Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Saturday 24 April 1909, page 33


The New Governor.-The Premier has

received a telegraphic message stating that Sir Gerald strickland, who will suc-ceed Sir Frederick Bedford as Governor of this State, will arrive in Perth about the end of May.

Tenders Accepted.-The following ten-ders have been accepted for the Govern, ment works mentioned:-John Petrie, Lion Mill School quarters, additions, £97 18s. lld. j Thos. Hull, Gosnells School, additions, £336.

Bankruptcy Notices.-The following notices under the Bankruptcy Act have been gazetted :-Intended dividend *. T. Ç. Hodgson, Cunderdin, farmer, and H. J. Joyce, Perth, storekeeper, last day for receiving proofs, May 8. First meetings and public examinations: S. W. French, Perth, bricklayer; H. Sorensen, Maninga Marley, late of Sandstone," teamster and produce merchant; M. Grossman, Perth, grocer, May 4.

Water and Sewerage Act.-A pro-clamation in last week s "Gazette" fixes April 17 as the date on which the Metropolitan* Water and Sewerage Act. 1904, shall come into operation. "Un-der îBo same Act the following gentle-men have been appointed to constitute tho Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage:-Mr. James Thompson, M.I.C.E., Engineer-in-Chief (chairman), Mr. W. if. Loton, M.L.C., and Mr. M. F. Cavanagh, F.K.I.B.A., London,


Torpedo Boats for Australia. - Mr. E. Needham, of the Federal Senate, has re-ceived a telegram from the Minister for Defence (Mr. G. Pearce) stating that, in accordance with the naval policy of thc Federal Government, nine meohanics had been selected by the Defence Department to proceed to England to take part in the construction of the two torpedo boats which have been ordered by the Common-

wealth. "

"Printed in Germany."-A letter in the "West Australia" last week in which the statement was made that sonic of the presentation labels on the prizes given to the boys of the James-street school were "printed in Germany " was brought under the notice of the In-spector-General of Schools (Mr. C. E. P. Andrews). In reply Mr. Andrews stated that the labels used for the prizes by the Education Department were all priuted at the Government Printing Office, and if the writer of the letter would furnish particulars of the complaint he would be glad to inquire into the matter.

A New Recreation Pavilion.-On Satur-1 day afternoon Lady Forrest formally opened the new grandstand erected upon the Subiaco Oval by the local Council. The building is constructed of oîîcd

jarrah to accommodate 650 people, ai care has been taken to provide an u interrupted view of the whole groun Other Improvements are being made, i eluding an inner picket fence, the dree ing-rooms being under the stand. Tl stand has cost £650, the cost beir, liquidated from the loan recently floatet

"Mishap to the Yacht Swansea.-Duriu a severe blow at Rockingham last Satu day the handsome 30ft. cruising yací Swansea parted from her moorings an rapidly drifted before the wind. A the members of her crew were ashore £ the time, and no other boat being aval able, she was soon beyond recall? SI struck on the jagged rocks at the e: treme south end of Garden Island, whet the wav-;s pounded her into a complet wreck. Her mast was just diecernib! from the s.s Zephyr, which left Rocking ham shortly after 8 p.m. on Sunday, an as a fishing boat was making in her direi tion, it is possible that some attempt e salvage would be made, should such

course be justified. The Swansea wa one of the most popular boats on th Swan-her name indicating her adapt: bility for either the river or open se« She was owned by Messrs. Lewis Bros., c Subiaco, and the earnest wish of ni yachtsmen is that the disaster is not s complete as circumstances at present nug


Alleged Perjury.-In the Perth Polit Court on Monday morning, before Mr. A S. Roe, P.M., the hearing of the charg against the young man Roger Si John Hall, of having committed perjur on May 14, 1907, was continued. Th charge sets out that on the day in quei tion the accused made an affidavit for th purpose of being used in a judicial pr< ceeding pending in the Local Court i its bankruptcy jurisdiction, and in th affidavit he swore to the effect that h was indebted to the persons mcntione in the list attached to the affidavit In

sum not exceeding £50, and that to th best of his knowledge and belief he wa indebted to no other person, or personi The statement was material to a que» tion pendiug in the Local Court proceed ings. Francis William Collett, Ju st ic of the Peace for the Perth Magisteria district, said that he had administers the oath to thc person, R. St. John Hall who had signed the affidavit produced The signature attesting the validity c the affidavit was his. Detective bani j; BOD gave evidence of the arrest, and sali that when arrested accused stated tha ho thought thc matter was all over. Ac cused, who reserved his defence, wa committed for trial, bail being allowed.

Usurious Interest.-Many pathetii stories are told in the Bankruptcy Cour! from time to time by persous who havi been overwhelmed by the wave of adver sity-stories which assume an air almost of tragedy when the debtor seeks a tem porary respite from his troubles by bor rowing money at extortionate rates ol interest. In the Court this week a mai with a large family dependent upon him and who owed considerable sums for rent and household necessaries stated that he had been driven to the necessity of rais' lng a loan of £25, upon which he had duly paid the interest, though the prin-cipal was Btill outstanding. "What rat« of interest did you pay?" quietly asked the Acting-Registiar, and tue reply wat "£1 per month." This is equivalent te 48 per cent, per annum, so that the last state of that debtor was considerably

worse than the first.

Ministers on Tour.-The Premier (Mr. N. J. Moore) and the Minister for Works (Mr. J. Price), left Perth on Tuesday with the object of visiting the NorthWest ports. They proceeded by train to Geraldton, where they picked up tho s.s Koombana. Their tour is mapped out as follows :-Geraldton, April 21: Shark's Bay, April 22; Carnarvon, April 23; Onslow, April 24; Cossack, April 25: Port Hedland, April 25; Broome» April i 27: Derby, April 29. The last named I port will be left on the return journey , on April 30, and it ls expected that Fre-mantle will be reached on May 7. The I two Ministers will be accompanied on

the greater portion of their tour by Messrs. Pennefather, M.L.C., and John-son, Osborn, and Underwood, M's.L.A.

Rapid Coaling at Fremantle.-Collie coal is steadily growing in favour as a fuel for bunkering purposes. The ,German-AuBtralian steamer Siel, which left Fremantle on Tuesday, will give

the Western Australian coal a trial on thc voyage to Mel-bourne. In connection with this test it is interesting to note that some-thing like a record in this State^for rapid transport and quick coaling was established. The steamer arrived from Hamburg on Monday forenoon. At mid-day Mr. R. J. Lynn, the Collie Proprie-tary's agent at Fremantle, telegraphed to th« mine for 250 tons of coal. The trans-port department of the railways gave special facilities for trucking the fuel tn tue coast, and at 10 a.m. on Tuesday the coal was at the ship's side at the Victoria Quay. In four working hours the whole of the consignment was placed in tho vessel's bunkers, and in the afternoon the Kiel continued her voyage to the East. The performance shows that those chiefly concerned in the de-velopment of the Collie coalfields are alive to thc necessity for giving prompt despatch to vessels requiring the local product. The captain and agents (Messrs. Strelitz Bros.) expressed to Mr. Lynn their appreciation of the manner in which the Kiel had been coaled.

Found itt the Bush.-Mrs. Saule, the patient who escaped in her night attire from the St. John of God Hospital early on Sunday morning, was found in tho scrub near the Karrakatta Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon by Mr. Arthur, branch manager at Subiaco for Millars' Jarrah and Karri Company. Mr. Arthur was driving along the Perth-Fremantle-road at 4.30 p.m., and noticed Mrs. Saule in the bush. When he got out of the trap and walked towards her she attempted to run away, but she was too weak from want of food to go very far. Mr. Arthu* persuaded ner to get into his trap, and he drove her to the St. John of God HosÍ" lital. Mrs. Saide was little the worse for

icr exposure, and she was not in any danger. She was without food over CO hours, and could not give a lucid account of her wanderings.