Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Saturday 30 April 1853, page 2



April 25. Florentia, barque, 453 tons, T. H.

Banks from Plymouth Nov. 22. Pas-sengers—Dr. Clegg, Surgeon-Super intendent, and 245 immigrants.

The Brothers sails for Sydney this evening.

Her mail closes at 6 P.M.

The Fawn sailed for Sydney last Saturday, and got out of the bay on Tuesday.

The Florentia has had a tedious passage of a hundred and fifty-three days from Plymouth, and

had to call at Hobart Town for provisions, where some of her seamen absconded. The only vessels spoken during the passage was the Free Trader, for New York, and the American ship Great Britain. The Florentia brings 249 immigrants, who are reported healthy by the Health Officer. There are 43 married couples, comprising 36 agricultural labourers, 4 gardeners, 1 mason, 1 herdsman, 1 shepherd, 2 smiths 1 tailor, 2 carpenters, and 1 plaisterer : 9 single men, viz., 8 agricultural labourers, and 1 school-master; and 64 single women, viz., 62 domestic servants and 2 sempstresses. There were 12 births and 17 deaths during the voyage, the latter being 5 adults and 12 children. The Florentia

is ballasted with coal.

FIRST CARGO UP THE MURRAY.-Messrs. Ran-dall's little steamer, the Mary Ann, started on her interesting vovago up the River Murray on Fridiy, tho 2f>lu*uit.', at about 12 o'clock.' It was intended to go about, thirty miles tho first dtry. Hor cargo consists of 112 bags of flour, 24 ditto, bran. 5 ditto biseuitä, C9 ditto sugar, 21 boxes of tea, 4 cases sundries, 4Ö0 lbs. tobacco, and about 4 tons fuel. The boat would have

been oft" on tho previous Tuetdij, but two of the men left <n tho morning of that day, which caused the detention. We aro sure that wo are

only echoing the general voice of tlio colony w hen wo express our best wishes for the success-ful termination of tho trip and tho adventure. Great results will doubtless arise in the courso of a very few .^ears from this actual commencement of steam-navigation on the Mm ray. it will be one of the most gratifying tusks of tlio Adelaide journalist to record from timo to timo the rapid growth of the important traffic which will in-evitably be created by the facilities about tobo afforded by steam communication on tho waters of that noble stream.-Adelaide Observer, April 2.

Tur. " DsriASOB."-This new clipper ship, now at Kew York, tor Sa)) Francisco, is said to bo un liko niiy of the clippers hitherto built. She was designed by Poole and built by Thomns at Rockland Me." Her length over nil is 290 feet,

beam 43¿ feet, and slio has three decks, with a depth of 29 feet. Her registered tonnage is 1 "00, carpenter's mensuro 1900. -Her bows mo ns sharp as most other clippers, but the floor is comparatively flat, having but ten inches dead rise. This is the peculiarity of her construction, ¡Hid this experiment, if successful, will do much to settle a question long under discussion among contractors. She has already stowed 80,000 cabio fcot of freight, w ithout being full-Sowf hem


Tun BAR.-Captain Ferguson, the Habonr master of Melbourne, may bo shortly expected hore, to make a survey of the bar at the entrance of the Moyne into the* Bay. We look upon the removal of the bnras.ono'of the most important works connected with the prosperity of this district, nud we therefore mnke tho above an-nouncement with no small degree of pleasure. Our renders will recollect that in the first session of the Legislative Council a motion was carried for the survey, and thnt in the last £3,000 was voted for the removal of tho obstruction, so that in tho event of the report being at »11 favorable, there noid not, nor is there likely to be any delay in tho prosecution of tho work - Belfast Gazette. (Victoria.)

AxSUAL REGATTA ON TnE XORTH, SlIOUB. Queen Victoria's birthday will be celebrated by her Majesty's lieges on the North Shore of Port Jackson with every honour. A regatta will take place, for which prizes not alono equalling, but surpassing, any that hnvo hitherto been offered in tho colony, will bo offered. Mr. Robort Camp-bell, M.L.C!, lins signified his intention to öfter à boat, to be bnilt for the occasion, at the cost of £25, to he pulled for by watermen, There is also to be a Champion Prize for £25., which is io bo open to all pullers, whether profes-sional or amateur, Tho whole affair promises to

bs on tho most liberal scale.-Herald.

A NEW STEAM COSDI:KSER.-A correspondent of the Now York Courier and Inquirer writes to that journal :-" As this is emphatically tho ago of steam-power, and of progress in its use, what-ever relates to this subject must possess special interest. The object of this communication is lo stato thal there is now in full and successful oper-ation, at the North Point Foundry and Machino »hop, in Jersey City, a 'condenser,' invented by Mr. J. Miller, lately of New Orleans, which is calculated to exercise a most powerful influence on the employ mont, of steom power. -Thiscondcn ¡.cr is so constructed as to convert tho steam into water, return it to boilers tiiidiminished, and thus, when they ure once filled with pure wafer, thev will continue to operate for a week or more .lithout adding one additional drop of water to that already in the boiler. A steamer could readily carry, in a few hogsheads,'nn ample sup-ply of fresh water to last norois the Atlantic Ocean, or, if salt were used, it would be immediately converted into fresh by the condensation of the »team, and a very trifling precipitation of salt or other impuiity would lake place, while under tho os¡sting system the boilers aro speedily choked up or burnt out, and nil the pipes are in danger ol'filling and becoming foul, and to this causo alone nine-tenths of the steam-boat explosions and other accidents are attributable. It has been ascertained, from actual experiment, that a steam engine, with this condenser attached, will produce equal power, at a saving of moro than one-third of the fuel. By this attachment' it tnrna tholiigh-prcssnrc engine into a low pressure, nnd reduces tho great unwieldy air-pump now in uso to one-tenth its size This is a security o gainst danger or derangement of the machinery. Any sort of engine can be used for tho attachment of the condenser. Another essontinl advantage is, that thb engine and machinery nro reduced in bulk nt the top, mid the mniii weight can bo placed nearer tho bottom of tho Rhip, thus in-creasing the steadiness of its motion, and its safety in rough woathor . I understand that ono of these condensers is also in completo operation at Pittsburg, and has attracted the favourable notice of many of the most experienced steam-boat builders and engineers. Proposals Tiuvo been made to put it on several of the best boats .running on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, and will, no doubt, bo soon cal ried into effect. Arrangements ure also in progress to put it on several of the ocean seamers in this city. It is regarded by the host judges ns one of the most valuable improve-ments ofthe day, and as cortuin to snvo the lives

of thousands w ho travel in steam-boats and steam vessels. I vioited this cngino and condenser at Jersey city, in company with several intelligent an J experienced gontlemen, and witnosBod its oporation. Nothing could ho moro simplo and

haautifnl. I was assured by the tenders and . workmen that it had been in constant uso for nearly nine months, and that it had noyer failed to perform satisfactorily, and gave evidence that it was a thorough and triumphant attainment of the great distderatum, of clearing tho water of all' impurities, and thus protecting the boilers and engine from the imminent peril of o\plosions, collapses, and accidents, such as hin o ro often li ed our land with*mourning."

\ "BniiNi.vT. or fur. "Anni.AiDK," SIIIPJAT SIÍA. Wo havo been favoured with the following extract of a letter from" Mauritius, dated 19th February: -" The ship Adelaide, Tremearne, master, has como hi from Adelaida with a valuable cargo of gold, copper, mid Wool. The wool ignited al. son. The fire lusted days in the ship's Indi!, a d tho lieatbeeumi) so grout that the passengers were towed astern in the longboat, tho captain expect-ing every moment to, have to abandon the ship To his energy, perseverance, and presuncoóf mind is due, under Providence, the ultimate safety of the passengers, the ship, and the valuable cai'go. The gold is safelv lodged in the Bank : the cop-per is till safe. Tho whölo of tho wool is more or loss damaged by fire or water, upwards of 100 or 150 tuns of water having boen poured down into hor hold. Tho staunoheons and beams of the ship uro more than half burnt through, nnd her decks and cabins moro or less destroyed. Three hundred hales of wool have been sold by auction .- the price realised was about Hd. to 2d.'per pound. Theso

were the most damaged.-Argus, 'April S.