Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Saturday 10 April 1909, page 42



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(See Illustrât ions.)

Ou Thursday of last week His Excel- , lency the Governor aud Lady ¡ Bedford paid their final visit \

to the Christiau Brothers' Col- <

lege prior to their departure from West ern Australia. A considerable mimboi

of ladies and gentlemen also acceptée the invitation of the College aulhoriliei t-> be present, among those who attendee in addition to their Excellencies, be inf ih<i Lieuteuaut-Goveruor (Sir Edwart Çtone) and Lady Stone, Lady Forrest the Colonial Secretary (Mr. J. D. Con

polly), Captain Stone" (Private Secretan to the Governor), the Mavor of Pert" (Mr. T. G. Mollov), Messrs. F. Connor ÍÍ.L.C., and H. Brown, M.L.A., Colone Campbell, and the Rabbi (the Rev. D t. Freedman). The outside of the build jug', thc various classrooms and the dinIng-room were tastefully decorated foi the occasion, and above the main on trance waa affixed the inscription : "Ceac Mille Failthe" ("A hundred thousand .weloomeR."),

i On their arrival His Excellency auc Lady Bedford were received by thc principal and ex-Priuci])al of the" Col lege (Bros. Culligon and Nunan), and were afterwards met by his Lordship Bishop Gibney and Dean Smythe. The visitors were then conducted over thc various class-rooms ¡ind afforded an op portunity of seeing the pupils engaged at their studies. At the conclusion ol Mw inspection the company assembled in Ono of the large rooms where all thc scholars had previously gathered. The National Anthem having been sung,

Bro. Culligan said that it gave thc -teachers and scholars of the College . great pleasure to meet Sir Frederick and

Lady Bedford, and the others present there that day.

Bishop Gibney said that it was with sincere pleasure he was present to take part in the reception to Hie Excellency Abd Lady Bedford that day. Ho looked upon Sir Frederick as the repre-sentative of the greatest Empire of tho earth, and he hoped that it would re-main so. Personally he was not a niember of a cowardly race, and if there were not Dreadnoughts behind him In his owu country there were plenty of "Fearnoughts." (Applause.) Ile beIietfod that a bright day was coming for

leland, when lier people would be ÍÁ 'contented and enjoy thc same priviègoa as the Australian people. There yere two great kingdoms on the earth; ono he had mentioned, and the other was %ho Catholic Church. The Church he had the honour to represent, however

Unworthily In this community, was not

oonilned to any land. All the children pj that Church were taught that they g* ero the subjects of the liing and the

övernora sent by him. That subjection fihnnly meant reverence and obedience B- hoT^'neeessary. The rule for the Catho

6 Church was that t hey were bound to obey the King the same as they were fch<> Holy Father, each in their respec-tivo spheres.

Mr. Derwas Cumming, the captain of tho College Cricket Club, and one of the prefects ol' the schcol, on behalf of tho teachers and students, then presented jLady Bedford with a handsome silverthouhted toilet-ease, containing cut-glaSB toilet articles and suitably iuscribod, bearing Western Australian emblems.

Lady Bedford thanked the donors iu a few appropriate words.

i His Excellency said that he appre-ciated Hie opportunity of meeting nil preflt, so that he might bid thom good

6. Ho thanked their principal and his rdjship the Bishop for the kind refe-rences they had made to Lady Bedford M himself, and he also desired to exSfess for Lady Bedford her heartfelt thanks for tfceir handsome present. $hoy had spoken of the interest fae* had talion in thc College, but they might be djjuite sure that if lie did not believe the College Was doing good work for tpe State he would not have taken any in-

terest in it at all. (Applause.) ft was not necessary for him to recall ay the miccesses gained by the scholars of tho College, -lt v. as well for them to remem-ber ttl at in a land like Australia it vine

fsaiblo for them to lise to the highest ¡

öitioiis.. His Lordship had said that pugh bc might erase to bo ^ Ooverijor

ht} wouid ft&ill remain an Ad narai. He : Ijoticed th<& among the other nags which ñeooratod fôie wall they -bad kindly

Saced his old Sag. It was supported on ; $Boh side by Üuion Jacks, and ho asked j them not tb let that flag go ¿ut of their J eohool. He hoped that their College

S"t>uld continuo to proáper and bo a source j

F good to the Stat© in which they lived.

5'The principal (Bro. Culligan) hore ¿tated that thc scholars would, in honour 'of His Excellency's visit, bp granted a Holiday from 12 "noon, an announcement whick was received with vociferous ap-plause by the pupils,

/ ; The visitors having been conducted byer tba remaining portions of the build-ing, an adjournment was made to the (dining-room, where light refreshments

JWere served.

Bro. Nunan (ex-principal of the Collego) proposed "The Health of His Ex-cellency the Governor." He said that he had lived in Western Australia under three successive Governors, each of whom liad taken very special interest in the success and welfare of the Christian » Brothers' College. But he had no hesita-

tion in saying that Sir Frederick Bedford had surpassed all his predecessors in his interest in the College and his kindness howards them. His Excellency, by fail ööntinüed goodness to them, had en-deared himself to teachers and scholars alike to an extraordinary degree. Uv. tad given, them many presents ami prue? to be competed for, and he could

?1^ jssnrë them that the boys all loved Hio

Excellency and regretted very much hi» ap'proaching departure. They felt they would never have another Governor Uki» Sir Frederick Bedford. Se would like to lay, in regard to the education of the ; - Okulegè, that, though they paid th*

greatest attention to the Catholic boys

and educ? ksi them in Catholic principles, they also afforded the greatest oppor-tunities to the boys who did not belong to that church to attend their respective churches and gain religious knowledge from their own pastors. A very large proportion of their scholars were eithei Protestants or Jews, and he did desire to impress upon all present that no at-tempt was made to interfere with the religious beliefs of those scholars who were nou-Catholics. A lot of their lead-ing boys were not Roman Catholics. Ile trusted that Sir Frederick and Lady Bed-

ford would have a long, happy, and use- ! ful career in England. I

The Mayor of Perth (Mr. Molloy), in supporting the toast, said that he was sure he was expressing the sentiments of all the people of Western Australia when he naid they regretted exceedingly tho approaching departure of Sir Frede-rick and Lady Bedford. The citizens of Perth were indebted to their Excellen-cies for many acts of kindness performed during their residence in Western Aus-tralia. It had been truly said that never before had they had a Governor who had taken moro interest lu everything that pertaiued to the welfare of the State than had Sir Frederick Bedford, He trusted that the scholars of the College would not be allowed to forgot that as

Australians they were members of the j great British Empire, which had con- j ferred so many benefits upon them in j Australia. The representatives of thc j citizens of Perth would have an oppor- j tunity later on in the Town Hall of j giving expression to the feelings of tho people in regard to Sir Frederick and

Lady Bedford, and he was sure they were \ iu accordance with the sentiments which had been expressed that morning. (Ap-plause.)

The toast was enthusiastically hon- j

ou red.

His Excellency said he was quite sure !

they did not expect another speech from , him. Packing un and bidding farewells

were not the most pleasant work ono had ', to go through, ana he was having a lit-tle experience of both just now. (Laugh-ter.) There was always a feeling of'dis-comfort when one heard himself praised, because one could not help feeling that no matter what he had done he might have done better and a great deal more. He desired to express his appreciation of the training given to the boys at that College, and to again thank them for their kind remarks concerning himself aud Lady Bedford. (Applause.)

[His Excellency also made a brief re-ference to Imperial affairs, which is re-ported elsewhere.]