Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Saturday 20 January 1849, page 3


JUST RECEIVED, a supply of "WRIGHT'S" celebrated " BREW," and on inspection the quality will befolmd so much improved, that it is warranted equal, if not superior, to any in the colony.—"Taste and try before you buy."

GEO. S. LE BRETON. N.B.—Casks allowed for at invoice price.


TO the SPORTING BLADES of BRISBANE. BEING determined that the Anniversary shall

not pass over without a little fun, in addition to the usual English Sports, the Lads of Kangaroo



all comers to a Game of Foot Ball—preliminaries to be settled at the Commercial Inn, Kangaroo Point, on the evening of the 24th.

Parties willing to make Matches at Quoits, are requested, to attend—three sets will be provided.

Commercial Inn, Kangaroo Point.

THE undersigned has for sale 500 bushels of Corn, at ls. 6d. per bushel, warranted sound and free from weevil. Not less than 25 bushels in a lot.


A quality of Bran.


Queen-street, North Brisbane.


ON SALE, THE unaerm'ent¡óhMí--articles.:»,hich^will'lbe sold:atthr-SY;DNEY PRICES, (withthe addition of freight.and charges),'.-to make, roon), "? /or: NEWnGOQDS :—

OwbalebesiPilöt Coats One b^e-heayy Woolpacks Twó"'casks'iEpsom;Sálts

FivetonsbestT. D: Land Oaten Hày One! pocket ;British Hops Three'bales-'Kip'8ñ9 Sole Leather; Twirbarreis Mess/Pork One thousand'two hundred biishels'Màize Twelve" tons fine Liverpool arid Packing Salt:

Tën:barrélsHërrihgs,: in prime condition Twenty casks'ByàsV:Bottled Ale,

,:;,',..-. gÉC;','"^'' Ke/r "-fcci, fcci "?<' A¿:?J';^8Éí'?H?¿''?IîOGKI.NG/S,

Shipping Agents and Importers, Grey-street, South Brisbarie.



THE.;undersignpd,-. in returning thanks to the inhabitants, of. Moreton Bay and the, sur rounding districts,for.tíieir liberal patronage,begs leave to, informthem, that he has now opened his New.xStore (adjoining, his late premises), with, an ali' entire, stock of, New Goods, comprising Silks, i- r;prSpery, Haberdashery,'Slops of every descrip tiori,,íMen'sandíWomen!slBpots and Shoes, Leather, Groceries, Wines and. Spirits, Tobacco, Crockery of .Ware, &jc.,&c..and a variety of Fancy and other

Goods too numerous to mention, which he is now

of prepared,to sell at a very moderate profit.

A. M/begs also to inform his Bush friends, n that, in addition tothe above stock, he has always r* | on hand a large supply of Clothing of his own a j make, so. that parties from the interior can fit ^ ! themselves with > a Suit of Clothes at the shortest

ij notice,iwbich he;is selling at reduced prices for cash.


TÍRISBANE .ANNIVERSARY.; REGATTA, /^'to'láké place onJEÍtlDAY, January 2ö,1849.


Messrs. Freeman, K. Cannan, C. Graham, .W.

Connolly-, J. ; Harris, Gi S.. Le Breton, G. S. Tucker, G¡.,Cameron, B.I?, .Walker, R; J.

Coley ,;F.E.'Bigge,R. Little, W. A. Brown,

W.Pickering, and J. Richardson.

1st MATCH; for Scullers; to start at 10 30 'a.m. from the ;Flag Ship1, arid proceed to Wáímsley's Point,'rouridfn'g»tíié boat on the north side, and returning : to the-Flag; Ship on the south side.

Entrance's»/; Prize £

2nd MATCH, to start at 11 a.m., for üvo-oared Boats, belonging to Vessels in\the port, and to be 'manhed bythi'ir:oW'n crews, te» proceed round a boat moored'off'tlie Government Gardens, on the sdutli side, return-on the north side, rounding the boat off Walmsleys Point, and back to the Flag Ship ort the south side/ Entrance 7s. 6d, ; Prize £

3rd MATCH-, to start at 11 30 a.m., for. Skiffs

'pulling two bars, same route as the second àÇatcli. Entrance 7s. 6d.;-Prize £

4th'MATCH, to start atnoon, for Whale Boats, twice round the same course, as No. 2. Entrance f£l-;-Prize £ .-5th-MATCH, to start-af 2/p.m:,¡for Skiffs,-, piillcd by/Amateurs.'same route as thclst Match.

Eñtrance:7sr6d;;:.Prize£ .i.;¡ >í; ,ti-:d ? hni :

6th MATCH,:to start/at 2 30^ for Ab-i originals. Entrance^ free,- Prize £.:í.,;iobe¡ expended in; clothing, &Ci'i' " v. ?. ;?* >ivl v.;

7th MATCH, to start at'3 p.m.,' for five-oared Gigs, pulled by. Amateurs, same course' as» the second Match'. Entrance 10s. ; Prizei£"-^ .-: ¡ni:

8th MATCH, to start at 3-30 t.m., for aiGig and Dingy, the<Dingy to have 20 yards start; the race to be decided in 15 minutes, the'bowman of -the Gig to.catclrthe man in the Dingy (if hecan). Entrance free ; Prize £. 9th.' A private Match, to start at 4 p.m.


1. The dricisioh of the Umpire to be final. 2. Subscribers only'allowedi:o enter bdats

3. ALL boats' to carry.distinguishing' flags at the bow-, arid tliif crew to'be in costume.

4 AII boats fouling tu'bo distariccd.

5. Clioicê of be drawn for by lot' before Starting.

6 Tliree/entiancrs' or 'no 'race, excepting /'in Matches No; 1,'^ß; -7, and 8. Parties engagea in PrívateMatclies. will jplcaso

.conim única te the sanie as early as possible. Aj bell rung for boats ti) get ready,' á'?d: to draw for places ; "and itjispartiçularly.rcqtiéVted

that the crews will be punctual. /Entrances to b'e'.jmade at -the Victoria Hotel .any time before 5 p.Si; on AVedriesday', 21-th January.

iParties/holding,Subscription Lists to hand them iii on, Wednesday,; by 4 p.m.

k.;ca'nnanv '

Hon'. Sec. arid Treasurer,


NOTIC'E1, is/^'Héreby'given that Teridersi' in,!

düplicate, w'ií'received at the Secretary's; 'office, Aibèrt-s'trect,Nort{rBrisbane, until 10, .v.M. 'Wetmesday''riext;;'the 24tli/'cláy Of January, -Tor ;fiirriishing tlie Sujiplies-req'uiretl for the General Hospital at Moreton jja'y during tlie fiirrerit year/ wnhc "31st day, of^Dece'm'berriijxt'inclusive,' uridrr

1 ure conditions' hereafter .specified, viz./:-

Jib. fresh Beef or Muttons ioz...Salt . lib Bread, first quality foi. Tea 1 lb. Potatoes 1 £ 07K Sug ir

Loz. Rice. £"pintMilk ( i

HALF DILI , ¡,tc

Alb fresh Beef oi Mutton |o7Silt |W

1 lb Bread, first quality J o/ Tea ' , | 1' ¿ lb. Potatoes IJ o?. Sugar

I oz Rice l i pint Milk '

SPOON DIE1. ' 8 oz Bread, fust quality 2 oz Rice

-} o/. 'lea ! i pint Milk ¿\ oz. Sllglt ; i r


Coals ( ' Mould Caudles Jircwpnd DipCindlc %crni Oil Cotton W ick

Common Oil


EXTRA SUPPLIES.-As?they, may be required.

Fresh Beef - , - ». Yellow Soap Fresh Mutton fil ? 7, .Vegetables Wheat. Bread, 1st quality1 Öa'tmeal

" 2hd'r ;, v .Milk '

" " 3rd ;, ' Bottled Port Wine.

Maize Meal ,' i . , -j .. Vinegar Arrowroot ' ??, >?-.,.;.; !.'Lime Rice h '.*?. i J Straw; for bedding,

Sago , . ,"<-î. i -j »Bottled Porter Pearl Barley <e>.^ »... j Eggs Tea -. ' '» '-T, , Rum (¡W." I.)''.'.i'/, 4 Sugar . . <>] /Fresh,Butter ' » ri

Salt ", , Water Casks, , , . Tin Dippers'(one gallon) '"-'Hoes Hair Brooms Spades1 ).,

Whitewash Brushes


be of the ¿estjquality^of nost* rigid' adherence to

CONDITIONS. hAh\ the articles .shall be

their several kinds ; the most this rule will be observed. '

The Bread shall be baked twenty-four hours,

and no longer, before delivery^ unlesSj a spécial order to the contrary be given.*-'*'

The Vegetables shall be supplied in reasonable propoitions of Potatoes, Greens, Pumpkins, Car-iota, Turnips, &c. ; unless a special order <from the officer making the ' requisition shall, restridt the supply to one or more descriptions of vega


The supplies shall all be deliveied by the Con-tractor at the Hospital, immediately after receiving a requisition for the same from v'an*.authorised officer.

Contractors shall, at all limes, haye on hand a sufficient supply of the articles above enumerated, to serve for fourteen days ; and iii'all cases ?¡?.?here the Contractor is unable to furnish supplies ac-cording to the requisitions, or where'the articles furnished are not approved by a Board of Survey, should the same be called, the Residcn^Surgeon, or other authorised officer, may piocure the goods required, at the expense of the Contractor. ,

In case of íepeattd failures in thèse respects, on the pait of tlie Contractor, it shall be in.the power of the Committee to cancel the contract)

In the event of a difference of opinion between the Contractor and the officer rc-ciymg.the sup-plies, the same is to be divided by ,a Board; of Survey, consisting of thiee disinterested persons,; and their decision shall be final.

It shall be in the power of either, par^y to .limit the duration of the Contract, by giving,' in writ-ing, a notice of three calendar months, and to end the conti act at the expiration of that period-, it being undcistood that such notice can only be given from the first day of a month.

The Contractor shall prepare his own accounts, quarterly, and furnish ilia same, with the neces-sary vouchers, to the Secretary, for the inspection of the Committee, within fouiteen days from the expiration of each quarter.

. The value of all packages must be included'in the prices charged.

Tlie Tenders are to he addressed " To tlie Com-mittee pf the Moreton Bay General Hospital" and indorsed " Tender for Piovisions, &c." Person's tendering aie requiicd to attend at the committee room, General Hospital,at noon on Wednesday, the 24th instant, when the Tenders w ill be opened hy-the Committee, and the result declated.

The person whose Tender is accepted}will be required to execute a bond, with tw,o sureties', to the Treasurer, binding himself in the pcnalty,)o'f one hundred pounds to observe the condítions^óf the contract. The names of the pioposed sureties must be mentioned in the Tender.

Forms of Tender may be seen at tile bffieeJbT the undersigned.

- By ordei' of the Committee,


Secretar,^. Brisbane, loth January, 1849.


NOTICE is hereby given-that Tenders',« in duplicate, will be received at the office of the

undersigned, in Albert-street. North Brisbane, until Ten o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, the 24th day of January instant, fiom persons willing to supply the various Drugs'and Medicines, as thej may be required for the use of the Moreton Bay General Hospital, during the -year'endiug 31st December, 1849, viz .-

Pulv. Julapae, at .. 1. per lb. ) Pulv. Rhei Ind. Op. ) ,-,'lb. ' 'OI.'Ricini'.,'.'...'... ." bottled

Sülp. Quinina? ..'.:!'..'..\ - "'oí.,»iU * Morphia' llydrochlor. ..*?, .!lJU '/»"-dráelim

, Opium ,...'.....".'.".*?... ' 'J'..'. r\ Wlb. *{{

Potass» Iodid .'...'. !V »M'.í: :'. r,í" ob.* ÎL ' Tinctura Op» ''.'....'.-?...UÂ.. ï! ' Vlb-" .'" T *. ' ' " » 'Gen'tiàh^ *^.W: '.* ?=,,?%'.- '*'' I* ' '. .,;< Ca^ijhoro'ÔbnlpV-^"".?1!«^'?* ¡' ! ,V ' - . 1 AvkKdui»'.' :h.V.'.'I HY?" ,V']bV *"

. " ' , ,'.' * 'Cinchón» Cóln'pr;.:. ',*:' % Jfô" tf

I V, ?'"", \ lli'óscía.mi'V-'V^í-.-í?*"^.^^ ";,."", , ?f;'i)i'giUik ;;:1i-?/tv::(íf,,'^r-- . r: -Aicohoirsl.*::1.?.1*'.vm.k:*-,;^h^

I- "j A'i'ó^^o/o'triiCívr.^r. m-.í'.í' n;;'oi:T"

't' ; Extráct-Coloéyntli 'íÍQmnK''.1??. .* î //oz.

1 ;ï f rl;'H^eiami';?.':1. »-- ?.>';,r'oá?8,u

' . h;}\ 'Coñii'...)::] K^.1^1 »M?*** ' ', .. 'l401."Tçrel»fnth,i i .l.'¡ '.'.'.-*.1'.1: V-."..)' "fiW." ?;;; -;:J:un^:^.,.\\:i^v.,>.'i.-}¡ »w-*

1 v v '"'Oliv0' '' ' x- ' ' .'f'wil, f'«ví

, Folia Sentí«'Op. '.'.'..\ r\' .**"flb:;,r*.l

" M/ígneá. Sillph. '..'V. ,".v!.°.Vi.V ,M^^

' ' Magnesias'Carb. .. }?i .'.^ .<V?t .,)*I11Ä*^« : Pilly. Acac4ir..'..'.V.7.'.t:l.' .f,11ku;*

1 zinci suiphai-;-, :...:.. ;.°.. : '. ^ W.> * f '

'Lier. Phlmhî Tïfaertatîs"'. <> ' » ".. 'Ihl'-k^

V)"* " *' Adhes'io "kpreadjS-J". >^\\ yard." f "?l'"Castor Oil.'. :(ï*;..".).). !v l pw.Wt-'b'h'Ule

w ii." . cosjMjioNs. .,.;:,au The conditions vare the(same as.ihose, annexed

f^to thoiadvertisoment for Tenders for. Provisions. with the exception that all disputes respecting the qualities of the medicines must,be decided by two

-or more medical men.

The tenders are to be addresswh to ".TheJCom 'mittce of the Moreton i Bay General Hospital," and indorsed " Tender for Medicines

Persons, tendering are requested, to, attend j »f the Hospital, at noon, on Wednesday*ne*(t,ijthr 2'íth. instant, wIipii the tendtjrs will be.opened,

andñhe result declared.

By order of the Committee, WILLIAM WILKES

Secretary. Bfñatiánr'V,l8th .January1, l849.