Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 15 October 1926, page 18



A civic reception was given on Thursday to Dr. Norman McLean, of Edinburgh. Responding to the toast of his health, Dr. McLean said that he had seen something of Ballarat, and he could

not understand why the Commonwealth Govern-ment had gone to the expense of creating a Federal Capital in the wilderness when there was such a magnificent city ready made for the purpose. There was a great need for the publicity of Aus tralla's resources in Scotland to attract migrants In Edinburgh Australia was ne; er odiertiscd, whereas Canada waa extensively (mooted Con tsidering that there were seven months winter in Canada he could not understand win Australia did ,. not attract people in hundreds of thousands. Dr ?»iftt McLean was entertained ut dinner In the evening


and he later lectured at Clarendon College Halt on "Jerusalem ?

A request In the recently formed County Foot nail Union for the opportunity to phire the objects of the union before the Dallant League ha* been refused

The Queensland Sheffield Shield ttam is to be Invited to ptaj i two dava match at llillflrat on ita way back from Adelaide at the end of De


The cost of maintenance at the Ballarat líos pitfll for September was fi/0 a head a da\ for f*r> patienta, compared with G/10 a heid a dij for 88 patient» (or September 1925 A building grant of £3 000 has leen forwarded bj the State Trea .urer Messrs Frank Herman sen and Richard Pearse have been appointed life goicniors of the institution in consideration of gifts of £100


The date fixed bv the \ ictorian Howling Asso elation for matchee in Melbourne against «countn nssoclatlons does not suit b\illinit bowlers, and the V B A will le notified to that efïict.

Tile address at the Rotan Club luncheon on Thursday was di-livered bv Mr Lawrence Camp bell, of Sjdney who is tíic clocutfomn adjiidi

cator st the South street competitions Two jcars ago, in S\duc> he «aid, the Rotary Club conducted a bov s week and set out to raise

£10,000 for the ïïov s Brigade *o successful was the effort that £10,000 was obtained

M »


The neaw rnins of the last week have npprecl »bh replenished the Coliban water stonges w" ' ' «upply Bendigo nnd surrounding districts

ttorages, which have a eapacit} oí 38 000

feet, contain ohout 3f 000 ata ftet and as ..... Coliban Hiver is flowing stronglv, adequite sup piles ior domestic and »rrigitlnn requirementB are assured for the Bummer There is .in intreusing demand for extension of irrigation chuméis in the district, and tim Premier (Mr Allan) and the chairman of the Water Commission (Mr Cat tiinach) are to \isit Bendigo on October 29 to confer with the municipalities nnd other or ga nidations in the district in regard to increased


* Mnny agricultural societies In the countn do not obtain sufMcknt retenue from shows to defraj the cost of the exhibitions " sild Mr V Spowart, at the luncheon of the Bendigo \gricultunl Society on Thursday Ik added that it would be hetter to concentrate on one good fihow in the principal


The Bendigo Rotary Club Ins approve! of the proposai to establish in Bei digo a publicity or Ionisation for the promotion of the runl, indus trial, business, and commercial interestf. of north-ern Victoria «nd Southern Riverina


Tho pircntn of the children attending the Flinders behool, because of the failure of Mi

if Hansen, of tho Education department to cull on them on Wednesday night to discuss recent grievances, lune decided to communicate with the Ivditcatlon department demanding the right to elect a now school committee in place of the one which has been reinstated by tlie department, arid to ask that the matter he dealt with within «even days, otherwise consideration will be given to the question of having the matter \cnttiated through Parliament

Th« annual Indoor bowling competition bctwe branches of the Order of the Sons of lei

peranco has boen won hy the Barwon Itose branch, which defeated the Hstcrnwlck branch In the tlnal game by eight points

Hie question of a greater Geelong was r _

tion ed bv Alderman J Pettitt at the dinner given by the directors of the Australian Cement Ltd

to a large party of visitors on Thursday Alderman Pettitt Eald that be was present in a dual capa citi, as a member of the Geelong City and the Corio Shire Councils While they icgorded all the industries around Geelong as belonging to Geelong, a great mauv of them including the cement works, were included in the Corio Shire There was a movement on foot to have a portion of the Corio Shire, adjacent to the works, severed from the phire and anntxtd to Geelong West The Corio Shire would strenuously oppose that moto, but he ft It that the shire would not oppose the severance mo\c It it mr<int a grntcr OeOong He expressed the hope tint It would not be long before the dream of a greater Geelong would

be realised

A verj keen demand existed for fruit in the market on Thursday md prici 3 increased Mil

dura na\els realised 14/3 to 20/ \ alendas, 9/ to 10/, Goulburn ^alley navels 8/ to 17/, oramrLS

11/ to 11/6, lemons, 6/ to 12/C, apples, 14/ to 17/, cooking apple*», 11/ to 14/6 a eise nnd asparagus, 1/3 to 2/7 a bundle The demand for butter was goo 1 Best separator sold at 1/3 to 1/4J a lb A clearance of egga waa effected at 1/ to 1/0J n


The Bannockburn Shire Council Ina decided to «trlkc a rate of 2/ In the Í.1 The estimited revenue Is. £G 1S6

At the monthh meeting of the council of the Gordon Institute of Technology on Thursday even Jng it was derided to write to the 1 ducatlon de partrocnt to asceitpfn what facilities could 1« (riven tor the study of marine engineering at Gee

long _


The Ararat Hospftil commit tee is supporting the Gippsland Hospital committee in urging the State Ministry to introduce legislation for the im poRiMon of an amusements tax throughout A ic torta, the proceeds to be distributed to ehnritahlc


In the pollre court Norman Vnderson was se tonecd to four months' imprisonment, cumulatif

with the option of a £10 fine in one case on time charges of drunkenness, offensive behaviour, and obscene languigt


In the Camperdown Court of Pettv Sessions Wil

liam C. Williams was charged with having fraudu ' lently embezzled £20/6/, the property of the Camperdown "Chronicle" Pty. Ltd. , while in

its employ as manager and editor. He was com mitted for trial at the Court of General Ses-sions at Camperdown on November 30. Bail was



Efcht new settlors were welcomed on "Wednes ¿ay b> merni crs of tho Colac Calcdoni m Socletj, which had found positions for them

The inconvenience to hurtness people bv having to serve on juries on tho T mrs lav (mirket di\) v.a& mentioned to the Attorney General (Mr ï-ggloston), who has replied that he will submit the matter to the judge«

The secretar} of the Colac regitH will be pro \ided with nn office on the foreshore of the lake

at a cost of £07


The steamer Australien herthcd at the wharf on Tuesday She brought 448 cases of fruit from Perricoota for consignment to Melbourne

The action of the independent tribunal of the Ilendlgo Football League in standing down S Donnellan for eight pi lying Saturdavs next .sea «on was the subject of much advene criticism nt n meeting of member« and supporters of the Ec1 jen Football Club on Tu« lav night It was decided that on appeil be lodged agatmt the

eeveritv of the sentence

Mr C A Arnold PM, vviio has been visiting the Moama Court for its monthly sitting, lia« been transferred to Orange

John Johnson was, in the I chuca Couti sen tenced to three months' imprisonment on a charge of having stolen £8 from Arthur Rudeforth, of

«Echuca East


At an old folks' "At Home," Conducted under the auspices of the Methodist Girls' Comride Club, Mrs. J Crjer, aged 88 jcirs was presented with an easv chair, and Mr M Wilks, aged 8S jeare, waa given a travelling rug

The annual ball in aid of the Horsham His trict Hospital resulted in a profit of about £2"i

During the evening n cheque for £723, raised by the women's committee, was handed to the presi


Tlie commutée of the Horsham Hospital his decided to support the Gippsland Hospital in an endeavour to induce the State Ministry to im pose an amusement tax to support charitable in


The death has occurred from tjphoid fever of Nurse MrMahon, aged 11 jeirs She came from Mt Gambier and wa« on the staff of the Hor ihnm District Hospital

Mrs James Harnes has been elected president of the Horsham Croquet Club


Counoilîor P Gleeson, a representative of the Trentham Riding of the Kyneton Shire Council, was given a complimi ntnrv dinner at East Trent-ham by the ratepayers in recognition of his mimi pal services to the riding

At the amwil mpeting of the Kvneton Bowling Club, Mr It Michell wns elected president, Messrs J Baines and J J McCarthy vice-presidents, and Mr. G. Swanson Fccrctarj


The steamer Colonel orrived from Darling River with 787 bales of Terj iwjnia wool, which is being

trucked to Melbourne

"Leo" Zanoni 9 7, of Wontlnggi, knocked out "Snowy" h wv Ö JO, of Melbourne, in the sixth

round, at the Mildura Stadium

A party of 11 overseas settlers arrived on Tues


Mr. D J Charles, of Red Cliffs, who Is about to be married, received a gift from loca] residents


As a result of further s owen weather rendi-tions a record harvest is anticipated

For the last yeir the Rochester Co-operative Ihitter Faetorv balanre sheet shows a profit of £GG1/10'5 Cream purchases for the period amounted to £11,481/7/9 and «ile* of butter £40,623/9/6 The output of lutter was 510,3111b


Mrs Jamtis Napp r i^ed *0 ¿ears has died

At the Gippsland lb «pital committee meeting it was decidid to presB for a 1 irg - Govern ment grant The inspector of charities had pro tnised an inereas< r^egittathns are proceeding with the railwjv cmplowes in regard to a fund to provide pajment for any of their number, who may become inmates of the hospital


m Tne presence of a targe gathering the presi

dent (Mr J H Wilkinson) opened the Sheppar-

ton bowling green on Wedn^Edav

The electric motor for Installation in connec

tion with the now sjstem of pumping for the Shepparton town supply of water will arrive here

in November

Mr, James Martin Shelton, aged 63 ¿ears, has

died. _


Mr. Neil McLcod, aged 63 jcars, and Mrs Catherine Jones, aged 60 years/wife of Mr, John

Jone«, have died.

Constable bpurrell bas been transferred to Mel

Tbt\ppeal tor lundi to equip the Stawell Hoa


Before leaving Warracknabeal for the head office of the Commcrclil Bmk, Mr T Janes was pre sentid with a. travelling bag by the Warracknabeal district Hospital committee

Mr H J INarFon hu» been elected provident of the Warracknabuil Horticultural Socictj, Messrs A Mab, D W Tarrant, and T

Dungey, vice presidents, and ilr G Ljle, eecrc



Tlie death has orenrred of Mr Samuel Greenfield, also of Mr L O Irelanu, aged 59 v ears, of Archie s

Cn ck

ftic fair of the Methodist Church resulted in a substantial sum being raised

Hie Country Hre Brigades* Hoard has deferred the request to hold a lire brigade gathering at Wonthaggi

^en unseaf ona hie weither l8 being cxperlcncd Following i thundrstorm on Thursday afternoon, heavy nin fell, which at present is operating against growth on account of tin. cold winds uc computing it



Amalgamated Textiles of Australia I td has taken action against two joung women from I ng land who arc said to have broken their engage ments and nccepted employment with rival mills In »ich case JC100 compensation is being claimed


Mr Krank lund, agid f2 j tars, of Tuneo, died In the Sjdnrv Hospit ii In his j minger da\s he was one of tlie ctate s fastest sprinters

Mr H Melville» et it Ion master of Bithurst, Ins been appointed station muter ftt Junee, in pin«

. of Mr J \ Green, appointed dUtrict superin


I lu the luneo Court, Alfred James Worthlngto was flmd £5 in default one month s Imprison ment, on a clnrge of having stolen two sheep



' Mr and Mrs E Broome and their daughter,

Mrs 1- Schintler, were presented with gifts at the Preàbjterian Church before leaving for Sidney



As the attendance at the school is very low it was feared that the department would close it, but a guarantee of at least half a dozen young children beginning within the next few mi " has relieved the situation considerably.


Tho State school at Weston, which has been closed for some time, baa been rcmov ed to

Muskerrv Fast

At the annual meeting of the \xedalc Tennis Club the following officers were elected - Pitsi dent, Mr C Havncs, vice presidents, Messrs J Drake and J Grant secretaries, Messrs C Cur thojs and L Millington, lieauircr, Mr L


Mr C Curthovs, stationmastor, of Axedale, whib stepping off the platform, sprilmd his

ankle sevcrclj


In the Beechworth County Court on Wednesday, Thomas Henry Short, of Staghorn Flat, claimed £150 damages from John S. Webb of Granya for an alleged assault after a football match at Granya on July 21. Judge Maclndoe awarded the plaintiff £41/15/ damagess, with costs to be


At the annual meeting of the Beechworth Croquet Club, Mis li II Guj was re elected president MM I O Brien, and Mrs R Warren vice presidents, and MrB W Orme lion secretary

and treasurer


Mrs Mary Haig, aged 82 years, has died. With her parents she came from Scotland in 1850. BRIDGEWATER

' Mr F Meddlicolt has left Bridgewater for


Mr and Mrs P G Gibson, of Inglewood, have I taken over Avondale Mr II A ¡stewarts pro perty, at Bridgewater


The Casterton and Glenelg Shire Council sued 13 ratepayers in tlio Casterton Court for the re covery of rates. One CJIFC was tested Mr Bowan contended that the demand form was out of order, ns it did not contain reference to section 311 subsection 3, of the Local Government Act 1921 Mr 1 D O Callaghan P M, upheld Mr Howan'n contention and the case was withdrawn, with 21/ costs ngaluBt the council Tlie other 12

coses were withdrawn


\ heavy loaded dray of firewood while descend ing Specimen Hill on Wednesdnv broke the axle and threw down the horses bri iking the shaft.

Manj complaints arc made bv constant users of the roads leading into Castlennine awing to holes which could be easily filled t> a few loads of gravel which lies in heaps on tlic roadside

Abundance of water is flowing down the water rare which louds io Campbell s Creek

A successful euchre party and dance has been held in the town hall in aid of the Church of England


At the annual meeting of tho Indigo TenntR Association Dr Harkin was elected president and Mr J n O Brien secretary and treasurer s


Thirty points of rain was regîetCrcd on Thurs-day morning


Owing to the continuous heavy raint the Thom son Hiver 1» running very high Tho rttnfull for the two weeks of October Is 371 points which exceedB the total for September bj JO points


Gordon Lowe, employer! on the building of the Culgoa Roman Catholic Church fell 12ft from a scaffold and epnined his right ankle

John Barry, aged 23 years, son of Mr. D. Barry, of Culgoa, was thrown from a horse and sus-tained a severe fracture of the left wrist.

Hie State Rhers an 1 Water Supply Commission has completed an additional dim it Culgpa, au I Ii erecting a concrete pumping station at Culgoa

and a water tower at Nullawil


The Bellarine Council Ins received Word from tho Country Hoads Board tint Messrs Hourigan Ilros, whose tender at £10 476/18/1 was accepted for the Barwon Heads bridge, are not prepared to pioccod with the worl The board ho* accepted the tender of S Patience at £11,510/7/0


Before leaving the district Mr and Airs J* rank Stuart were presented with a wallet of notes by

the residents

The windup ball of the football club was a great success Norman Douglas won the gold medal for the most improved and unselfish player

Shearing has commenced, hut is. being retarded bj tlie wet weather There is an abundance of grass and a good season is assured

The I 1m iurit Tennis Club has been re formed, with Mr P Somerville president and Miss Lvcljn Baker secretary


A picture night wns held in the Mechanics' Hall by the golf club, and more than £30 wa


At a meeting of the shire council it was re ported that arrears of rates amounted to £929 7/4 The secretary was instructed to issue i mouses against nil persons whose rates are

standing The debit b dance of the shire is

£1 179/1/0

Fishing In Tackson'R Creek N Hine, a junior member of the angling club, grissed a trout

weighing 31b

The waterworks trust has given consideration to the lient means of Improving the water supplj during the approaching summer, and has decided that nt present i ipe. cleaning is the only thing I possible


Rilli Ins retirdcd shearing, which is general The growth of all trass is wonderful Ianneis aro ia little worried nhont grui s appearing so earl),

but should line weather set in there should he I no alarm

Dr Rees has been elected president of the cricket club and Mr I) Ross lion Sfcretarj

I The pea raite is spreading rapidl) in this dis-

trict and is doing much harm to vegetable gar



Mr and Mrs D Horan and family were driv

I ing through the reserve on Monda) night, wheri

the gig wheel struck a 6tump, throwing them I out All escaped serious injury ? GUtNBOyVER.

Beneficial rains have fallen throughout the dis trlrt during the last fortnight Crops have re covcreel and a good harvest is assured

1 An advisory hoard representing district irriga

tors has hecn formed in accordance with the pro visions approved bv the Water Commission Mr F J Cooke dlstrirt officer in charge, has been elected chairman and the follow lug w ere ap pointed member* of the board -Councillor t»

Hare (Gunlower) Messrs I C Toll (Gunbower), W Rowlands (Gunlower), M Rodwell (Torrum barr¿)( nnd W Splatt (I'utho)

Residents are en favouring to obtain contint «service at the Gunbower Telephone Exchange


Members of the Tariff Board (Messrs Hudson, Leitch, Masterton, and Brooke«), accompanied b\ Mr I- J \ el land (president) and Mr Woodard (business manager) of the Savwnfllers Associa tlon visited the Granton .'awmilling und Timber Season! ig Compati) B vvorkß at Healesville, where

(dence on the existing state of the timber indus y waa t,iv«?n hv Messrs C V Morath I tt Quinn, and J Chaffer C rout interest win taken bj the board in the compati) s seasoning works


Farmers are jubilant at the rainfall The rai

has penetrated well into the tfrount), and there is now every prospect of n good harvest and ti plentiful suppl) of grass for stock


Hail has done considerable damage to man) of I the more forward oops Ihc rain greatl) bene

tlted the late 60\vn crops I


The Borung Cncl et Association consists of five I

teams represent ,, Boort Borung, Wedderburn,

Wychitella, and Korongvule I

Heavv rain and hail have fallen in the district | The, rain has been very welcome, and will do a

lot of good

A Ure broke out in the room in which the Railwaja department keeps its gas cj linder to supply elie lights for the station A drum of benzine had caught alight and the flames were attacking the walls but willing workers soon put the fire out Practically no damage was



For the fourth ¿ear in succession n team led b) A h llarvc) won the competition nt the opening of the hvnbrain Bowhnr Club« season

It Is estimated that proceeds from the poppy fair in old of St Davids Presbyterian Church fund will reach £100

Several leading women arc olding in the forma tion of a cornpapy of girl tuides nt Kyubrnm A preliminar) meeting was addressed b) Mrs Leonard Lansell, divisional commissioner at Ben

The Kjabram District Cricket Association will this season toroprise eight teams- K>ahram (two), Lancaster, ItfeA, Tongala, hy Valle), Merrigum,

and Wyuna

Tiie Kjabram Waterworks Trust proposes to con-sider the estimât« s for new works, which include, prov wfon for / ddftionnl excavated d im, Le, £1500, and concrete tower and tank £4 500 It is estimated that owing to considerable reductions in pumping charges under the State elcctricit) Benlee, the extra rate will not exceed 3d , an in

rcase from I/O to 2/.

It ia probable that a proposal w11 be placed belora ile Development and. Migration. Commis

sion upon the return of the chairman (Mr II W Gcpp) to reserve largo areas of land in Kyabram, Merrigum, Tongala, Koyuga, Byrneside, and Ard-mona districts for orcharding It is claimed that at least 15,000 acres could be reserved at short notice Representative fruitgrowers Insist that If further extensive acreage is to be planted, pay-able overseas markets must first be found


The recent sports at Moulamein, in aid of the progress association, resulted in a profit of £120

Crops are looking splendid, and promise large returns Farmers are pleased with the prospect, which »over looked better In addition to this, the prices for lambs and wool arc very Batid tory One line of this season's lambs brought 20/10 Some of them were not three months


The tomato crops arc making good headway, man) of the plants being covered with fruit lhe plants in the glasshouses have made wonder-ful growth, being Mt and 5ft high, and covered with large tomatoes, which should be ripe tn two

or three weeks

At the annual meeting of the Barham and Koondrook Cricket Association officers elected were -President, Councillor J Millnr, vice presidents, Messrs T. R McConnell nnd D Jamie-son, secretary and treasurer, Mr Laurie Carroll


Before leaving the Loch Presbyterian charge, after three years ministry, for Mathalla, the Rev Andrew Pye was entertained at each of the four preaching stations, and presented with a roll of notes from each congregation Presenta-tions were also made to Mrs Pye by the Presby-terian Womens Guild and the Girls' Club


The prospects of a good harvest are at present very bright Wheat cropB are uniformly good

A continuous telephone sen ice has been in I stalled, nnd a new building to provide a post

ofileo and reshience of five rooms for the post

master has been built

A new Methodist Church, built in concrete, is ncaring completion


Councillor Purdy lins resigned as a representa tive of the Central Riding of the Maffra Shire

Tliomas Thompson, aged 59 years, a compositi

was found dead in a hut on Mr Danlels's farm


The rains arc having a wonderful effect on crops nnd pabturcB Wheat cropB especially are very promising, and oatB ore nlso above the average The vield for thp district promisee to eclipse that of


About 700 bales of wool liave already been con signed from the rnilwuy station this season, and it Is expected that fully 1,000 bales will bo received by the end of the season

Good business has been done in tat lambs About 15 000 will have been marketed when the last have been despatched


Recent rams will assist the crops that

checked during the dry spell, the actual effect of which will not be known until the bagging

The first consignment of bags for the bcuson reached Merrinee this week

Gooil prices were realised for town blocks at all the stutions along the Merrinee Meringur line At Meringur four blocks sold for £75 each


Miss L "\ntes, who has been connected . the Methodist Sunday school for a number of years, was presented with a hymn book and leather suit c IM», on the occasion of her marriage

Mr A Sloan, president of tho Rovers Football Club has been presented with a travelling rug, und Mr h Prentice, secretan-, with a Buitcasc

The Mortlake and Terang District Tennis Aeso elation, coinprslng three teams from Terang, two from Mortlake, and the Moorat club, has been formed Ofliccrs elected were -President, Mr I), F Trickett, vice presidents. Rev li A Rowell and Mr F Russell, secretary and treasurer, Mr L Harvey, jun

The shire council has decided to support the candidature of Councillor Pittard, of Ballarat, mid Councillor Wilkie, of Bendigo, for the Coun try uro Brigades Board


The syndicate for developing the sulphide lodes In the Cassilis district has been successfully floated, and three men have already commenced operations The test crushing will probably be sent to Por Pirie tor treatment by tho smelting


The unauthorised removal of tools and other Implements from the roads has become a serious matter to the Omeo Shire, and notices warning offenders that prosecutions will be instituted are to be poBtcd along the Omeo highway A favourite habit Is the remov Ing of working parts of engines and other plant and replacing them with worn parts Store huts along the roads have also been forcibly broken into and tools and other

articles removed

A suggestion has been put forward ttiat a meat urea should be cstahlfsheol tt Bruthen, where htock intetideel to be sold for human conbumption should he slaughtered at special private abattoirs under supemsion The area proposed embraces a wide radius of Bruthen and extends as tar north as Swift's Creek, in the Omeo Wiire The suggestion was not favourably received by Tambo Shire on account of the ecattered population, and Omeo ^hire (nlthough the question has not come officially before it) has decided to sup port the lambo Shire in its opposition


Miss Ethel Jorgenson fell nnd cut her wrist severely

Alfred Ah Chow won the aggregate at G00 yards and 600 yards at rifle shooting

The annual bazaar in aid of St Coloman's Roman Catholic Church wag n great succcs*.

At the nniuiil meeting of the Cann River Agrl

cultural tbociet), Mr ' James H Collins was elected president, Mr George li Cameron vice president, Mr S T Mlmer secretary, and Mr

W H Herbert treasurer

Mr T M Terrell was elected president of the Orbost municipal band Mr M A Randall vice president, and Mr R Napier secretary and



A strong branch of the Australian Women's National League lias leen formed at Ou)tn Mrs C L Bolitho, general organising secretary ad dressed the meeting on the objects of the league Officers elected were-President, Mrs Vancelow, secretary, Mrs Landigran, treasurer, Mrs W


Mr 1) D Harris, who has been engineer to the Shire of Walpeup, will shortl) be leaving for Healesville, where he has accepted the position of engineer


Mrs Anne Leahy, aged 78 years, who was severely burned on September 29, has died


Mrs Mary Ann May bon, aged 68 years, died suddenly


In the Tallangatta Police Court, before Mr. T. M. Williams, P.M., William Griffiths was fined £3, with £1/19/ costs, for having failed to de-stroy noxious weeds on his property, in the Kiewa

Riding of the Yackandandah Shire. David Griffiths was similarly fined with respect to the adjoining


Mr George Russell, from Gapsted, has joined the Tallangatta railway staff, in place of Mr M Kenned), transfcrjed to Violet Town

lhe output of the Tallangatta Butter Factory for September was 434 tonB of butter, which Is a

record for the month


The Mildura train to Melbourne was delayed for nearly two hours on Tuesday evening. A goods train leaving Chewton at 6.17 p.m.was unable to negotiate the Tunnel Hill between Chewton and Elphinstone, and the load had to be divided and taken on in sections. The re-lieving stationmaster at Elphinstone set out on a motorcycle to ascertain the cause of the delay and fell down a cutting. His injuries, however, are not thought to be serious.


In view of the protest against the proposal to place a woman in charge of the railway sta-tion the transfer of the station-master has been


The rains put another foot of water in the reservoir, which contains only 8ft. Some resi-dents are pessimistic about a supply for summer. Crops and grass look well.


In the tarragon Police Court, before Mr Tree man, PM, W Rob nBon was fined 10/ and James Henry £5 with costs, for having carted timber over nndB which were closed ngainst such traille The Countrv Roads Board pro



A flower show held by the State school com mittec proved very successful A -substantial

profit is expected

Owing to the heavy truckings of lambs from Ultima and northern Mallee a special Block train left here on Monday morning for southern mar-kets Freezer buyers are operating freely in

the district

Crops are showing extremely well since the



\fter being in the possession of the Smythe familv for lu vears, the Green Hill estate on the Sydney road at Wallan was 6old by auction to air Dumaresq, of Kilmore


At the nnnual meeting of the progress associa tlon the following officers were elected -Mr II I B Thomas re elected president, Mr K A fatikcr vice president, and Mr F Miller, hon

ret iry

lhe erection,of a new fence on the Band Ro tunda Park has been put In hand at a cost of


Levels nnd measurements have been taken by the shire engineer to construct concrete table drains throughout the main street, to cover the ro t of which it is the Intention of the council to horrow about £1 000 It is the intention to erect concrete steps from the road up to the me inorial stone erected in mernoo of the fallen sol

Hers of Warburton and district This work is to he put in hand forthwith


Robert Francis McKechnie, charged with having stolen a raincoat from a local hotel, was fined £2, in default 14 days imprisonment.

A motor car driven by Mr Robert Brace skidded on the road near the river on the township bound-ary on Sunday night, and plunged into the Yea River. It crashed through a rail fence, and went about 50 yards into the river before it stopped. The car was damaged. Mr Brace had to wade through the water waist high to the bank.

John Finn, aged 76 years waa found lying dead in a cart on the Dairy Creek road. Finn had been sitting on the front of the cart, and had evidently

fallen back dead.