Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Thursday 23 June 1938, page 55

News From The North-West

CARNARVON, June 16.-The motor vesse Koolinda, from Fremantle, calling at all ports reached Carnarvon at 8 a.m. on Friday am after discharging 160 tons of general cargi and a number of passengers. saUed for Onslov at 4.30 p.m.-The auxiliary lighter King Ba: arrived from Fremantle at 3 p.m. on Mon day. She discharged 25 tons of cargo on Tues day morning and sailed at noon.-The annua Presbyterian bazaar held in the A.I.M. Hall Carnarvon, on Friday evening, proved an out' standing financial success. It was opened b! the Mayor <Mr. C. H. Hammond), at 8 p.m. in the presence of a large attendance. Thi receipts for the evening amounted to £31.Members and. associates of the Carnarvon Gol: Club played the second 18-hole stroke compe-tition last Saturday on the local links, whet V. Shallcross, with a 20 handicap, returnee the phenomenal score of sis under bogey. T Kelly, on 16 handicap, also beat bogey witt 74 net. Miss M. Snook, with 8I.net, securec the associates' prize.-On Monday eleven mernbers of the Carnarvon Rifle Club compete! in the annual prize meeting. Seven countint shots were fired over each of the five ranges The Binning trophy was won by H. McLean The second match was won by A. Berrymar and the third match (600 and 70Q yards) wai won by L. Baker. The grand aggregate wem to Jack Wheelock. The ladies' bracelet anc Port Hotel cup for the aggregate, plus bandi' cap, was won by the club's newest member A. Berryman. The Wise cup was annexed bj H. Tonkin, and the prize for the highest, num-ber of bull's eyes went to F. Wheelock witt 2.4.-Before a large and interested crowd ol spectators West Carnarvon secured its seconc consecutive victory on Sunday by defeating Gascoyne, thereby securing a lead in the pre-miership table by one match.-After montht of fine, warm weather, winter was heralded with a cold snap during the week and the coldest morning for the year was registered on Wednesday.-Passengers by the Koolinda on Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Oakley and Miss W. Oakley, Messrs. A. Fullerton. F. V. O'Oea, S. Henville and R. J. Frazer, and Mesdames Cormick and Blair.

DERBY, June 14.-The annual general cricket meeting was held on Thursday even-ing, when Mr. R. Russ was re-elected presi-dent, Mr. R. Owen secretary, and Mr. A. LUly captain. Arrangements were made for immediate commencement of practice in pre-paration for the annual Broome-Derby matches.-On Friday the Koolama returned from Darwin and loaded 63 tons of cargo, and 508 head of cattle from Kimberley Downs, The Springs, and Lower Liveringa. A dance was held on board until the ship departed at ll p.m. Miss T. Bandy was a passenger for Fremantle.-On Saturday evening a dance was held in the local hall in aid of the Derby Race Club.-On Sunday the Derby Golf Club held a 9-hole stroke competition, which was won by C. Hamilton with 44-9.-The Charon arrived from overseas on Sunday, and before departure for Fremantle loaded 39 tons of cargo and 422 head of cattle from Gogo and Cherabun stations.-The Centaur arrived from Fremantle on Monday and discharged 23 tons of cargo before proceeding overseas.-The Yampi Lass arrived today from Koolan Island, bringing in 24 men who have been given notice of termination of work at the island. It is understood that the majority of the men have been put off, and are merely await-ing the return of the boat for transport to Derby. The closing down pf Koolan Island t wë! seriously affect business in the tor-, which has been on the up grade-since de-velopment there started.-Miss E. Ah Chee and ' Mrs. Kirk and daughter returned from Fit£

roy Crossing by Wednesday's plane. Mrs. Courtney was also a passenger by this plane j from Darwin.

ONSLOW, June 16.-On Saturday, at 10 a.m., the Koolinda berthed and discharged 121 tons pf cargo, including a 5-head battery for the Melrose. Passengers to disembark were Misses N. White and D'Arcy Evans.At 4 a.m. on June 14 the Koolama loaded 301 bales of wool.-The battery, which arrived by the Koolinda, is being transported 120 miles to the mine by motor trucks.-On Sat-urday night seven points of raia fell and today the sky is overcast again.

, ?PBi. HEDLAND, June 16.-Three vessels visited the port during the week, the auxiliary schooner King Bay on her way to Broome on June ll unloading two tons of general careo, and the motor vessels Koolinda and Charon. The Koolinda berthed at midday on June 13. leaving for Broome at ll o'clock the same night. She unloaded nearly 200 tons of general cargo and 50 rams, and took aboard 2)/2 tons of general cargo. Passengers who disembarked included Mrs. Holthouse, of Muc-can station and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, of Marble Bar. The Charon berthed at ll a.m. on June 15 on her way south and left at 11.30 p.m. She unloaded a finial consign-ment of bananas, and loaded 527 bales of wool for Fremantle, and one ton of general cargo.-The Secretary for Railways (Mr. Tomlinsons accompanied by Messrs. Raynor and Mcculloch, the latter representing the engineering section of the Dailway Depart-ment, arrived by the Koolinda on Monday on

a tour of inspection of the Port HedlandMarble Bar railway. The party, accompanied by the stationmaster (Mr. C. Riley), left by train for Marble Bar on June 15.-A con-ference between the party and the local Road Board took place on June 13 over the con-dition of the road to the jetty, which has been very rough for some time. The Rail-way Department agreed to do the necessary repair workt assisted by the board. The Road Board held its monthly meeting on June 10. when accounts totalling £439 were passed for payment. The road repair gang, under fore-man Pedler has been occupied for the past three weeks in repairing the crossing at the 12-mile creek, where the stone foundation sank four feet below its original bed during the very heavy floods early this year. A retain-ing wall has been put down four feet to a clay foundation and the curbing cemented. The finished job will cost in the vicinity of £250.-The flying doctor's plane made a re-turn trip to Marble Bar on June 13 to transfer a patient from Marble Bar Hospital to Port Hedland Hospital, where the doctor wil have easier access to him.-Mr. Bonan, district in-spector of post offices, arrived from Marble Bar on June 10 on a tour of inspection and left tor Roebourne by plane on June 12.Mr. A. Bril, engineer for the P.W.D.. arrived overland on June 15 to inspect thc Government buildings in the town.-The associates of the Port. Hedland Golf Club played a points com-petition over nine holes on June 10. re-sulting in a win for Mrs. Graham, 59-29-30 net, from Mrs. Acton, 50-14-36 net and Mrs. Wyndham,. 59-19-40 net.-The men of the club held the weekly competition over 18 holes on June ll. with the following results: First, S. Acton, 79-8-71 net, second M. Ped-ler, 80-5-75 net, third. H. Lawson, 81-5-76 net.

ROEBOURNE. June 16.-On the arrival of the Koolama on June 13, a deputation con-sisting of the members of the Road Board and their wives met the Ministerial party, which is on its return journey to Perth. The ladies were taken ashore and motored to Roebourne, where morning tea was provided, and re-turned in time for lunch on board. The Chief Secretary (Mr. Kitson) received the deputation of board members, when Mr. Stove, chairman of the board congratulated the Government and the Minister in having placed such a fine ship on the coast. He also pointed out the necessity of freights on fodder for starving stock being reviewed, as except in small patches, the country was in a de-plorable - condition west of Roebourne, where large numbers of sheep were seeking abst-inent on more fortunate holdings. The deputation also forcibly pointed out the in-convenience caused by having native infectious disease patients treated at the local hospital and asked that all such cases be taken to Port Hedland, where an institution for their treatment was established.-The asbestos in-dustry was also mentioned, the visitors ask-ing that the-' Government inquire into the position of the overseas marketing of that mineral, and assisi in the establishing of a very valuable industry for the district and State. Mr. Kitson gave the deputation a very sympathetic hearing and promised to bring the several matters before Cabinet. In

regard to starving stock fodder, he said that it . was only necessary to sign the required decla-ration to receive the benefit of reduced freights for this purpose. Captain Engleston thanked the visitors for the complimentary remarks

about the ship and stated that she was now ' carrying' the largest shipment of cattle yet carried by any passenger ship on the coast (500 head) and was also loading 1.000 sheep from Croydon station for Fremantle. He invited the party to lunch which was partaken of before the ship's departure at 2.30. The I Koolama took on board 44 bales of wool from Millstream and five tons of general cargo.Thc Koolinda on June 12 arrived at 5 a.m. and sailed for Balla to pick up 187 bales of wool from the Mallina and Satirist stations at 9 a.m. She unloaded 54 tons of general cargo and a motor car. Passengers to land were Mrs. Clayton and Miss Gibson. Passen-gers to embark were Inspector Timms for Broome, and Mr. D. Williams and Mr. and Mrs.. Eldrige for Hedland.-Light showers started this morning and conditions for rain are promising.

WYNDHAM, June 14.-The Koolama on the return trip from Darwin arrived here at 11.30 a.m. on Tuesday and after loading a quantity of frozen beef left at 10 o'clock on Wed-nesday morning for Derby. During the ves-sel's stay in port a deputation from the Road Board and the committee of the swimming pool waited on the Minister for Works (Mr. Millington). The board sought improvements to the goods sheds and the swimming pool asked assistance in connection with the build-ing of a-pool. Mr. Millington promised to go into both matters on his return to Perth. -The annual ball of the Meatworks Tennis Club was held in the Meatworks Hall on Friday night and was a huge success.-The death occurred on Saturday night as the re-sult of an accident earlier in the day of Mr. J. McMahon, of Wave Hill, who was visiting Wyndham. The funeral took place on Sun-day afternoon.