Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Saturday 22 November 1851, page 2



No. II

I wrote you last from the McDonald River. Since then I have commenced in earnest the life of a Gold Seeker. This creek runs through a broken, mountainous country, having on its banks all sorts of soil and rocks, amongst which whin-stone, granite, and schists predominate. Higher up quartz is said to abound, but at the present

diggings very little quartz is found, unless large masses of rock, which have evidently been melted and undergone the action of fire, are such, which some think is the case.

As yet gold has only been found in one layer of earth — a red loam. It is found here in dust, scales, and small nuggets — the latter about the size of duck and pigeon shot, flattened, and bear-ing evident marks of having undergone the action of fire. No doubt both the creek and the McDonald

will hereafter (when people arrive in the colony sufficient to work it) turn out a prolific gold field but at present it requires more men and more

experience to develope its resources. The labour is by no means hard — nothing that a boy of fifteen may not do; but the washing requires some little skill, and more than ordinary

care. The method, as here practised, is this :— Twenty bushels of earth from the pit are first run through the cradle, one at a time, plenty of water being constantly poured over, and the cradle kept rocking, until the residue left is reduced to three or four quarts of sand and gravel. This is then put into the indispensable tin dish, and carefully

washed until the whole of the sand and gravel are got rid of, and only the gold and emery left. This part of the process is rather exciting, and

the busy miners often gather round the washer, to peep into the dish. It requires from three to five persons to work a cradle to advantage, and keep

it going steadily.

Moonbi Creek, C.

November 5th, 1851


(from an occasional Correspondent.)

The existence of a gold field in this vicinity is no longer doubtful, as various parties have discovered the precious metal in all its purity. The locale in "Lord John's Swamp" on the station of Mr. George F. Leslie M.L.C., about ten miles from this village; and samples of she gold have been sent to Mr. Leslie, in order to be shown to Go-vernment, with the view of inducing the Executive to send, without delay, a scientific geologist to inspect and report upon the diggings. There are several cradles at work on the ground, and

many more ordered by intending parties ; but, from the scarcity of joiners in Warwick, the sup-ply is not equal to the demand for these articles.

There is abundance of water in the creeks (form-

ing Lord John's Swamp), tributaries of the Con-damine River, and taking their rise in the Maryland

range which abounds in quartiz, exactly similar to

that procured at the Turon, and elsewhere, in the Bathurst country. The inhabitants of this town-ship have come forward most liberally with sub-scriptions, to raise a fund for the purpose of defraying the licenses (should such be demanded) of the prospectors, until such time as the field is sufficiently opened to handsomely remunerate dig-gers, and enable them to pay their own licenses. A meeting for this purpose was called by Patrick Leslie, Esq. J.P., and was fully attended, and the list rapidly filled up by subscriptions from all classes of the inhabitants of this flourishing town-ship, which will, ere long, rival most inland towns in the colony, as— from its central position, large supply of fresh water, high and dry building ground, and immense reserve (twenty-five square miles), the greater part of which is the richest alluvial soil, fitted for the growth of all kinds of farm produce, with a comparatively small amount of labour on account of being very lightly tim-bered — it is destined to become the home of hun-

dreds of tradesmen and agriculturists who will find plenty of employers and consumers among the concourse of gold diggers which such a field as will soon be proved to exist will congregate in this vicinity. I annex a report of the meeting. One of the greatest advantages that Darling Dawns presents to intending diggers is the mag-nificent climate, more equable than any other in the colony. Neither winter frosts nor summer sun will militate against the operations of the diggers: throughout the year will they unceas-

ingly continue their labours, living in tents or bark gunyas, without inconvenience or suffering from the effects of climate.

The creeks on which t he gold has been disco-vered are accessible to drays by a good road. The richest part yet known lies within half-a-mile of the main line of road from Tenterfield to Warwick — unlike many diggings where pack animals alone can be used to transport the necessaries of life to the persons employed on the fields.

The original discoverer of the existence of gold in íhis district was Mr. A.H. McArthur, who for-warded specimens of the quartz from Lord John's Swamp to the Rev. W. B. Clarke, who extracted gold from it, and sent the results to Mr. McArthur, Messrs. Alphen, Thompson, and Murray, have fol-lowed up Mr. McArthur's discovery with great energy and perseverance, and it is to them we are indebted for the certainty of a gold field on Dar-ling Downs. A petition to the Governor-General has been signed by upwards of sixty freeholders and householders in Warwick, praying his Excel-lency to send a scientific geologist, with as little delay as possible, to assist in the development of the gold field. The petition has been forwarded

to the member for the district.

A meeting was held at Warwick on Wednesday, the 12th inst., when the following resolutions were passed unanimously, and subscriptions entered into for the purpose of forming the necessary fund. As the persons now digging are merely prospect-ing for the purpose of proving that gold not only exists, but is widely spread over our district, it would be hard that they should have to pay their own licenses, until they settle down to dig for profit; and it therefore is only an act of justice on the part of the non-prospecting population to contribute towards the fund. The inhabitants of Warwick have come forward handsomely, and it is

hoped all persons connected with the district will do the same. The first resolution, proposed by Patrick Leslie, Esq., J.P., and seconded by Mr. M. Birkman, was, " That subscriptions be entered into for the purpose of forming a fund, to be placed in the hands of a committee, from which will be paid one month's license for three men employed with each cradle in prospecting for gold within the police district of Warwick: provided such parties find themselves sufficient tools and rations and bind themselves to dig during the full month for which the license is paid." The second resolution was proposed by Mr. Fleming, and seconded by Mr. Collins — "That the surplus fund (after paying the licenses) be divided into two prizes (one double the amount of the other), to be given to the first and second parties, respec-tively, who shall discover gold in such quantities as will pay for working." The third resolution was proposed by Mr. A. H. McArthur, and second-ed by Mr. Walker — "That Messrs. John Bowen, H. E. Shanklin, and William Craig do form a committee, for the purpose of ascertaining what parties shall have their licenses paid, and also to receive subscriptions towards the fund." Nov. 14, 1851.

^Ematum.--An error of some importance oc-curred it» our report of the Circuit Cbqrt proceed-ings, ^in our last.,. It was stated that Mr. John Clune was discharged on Ibis own recognisance ; but it should have been, that he was discharged from bia recognisance, The error was not detected until the paper was printed,

Mabket ELBCïi0N,-rThe election of five com-missioners to manage the proposed Brisbane mar ketiis fixed to take placo on Monday next, ut the Courthouse, between the hours of nine and three. Each qualified elector will be required to deliver to the-presiding officer a ticket, with the names of the i persons for whom he intends to vote written thereon, provided that no more names are to be written than there are commissioners to be elected. This ticket must be signed by the elector, and writ bo handed by the presiding officer to the scrutineers, who will declare the result of the election..-We have been informed that tho fol-

lowing gentlemen would be willing to act as commissioners of the market, it elected .-Messrs. It little, G. F. Poole, H. Buckley, John Ocock, J. Swan, A. Eldridge, and it. Cribb. There may bà many other" persons willing to act, whose names have not reached us. j \ ?> '

* School or Abts.-Lectube.--From an ailver tiskmdntin/mother column, it will be seen that Mr Purefoy has undertaken to deliver a lecture in the hallet the Brisbane School of Arts, for the benefit pf that institution," nott Monday evening. We have observed that Mr. Puréfoy hassal way s buen willing to1 give his valuable assistance for purposes pf this kind, during his visite to Brisbane ,' pud, it i« to be hoped that a large' attendance wil| prove that the inhabitants feer at )e*sttes great an interest in locaTatfairs as 'the gentlemen who has so kindly offered to lecture on ,thUloccasion. '

* doVDfc^A¿**/>>»^ mit,

waf,eomBdtte4/to toke kfertrj$)>t ita* ntxtChS m&W» )m*9Wmato&i^ Revalue

|p«^Í#W- tJmmSSfW-asîeàphweîas a

mvtjr o^the pecuuaes, eos had apparently effected an antrauen into tbe-*tor*,by .rtu)oytng a slab««

garoo, in the «teamër^/»^^^

jandreturiea to\ovm''by1thVs«nie.vessd yëwttday.J

^CaAMi^f>'BtÈàim^Aniawirlim^M^ AH«, a tickei^f-leav» bolder bribe fkïrioatort,' has been' itt custody of the BrisUa« Pol^daring ¡tb^ past, vreek; charged with .teabngoiri^ arti-, ichA i d' we-arihg àjjparél front a carpet fha& ¿be 'property ¿Í'Mrr»anly ,Çhief YKnsfftbhj(ofTkHß' to,í. lV prisoner stands remanded, for further ertniinationítW'TlBesdi^inístl^ -' . «* s * ,

MURDERS BY THE BLACKS.—We learn from Mr.

Frederick Bracker that the intelligence of the murder of Mr. Alexander Ross and two of Mr.

Coutts's men, as reported in our Supplement of Monday week, is but too true. Mr. Coutts was removing from an out station on the Dawson river,

where two of his men were killed, and the dray was in charge of Mr. Ross, when a large number of natives attacked him, and he soon fell under their murderous assault. The two men who were with him escaped and gave information to Mr. Coutts, who immediately, with assistance, set out,

for the purpose of securing the dray and supplies. The blacks were very hostile, and were mustering in great force, in the vicinity of the Dawson.

' - AwRoratATip.H or tbx Opt© BKvcKtrE,*~Onr ' space has recently'been'ao'fiul/OBcnpJed. that^no;

cppbrtnnityJhas offered itself hitherto fop more | 'than ^passing mention'of Mr. .Donaldson's bold , 'stand in'the Legislative Council'on the 29th of the

last month,' against thj prseu toed attempt of the ' Ooverament'to levy addrtionarantributions on the

general «Venue: In the1 financial minute of his I Excellency the Governor-General it was stated that certain sams ' of» mbnëyhad been .expended, and would be required Tor the taext year, to meet the increase'in salaries made "necessary by the dtsooveryfbftbeigold fields; but no mention Was made of any intention to give the Couaetl;a con-, trool over the, fonds arising Iron, that discovery.; Mr. Donaldson ^therefore proposed )a resolution, pledging the House 'to refuse any'money rotes for, snob1 ft fltttpoêe, unless it was'allowed some influ-ence in, appropriating the said funds'. ( Nothing could be plainer than the ' abstract justice or this principle ; bat it'derived additional force and con-séquence from the foot that all ©ontroul «ver the territorial revenue had been rigidly withheld from the Council, and it became'of the utmost impor-tance to mark the opinion of that body upon this additional attempt.' Mr. Donaldson supported bis resolution ¡n'a very effective speech :-" He hoped that they would this bight take advantage of their position; and make one effort to pin) a stop U» this, abominable spstem of double government under', which they were suffering-to prevent thi« miser-ably oppressive separation of the general from the territorial revenue-to do away with this system, of 'irresponsible p$wer and irresponsible patronage with which'jt invested the Government. By doing this they would only be doing their doty to Uunj constituents-they Would' be freeing'them from a charge mode upon the revenue watch they con-tributed for th<> government'of, the 'country/ for a purpose which immensely enhanced the value of tbe territorial revenue, 'over which they bad no contröul. There was so much justice in this demand, that it really seemed'impossible to him that any answer coula be made to it." The equity of, his argument was illustrated by fact« and figures which could net bVgainaaid, and, after an eloquent peroration <!' the resolution was r seconded by Mrr Lamb, and the Colonial-Secretary rose to reply. That officer of course 'made the best'he could of tbe cause be was there to support, but, as Mr, LitraV oWtxxt in replying to bim, Mhe had touched upon every subject but the amendaient ef the honourable member for'Durham." The House divided, when,'as before' reported,'Mr. Donaldson's amendment was carried by a majority of 85 to 11. The following were tbe members who voted : For the amendment, Messrs^ Donaldson, Holroyd, Bicfaardsoij, Oakes, Cowper, 'Jones, Jeffrey«, Bow« man, J. Moeartbur, Wefltworth, Holden, Martin, Chisholm, A. Osborne, Bligh, H. Osborne, Bet tington, Smart, W. .Macarthur; Allen, .Lamb, Parker, Cant. King, Capt. Dumaresq, and Dr. Douglass. Against it, The Solicitor-General, Chief Com. Crown Lands, Collector ;of Customs, Popt master-Ge^flb.lnsip/sctor Gen. of Police, Auditor General, Col. Secretary, Attorney-General,..; Cob Treasurer, and Messrs. Broadhurst and ? Berry. Tbe aunounceBiènt of the «suit of the division ; was received with'loud cheenif. / , . ,".

Coi/oniai, Pródücs.--The last, annual 'circulai', of Messrs. Mort aiid Brown; dated November 1st, announces thesomewhat startling fact,' that the exports of wool for the year ending 31st October, 1851, had decreased by the large/number of/2509 bales, as compared with the export« of thepre-: ceding year. This/ftct/Messrs. Mort;and Brown attributei tothe lightnessof the fleece, the les« quantity of skin wool, and perhaps the quantity. ; ofl bales.'/theil', âffoat ./iii, Sydney / harbour ; fon

? they déclare.-that the number of\ sheep had, «pt diminished. Tallow had also fallen off in quan ?tity by^tóícítóks^ ;Tbis appears to have, been expected, from #tbe dryiiess^of the season. 325() .blues the previous year were exrwte^ in the/year'ended/^^

¡areslightly ^assisted bythe less quantities of; pro» duce imported ^^m

The fulling off jh this respect last, year, as com-; Kred, with the/'¡year before, was as follows-loo

les wool and 20 casks tallow ;/ but in bides there was an,increased import to(¡be extent of.701» sé that nearly all the déoreáse arises from 0 falling off i« dome^fc production. Messrs, Mort apd Brown cautiop; settler« ágainstí branding cattle, deeply op the sides ; they rtîcomipead branding ion the iieçk,: ' Tb* following abstracts of price«, ! realised jat¡their auction »ale« during the last year ! may be, useful for inference:-SDâTioies of wool,

over Is 4d per IB. V 1047 do do, 1« 3d to 1« 4d do ; 1892 do'do, is 2d to Is, 3d .do,';, IÇfrf do do. 1« ; Id to js-jíd ;; 787do¿6¡ Is^to'lsldY 2*1 do; do! 1 Id to 1« ; 167 do do, lOd to 1 Id ; 182 do do,, 9J to lOd; 253do do, 6d W.9d; 69 dodo, 6d and inn/der^Kr^

4d fo 6di-^tallow,.; 741 cask's,: over30« per cwt.j

* m!'j'«', ¡x^'adi LÍL ««4.Í.'Lt- .*'«lin -li ««¡J: i'i'«ùi 'il*'" V.

".»? »TV .*.' , T.T . ,-» -,"-|., « «j;*.."»?.'. r*w.f»,w, |^.>;JW.-7^TJJI1»^» j

18,992, from 5s to 8s 6d each-averaging 6« 6d.

..jMaltbANP EfeosJvs^Tbe MoiíiáHd'Métcvry imUiihe» ita nsaal acpoaat of ibe export« fro«I the Hunte? diitrict dúriugí^théQuarter fended on tbe

30th of ! Ssptoinber/laat.^ Wa ebstrajrt the /fbllo^ ' iu^f ..: woo), 325 bales,-128,300 lbs; vghie ¿4,704'V tallow^ 314 tons/l&awt*value^50»|às^?ÏTbte deei^jhi^e/.ëxp^^w^

the correiptodmg eeason"?;oX¿ the, iimvwjis. year,

amountedAo 1 isVbate«; «'^


to £134,005. beni«K'8tbëeïpwfÈ'of 'tweed'

Newcastle,; Takiogfthi«:articleiatsaosoent;the whple >-eer> expopt«^ to, the 30th.-of ;«>pt*»nbar last, were valued at ¿881,6504.. besides/direct sbipments to England, «nd to other à)lohies> //