Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Saturday 27 August 1853, page 3

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»v .-1. . . j ¿ DRAYTON, i«-* « - ' " ,

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Till: Yliià-i '«i Aï i reíjfM<íór *eíiino-rbWin iVcoordíñgHo" «Jvorfiïéin >nt, oil tifo lyidí/ I7th¡aiul'18th August, Ivith ide l'.iilowing resfilt.s;-- "t-,.,7 >-,s " -

'.->"--riü-r' nar,-¡fuEsf/AV/'AuGifs'i'ilOi 3 ,

"Piiûï H'.oí!.-Tlje Dray ton Piirseur ÍSW.t-.'l'his; tvas«ií|»u,b,V,sYi'r.,#llo,rt£oj,,'H,, Loijury, beuMig^ Ab., li L-'lia iijfsonV» ¿ilaufc^lieï-ç, and MivTmduH;¿(fi I (y <IÍifiiuf'i ' ,Ítr. MjAHuur'a '\iàrsi"/Pom Jones'; althmigIi,entored,;>diirnbt start.-«'?' ".',"?'. * ^' ,; < «SBcoáo '' RACK.-The .'Maiden f.'l')ttlö ' of.I £2.r>:

Won., by,.Sir. «AVuldon's 'bay, horse.; l)o)igeroustl bunting'Mr. J. fMojian's ,br,own colt tfutwjlh, and Ml'. Tjniinll'-j Jessie,/ This nice is. disp'uled byt the ¿«¡tieri of tile-loslri'g 'horses,'on 'account of ii' report being Oire'nlatöd that Dangerous won mi» ailve.-ti Bj' last year.'» 1' ' »

Titian ll.vci:. -Tho \Velier Stakes of £30. , Won,

hv .Mr. J. J. Whitting's Feu mun y ht, bpaüng'Mr. Horton's Lottery. Dahgeioùs had,¡«¡aún entered,

but was drawn, " ' ? - ' ' 1

FOURTH ItAcn.- fhd IlliCk Stakes of £10, was won by-Mr. Richardson's chestiutodlt l\eeza, boat-

ing Mr. Sbipuiau's maro .'/«({{({a and Mr. Weldon'», Spring-heeled Jack.

t .Sccos'u Day, Wr.i-Ni-siiAY, Auatisr ,"17:

Fmsr HACK. -A, niiitch for X10, Lotweon Mr. Richardson's Wauk Bess mid Mr. J. M'Arthiir's Sltivghteno'iack. This radi» was lyell Contested. Tlio howes 'ounio in nearly noek-aml-neok, Slaughteriohack, hnweier, being the winner;

_SI;OONII, U.vci:.- Form limiting Saddle, valuo seven guineas. Eight hor.sps started in; lilis race, but the running lay between Mr. liiohnrdstin'.s Beean,' Mr. Shipm,an's nhestiiit- gelding, Mr. ¡Tindiill's i/twiV, mid Mr. Mohan's Dteadñavghh Tlio race was won easily by I ho Beeza coll.

Tu mo R.vui;.- 11 urdlu íbice for, .£3(1, over six leaps, 3 foot 9 inches high, tv»ico lound the course. Throe heises «-were ontorod, vi/.: Fcarnanght,

Lottery, und, Dangerous' The two last, itiip-1 pearoil, did not fancy coming to '. lite sei alch" w it'» Vvitrnuiiylit,<iü liocantoi'otlovor the ground, taking his leaps in oxoellent style.

KouiiTii RACK.-A pi i vate match for £10, be-tween Mr. M'Lean'.s bay gelding tvid ¿Mr. M'Aithur's bay colt There was a splendid ruco bo'.ween these horses, both coming in nearly to-gether. Mr. M"Loan's gelding was tho winner.

Timm DAY, TjnnsDir, AIMUST IS

FiitsT It ici:.-Tho Publicans' Purse ol' £00. Four horses started) namely, Mr Richardson's ncvzi, Mr, Winnings Peanwugh', Mr. burton's Lottery^ mid Mr. Weldon's Dangerous, tho named being subsequently drawn. This was tho best; contested race qf tho meeting. Ikes 1 won the first liouti closely followed by Feanuiuyhl and Lot tay. 'Vhe second heat was won hv Fern naught, hardly pushed by Lot let y, mid the third by Bpeza, to tho surprise ol' all present, he beingiookid upon as tho losing horse befóte starting for this boat. HACK.-Tho Lido.' Ptirso ol' £?0, for which five horses wore entered, but only two started, \l/.. ! Dangerous- and Slaughlerichark. Dangerous won the first boat easily, and for tha s'Om.l ho walkpd round the course.

TiiiiiD RACI:.-Tip» Honen St ikes of £15, mi-all horses beaten at, tho meeting. Three horses started, vi/,. ¡ Mr. Horton's Frank, Mr. M'Arthui'«. Slaughterwhark, mid Mi'. Mohan's Ni.lwith. After a well contested racOj Slavg/itci whutk was

deeliiruil tit« winner.

There were three other private matches, which closed tho sports of the meeting.

I'mvvrr. MATCH.-A race for £ 101) 11 side, be-tween Mr. J. J. Whitting's horse Fearnnvghl mid Mr. Morton's Lottery, two milo henti", Homebush weights, is to como oil' 011 tho Drayton Course

within 0110 month.

I regret to inform you that tho uufortunato mau Reilly, formerly icported by me as having boon dangerously burnt, bus since, died, utter twolve days* siifl'oriiig in tin« hospital hero.

Drayton, August 10, 185,').



IN a late number we reported that the Florentia's boat, which had been stolen away from that vessel by a runaway seaman, had been found by the Customs Boats' crew at Bribie's Island, We have since been placed in possession of some particu-lars worthy of record. According to the informa-tion conveyed to us, it appears that Mr. Henry Watson, who was agent for the ship Florentia,

heard from the blacks that the stolen boat was at

Bribie's Island, and offered £5 to any person who would bring her up. This offer was made to the Customs Boats' crew, who, it must be understood, form the Water Police Force of this place. After, it appears, having once or twice been to the bay without bringing up the boat, the crew, under command of Mr. R. B. Sheridan, second officer of the Customs department here, brought up the boat. Mr. Watson made application for it, pro-ducing his authority from the Captain of the Florentia when he was furnished with the follow-ing remarkable account, pending the payment of which he informs us that the boat remains moored off the Custom House wharf;

The ship Florentia

Dr to R. B. SHERIDAN, Esq.,

and the Custom's Boat's crew.

To five days search on Bribie's Island

by Mr. Sheridan, from the 7th to the 11th Juno, 1853, in order to find the Florentia's boat, at 2s. per

day...... £5 5 0 To the assistance of five men, and

boat, during the same period, at 5s.

per day each., £6 5 0 To procuring the boat, and taking it

to Brisbane, on the second day of

August, 1853. £5 0 0 To amount of remuneration to tho

blacks, for having secured the boat £3 10 0

£20 0 0

The foregoing Bill of Costs, if authentic, is indeed a curiosity, and, coming from the oommanding officer of a police boat, for the performance of a duty, cannot be too much admired ; but as we are informed that the matter has been referred else where, we refrain from further comment, which indeed cannot be necessary under any circum


^1,'OTiJfti:.-¿Mr. Scott delivored a looliiro on Rdiicatiol), at tlio School of Arts, last Tuesday evening. ' Tho audience was small, but iippenrod to derivo maali siitisfnoiion from tlio lecture, for which they passod a voto of thanks. ¡' ,

SAI.KS or CHOW«* I^ANDS ASI> LUASBS.-Fortv Town Lots ii) the County of March mid Paris)» of Maryborough' oro tobo put up at'Uiietion at Maryborough Court Hotiso on Wednesday the 12th October next, at an upsotprico of £12 mi acre. At tlio Polico Otlicc, brisbane, at elovon o'clock on

Wednesday, the 14t!i September instant, tholoasos for six months of blocks ol'lund varying in o.xtont from a section to ono lot ol' no less than í¡7,t>00 aorés, in tho Counties of Stanley 1 mid Ward, will be put np to uuolinu. Those lands o\tond from the í-ogan River, iii tlio direction of Cleve-land. Tho upset prieo is 6s. per section, for lim half year.-On the same day,'.') blocks ol'land in the county of Churchill, will be put up lo unction ut Ipswich Polico Omeo, on tho sumo terms. Wo do not think it necessary lo fui'nish further particulars liow, as the Govorninont Resident, a- brisbane ami tho Polico MagiHtratti at Ips-wich luivo commenced the ponvtniont uustom of

niiiking Umso solos known lo tho' publie by moans of oflioial advurtisoimnt. It is,to d10 pic siimcd that olhor .bouches,avili follow this ex-ample, n* it is cileiihitotl to increase, tlio royenuo

by bringing forward-more piiiohnèors.

iluLiSdauLY SUICIDE.-\Ye oopv the follow!«, from our local coiiteiuporniy :-" Aiorrespondeut

writing on the ÍJth instant sthlos :-4-' ,1 mnsorry *J say ithnt Air.}'Archibald,i'ajqujiurspn has ,put(uu.' and to ,hls existence." ,Tho' molúnohÓl v affair W. on'riud út¡ Miííyl/orough! ''Ile3 retire,!* apparently* quite correct," bli Tuesday "niglit,1 tho ath"?ii)-ft ; next viiiornIlig ho was'found lying oiiithe floijr of his bedroom with,His.|tliroat cut.jund quite dtfad.". There, appears, (pu.ruuson flu"doubt( the ))ielan oholv jiitojngeiiQOihe,r¿'cu¡iyej!ou'.''Mr. l'aiqiihar eon dad boen íimn j yehrs:iii?tlieso''distnetsjiiiid Was highly respected by 'till 'who knew'him. 'He'had hut recently leturiipd (ronii,Sydney, und ivljon ho caine back to[lb-isba.uq hiiod some of the John titelderís immigrants' l^'or his, station's in' il^p Burnett district. " Wo havp not hoard any motive conjcctureil for the rush act. Tho docouséd gen-tleman 'was quite u yoting man, was always knjowu to bo of very stoady^und tetnparate habits, and his pecuniary aiiiiirs vy'erp believed to, bo in n liiglily piosperous'btiite. ' '

Tiïi.îf J >I:I:I> -The deed of grant of the 'under-'

mentioned lund has been transmitted in' due; course to the Survey or-Gcneral's otlico ; i Jas,, Smith, Ihisbnne.'a acres.

Co\vRYA.y:i: ot HOOKS BV POST.-Tho Post muater'-Geiierul has notified that, from and after tho ' 1st of the present month, printed books;« inugiuinos^ reviews,' and pamphlets, who'hor English or Colonial, may be traiisinltied by post between,thjs colony and the United Kingdom, by Hie contract packotsj either byway of the Cape' of Good Hope, Or Singapore and Southampton, at the following i educed rates of pastogo: not ex-ceeding hull' a nouiigd) Gd; not exioeding ons pound, Is ; not osdcoditig two pounds,-2s ; and not exceeding three founds, 3s. No hciivtei; parcels will bo taken. Each |)ncket must be open nt thcom's, und eon I a i n i. single voluuio or pamphlet only. It must not exceed two feot in length, bread til, Width u>< depth; theie must, bo no wilting oif it hut the address ; mid the »ostugo must be piepuid ¡ti full, in stumps. ( I\i> such puokots can be sent whore thu mulls are couveyod to Sidney on horseback,, so that from mid to Bris-bane, Grafton, mid Mai y borough, they must -go coastwise. This , regulation applies only to packets sont between tile ifoloity and the United Kingdom, mid will not thcioforo'affect tho'law respecting tho conveyance ol book packets within

the polnnv.

-TUE VMENURA AIIOCÜTI''« or THE "RIUHHO.ND. Ill Vint.-The Illustrated Landon Neici of I'Jth

Murch hist io ituius nu engraving ol'tlio beautiful bird known us the*' Menura Alberle", undnppuniis thereto the foiloiVlng puiugriiph :-" At the meeting of the Zoological Society, held on Tliiirs d ty evening, the 8th i ist, Mr. Gun'I hi ought before the notlco ol' tho inenibor* present a nest a'ld egg of thu Hit nura /it Lei ti, which had b ion forwarded to him hy Mr. .(amos Wilcox, of Sydney, Air. Gould rom u Led upon the ox ti onie ¡nteieit whieh iittachod to these objects, lending its they do to clear np most sutisiuetuiily the position this blid shuihl bold 'in the .scientific iirrniigjinents of ornithology. Ey most pievious wiiter» it h.ul been placed timon g the Gallinácea, n gioup ol' bil c1 j scarcely any member of which constiiiets. a nest, and thu young ul which are in possession of tho pov'vers of i uniting and feeding iiiimodiately nl'ler their exclusion from tlio egg; while, as ¡snow known, the Menura cdutrucls a largo, oven-shaped nest, vvh', m ifs m.iteiials and in Its form, ii|i)ie nearly nssimilato lo the wieu mid Its iilliusj than to those of any other ku n'.i group ol' hirds, and the yoi n ;,' so far lioui being endowed with iho powcis of motion, and pi courin» their own fool on their exclusion from the egg, are unab'o to leave the nest for 801110 tjnie afterwards-a faH with which Air.

Gould became acquainted h, a. pisssgo in Alri Wilcox's letter, lu whi-h lu' mentions that he latch lost by an accident II young hud, which had boen taken from the nest tlio moment it was able to leave It; and wo may infer that, Uko all other insessorinl, or peichlng birds, willoh are confined to the nest lor some lime ni'.er being batched, they aro blind at their birth1. Whother the bud lays one or two eirgs U somewhat un-certain : at present it would seem to bo but uno. in si/c it is abaft that of a dompstio I1611, ol'a very dark ollvs stono colour, willi blotches and specks of a still durlcor hue. Air. Wilcox slates ti a'the nest was plaoed on a i ocky ledge,

about 100 feet above the stream of the Richmond Giver, and so difficult of access as to rei|der its acquisition ft tisk of no ordinary kind; tl(U tho ontriinco of the nest being placed towards the rook. About two years ago Air. Gould nnmud this fine bird " Menura Albert i", in hoiietti of his Hoy ul Highness Pi Ince Albert Tlio original specimens to which the name was applied h.ul been received by him from the brushes of the Kiohmond Uiver, whioh, together with tho other brushes botwoon the rámeos und the const of the eastern portions of Australia, constitute the na-tural habitat of tno species, The public wil be glad to loam that tills interesting specimen has been piu'cluised for tho British Alusenm."