Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Tuesday 30 March 1926, page 18



The Public Works department has made £200 available for improvements on the White Swan road conditional upon the Bungaree Shire pro-

viding £100 to supplement the works. The repairing of the road has been necessitated by

heavy traffic from the State forests.

on rial notification hu teen foi h inlet) In the .nlwits nithorities Unit the request of residents n Wulbu* that ndnïtioml smep trurking íaeílí tirs it j fotldcd ' '' - ' -'- - '

coded to is thi for requirements

\UeiMion has been directed b> tlie Ballarat liramh of the Bojal Automobile Club to the dangeious crossing over the railwaj line at Howitt« Creek Danger signs warning the public

«re io I e erected

U n lonference oí couutrt mi nu facturer* mid iminloli ii reprc3entati\e« In Ha Uara t on Tirs di} consideration will he tiicn to the quentioti if Ink ins political action to place eountn in dufitrith tn a bettei losition to rómpete agabirt the industrial loncerti* of the cll> V sugges tion will he made, regarding tho practieibillti of advertising in eountn arcao to enlist the io operation of peopl residing then, nnd to «r muge for n rombtnitiou of manufacturera to tend out travellers to putti fal et,

Mote than n mile and u half nf the Kungaree ^hire Council a wxtlon of the main road lrom . Me)bom no to Ballarat has bein constructed and

arrangements arc being made to jut a tar surface

on li

\n acfturance has been giten by the Itallw us department that tho reclahsificatlon of the Bun garie station in the Stli clahs instead of the 7th will not ad vc rael} aflcct the facilities or eenie« rrotided to patrons of the rallwatg The altcia, lion is one of departmental interest onh

At a meeting ol the Nungaroo Miire Council on Mondât a complaint was mude that au ot«true tion hid lueu placid nuos« a certa hi creek 1" a landholder It was stated that the owner of the land had refused to tome to an) settlement

tt was agreed that the president und the riding members should iuterticw the ownci of the land through which the creek flowed, and Unit failing a settlement the) ba\ c pow er to take further


A complaint that she is unable to grow any-

thing but potatoes and field peas on certain land at Glenpark owing to the prevalence of rabbits has been made by Mrs. A. Lynch to the Lands department. It Is alleged that an adjoining road is overgrown with blackberries and brambles,

which harbour the rabbits.

We lu\e all been burnt out down our wit along the .Springs road Our fences nie down nnd wo ha\c lost our fences sut 1 Mr Camm on behalf of a deputation which on Momlat asked tho Bungaree Mila Count ii not to imp» c restrictions upon cattle grazing on the roíd« Otlur speakers urged that the} hlirull be allowed to graze their cattle where then \ an i,ood grabs

the) would ha\e to reduce their dairying busl

?«r The president (CounUlloi K leard) tatd that the council was not desirous of causing un> hnnlship to ratepayirs nut there was a rcspomi

hllltt to keep the ruud clear filings hud been allowed to drift in the poid and the rouncil hud been reminded terv plainly that it must see that ntock wus not allowed io mander about

the ronda

The i hairman of the Countr} Hoads Hoard (Mr Calder) has agreed to ntbltntc In the dispute I ctwecn the Kungaree Shire Council and Mr \\ T Stacet Hoarding Mr stace> r contract for work on the Bolwarrah road flhe connell re lentlv terminated tht coutract inl Mr Mace) Uireatencd to institute legal proceedings.

Hie coroner (Mr I' li \ Hllget, lil) on Monda;, inquired luto an accident in sturt ptrcct which resulted in the death of Mary Weston, aged nine jears The child, who wns walking along the footpath near the street garden* with

companion huddenly stepped on to the road nj ns a tram was passing The tram knocked hei down and she died while being removed to the hospital A \erdlct of accidental death wai.


Charge» of hating used flrenrms for shooting opossum» at Eurambeen were made nea In st Jatnifi tA.i*. -.1 in-.i King in the Citv ^»-* -»

application or Sergcai ._ ..,._ _ ijourncd to Beaufort

The bout h Ballarat police on Monday reported the sudden death of lrelerlck William Andrew, nged 73 >cnrs, to the coroner \ «oat mortem examination showed that death was duo to beatî disease and a tcrdlct of death from natural causes

ah recorded

This is the usual red tape tape of answer,*

Id Councillor Bell MLC, at a meeting of the City Council on Monday night, when a report waa rccelted relatite to the strength of the police force in Ballarat In this it was stated that as a result of his ustt to the chief com mlifMonel (Brigadier General Blj,me\) considered that the police strength was snfftci<tnt for nil reasonable requirements but that alteration» nii^ht be made whlc hwoiild «he «toro emciencv It was decided to ask the Parua mentar? represen tal he* to Interest themBeltos in th«1 matter

Scholars from the Mncnrthur street school who re taking lessons In civics attended the meeting of the Citj Council on Monda-* night to obtain personal know ledge of munli Ipnl proceedings

It han been lecided by tho Postal authorities that the installation of a hotwater heating sjs

in the Ballarat Citt Post office building dd le too cosilj to warrant its being pro cceded with A promise has been git en how p\er that when .structural alterations aro being cirried out, provision will be made for additional

tir place* md foi electric radtatoif

I euc tf ulvcnce for eight months lins betn Kranted bt the C itj Council to Comiellloi \ lytt who is about to tisil lit nolulu au I


IVtml'sion Ins been granted to the A ictorian Band forint ion to ure the Btllant Cltt Ot ii from (letober 21 to 21, incluslti, for the £1,000 bru«*, baud u mists which it Is proposed to


\n ollrer of the Federal Public Works depatt

ment tit-it ed Ballarat on Monda) to inquire into the propusil thal the Clt> Council should ex chnnge a 1 lur'i of land for an area belonging to the Defence de) nrtment, which is required for building pt n poses

At the annual meeting of the Ballarat North Goif-L «b, held on Monday night, the following ofliceiM wore elected --Preslient Mr J Hlkiik, tire presidents Messrs S Abraham and T \ Kerr, captain, Mr J II Datei, tice captain, Air C G Philip, tieasurer. Mr W J Irwin, secrc tary, Mr C II (i Anderson, committee, Mcsms D Donaldson, t G bllherieson, h I emin, anti V XL Haslem, trustees, Messrs .1 C Dearden ant J H Dai ey


\t a social reunion of the Bendigo Kallwajs lu stitute, the president (Mr E A Cobbin) enid that ratlwnt men in Bendigo lind not deteloped the «octal side of the Institute ns well na was ct

pected Thct hid been protldM with all the facilities In a fine building, but did not make full use of them The general president (Mr J S Bees) said that the objects of the institute were to gite touths and loung men In the sen Ice a chance to Improic their positions .New institute buildings were to be opened shortlj in Bal)arat

and Ararat

The death has occurred of Mrs Emma Louisa Bull who was one of the earliest settlers of Bunny meade She was aged 15 tears

Woodmen at fctrathfleldsate, Wclleford, Eagle hawk, and Gangaroo Hat assembled in tho forests nn S¿.turdat and cut more than 100 tons of fire wood for transportation to the Bendigo Hospital as n free gift

Tomato gruweni In Bendigo consigned to Mel bourne market* last week 7,bSí> cabes of tonic toe« The crop this season nas lighter, but better prices were obtained Large quantities of tomatoes are being délit ered to the factories for pulping

In the Bendigo Citj Court many offenders were fined for haning ridden biet cica and drtten horse t chicles and motor cars after sunset w lthout

llghtB The police arc making a raid on motorists

who lcate their motorcars in the streets cause obstruction of traffic

A henty shower of rain fell on Mond a j a

noon, and there were indications of further rain nt night In many district« more rain is needed to sustain the growth of loung grass

OrchirdistB in the Bendigo district last week consigned 85" < asr-s of app'ea to Melbourne for shipment to London -

There wns a large tnrdlng w sheep al the Bendigo sales on Mondât, a large proportion of the 22 000 penned being store sheep Pi lees do dined 2/ to 3/ a head on last week s high salues excepting for breeding ewes, which maintaine. the udtnured closing prices of the prêtions week The attendance of bujers was the largest for the tear, nnd the whole of the lirge yarding was cleared Wethers sold to 3S/4, ewes to 33/T, mid h mbn to S4/1

Season's wheat transported by the railways from Northern A k tor I in stations to the seoboird totals 1t>50,702 bags Theie are at stations 107,553 big-s thus accounting for 3,718 254 bags of the seison s tield I ia st reason to the same date .1,1(31,502 hats

had been transported to the seaboard

In some of tlie northern districts complaint is mnde bt poultn farmers of the depredations of foxes Mont turkets bite been killed by fo\es iii the Serpentine district

U the annual meeting of the Bendigo Carpet Bowls Association the following officers tort elected -President, Mr J Millar, tice presidents Messrs W C rills and J Penberthj, secretan and treasurer, Mr J J Montgomen Sixteen

inn will compete for the premiership


At the* annual meeting of the* Belmont branch of the îsational Federation Mr TI J Roller« was appointed president, filed Mr A J Benuctt secretar} find treasurer

A branch of the listeners' League has been formed in Geelong. Mr J S R. Heath has been appointed provisional secretary. There are 21


A beginning has been made with the erection of the Geelong Churih of FnKlanel Grammar Preparatory School, at the corner of Pakington and Aberdeen streets fhe contractor» are Meten J C Taylor and Son The school should bo read}

for occupation In June

Angling in the Birseon Riler at Baroon lionels, Messrs II Hodges and G Jjittlo landed 451b of fish, including Balmon trout up to 71b

ss eight

1 ho Geelong Rifle Club tired the final »tage of the I letcher troph} competition (beat aggregate for four shoots), oser 600, 600, ond 700 sards rangii on Saturdaj The result ssas -W btrat ton, 344 pointa, N McLean. 340 point«, D Mcclure, ¿37 points Conjoint!}, the McLean trotih} was tired for, and ressulted -\ C

Robinson, 105, H Piper, 105 I) Mcclure, 105, C Hart. 10», O Brokenshlre, 103, Robinson, ssltle n 12 at 700 sards, won on the count back

Tlie annual meeting of the Geelong Golr Club as held on Siondaj night Tho annual report st« ed tliat new tees had been built at the 4lli, Mt li, and 12th holes, making an Increase* In thei

holes of 00 }nrds, 45 sards, and 75 yarels, r.

speotlicl}, increasing the total length of the «Min» to 6,001 rile committee had decided to lay down six grass tennis court« betsveen the first and third greens Hie financial statement shosscd the receipt« to bc'fiî.Ue/lB/S, and the expenditure £1,014 Assets nero valued at ¿«,147/18/4 and liabilities svere £4 82S, leasing £1,318 In the accumulation account The rice tion of officers resulted -Captain, Mr n \s Moore (re elected), honorars secretary Mr H J I osee (re elected), honorary treasurer, Mr Cox (re elected), honorary auditor, Mr O

Malter (re elected), committee, Messrs li .. Austin R W Hope, and T B Hnsekes Messrs G Jj Fawkner and T \l leoilej did not seek re election It ssas decided to increase tile entrance fee to £W. and that for associates to £2/12/(1

Honorariums of 50 jnd 20 guineas seero soted to the secretare and treasurer respectlsely

Sir John Monash, accompanied by Messrs Sawyer and tales sebo hase been commissioned b} the I letorlnn Goiernment to report on tlio électricité eindertiking« at Yallourn, selll inspect the Mel

bourne Electric Suppl} Corapan} s posier house at Geelong on Tuesdis

l shortage of trucks it the rallssaj pier again rctirded shipping operations on Mondar I ast sseek the thortage of tmpts trucks for coal re suited In the stay of tbe collier lion costing £60 mor» than it should baie On Monda}, after 15 trucks had been loaded from the collier Har Sprees, a shortage occurred, and the seater Fiele ssorkers bael to be paid off, and the steamer mae he delased in port over the Faster bolilla}! instead of leasing on Thursda} night

On Monday afternoon one nf iVeeldell's carts collided ss Ith n tram in Ormond road, Jjast Gee long Tlie horse had to bo de«tro}od

In recognition of his 25 rears to the Sailors' nest. Captain G Molland seras, nt the annual meeting on Monda} night, presented ssith a case of pipis

At the stock sales on Monday Mr John datson, stock dciler, of lsesvtosrn, was attacked bv a Jem*} bull in one of the pens He seas felled to tlio ground, and the bul leías goring sshen scseial men jumped into the pen and beat the animal off Mr Watson seas taken to his home, suffering from abrasions

The debating section of the Corio capitalTiranch of the National Federation held a Parliamentary night on Monda} Mr Jj Fallaw ssas leader of the Goiernment, and Messrs T Maltby and J C Bennett leaders of the Opposition There ssas a large attendance


Mbllo working In Hslnnds' hopflelel at laugher, Mrs Garland, of rorrest, was knocked dosvn by a falling hop pole She recclsed injuriées to the head and svaa taken to the Colac District Hos pital for treatment

Iho Ncslev Hall svas croserded on Sunday night, sehen the* Methodist Church choir sang Stainers ' Crucifixion, ' under the conductorship of Mr Harold Polkinghorne

At a meeting of subscribers of the Dreeite Hush Nursing Absociatlon the president (Mr I, G Parker) lend the secretary (Mr I I Bsllagh) secre appointed trustees for tho nurse s house to bo erected It Is expected that building operations sslll begin immediately after the boll



U the annual meeting of tho Mildura Lassn unis Association the election of officers

suited -President the Ree Father It}an si

presents, the president of eade affiliated club joint secretaries and treasurers, Messrs C Lan son and 1 Creaton emergency committee tlio Res rathir Ryan, Messrs C R Jackson, M

Woodham, Mum» linton, and C I anson, hu dicapping committee, the Rev Father Rsr Messrs C Moodham, and Murray I Inlon

At Merbein on Monday when some men were

removing a heavy canvas cover from a rack of fruit, a whirlwind seized the canvas, and carried It up to its full length of SO yards It then caught In a telephone wire, and later dropped

Into the adjoining block_


Oes ing to ill hcilth of Mr A Dawson Roseneat'i

whlrh has bein In the Diwaon famib feir the last 70 scars has b**en sole!, the purchaser being Mi-

ll Napper, of Dra-eton Silc It comprises 6 000 arres uni aeljolns Lake M ellington

The «ile «.griculliiral Sorlcls s boat*trip io the ¿kew sbosved a profit of £6

The hale Rowing Club has entered three ei for its annual regatta on 1 aster Mondas

The Sa|e Methodists hase formed a footblll club, ssith the Res H M Knnckcs ns president

Messrs A T ttasley and C. Canet vice presidents, and Mr O. Green secretary


In the last month Use cases of di* htberla base been reported in hhcpi arion and district

The Shepparton blanch of the Ito}al Automobile Club lins roaolsed to ask the Shepparton Shire Council to abito the ssanderlng stock nulsane to make an effort to decrease the numbei of wa

dering dogs to Insist that plumbers after openli g up streets lease them In fcood rei air, and to rt

périment in road making ssith ironstemo grasel

s a substitute for metal

The Shepparton Shire Counrll has rtcclsed a letter from the Automobile I lumber of Com merce, Melbourne asking til it no permits for petrol pumps be granted to other than legitimate

motor traders

The Countr} Rends Board has approsed of tlie "cceptance of tenders for 5127ft of raetalliig the Congupna road for £tV7/17/ and for 5 200ft

> Nathalia road for £018/10/ Other work the Nathalia and bhcpparlou roads will be done by day labour " , ,

The Shepparton '.hire Council has been anl ed to co operate with the Rodnev, Numurkah, Deakin and Rochester shire« urging on the Ptemici (Mr Allan) and tho Mater =upplv Commtssl ii the necessit} of expediting the work of in creasing the capaclts of the water storige basins for Irrigation purpeeses

Tlie nerrdraft of the Shepparton shire amounts

to £18 7).' _


At the SHsrcll Court on Mondie before Mr

C M llson, P M \ Skinner G II Metralfe I MoKas and Le«lle Birnett wen each fined _1 for basing elrlsen on tlie serong sido of the road, and '.auiuel Nicholson svn fined £1 for not basing had a light on his niélele after euu

accepte station

set Vere} Sweetman, of Carlton, w11 charged with basing hawked without a licence Ile wai

fined £1



Before leal ing Corowa Mr J I Burke, mana ger of the Bank of Mistralasle, was entertained and pi cent ed ssith u silser tea anil coffee ser s lie Mr Burke Is retiring from the bank's 6eruce His successor is Mr V II Watson

lhe death has occurred of Mr Tilomas Ander ron of Balldale Ile was aged 3o sears

». farewell social wns glscn to Mr and Mrs J G Hewitt and famil), of Balldale, who nie leasing for Magga

Mi Ferris, head master of the Balldale public school, has been transferred to Ljilllgton, near «.Ibiirs ,

The tender of Mr J Mills, of Corowa, has been

ted for the erection of tlie new fire brig ide _..jn, nt a cost of near!} £3 W»

There is to be n short o( cn season for quail, from Ma} 15 to Jul} 1»


Mr J W Greer, manager of the líente branch of the Union Rank lins i*, cele eel notice of trans fer to Tamworth Mr h It Thomber, of V« agga, will biicceed bim

Dr Halse, anglican bishop of the Hiserln ilsitcd lient}, «alla ond Ceilcalree on Sunda}

Offlceri of the Henti Riighs League for tills sear are - President, Mr 1 G Saunders secre tar}, Mr 11 tdames treasurer, Mr b Heather


\ public meeting of those intrrcsled in R pro posai to link up thp Rand* rallssa) with Tarra

wonga, was held at Rand Imong those present srere Messrs Ball and Kilpatrick, M L A '« «. proposal to extend lhe line to Coreen, n distance of l8 miles, sras nccepteil bs a majorits sote

The Great M hite Train left Hents earls on

Saturday morning for Culcairn More than 2, H3Û people sisited the train while it was In Hents


Tlie fire brlgide was called br telephone on Saturda} esening to a house on the Junee road occupied b} a rallwas engine drls er, Teilliam Alexander btafTord The building was saved, and about £30 worth of furniture and clothing was burnt Mrs Stationl left a lighted lamp in her bedroom srhile suiting a neighbour , J' is thought that n cat knocked the lamp oser



Mr A McCallum, for 43 years manager of Mt

Hesse estate, was entertained at a farewell social in the hall and presented with a cabinet of stainless cutlery, and a bronze jardiniere for Mrs McCallum. The shire president (Councillor R Daffy) presided.

Twentj points of rain fell early In the week More is needed


? J Campbell, Inspector of the Trawalla

soldier settlement for flie ¿ears, is about to \tolt Fnglflnd On Frtda> night he was entertained In the Trawalla settlers nt a farewell social eitn ing at Brewster, nnd giicn a cold watch Mr \rch Campbell (president of tho I rawalla Settlers' Progress \t.*ociation) made the presenta lion Mr Campbell was ul»o o member or tlieliecufort Dowling Club nnd nt the green on ¿eturdaj he received ii gift from rlubmatc

1 brough Mesura Pearson, Rowe, Smith, and Co , 1,400 actes of land, owned bj Mw I J Hughes, of Challicum Buangor, lins been sold to Mr

van Cameron, of Broadford

The Waterloo Cileket Club held a euchre tour ?i and dince and raised £11

More than 300 opossum skins are 6 toi ed at the Beaufort police stition J hu were seized bj the Eolicc in two raids on plncc*. in which men were

el iel ed to be ttapplng natiic game

The members of the Beaufort United triendh Societies' Council hate decided to disband the organisation, and haie \oted the credit balance of £6/5/ to the hospitals

>or n block of land adjoining the parle about £143 nn acre has teen nsked Recently n quar

ter acre allotment In I-cIII tdrcct was cold for £123

After considering the question of disbanding, the members of the Beaufort Town Band decided to continue for three months The* accepted with regret the resignation of Bandmastei A Rowell, and appointed Mr G Berwick to the position

Willaura has won the Ripon lennis association's A grade competition for the C3 or linn Cup and the following points were gained bj the various teoms -Willaura, 12, Beaufort, IU, \rarat, 8, Stawell, 6, Ararat St Andrew's, 0 The winner of the B grade competition for the Ungi Kal hal Cup was Moyston, and the points scored were -Moyston, 21, Stawell, 14, Ararat Methodists, 12, ararat, 12, Beaufort, 10, Ararat St Marj'«, 4, \rarat St Andrew's, 1

Mr J J Mcane), who has left Waterloo for Belmont, was given a farewell evening bj the members of the waterloo Sports Club

fhe balance »heel of the Bcaufott Presbyterian charge, which was adopted at the annual meeting, bhowed that there wm a debit balance of £<M/2/ Arrangements were made to make a ppecial effott to arise £100

Mr George Burnett has left Beaufort for Rupan ¿up Ile waa an officer of the fire brigade and a footballer

Mr and Mrs J A Blaj who hore left Beaufort to Hie at Marnoo, haie received gifts from their friends The Beaufort Presbyterian choir has made a presentation to Miss Minnie Blay


. Mr R McDougall, stJtlon master, has been transferred to Burnip

The Rev F Hales, aged 61 lears, died at Lumeah For maní jears he wai connected with the Auckland (\ 7 ) Prcsbiterv Ho Ins left a widow and two daughteis

Miss F Spencer, at the recent fete at Grendon, won the prize for tho bett made goods purchased ot a low price Mie made eight handkerchiefs from embroidery and die at n cost of Sd lhe Countess of Mradbrofte purchased these for



The first annual meeting of the Bendoc Schools' Sports Association was lery successful The total takings were £10/4/3 Principal results were -Bois Under 14 "i ears, 75 i ard«-A Mchol, 1, O Donne;, 2 Girls Under 34 \ears-J Mustard 1, r Windle, 2 Bojb Ovei 34 "iears I) Mchol, 1, T Rodden, 2 Girls Ovei 14 "Vcars-P Lock, 1, R Stone, 2


Mr O holán, of Berringa, has been oppointed to the staff of the Flinders railwaj station


Fanners are busy working up fallow land since the light rains of last week fanki, for domestic use, were replenished, but there Is still a 6hort

ago of water for stock Moro rain is needed to bring the grass forward

Sei eral properties liai o changed hands at satis factors figures during the last month Messrs P Cahill, H Barites, and V Manuel haie dis posed of their holding-]

Mr W A Paech, former]} of the Commercial Bank, at Berriwillock, han been appointed man ager of the Pinaroo branch

Mr G Wight, Jun , has left Berriwillock to take up land near Red Cliffi Jlr G Walder, Jun , also intends to take up land near Red



Mr Clapp and Mr .Shannon, Railway« Commis sioners, ilslted here in the course of their inspec tion of the northern lines As there was no depu tallon to meet them with suggestions or com plaints It was taken for granted that eererj thing ?was satisfactorj Calla wero also made at Dcrbj, Leichardt, and Marong

Mrs M llendri, of The Osnge, who Is relin qul«hlng agriculture for grating, held a clearing sale Draught horses were in gool demand Un broken geldings and fillies realised more than


The Church of England fete held In aid of the Rai wood parochial district ra*e a profit of £75

Keen interest is being manifested throughout a large district in the proposal for locking the Loddon. An inspection of the Vaughan Valley, where the head works are to be, has been made. It was found capable of holding a large body of water, being 10 miles in length, 200 yards in width, and havng a depth of 150 feet. Branches of the league have been formed at Ser pentine, Carisbrook, Eddlngton, Laanecoorie Arnold, Newbridge, Inglewood, Bridgewater, Derby, Salisbury West, Powlett Plains and Firey Flat. The petition for presentation to Parlia-

ment is being extensively signed.

Owing to starling!, increasing rapid)) orchard Ists In the district are finding it more difficult to pick sound fruit each season

"ince the «eather broke farmers baie been

rklug up the fallowed paddocks and in a number of cases where the ground Is clean, or

', ib intended to cut the crop for ha;, the ming of oats has commenced

Messrs Colemin Bros of feillshury Hest, hue disposed of their nro\t rti consisting or 400 acres, to Messrs T and A I urpie

Messrs Mt Dougal Bro* of North Bridgewater, gained £10/7/6 for bullocks during the week


Before learirg to take rh írgo of the "larrawonga illwaj station Mr M F Higgins was entertained bj citizens ond presented with souvenirs Mrs Higgins was entertained bj tim Bright Croquet


Monej order and Baling« Bank ficilitli

been established by tha Postal department at

Mount Buffalo

Pupils are being conieipd dahl bj motorcar from Porepunkah to the Bright Higher Clemen tary school tho sen ice bung subsidised by the

] ducat Ion department

The progress association obtained a report on the possibilities of establishing i cottage hospital at Bright Irom the figures obtained the initial coat and upkeep appear, prohibitive

1 scellent booking for 1 istei is reported ty the hotel» and tourist houses of the diBtrIct

Splendid entries baie been received by the Bright Lasttr catnlial tommittce for the Laster Monday feathering


The board to consider applications for relief from the bush fire relief funds will i Isit districts in the Berwick «=hire <n Tuesdai Thej will hit at fernbrook at P 0 Iakiphom 1 10, and Burnip

at 1 o clock Ml Fufferers desiring assistance should make a point of hiten tewing the board

U the monthli meeting of the Berwick Shire Council on Saturdai the oierdraft was report d to bo £9,090 It was decided to appeal to all countn municipalities asking them io urge upon their Purliamentiij représentatifs the npccssiti lor on amendment of the Trenpiss Vet and to arrange j deputation to the ( hief S*»eretary to ask him to take action In the direction desired The Lfinds department wrole to the council In refer

ince to noxious iieedB ord rtbbits stating that SsjS notices Jn reference to noxious weeds had


in theil district


Before his departure for Horsham Mr I* J nn was présenle! with a wallet of notes

The % Ice regal Brass Ban I i appeal nt Strath nwnic for the Casterton Hospital realised £24 30/


Grass is beginning to spring up, though onli 70 points of rain fell farmers are busj plough ing and retting the ground ready for next flea



Miss A. Stanton, of Camp parade, while pick-ing tomatoes, was bitten by a snake . She was promptly attended to by a doctor . She has im-proved.


II Birrett ivan re tieri ed president of the sub branch of the Returned Soldiers' league, tip Ipi W II P McMcekfn ind Mr W J Worrell,

Ire president» Mr V Ntijler was re elected fer retarj The brunch contributed £1/1/ to the bubb fires nlicf fund

!ting nf the Cobden butt« faetón the mat ager reported that in tebnur» 171,419 gallons of milk, 110,0.191111 of cream, and

781 doren eggs had been received The total psj for the month was £121fc>/6/5


At the annual meeting of the Coleraine Pastcral and agricultura! coclctj ii was announced that the credit balance las increased by about £80 Mr G H I ion was clectel president and MitErs A G Turnbull and A I) Cameron viceir


It is stated that the Government drill Is to b-o emploied in testing the coal deposits discolored on Mr Row s proj erti, a few miles south of


A son of Mr and Mrs \ Heron, aged four lears fell from a poní and fractured his skull ile is in a priiatc hostltal flt Hamilton

Tenders arc Icing Iniitcd for the reticulation of Coleraine and the construction of a sen ice basin under the water su| plj project now in pro



Before their depirture for hmeton to take ip land Mr atd Mr« I Knox were presented with a tea and coffee sen Ice


The council has notified the local branch of the Returned Soldiers League that the icaene on which the monument to fallen soldiers stands will be proclaimed a garden area, tho care of which will be i est ed in the soldiers and subject to the council s permission iraproicmcnts maj be


Last week Mr Dick Banl-s, tile professional golfer, and Mr G V Tollei, engineer and sur *ejor, spent three dajs on the Surf Lstatc plotting out greens and fuirwajs, the preparation of which will be begun aftei Faster

lite Church of lugland and St Johns Fresh}

terian ^undoj school held a united picnic ut forrest Caveí reseñe on '«aturdav

?? BcR-sie Iorrest aged 7 jcars daughter of Mr atid Mrs Bob Forrest fell from a horse and sustained a fracture of the lett arm


The annual Hospital Sundai was held at Cul

goa on fcundai Music was provided by the Wicheproof Citizens Bnss Band, and addresses were deliiered bl leading townsmen A 6atis factory collection was made in aid of the Wjchc

proof Hospital


Mr A Rowan scoutmaster, was entertained bj the scout committee and scouts before Mi de iwrturc front the town, and presented with a wal

let Mr R Bell has accepted the position of


The bowling club has farewell*! Mr B « South wood who has been transferred from the State klings Bank to the relieilng staff Mr South wood was gticn a shaving outfit, pair of brushes, in case, and eiher pencil

William \rthtir Smith, aged 41 >cars, of Ger ong, was found dead on his farm He went out with the-lntentlon of cutting mallee shoots and as he did not return a search was made and his body was found hanging from a tree At an inquest It was found tliat Smith died from strangulation cclf inflicted whllo suffering great mental deprcs sion He has left a wife and six children

A stack containing about 50 tons of hay was destrojed bj fire on the farm of Mr \V I Har rop, of Tarmniurk through a whftlwind carrj

ing lighted rubbish front a stubble paddock that

vas being burned off


Tour shops at "\artagon were bioken into

Thnrsdaj, und small »urns of ni our j and some articles weir stolen from three of them On «atmdm night a determined attempt was mide to breal into the shop uf lohn Pettit jeweller of Warragul There were marks of a Jentmj and auger holes tround the lock \pparently the thieves were disturbed Nothing was stolen Tlie ? enera! store of Miller and Co Main street

Jrouln was broken into and a laige quantity of goods of n total value of £130 ftolen Later Constable Matthews arrested Michael 1*0 nardj,

and stealing at tarragon and Drouin Thej we

brought before Mr W loung I P , ard remanded to öppear In the Melbourne Citj Court on April 1 when a fuit h er remand will be Applied for


The half 3 early meeting of the Gutrbower But ter Faetón 111s well attended bj shareholders The chairman of direetots (Mr I R lindlaj) presided and stated that during the half 1 car there

had been an Increase in turnover to tlie extent of £6 000 oier the corresponding half j car the profit being ¿S.Ü/12/2 fhe principal source of rei enuc was wies of butter, £4-87/.Í/8 The amount of cream receded was 630 0251b, and but ter manufacturer was -ill 0381b The following were elected directors -Messrs 1 H Morris F Maher, H Russell, and 1 H North


At a mcetinsr held at Serpentine for the purpo*

of forming a branch of the loddon \alley Water League, Mr C C Tailor was clct-te 1 president and Mr G K Sjmons honoran secretar}

lhe bush fire relief fund has been closed with £110/o/8

Since the break in the weather fanners

actlielv engaged in working their fallow, and In many cases the sowing of oats has commenred Ficellent prices are being realised for fat stock



At a special sheep sale held at Bessiebelle bi O Brien Bros, 2,o00 sheep mad a the splendid aierage of 25/1 Rain in northern and othei dis

tricia was responsible for a very large attendance of buyers Price» were from 7/ to 10/ a head

in advance of recent sales

S Mackie won the championship of the Wari narabool Bowling Club


The Railways department proposes to run

daily train on the Klraleckl line between hoo wee rup and Bajles and when warrante! as far as Catani Large quantities of produee arc being sent from these sUtlous, an 1 scierai special trains tun wceklj

The death has occurred of Mrs T A Morrl son, for nearly 20 içars an actlie worker in pro motint the welfare of the district # The fune ral at Drouin was attended bj a lirge numbet of

residents from this district


The Ki abra m Fire Brigade will support the


A profit of £2SI/S/71 resulted from the recent St Augustine s Priorj garden fete


At the annual meeting of the Lang Lang Foot ball Club the following officers were elected -President, Mr W Ü Greaves (re elected), \ice presidents Messrs W J Pickett, Applcford W A Tomlison, and L W Misson, secretar}, Mr McKenzie, treasurer, Mr S Howell It was de cided again to ofltllato with the Soutlt Gipps land Association Messrs, Applcford and G Smith were appointed delegates to the associa tion


MacAlister Bli cr, after the recent rains

fs 12ft aboie summer level Before the rabí there was only a trickle in the riler


public meeting représentait!« of tho dis

trict it was rcsolied to petition the Shire of Walpeup to strike a separate rate for tho Mumv ville Riding to enable a loan to bo raised for building a public hall in Murra)ville

A petition signed bj a majority of the rate fiaycrs of the township of Murrajville has been orwarded to the Stato Rivers and Water Supply Commission asking them to proceed with a pro ject to reticulate the town


In the Ouven Police Court J C Chapman was fined £5, with 16/6 costs, for having ncglcote I to destroy vermin on his property Ldword McCombie waa charged ivith having set fire t ï stubble without giving at least one day s notice to his neighbours McCombie stated tnat the fire was caused bj accident The case was dismissed Vrthur Geoige Daitj and Thomas Retclna were charged with having stolen clothing valued at £20 the property oï tamest Klobe Both men pleuded not gulltv, and reserve! their defence

Thi-j were committed for trial at the Court of General Sessions at Castlemaine on April 14

Mr J Burkett, of the Oujen poa tal g1 j IT, lia rccelicd word of transfer to Melbourne

A general fall of rain would enahle fi miers to begin crop! ing and end water carting Somo farmers haic beep carting water since Nouni



Robert Cannan, a gunner, who was killed In a motor accident at Drysdale on Thursday, had 25 years service in the RAGA He left a widow and one invalid son A military funeral on Saturday was attended by a representative gathering The coffin was draped In the Union Jack, and was horne on a gun carriage Troops of tho R A G \ and R A Y lined portion of the route also the Queenscliff fire brigade rho bunal was in the Point lonsdale amoterj The service was read by the Rei C Kingslej Cole


Constable Sloane Is awav on annuil leave and Constable Cotter, of Balarat, is in charge of the Rokewood police station


On the occasion of the retent annual visit

inspection, the Railvnjs Commissioners gave l.. asrturante that the j,nods shed at the Sea Lake station w 0 ild be enlarged to meet t he needs of un Increasing goods traffic Mr Clapp also stated that arrangement» were being made to I roi ide a trailer for the motor trihi in order to rope with the parcels and perishable consign nu ntl If possible the mixed troins on Thuts dajb and Saturdujs arc to be speeded np

Best street, Sea Lake Is to be gazetted an area In which it shall be compulsory for houn darj walls on building allotments to be of brick

or concrete


Jn response to a notification from the Health Commission, the Bulla, Itrtnsey, Gisborne, and Broadmeadows Councils are to lie asked to up point a joint qualified health officer

The Itiilwajs department having refused to construct a crossing for vehicles at Clarkefield station arc to he asked Ij the shire council to allow the use of the 1 resent gute south of th., sta lion for the convejtnco of produce to tho railivaj

U the annual meeting of the combined district progress association* Mr F li Bawden was re elected iir II M White, vice profil dont Mr J I Crow, trcasurei, and Mr W McKay, secretan


Miss Violet Mclaren, postmistress at Swifts Creek has resigned owing to her approaching marriage. She was entertained by district resi dents and presented with a cheque

Mr W Murphy, who has sold his property at Bindi, intends to live at Swifts Crrek

Mrs R Boucher, an old resident, died last


Mr John Shannon who has been in charge of the Tambo Crossing State school for two jears

been appointed to Goomalibee, near Benalla

The progress ssjociatlou has requested tlie Hsu erics and Game department to issue no permits in this district for the destruction of opossums

The name of the post office has been altered front Swifts Creek Junction to Swifts Creek.


At the annual meeting of the Goulburn \illey branches of the lresbjterian Women's Mission arj Union, delegates were present from Dookh Shepparton, Mooroopna Tatura Iwabram loo

lambo Merrigum an 1 Girgarre Mrs McKciu presided The election of officers resulte 1 -President, Mrs McKt-an (re elected) hcc retan Mrs A Wilson treasurer Miss 1 Crawford

The final game in connection with the Tatura Bowling Club s pairs tournament resulted in Hanlon and Iredale tree 3) defeating Findon anl the Bei Meers (ser), 21 to no The Tatura club will be represented bj Messrs Dai 1 Hanlon Bartlett and Hunter, In the countn riti«t chum |ionship to be pla} ed in Melbourne nt J aster


Mr D C Cameron manngcr of the Trufool factor}, and Mrs Cimeron who are about to lene cm n visit to 1 noland Scotland «id America were entertained at a social by the Tntfood emploi cet nid the residents of Glenormiston South tVj received gift-, of traiclllng cases, sets of brushes and a case of cutler}

There «u a large yarding at the pig sties Best prime heaiy pigs leallsod from £0 to, £5/8/8,

lone) prime medium wrights,-£4IV>! to -COT/C

1 orisurd store 1 Ig« sold (rom Í2/V to £5/9/


In appreciation of services as secretary of the Timmering branch, members of the women's section of the Victorian Farmers Union presented Mrs T H Fraser with a set of table knives. Mrs R J Mason has been elected secretary.

Mr and Mrs G McQueen intend to leave the


A vestry has been added to the Presbyterian Church. The cost was defrayed by public


Mant bridges on district have been so damaged by rabbits that they are dangerous. The shire council intends to have repairs effected


s. bazaar and sale ot Kitts in tho fire brluad hall sleleleel a prout ot £20 svhlcll selll be gleei o the funds of the Presbj terian Tennis Llub

On Trida} eernlng a fircesoll social eeenins ind dance seas gli-en to Mr and Sin Frank St}ring »ho arc Irrsinn I ittle Himpton tor Cl}de sihcre Mr Jtyrlng selll take charge ot the State


Potato digging has begun but the crops are icrj disappointing

Since the breaking of the dr} spell le>G points

of rain lias been registered

UPWEY . 1 me

Association Mr ._ _.

debt on the ball had been reduced by £76 and sabs noss ¿.Ho Mr r Cardiff (secretarv) an nounccd thut the memberabip seat- 145 He had recels ed a letter from the Postunstcr General s department stating tint a direct telephon trunk line seas to he installed from I peses to Melbourne, and three extn trunk lines from Itelgraic to the city


The rainfall in Mallan amounted to 10o points


Mr 4.nieT head teacher of the State school and Mrs *imev ssere entertained before their de fiarture, and presented isith a fountain pen and n ardlniere lespectliels Mr McMahon succeeds Mr Amen

The following officers of the Warrion Football Club hase been elected -President, Sir A T Tune, vice presidents Meters P Quinn J T Blncham J Cunningham T H}l«nd, V Ter cuson, and O O Donneil hon secretare Mr >

Scott A proposal» to amalgamate ssith the Beeac club is under const leratlon


*. danre held be residents of the Dumoaa die trlct in aid of Hie buen fires relief fund rcalisod


\ deputation at Wycheproof met the chairman of Rallssass Commissioners (Mr Clapp)* ssho ssas on his annual tour of the lines north of Bendigo last sseek Application seas made for the running of a Better Farming train to this district