Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), Tuesday 21 September 1937, page 10


OFFICIALS 'TO SHOW CAUSE' _ — + — B.D.F.A. Action Over Circular

'THE executive committee or the Brisbane and Districts Football Association last night decided to call upon two prominent club officials to appear

at next Momiay s meeting iu .miuw cause why they should not be dealt with. This action followed the issue of a circular, which was brought under the notice of the executive, convening an unofficial meeting of affiliated clubs to be held to-night- The circular bore the name of Mr. C. Andrews (Merton Rovers), and referred to a meeting to be held at the residence of Mr. H. Adams (Corinthians), at Kangaroo Point, and stated 'that there would be "a general discussion of Soccer man-agement," with the "idea of Soccer football being governed in a different manner than is at present the case." » I'ltKSIDKNT'S COMMKNTS 'There has not been the slightest dissatisfaction among clubs over the management by the executive,' said the Rev. R. J. R. Delbrldge. president of the B.D.F.A., last nlKht. when releasing the decision. 'The prospects and 'prestige of the xame have never been higher. The merger has been an unqualified success, with an excellent spirit of rivalry between the teams o! both districts. 'If any dissatisfaction had existed, there are constitutional means of dealing with it. It Is nttccssary that the individuals responsible for the Issue of the circular be dealt with under the laws of the constitution, which the executive will not fall to put Into effect.' Mr. Andrews. the secretary of Merton Rovers, said yesterday that he hud Issued the circular to all sen'.ur clubs on behalf uf the conveners of the inertlng. whose names he was not prepared to disclose.