Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Thursday 9 February 1933, page 38


BROOME, Feb, 6.-The Broome Tennis Club hpld it annual general meeting in the Continental Hotel on January 24 The following officers were elected: President, Capt. . A. C. Gregory; cap-tain. Mr. A. S. Male; secretary, Mr. E. Walker; committee; Messrs, A. 8- Male, Fletcher, M. Layman and Langdon. The men's subscriptions were reduced to 30/ a year, and the women's sub-scription was reduced to 5/ a year.-The sub-branch of the Returned Soldiers' League held its annual general meeting on January 18, when officers were elected as follow:-President, Mr. V. Ogilvie; vice-president, Mr. W. J. Hill; secre-tary, Mr. E. stainton; committee, Messrs. H. Macnee, E. - Norman, F. Lee, J. Tutherleigh, J. Cryer and B. Webbe.-Mrs. McCrae, of Roe-bourne, arrived by the Koolinda. Miss P. Field re-turned from her holiday to Singapore and Fre-mantle by the Minderoo.-Mr. Ä. A. Telland arrived by the 'plane on Friday to install a talkie equipment for the management of the San Theatre.-Mr. J. P. Gill, headmaster ot the State school, arrived from his holiday by the Koolinda. Other passengers by the Koolinda were Mr. Hutchinson (of the wireless staff) with Mrs. Hut-chinson and family, and Mr. Sinartt.-Mr. A. A. Coverley, M.L.A., addressed a meeting of resi-dents of Broome and some visitors from the Koo-

linda on January 81.-No rain has^.fallen for weeks. Last night sound Alms were screened for the first time for many of the audienc* in Broome, at the Sun Picture Stadium, said to bc the only talkie house north of Geraldton. Mr. A. S. Male, chairman of the road board, opened the theatre and congratulated the pro-prietors (Messrs. Milner and Knight) on their enterprise. The feature film was Paramounts "Monte Carlo," and thc sound apparatus was thc West Australian made XL Tone.

CARNARVON, Feb. 5.-The Shell Company's steamer Vooella arrived herc yesterday with 4.000 cases of petrol, 500 cases of kerosene, and 800 drums of petrol.-Mr, Clarke, engineer for the Shell Company, was a passenger from Roebourneby 'plane to-day.-The Kangaroo arrived from the south to-day. After discharging a consider-able quantity cf cargo she loaded 6,400 sheep for Singapore. Several tourists spent the day in Carnarvon, many being surprised at the cool weather and thc admirable condition of the gar-dens ajid lawns in the town.-The Tropical Ad-viser (Mr. Wise) - IB having a busy time among the plantations on the. Gascoyne. He states that he is very pleased wjth the progress made. There will be a large shipment of bananas by the Centaur this week.-Thc Presentation Con-vent school opened recently after the Christmas holidays, and the State school will open to-morrow.-A cricket match waa played to-day be-tween South and North -Carnarvon, and after an exciting game, was won by North Carnar-von on the first innings by 20 runs.

COSSACK, Feb. 6.-Rain, accompanied by thunder, has fallen over the eastern portion of the district. At Mt. Satirist, 146 points were recorded, at Mallina 31. at Yandyarra 40, and at Croydon 70. Falls have also been re-corded at Pyramid and Mardie, but general rain is greatly needed in many places.-When the Koolinda arrived at Cossack a stowaway was found. He was brought in and subsequently charged before Dr. F. W. Cotton, R.M., and dis

charged with a caution.-Archdeacon Simpson held two services at Cossack, one taking place-in the open air at the rear ot the Weld Hotel Lounge The service waa attended by seven coloured people.-Mrs. A. . McBae, of Andover, left by the Koolinda on a brief visit to Broome. Mr. 3. Christie, the new schoolmaster, accompanied by MB wife and child, arrived by the Koolinda. Mr. A. E. Farrel, of Ut. Satirist, ts on a short visit and is staying at the Weld Hotel-The prosecution

at the Roebourne Police Court of a native for having; gathered pearl shell for sale, has caused consternation among dealers in shell. For 50 years natives have been gathering shell and thus maintaining themselves. The police, under instruction, it is stated, from the Fisheries De-partment, are now insisting on the natives taking out licences, which cost £4 each. The native was brought before Dr. F. W. Cotton, K.M., and discharged with a caution.-Mrs. Ceo. Hud-son, who has been holidaying with ber family at Cossack, left for Roebourne on January 20.