Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Thursday 5 September 1929, page 12

Around the Studios.

Items from Here, There and Everywhere.

npilRILLIXG and fascinating for their

real-life origin are the stories of the Australian hush broadcast from 5CL by "Australyn." From a true ghost-story by Central Australia to a romauce of a north-ern goldfield, these little episodes in the life of the bush Australian hold the inter-est from beginning to end. The series will commence on Friday, September ft, and will be given regularly.

* * * .

TMRD-SOUNDS are to be heard, when

Mr. H. Brewster Jones, the Adelaide composer-pianist, broadcasts his piano in-terpretations of "Birds And Their Hab-

its fgjm 5CL. Mr. Brewster Jones is a pianffet of brilliant technique and his more orthodox compositions have found favour in the United States, in England and on the Continent, but this phase of hie work is not so well-known. He has been engaged to appear regularly at the Adelaide station. In all he has now re-corded over 200 bird-calls, and has grouped around them attractive settings, which carry the atmosphere of the bush. Several of these novel compositions were heard from 5CL for the first time recently, and Mr. Brewster Joues will give another re-cital of bird-calls on Tuesday, September

10, at 7.35 p.m.

« * * *

HULLO Prosperity is the title of a

revue to be produced by Dayne Ro-land at the Adelaide studio. It will follow the Persian song-cycle to be broadcast from 5CL on Tuesday, September 10, and principal parts will be taken by Jack Bur-gess and Bessie Francis,

. « * *

BERT Howell, conductor of the Ambas

sadors Theatre Orchestra, will _ be j

the main entertainer on Sunday nights from WP His. "musicale" broadcast


from the stage at the theatre on Sunday j last was a veritable treat. Mr. Howell has a. wonderful ;aptitude for knowing I just what the public wants and his library of music Ls almost unlimited. His Sunday night broadcasts are not open to the pub lie, and the effect, over the ? air, is to give the impression of depth, due to the resonance of the empty theatre.

* *. ' * *

/%N the air from 3LO (Melbourne) are ^ Joe Brennan and Ida Newton, who arc making . thèir re-appearance after a successful tour íhroughout Australia. Joe I Brennan needs no introduction to listen-

ers, for his versatility is amazing. As a comedian he has few equals, and he was thc first Australian dame to be engaged for an important pantomine production. At the other extreme, his masterly inter-pretation of Shakespeare proves him an adept in all branches of his art. For his short broadcasting "season he has selected some of his own original character


* » * tr

CAPTAIN Donald MacLcan, . who is

rapidly making himself a finn favour-ite with CW F listeucrs for his travel talks and stories of adventure on the sea, has had a long association with the micro-phone. He is well known to 2BL (Syd-ney) listeners, and only recently came to Western Australia after a long season at 3LO (Melbourne) Herc is an extract from a letter which came to 3LO from the dis-tant Santa Cruz, regarding Captain Mac Lean's talks:--"We are a hard-working family away in the bush. We all assemble at a fixed hour in the evening for a brief spell and to eat hard toast. We enjoy your njoft interesting talks and the rest-ful tones of your voice, hut we find the crunching and munching all round obliter-ates your voice, FO we have come to a unanimous decision that the best plan is to petition 3LQ^ that your story hour be 20 minutcs'later,-sri that we can enjoy both

toast and history."

TpHE popular radio humorist, Rupert

Hazell, who has made two remark-ably clever gramophone records, known aa "The Radio Fan's Dream," will take on a new rnlp from SCI nu (he evening of


Wednesday, September li, when he will lead his company through the hazards of a fireside evening. With Rupert Hazell at the helm, this broadcast promises to

be something particularly good.

* . * * .

|3ERCY Code has been appointed con

.*- ductor of the studio orchestra at 3LO.; Many of his compositions are regarded as "standard works in musical libraries. With a world-wide reputation as a composer, and with the rare experience of having played with the famous San Francisco Symphony Orchestra and other celebrated musical combinations, Percy Code is ex-cellently equipped for the responsible posi-tion of conductor, of the National Broad-

casting Orchestra at 3LO.

* # * #

T*HE State Government Psychologist

(Miss Ethel Stoneman) has been in-cluded tn the GWF programmes of the A.B.C. She will give a monthly talk from the studio on matters which will be certain to interest parents, particularly mothers. Her first broadcast will be fi ven on Thursday, September 12; when

er subject will be vocational training.

* . » .

¡\TERV. Lyons, who conducts the Temple

Court dance band, heard regularly from 6WF, has with him a collection of fine instrumentalists who are able to give to modern music just that amount of "per-sonality" that makes it dance-impelling. There is a restraint about their interpre-tation of the popular hits of the day that is pleasant to the ear even of those who don't dance. The band has a liking for blues numbers with a slow, halting rhythm but, when "pep" is necessary, they are able to respond to the occasion admirably. Mr. Lyons was born in Sydney, and it war ;»- »V->« ?V>n* hp rraipptí uiOst of


his experience. He was conductor of a Union Theatres symphony orchestra be-fore forming his own jaz2 band which fol-lowed Bert Ralton at the Ambassador's Cabaret, Sydney, and xvás later iu charge of the band at Romano's.

* . » . »

"T^R. Battye has boen appointed adviser

in regard to all talks of an educational

nature broadcast from GWF. Great in-' terest in wireless has been shown by Dr. Battye and his advice should he of con-siderable assistance to the A,U.C.