Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Friday 3 January 1913, page 26



American suffragists are beginning to adopt tax resisting as a means of protest against their exclusion from the State fran-chise The case of Miss Lucy Daniels, a Vermont property owner, has attracted a good deal of attention. Miss Daniels, who has a summer house at Grafton, Vermont, has put the authorities in a dilemma by re- fusing to pay taxes while, as she says, de-nied representation. Last year some of her bank stock was seized, and sold, but the bank refused to honour the sale, and con-tinues to send Miss Daniels the dividends. It appears that the transfer of national bank stock is controlled by Act of Congress, and is not subject to control by Vermont or other State laws. The purchaser of the stock. Miss Daniel's nephew, has done nothing to enforce his claim, but, as the authorities received more for the stock from him than the amount of taxes due, they may bc content to let the knotty point as to legal ownership rest. What proceedings, if any, they will take to recover this year's taxes is not apparent.

The laws on the Statute Book, Miss Daniels maintains, show that the lawmakers recognise that the person who pays the bill is the person who must "have the say." So far has this conviction been carried that

"pocket-book rights" have boen permitted to override, on the statutes, motherhood rights. Yet men are ignoring these same pocket-book rights in the case of women, making them pay without letting her say. This makes Miss Daniels "tired," and the tax-testers are wondering what will happen


Professur: The average American girl is poorly educated. Girl Graduate: You think sop Professor: Yes, but there is one con-solation; the average» American boy will never find it out.

"My good man. they need labourers badly

?n the next town."' "Thanks for the warn-

ing, boss. I'll make a detour."