Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Saturday 13 May 1848, page 3


(From our Correspondent. )

May 2, 1848.-At the Police-office, Warwick, a man named William Meara was brought up on a charge of violence towards the inmates of the Woolpack Inn, Cunningham's Gap, by " bailing them up" with a knife and demanding some pow-der and shot from them. It appeared that the man had been labouring under the effects of liquor, and was instable of what he was doing, he bear-ing the character of au inoffensive person by those who have known him for some years; however, he had produced a false discharge to Mr. Alpin, from whom he obtained employment as a weekly servant, for which the, Bench sentenced him to be imprisoned, with hard labour, for three months in Sydney Gaol for breach of a clause of the Master

and Servants' Act.

Breaches of MASTES, AND SE&VANTB' ACT. Henry May appeared on summons- to answer

charge of disobedience of orders and insolence to Mr. John Campbell, acting for his brother, Mr.

Colin-Campbell, whose servant the defendant, ii, ^ and hired weekly. It appeared1 there was about eleven pounds due to defendant. The case being1 proved; the Bench finejd.tlje defendant the amount

of wages,due to.him and'cancelled, hjs agreement«. -David Murdock^ also "a hi>ed.seryaut,of Mr.¡ Colin, Campbell* appeared^W summoná to answer a cliaVgeoí',jpso¡e^ce,preferredía^amst him by' M"ri^Jo1ïnX>mpbj:lï. 3 ^he^ça^ijlsuigiwoved, but

'beiA^ó^-án Insignificant natojßr Üie^Bench fined ' the.dwenáant-in'the 'sum' of eight pounds andi

costs.^,--,. jnj no ?ijnßdyf.'- »..« ^

ILLICIT GROG SELLING.-Hold and Gilbert, bullock-drivers,, both in the employ of Mr. Bou-verie, were summoned to answer to an information preferred against them by the Chief Constable for < sly grog selling. In consequence of their nan attendance, the case was not gone into, but still is pending. It is rumoured that the defendants

have bolted.

OUTRAGE BY THE BLACKS.—We have just heard that a daring outrage was committed by the blacks on Tuesday last on the station of Mr. Mason, on the Pine River. They were observed by the people on the station to have assembled in great force on the above mentioned day, for what intention was not known, but it was suspected, of course, it could be for no good. After some manouvering, one of the blacks, boldly mounted a horse which was feeding near the place where the cattle were encamped, a short distance from the house, and thus mounted drove away the entire herd of milkers, as well as young stock. Mr. Mason was walking out on the run at the time, and witnessed the whole proceedings. The cattle were driven off in the direction of the scrubs, apparently with the view of running them across the creeks, and spearing them as they passed through. The blacks had taken the precaution to cover their bodies with clay in order that the cattle might not smell them. Had they not done so, the cattle, would not have allowed themselves so easily to have been driven off. It is impossible to say how many head may, have been speared, as up to Thursday night Mr. Mason had been unsuccessful in obtaining any trace of his property.

THE WEATHER,-On Thursday afternoon a breeze sprung up from the west, the first we have had for a long time from that quarter, which con-tinued to blow in rather strong squalls throughout the night. The change which til is bas operated in tlie temperature and atmosphere has been marked and sudden. The air which for many a week previous was remarkably humid, has now become dry, elastic, and bracing. The sky is completely clear of the heavy, watery-looking clouds, that have so long hung on the limits of the horizon, every now and then sending out detachments to the zenith, when they were dissi Îated in sudden and fast succeeding showers,

udging from appearances, we should now say that a " dry spell " has decidedly set in*

NEW AUCTIONEER.-Mr. Peterson, of North Brisbane, has obtained the privilege of an auc-

tioneer's license,

NEW MAGISTRATES.-George Barney, Esq., of Barney Downs, New England ; Henry Bower-man, Esq., of Coorangh, Darling Downs ; and William Mackenzie, Esq., of New England, have been appointed Magistrates of the Territory.

ASSAULTING A CONSTABLE.-At the Police office, on Tuesday, a man named Charles Fox, pleaded guilty to a charge of assaulting a con-stable, while he was taking him in charge for being drunk, and was fined 10s., with 2s. 6d.


CHARGE of CATTLE STEALING.-At the Police office, on Tuesday last, one Patrick Pacey, pre-ferred a charge of cattle stealing against William Sheehan, of North Brisbane. Mr. Ocock appeared for the defendant. It appeared that on the 2nd instant, Pacey bought a black cow from Mrs. Lynch, and that much about the same period, Sheehan bought a blue one from the same person, and Pacey charged Sheehan with appropriating the cow which he Pacey had bought. Mrs. Lynch, who was brought forward as a witness in support of the charge, was requested by the Bench to withdraw for the purpose of inspecting the cow that formed the subject of dispute. Having done so, she stated on her return to court her belief, that the cow she had just seen in Sheehan's yard, was the cow she had sold to that person. The Bench dismissed the case, adjudging Pacey to pay

the costs.

AGREEMENTS.-The greater part of the disputes which arise between masters and servants, appear to be occasioned by the imperfect wording of agreements. In many cases, even when written engagements are entered into, the most important part of the agreement is often very foolishly made the subject of verbal arrangement, and, under such a slovenly way of transacting business, it is no great wonder that mistakes and misapprehen-' sions are mutually engendered. In order most effectually to avoid all disputes in reference to the proper interpretation of agreements, and to save an infinite deal of trouble and waste of time to both parties, we would recommend that all par-ticulars, great or small, and whether they are deemed at die time of importance or not, should be distinctly and succinctly stated in the body of the agreement,and that in such plain and unmistakc able terms, as to leave no room or cause for misapprehension on either side. If this simple precaution were always taken, at least one half of the disputes that occur between masters and ser-vants would be at once swept away, and one fertile cause of much ill-feeling and mutual pecuniary

loss be removed.

House ACCOMMODATION.-Grievous complaints continue to be made by strangers intending to locate in the settlement, of the great inconvenience

occasioned them from the difficulty of obtaining adequate house accommodation, or indeed, in some cases, accommodation of any kind in this respect. People also complain, that from the scarcity of cottages, they are oblidged to pay exorbitant rents for dwellings in a miserable state of disrepair, the owners, so long as the demand continues as it is, being of course, careless of the comforts of their tenants, well aware, that while things remain as they are, the most miserable hovel will not long remain unoccupied.' It is really surprising, con-sidering the abundance and cheapness of building material, that there should still remain good cause for these complaints. We should be giad to see them put an end to, for there san be no doubt that the difficulty of obtaining suitable house ac-commodation operates as a bar to the settlement of families in the township. Under »proper stat« of things, the amount ot accommodation should always be a little in advance of the demand.

t TAB CULTIVATION OF COTTON.-When some time ago we drew the attention of the public to

the cultivation of cotton in diis district, we were not aware of some of the uses to which it seems

the plant can be adapted. We perceive from an English, Journal, the Hampshire Telegraph, that a very large cargo of cotton seeds have been imported into London, to be used for fattening cattle and sheep, for which purpose it is stated to be peculiarly applicable.


Fisà ATheré are at present immense ahoals-of »mullet inuhe>Bâ'yî "' This^tish, though, generally to'be found in certain'quantities at all times on thecoaft, seemsito make periodical-Visits at this seáspn'iof^thérjügar^to tíie^Variousitbays, .rivers,

and inlets on the east coast in astonjshinjjly large, masse9V'aiÄ,nc6uld.J[)e'jcaüght and dried in any quantity by !an^| personiuisposed io do so, but butchers'nicat,;is_ so abundant Und ctîeap, and the

pletely neglected.

PIG UPON BACON.-In the Sydney Morning Herald of the, 25th- instant, diere is, a long extract given from a paper published in .London called the Bankers Circular, the object of, which is to show diat, notwithstanding the opposition of the present Sir Robert'Peel toa paper currency, it was to such,a system* diat his father was indebted for his manufacturing eminence, and.his immense fortune. The elder Sir Robertson .first starting in life, was entirely dependent p'n( artificial credit. He carried on his wdçks in 'Lancashire, and es-tablished a warehouse in Lohdott'î'for the sale of his goods, and on this, warehouse he drew what were known in Lancashire as " Pig upon Bacon" bills, at'two pr three months date, to pay for the raw materials of his manufactures, and he also issued tone pound notes to pay the wages of his workmen. How much of the paper money floating about' in diis settlement may 'be truly characterised "as " Pig upon Bacon'/ bills, and if so, whether they will be as honorably met as those Sir'Robert Peel,'we sliall riot at present too pertinaciously enquire ; our object in alluding 'to the subject being the good natured one of calm

irig the panics that ever and anon arise among the cdmmmAity in' reference to the paper currency of

results. It is far from pur intention, however, to defend the system, but until we obtain a Bank, we are compelled to have more or less of a paper .currency whether we will or no. Besides, at the period when the elder Sir Robert Peel first started the " Pig upon Bacon" bills, people had not attained to such adroitness in,dieir circulation, and considering the great access of knowledge in the uses of paper credit, we should say decidedly that it would be dangerous in this enlightened era to revive to any extent the " Pig upon Bacon " system, so harmlessly persued in theiiprimitive days of Peel. At the same time, we must not overlook the object for which this paragraph was written, namely, to impart to the community a little courage during those moments of'despon-dency which a't short intervals come' over the public mind, when it contrasts the vast amount of paper with the very small portion of coin in the settlement, and we cannot better accomplish this than by pointing to the successful working of Sir Robert Peel's " Pig upon Bacon" bills.

LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. - TUESDAY, APRIL 25.-In answer to a question from Mr. Charles Cowper as to whether it was the intention of the Government to continue the returns as to the criminal statistics, the Colonial Secretary replied that great difficulty had been experienced in making out the returns in question, from the time they occupied, but if at all practicable, they should be made out.-To a question from Mr, Donaldson as to whether he intended to adopt the 7th and 8th clauses of the English Merchant Seaman's Act, the Attorney-General replied that a Bill for that purpose was in preparation, and would shortly be laid before the house.-Mr. Donaldson presented a petition from Major Johnston, praying for com-pensation for having been deprived of his situation as Police Magistrate at the Paterson.-Mr.' Murray presented a petition signed by landholders and others in the county of Murray, praying that the minimum price of land be reduced to 5s. p'er acre. -A Bill to render valid marriages solemnised by Free Presbyterian ministers was brought in by Mr. Foster, and read a first time.-Mr. Cowper moved a resolution to the effect that the conditions sought to be imposed upon die Council by the Secretary of State in reference to the appointment of a Parliamentary Agent, were such as the Council could not consistently submit to, and that the Governor be requested to recommend to Her Majesty's Government that the sum-of £1,500 be paid to Mr. Scott in fulfilment of the engage-ment of the Council. A warm and rather lengthy discussion ensued on the resolution, which was carried by a majority of sixteen to five.-On the motion of Mr. Lowe, a Bill to simplify the law in certain respects was brought in, and; read W first time.-Mr. Wentworth' moved that the Bill for making certain alterations in the legal profession be read a second time. This 'Bill does iiof, as seems to have been generally understood, amalga-mate the two professions, The most important clause it contains is that which admits of colonial

youth being called to the bar without proceeding to England. It also gives to attorneys the right to plead at Quarter Sessions and Assizes, but only

in criminal cases. The Bill after some discussion was read a second time, but it does not seem to be heartily approved of even by its supporters.-The Vice-Admiralty Court Bill was read a third time and passed. Wednesday, April 28.-To a qucs* tion asked by Mr. Grant, the Colonial Secretary replied that the Government were not prepared with any specific measure for the defence of Syd-ney Harbour, but the matter had been referred to the Home Government, from whom no instructions had as yet been received.-On the motion of the Colonial Secretary, it was resolved that on condi* tion of the present Military Hospital at Fort Phillip being given up for'the public benefit, the expense of building the new Military Hospital should be defrayed out of the sum of £60,000 voted for the erection of the New Military Bar-racks.-On the motion of the Colonial Secretary, the report of Mr. Barnes on alleged deficiencies in the collection of Customs duties in the port of Sydney was read. The Collector of Customs ad-dressed the House at length in explanation of- die surcharges made by Mr. Barnes, and other mem-bers spoke at great length on the same subject ; but it was finally resolved, on 'the motion of Mr. Lowe, that the Council decline, for various reasons stated in the resolutions, to enter into the investi-gation of the surcharges against the Collector of Customs, Thursday, April 29. Mr. Icely moved that the Governor be requested to causeólo be laid on the table of the House a return of the various sums of money disbursed, and debts contracted, by the District Councils. A discussion ensued on the motion, which was negatived by a large ma-jority. Friday, April 30. , Mr. Wentworth ob tained leave to bring in a Bill to remove doubts as to the validity of grants of land in the vicinity of Sydney.-Mr. Lowe obtained leave to bring îh a Bill to enable the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney to sue and be sued in die name ot ,the Manager.-On the motion of Mr.,Foster, on the part of Mr. ltobmson, a Bill was brought in, and read a first time, for the regulation ot buildings and party walls for the prevention of fire Sn the town of Melbourne.-On the motion of Mrr Went-worth, the House went into Committee for die further consideration of die Legal Profession Bil),

, "t / <? < - J I ' J- ,

SIDNEY MARKBTs',4|T^e'jfo)towÁi)g^prkes are

extracted from the Sydney'Morning, Herald at the-25th ultimo .--Wheat 2s.r$d.vto 4sV¿per bushel ;, flour £ 11, per \ 2Q0(0, lbs., cash ; bran, IOd, wholesale, Is. retail, per, bushel ;, maize,'is. 4d. to Is. 6d. per bushel; barley','2s. 3s. 3d. per bushel; potatoes, colonial, 25s., Circular Head, £4 per ton ;, butter 7d. to 8d./ bacon 4£d.~ to 5d., cheese 3d. to 4., per lb. ; eggs.Ild. to is. per dozen, wholesale ; fowls Is. 9d. to ,2s. 3di per pair ; turkeys 8s. to 12s. each ; geese ,6s. 6d. to

8s. a couple; du;ks 2s. 6d. to 3s. per¡pair;'; lemons Is. per dozen ; oranges lOd. to Is. per down ; figs 4d. per dozen ; b&nanasnls. 6d. per dozen. v i i <

UNCLAIMED LETTERS.-NOTICE.- Public at-tention is particularly requested to the following last of Unclaimed Letters lying in the Post-office. If not claimed within 30 days, they must be sent, to Sydney: -Matthew W. Appleton -Atkinson Esq; Mr A. Anthony; E.Cr Atkinson, Esq;

Benjamin Atkins-B. , J. Benson, Esq ; Capt. Brown ; J. Bunn, Esq, Government Surveyor ; John Burns; Mr Alfred Barrand ; Mr Thomas Ball; George Belton ; Mr John Benton ; Arthur Bell, Esq ; Mr John Butterworth ; James Bardell ; Henry Beeby ; Milo Bourke ; Mrs Brown ; John Boston; Mr Edward Blanchfield; Mr Thomas Burgess ; George Boyes ; John Bishop ; H. P. Bourne, Esq; William Henry Brown; Robert Paterson Bannister ; Josiah Betts, Esq ; Joseph Benington Esq ; Mr John Brennan-Mr W. Campbell ; Mr John Connolly ; Pollet Cardew, Esq ; Henry Costlow ; Patrick Conolly ; Mr Anthony Camack ; Joseph Carrick ; Robert Creighton ; Andrew Conley ; R. T. Campbell, Esq ; William Cargo ; Mr Anthony Cammack ; James Cleary ; Mr H. C Corfield ; Mr Alpin Cameron ; Mr William Callogan ; W. D. Cameron, Esq ;' Callaghan Andrew, care of Mr Jones ; James Cotton ; James Carney-R. B. Dawson, Esq ; Mr James Dawes ; Mr Joseph Dixson ; Mr Richard Drinkwater ; Mr John Day--Mr J. G. Ewer ; Mr George Evans ; Mr F. Eves ; Mr F. Elworthy-Miss Mary Ann Freeman ; Mr George Frost ; Mr James Fraser ; Mr John Ferguson ; Mr John Fraser ; Mr Christie Fallon ; Mr Fletcher ; Mr Martin Fraly ; George Fuller ; James Flanagan-Mr Michael Gandy; Mr Thomas Lennox Gibson ; William Gerrard ; Mr Grainger ; Mr Robert Gringle ; John Grear ; William Gray ; John Green ; Mr Charles Groves ; Mr Gilmore, care of Mr Williams-Patrick Hamilton ; Mr Isaac Henry ; George Hazelwood ; Mr Hughes ; Thomas Hanson ; Matthew Horri-gan ; Mr James Horne ; Mr R. Handridge ; Mr John R. Hunt ; Mr John Haverty ; Mr Thomas Hazelwood ; Joseph Harrington ; William Ham-mond ; James Hando ; Thomas Hardgrave, care of Mr O'Reilley ; Mrs Mary Ann Hayward ; J. B. Howard, Esq ; James Hope ; Charles Hickson, care of - Kinchela, Esq-George Isaacson -Mr Alfred Jones ; David Johnston ; Mr Thomas Jones ; Messrs Jamis and M'Kenzie ; Robert W. Jackson ; Daniel Jonnquay-Patrick Kelly ; Thomas Kinsler ; Mr. John Kitchen ; Mr King ; Miss Esther Keary ; Mr Warren Kerr ; Mr Kresher ; Mr John Kirwood ; Mr James Kirkwood - Mr J. Leddard ; James Laidley, Esq ; Patrick Long ; Michael Lahy ; Robert Logan, Esq ; James Lane ; Cornelius Leary Dennis Martin ; Martin Meehan ; Mr Edward Madden; H." A: "Miller, Esq ; Miss Isabella M'Donald ; Mr James M'Gregor ; Mr Meers ; Mr Alexander M'Leod ; Mr James Moyes ; Patrick Mayne ; Mr Thos. Mattbison ; Patrick Mulvaney ; Mr Daniel Magrath * Mr J. M. Moore ; Mr John M'Carthay ; John Murphy ; Mrs Mary Ann M'Mahon ; Jane M'Garnty ; Allan M*Lean ; Mr G. A. Millar ; Alexander Mason ; James Max-well ; Mr Charles Maguire ; William Morley ; Patrick M'Call-Mr R. S. Nicklin ; W. Nichols ; Mv Joseph North-Barnard O'Reilley ; Mr Godfrey O'Rourke ; Patrick O'sullivan ; John O'Connoy ; William B. Onie, Esq--Mr William Paterson ; James Power i Mr Peters ; Mr Thos. Lodge Patch-Thomas Roskell, Esq j Mr Hobt. Robertson ; Mr. Charles James Reeves ; Charles Rayment ; James Russell-Mr James Swanson ; Mr Simon Scott ; Mr James Smith ; Mary Ann Smith ; Mr William Smith ; Mr John Slack ; Mr P. Smith,- Mr James Smith ; Mr Walter Scott ; Eiss Stokes ; Johu Smith ; Mr H. Savory ; Mrs Singleton ; Patrick Simmons ; Mr John Suther-land ; Ann Stevens ; Peter Stoneham ; John Smith ; Willliam Standley ; William Smith ; John Shoerbery ; Mr Daniel Shot ; William Shone, Est] ; Mr Guthrie Sinclair ; Thomas Sherwin, Esq ; Mr Edward Severne-Mr Henry Tremen ; George Tranfield ; Mr Henry Twates ; Mr Anthony Thomson ; - Threlkeld, Esq ; James Taylor, Esq ; Mr James Taylor-Mr S. Whittaker; Mr John Wise ; Mr Edward Walker ; R. W. Watson, Esq (Taroom) ; Mrs Mary Williss ; Richard Whitman ;>Mrs Williams (Capt. Piper Inn) ; Mr William White; P. W. SV'elch, Esq; Ihomas
