Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Saturday 23 July 1853, page 4



The select commit (Se appointed to consider the proposed increase -to the salaries ri I' public officers Ituve mid.1 ihp'ir repot Vin which they recommend the following temporary increase. On oil salaries of £300 and under, an addition ol ßl'00 per annum. On all sulnries exceed-

ing £300 mid not exceeding,000/, an addi-tion ol' 175/ per au ii um. On nil salinie« exceeding 600/ nnd not excredinc; 1000/ per annum, an addition of 200/ per annum. On nil salarie*«, exceeding 1000/ nnd not exceeding' 10001, an addition of 300 per annum. Thp committee have «ïiven .«p»citil 'lt/entii'ti to the. state of the Police, ho|h in Sydney and throughout the iiuprior, and

also to thp condition of the tnrukpvs and other inferior officers employed in the gaols ol' the colony, and recommend' ihe follo»v ing seule. In the City Police-To thp ChT*d' and other Inspectors, an addition ol 2s. 6(1, per diem tn t'te fornior temporary increase granted. To the'ordinary con stables, an addition of Is. 3d. pur diem to the former temporary increase granted. I n the Country Police-To the. Chief Consta-bles, tin addition sufficient to increase their permanent and temporary pay to 175/per .annum, the oriiómircoud/i-íon of purchnsitm and keeuiii'.' ¡» horse for public service, beitis strictly enforced. To the ordinary co'.istobles, an ¡idditicn ol 9tl. per di./m t" the former inore se granted. Various other classes ol persons in the police arc recommended increases agreeing with the above scale. - They recommend also thai some addition should he made to ihe pay ol Messengers ami-Office Keepers, both male mid female,) Nicht Watchmen, Boatmen, rind oilier* ol the lubnuring classes in public "inplnyment They consider it equitable ilittt such persons should" he placed upon a I'ti.iting, us regards' the temporary increase of he-rpuv, with the ordinal y city Coustubu liti-v, und recommend ihisto be. acted upon generally ,leav:ng theExecntive Government to deal »vith exceptions. They consider that where thedaimanls are married and both the husband and the wilo are in the receipt of Government pay, or other equitable «round* exist, that some deductions should be made. The amount ol increases during the present and following year, as thus recommended, will be as b/loi's viz. : -

1SS3 Lt54.

£ s. d. £ s. d Officers entitled to tha

» rates of increase to -bo voted by the

Council.lO.l.'O 0 0..20.350 0 0 Officers subjected to

rcducti >ns on the

votes of increase.. 2,600 0 0.. 2,800 0 0 Officers of departments

cbargeuble on the . geneii al revenue, but

not voted by the

Council ....".. 5,150 0 0.. 5,150 0 0

126,9 JO 0 0 28,300 0 0 Further increases to

police constabulary

and gold-police .. 9,333 2 6.. 18,200 0 0

Increases to oflice

kecperj. messengers boatmen, and others of the labouring

classes . 2,185 17 C. *,l0() 0 0

Totals ... . S3.739 0 0..50,000 0 0 Making, upon the two years, nu addition to the ordinary expenditure of 89,339/; which sum, it must be bornein inincl, is ex-clusive of ihe increase which will be made to the salaries chargeable on the Schedules attached to the Constitution Act, and those paid out of the territorial revenue. The Committee wish it to he distinctly under-

stood that their recommendation < have re-ference onl\ to a scale o'- temporaiy addi-tions in consequence of the extraordinary rise in house rent, the price of the neceasnrit s of life, and those unavoidable expenses which have been so suddenly increased by the gold discovery.

Land Sale.--The undermentioned sub-

urban allotments will be offered for sale by public auction, at the Crown Lands Office, Ipswich, on Thursday, the 4th August, at eleven o'clock. County of Stanley, parish of Chuwar.--Lot 8 (lot 9 at former sale), 57 acres, upset price 1£ per acre. Count*, of ChmeliiU, parish of .1 ubrnpilly,-Lot ? ( 16 ut dinner sale), 53« 3r3p, upset price li. per acre ; 8 ( 17 at former sale) (ila Oi 32p, upset price I/, ppr acre ; 10 (19 oi former stile), 29a3r 30p, upset ptice 2/. per ncre; II (20 at lormer sale), 39u li 12p, upseipriee \l per acre; 12 (21 n former sale), 41a 2r 3lp, upset price 1/ per acre; 13 (22 at lormer stile), 64a, up-set price I/, per acre; 14 (23 at formet suie), 72u, upset price li, per acie*

' Victoria Diggings.-Caution to the Venturous-A correspondent to the Em phe, »vriting from Bendigo diggings on the 3rd June last, give's the following as the result of eighteen months' practical experience :-" If any there be, who, comfortably settled in Sydney, or any other town in New South Wales, feel an inkling to try their fortune here ¡ and, consequently, to give up certain lucrative

situations for the allurements of a

gold field, to such I would say, beware ! for the man who would willingly aban-don his comfortable-home, and remunera-tive employment, to come to the Vic-toria Diggings now will in the end dis-cover that he has been a donkey of the biggest cars, and be glad soon to rettace his steps, a poorer and a wiser man The fact is, the majority of the people located on the mines of Ballarat, Forest Creek, and Bendigo are now only earn-ing rations; true some few are making a little more than expenses -, hut it is an undeniable í<ict, that the main body of diggers are earning nothing, hut,* ou

the contrary, are living" under heavj outlay, and only, remain, here in the hope that some new field will he struck during the present winter, towards which they, would direct their operations. The Mcivor district has been well prospected; hut it is a genet al opinion, that, it will he but a jioor successor to the old Ben-digo. During a fortnight's sojourn there, our party felt satisfied that the deposit of gold was confined to a few gullies, and was not generally distributed as at the other gold fields ; such was the opinion of thousands more, who, after remaining awhile, and sinking numerous "duffers," and expending their capital, betook themselves to their old localities where a little could be ensured, until something better turned up. I may here state that upwards of 50,000 people are located on the M'lvor, so that there is no doubt it will be well tried during the winter. Should it prove what diggers term a " shicer," and nothing better turn up, there is every reason to hope that the Sydney district will in turn receive a thorough overhauling, and it is not un-likely that a great portion of the miners will yet be found on the Sydney gold fields, more particularly as their expenses will be so trifling lhere in comparison with the Port Phillip, district. I am personally acquaintcd with many who pro-pose crossing overland after the present win-ter, and should any encouragenient be held out in the shape of a reduced license fee, and the adoption of more popular regulations, I have no doubt of the ultimate result being brilliant discoveries, to develop which a large mining popula-tion is the one thing needful. In spite of the pompous Melbourne Gold Circu-lars, which constantly hold up the aver-age earnings at an ounce per diem each man, I repeat that the majority are earning nothing, and many are consider-ably out of pocket. To prove this, I would merely compare the receipts of gold with the numbers resident here. On the Gold Fields of the colony at least 120,000 people are located, while the re-turns only show from 20 to 40,000 ounces per week. The gold now being procured is the accumulation during the summer months, when want of water prevented the washing of the auriferous earth, which was consequently laid by for the rainy season. This is the principal employ-ment now of the old residents, while new comers are all abroad ; the old gullies being flooded out, and new ground very scarce."

Origin or the Ordi:r ok the Ganter. -Here was the first idea of the Order of the Garter, to which Richard the First afterwards gave its motto in his French wars, and made it exclusively an English order, from being common lo all Christen-dom, as it till then had been. In-one of the hallies on the march toward Jerusalem, on St. George's day, 1192, Saladin and

his brother Safadin were' on a hillock

directing the Moslems, who had repulsed the English, when from the right wing up hastens King Richatd on Fanvil!, and springing from the saddle, put himself at the head of the archers,»nd stooping down to one of his companions, who had been just slain, loosens the small tape with

which the Kentish used to tie their sheaves

of arrows on their quivers, and winding it round his leg, just below the knee, bids all the chief knights) .who-were indeed his associates, and of all Christian coun-tries, do the like, and fight that day in honour of St." George; fgr it was St. George's feast, whose mass he had heard that tnorning,.and received the host at it ; and truly, though these gen tlemeu always fought well, they never performed such heroic actions as on that day.-History of the Knights of Malta,

Romantic Vanity.-A girl named Hortense, of respectable family, having been left an orphan some time ago, was re-ceived into the house of au aunt, who treated her with every. kindness. On

the death of her aunt she was left with-out resources, and her other relatives showed no disposition to assist her. She was, consequently, obliged to go into service, and got a place in the family of a superior officer of artillery, residing in

the Rue de Trevise. She conducted her-self with great propriety, but gave way to profound melancholy. O i Saturday «vening her master gave a party, and she was employed to hand round refresh-ments. Whilst so engaged, a lady, one of the guests, who had been an intimate friend of her a'unt, recognized her, and spoke kindly to her. The girl cast down her eyes as if ashamed, and suddenly quitted the room. In the bustle of the party her absence was not remarked. On Sunday morning she did not appear at her usual hour, and her bed-room door was found to be fastened. No reply having been given to knocks, and a strong smell of charcoal being experi-enced, the commissary of police was sent for. Ile caused the door to be open-ed, and the girl was found seated in an arm chair quite dead, dressed in an elegant toilet. She had suffocated herself by the fumes of charcoal, lu one hand she held a sheet of letter paper, on which was written," Not being able to accustom myself to serve others, after having lived in a better station, I quit a-world in which I can never find a moment's satis-faction. I thank my master and mistress for their kindness to me. The last pray-

er I address to them is to cause me to be buried in the clothes I wear. I declare that, if the inhabitants of tbe world to u Inch I go have any relations with those of this world, I will torment all my life those who may dare to remove my clothes !"-Gallanani's Messenger.

A .GuRMANV UNlVKllSIlT DlKI.. - Passing through a "garden filled .wiUi beautiful dahlias, i went up stairs into a large apartment, outside of winch several hume use dogs were waiting for their masters. It was crowded with spectators .' the Prussian chore n'teii pylng. one.end, and llio Weslphaliau the oilier ; while iii a-small recess at the further extremity sat a1 surgeon,, with his box of'instruments, -sponges,' scissors, tourni-quets"; lind bandages sjiréatl out'in portentous array upon'the table before him, 1 watched with some curiosity the minute and careful pre-parations each party made for tlie approaching encounter. Standing beside tlie, Westphalian while bTe was being arrayed, I observed that they first pilton him n strong coarse colico.shirt made for the purjiose, which bore the marks of many a fray j next they buckled bim into the " Pauk bosen," or duelling trousers*, which came up to the waist, and are made of chamois leather fastened with straps- behind. The shirt sleeve being then rolled up to the shoulder, eovering of the same kind of loather was buckled upon the sword arm, and a silk handkerchief bound, firmly round the wrist. A leathern stock was them put round the neck, »nil a cap with a leather peak for protecting the eyes placer] upon the he id, the on ty part of his person remaining actually exp-ised being the chest and face. The sword arm re -mamed ¡ill this time resting upon the shoulder of his second, who was< attired In almost a similar costume, and seemed to have quite as difficult a task to jcrform as his principal, his duty being to watch every motion of the adversary, anil whenever a blow was »truck in, or what was con-sidered an unfair cut given, instantly to strike up the swords, and this office is often performed

at the expense of a severe wound. I watched tilt* Westphaliin nirrowly, und he did not-seem in the least degree discomposed or nervous. When the preparations were completed, the " Schlager,'' a long straight sword, blunt at tlie pnint.-but double-edged and as sharp ¡is a razor, was placed in his hand, and then e ich of the combatants, his arm still suppoi ted by his second, walked forward until ihey stood foot to foot. The position ¡ti which the sword is held is with the point turn rl downwards, the cuts, therefore, are given, by a quick upward jerk of the wrist. It was a fine sight to observe tfie two men as they stood face so face in this unpleasant encounter ; the Prus-sian was rather the taller of the two, but «hat the Wcstplialiaii wanted in. height, the perfect symmetery of his frame seemed lo promise would be more than supplied by activity. They stood for n moment eyeing'each other, the second« cried, " Fertig I" ready; .. Loos I" off! the swords crossed, every muscle and (ihre of the body seemed upon tlie strain. The Prussian made a cut upwards,.it was guarded, another fol-lowed .¡ii tierce, it was also thrown aside, but be-fore he could recover lils guard, the Westphalian's sword severed his upper lip. The seconds then struck up the swoids, and the surgeon ste|> ped foi ward to examine the wound, which was bleeding considerably. " Nichts," said he, nod-ding his head. A glass of water was given to the wounded man, the seconds shoutedI" Per tig ! ' and to it they went again. Tin» Prussian, not-withstanding his severe wound, sent in some well-directed blows, but he was evidently begin-ning to lose his temper, and I could plainly see his cuts were given very much at random, The Wcstphalian jiarried them all with admirable cool-ness, nnd at last a cut judiciously jdanted under the sword arm nu» an end to the affair, and the Prussian being pronounced hors de tombât, was ledofi'to be -sewed up by the surgeon, while the Wcstphalian, disrobed of his gear, receivttl the congratulations of his friends. Such is the Gurman student's duel, anil, although fatal in-juries are not often is by no means so trilling an affair as is geneially represented; the infliction of a wound, unless it is a very scrvere one, docs not put an end to the encounter, which must last half ¡in hour, or for twenty-four rounds, each round, as it ¡s finished," being marked with chalk upon a'chair, and in a room filled with spectators. It is strange to an eye accustomed to the " scrimmagos" of our dear" countrymen, to sec the calm and unmoved gra-vity with which jhe Germans behold the various fortunes of tlie day. They stand quietly by, smoking tlieir pipes, without the slightest symp-toms of excitement;'nnd if a friend, or oven n brother, happens to get his face laid open, or his nose divided, they look on with the same air of quiet interest while the surgeon is engagea in sewing it up.

A chap out West, who had been severely af-flicted willi a palpitation of the livart, says he. found instant relief by the applicatiun of an-other palpitating heart. Anoilier triumph iii homoeopathy. " Like cures like."

A country gill coming in from the fields, was t )ld that she looked as fresh as a daisy kissrd with dew. " Well, it wasn't any fellow of that name, but Bill Jones that Imsed me; and I told him every body would find him out." *

A Western' editor requests those of his sub-scribers who owe him more Bun six years' sub*, scription to send him a lock of their hair, that he may know they are still living. The Lr.ùrenct berg ("IndianaJ Register says- " If all our sub-scribers of that kind would do that, we could make money by carrying on the wig business."

A Forward Child.-The other day one of widow B.'s admirers 'was complaining befóte htr ïon of the toothache. Mrs. B.'s smart boy im-mediately spoke. " Well, sir, why don't you do as ma does P She takes htr twth out nnd puts

'em back wlienever she wants to." A few minutes

afterwards the boy was whipped on some,pretence

or other.

The Moreton Bat Courier is published every;

Saturday morning. The terms of subscription' are 8s. per quarter ¿ or 6s. 6<1. if paid in advance: the quarters ending 31st. March, 30th June, 30til September, and 31st December, in each year respectively, at which reriods only can subscribers resign by giving due notice, and paying the amount due to the end of ti e

current quarter. Persons desirous of subscril -. ing during the currency of the quarter will only be charged from the date of their commencing. Each advertisement will he charged at the rate of 3s. an inch, and Is. for every additional inch, each Insertion ; the number ol' Insertions must be specified on each advertisement, or they will be continued until countermanded by a written notice. Advertisements from non-subscribers must be paid for previous to insertion.


Ipswich-Mr. W. Warren.

Drayton-Mr. W. Handcock.

Warwick-Mr. H. E. Shanklin.

Sydney-Mr. E. Ferris, 3, Pitt-street.

Printed and published by the proprietor.

James Swan, at the General Printing Office, George-street, North Brisbane, in the colony of New South Wales. Orders and communications (in all cases pre-paid) to be addressed to the Editor or to the Proprietor.