz. Fine Cambric Pocket-handkerchiefs, (c 2s. 3d. the half-dozen Ladies' White Cotton Hose, @ 7$d » pair , '. Cashmere, Merino, and VVooIlen Hosiery, ,in grea variety 6-4 Printed Dugget @ 2s. ^ yard i All widths in Floor-cloths, @ 3s. 6d. ; Kidderminster Carpetings, 2s. 9d. to 3s.i Brussels and Tapestry Carpets, 4s. 9d. ] Hearthrugs Scorn 7s. 6d. ^ OBSERVE THE PRICES IN THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT! 500 Paris Hats, @ 3s. 10d. ; worth 10s. 6d. : 100 doz. Men's Socks, @ 4Jd. & pair. Men's White Shirts, large size, from Is. 9d. ' ' Regatta Shirts, 2s. to 3s. ' Blue Guernsey Shirts, from 4s. 9d.' ' Stout Moleskin Trousers, 5s. 9d. ; worth 7s., 6c 10-4 Coloured Counterpanes, 4s. : Super. Buckskin Shooting Coats, @ 16s. 6dSydney Tweed Coats, well made, @ 25s. i. ; Men's Drawers and Singlets, from 3s. 3d. - 200 dozen Silk Pocket- handkerchiefs, @ Is. 9d., all sil .200 dozen fine Cabbage-tree Hats, from 5s. 9d. 1 7s. 6d. 200 dozen Brab Hats, @ 2s. 9d. ? The whole of the above goods will be sold at the abov« named prices. Farmers, Mechanics, and others, will find at thi Establishment the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK IN THE COLONY. All Goods at the Prices for Cash only. . Country orders punctually attended to - r Obsexve!— M. & 8- MARKS, - ! Drapers, Hindky-fetreet

ELECTION ADVERTISEMENTS;^ ? '? ? ? ? «*r- ? ' ? ? .:' ???;:.'-' TO THE INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF GAWLER AND STANLEY. /^TENTLEMEN— I take the earliest opportunity As^ ^ of returning yon my sincere thanks for the strenuous exertions you made to secure my return in fhe late severely contested election for the District of Stanley. - You are all aware that if fair means only had been used against us the result would have been different. I can, however, assure you, Gentlemen, that I feel much greater satisfaction at being in the minority, supported as I was by_ every independent elector in the District, than if 1 had gained the election by the nefarious means made use of by the party opposed to us. -I am, &c, GEORGE C. HAWKER. : [Advertisement.] TO THE EDITOR OF THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN REGISTER. SIR— Some friends have called my attention to Mr. Mildred1 s report of a speech delivered by him at the late nomination, in which he says, that 'he has convicted Mr. Kingston of three deliberate falsehoods ;' and they state that, in justice to myself amongst strangers, I- should reply to the calumny. . In compliance with the suggestion of my friends I shall, in a few words, do away with the imputations, and that at Mr. Mildred's expense. Mr. Mildred's first charge is, u that he has been spoken falsely of; for Mr. Kingston has written tlutt I have endeavoured to raise friends by traducing his 'character.' ?. . The second charge is ' that Mr. Kingston signed this paper of falsehoods ; ' meaning my address to the, electors of the Burra. . -The third charge is, 'that Mr. Kingston called him a rogue and a thief.' * The third charga is soon disposed of, leaving it to Mr. Mildred, Provincial Grand Master though he be, to account to others for his thus publicly quoting (or rather misquoting) a:documcnt addressed by me to the Provincial Grand Lodge tendering my resignation as Deputy Provincial Grand Master. I must now, however, in my own justification, quote the precise words used by me, viz. — ' Brother Mildred, not content with misstating facts with a view of .gaining favour for himself at my .expense, sat by approvingly, while others, his friends and supporters, most grossly traduced my character ; and, so far from attempting to check them, did, on the contrary, by his silence, assent to their most libellous attacks on my character.' If any doubt the correctness of this my written charge, I refer them to the short sketch of. the speeches of Dr. Bull, and Mr. Taylor, of Aberdeen, as reported in the Register and Observer newspapers. A comparison of what I really did write with Mr. Mildred's version of my letter will show the dullest to whom may best be imputed lie No. 1. The second charge has reference to my address to the Electors of the Burra, published 5th of June last, in which I state that Mr. Mildred's interests were adverse to theirs; while, on the other hand, my interests, and those of the Burra Electors, were identical ; that Mr. Mildred 'was rejected in his oicn district, ichere he was well Icnown, as well as at Stanley and Gawler ; and that he, the despiser of aristocratic honours, had been made a J.P. at his own request. These statements Mr. Mildred has never attempted to deny in the same public manner in which, through the medium of the press, I formally made, and now as formally repeat them, and, in spite of his theatrical tearing up of the address, I state that his thus assumed denial of the facts therein stated by me has no foundation in truth. So much for No. 2. With reference to the third charge, that ' I called him a rogue and a thief,' I can only again repeat my denial of having done so, and in this I am borne out by those friends who accompanied me in my canvass — Messrs. Paxton, Chambers, &c. So much for No. 3. I have thus shown tiiat Mr. Mildred has deliberately and calmly misquoted my letter to the Provincial Grand Lodge, and that in stating that he has proved the allegations of my address to the Burra Electors to be untrue, he wilfully forgets the facts of the case, and endeavours to make the public believe an untruth by leading them to infer that he has answered and disproved the statements therein contained, which he has never done. As to the rest of Mr. Mildred's vituperative speech, my private and public character is too well known to need further remark from me. The object of niy opponents was evidently to provoke a breach of the peace. Fortunately, they were too weak to risk the attack, and we knowing their tactics, had made up our minds not to be provoked by anything they might say. Not, however, to boast too mnch 'of our power of controlling our tempers, I can safely assert that, fortunately for us, nearly the whole of Mr. Mildred's speech was uttered in dumb show, and could give no offence even to the most . sensitive, for the best of all possible reasons — 'twas impossible to hear it. And thus I take my leave of the subject for ever. Your obedient servant, ? G. S. KINGSTON. PORT ADELAIDE ELECTION. rpHE Friends and Supporters of CAPTAIN I TTATJi are informed that that Gentleman has accepted an invitation to meet them at DINNER at CALTON'S, PORT ADMIEAL HOTEL, Port Adelaide, on WEDNESDAY WEEK, the 30th instant, at 6 p.m. Tickets, 10s. 6d. each, may be obtained of Mr. Caltori, or any of the Stewards, namely : — Messrs. Crawford Brothers, Hindmash. Mr. Quin, Port Adelaide Mr. E. G. Collinson, ditto Dr. Duncan, ditto . ' Mr. S. R. Clarke Dr. Davy, Yatala Works . . . : Messrs. Dench and Co., Hindmarsh. . ' Mr. Oscar Lines, Half-way House. ? Mr. Paxton, Adelaide ; . - Mr. John Newman, Port Adelaide Mr. T. C. Bray, Adelaide : . Mr. Fiveash, Runclle-street, ditto Mr. Robert Venn, Port Adelaide Mr. Joseph Haddy, ditto Mr. E. Teakle, dittos ? ? Port Adelaide, 19th July, 1851. TESTIMONIAL TO JAMES HURTLE FISHER, ESQ. AT a MEETING of Gentlemen of different political sentiments, held at the Freemasons' Tavern. l on the evening of the 7th July, Frederic Wicksteed, Esq.! in the chair, it was unanimously resolved : — i * u That a subscription be immediately entered into for the purpose of presenting Mr. Fisher with a SERVICE OF PLATE as a testimonial of personal esteem, and that he be j invited to a PUBLIC DINNER, at which the same shall - be presented.' ' That a Committee, consisting of the following gentlemen, with power to add to their number, be formed to carry out the objects of the meeting, namely: — ' C. S. Hare T. C. Bray Wm. Paxton Dr. Weston_ R. A. Fiveash A. J. Pitman . S. R.H&I1 J. M. Solomon : M. Marks ? R. Sanders ?' John Lomax . - G. Dehane. . . J. T. Dyke - , , Geo. Coppin ? Geo. So ward . John Newman ; J. W. Lewis . Chas. Calton ; . T.JF. Smith . ^ W. R. Mortlock _ ! , Henry Calton Geo. Ottoway. ? ' i J. N. O. CAVE, : : - - Hon Sec. ; Freemasons' Tavern, July 7th, 1851. ? : t TO THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE OI » THE FISHER TESTIMONIAL. TT is requested that all the members of COM ' JL MITTEE attend at a SPECIAL MEETING, to b-held at Mr. Dyke's, Freemasons' Tavern, on MONDAY EVENING NEXT, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of closing 8 the SUBSCRIPTION LIST previous to its publication, ani to make final arrangements for the DINNER and PEE SENTATION of the PLATE. J. N. O. CAVE, Secretary. -: Freemasons' Tavern, July 6, 1851. ?f\N SALE, at this Office a few Volumes of Di -J'\^f Leichardt's Journal of his Overland Expedition firoi I Moreton Bay to Port Esrington.

^ MINING AWERTISEMENTS. ADELAIDE CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY. rHE SHAREHOLDERS of the ENTERPRISE MINING COMPANY are informed that a reorgalization having been arranged under the above title, a MEETING will be held at JELFS'S, ROYAL HOTEL, Iindley-street, on TUESDAY NEXT, at 7 o'clock p.m., 'or the purpose of Electing the Directors and other General Business ; their attendance is particularly requested. JOHN W. F. DALTON. . Secretary. Clark's-buildings, July 18,1851. . ROYAL MINING COMPANY. ONE HUNDRED POUNDS REWARD. i NOTICE IS HEREBY XHVEN, that a RE; WARD of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS, will be given to any person who shall DISCOVER a remunerative LODE m the property of the above Company at the Emu Flats or Kapunda. . . By order of the Board of Directors, -W. C. CRANE, ?'?.'?? '. . * .- ?'?'??'.' Secretary. CARTAGETO AND- FROM THE BURRA COPPER ?« WORKS AND PORT WAKEFIELD. THE rates of CARTAGE during the months of July, August,- and September, will be 30s. per ton each way. Afterwards 25s. per ton each way. fY8E THOUSAND POUNDS TO LEND, in \J sun»s of from £200 to £300, at TWELVEANDAHALF per cent. . J^Money to lend, in sums of £10 to £1,000, at the current rate of interest. -'..-. Country SECTIONS3BOUGHT and LEASED with right of purchase ? The SALE and PURCHASE of SHARES executed on commisiou only, by . CHAS J. BARRY, - ' ' Sharebroker, Exchange. : MONEY TO LEND.— LAND TO LET, OR SELL. TB. BARNARD, MONEY and LOAN ? AGENT,' is prepared to LEND Largo or Small SUMS of MONEY on approved Security. SECTIONS of LAND LET with BIGHT of PURCHASE on the following terms : — Forinstanco, an 80-acre Section of Land let at a rental of 4s. an-acre, or £16 a-year, with Right of Purchase at the end of three or five years at 30s. per acre ; or if £10 be paid down, at £14 a-year, with Right of Purchase at 25s. an-acre. Apply to ; . T. B BARNARD, ; Land, Loan, and General Agent, Exchange Entrance. DOUBLE ROYAL PRINTING PAPER. ~~ \\T ANTED to purchase, a quantity of the above: Y V Apply at the offices of. the B gister and Observer, Hindley- street. ; . '.''?/?' ' ?''''-- '-'??'? \ M ORISON'S PILLS THE VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL MEDICINE.— In corroboration. of the soundness of the Hygeian or Morisonian System of Medicine as opposed to the Organic theory pursued by Doctors, the following proofs are offered to the worlfl :— ? 1. All animal bodies consist of fluids and' solids. - 2. While in a state of embryo all animals consist entirely of fluids. 3. It is from and by the fluids that the solids are' formed. ' 4. The fluids contained in the human body are four times the weigh! f the solids. -5. The chief of the fluids is the blood, from which all the others an derived ?- . ' 6. The blood not only repairs every part of the human machine, l-u also carries with it air the rubbish, or decayed ^arts, to be deposited ii the intestines, previous to being expelled along with the excrement. 7. The blood is the life — the primum- mobUe-^the 'first agent fron which all others derive their origin. - : S. Health depends upon the, parity of the blood. ' 9. The purity of the blood depends upon its havin frco outlets for it ecayed particles. ? ?? - ??'?-.? -:^.' ? 10. Disease is induced by the choking up of these outlets £ thi bowels, by reason of an accumulation of glary mucus on the inner sur face of the intestines, &c. -..'.. . U. This accumulation is occasioned by anything that weakens thi circulation or hurts digestion, butchtefly by' the poiaonoHS drugs and bat eatment of the faculty. . ; : ' ???';. 12. The impurities thus detained in the blood occasion every specie of disease, according to the quality of the humouror the particular lo cality in which it is lodged. 13. All diseases proceed from one source, therefore they must all h cured by one medicine. ' - ' . 14. This medicine must be a vegetable purgative, innoxious in itsell yet sufficiently powerful to pervade the whole system, clear away th Above-mentioned mucus, and purify the blood. 15. The discovery of a vegetable compound, capable of being digestet and mixing with the blood, so as to impart to it that energy 'requisite fo bidding the body of all superfluous humours,- was a desideratum. 16. This discovery has been made by James Morison, the Hygctet, ii the composition of the Vegetable Universal Medicine, commonly Jcriowi as Morison s Pills, of the British College of Health, Hamilton-place New-road, London. There cannot be a stronger proof of the rise and progrca of the Morisonian System than the number of vegetabl-'purgative pills which we see daily advertised under differen names in the newspapers, all of which proceed upon tha system. ? %5' No Chemist or Druggist is authorized to scl Morison's Medicines ; arid owing to the numerous conn -terfeits which are sold in various parts of the world, th public are requested to see that the words ' Morison'! Universal Medicines' are engraved on the Govefnmen Stamp, in white letters upon a red ground, withou whicl none can be genuine. They are to be had only at th offices of the Daily. South Australian Regwter and th Adelaide Observer 'Weekly Newspaper, Hindley-streel Adelaide, and the local distributors appointed in the .settle* districts of the 1 evince.

DR. GRAHAM'S ANTitfiLIOUS AND DIGESTIVE PILLS, so celebrated in India and other Hot Countries for their wonderful efficacy in Diseases of the Chest, Liver Complaints, &c., &c., &c. These PILLS are particularly recommended to persons suffering from liilious and Liver Complaints, Tightness, of the Chest, Consumption, Headache, Indigestion, Asthma, and all complaints arising from the want of a regular action of the Digestive Organs. Testimonial from Mr. George Ottaway, of Bundle- street, Adelaide. ' Dear Sir — Acting upon your suggestion, I tried Dr. Graham's Pills, and have taken them regularly ever since, and I am happy to inform you that I find them keep down the bile, and in other respects act so beneficially, that I feel much 'better now than I have done for the last four years, although I tried during tliat time many other remedies which proved wholly inefficacious. As you wished me to let you know how the Pills acted, I feel much pleasure in writing the above, which you can make public if you wish. I am, yours very obediently,' G.. OTTAWAY. To Mr. W. Dashwood, Adelaide. Sold; in Boxes at One Shilling each ; and may be had ol W. Dashwood, Grenfell-street and Exchange Colonnade, Agent for South Australia; also by the following Loca] Agents : — 'Mr; W. McElure, Storekeeper, Kooringa, Burra Burra. ._;_Mr.. Booth, Storekeeper, Gawler Town. DR. ROBERTS'S celebrated OINTMENT, called THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND, is confidently re commended to the Public aa an unfailing Remedy foi Wounds of every description, a certain cure for Ulcerated Sore Legs, if of 20 years' standing, Cuts, Burns, Scalds Bruises, Chilblains, Scorbutic Eruptions, and Pimples in th( Face, Sore and Inflamed Eyes, Sore Heads, Sore Breasts Piles, Fistula, and Cancerous Humours, and is a Specific for those afflicting Eruptions that sometimes follow Vaccination. Also his PILULE ANTISCROPHULiE, confirmed bj more than 40 years' experience to be without exception one of the best alterative Medicines ever compounded for Pun fying th Blood and assisting Nature la all her operations Hence they are useful in Scrofula, Scorbutic Complaints Glandular Swellings, particularly those of the Neck, &e They form a mild and superior Family Aperient, tlm may bi taken at all times -without confinement or change of diet. Under the late Dr. Roberts's Will, Messrs. Beach am Barnicott (who have been confidentially entrusted with thi preparation of his Medicines for many years past) are lef joint-proprietors of the 'Poor Man's Friend,' 'Pilube Anti Bcrophulse,' ' Larwill's Pills,' ' Medicated Gingcrbrea* 1 Nuts,' ' Antiscorbutic Drops,' with the exclusive righi j power, and authority to prepare and vend the same. Dr. Roberts's Medicines may be had at the publishing office of the Daily South Australian Register, and the Adelaide Observer Weekly Newspaper, Hindley-Street, Ade- laide. ____________________________________________

SOUTH AUSTRALIAN HIGH SCHOOL. C. G. FEINAGLE, Esq., B.A., T.C.D, Head Master. J. L. YOUNG, Esq., King's College,     London, Second Master. The Public are respectfully informed that this SCHOOL RE OPENS on MONDAY the 21st instant. TERMS— £10 10s. per Annum. ____________________________________________ ~ NOTICE. ~ r~' ' IF MRS. CLARA VAUGHAN, who lea Lon- ? ? don in the ship CASPAR, in May, 1849, bo still in the COLONY, she is requested to COMMUNICATE with the undersigned. ' ' .. . ? ? JOSEPH STILLING & CO. ' Hindley- street, 10th July, 1851. :. - ' . POTATOES! POTATOES! ~~~-FOR SALE, at the store of. the undersigned, 20 :. TONS of VAN DIEMEN'S LAND POTATOES, wa ranted FIRST QUALITY. D. FISHER. Rundle-strect, i&j?W^ 48&i. - ' ;-'^r «u*'**Jg TD OBERT \7^KBFIE^ rf S^U^^fe^KJI Jl\) fully informs Cultivators, or tho-«o who ^x^'tpamw -'W&Sgr* w form Gardens, that he has PRIME STRAWlJEMW'^--'S3^^fV PLANTS to dispose of, a few hundreds only, which will bo ''' -VCJK]; found well worth the purchase. The sorts lie would recotn-. mend are Myatt's British Queen, and tho White Chili. Orders left at Mr. Figg's, Hindloy-stroct, Adelaido ; or at Mr. Taylor's, Mitcham, will be punctually attended to. R. W. can also supply Rhubarb and Asparagus of tho .best kinds. . ' . WINDOW -'GLASS. ~ 90 OOO FEET Chance's No. 1 CROWN ^\/,WV GLASSj iron, 42 x 28 down' to 10 X 8. AIsj, Portland and Keeno's CEMENT,; in any quantities, at -???????-' I E. BROOKS'S, . . * Oil, Colour, and Glass Warehouso/ ? __; ? Rnridle-street, noxttlie Norfolk Arms. ? '^^ FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, '?? ' Adjoining the Admiral Timber Yard, Currie-street. r 'VTEILS BIDSTRUP has now opened a Shop i.K where all descriptions of First-ratoFURNITURE will be sold, all made under his own superintendence. He has now on hand Hair Seated Sofas, Couches, and Chairs, with Spring Bottoms ; Cedar and Cane bottomed Chairs, Secretaires, Sideboards, Chefibhiers, Chest of Drawers, Tables of all sizes, &c., &c., &c. Publicans and Persons from .the Country will find it to their advantage to visit his shop', as the whole of his goods can be warranted. Also for Sale — Deals, Cedar, Palings, and Timber pf * all . ' '. Descriptions. t , *-, ' ' '~~~~~ ~ VERANDAHS. ' ' : ? ..'??',.. . ? ? ;? .. ? . f- ./ MOREW00D, ROGERS, & CO., beg to direct attention to their CORRUGATED GALVANIZED TINNED IRON, as forming the neatest, as well as tho strongest and best VERANDAH ROOF that can bo erected in the colony. It can be put up at a moderate expense, as it requires no framework, excepting the wallplates and columns. . ROOFS covered with this material are much cooler than Shite, as will be shown by actual experiment on application at the office — are ligJit, durable, ana not so costly as Slate The Rates of Insurance .will also be found a consideration of importance Svhere-valuable buildings are concernod. ? For PUMPS, CISTERNS, and WATER-TUBING, it is by far the best material that can' be employed, as it keeps the Water pare and wholesome under all circumstances. ' In the important towns of Newport and Cowcs it is used exclusively by the Water Companies for tlicir fittings, and to a greater or less extent in. the principal cities and towns -??' in England and the United States. J3ATHS, BUCKETS, DEED-BOXES, &a, made of ' Galvanized Metal to order, and kept in stock. GUTTERS, , jriPES, WINDGUARDS, and CISTERN-HEADS can ! always bo supplied without delay. . The ships Briton and Ancient Briton, lately from England, havo brought an , increased supply. . . Offices, Leigh-street, Adelaide. . ? . '

THE CASE OF BORROW &GOODIAR. ; ON SALE, at tho Office of tho: South Australian Begister,,* few copies of the i Pamphlet containing tho Particulars of tho above Case, including the Memorial to Lord Stanley, and the whole of the Official Correspondence, ['rice Is. LAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. . — The never-failing effects of Blair's Gout and Rheumatic Pills in curing every description of Gout and Rheumatism, have secured to them a celebrity unequalled by any medicine of past or present times. They not only give relief in a few hours, but restore to perfect health in an incon seivably short space of time. They are equally speedy and certain in 'lumbago, sciatica, pains in the head or face, and indeed of every rheumatic or gouty affection : in fact Buch bas been the rapidity, perfect ease, and complete safety of this medicine, that it has astonished all who have taken it, and there is scarcely a city, town, or village in the Kingdom but contains many grateful evidences of its benign influence. Sold at the offices of the Daily South Australian Register and the Adelaide Observer Weekly Newspaper, HindleyBtreet, Adelaide, and by the Local Agents AMI'S LIFE PILLS.— The extraordinary properties of this Medicine are described by an eminent Physician, who says : — 'After particular observation of the action of Paru'h P;mj-, I am determined in my opinion that the following are their true properties j— ' First— They increase the strength, whilst most other medicines h*v« a weakening effect upon the system. Let any one take from three to four or six pills every 24 hours, and, instead of having weakened, they will be found to have revived the animal spirits, and to havo imparted a lasting strength to the body. 'Secondly — In tlieir operation they go direct to the dioeage. After you have taken six or twelve pills you will experience their effect; the disease upon you will become less mid less by every dose you take; and if yon will regularly persevere in regularly taking from three to h!x pills eyery day, your disease will speedily bo entirely removed from the system. 'Thirdly — They arc found, after giving them a fair trial for a few ?weeks, to possess the most astonishing and invigorating properties, and they will overcome all obstinate complaints, and restore sound health; -there Is a return of good appetite shortly from the beginning of their nse; whilst their mildness as a purgative is a desideratum greatly re quired by the weak and delicate, particularly where violent purging ia acknowledged to be injurious instead of Ixjneflcial.' These Pills are particularly recommended to all persons subjecting themselves to great change of climate. Officers of the Army and Navy, Missionaries, Emigrants, &c., will find ' them an invaluable appendage to their medicine-chests, as a preventive of the attacks of those diseases so prevalent in our colonies ; and there is no country or part of the world where it will not speedily become an article of extensive traffic and general utility, as it may be had recourse to in all coses of sickness, with confidence in its simplicity and in its power to produce relief. None are genuine unless the words ' Parr's Life Pilltf ' are in JFJiiie letters on a Red ground, on the Government stomp, pasted round each box; also, the facsimile of the signature . of the proprietors, T. Roberts & Co., Crane-court, Fleet -street, London, on the directions. The above Medicines are on sale at the Offices of the Daily South Australian Register and the Adelaide Observer Weekly Newspaper, Hindlcy-street, and by the Local Agents. IMPORTANT TO LADIES. KEARSLEY'S Original WIDOW WELSH'S FEMALE PILLS, so long and justly celebrated for ' their peculiar virtues, are strongly recommended to the notice of every lady, having obtained the sanction and approbation of most gentlemen of the Medical Profession, as a safe and valuable Medicine in eilectually removing obstructions, and relieving all other inconveniences to which the female frame is liable, especially those which, at an early period pf life, arise frequently from want of exercise and general debility of the system ; they create an appetite, correct indigesti on remove giddiness and nervous headache, and are eminently useful in windy disorders, pains in the stomach, shortness of breath, and palpitation of the heart; and being perfectly innocent they may be ussd with safety in all seasons and climates. Sold at the office of the Daily SjuLh Australian Register ? jind Addaid', Observer Weekly newspaper, Ilindley-street, I Adelaide, and may be had of the Sub- Agents,