Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 18 June 1926, page 18



"Have you seen my horse and cart?" cried

Joseph Farquhar, when he walked into the police station. The constable on duty informed him that the horse and cart were in the police yard

and then asked Farquhar why he had left the

vehicle in the street at night without a light on it and without having the wheel securely fastened.

As the explanation was not considered satisfac-

tory, Farquhar was charged with the two offences. Constable Hoath stated that the cart had been standing in the street for more than an hour. He was fined £1 on each charge. Keen criticism of the Railways Commision policy of introducing 40 ton trucks was expressed by members of the Waubra Farmers Association

at their annual meeting on Wednesday night. The president (Mr. W. Coutts) said that Mr. Glapp was disregarding the voice pf the people.

The associations balance sheet showed that the years receipts amounted to £7684 /3 /3, and that the debt balance at the bank was £851 /8. W. Coutts was re-elected president for the fifth time with Mr. D. Edmonston as vice-president.

Messers A. Fraser, G. Fraser, A. Clarke, W. Smith, G. Coutts, J. Ferguson, J. Flynn, E. Gollop and L. Yates were appointed to the committee of management. Mr. W. Miller was elected secre-tary, Mr. F. Parker auditor, and Mr. Riley treasurer.

Many letters have been received from different parts of Australia complimenting the community singing committee upon the programme which was broadcast at its last session.

The funeral of Mrs S. ?????? formerly of

Marong, took place on Thursday. She was aged 86 years.

The difficulties experienced by municipal coun-

cils in maintaining roads owing to increased costs were referred to by Councillor F. Parker of Lexton at a meeting which was held at Waubra

on Wednesday night. He said that metal could be crushed and put out for 6 a cubic yard some

years ago, but now the cost was 11 to 12. The temperature on Thursday morning was down to 26deg.

At a sitting of the land board on Thursday the district land officer (Mr. C. J. Joy) recommended the application of Alexander Caldwell for 20 acres at Spring Hill. He also recommended that 21 acres in the parish of Clarkesdale, in the estate of H. E. Adams, be forfeited and made available for selection.


Proposals have been submitted to the Marong Shire Council by Messrs. Lambell and Canny,

engineers, for a reticulation water service for Bridgewater, at an estimated cost of £1,900. In the proposed plan it is suggested that arrang-ments be made with the Inglewood Water Trust to supply water from the Inglewood Reservoir for the domestic requirements of the township of Bridgewater through the auxiliary 7in. main to be put down from the Loddon River pumping station to the reservoir. The pumping service is to be installed as an auxiliary for replenishing the reser voir in periods of shortage of water by pumping supplies from the Loddon River, and under the proposed project the new service could be used for the dual purpose. It is stated that if the project is approved by the Inglewood Water Trust and the Marong Shire Council it can be financed by a rate of 3/ in the £1 on the municipal valuation with a minimum of £3 per annum for each tene-


The capabilities of the Bendigo district irriga-tion area for the culture of vegetation is demon-strated by the success of Mr. Keck, M.L.C., in marketing from his plantation at One Tree Hill a crop of 10,000 cauliflowers, at prices ranging from 6/ to 8/ a dozen.

The death has occurred of Mr. Thomas Ellis

aged 75 years, who had been manager of the South Garden Gully, Virginia, Great Northern, and Londonderry mines. He had Iived in Bendido for 52 years.

.Mendier* of Hie Bendigo Choral Society in ippieoiatioi of H» sonic s of Mr. Z. S. Martin at Mcictaiv treasurer and conceit manlier foi map. %ea« piescntid liim with n silwr tei uri

>\hllr Tiding a hld de Mervyn Elliott age I 13 \eat« roi I Ide 1 with a motorcar at the Hon. of Mount Korong road nnd "Victoria sticet and $ustainofl serious Injuries to his head

burutnruBiM were ou llíursdaj henel In the police nu John Nolan licensee of the National Hotel, High street, Bendigo flmiglng bim willi iho jiU"inpted bribtn of Constable Lamprell and on Aubrey Lewis sliopkeepi r Ililli ht i eel Mendigo o i a thinire, of lining nfdod mul ahcltul

At Hu Mendigo Cff\ Court on "Unulai lohn Xolan lireustp of Hie National .Hotel was line! ¿Llfi for hming lind the Iur dorn open and foi 1 m vin li tnifllckrd in litpior during problbiled


the >\onicu isfio*Iuies of the Bendigo Golf Club ... Ihiimhn plajed uga list Hoge\ for Hie minti, h medal liest fcoret» wire-Mlns \iltip Macoliov r> up, Mrs I H \lmoli I up Mrs li ltu«h and Miss V Slew arti each 1 up

Jit the Bendigo Rotary Club lunrheon on linn« tint, Mr G H Freeman acting bead iiiii¡-ttr tf trie .¿(milgo Illth School gmc an addie« on

'éducation.. Ile appealed to paienls to allow their rhlldrui to complete Ibelr course of I mining in the sccomlarj Jfcbootfi which win e sen Uni lu enteilng Hie i \ocalIon In life Mi I reemni con sl.}ere.d that «¡hool, teichcjs were not ndequitoh

i emu ne rated for theil sen ice*

Mr E J L Bremner icpresenting the New Settlers League on rhuixlat confuí ed with the major {Councillor W^whO reinrdfng tountr\ promotion; week to be held in Melbourne uilv ne\t^em -He SjIIHhat It was Int ml. I to i nltirge

tin semi of Ihe nio\rment h\ holding a countn

pilman^frtduçen exhibit.«n in whii h i di-.phr> would he mode of country manufactures Count ¡1

lor Lwfng nppro\cd of the piopowils find Mid Ibat eiTmU won M be madi to obtain Hie co operation of Bendigo manufacturer*

The llcndigo Kowcrnge authoiitv has neaiH iln ifehed tho, sewering of tlie cnntrnl portion of the ciU anti plans are being | repa red for the con stiucllon of the (-ewers in th No 2 area which omi races Qinin Hill and Kennington About 2 0ÖO husmea a tiibll limen Is and tenements luna

been sew ii ed


Jlio^dcsltc of the Chamber of Commerce tlint the mu uri Is intcrr-sti-d hi tin* question of tin widening, pf flic >|dhouiiip matt «hould confer willi the "ohjeiyt of Adopting it uniform pro lort Ig not Wich to succeed Hie Geelong We t Council, whleh MJinc time ago dei idrd tlmt it was unultle to widm the rond through-ils terri* torv Jims'" intimated that no good purpose would be 6cneij lt\ a fimfeicifcc

Iji the Git\ Cot rt on Ihur-dni before AIcsms J, Ulli, I, Wullfi, «ml t* Pul, TI» í, Ciwan Loiiltrini, ft CIiIUhu flrennn on the i«tnamer ¡?apieniei* y is rhuiged willi hii\iii^ unlawfully -"aatiljíd Uairj Norstrmd, ii Mvedisli seaman of

- - -* ihe cny» wufi dibinlbscd

hist Coull. hnrm ** Cordoba

had |)<peu on lonnínd for i mouth owing to Spr

strand bei tig nimble to Attend tin rpiirt x

JJetectlvp McHerdl-rl and Cotuttilile Muck»« on I hunda-»» irtfstrd Itenjuniln l.;lin Alenftt aged -10 \ ems, ltilioiit ( nn n ( lunge of lim tug on I ebnmn 37 gonr through tjic foi in of mjnkigc with a woman, while his wife was h\\m -

ihc Geelong \\pst Council lins derided to make a protest »gainst tNc cxtciuion of the Metro pilidni I Um ni of "Works hcwei ige wotks in tht

direction of doolong

\s the i «Mi 11 of i number of cAoït* Hie parents committci fof tim Junioi Technical S hool has raised about £100 for Hie equipment of the new .school 'Whlpli will bt. muh for occupation at tin. end of \u^u-sf

The Waterworks and Sowerapp Trust Ins in Hand a program nie for tin extension i ml iin ?pftuptncnt of the wuter system npd is rilling for ttiiâtni for-11 000ft of loin pipes mu! 1W) tons of obi nd tin ra til on pjpes lor t-pwcrugi extension« fn toi ^ jiupe fjpnrsfh pppulated putts çf tlie district tin (nut li imitiug tenderh for tim B0pi) « .of 10 000ft .of,(l!n carthenu ni. or i<_, I n furen i pipes

Tlio 1 diction dopai tmenl bus intimated that j

MíÜm will bcluxllid imnirdhtteK 'for miterliiN foi additions to the rnipontrj workshops it the Gordon Institute of «Technolog*

Set eral of tim Geelong pilnteu hn\e been ni k ' Ing repi'Mciitatlon** 'lo tlie CQiuinouwPiilt(i clirtoral (fflte ipet Ing to late houx of tin Com moijuealth pi ht ting, c--pcrla)lv of lolle, done IA flipm The\ were support» d in (heir claim uti the ground that the luthorlth-« had piomh-id Hil

lat-U printers that ain surplus printing would be ¡given'' opt Ihe fch clorai offleeis \\n\e now intimated tint fieelonp piinteis will Ih (on-ddeud \Oirp am sprplin printing has to bo dom

?*11ip îtç^tner Cant dian Hrili'hci arrhpd in port on ?'Iburudu .-> morning' with ti etigo of 1-ord

parrs **

Hie ftiinnnl -report nfrihe Vhlibt mid Ceilonc ProtldentSoriph shownl the leafpM to bp £1 S20 and pxpcudlturp X1 3S7 lim halitiM war ditileri empue; nicmboit on ti o ImMs of 1*J/1 foi a full \pir s iilriiitiersbip Mips C Dollin» ad was ic olfrlfd *(C(í tan

lhere wis a lar/t íiichim. in supplie» of pitch oiix'offei nt tbp pro hire ale* on I lim «da \ the demauf] was nnl so kppn and pure»; dedinod to from 1/10 to 2/1 A rio7eu Hie maiknt for bulttr wasteasipi ttcst Ihip-s Fold tit J/Sl to 1/0 a Ihc In the finit mirk»! prime sample« were ccen'x sought «'ter at Muli prices, bul imdium and Kin ill grad s wern dull of sab Der eil ap nlcs i na Used *>/6 to 12/ a ca*»e cooking apple«. h/ to 0/1 a cast natflls 11/ to 1(j/ a «u.« with ixtw chohe tii 11/ii a mino, oranges, 1(1/ to Uf n taw, Unions 11/ to 11/ a nihc

Although 1 it.iit tain hat fallen thiotighout the di f ht iff mi! on -thuin» lie month tittie I Ftill au uigent need foi a Iipjiw fall to îculciilili

upnllns for hloik purpose* anl also to gi\c * li**

inclips below the stuf are and in

«tarting if watpt for Moik pupoMs


X tonfcrpnei* hetxeceii rrpieecntuliieit nf th.* Soldiers' I alliois- «.oath Xfrienu Vrleran«, nlitl Iteliinitil s'.il,),,,,.* iss", ia I inns <l.*rjnl< el to flinn .. Iioop of lim «tonis, In lie initlri tSe ausinei« of Iln* lince lifflie« X torraillito, xxllli Air II III

Storrer pre-itlont mil Air Moipui i-critlan, lins been npptiinlcd lo Mipettist tlio csliibllNluilenl of Hie Irnop

I xreption lia« been taken lix the CtiunhV lloul« iioaiil lo Hie um,mihi of li, mt nu I ¡ni; nu III» Anglesea loiltl mul Hu "shirt Council lia« dei I,lui to ploluliit ill lum; taitiiipr M noil carlni(*r lias linn suspititled foi .onie xxtekB

It is c«iierttd t ni it a sen enrli ii ile the (oinilri Hool" Doini xxiii cull foi lenders for lint foiistiuttion of a liiiuV across the Hinton Itieer ul Hunton llcjils na the nceissiitt t-natun lees frr flliiiliciiil lsB¡s("iirc lime been fortlittmilnp Xlr XttCorinark of Hie Collnlri Komis lltiartl

xislled Burston Heads on I Inusual nuil ... .tie nu nisriertion of Hie «Ile of the propo t I billie**

lins I« opnositi« tin loml iiniiiiiiir ilniiirsiite tlio Mount Collie Hotel Hie plans foi Hie bilde;, lint, been prcpincil nnil It is rtpect.d to Iiuxti

It , .

-he final i:

mlin-i! uns hehl

.leci.le.l to bimi mci ill III, books Io Hit li Connell for a pomiiiueut n.nul

liiKitiK n tlose of insliail of medien: Mr» Katherine« Ihitkin«. use 1 ul xeirs of Hu atlert GCrlonir xe >« mimili,,1 to Hie hospita!

a «ciious einiilitloii on rluirsiltx X1 niubt «be u

much iiniiioiei], und consideicii to be out of


XX Cociini, neretl CS i ems, of IliiMiaiifc siieet, «outil Créions fill flinn Hie nott Hinton brid"'i on Tluirsilui II» fell li of 1f.fl in In «ome limber and Mil-turned injuries to Ins lu it! .ntl «boulder It is tliuuglit lint b's tkull bis bei ii


*-tiilnrinii«lalile XV *?. Hal«. Ins liieu tiriltirtl In reptrt it liussell slreel tin I ruin

Hie len plant for Hu innen! senties it lilli, ford xxiii be computed in the end rf ncsl still

Ihe plant l« alieidi in opoiiilliin uni x\ nil in full xtork mil billie Hie output up lo 1 Wa lolis a neck x nnrioit (mitre nile, n fitnn tht qiiarnts lo the null is xiorl lue


Mi TI. de tlouroiil 1 leturnci! soldier. Ins been .ipnolutcil uj I be lioruilgll .ullin li is t lui ot potki to lupervl» the csuiracl for tile enlargement,

.f Hu« it l-r -ti. ur it ereoir at Mojí I rolf

lb. i. oi tn is lu l" ,nlir"».l lu lor ,n lal 11 lil Billons iltlinoiiil Horaire it . is. I til

'.I i'Mi

Uni. I r u I« xtlnlo fill ne i nee ul I m.«" -liu,l In fnnl. ii una Hu im n I tu, bul I.. It in-iril I iii Hu »..I

He Pilbil X1...I. ,lei.nliii-iit ?- -.iln m .Ullin in Vt .1 it I. touslll v. ¡Ih Hie li>inli|,h t.lis et, mt., pi .J. I In til lo to

_ benallaT

Hu tisiil ni. .1 ti, Dei.nisi .ll-ni,l . lilc t u ii.I lue I.e. I iln,, I M, I.nilli it i to ni .lillelie lit I >ii,m.' «Vii lu » is pie eultil willi

l u.lll, I ut lint. Hie lies I lill, I Xltl.i I<| st is Kin ul lit ill li. «birt lu tin mil lu*, i irll eilitiluiii Xs > t . it- t lieliiniled tn I imlunil in.! xx.til to Hu I reit M ii is iliipliin ni Hu Impel i il lui s uni »i ixe nibil Hie milli m noss Hie Hie lube. Meemi, »is il-o pr.

stilled exllli i | bl mullí lu lue I,Inn,,I toi lien el lilt tllstllel

'hnil» r ¡nt t. in th ( olio Mille an not .nil-li. I uitn nu ic-tlon of the »nu eumieil n },mnlin¿ pumlts to < ut hu no d mir ten ilrt mans i cn ni \ c omi lu lu. 1 iw Tom . ih lu «cptuuh r In Im-lie mil with n \i<\\ i asm 1.1niiii',' tin (ouuiin iiulluirm in (lit mutti r it lits bun dnidedJo tak krui ad\ It Mibji 11 to cgil npinitn bin,,- lit r.eord with the idt ts oi those who au ticking the luhlt, it is not "nipt o bj (¿le that tht! question will b tiktn into


i my. monet amounting to ££00 will hi giun ¿if connection with Colac iuuMlaI and eJocutUmm i,on)pLtitioii« to bt lu lil lu septeiabei

lix following fifth cn 1ia.\l beciî-.¿li i ted In Colac I »toni aui \giiculturnl Sk Ii f tVH'i t m «tient Mi It I Man \ue plaident, M*N. I

iluicock seucttm Mi t il JohmUoni, ticT* ?»uni, Mr II Ittootc

V iiitmbei of Cohn residents who ure inttu-tel in wirilia bau loiubliitd tn ia be funds tow uds

pur Inning i win less hi lui tin. (otu IHi-trlct ilihpitnl V «sollt**, of (lances (onml-, ind suiiul LtLiiliiM ia to bo In Id in the next Ililli. or fnut


S i-edm-Uon-in the upkeep of the Cohn. Hi edi I oust iiairow gutigi milwu) line which li is been it losing <oii{xjii, is likeh to bt biought »baut bv tin. ncttlt intiodiKtlon of Hu new dmr it I engiui t M n.»» lolcottiiml Mçtntlnuii, i ngtm drJUerx, nnd M ewin t fireman butt ulundi n ten ed not le« of tiamfcr, and Air Andrews eli mu r at tlieih lortht, is being brought into CoU loroinotnp studs The Unirait is tupi.hU of lutullng as much nguiu us tin. uld t\pe of engine, aid thin fact, wita the i om-oipicnt icluctfon hi Hu nlim!)ei uf ti lint to be run, Ih ivpictid to billig »bout a sub-ita nt lal «ming in mum re bpertb

liibttiictlous lune bein rceplied b\ the Cobie Shite tnglnen {Mr Píen h«IU) from the um it ii Hoads Iloinl lo stirve\ mid prepare plum and f-pt, lons for recourlithiuiug the Prime » Hitit

WAV from Warncoort to Hil cuhtcrn bmmdai\ of the town of Colac ami from the western bouu ilarj of Colac to Pirron Yalloak The to id will Ik witUmd to a uniform width of 20ft ami

supctrd with n sufficiency of -metal to gi,\e a good trnfflcnbh roid throughout the winUr mouth? Dilling next «ummel Uie whole length of 14 nilli b will bo sheeted with «a futtliçr titree 'uches of metal, which will then be penetra ted with bitu in ti nul flnl-shed tÏÏ with a coat of bitumen cotriul with gm\el

Application U being nndi Im Colac Mi ire Conn eil to the tountn Hoads Hoard to put in bimi the following uml iipair-s at the estimated ex pi um. -imlltil«! -Colac llnllurnt toad, ¿J GOO Cressx Inveileigh mad ¿2 000 Colac Bru li Ion M £2000 Pi tuet b Jllghv, ij (town heetlon)

JL1 500

At the Coln Polit q Couit on Wednn-lat lurnea I rmcis While of Voit li bellum:!.! was com milted foit trial al the Court of Pim "-essiions at ballarat on lul\ 20 on a cbargp of ha\tn" iii Itcpiie obtain« d goods fiom Inmc-t Channon Ptorekpppi r I \Idcuce was given that incused rrpic-cutid hiniisetf to be the ovrrbcti at ilium th [.tains M ition und bv this means obtained goods to the uduc of ¿11/0/0


Al n firemen's .social Mr. Man-hall, chief oflieor of Country l'ire Itrigndç», presented ¡Fireman langley with tho tiopby won al Hie tordit Ihr men's, nnd willi a gold meda) given hy the l.'orumbumi brigade.*

At the .(-undi meeting a letter wa» reid from the Wonth.ig'.ri Hoiough .Council (Utilising Mi. Clupp's iictivitiet. a* f;onimi<*.«doiior of itiilwavw. Council' lleibcrtson leferrcd tu the connc-il's in tou'df.tenrv* in that ir-agreed tit'iis-iNt other conn* c11.s in connection with the log now before the Arbitration Couit, and it turned lound nnd appointed ¡t town clerk without calling appli-cation-, for Hie position at n Milury of £7») pet .Minimi.. Till-- was a dlicct blow' to the whole or the shires in the State, and wuk disastrous to the ramp they were lighting. ? The Icttei w.h

metelv lerehed.

Tho iti.i.i'*.' i-f the fueteased iii-.ur.ince l.itcs paid bj ratepayer.-! in the i-hire was ag.iln referí ed to al the collin H meeting, and ni tlicie docx not seem to be «hiv pos-ihility of gettlii'i ti reduction h oin Hie compituich the picsldenl (Conucilloi Western) stated that t-'oincthnig di it M fe would have lo be done, and bo thought Hint ii the latepavcr-, would he pr'p.tred to take the rîuk themselves for V> months the leduelion in the nmoim.« paid might lia ve Miine inlluenee- on the (,'oiiipaiiic3. I'inulitv on Hie matter was not i cached.


Owing to i deptesMon in Hie ovciseas maikct for drUd fiults Coomealla, foi merl y known as the N'iue Mile, which is in Xtw .South Wales Inimcdi at eli opposite Mildura, was looktd upon ns a while .dcphaiit when, on .hine 21. 1H21, the Hist subdivision of 2."i blocks u is thrown opon foi fi'-tt lenient. It was not until .lune V), liiiV.. Hill Mi. W. C. Jiilk'v, horliculturiBt, ni Cmlwaa. took up the Iln«I block .ind planted it with i ningis,- flhis lead was not followed In* others until huon week*, ngo It appoint d that then must be u total revolution of the Coomealla pío Jcct; otherwise Coomctllu would lemnin ey pen ci\e nnd uceless. I hen Messrs. I\ I'.lltot, V. W. Iredale, II. li. Iredilo, nnd J. A. Uiuton. of Hie Mildura district, 'ipplietl foi Innd, and '21 othet residents of Mildura,f li.vmplo, and Merbein fol-lowed their cample, ^uid ha\o been allotted

hlotks. - .

*nio Mildura Howling ClmVsirinlts have for Hirer (laja been covcied'with frost, which bad not oc-curred before in the history of Mildura. 'Hie maximum »Indo temperature on 'Ihursdav was 1*» degrees and the minimum :10 degices.


The l«inils department wiote to the Sev mom Shire Council rccentl.v, Jbklng if Hut hodv had um* objection to Hie sole of three lu.itU.m the paiisli of Lowry to an adjoining landhohlei. 'Hie mallei wns ndveitind, and the progiess tf-sopLttiou lodged an objection, sitppuilcd In ii petition ?signed hy -10 resident«. In ftire of this the con uni nawu-d a* tesolutlon oiTeilng no objettiou to the dispo-sal of two of the thqiotighfarc«. 'I hu progne asboe.iatiou lus tjl.eii exception to the countll's action, and; aftu* a warm di*i(.u»siou at Its meeilng decided to «end its plot out lo the Lands Uep.ut inent. A motion was «l«o agreed to h.v the association, n-gietting 'that the Scjinotn . Sldie Connell lied not hi Un dellnfle ucllou at iii, l.i<-t. meeting to au unge a meeting of Mib-roininiltecs of the two hollies to lOiishlei the onction of a town hall wottb.v of Seamour.


In ciiiniei-tl.Mi ««Ith lim -iiimli'iiuli um! DMuil Tennis Ak-utiiltioll flxllll«'. Ill«' Cillli.imliu te.mi «:«,,! tlio 'IniiiliiliKli I Pinn lis- elfe'lil


At n ««ell-altentbd niooliii'r lu Mirp'iarloii l' it ui.f'ili'i lilfl to le«¡«e the ilfiiiitliiK sniii'ls. Xlr. 1). .Ililli«»», «us nl'-fOinti'il piVnlilonl, Mr. li. II Kt-iiliK Mciollil-.l, 1111,1 Ml. X. XXVstoii lli'ilsiliil,

XX"itll 111«» oliji'Cl ol I'i'ititil.illii; .SIil'|i|inr!oli I'lllk. on the nolf .ÜiikB .nu »Itllllteil, MeEsrs. 11. tj Monifoli. .1. 1'iclr, I!. I,. s««aii.«*aii.l !'. I!. Xln rlsll, lUilC plllllll'll IU» Jill' 100 ti««-»

II xi.» th finitely decided n,t n iii. <-l incr lu l.i> ,lo«\li (lundi tpiin!b-c<jiirl8 liy"ll!0 ricsli.itciitin

Matu.'-, Sin |i)iai len.

l*|i to 11,0 rlo.iiw «lill«' tim .SliepiMitiin Miire Ctmnril uil'.eoled in iules £1.1,(12!)/1/.*!, «it sslliili .£T,,K2 «.in collei led on tile final du-..



Al .1 meeline of the Allum .Alunieipiil Connell Alc'ennnn A. AX'uiirIi .epolled Hint lie anil oilier illili rinen bad .iaspeeleil llic* new abattoirs .al Cohn-, und,, lo lus ininti. Hu* plann stililullted by Hie rofileU's engineer ninny ..ems litro xxeit*

ipi I li; rs elhtlenl.

"r. W. l.ennind, ilislrlcl Inspielor of schools,

iicnininenileil to the IMiieutiou ile|i.ntmi ut Hut it protcetl -.xlfh Hu* proposal to elect mi Infunli' school ul Xoilli All'iu.i.

Adtlllinmil repiese'itntion Is lo,be mude lliroiiílli Hie Ne» South Willis uulhuriUi'S It. luxe the Vlrtoilun nillxxtiv gauge, I lo the Albiuy

luckin*! .nulls.

noller.. Iur 11115 .ml 1H25 allott Hull Hie niipu H ion of Ailinn Inert .neil from 6,ii00 to !l,8!w.

¿1st,. Minnie ¡junior, lured C2 .xeiire. sxif.« uf Ml. , T. Suxx.icr, of tai Install. Jula died.


.Ihe llolbiook laeecourse ¡s .ulttn.xs icce-ivlner some .mention xtlth lepan! to impioxements. mid mention »ni, mude at Hie uiiuuul iiu'clliur of Hie Aniuteiir Turf Club tlmt mon* £1,1130 on lui proecnienls batí beca rpent In Hie lust Hie

"t* ne»- school lillllillin,- ut .llnsrrlllc is near,

bier eoiil|iletIou. nuil un opcnlnir has been

uiTunsetl for .Inly 2.

At Ihe""monthly meetluir of the School of Alls :oinnilltee, Mr. C'oidon lïoss xxas made u life



The, IIo««loti[r l'logress Xssotiilkin approached til« eontmis«iioiiei of police «lilli ii «ie«« oí In«lui: Hie jiolico, station .oniiccled ««ith Die loleplionc einhänge rite ll«nipst ssiis i «filsell

Xti J llarfiiolcinci« ii is disposed of liis hulehei

inif liu/siness to Mr 1' Omisa« Hie prie« itnllbcd

««ns £400 '

Tile i'nrents mid Citi/in'ii Association fun.« «IrcsH hall xsuh ii success, mid icsulliil In i piollt

of £25

Hussion--; stock pales are 1" in,; ssell aticnilcd I-at slock Bol«! «sell, and stoles made hill salue His iii!; lo incicasc of business» u ne«« stock anil st ition or, ne« Is IipIiir op, neil

?»«iliw i« lomnlcted, ami Hie siafnn's prospicls arc «ii« k'ood


In llie .tunee I'oliie Court CtirEhfoiilicr Daniels ssos line«! £2 on ti eli uri of hasini- atteniptcd to toniinit suiru!« on XI i« ;l llame!«, sus iotnid lu i hut nell X1 in ir «111. his thront cut In four pine»

I Dell! «ni ilefentod Iii li Mulsh (holder), foi Hi, Johnni XX ilkcr oIiiiIIciikc lennis cup, I 0,

C ! lil

Mi II XI «.pur, until reeentli held master al Hi, louee piililn -iliunl «Uni fi oin pneumonia it

Nesii i.tli


Xn old lune th« fonthill c1

C ro|i|iiliK o|i« nnishnl Xlor, and dallis


hill held lindel the tuispic ih «sis icrs suieetsflil

niions in lins «li-trltl arc

lilli is n,,dcd to lipleuMi BARNAWARTHA

C'S of nliou i (links

1-iif-f ' litiiirf tru

lh, «li liuilieril! "ol «lui

i,lop Hu

X1, II

ielsi.1 n> ills«

on.Hil kl-1


l,m n II ii

I.C ««

innis ,! shell I Ullin» «Hill iiildllinis ne

heirn.' nun«

- line le ii ii, 1.Ill« II

li'luster" in l'¡i


ml liullc. 1. !,n Nenin irk in ul«l, au d In Hu

iniiiiisler 1,

oi lullou lo s

lui list 1 e»


A «ionien'« collillllllcc pu-lil

.1 mer hi X1

- 1)

(Continued on noxt p«ige).



i. SraiiJJ9^^^jáa_'_ - \9iJL >ri*Kxr-«---«ECT«

^QNTINUBD*--^^**«?-^ v-s-Wj*


(Continued) ^

«_«,! ncnusc,! a hainor to reduce tlio délit on Kubill- hill, sshleli, n» « result, ia no««' nearly S£* Xlorc tlion J-CO »ai iniscd. -

"me nroeress association iia» been ros h ed, mid .. (Aimilim ofllcers ««ere elected nt n siell-al

Ü mnS°-I-^ldoiit;'Mr. (1. lMcknrd;-vlcci 'Ä"t "ir I'- Vi'- Cliene'y! secretary' und treasC Mr \\ Wilson! committee. Messrs. A. Hil««-.

? 'n llriant and II. Lee. It «las «Icchled to

'"Jut, é Shire Council ««III. a

¡Cío tile cstlihli'ihilic'llt.of nn electric supply. ÎÏ. Ilailviais Commissioner» luii'e lieçn xirltteii'to

Jim,, tint hotter neills be Installed nt Hie rail


Tun j»,,- of Mr. A. Cameron, m«tier nf tile r ii i si d Inn hale purchased tile liriiportx- of

Is,. iimiiiTi« is ronsldiTi'il excellent for sheen S ritt!, lallenliiE oiiillb* to Ita boiilir liTiitatcd ''iirT'r. 1'ork, blacksmith, xihilo eilttlliR a

"1 oi sio.iij, had the mlsforltiiio to rat a piora r fl,u «sr II" ««as taken to n specialist, x«ho

¡S a lío xxiii lose the slffht of ihe ese.


Kier lieiiiK stationed-at »¡.aufnrt for Ino jooi-s, bnoieiiiislshlc (I. «S. XVilliamson Is to take Tun of Hie Ararat motion.

ii, X\ Bosco, assistant slntlon-mnster at ila, 'is behm transfol roil to Ung Uii|C.

The death has occurred of Mr. Henry Lofts, aged 69 years grazier, of Granite Hill (near Waterloo and Lexton). He resided in this district for about 50 years, and was a native of Geelong district. Mr. Lofts has left a widow, six sons, and a daughter. BLACKS' SPUR.

Th» Xliiioniuldi Lake is the centre of interest in «IsitoH just noss. Slowly the xiatcr «-¡others, «»kital Hie l'ools beeonie innrer, and tho little iln nu ore more apparent. Tho Fernshaw rood

in excellent coivlltio», and the Rpur ia most iraellic. 'Hio fronds of the treefern* uro at.

"ichrUi and a slvld Breon. l*orlunitlely the

SJ* trees »ero uiilouclicil by the fire, lind look« Ino Hio hcintlful «alleys there is no trace ? the ili-isloi that so recently befell Hie disUlrt' CARISBROOK.

I «Ir .lolin Ka-e. gin-tier, dic.l at his résidence

(.Carisbrook. Ho «vos a member of the 'f ulla-la ?*'j;!re¡y°,¡'1'^^ ^^ )M Mpohoronsji,

"for many .«ears associât«! xvitli his father in ilbtitclitnniî business at Carisbrook.


The ol«l l-res««ickians' Association in Melbourne ii. i!»ciiloil to liold u "Hack to Cros««ick" cele,

Ki«, coi'iinePdw on tho fcnturday folio«« Ing S eli. Hie mi'or (Councillor Cushlnir) bos mieued a inoelmir to milks» nrraiiBCinents.

intViVr. enid and soi el o frosts oro retarding


Const die II. Grunt, xtho has been In choreo or He Fostir distrlet for llxo jours, I« leaxlnu nt tht nul "' *'*c month, Inilnu been transferred to

Mr' \1 illn llumlilc, rresbytcrlan mlnlittcr at loiter, Is leaimu foi New Keulmii!, xxhero lie lias ¡«a appointed tu n inlnlstcrlnl ilurge.


Hie ilrilh lias nceinrcd of Mr. Thomas McCor. Idle, «Kui M J ear», lie had resided In Hie dis

liitl for m my jen«.

The Prmbx lorian conirresotlons at Gisborne, Kiddell, iiiil Macedon havo purchased ii motornr for the- u«o ot Ure minister, (tho Itcv. V. 0.


TLc rilnlixos ot tin* lulo Henry Hoxxoy, the tunecr seiili r of the Gisborne dlstilot, havo ile.iditl lo |ilni e* a bi our!.* bu«! oí tho inonoe- ?"* tis* top.if Hu* tltin.'v .Memorial erected by to

implo in It'll. 'Iln« bust xxiii bo umellcd on

lonntinllem JMx, 1Î1J7,

Mr. 1\. I' limit ha« iifrn elrUeil to lite coinmille« ni ti" liruttr. s* association In lilaco ot Mr. J. hcnslci, xtho bus lill the district.

Many ol II»' 1res.*» planted ¡ilonit tho Ilendltro ion) ne ir the racecourse hnxo tiled, anti xvltl "ate lo be* leplactMl Hie prnjrrcflf» association 1« itflini! upiH mix ice rcunrdllip; tile most blllt

.blc Ircis lu plant.


Die liri. IV. I.. Hiaicn, xxhn bo« accepted n ail to \\ tut ard ('in«), xwis bidtlen farewell In it« baptist Church, und picsentcd xiltl. n roll of

salei l >

The Sl.itc si hool Is oiorcrnwdeil. The l.iilldiiipr »as moled to u i ummodelt* 10*ï, xihereas lill .tern tin* mil. The Fchoul committee Is utérinT the elepaitiiiint to < red a nrxv classroom.


More Mi C. Itoncr«, l'.JL, In (he Kjabram (curl on liiusilu.i, flinty Ilollick xxiiK rcmandctl lo Iln« trink.ion'l .mil on .lune '11, on ii diarize ii lui hw di m rlul bl» w Iff. II. A. .Mc.Nllt, liifli'« .1 li« Ixxibliilil Hotel, «as fined £'1, rilli 32/1* ti -is, for bavins disposed of liquor cinnj: pioluliltcil iio'Jia on May S.


Mr.. J O'lloniicll, sister ot llrs% XX'. J'rnlilsat, hi ilic.1, lutine; n hutdniii! lind >ountT iiunily. Vr. Chu Ho,ni, of Ilaunoekbnrn, hua also tiled.


The eiuntiiiltcc of iiianiiiraiie'iit tippoluttd at Hie imnl m.iiiii^ ni theJLismoto rccrentltin ii'»etxi« mt \. I' omi \V. Scxinoui, (1. Oiauii, J llU'tarii, lud Ur ,1, Scott Putoll.

lamMii1; is steadily proffresslntr, and fairly largo |eneiita¡;es uro btliii; obtained. The recent cold rup, lioiteter, eausetl u «Unlit decrease 111 the



Mr. T. llur"'i\ manu.;« tif the Merrliium branch ti ile HniW of X icteiriu. Ima lici'ii transfcrrctl to *Js* Ur It '1 iuue), aie'oiuitiiut of the Ktnbnihi, lias bein jpj ulut.'d lo the xacuncy.'


lle-nJcnts of Ilinsoiixillc and Moyhu orrangeil a« lue n xin. Corker's foi in, and plouirhod ml .iiilk'il .11 .aies. Mr«. Corker's husband dial


".i-lrr i-ohiiioii is kept bn*iy, and the bush-nursing 1 kinii inmi ipintuatcil eiery.luy.

11» «nillir iniiliinits Hue. xxiii. Hlltrlit frosts. "inn* lum 1 Jil punils of rain lins tullen. Cicnm ni ]ilu s ire crmluillt iiiorcaslner. l'ecd Is abun« um, nu 1 mt , nips hink stell.

U Hie unit,.! springen! were In lequest at Int tisisl lum. m.I fat i.|t.t*I. ami icalcm xxcrt» ticnlj, fo . Storis of all descriptions

vr, ninth ti ni.


ti ' I 11. meei mu of landholder« in Hie

C ilium Inn. [Holtet, Hie icpolt of the tlepula

n u Uni »in.ii t.ii Hu. Mule Itlxcis lind XXliter

ii IfKulity ni the commission' pitiet'oilintrs atriiinst defaulters. NUMURKAH.

tillen Hill« nitctlnir of Hie Nlinuilknh Shire I" n ii li II i. nell of \l nnthiigRl solicited sup I it 1, p,,, lim; juiiust Xlr Clapp "deiotinit lils tin ml i,f!i,i in tninpetliiR x«ith prlxnlc enter

li 1 iii I liiiiiini «ti Ihcjnoii' important «sorl, j

it li Uni. ti, i tiliiuis on business and ero i i « In li ,\ is i), i liliU to lake no notion,

, th| i ,l I uin iPRirded as unfulr LoullClllor u Hanlon -«II Um .Mi- Clapp ««us Hie brainiest

lai t ill! nut toininissioncr tho Mclorlan (lo

i itini it li I em lud, tin«! liar! sho«\lt that ho

« 1« is i « 1« to sine« Hie lotiscnienct» of ni ii u i X sum of J.100 ««as «olid lonards 'iii! ic lini, in infectious illstales «« ml at i> 1 lu i I! »pul Ihc colin.II expressed ii i I as «n llii sn;i.istlon bl the lioilnt«

» ti I um! Hut Hie ullin lonil from Murchison) I I min ii (\ s li ) should In di ililli',] to take

a I'll i 1 Hu enuiitn in the nest of the i « il n li I« n dcllnc I In tim (,nillir.« lionds

'ii li \ i «I «id ,1 to place on Hie aRendll

l«|s al ii i st iiiuuli ipal confeienee a motion | i i i in, at miiiii, ipu! elections iio made c Mi .

It Hi, mini ineithii- of the "xtimurkiili 'loisn , '"iii Hil Hie lil! ns 111« «llllcois s«ei. <lo6lcd -

lt»<Hml «li, ( ( ,rl, ti. s le« president, Mis» L

ii u i i xits J! Gtii'sott lames, sccietnrj.l

? « I «1 Ills

ni] linn- «niibiiiiil hi Hu« \umiirkiili II fhl Mi- X X!,ls«ii7li ««on the ««omen's

' H n eiem, ml xllss li Losen the I! seillon «Il Je -I!«' milli, li,ion «as X«6ll lix I 1 rli-Xlls I. tlniif (I) 'li

TU kalli In« nu urn ii nt 1 lupm of Xli I) is lil Ti mel In

TI tr lue ire «I ino

. ..of Hie Slritlinieilnn football (.rniinil | tile.reel. I l «In ssiiiR sill li for plmois at il i


Oi lil in « iii,, x\llllani Inn ' Hi »is i uri;, ,1 on »Illiniums ill the Oujc

Mlielniri "ith lining behn«ed in in obnoxious I liner n, I ! n[i .. u,t,l ob-tctic laminage It Un "'t»"l h «ho did nitpeitr, xius .lue«!

sid foi Ih (b.iine lunRiiiRe c'iuiri' On Hu» iln «li«me I e ,« is »culoul > d to one month'., lui l'i"twen! « illiiuit Hie O.UIon of a (lui s Willi "I Min.'th tim ni sei «lui; the si'nti mi, Isis

««lil t II« iKlurt (»n linn 1, .IBB Con'ill»! Iln'milli ni (lujen, «ho ««is l.'lloilni; >t IlllerlKiil nirstiil Kai aniirli on a finllier i ame «i idrii-m Imitas tom- He ««/is nllo«sc«l I'll in tlie sun o| ¿UKI Ho nppeulid on Wed "»I« in lin Oui cn cuni! and Messrs 11 Okc "1(1 limn 1 1>'s lim il hltn ¿5. in ilLfntlll ir« month s niiprisniumiit Hie Hue, torfcthci »Hu Hie oí i ¡inprse«! loi obhceiu Iiiiiriiiirc in V)22, »"'lau! I,iv iii mil sins lulen to Hull nat lo inettip. ni«,n«« ot oin month ini|ioscd in 11122

«ii eflert i- leniR niuile to foi iii ii liarrlcis' (lil it On ii Hi 1 Lattliini has been dec I 11 «cent ni


the lit niMtniR of thcStanhopo faotileiii'

uc it m, un inimousli. decided to snppoil I (?»lull ,n pi . ,| m the leccnt (ioiilhmn XXal.i « «nf.inin, for electitc tipi.seutntlon on II»'lali linn, mil XXutcr fcu|i|ily I oninilssinn

,l'uiiiu" k mil lorniir.l lu the xiilous or

ii .rl

Ikrttipiii, lu, proicil it lililntlle sonne of 1 "me In i |,si settlers llrto in 111« lin-l'tiil « Hie lonlcreme of beekeepers, In lil in Hush «"rlh Hilas ,"undent!} predi, ted thal Hi, Indus I m isouli ix.,,,,, 1 \|,oiit t»,, tins of bom«, of noll, I rall lu, iun ,]" m,,T (," " cnlonv I

[ bloom an 1 u,, i"A blo-oni f e.l

'»reio.1 limn of Hie sum ni X.II7 misiil lol III, ken»!in Ih-plliil Imildiiiir fund li« n niotoi irim "M» Hi « ininilltic sins» asked lo nomlnilc i

J""i' I i Hi« poillou c1 life ROiclli.ll X1, I

1 I II» «is |«i«i|mi c1 ami his mime his bein I '"to Hie ho | ¡tal lor ii] pniiitmoilt


., ''N« II, lui -I ,t lunn , In, bun

II "I in linn- mm,,, |,| ti.« «Ililli nil« «,i «lilli

I,1" «¡iu! siipplns ol in limn nnd lu i

"i ne I « I s«, ill,,, li,, mijoiiu ni «rnpäl .iMliiu heilll,, I! , ," mi,,,,- "I nie pi, I," «»i! i ii muh imbi I Hum those ex

¿""li"',1"1'"- ]-' ""I ''« ii'ftl*' base in T " »ni mi. is wtl.'l<l«iix, and ««lill Hu S3""!,,',1 -'".'.? ll "-».?.?.. li'»»- tilt coin'im

"..»a «vlll he a record , Iel. , Iro"»1 «"li sen leo lo Hie nos! olllee ««III

S",',nl0, "Pora"«« on iulj 1 Hie lulurc '

Jl «cor hiteuu, ," klnsr use oi a motot loir«, Si " "" '""?.*l ''?"t ."»??.. ???..' I«!'«*' xilll li« ?"»?".I «eui bonis eulin than !mui«rl«


t*b-T'¡ UT,,.;,,"1«,1;'

,J> lune, ll"".r , ,,,1|,""<C,1 I,,,,,

of the

ï»ropfit>, Mr. Donald Ha\. «.ts liwiiir alone Hie building at tin- tim.- of the Iln

Mr. Douglm., nf tlio ruiluav MiilF at M'a II i,., has htcn truiwfcrrrcl to Wangaratta, and .Mr. IsOttc to Ou>cii.

Mr«. John Laffan, mi old rcsldnit of, hu


The HrnndmondouF Miiro Council has dei tiled lo mpicst tim Itailwiivs Commlssloni-m lo extern! tin« suburban rutilus to Wii1I.hi, Jnstr\iil of Iii midge.

lu tlio rollen L-ourt, Hcrt Ularuicp Murray mid TI mm nu Cumin i n.s were mell fined £5 fur lint lue rarrlctl firoarniB at lle\eiidp<» mi Mindai, Tliomau Cummins .was nibo filled JD1 for having been In 'pohscsaloii of a rillo while under the tige of l8 a * WHITTLESEA.

llic Whittlesea -Shire Council is obtaining .100 trees for planting In the Whittlesea Park mid other parta of,thu thlre.

.A movement. Is being made hy Whittlesea to Induce the JUnlalry to take ov«i the Whittlesea road from Melbourne to Yea as a national road The matter la to he placed bernie .the Couti tn* Hoad« Hoard, and oil i it cmmelU Interested are be I UK nuked tu support, the move mc nt. '

Const ubi o Woodhouse has been appointed health inspector for the shire. *

The Whittlesea Council U In svnipathv m Ith Chiltern «Shire being in favour of adhering to present condition? willi regtml to tlio uppolnttiieut

ofr health officer.«.

Complaints ure boluc made with regard to the .unsatisfactory telephone t-crilce ut Kpplng. 'ihe trouble causing lung delu.M. Is that Uiltc »re too many -station« on the line. It Ia considered that the telephone bushics« at Kpplng ha h grown suf-ficient to warrant another line being put In.

The Whittlesea Council granted permission to the (soldiers' memorial committee to erect n memorial archway In Walnut street nt the entrance to the mik.

Iho tiny labour work on the Kinglake road lias been suspended until the «spring. Iho overseer reports tliut the expenses to hate increased 0*00 per cent, with the wet weathn. One mill will complete tim Job In tho Whittlesea Shire, and about four miles more mclalllntf is necessary to link up with the Kinglake Knut end. ,


Speaking at the anníml pmóko night of the AuHtrallau Natives' Association, Mr, A. T. Oreen, a member of the board of director», In refining to the boaid's tilt ¡Unie to nfïo resta tlon, sahl that it Intended to ask the Mlnlbtry to grant £.jOO,000 for replenishing the .State forests. 'Ihn object of the directors was to induce the Ministry to consuno all remaining forest*?.

Great BuUr,-fact«pn It expressed among the coalmincrs that tim -vtilkr- Is oh*, and that there is every Indication of work being resumed ut the State coal mine within the next few days.

'Miss Abrahams haß'been chosen us ipieen of sport lu connection willi the queen compel it lou to

ibu funds for improving the recreation lcserve.

In the hoccer competition for the Webb Cup, Magpies defeated Culcdoniiins by 1 goals to 1. In the Westernport competition Ulackwood de-feated Magpies by 8/0 to fi/14.

It Is tlio intention of tho major to com elie hhortly a meeting of dolegalt« from Miires which lune replied fuvuuiahly to the «Jiculuf .iimied by the Wonthaggi Dorough Condell, commenting on Mr. Clapp's competition with private induatrj in extending the operations of rutlwuy luuclicon


llcforo bia departure for Werribee, where he bus been appointed (.hire secretary, Mr. (I. I*. Muirhead was presented with a wallet of notes and Mrs. Mutrhcud with a handbag by St. JoFcph'ri Ten ni« Club.

'iho Stnte Hivers and Wafer .Supply department in proceeding with the erection of a water tower at the st oi tige bitdu to obtain a better pressure for the higher parts of the town.

Business people consider tlie present strike the most disastrous the town lui« ever experienced, tho reason being on account o.f the coalmine» not receiving tiny btrlkc pay. Distress is most ucute in mnnv cases, but hopes are entertained that the «strike will be declared olT during the week and tlie men allowed to return to work.

Mr. .T. ItobertBOii, malinger "f the Hank of Vic-toria at Wonthaggi almost since Hie inception of tlio field, has been transferred to a bl ml lar i-osltion at Dawlesford

j lu connection with the recently formed basket-ball (otnpelitimi for n slhei cup presented bj Mr. Sutherland, of South Dudlcv, Inverloch de-feated *outh Dudley b> 32 goals it) 1.

'Hie formation of Um Wonthaggi and Distilct Herd I outing At-soclollon has proved of great value to dairy farmers. Iho membership Is lapldly in-creasing, ____^^__