Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899), Saturday 11 March 1882, page 2

LAUNCESTI')N ti EXAMINER., PUBLISHED DAILY. h SATURDAY, IAIuAC11 11, 1882. TuhnE is in Victoria a Humane Societyb which devotes cdnsiderablo means and time to the supplyof life-saving'apparatus, g the diffusion of information as to the best a -means to be used-for the recovery of g peresona'apjparently drowned, and also to r giving some. public recognition -to those who have done some brave deed in saving human life. This Society has shown that t it is willing to recognise valuable service d rendeoed in "saving human life, whether .the occurrence be done within'or withoutes the colony of Victoria, several persons I in the other colonies having already been f recipients of. its medals and certificates. After all, however, it is, as its name implies, a local institution. This is evident as well from its name as from . its professed object, "and if it has apparently exceeded its original in-. tentid;,. that has boon caused snore from the ,absence of any. kindred t association in the other colonies than u froim a desire to 'arrogate the positiofi" of an-. organisation for Ahotralasia. We quote from a recent humber of the Sydney t Morning Mail to show that New Sont' t WVales is likely to follow Victoria in tl'io establishment of a Humane Society, and apparently not a day before it was wanted-1 Says our contemporary :-"A' man in Sydney risks-his life to save the life of another, and it is necessary to go to England for formal recognition of the good deed. Such is the only natural conclusion s to be drawn from- the fact that Captain Connolly rescued a drowning man off the Balmain pier upon the 26th December, 1880, and has, by the last mail, received the bronze modal of the Royal:Humano Spciety of England. Sydney had forgotten the not of heroism; or is it that heroic deeds are so frequent that they pass as commonplace with us 1 Are we all heroes, prepared to go. down into deep water among possible, sharks and' octopi to rescue a drowning man ; or would the majority be content to make lamentation ashore and.look for a life belt or ask for a boat ? The latter is exceedingly more probable than the former, for. heroes are less plentiful than cowards, in Sydney as elsewhere, and thus it be. conies us well to make much of those' heroes we have. We have not boon backward in recognizing the merit of an oarsman or a cricketer. We need no society to reward them. The wholocommunity come together with full hands and open mouths ; but the brave man who wins the laurel when no multitude is by to applaud is never asked to wear it, but permitted to go home with the pleasant consolation that the reward of highest duty is in the performance there; of." We dare say that neither Captain Connolly nor any of those who elsewhere have been instrumental in saving humian life, did so from any hope of becomins g recipients of a Humane Society's medal or certificate. On such occasions there is generally but little time to think over such things ; they are done from a bravo impulse, and to be successful must as a done promptly, and without waiting for much consideration of consequences or possible reward. Still, for all that humanity is very human, and even the most unambitious cannot- but feel honoured by being publicly recogenised .as benefactors • to their race, and by having some token to point to, to show not only what they have done for their kind, but also that their- fellow men have rendered them thanks for their deeds.' Hitnce 'the necessity for such institutions as the Royal Humane Society in Great Britan and that in Victoria. In the case of Captain Connolly it would seem that some further good is likelyto result, for the Mail adds :-" It was left for MIr Cavill the professional swimmer, a comparative stranger in Sydney, to bring the case of Captain Connolly under the notice of the English Society ; .and I now the same enterprising.,individual, taught the wisdom of such 'a course by .much personal experience, is the first to move for the establishment of a Humane Society in, Sydney. His efforts in this'direction shoild be warmly seconded. In. the business, andpastime of the harbour lives are imiperilled every day, and the pluck and'hardihood which ignores all risks and goes 'straightto the rescue should not be permitted to decay for , the lack of generous; recognition. People generally are ready-enough to re; ward and approve,- but they cannot g0 down in a body to discover the hero, who will not, and should not,'of himself comb forward. A society wduid ithke hin naturally by the hand,and': gilve him the high reward he had legitimately weno . We need Imrdly say that sre wish the proposed Humane Society for New Soutlh' Wales. every success, iand we trust that the example set by hler follow;ed by oacli of thie other colonies, andthlat they too will soon ppssess 'similar 'organisations. It is 'just possible if such ai consummation lmd been reaclcdi' thesre would be an attempt made to unite them,i and in place of haviing a s'parato one for each colony, toform one foralltle coloisies. The hlonour of' a medal or certificate from the more dxtensivoe 'society .would, of course, be greater thian if confoyred by c single colony.. Were thore a generalsociety tholocal organisations would rnnk simyslyna 'lbranches, among which of necessity there i would be a considerable rivalry, not only in raising funds and bringing foravard deserving cases for recognition, but also 'in promoting information as to the use of life-saving apparatus, and' 'the best methods of resuscitating thlose woho have been appareistly drowned. In this last item alone much good eould'ioli 'done dnd many umiefullives saved by thoepromotion of a wider knowledge of the steps neces'nary to be taken to save life when there is a bare possibility of doing so. Indeed, in the matter of establishing a Hnmane Society we think that even a better plan than that of having' 'one for'Australi, withl branches in each of the colonies, would - be for the several colonies to become 1 branches of tlhe Royal sIumane Society of Great Britain. It may be urged that idnen the British Institution is local whiich it; certainly in to somdc lxtdnt,; beut, its name and scope might easily be ,enlarged so as to embrace the whole Imperial dominionse. Itecognition froni a bodyso extensive and influential woildl be soanme

thing to point to with pride. We do not forgot that some day the colonies may Si become peacefully independent of the A mother country, aud that when that time a0 had come it would be necessary to re- w organisoe tho Society we suggest under the fl altered circumstances. Well, that could T be easily done, but as the day of m independence is not just yet, and much pi good would be derived from the larger tl association in the meantime, the colonies generally should federaliso in this if they refuse to do so in other things. S WE are not sufficiently asquainted with the tribal distribution of South Africa to distinguish the people over whom the Chief Mordsiva, referred to in our tele- grams from Durban, exercises his sway. Whoever they may be they must evidently be both brave and numerous to have in- flicted two crushing defeats on the forces sent by the Boers to raid its territory. That the Boers can fight has been too satisfactorily proved when they met and defeated British troops, and when they in their turn have to submit to the superiority of their foe these recent opponents must be a powerful body. Recent intelligence from the Transvaal was to the effect that the native tribes in the west of that country refused to yield to the taxation imposed on them by the Boers, and were offering an armed resistance to the tax collectors. Thereupon the Boers began to mobilise their forces with a view of coercing the tribes and enforcing the tax. Under these circumstances it was no wonder to find it added that hostilities were immi-nent. It can hardly be doubted that the later information has reference to the proceedings which arose out of the state of things then disclosed. At the same time there are few who would have been prepared to hear of the defeat of the Boers who evidently were not inclined to accept their first reverse as irremediable and therefore again marched against the recalcitrant tax paying nations. The second defeat cannot fail to have taught the Boors that they have no insignificant antagonists to deal with, and may lead them to reconsider the wisdom of trying to collect taxes from such are unwilling and powerful people. It is scarcely possible that the Boers will let matters rest at their present stage, and that a further effort will be made to enforce the collec- tion of the tax, so that we may not have long to wait to hear that further hostilities have taken place. RaLsd ous.--The anniversary services of the'Butleigh Hill Sinday-sehool will be held to-morrow. Mr Frank Archer will preach in the niorning, and Mr Basil Archer in the afternoon. A public tea-meooting will be held on Monday. A Clerke,: Esq., will preach the gdspel at the Odd Fellows' Hall to-morrow even-. ing at seven o'clock. In compliance with a request from the Y.M.C.A., a sermon to young men will be' preached at the Baptist Church tonmorrow evening. Sermons on behalf of the Primitive Mothadist Colonial' Misaions will be preached to-morrow by the :Revs. F. Sindon and C. Anthony. On Monday evening a public tea-meeting will take place, and on Tuesday a Missionary Meeting will be held at Young Town. The Rev. D. Annear will preach at the Wesleyan Church, Pattorson-streetto-morrow morning, and the Rev. J. G. Millard 'in the evening. SILVeR ENTERTAINMENT. - A Silver Entertainment in connection with the Gleam of Sunshine Lodge, will be given at the Temperance Hall, on Monday evening. SenecAi.OT-AT-An.iM.-The Mferrury understands that lMr John' Forster, late Inspector of Police, has been appointed sergeant-at-arms in succession to the late Mr J. E. Calder. Mn MACCAe.--This great ventriloquiet and public entertainer arrived from Melbourne by the s.s. Tasman on Thursday, and proceeded to Hobart, where he commences a season on Monday.night, at the termination of which he will appear in Launceston at the Mechanicl' Institute. Mr Maccabe has met with unusual success since his arrival in the colonies, having performed for 50 nights in Sydney, and 100 atSt. George's Hall, in Melbourne, to excellent audiences. It is underetood that Mr Hiscocks, the manager for Mr Maccabe, has made arrangements for great alterations in the Mechanics' Institutoe in regard to the seating accommodation, in order'to insure the comfort of the visitors. "LAUNCESTO" TELEGRIAPoI OFrIces.-c The instruments were shifted yesterday from the present telegraph office in the Public Buildings to the rooms upstairs in the north wing, formerly used for the Public Library,. and which will in future be' the operating rooms. As, however, the rooms below it on the ground floor, shich are to be altered for the use of the public, are not yet available, those desir. ing to send messages must for a few days be content to travel upstairs to the operating .oom. We are compelled through pressure on our space to hold over a fuller notice of the alterations effected for'the new offices. COtrPcIMEmNTARY BENcEFIT TO JOHN LAbn~Mr.-On Monday evening next a complimentary benefit will be tendered at the Town Park, to Mr John Latham, who for many years past has occupied leading positions in more .than one Northern amateur Gymnast,'Society, and during those periods has been ready to assist in ainy charitablo entortainment that has been got up, with a view of aiding the poor and suffering. From 1874 until a brief time since, Mr Latham has been before the:public of Launceston and other towons, as a' gymnast, and was looked upon as a first-class .athleoto. Since 1874 Mr Latham has ,ippeared at differenlt entertainments in the Northern part of the island, on thirty-two occasions his principal eiorformances. being in aid of oither some d'smrving charity, or to assist'in sweUindg the' furids of one or other of our public iistitutiona. On Monday evening besides the beneficiare there wvill'perform a nuinber of other gymnasts, several of whom are well and favouraly known to the amusement loving portion of Launcestonians,'and' Mr P. Young ,villki'lke hisid taiiap-piirsiice inia daring single trapezd act. A capital programme has boon arranged, including the Tatto Drum Act, performance on the liorizontal bar, double clogology, and the Tastiianian Serpent will appear in hlis great bonding and trumbling act. A grand soiree darnsaste will take place in the Pavilion, commencing at 0 o'clock, and thloPark will be beautifully illuminatbd for thie occasion. Mr Lathlm leaves soon for Viotoria, wheoro lie lhas accepted an offer whiclh will better hiis prospects. WooeT DoEns IT M?e)AZN i--A circumstance of a startlisig nature was'observed on the departure of the a.s. Flinders yestorday for Melbourne: No less than 90 ladies were passengers from this port, and at the oflico of the F'. S. N. Company the Scry was "still they come" sup to the very lhour of the steamer's departure. Several and numerous theories were expounded to account for the strange and alarming exodus, hbut thle affair remains a mystery. Some crueol individual-an old baclolor of r coureao-suggested that the fair passengors were about to seek in fresh fields and pastures nes- the appreciation of their charms whichl an unsympatlhetis male population in Launceston denied them. This may appear a joke on the surface, but supposing it were only the inlitiatory step if a genoeralladies' inmmigration, then the matter becosmen a terrible reality, and there will be a general stampede of the I male plopulation immediately. We hope somen of our readers can give a more satisfactory explanation of the afifair. Whut a time the few nnfortunate gentlomes passengers wsill' have of it during'the passage'

DR. J. 81Mus's LECTUR??.-Dr. J. -Simms, who has for some time past boon lecturing in the principal cities of the Australian colonies, and lately to crowded and appreciative audiences in Hobart, will commence a brief season at the Oddfellows' Hall on Monday evening next. The lecturer has now travelled throughout Great Britain and America, and has met with success wherever he has appeared, liis press notices proving how ce thoroughly his addresses were appre- , ciated. The course will commence with a free lecture on " Tihe Human Face and a Nose, and how to read them," and Dr. 1I Simms will appear also on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, . and Saturday next, but on every evening, with the exception of Monday, charges will be made for admiasson. Six lectures on practical and scientific physiognomy will be delivered in all, and Dr. Simms is said to possess a most entertaininig mannr of treating, what in less capable hands might prove for the million a very dry and uninteresting c subject. During his stay in Launceston Dr. Simms will be ready to supply the public with his large physiognomical charts, marked to indicate the intellectual, social, and moral traits of the applicants, their state of health, the occupation they are adapted for, and the character of t person they should choose for a wife. b Judging from the success which has attended Dr. Simms heretofore, there can be no doubt that his talents will be approciated as they deserve by the public of 5 Launceston. SEvsOUR's PATENT SAFETY CAGE.We believe several private trials were made with the above patent at the Tas I manias Foundry yesterday, the cageo being laden with iron besides the men on t board, and it worked without the slightest hitch. The skids have now been properly secured with Iron clamps at top and bottom, thus rendering their separating an impossibility. It is intended to have a public trial on Monday if possible. Mr Seymour will be unable to conduct the trial, he being still confined to his bed by tihe injuries received at the late accident, his right log being badly bruised, as woll as the ancle sprained. Mr Seymour expresses his utmost confidence in his patent, and as the structure for the trial is now satisfactorily erected the mining public will have an opportunity of witnessing another test. TAMAis RoATTrA.-Thero was a large attendance at the mooting of the Tamear Regatta Committee, held at the City Hotel last evening to consider the protest entered in the Tradesman's Purse, Calamia v. Tamar. After taking a large amount of evidence from both cro?vs, which was very contradictory, the committee decided that the race be rowed again this afternoon, to start at 4 p.m., the course to be from the first buoy at Town Point round the pile in the teatree, twice round, finishing at the starting place. The names of the representative crews are :-Calamia-W. Beauchamp, A.. Plummer, G. Plummer, L. Plummer (stroke), Tamar--R. Haig, H. Claxton, A. Maddox, A.-Purdy (stroke). The erewa are well matched, and an exciting contest may be anticipated. CITY BAND CONCERT.-The City Band 'hgve their 'postponed concert in the Invalid Depot grounds last night, and the entertainment passed off very successfully. The night was pleasant and favourable for out-door amusements, and a large number of persons availed themselves of a pleasant stroll through the grounds listening to. the music. A programme comprising the following numbers was well rendered by the band, under the guidance of Mr J. Wallace :-Marches, '"Lucia Di Lamermoor," "The Allies," " Lancers are coming," " Distant greeting," "The Cannons are coming," "The Recruit," the overture " La Dame Blanco," and the " Blue Danube " waltz, concluding with " God save the Queen." The next concert of the series will be held next Thursday evening in the same grounds. Boons NOTEs.-A young man named Alfred Blades, a resident of Launceston, was lodged in gaol last evening for passing a false note on Isaac Higinbotham, a minor from Lefroy. It appears the latter was slightly under the influence of liquor, and Blades, taking advantage of this, asked him to change a £1note for him. Higinbotham did so, giving twenty shillings and receiving a note similar to those advertising mediums we recently warned the public against. This occurred about 5 p.m., and an hour later Higinbothami reported the affair to the police, when Sergeant Scott and Constable Windsor went in search of Blades and arrested him. The note has been so worn that the printing ceases to be legible, and it takes the closest scrutiny to detect the fraudulent nature of the imposition. We again warn our readers to be on their guard, and look a little more closely into tioe appearance of notes tendered them. NzEoorsY BEFORE CnREMATION. - A gentleman of Milan, Signor Lorin, doserves high credit, not merely for the public spirit of plhilanthropy, but for the rare good sense, he has shown in offerhlg 20,000 francs to the municipal authorities to maintain a mortuary and post-mortent room wherein the bodies of all persons dying of unexplained causes shall be rigidly examined before they 'are cromated. This is indispensable if special facilities for poisoners and other murderers by secret processes' are not to be created by the recourse to cromation. Nothing will be easier than to compass the death of an enemy by poison if his body is sure of being promptly crenmated. The fire will purge the guilt of the wrongdoor by leaving no evidence against him outside his own evil conscience,r whici can scarcely become his public accuser. When and whore cremation becomes the custom of the community, unless a rigid puost-~sortem examination, with instant and complete chemical analysis, is onforced .before cremation, the crime of murder by poisoning and other secret methods must be. expected' to flourish. This is why we oppose "cromation," although we fully rccognise'the advantage of destroying organic romaihs by burning. SThe risk to life incurred is too great to compensate for the benefit to health likely to be gained.-Laeacet. MIr Gladstone, in a speech lately dolivered at Hawarden, thus refers toa subject that willbo found of interest to Tasmsnian farmers :--Manufacturers are continually deriving fresh benofits from Sthe introduction of machinery. You are aware that manufacturers in this country have been completely transformed by the introduction of machinery. Farmers have derived some advantage, but only a limited advantage, froii machinery, and Smy hlope is that they will derive mnore aid more. A special machine was exhibited to me only a few days ago. I do not know whether it is of value or not, but it is called, I think, the "harvestsaving machine," and the inventor, the Sgentleman In whoso possession it is, is MIr William Gibbs, of Gilwell Park, Chingr D ford, in Essex. Ho assures me that the I machino is in operation on many farms in different parts of the country and in the colonies. The principle of the machine does not appear to me to be irrational. It is to dry before stacking the crops which g are likely to suffer from moisture-crops which in an ordinary way wonld be quite Sunfit for stacking as you now practise it. Of late, as you know, by the ingenuity of science, machines have beeh contrived by which a current of air id created by, and, Spassing a crop under the action of this dry, lheated atmosphere, it may be greatly bonefited. This may be found to beeof very great use when any of your hay crops are suffering fruom what they fred quently do. S A Scotch minister in one of his larcchlial e visits smt a cow-boy, aud saked him what e o'clock it was. " About twelve, Sir," was the reply. "Woll," romarked the - minister, "I thought it was mnor0." "'It'i o neror any more hero," said the iooy; "it just begins at one again."