Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Saturday 27 July 1850, page 2



At a meeting held at the Bull's Head Inn, Drayton, on Tuesday, 23rd July, 1850, the following Resolutions were put and carried unani-mously :-

Proposed by Frederick N. Isaac, Esq. Seconded by James Leith Hay, Esq.

That Patrick Leslie Esq., do take the chair.

proposed by i til Hodgson, Esq., Seconded by John Gammie, Esq., -

That, in the opinion of this meeting, the interests

of the Northern Districts of the Colony do not receive that consideration at the hands of the Colonial Government which they are entitled and with a view; therefore, to the ultimate separation of the Northern Districts from New South Wales Proper, it is desirable to ascertain the internal revenue collected to the northward of the 30th degree, of latitude and further, that, as a preliminary step towards bringing the subject before the Government, it is desirable that some member of the Legislative Council be requested to move for a return of all sums collected during the past year in those districts,-distinguishing the assessments on stock from the amount contributed towards the land fund and that contributed towards the

general revenue j filso of the sums expended in them, and of the number of government and '' grants landed at Brisbane (being the only port

to which any have been sent during the same


2nd. Proposed by George Leslie, Esq. - Seconded by J. G. Ewer, Esq.

That S. A. Donaldson, Esq., M.C., be requested

to move in the Legislative Council for the returns named in the last Resolution.

3rd. Proposed by Henry Hughes, Esq.-Se-conded by J. M. Andrew, Esq.

That a very great loss is annually occasioned to

these districts from the want of direct communication with England ; and that, with a view to remedy this evil, application be made to some respectable mercantile house to establish a branch in Brisbane and in the event of such application being successful, the parties con Closing this meeting undertake to give such

house all the support in their power.

4th. Proposed by Dr. Ramsay, Esq Seconded by M. M'Leod, Esq.,

That great inconvenience is sustained from there

not being any Bank in these districts and that, therefore, renewed application be made to one of the Sydney Banks for the establishment

of a branch at Brisbane.

5th. Proposed by JJ J. Whitting, Esq. Seconded by Charles Marsh, Esq.

That the following gentlemen be appointed a

Committee, to carry out the objects of this meeting, with power to appoint committees to act in the neighbouring districts The Hon. Louis Hope, Patrick Leslie, Esq., G. F. Leslie, Esq., A. Hodgson, Esq., Henry Hughes, Esq., Robert Ramsay, Esq.

6th. Proposed by Gilbert Da; idson, Esq. Se-conded by Charles Coxen, Esq.

That a subscription be immediately entered into,

to defray such expenses as may be incurred, and that Henry Hughes', Esq., be requested to act

as Treasurer.

P. Leslie, Esq., having vacated the chair, which was taken by J. J. Whitting, Esq., it was proposed by A. Hodgson, Esq., and seconded by Henry Hughes, Esq.,

That the thanks of the meeting be given to P.

Leslie, Esq., for his able conduct in the chair.

Carried. The

meeting then dissolved.