Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Saturday 5 January 1907, page 33



A perspective view of the proposed, new bridge at Barrack-street appears among our illustrations. This provides for a combination of the straight and skew bridge, the portion from Welling-ton-street to about half way across For-rest-street, being straight, from which point, it is taken to the left on the skew to Beaufort-street, and to the tight fan-shaped, giving on easy ap-proach to Stirling-street. The grade on the south side of the bridge will be 1

in 20, and on the north side 1 in 25. The present grade on the south side be-ing 1 in 13. it will be been that the new grades will be a vast improvement on thc existing ones. This will be brought about by lowering the present railway lines under the bridge to the necessary depth to obtain these easy approaches. The bridge will he 66ft. wide, measured between balustrading, and will be in true alignment, and of the same width as Barrack-street. As will be seen from the perspective, the bridge will be of an attractive appearance, and will be an ornament to the city. Pending the construction of the bridge, the traffic will be carried on a temporary bridge erected a little to the east of the pre-sent bridge.