South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Friday 28 June 1850, page 3


The adjourned meeting of delegates wai held yester day (Thursday) at the 'White Horse,' Currie street. Before the commencement of business, Mr Anderson ?tatMl that, whan ho amiirn »t the last meet'ne of Mr

Stephens being the chief clerk to trie uovernor, ne meant to say that the Colonial Secretary was his chief clerk. Ho made that explanation because he did not wish to make improper reflections upon any one, as it would do no good to the cause. After the minutes of the last meeting were read, Mr Norman, stated to the meeting that two of their body had been summoned for payment of the tax. It had come to his knowledge before he left town, and he called upon some delegates and proposed a meeting on Mon day last, but they decided upon treating it with silent contempt - A desultory conrerRation then ensued ; after which Mr Wilson proposed that notice of the summonses served on Messrs Oliver and Bennett be given to Mr Fisher, and that he be instructed to defend them ; if it were too late to do so, then let the same course be pursued with regard to the next issued. Mr Wells thought that the Commissioners would hardly proceed to try the questions after what had transpired from his Excellency and the Colonial Secretary. Mr Anderson considered that the conduct of the Commissioners at Willunga, under existing circum stances, was most disgraceful ; he could not have supposed that any body of men would have done so much to render themselves unpopular as they had, and contrasted their procedure with tbc honest and manly conduct of Major O'Halloran, than whom he believed no better man was in the Legislative Council. Mr Norman said that the circumstances under which the summonses had been issued made it stiil worse. Too speaker, together with Messrs Loud and Colton, had boen invited by tho Commissioners to meet them, and make any suggestions that might occur to them as to the line of conduct to be adopted. This meeting ter minated by the Commissioners threatening to tako out summonses against their guests, and but fur the inter ference of the gentleman in whose house they assembled, they would have done so. Ultimately it was determined to proceed against Messrss Oliver and Bennett. His proposition was that they should let judgment go by default, and if a seizure took place, they would then have grounds for an action of trespass iu the Supreme Court Mr Wilson considered that they ought to defend the outposts with as much vigour as if the citadel itself were assailed. If summonses were iajued in a Court, in that same Court they should be defended. Mr Anderson supported tho proposition. It was of no use appointing legal advisers, and framing rules, unless they intended to act up to them. His intention all along had been, if any seizure had been made, either on himself or hi* neighbours, to have immediately com municated with Mr Fisher. The gentlemen at Willungn, although doubtless actuated with the best intentions, had not dono as the League required, by taking no notice nf tfifi lfiiral nrnneedinfrs on the Dart of tbe Commis

sioners. Mr Norman explained that they had acted at Wil lunga in ignorance, aud would, of course, bow to the decision of tho League. Mr Wilson embodied his sentiments into the following resolution :— 'That Messrs Oliver and Bennett, of tho Willunga division of the League, being summoned for the land tax, their case be put into the hands of the legal ad visers of the League.' Mr Wells seconded the motion, and it was carried unanimously. Dr Schomberg in formed the meeting that the Hun dred of Moorooroo had joined the League. This announce ment was received with applause. It was then proposed by Mr Wells, and seconded by Dr Schomberg, that a deputation, consisting of Messrs Norman and Watson, should wait on the solicitors of tho League for the purposo of acquainting them with the proceedings of the Commissioners of the Hundred of Willunga, and request them to take such steps at they deemed expedient. Messrs Norman and Watson accordingly waited on Mr Fisher, and during their absence the meeting was adjourned. In the interim, a gentleman named Lan celots entered and presented the worthy Chairman, Alexander Anderson, Esq., with a song set to music, and dedicated to him. It met with a warm reception from the Leaguers present — so cordial indeed as to induce the author to announce his intention of having it published. The words are as follow :— We'vo sever'd ourselves from our friends and home, And far over the ocean we've come, my boys ! To re.ip from our toi', on this sunny toil, A befer reward thin nt home my boys ! But sorrow cloud* Hope's tunny face ; Our autocratic rulers base Have tax«d our road*, and taxed our drays, And coward slave is he who pays. Then down with the road and the dray-Ux, (o», And show to the minions of tyranny, Bold Britons are we, who dare to be free, And die for our rights and liberty. To direct taxation we'll not submit, Without representation, 1 tiow, my boys ! 'Tis base, and. what's worse, 'tis the moutter curse 01 Turkey and Russia, e'en now, my hoys I We'll dare to brave oppression's brand. Hurt denpotism (rum the land ; We'll wear no ch tins of slavery— We will be liee— we will be free ! Then down with, Ac.

Shall we ta ourselves play the traitor knive ? Shall we who for freedom came here, my boys 1 Resign all our ri 'ht-, like a dastard slave, And be ruled like a serf through fear, my boys * Oar itivea, and sons, and daughters see, Racked by the stings of poverty ? Oh, no, by Heaven, as men we'll die. Ere we to despot rule comply ! Then down wits, &c. When the deputation returned they informed the meeting that Mr Fisher had said that it would be ne cessary for him to look closely into tbe subject, and he would communicate his determination to them the next moruing. Mr Darby, the secretary, thought that, as only one case would be tried, the other party should bo indemni fied from all loss in the matter. The meeting generally coincided with this opinion. Dr Schomberg felt glad that thia piece of misplaced zeal had been evinced by the Willunga Commissioners. It would servo to show the Government the power and determination of the League. The Secretary then read the letter announcing that the hundred of Moorooroo had joined thorn. It would have reached him sooner but for its being addressed to the Chairman of tho Anti-Dray- Tax League, the writers not knowing his name. This letter was received with applause, and Dr Schomberg deputed to express the gladness with which tho League would receive the Moorooroo delegates. Mr Norman proposed the following vote of cen sure, which received the unanimous assent of the as sembly, one or two gentlemen regretting that it was not expressed in stronger terms :— ' That it is the opinion of the meeting that Messrs Hewett, Atkinson, Hillings, Lovelock, and Logan, the Commissioners in the hundred of Willunga, in attempt ing to impose payment of the rates from Messrs Oliver and Bennett, have shown a zeal to enforce the payment of the universally obnoxious Act, known as the Road Act, in opposition to the expressed wish of the colony, a vote of censure is recorded against them by the as sembled delegates.' ' Mr Parker feared that Mr Hewett had fallen from grace. He had known him do considerable good in the pulpit, but he had more than undone it by his political conduct. Miserable and wretched as was that day would be the estimation he would in future be held in by his fellow-colonists. Mr Norman made a motion to the effect that the meeting be adjourned till it appeared necessary to the Secretary that he should again summon it; there was but little wisdom in meeting when they had nothing to discuss, and in the present state of affairs, when some

alteration of the existing law was on the tapis, it might I be necessary for them to assemble any day, he thought it better to leave the question thus open than to appoint any positive time for their reassemblage. The motion was agreed to. Mr Wells proposed that the League do continue its organisation to watch over the new Constitution. Mr Norman felt that, though his own feelings would induce him to support the proposition of Mr Wells, still as Delegates chosen by Districts for a certain specific object they had no right to enter upon so wide a field. This appeared the general feeling, and Mr Wells withdrew his motion. The meeting then adjourned sine die.