Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Tuesday 2 February 1926, page 17




Dr. Page Advocates Reform.

A Itinelicon to eclebintc the 21111 amil

versar} of Iho Commonwealth anil the ]38lh nnmversai- of Australian colonisation wns given bj the Australian ïsatives Associa tlon in the Inhibition Building jesteidnv

Mi I A Moinson pi raided nnd he was neenmpamed to his lubie b} the chief guests of Hie association the Lieutenant C.nveinm (Sn Willum livme), the I «le ral Trea«urei (Di Page), the Speaker of the House of Ttepiescntatives (Sir Little ton Cîroom) Ihe Assistant Mimstci (Mr All mann) the lender of the leilcinl Opjvo sitiou (Mr Charlton) (ho State \ttoine*

Geiieial (Mi J sgloston), the Mnnstoi foi luieslH (Mi Hichaidson), the lendei of the State Opposition (Mi l'ii-ndci'.ai't), the Picmiei of iasmnma (Mr Lvons) the leadei of (he Tnsmanian Opposition (Mi

AIiT'hcc) Mr Tiiblice Isams and the ihief jiiesulent of the association (Mi Vattci


1 ho toasts of ' The King and ' 1 he Gi»einor General ' having been lion oured Sir William Jmne acltnow

Icdged tho toast of the health of the Governor and said that the approaching departure of Lord Stradbroke would mean a verj serious loss to the Stale .His 1 xeellencj had endeared himself to the peojilc bj the «implicit} and motlcntj of his character, and bv the faithfulness and genial lact bv which he had eirned out his duties (Applause ) Sir William Ii vine kanl tint before political considcin tions and feelings became acute he might be allowed to refer to tho Constitution of the Commonwealth, and lo saj that there weie coi tain obvious defects m the Consti

tutinn for which the Australian Natives' Association had responsibilities above that of anv nibil bod» One of the first of the

defects-lie waB of connie speaking aftei I lie ti tnt mid lim words Mould lie con iii merl lu tlic lopiosontalnen of 1 ismailia nnd Western Austi ilia-(laiightei )-ins (lie divided ios|ionsihilil} for iintiminl fin mice 1 \\cnt\ li\c senrs of 1 cdcrition lind shown that tho ncttnl illusion of finnncinl nittioniil icsponsibilitv bein ecu tlio Com morraealth nnd the Stiles lind «ot boen productive of tho lcsults «Inch tim frnmois of tho Conntilntion lind desired The other point uns the constitution of the Senate If the} tlnow their minda bnck to the discussions thnt took plncc when the Constitution uns berne; framed they «ould remombci thnt the two pimciplcs Inid dow ii for the Senate were that the rights of the smnller elites should be snfcginrdid nnd Hint the Chamber sh mid lnodoinlo the tompnrnn impulses of feeling na icpic sented m tile House of RcpicBcntnti\cs nid

ns n bod} of levien and contiol Ho would not si} whether tho first condition lind been fulfilled but ns to the second be did not think that he uns transgressing mu nile M hen he said thnt tho Senate in sfend of modifjinp conti olline; and legu laling- the impulses of the House of Repic sculutrvcs had rather tended to accentuate those influences and m tint respect lind Ind dnocth the opposite effect to that «luck bad been intended (Hear hear )

Australia's Fino Record

Tioposing the toast "Austialia and the Dir \\c Cclehiate Sir Littleton Groom said that it uns a von happy thought that Foundation Dav should be set npmt each }oar and that Austialinns should be nsked to cense their various occupations mid call nigs to give sonic thought to their counti} nnd to the factors which led lo the do\clop ment of tin. nation \\ro looked back with pride to tho growth of Ansluiln m the de \clopnicnt of which (he Austrnlinn Natives Association had plajcd a considerable pm t On 1 otind ition Daj Australians weie nsked to i eineiiilier I he national ideals and to think ot tho (ultnntion of n true Atislialimi nutionnl sentiment Hie cxlu bition w w is being held in conjunction with the fete gave n practical demonstra tion of the achievements of the Australian

neoplc ( \pplnusc ) Wo w ero only just beginning to appicciato Australia's wealth nnd impoitante When wo lool ed back over oin histor} and traced the giovvth and development ot the Commonwealth who tliei o\er the fields of ccploiation or the occup ition and sottleinent aft« pioneering M oik of all patts ni the histoi} of the de \elopment of our secondai} industries we lind a lecoul of which wo nuejit well be proud (Hear heal )

Having defined the attributes which he sud went to mnke up the human element that had been an important fuctor m the piBt bu Littleton Gloom saul that the mi ti it ion of the Constitution was anothci som co of |,rejt,t pride Ho lccalled the wolds of Mi Joseph Chamberlain on Ma} 4 1U00 when lntioduciuc, the bill in the House of Commons Mi Chnnibei Inm lind lefcircd to the Commonwealth Bill as n monument of legislative compctencv Aftei 25 \eais of practical working of tile Con slilution, Australians could spenk with even gieatci tonfidence than thoso who had piibscd judgment on it when it was first nindi- In that peiiod Australia had lind n constructive policy Branchen of no \ eminent had been oigniuecd and in other w11} s a piece of parchment had been con verted into a Innig oiganisation of national life When the bom of pet ii came the document wns nble to show that it pos sesscd inherent powci to arm and equip Australia and to fit her to pla} a pnit among tho nntions of the world (Applause ) the tinco conntiies which lind the highest rates of population increase were Australia, Canada and New /eulnnd riiough all this was satisfactor} fiom one jiomt of

Mew Austialinns must not munni salis

iîcd /ustialiu had wonderful îcsoiirccs, with a population of onlv 0 000 000 When othei jnits of the woriel were ovorpojiu lated und short of law material travellers might weil ask a question ovei which Aun tralia could deepl} pondot In 2r> j cal s theie bad been lemnrkable development m îespect to wheat meat wool and clair} pioilucts but the most stnking develop incut of all w is illustrated in the associa tion s exhibition The statistics i elating to second it} industncs indicated that Ans trulm was utilising her raw mateials to jilo\ide her own markets Our educa tional institution« not onl} bv numerical statistics but bv tinpiovcd methods were mai mg advances, which all tended lo build the nation and laiso the citizens to high ideals In connection with life insurance mens saving piopensities, and their cffoits to accjunc then own homes there had been excellent jnogicss While wo had reason to be i-itisficd with the development that lind oeetnled on the lines luid down we had to look at the lives of the pionccis foi fiirthci inspiration We could not simph lest on their achievements Pah lot ism meant love of one's counti} shown bv devotion to dutj to his fellow men In the exhibition theie weie indications of acts of patriotism 1 hore need be no pessim ism (Applnuse )

A Paramount Duty.

In i espouse, Jh J Potteison (chief pre ident ol the ANA) said that Austi almns were 00 per cent Biitish, tho stock which was the gi cutest in the woild 'lhcir duty was to make Australia bcttei foi thobc who \vcro to come 'Ihe line of develop ment lav in the asamancc that there were hundreds of thousands of acres m the in tenor which weie superior to the Mallee area, which had been called the gianaiy of the Stato 'Hie question of the nltciation m the Constitution, to which tsn William Ii vine had refcircd, had been seilouslv considered bv the Australian Natives' As socialion Hu William Irvine had bug «CBted that bo might get on ' thin ice" if he enlarged on the subject and it might be said that the association would lench that jiosilion if the matter weie pursued fal tMiouf-ii Tho association bad deemed the question one that should be lifted above the realm of part} politics (Heal, heal ) 'the (ino exhibits in the main hall engen dered pudo in the work of the metrópoli

tan committee, which had organised the displa}, and in Australian maleita!« and workmanship Having dealt with the necessity for supporting Australian made goods, Mi Patterson went on to 6ay that on the in cv lons da} he had been ni the vicmitv of a i aging bush hie Ihe situa tion must bo a souicc nfMin\ietj foi the Mimslcr foi l'oiests (Mi Richnidson)

whose cndcftvouiR wcic cmtccntiitcd nu the pieseivation of the foi est s which Ale tona nosscssed Hie splendid timbéis used m the artilles displaved in the exhibition showed that the} weie unequalled in ail} other nail of the woild and einjihusised the desitnbthtv of developing a forest con science This sense us well as the pi in ciple of supporting Australian nmlc goods could he actively developed in the State


Natloml insurance i

Mi 11 ( llitchic the vire rhanman of

the metropolitan eomnutlce, gave the toast | of the Federal and State Mini-lues and

Parliament«, and complained of tho failure of man} national institutions to recognise the national day by flying the national flap Having commended the fruit cam linign to tho sujijioit of tho jicoplc, Mr. nitchie alluded to the jnoposal to institute a si stem ot coinnnlsor} nationnl insurance, and «.picsscd the hopo that the 1 edcral Ministij would recognise what the fuendly societies had done in inculcating the pim ctplcs of tlitift If it lind boen decided to adopt compulsor} insmnnce, then he enijihasised the view that there was no more clliuent oi economical method of can} ing out iho policj linn by utilising tin friend!} societies Another subject winch should lcccivc the close attention of the Ministries was that of intermediate liOBpitals T he diiîeroncc between the great public hospitals and the pinn te hospitals win, that a man cntcicd the fiist with the ft cling tint he was a piiipci, and walked out of tho second knowing Hint he wai one (Liiightor ) Inendlv so< lellos would have siicieedul in cbtalilishing intcimediate hospitals but foi the Iiostilitv of 'Hit medical jnofcssioii Again lie boned tliat if u svstein of mteimedintc hospitals was infioduced tile orgiiuisiitinu of the fiiendl) societies viould be availed of bv tile Minis tues Mi Undue criticised the action of Ministries and municipal bodies in sending ordeis abioad, and said that if the JUCHCIII pintectioii was not suflicieiit then stiougci piotcrlion should be given, and lie was jire ¡nied to advocate the jnohibition of the impoititioii of manufactured articles so that tin secindniv industiKS could be sitisfnclonl} rntiibbhlicd

A Bettor Motto

Di l'ic,c pinised the nssocintion ns the mciibntor of nntioiinl ideas and ideals n nurseiv foi public mon, and the foster mothet of Ansti alum industries "Mi

Ritchie had Sdid that one of the mottoes nf the nssocintion was ' Support Australian Manufactures " Sure!} n much better civ would be "¡support Anstrnllnn Industries/' no ninttei whethci llicv weie pinnni} ni secondnn One of the most certain methods of estnblishmg secondai} indus tries was to ste that the pioducein of the inatenah foi the factories should bo ns sisted, cncoitiagcd and given a fnir deal " (Applause) Australia'« da} ntlorded an excellent oppoitunit} to look back on the past, to compare the position with what it wns at the inception of Tederation nnd so satisf} ouiselvcs that the path which wns being followed wns îeall} one that vvns certain to ensure piogtoss along scenic, Eound, and sine lines Io be quite eleni on the point n definite mm must bo pm sued, and to make certain that the nu tloual plnnswer« propcrlv and wiselv mndc foi the denn ed progiess, the results alrendj obtained had lo be weighed and the ton dencici of legrslnlrvo mid administrative nils nunlvscd I went} five veais ngo the foundeis of 1 (-dotation living though the} weie umid the tmmoil of partisan strife md pelt} parochial struggle» inevitabl} influenced b} tho piojudices and diffeienees of jealous nnd competing States fashioned Jk union mid Government which lind en ablod tremendous progress to be mndc to «aids national ideal» and unit} Dilling the first qnmtei of B centiir} of Foderu lion the most outstanding gain had been the sensn of nationhood, mid the convie lion that unit} and Australia's existence ns a Dominion lind given a new menning to the Hu tish Commonwealth of nations of which Australia was proud to he n pnit (Applause) The first li of those ¡Mi }cnrs had seen peaceful development a slow growth of nnlionnl sentiment, mid the giudiial building np of national institutions 1 lia latter half eoveied that period lil which tho Commonwealth hod successfully sus tamed the rude shock of the gleitest win that had cvci disluibed the world, and the pioblcms which had lcsiiltcd from it Australia's Constitutiou mid tv «tem of Government lind been in Hint period sub jected to the tests and Btrmns of 101} i\ ceptional ciicuinstnnccs Defects lu Hie Constitution nnd the need of demi nble «1 terations lind been shaipl} disclosed Next }enr the Parliament of the Commonwealth would make its permanent home nt Can bena That would be a fitting time for Pnrhnmcut to attack constitutional rofoims with the intention of making the fnstiu mont of Government molo effective for the national needs mid pin poses (Applause )

Unlntorruptod Progress

Dr Page contended thnt m the 21) }cnrs of its life the voung nation lind begun to lind its strength and lind mido milliter ruptcd piogrcss m cvciy direction, despite the sunni nnd damage canned bv the war Hie glow th of population, the increase m wealth, the extension of comnmnioitiqnB and then use, both for commerce and tians poit, lind nccompnnied the growth of new ideas on social sei vico ami iclationsbips mid of new needs w Inch bad brought about

indicnl change in Vustialia « outlook, jinpni ed with 23 j em s ago rl hese new needs tended to miignif} the nnpoitanoo of tho Commonwealth Government m the public mimi Hie provision of defence and Australia's lelationshtps lo the othei Dominions and parts of the Lmpirc and the outside world, which were tlio special functions of the Commonwealth Govern mont bulked moro largcl} 111 the national consciousness In addition, the nnnihiln lion of distance, which modern invention lind bl ought about by telephones wireless clectncal development, motor trnnspoit nnd increased shipping and railway fneih tics had tended to mcieabc the nnpoi tance of the things which the national Govern mont did, compaied with the things which the States accomplished In the bpheie of development mid production, it was 111

ercasingly being realised that the Fcdeial Mmisti>'s function was to plan and act for the whole The marketing of A.UB traba's goods for instance, and especiallv foreign, marketing was coming more mid more to be recognised as n national mattci

which could not be sntisfactoul} coined out hy State organisations alone But the problem of marketing went right bnck to tho question of production, which thus ob viousl} became a matter not for the fatates nlonc but n mattet of national moment

National Effort Wanted j rfficicnt ami profitable marketing do pended on elhcicnt and planned pro dilution, a successful plan would have to be an a national scale, and would necessarily take into con sideration all those social and economic factnis which weie essential to ob taming tile best leturnB Hiere would have to be team work among all nuthou ties and organisations, whether Govern ment 01 mdustiial Ono State could not bo working independently and ignoianti} of other States 'Hie dislocation of the local maiket by gluts oi scarcit} reflected itself in world trade If Australia, wa« to obtain a permanent and profitable place m Hie maikcts of the woild, three factors were essential-the goods must lie of high standardised uniform qualitj tlio suppl} must bo continuous and régulai, und thej must be offered at a competitive price Ihc-o essentials could onlv be obtained b} t united national cffoit directed b} the moto prudent and intelligent mmds of the communitj, along n carefully woiked out plan in which both the State and Common wealth Ministries would co opeiatc m their icspective silbares Ihe success of such a united national effoit Jil csupposed a defi nile national plan m vrlucli a piopci balance would be struck between jirnnaiv and secondarj industries Hint balance necessitated n consideied selection of the most natural and jiiohtublc industiies in each of these classes To cut jnoduction costs, cheap mechanical power on a com pichcnsive scale would have tobo available at stiategie points liansport costs would be minimised b} opening natural ti ade imites connecting the nearest ports or mutually reciprocal districts by railway lines of uniform gauge, and loads of good kiades and of even surfaces

lndustual peace and interest m their work diuld be secured by pliuiB that gave the w01 kel.s a stake m then countr), decent living conditions opportunities for ndvanee ment in their industue«, and conti ol of then own oiganisa tiona A national Al mis

ti j bent on securing these lesults and I responsible for national development and progiess, would necessarily have povvei to insist on industual peace would be able to constitute impartial tribunals to dctci

minc wnges and conditions, and would bo jiiopaicd to guarantee the secuutj, the well being inn the just tieatmont of the woikcrs bv the provision of housing schemes and social insurance against un cinploj ment, sickness, old age, and neu dent If national standards, whether of pioduction or of industiv, were lo bo set up, and weie essential to cihcienev, it became evident that iinifoinutj and co oidinalion of îegulation ovei the whole continent weie incrcasin(,lj nccossar} In those matters which weie contiollcd paitl} b} the Commonwealth md partlv bj the Stotcs ihe inconveniences and dungcis to indus tr* ind progiess which ii ose fiom division, duplication, and especially of con fusion of ¡lowers were becoming mole noticeable and more Benous He need onlv lefei in this connection to the necessitv foi a. umfoim recognised number of vvoikmg hollis a week in similni tiades and the

liecessitv for uniform control ot action in

connection with jinhlic bon owing the mere fact that 25 jems ago roi tam definite limitations weie placed on the ponéis given lo the Commonwealth while nil othei lioweis weie lcseived to the States and iiMtnin definite methods of controlling in diistiv weio (lied did not mean that that lUtcimiintion of the licoplc should despiti ticmendoiiH changes m even ivcnuo of life i cumin fixed and immutable I ho time had como for A isti allan utirons to put on then thinking caps and lend then united nid to the juogiessive lead that the Tcdeial Minisliv had given m a binad piogiessive ileninciatie poliev that aimed at abunrmg the maximum well being and cninfoit with the minimum inteifeiencc bj the Govern

incut to nil its uti7cns

Hie Constitution com hided Di Page "ousts foi Austtaln, not Austiaha foi

r tlio Constitution If new methods for deal

mg with oin commercial and industrial problems, if new methods for dealing with our power and transport activities, new boundaries for our States nnd new methods of government are demonstrated to bp ncecBsnrj nnd wise, let us huvc the coin age to dev ise mid utilise such methods and not let the dend hand of the pist prevent us fiom making fini use our héritage" (Applause)

Air Charlton averred that the inilnenrel if the "\lctonnn Australian Natives' Asso dation extended to countries ov c1 sen pal ticularlj Gi eat Britain Adinittedl} Ans tulla had developed, but there might hnvc been even gieatei advancement if the pohc} of prclcrence to goods produced m ninniifnetiiicd in Austi illa bid Wen iloseh adhered to I his anplicd not onh to Pal (laments but to eil i s mdividualK Ans ti alia r-on'd produce goods cquil to mi}

thing pioduccd in othei pints of the woild -( Vpplnusc)-and the skill of the woil men wns cqimllj unassailable He nd

dined i casons to sil )\i mat lucie Bimmil ne

a distinctive mnik on cvciv aiticlc made in Australia and siul that he was in full aocni'l with the iib ii« of the Aiistiaban Natives Aflsncuiti ni which stood foi uicial puutv and the purj>o-e of making Aus ti aha a self contained nation

Mr Richardson on American Films

Responding on behalf of the State Minis lij Mr Richnidsnii spol e of the jioluj of piotoclion and of the woil ot the piimaiv piodiicel Of the supplies pin c1 ns>e I foi the Hnilwav« dennituient mlv li pel lent was obtained ahioad Since vie hist met heie he continued the State Ministr} has passe 1 tin High a rockv time (Luughtci ) ¡soilhei the I cgislntivo Council noi the Legislative Assembl} wns picparcd to cary through all the legisla lion reqiiuerl I express reglet that the legishtive Council did not see its wa} to ngiee to our taxation pinposals It is inifnii that Lepiosentiitiies of the people should support increased expenditure and then not allow the "Ministiv in power to provide tin necessai} ntmicj It is not good business for meicasing deficiencies to be cm md forward '

M; Richardson leviewod the legis lation lint was passed last session He also leferred lo the mcn-incs which had not become hw, and which it was hoped, would ho dealt with licit session rheso included the Apprenticeship Bill, and the measure relating to the renBorship of films There were still being received from America films which were lowering tho moral tone of the communit) (Hear hoar ) Amcririin slang Amencan sccnerv and A met II an mnnufnctiiie were not wanted Ihe bill mliodiiccd last session had pro vidcd amonir othei things that thcio should be 1 000 feet of Rullah Illili shown

on even pi ogi ammc Hie Pc listiibuiion

of Seats Rill would have to be denlt with Ihe Ministiv wns picpoied to see it tluough ' Hie 1 oi est« Coimninuon was disappointed at the action of the Legis lative Assembl} m failing in jiass the amending lull It was useless spending laigo Binnu m împrovni-r our native forests if destructive fncB could not be prevented The amending lull had sought additional jiowcrs in this du cet inn There had been n, gross w äste of timber resoui ces He felt certain that nn} movement Hint would for ward the propor svstem would have the assistauce of the Austrnhan Natives As soc allon (Applause )

Ihe necessit- of doing more than 'voie mg sentiment a once a vcar' toncernim, Austrnhan industries waa emphasised bj "Mi Prendoigast Ho said that the Stati shoul 1 be decplv ginteful to ti o American hospilil authontv (Di AIncI acheni) foi ti o interest ho had tn) pn in hospital nd mmistrnlion Di MacTaohom had said that the institutions must bo maintained bv jmvnto entci prise The hospitals how ever wore not able to meei- the demands of the peojile and Di Ifacrachern s logie seemed to suggest that m siirh nn event there should be no moro hospital* Were tho indigent sufferers to wait until private cnteimise «implied sufficient mono) or should the Slate meet tho reqtiuerneut' Hie State which took the foi mt r view would show that it did not caro for the poor who needed hospital liealment

In Tasmania's Cause

Mr L}ons spoke of the finnncinl respon sibihties carried h} tho 200 000 people, in Tasmania and of tho potentialities and product»it} of the Slate The secret of the future success of Tasmania laj in the development of byro electric power, mak mg possible the creation of industries which would cmploj millions instead of thousands as at piescnt Jasmnma was spending large sums in training children to bo eiti 7CHS of Australia pnrticulnilv for Vic lorin ' Yon get magnificent citizens from us for nothing," he continued "W c ask the Commonwealth to help us Looked at from a national point of view, it is the greatest privilege to be an Australian, and an even greater privilege to be Australian born Mav we i enlise our heritage and mai e it what I believe the Creator in tended, namely the gieatest countrv in the world Tasmnnin wants lo mareil smoulder to shoulder with the other States towards that end "

Mr McPhee formerly penornl secretar} of the Australian Natives' Association in Tasmania, nnd n former president of one of the metropolitan branches in Melbourne spoke in support of Tasmania's claim for



Bell Causes Annoyance

There were huge attendances at the ANA Exhibition yesterday both in the afternoon and evening and special interest was taken in the working exhibits among them that of Pelaco Ltd , Swallow and Ariel, MacRobertson and Co A W Allen Ltd and of Prestige Ltd

There was one "fly in the ointment" however, and that was the almost con tinual clanging of a large bell in an unat-tended stall No small boy or girl it would seem, could resist the temptation of pulling tile clapper of this bell. Ex-hibitors in the vicinity made many raids on the bellringers, but with little effect Both visitors and exhibitors found the loud noise of this large bell exceedingly annoying It is understood that the man-agement will have the clapper either re-moved or muffled to-day

ln the evening an excellent ballad con-cert, under the direction of George Eng-lish, was given In this Ivy C Wilmot Bessie Banks. Violet Crawley (accompan-ist) Harry Lamb, and Dan Hardy took



Port Kembla Brass and Copper


It is only recently that the manufac- ture of the solid drawn brass and copper tubing has been undertaken in Australia Tubes of this type are required in steam work, and some inquirers consider that in the course of time they will be preferred generally to lead or to iron pipes in water reticulation systems for though more ex- pensive to instal, they have a very long

'life," and this is an important considera-tion, in new of the fact that the pulling up of the expensive pavements and roa-d ways of to-day to effect repairs or re- newals is a costly procedure

There are two methods of making these brass and copper tubes A sheet of metal may be bent into cylindrical form and then brazed or a solid section may be first pierced and then subjected to the opera-tion known as 'solid drawing' It is solid drawn tubes that are shown at the Port Kembla stall These vary from diameters of less than a quarter of an inch up to 9in.

The process of solid drawing is briefly as follows -A circular bar of solid sec-tion is, in the first instance, pierced under great pressure by a special tool. The pierced section is then placed on a man-dril, or hardened steel cylindrical bar, and is elongated by a series of rollers working at heavy pressure on the outside diameter

When elongation has been carried to the first stage a longer and smaller mandril is inserted and the rolling is resumed These rollings are continued until the de- sired length of tubing is obtained. The operation is roughly analogous to fitttng on a new kid glove to the hand. In this case the fingers to be fitted might be con sidered as the mandril and the fingers of the other hand as the rolling out or elon- gating mechanism.

The agents for the Port Kembla products are Knox, Schlapp, and Co, 300 Collins


Swallow and Ariell Ltd

Swallow and Ariell Ltd have a working exhibition which it was difficult to ap proach closely yesterday owing to the throng which from opening to closing time watched the making of cakes, champagne fingers ladies' fingers macaroons, cheese savories and a dozen other specialities for which this old established firm is famous

The exhibit is in charge of Mr Cody. This experienced chef shows the public the whole operation of making the delicacies men-tioned- from the raw material to the fin-ished produce as he puts it. The baking is done in an elaborately equipped electri-

cally heated oven which has temperature gauges which indicate to a degree what the temperature of the oven is The most suit-able temperature for cooking is about 400F.

At this temperature ladies fingers will be cooked to perfection in five minutes. The

mixing of the various doughs is effected by an electrically operated whisk An idea of the degree of perfection that has been attained in modern culinary plants is given when it is said that neither in cooking nor in packing is any article touched by hand.

Wertheim Pianos

Wertheim Pty Ltd is showing no fewer than 21 pianos the net value of which is £3000. This exhibit includes piano players, cottage pianos uptight grands baby grands semi-grands and a full concert grand. All these instruments are up to the high standard which the firm has maintained ever since it begin to manu-facture pianos, and, of course a number

of improvements in detail are introduced into these, the latest instruments manu-factured by the Wertheim Pty Ltd

J. McAlpin and Sons (Flour)

Visitors to the exhibition, particularly women will be interested in the special exhibit of McAlpin's self raising flour. J. McAlpin and Sons have not been satisfied in the production of their flour to rest upon past successes. At the McAlpin fac-tory investigations and experiments are constantly being made, and no expense has been spared to produce the best flour It is claimed that the McAlpin super-milling plant is the only one of its kind in Aus-tralia. It is an extra-refining process which ensures absolute purity and quality

Sunshine Biscuits

The Sunshine biscuit and confectionery business was established in 1854 by Mr. James Long. It was acquired by William Crosby and Co. in 1917 and was formed into a company known as the Sunshine Biscuit and Confectionery Pty. Ltd. The firm makes high class biscuits and confec-tionery, and it now claims to rank as one of the largest country industries in Vic-toria, as it employs about 125 hands.  

Concord Pianos

Exhibit No. 75, near the entrance to the arena is occupied by the Concord Com- pany which manufactures pianos and player-pianos. In Adelaide last year at     the All Australian Exhibition the Concord piano and player piano obtained the only gold medal The exhibit includes many beautiful instruments both in pianos of the ordinary type and the latest player


Polaso Soap Powder

The Bairnsdale Soap Pty Ltd a new company in the soapmaking field, whose factory is situated at Bairnsdale, has an attractive display at the exhibition, on stand No 73 of their Polaso soap powder which is now on the metropolitan and Vic torian market generally for the first time Special cleansing properties are claimed for the soap powder which has had a large sale on the Continent of Europe for years past The company has obtained the ser-

vices of an expert with first class European experience who is in possession of all the formulas and processes for manufactur-

ing soap When this powder is used it is not necessary always to boil or to rub the articles to be washed