Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Friday 3 September 1847, page 3


- : .'?',.. I !8I!A1IEN'S ENLISTMENT ACT. ,. '_J ,',-?,

In the House of.Gonimons,' yesterday, ajr.U. Napier 'moved' forv;loa'vps,'tb' bring' in* a Bill' to amend'th'e . Searabn - Ehlistmoht^Act'; the''prlhciolo proposition, beinjf.vthat: the, Crown should

Up, enabled t»y,1proelamation,.,to oa^i' ouc.,nny riumber.of seamen that .might be, requirad, in peace : or. warir after thb'Gbvernraont had gone to thb fullest e'xtbnt' to obtain1 seanium by voluntary ? enlistment,'* nnd that ?? such '- proclamation should call on.' all youn^ seamen ,wlu- had comEletod their onte£;the nayy, y ut if that were'fpuhd insuHRcienWfbr'tho rer quirodpurpos'e; 'then 'that tlioso.wKo^Kad' been out of their time for', one, two, thrcOj 'or four years, should be onllod , upon, in rotution. , jHo ulsq, proposvd^that.'the. raustei-a of. merchants vessels Bnould jbo' cbnipolloil to ^discharge tho men ' who came ' within' 'the proclamation; ''by , whioh meanV- they would bo compelled, to enter the. navy. ; -He thought such: a ])lan:,would put an end to the old system of, impressment,; which .would billy ?bear 'comparison with that of kidnapping slaves bu''' 'tlio coast; of AfSrlbii ! ' The Bill proposed1 to'bnact/'atso;1 that double bounty should be pi von, provided the men came in within a limited, poriod, , but if after, .that time then only single. ' ,, ;?,,,-.- ,V..,rS -'-Captain Plu'mridge seconded the motion. ' ' ' ' ; Mr. \Vard;:would-offer.;no-objection to the introduction of the Bill, at tho same timo hoping that its provisions might' be'such as not to raise .the whole of the merchant shipping interest' against it.., ? w,.,; ''t'rt'':'^ ' }.„ .-,.-. -\t /..?};- :?'?,*?: .! , -.'-'.': -. }\\'\ ' ? ?pr.ptifjii; drihtiENori ? ' ; ,'?''. *? '..-'? '. ,- » ? ? Dr. Bo wring, after, showing that the adoption of; aj decimal , system of coinage currency, .and account) '.which was now in.foroe on most of thes Continent, would be a'grout public convenience,1 moved that an humble address' be' presented 'to ho'rMujosty,. requesting that she r would,; bo graciously : pleased .to , authorise, tho- issuo.of coins reproaentiug' the ,.v,alub_of t-yp shillingOj being. tho torith of a, pound sterling, and1 two-' p'onue and two-(if'ths, being the 'hundredth part of a poilnd : sterlin jj ; ? such : coins to be , .called Queens and Victorias, or .any, other name, which) to her. Maj«sty..mlght sobm be8t.,u,.,/. ?,-.'. ,.,, 1 *' '\ Mi*.' ITumo seconded the motion, and expressed . an opinion that the officers' of tho Mint had been ' vsry -.lax -in not' carrying1 into 'effect' a* report Lwhich'had bcenmude, on tho subject twenty .-two years .ago by .Mi;. D. Goddy, and a .Committed of.tho Royal.Sbcioly. ?'.:''?..''. ' '. ' -,,,v'' ..'' 1 ' -Tho 'Chanbollbrf.of tlio Ekohequer'said, he was not awaro of tho advantttgo of a -decimal currency ; but he was afraid thut tho people of this_oountry, had a strong prqdileollon for tbolr ancient. systom of keeping accounts. , llo had no objection' tb'str.ike a twoTsliilllrig piece, as the first stop in* the' experiment 'whioh 'Dri Bbv/i ring wished to make j for, if the-pbople did not .like it, harm 1 would bo dono/j lie did notj however,) think that, an. address of | this, kind should be carriedjUp to the .Crown; and, if Dr. Bbwring pressbd'it/.hp should bo compelled to move tho previous question.'*';-- '^ ?'''? '*i-vi '''':! After a , conversation, ? in : which ? Mr.'- A. ? S. O'Brien, Mr. Shoil, Mr. Brown.iand, Sir ,G. Clerk joined, s Dr. Bowring, accepted the offer of tho Chancellor 'of the Exchequer, ns an important point gained, and consented to withdraw his motion. .;.;-!. -,.^. ;?.;.?; i^..U,-, -r-.-.^i It w«i a ninpu'dr sivlit , liml \vhicli' tho IIt-u«e of Lords prewnied'otr ,\lond»y i.l5lit: ilie Uuko of Welllnittou ?iHndiny up In favour of reform I11 thu array nnrt 1I10 inlroiliictluii or limited vuliatnieiit, wliijxt LonlA lining. Him nnd aianUiy ntuoii up pertliinrloiinly with nil Die o|d oUgan ^ujrnlnai any.liiuovnilun. .Thoro wore old Brntluuien in Franco' p\u, nijall-rt-oimUt Kol.' hmd iiriiukuam jirnlusaoii ' to ;umn-r«iuiia - mid imt-rprot tho Iriip fuuliiiKs nl tliu Duke of WellinKtnn Uettur tlinn tlio Uuko of Wellington lilmm-lf 'DM I10 tliluk, Uid Brnuir. Iiata ilucliircd, that the nul-le , alitku rc.illy approvvd tif tlio^e clinii|j-va,'hv nhould, of o mrHO, support them. Tlio noble duku i»i|tbt-«iiy thnt lie -did npurovo tliiirn, but ha (Lord Ui-out'l.uiiiJ.iuuld not lieliucu it. , Ournrtny wns Ibo boil nrmy, U» oflU-ern the bc,LtiilIici'»m-ldlL-riillio l)usl,«r,ldlui-a.ln the, world; thoy wore Ihcnpablu of Im. pravemunt. So sild L--r,l Hni.i^lmni, tbmi^li «lnrvlimi nii(l tliongh ho lit.d eiitMi nutliliiK niiicc iin'oariy lioiir, liu detorwiiicd to aurveon, in oidi-r to luvoa flinir nt Lord Oiuy. forull wlinne w.jidi nnU tirouo*itio..a .Lord llrnujfliaui haa n n.'ngiilnr iver^liui. '?''?' ,?;:'.??? iWocanni.t auy tliutlliuUukodrW.-llliigtoiull.plnvcd any Brent conipii'hc-ii.lvoiie»8 of or^uniuiit. -TlnV cliluf unxiL-iy ul hid graro, and n very MiMiruliino, win for iho old KoUliSr». tie Insisted thnt thu UiirryiiiK of.the SUli gun* at horonchiih could only Imvo buuu dnno by old suldivrs. lint, ho did. not toll 114 wlietlu.r Uo muunt \c-lcrniia who huil liouu untlur the nrc of the enemy and wore vetcrun-iin Unit upline, or wht-tliorlio meant tlioso wboliad crown old mi'Ti'ly in ilrllla and 'guard, Iioiimm, To Iho Inner upccioi or ald'm-ldli-is wo uhoiiM' iin-fur yonnif onf«, «v«;ti on on tcrlng n cumpiilt-n. .1 ?. V ...??- ' Sjume of thu noblo apvnkurtf pnaie^ 11 Kreat linrror of nicruiilngthOHriny fr.ima heitcr claan ihau at pre-iurit. A.prnbalileiiitliix -if ha/ikcT»' clurks sminivd to afTrlgbt Iliom. But tm reformcrc'VLTdruanifdofri-cniltiiigfroni «uch a clo»». Tim objoct i«t» Indiico ihu «nnnof re'nco,-nblo puammta to enlist, .in thu Hriuy, iw they dn iiii ihi-Guards, thus nrnklng tlio miliu.ry profusulon tiiorb roa. liecli-d. ,Wo ao'mrry to «'»-?', llmt we'iiiirod with ibo obleolOM to the. bill, in ihlukiilK Ihut it will not t-llVct thb ohnrtgo.' Mir do we think llmt It will liu puaallild to rvcruli iron) bctli-r oImmvh, unices 1I10 niillturycurcer bu inudu ft prufi-DNlnn to llioic who ontor tlio rnnkit. n« well m tn thone who'ctrd Ihcmselveri with 11 sword.' No ratlnn^l joulli hi pruaunt will InvuKt iho bunt yeurs ofhlp llfo In iho irray. ? Ho a\n only liu bnlr.iycd 10 such a step' by reokli'M conduct and raUfdrlune, or by ihit BlruiiL- tendency to military lilo which exl«m, mid which con»ihuu'» tho true noldlu'r. It U thU latter clung wo would encouruge, and it Unol aliort enllHtumni that wlil oncournguihein, but tho imtui-al nreinliims of thu pro. reunion. A* to iho forinur cl in», the rookies*, shuit en. liatiuvbt will not enter iulo.ilieiroatciilidioint eithur.-, i » « doubt, thererori', thu ellJcuoy of tho aystt'm, except thu French and Prusman nyMom bo ndopied, of paulmr Srouler inituber* of the popul»i|on througli tho .armj? anil making; of Ihoso whoreilro, n roHt-rve lor thu defciwo of tho country in raw of nci;i;,. : The Duke of Wellington is evldemly OJvcr.u to any such plan, and it hua its inconvenience. - .'. 1 ?:??!.-, ..? r- ? :,- ;o^ *' PriiKHia in sild at ilii-t inomi-m 10 exporlenoo ono of theao iiiOMiiveuiencdi in mi ulamiiiiK detfrne. It h'ui uiuiTod into, 11 period ol great polllirnl excitement. Urcnt. hopes, diiirouliiiita, vfiyrvutcenro, pervade all Claris, iho uriny iaiodked to,- 10 reprc«K disturbance. Hut the. regular uriuy in cnnipo«ed of lioy»,youni- recruits Iviirultiff tl.oui.o;orrtr« urm» ; whilst 11,0 pollution, whom thuHO Uoy« «iu culled to kvop quk-t. are' veteran soldiers, who hnvu served their lime, and who, instoud of reapecilu|-'or feHrlng Iho mtlliary furco in nnlfnrm j«nd, actual Mtrvice. look tlotrn nnd draplnolt. , A colllulnn. therefore, butween Ironp. and clilauiw, liotwet-n thu aciive'urmy and tho libernl' population, would prove n dnnKuioiM px| uriuieut fur the govenimcnu ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? Tho coiiKorvidive ideasof noHoy have c»er b'ccii upper, inoit in tlio mind or tho Diiko 'ofWolllniiloh; and there. foro wo Tiilly uiidirstnud ihu perlluucity with which ho inaists on keeping old ndldlers in the mnks of Ihuactunl army, not on the^otlred Ham, and tho equal omphuMs which htii Oruco las on Iho ncccn.lty, In tluio of peace; as much as in time of wur. ???''? ?:*''? ?? ?' ?? ' -,,Jltu iho Duke of \Vellinulon, with all hl.4con«ervlitlsm: sees also thu neceMlty «f lornilngand Hdminiatui-lnirtho army I11 hurmany- wlih Iho IcI.'hh or the use. It In' not louislution, but puhlla opinion, which lias riisurnicd tho dn.inmir of bU whip. Tho law Is but limping lifter public opiilnn, in this ns In so many oihorrespeciin niiduiirinllituiyleiilalmlonhMsyut many sti ides to Hiakv. cro it comus up with Its-liowt-rful precuraiiiv. The nrul sunt is.a (food atop, mid In iho right direction. , JJur. na mo Imvo loforo said, wo lire aa' yet but In k ttatonf tr.iiiKltion wllb reupcct 10 Ibo array, liohllnu n tnl.ldlo conrto between our. i,ld iiristacrailo ajilcni, nnd ihu more popular ohok of Vranco and IVusnia | and wuniuit take c»vu list ho low thu mlvnnugea of Iho onp.crewo uru able to urunp Iho benefits, of Ihu olhor. ? -Tlio oonsldomtiun which trlls iiiohi auainst us'ln; that «'y.l't,.Kli8liiinl. .'lie grout upholder oftho paciflo «nd def.tislvo iirtnclplo, mdnlulns tn anny, orgHiiliied chll-lly : for, iPlPunco, ihu innie wurliko nnd oirnrrmlvu states of Europe, such us France and Prugala, h-Tvo been driven to or«mil«e the grout defciwivvijateuof traliilnic the whole, population to arms, ci!-: -.'.; ... n. ?