Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Saturday 23 August 1856, page 2



Now that the Spring is about commencing, and the days approaching when the inhabitants will be enabled to walk out with pleasure, we congra-tulate them upon the treat they will enjoy in pro-menading, through this delightful place, having a long frontage to our noble river. On a late visit we were astonished at the great pro-gress that had been made both in the amount of work done, and the skill exhibited by the super-intendent, Mr. Walter Hill, in laying out the nu-merous walks, placing the bamboo seats, and above all the beautiful, little oblong island, which in approached by" two rustic bridges, decorated with fanciful rock-work, among which are planted ban-anas, to afford a temporary shade to numerous tender ferns, until palms and other trees supply the want. This lovely spot has been reclaimed from a marshy piece of ground, and the place is still, surrounded with tall bamboos and their young shoots. There have been eight acres, trenched and planted out of twenty-seven lately granted by Government, which is all fenced in. A brick pit has been erected for the purpose of restoring to health plants imported from distant countries. A cottage has been built for the men employed, and permission granted to them by Mr. Hill to use his well selected library, after their day's work is over. The ground is laid out in 34 divisions, to be occupied as under, according to a plan shown to us by the Superintendent.

1. Main entrance from Albert-street. 2. and 3. Entrance to the grand walk.

4. Pinetum.- The general will be mixed, in or-

der that the failure or defective growth, of one genera may have a chance of being compensated by the growth of that or those adjoining.

5. Arrangement of plants that are indigenous

to the four quarters of the globe.

8. Plants that are indigenous to Australasia,

and used for their timber in industrial arts. 7. Florists, flowers, arranged according to their

colours, and times of flowering.

8. Araucaria Bidwilli and the Bowrie Pine.

9. Ornamental flowering Shrubs. 10. Rosarum, (climbing roses) 11. Dwarf and Standards.

12. Bambusa, Arundinacea, and other weeping


13. Aquarium, for the Victoria Regia, and other

aquatics. 14. Rock work.

15. Aquarium, for the use of the nursery-ground &c., &c.

16. A general arrangement according to the

natural method of Jessica, &c, &c.

17. Illustrations on plants, as the different kind

of live hedges. These must always be matter of interest, to the agricultural po-pulation of this colony, but though of vast importance they have been neglected.

18. Arrangement of plants that are indigenous

to New Holland, arranged according to

the method of Linnaeus.

19. Rustic seat, or moss house.

20. Plants cultivated for their timber.

21. Plants cultivated for their herbage and


22. Plants cultivated for their seeds and straw. 23. Plants cultivated for their medicinal pro-perties.

24. Plants cultivated for their utility in arts and


25. Plants cultivated for their fruits as an article

of the dessert.

28. Plants cultivated chiefly for their roots.

27. Plants cultivated for their aromatic sub-


28. Museum of Economic Botany, for the de-

posit of those vegetable products that are either eminently curious or in anywise ser-viceable to mankind, it is consequently of the highest importance, if simply for

instructional purposes, and essential to a young commercial colony, as must be evi-dent to any person who reflects on the in numerable ways in which the vegetable king-

dom ministers to the wants of the human race. The ship-builder, the carpenter, the cabinet-maker, the general merchant, the manufacturer, the weaver, the physician, the druggist, the dyer, the oil and colour men, &c., &c, would find the several ob-jects in which they are interested, accom-panied by their correct appellation, the countries where they are from, and the names of the plants from which they are procured.

29. Pleasure ground. The trees forming the ar-

boretum will be planted at stated distances in a fixed order, along the walks of the pleasere ground. The clumps necessary for breaking the lines and fulfilling the general plan of the garden, will be made

up of a selection of really ornamental trees, quite independent of the scientific collec-tions. 30. Reserve ground as a nursery for plants.

31. Enclosure for dwelling houses and other


32. Grass lawn for horticultural flower shows. 33. Bank near the river- grass.

34. Labyrinth.

We cannot conclude this notice without observ-ing that all parties connected with the working and management of the garden deserve credit, more especially when we consider the small means they have had at their command. It will be seen by an-other paragraph, that already an exchange of planta has taken place; and it is to be hoped that government, will not allow a work so promis-ingly commenced to fall back for want of funds ; as, under its present vigorous management, it promises to be of great benefit not only as a healthful recreation spot for the inhabitants around it, but to become of general benefit as a nursery both for home and abroad.



A PUBLIC- MEETING for the establishment of a Building Society was held in the Court House, last night, Mr. H. Kilner in the chair.

Mr. H. CRIBB explained that the form of society which be would recommend for the adoption of the meeting was that of the terminable kind, as distinguished from the permanent Investment Society ; and having detailed the Mode of of opera tion of such societies, in regard to the issuing and taking up of shares, and the rates of interest to be paid by borrowers, and received by investers, he read to the meeting the most important of the rules of a society of the kind which he recom-mended which had been in successful operation in Brisbane, which he thought might be useful in assisting the members of the proposed society in forming their's.

Mr. Faircloth put several questions to Mr. Cribb in relation to the principles and working of this proposed , society, and , stated he was in favour of the terminable principle, but objected to several of the proposed arrangements for the

one under consideration, particularly the borrow

ing of money by thedirector on their own re-

sponsibility, as the members would ultimately

have to bear that responsibility if it should come to be a matter of experience. Mr. WALTER GRAY said that he would not like to be a director and to borrow money on his own re-sponsibility for the society; and a desultory alterca-tion took place. Messrs P. O'Sullivan, Mr. W. Gray, Mr.B. Cribb, and others Joining at length Mr. Whitehouse proposed, and Mr. Jones seconded the 1st resolution: That a society be now formed to be called the Ipswich Mutual Bank and Building Society.

Mr. Wheeler proposed and Mr. Given seconded

the 2nd resolution : That Messrs Cribb, Kilner, James, Wheeler, Hartley, Given, Foots, Whitehouse,

Mr. Pettigrew remarked that he would pro-

pose that Messrs Walsh and Macalister should be added to the list as they would require some gen-tlemen of the legal profession to look after them;

they were a regularly packed oommittee.

Mr. Walter Gray said, " A packed committee, indeed ! A regular clique, a complete hole and corner concern; I'm opposed to all cliques. (laughter). I hate them as I bate the very devil (roars of laughter). Amid this excitement Mr. Cribb tried to pacify his opponent by stating that the names of gentlemen who were known to be willing to undertake the office, and to work for the society had been placed upon the committee; and that any gentleman Mr. Gray might be de-sirous of adding could be appointed. Mr. Gray,

however would not be pacify, but said he would have nothing to do with it ; telling Mr.Cribb that he had done "more" for Mr. Cribb than Mr. Cribb had done for him," to which Mr. Cribb very justly replied that the present was not question of what he might have done for Mr. Gray, or Mr Gray for him, but of the establishment of a public society for a pub lic benefit. The committee was now considerably

modified by the introduction of some names by Mr. Pettigrew and others, and the withdrawal of other names, and finally was left thus: Messrs. Cribb, Pettigrew, Kilner, Hendren, Southerden, Macallister, Reeve, and Shenton. The 3rd resolution was carried, that the first meeting of the society be held on Thursday evening, at half-past seven o'clock in the evening, for receiving the report of the committee, for the appointment of officers, and taking shares. Mr. P. O'sullivan insisted that no society had been formed, as the motion for its formation had not been carried, Mr. Kilner in sisted that the motion had been carried ; and Mr. Cribb said that as Mr. P. O'Sulliven and his friends were determined to oppose the business, it might be best to let the matter drop. He only wished to see the society established for the public benefit, and he did not think it likely to be suc-cessful, if a committee were not appointed which would work assiduously for this public object. At length the motion was understood to be carried, and the meeting terminated with votes of thanks to Colonel Gray for the use of the Court House to Mr. Cribb for his exertions towards the estab-lishment of the society and to Mr. Kilner for acting as chairman.

Ipswich, August 15, 1856.

LIGHT HOUSE, CAPE MORETON.-The lantern for the new light-house, in course of erection on Cape Moreton has arrived ; and we are glad to learn that there is a fair prospect of the contract being completad within the stipulated period, and that the light will shine forth in its full lustre by

next Christmas.

THE Hon. THOMAS HOLT.-It is rumoured that our member, the Hon. the Colonial Treasurer, is inclined to resign his seat in the Cabinet. The many and laborious duties connected with the office of Treasurer, are said to be too much for a gentleman of Mr. Holt's active and scrutinising character--a man who will see that the work is done. As one example of his industry, we need only refer our readers to the long lists of Deeds for these districts, just transferred from the Trea-sury to the Surveyor-General's office, published in this issue and our last-being about as much as has Appeared during any twelve month in the Courier since June, 1846. Assuredly there must have been heavy draughts of business left undone by the late drones in office, who have been rewarded with handsome pensions .

THE NEW CLIP.-Four bales of wool of the new clip, from the station of Dr. Dorsey, arrived in Brisbane on Thursday last, being the first of this season. The clips on the Logan ore reported to be very good.

SHEARING AND LAMBING.-we hear that shear-ing and lambing are progressing but are sorry to find that many lambs have been destroyed, in order to save the ewes, owing to the long severe drought that has existed, and consequent want of feed.

COTTON SEED-By the late arrival of H.M.S. Juno in Sydney, from the South Sea Islands, his Excellency the Governor-General received a quan-tity of cotton seed, forwarded to him from Tonga taboo, of which he sent a quantity to Moreton Bay, to be distributed by Captain Wickham. This seed has been examined by Dr Hobbs, Mr. Geo. Raff and others, and has been found to be inferior to our own best samples ; a small quantity of cotton that accompanied it is coarse, short, and brittle ; and consequently our Government Resi-dent has been advised not to distribute it. We are glad to find that Sir W. Denison has taken an

interest in the matter of cotton.

COTTON COMPANY-By letters received per last mail from Sydney, we are informed that it is the intention of several influential geatlemen in the metropolis to form a company for the growth of

cotton at Moreton Bay.

THE PRESENT SEVER DROUGHT.-The drought still continues, and we are pained from day to day to hear of the many sad consequences occurring throughout the district. Several horses, cows, and bullocks, have died around Brisbane, and we are informed that several parties have been scouring the bush in order to help the poor animals out of nearly dried up water-holes, which, they had en-tered in search of water but in some cases they have been so weak from want of feed, that they hava either been left to their melancholy fate, or perished after being taken out of the mud. We hear that the inhabitants in some places in the interior are beginning to feel the effects of scarci-ty, from not being able to get their supplies up from Brisbane and Ipswich. Many of the cattle have died on the road, and those remaining are rendered powerless for want of sustenance. We sincerely hope that this afflicting state of the dis trict will speedily pass away, and the earth be again refreshed by the blessing of rain.

NATIONAL DUTY OF CHRISTIAN STATES-We have to acknowledge the receipt of a pamphlet, being a " Review of Dr. Fullarton's Tract on the National Duty of Christian States.» We have derived much pleasure and satisfaction from read ing it and would cordially recommend a perusal of it by all who have the cause of pure Christianity at heart, and a wish to see all unchristian bicker-ings and strife put an end to by the separation of all connection between Church and State. Mr. W Marks of Kiama, the author, has made a most triumphant defence of the voluntary principle his scriptural arguments are beautifully clear, simple, and convincing ; and he draws such a strong contrast between primitive and modern church and state views with regard to the sup port and spreading of gospel ordinances, that any impartial reader must come to the conclusion that comparisons are odius. Dr. Fullerton's Tract i has ¡received,such,e masterly bapdling, that we Lopii» that reverend gentleman wijl feel ashamed 'oThis-argnmenta, J»nd the «nskilful manner is which he has used scripture in their support. -

BoTASicAK-The following is a list ofplasU sent to .the 'Botanic Garden, Brisbane, by the Dinejor of the Btfenie Gardens, Sydney :-l cu prenne péndula, 1 eugenia uniflora, 1 araucaria excelso, J1 iwkwsrpus <>«P'*»«nul'» l Pln,u» *9m , wû7l pinn« Hahpensis, 1 eryptomerfa Japónica,

iraune/Zipithinjis, 1 pinus ¿mea,, 1 »ranearía

OooUv Í «*ln» deodar«. >l.¡dan>m»r» °»t<isa, 1 cnpre*sns.aempervirtns, 1 pinus «celsa,, 1 thnja maorocarpe, 1 «Cunninghami» lanceolate, 1 theo vendis. 1 gynerium argentenm, 2 aralia orassi folia, 1 eephslotosfollicularis, 1 alectryon excel-' snm, 1 frénela cupressiformia, \ podecarpns ferru-ginous, I rjuniperns ver prostrate, 1 »llamando neriifolia,J tosodium eempervfrens, 1 lowusniti doio, 1 pinnsdongifbli», 1 «hies morinda, 1 taxusnu cifero, 1 argoma sideroxylon, I pinus cesrulea, 1 taxus adpressa, 1 botryedendronbtifobum, «olea Enróñese, Socersaechorinum, 1 andropogon sohosn anthnsTl msgiiolio purprireo, 1 aiohprisandra dvetei The'rojRMngjrerei receivedI by the Director of the BoUnioal Gardens. Sydney, from the, Super intendant of Botanic Qntimi, Brisbane .-S m»r antsvarnndiiiBces,/3mBr»nt»ftonçbato, S anna

Mloeasinm, 1 b«em»tosyl»n çàmpeohienum, 9 F in-I deni» Australis, »iOl\ey»,X«ntho*>lon, 8 celas-tros sp., 9ole»,p»nieuletv»WP«m reclínate, S conmine hirtella. 4M«SM iisjism, a croton phe ilieioldXa eyminoam» oblongifoli», ,| notohso

longini»,* acacia sp, 8 panax tlegeM.l eitrio

.potts, »Ris«>rrig|bley»grsnUuWho spends wat, if hi« time in wa^ffSfI»bout the hujh doisrf p,i«hiot.'JSipr«Ç^to seirniM^yi^hythe

sfr.J,Ï.MiDeegsll,hewssé»Btto gool for ese

Sr"l6p ¡ jf Bell and A. Bell, dp, la 2r S3p ; do* do, 3 Jots, 2a each i P. Byjrnea, Sandgate, 2r¡,J ' Bern, Brisbane, Sflp do,>ndg»te2r;T.Roy-land, Brisbane, 36p; W. Barker, Uo> 36p ; do, do, 36p; J. "Bowen, Merivale, Sr s'M. Bryan, Aubigny, 2a ;F. Bigge, Stanley. 7«'94p; do,-do, 7a 3r «ipji?. *>,'«* 1rs J. Brewster, Stanley.8a Sr 14p ; T. Boj land; Stanley, 3a 16p; B. J. Bolton, Maryborough, 1r 32p; do, do, lr 3tp;B. J. Belton,.'Marah, la 19|p ¡ J. Baillie,Ipsw(oh, SSp ¡.N. Bowes, Aubigny,' 4a ; do, do, 5a ; do, do, Sa ; D. Bell, Stanley, 4a Sr 340!.W.A.Brown,«hiSe 2r;do, do,«air8b¡ dido, 8a; W. Barton arid Elisabeth Hobbs, Brit* ban*, lt'ilp^do.'do, if l»p; W/ATBrown, Send.

9e; S. J.» Broom, jlpswlch, 38pjF. A. ForbW do, Jr; vH.-0'ReÍlíy;'Brisbane, 4 lots, 86p each; W, Conery,do, SSp; A. Watt, do, 3Sp¡ J^lratsrrdo, 'flop K M. ^BhWèyîdb, ,86b, P. . E. Robert«, do, 8 lot%¿8«p e** ; O. Christi«, do, t tots; 3lp*ea«h t-T. .Qrenfen do, ^ep^T.iBeT land, de, »p ¡ ©j Appel, do, 86p ; I. Markwell? do, 3,6p r W* KaHdoock, Dray ton A Sr ; do, do, tr ;

hard labor. -Yesterday before Captain Wickham, P.M., and J.T. McDougall, -J.P., Mary Geoghan, who was remanded from the 20th instant (on a charge of larceny) to this day, was then called. The prisoner formerly lived

with Mrs. Harvey as a servant, and after she was discharged Mrs. Harvey found that she had been robbed of a quantity of wearing apparel, cambric handkerchiefs, &c. Mr. Mr Harvey, upon his return from Sydney, applied a few days ago for a search warrant, and Chief Constable Sneyd found one chemise and one pair of stockings in the possession of the prisoner.-Arthur Hervey deposed, I live in Brisbane, the prisoner was in my service. I have lost a great many articles of clothing.

I applied for a search warrant yesterday, as I supposed Mary Geoghan had taken them. I went with the Chief Constable to search the prisoner's box, and found therein the chemise and stockings, which are my property, and are worth about four shillings and sixpence. Mrs. Harvey

never, gave them to prisoner. -Elizabeth Hayes: deposed that I know, tne prisoner. I know the chemise now in court.' Saw it on board the Phoebe Dunbar four months ago; I washed it Mary Geoghan had others like it on board, but lost them. -Richard Ash Kingsford deposed, I am a draper in Brisbane. I' have compared this chemise with one produced by Mr. Harvey ; they are the same pattern, make, and material. Articles of this quality are not usually worn hy immi-grants.-Emma Harvey deposed; The prisoner was discharged from my service on the 12th of August, instant ; this article is my property, and was made in London to my order. I had a dozen. The darn in the neck is where my name was. The stockings are mine. I never gave these articles to prisoner; I gave her manv other things. -Catherine Coombs deposed-I am nurse at Mrs. Harvey's. I know Mrs. Harvey once gave Mary some jaconet and pieces of lining, but not these things.-The prisoner put in a character tor bounty, and the Bench, after giving her a severe lecture upon the impropriety of her conduct, stated tliey were unwilling to send so young a girl to a common gaol, but offences of this nature were becoming so frequent that em-ployers of servants required protection. In future they would use imprisonment as a punishment ; and with the hope that this would be a warning to her, to redeem her character, and get an honest living, they would fine her in the sum of twenty


LAND SALE, IPSWICH. -. The undermentioned Town lots will be offered for, sale, at the Police Office, Ipswich, on Thursday, September 11, at

11 o'clock :—Allotments 1 to 22 of section 3— lot 1 containing 32p; 3 to 7, Ir each ; 8 to 12, ! 32p each ; 13 to l8, Ir each; 19 to 22,32p each. [ Allotment* 1 to 22 of Motion 4-let I, 32p ; 2 to

7, Ir each ; 8 to IS, 32p each ; 13 to l8, Ir each , 19 to 22, 32p each. Upset price £100 per acre. Deposit IO per cent.-with deed feo of ¿1 added for each lot. ( ?


Connolly, Ipswich, 82p; W. Coombe, Stanley, 13a 32p ; do, do, 13a 3r ; J. Collins, Warwick, Ir S6p ; do, do, 3r 20p; do, do, 3n35p; G. Collins, Warwick, 2r ; W. Cook, do, 2r ; R. Coomes, Dray-ton, 3r; H. Challinor, Stanley, 10a 3r «Op; do, do, 10a 3r 30p ; T. Corbett, do, 30a ; do, do, 35a ; R Carter, do, 10a Ir ; P. Carberry, do, 1« 2r 24p; J. Cook, Ipswich, 2r; M. Christie, do, 2r; D. Campbell, Stanley, 20a 2r ; J. Collins, the elder, Merivale, la 32p: J. Charlie, Ipswich, 3r 24p; Mary Jane Collins, Warwick, lr 37p; T. Collins, Cleveland, lr 25p; K. Cannan, do, lr 6p ; do, do, 37p ; O. Connor, Ipswich, 3r 30p ; W. Alfred Cook, Maryborough, Jr ; do, do,

lr; W. Coombes, Stanley, lia 2r; K. Cannan, Cleveland, lr8p; T. Corbett,.Brisbane, 36p; W. Alfred Cook, March, la 3r; M. Cunningham,, Warwiok, 2r, W. G. Carter, Stanley, Sa lr 4{p, M Collin«, Churchill, 55a Sr 3p, J. Cluny, do, 19a 3r 1 Op; P. Callaghan, Brisbane, 36p;S. Colburn, Maryborough, lr 4p; 'do, do, lr 4p, do, do, 9r ; E. Collins, Warwick, 2r ; do, do, 2r ; 1). Campbell, Ipswich, 32p ; B. Cribb, do, 32p ; W. Carter, Merivale, 18a 9p; B. Cribb, Sandgate, 2r ; do, do, 2r ; P. Casey, Chorchili, 49a 2r I5p ; P. Cannon, Stanley 4a; E. Cullen, Stanley, 12a lr 14p; O. Connor, Stanley, 6«, R. Cribb, Stanley, 4a 3r Op; E. Crooke, Stanley, 42a'; do, do, 50a, R. J. Cole), Brisbane, lr 8p, do, do, lr Sp ; J. Cleary, Mary-borough, lr ; B. Cribb, Brisbane, 36p ; E. Crook«, Stanley, 49a; W.Carter, Stanley, 4a 2r 9p; J. Conolly, Stanley, 47a; W. J. Connolly, Brisbane, 36p, R. E. Dix, Ipswich, 32p ; J. Davidsonrand J. Parry, Stanley, 4a 3r; W. Clunes, Merivale. la lr 9p ; W. T. Deacon, Ipswich, 32p ; J. Dunlop, Brisbane, 36p ; J. Duerdin, Cleveland, S lots 32p each; do, do, lr 12p; do, do, lr29*p; do, do, Ir 27p; O. Daly, Stanley, 66a; J. Duerdin, Stanley, 5a Sr 20p ; do, do, 6a lr 30p ; do, do, 12a 3r 4» ; J. Dent, Aubigny, la Sa lp ; J. Duerdin, Brisbane, 3 lots, 36p each ; P. Dwyer, Ipswich, 32p; J. Davidson, do, 32p; L. K. Daveney, Churchill, 8a 2r 12p ; FC. Daveney Stanley, Ua 35p; L. K. Daveney, Churchill, 9a 3r10p;J. England, Ipswich, 2r; J. Eromens, Warwiok, Sr 16p ; N. Emmens, do, 2r ; T. Edwards, Ipswich, Sr 26p; H. Evana, Merivale, Ila lr; do, do, 14a 2r 28p: do, do, 14a Mp; J. England, Stanley, 62a lr*24p; J. Eram'ngs, Merivale, la 32p; do, do, la32p; H. Evans, Merivale, Sa; do,do, 8a Ir-16p; J. England,, Stanley, 35a Sr 20p; Ft A. Forbes, Ipiwich, 32p; E. Feeney, Brisbane, lr 2p; J; Dennis Flynn, junior, do, 36p; T. Fitspatrick, Ipswioh,2r;"Catherine Ford,do, Sr; fl. B. Fit*, do, Sip; do, do, 32p; do, do, lr S4p; J. G. Foote, Stanley, 79a Sp; J. Fanning, Maryborough. 36p ; J. Fletcher, Churchill, 28a 2r 10p; do, do, 24a lr 12p; do, do, 7a lr 34p; G Frost, do, 4a| 2r 5p; T. Frans, Stanley, 75a; J. J. Falconer, Cleveland, 3 lots, 2r each -, F. A. Forbes, Jan, Sandgate, lr 30p ; P. Fleming, Merivale, Sa 2r 33p ; do, do, 7a Sr I2p ; 8. Frost, Warwick, 2r; W. Falby, Ipswish, 82p> G. Fairoloth, Cleveland, 3r ; J. Foote, Brisbane, 2 lot*, 36p each ; F. T. Fran«, Sandgate, Sr ; Mary Alone, Ipswich, 32p; H Alone, Ipswich, 32P : O. Avtonn, Stanlev, la lr 13p ; J. Atkinson, Brisbane, S7p; S. H. Arnold, Maryborough, lr; W. Andrews, Warwick, 3 lot«, 2r each ; T. Amies, de, 2r ; J. Adsett, Stanley, 15a32p ; J. H. Atkin-son, do, 12a Sr lbp;do, Jo, 18a lr 6p; D. Alone, Chnrohill, 28a 2r ; D. Alone, Ipswioh, 32p ; V(. Adams, Brisbane, 36p; J. H. Atkinson, Stanley, Ila; dedo, 36a;do, do. 9a it 35p; EL Arm-strong, Brisbane, 36p, T. "Boyland, Stanley, 2a lr 23p; E. Beverly, Ipswich, 32p ; J. Brenan, do,

8jp ; J. P. Brennen, Warwick 2r ; D. Barry, Dray-ton, lr Sp; J. Bj"»». "Brisbane, 36p y H. Beard, Ipswieh,3r 34p; M. Burn, do. 32p;M. Byrne, do, S lota, 32p each ; T. Bradford, do, 32p; H. Beard, do. 32p ; J. Balfour. Cleveland, lr I6p, do, do, 32p; T, Boyland, Brisbane, 30p{ Margaret Bruce Baldock, Cleveland, 2r; J. Balfour, do lr 16p; do, do, 50p, do. do,' S6»p; F. W. Bigge and f. E Bigge, do, 33tp; do, do, 33p; do, do, ' lr Up* R. Burnett, Warwick 2r; do, do"'2rïW. Berry, Cleveland! Sr ; do. do, 32p, do, dtyfcgp ; ,F J. Barton, do, Sr; J Balfour, Brisbane, -36JM W. Bulcock, Stanley, 66a 9r 20pT J. Balfour, do,'IOa j , J. Brtnn, do, 3r 22p" P. Brian, Drayton, Sr , J. Balfonr, Clçveland, lr I4p. do, do,_ lr 17p ; W. Barker, Stanley, 13a SSp, do, do, 18a Sr 17p ¡,H. Bostock, Brisbane, 36p; J. H. Bsillie, Stanley^

¡j, Fkniiug, de, lr » déV»», it} Q* BeoaetVlUry

fSfo%"ir7%«to, Ir: J.,Ir5 £ Í¿, *

lehsTa», Ir^Jb-Mr* 4e, In Jos,' flsS *

WWkst.1** leí Mary Ans Goodwin, <?o,¡lr j Mar. *

E*írard,»»dr»y, doy Ir, John George Walker* "r dcJr.-'Xatí««« Gove.nmsnt G«*rt"," T?JT ^W#»r«'requested tecali attention to Messrs.^ -Henry Maunoe, à tVs extens vs »news isle of

Oilman's Storee,Grocer s«, Bootsand"ho<*,8tatios» ".' ery, 4c, to toles place on Mrtday, SSth instant. 7