Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Saturday 17 July 1847, page 4


STOCK AND STATIONS.—Mr. Duncan McIntyre, of Ardachie, has purchased Mr. Hazlewood's station, adjoining his own, together with the stock thereon, consisting of about five hundred head of cattle, for, we have heard, £1000. It is considered cheap. Mr. Hazlewood has also sold his sheep station to a Van Diemen's Land gen-

tleman.—Portland Gazette.

HINTS FOR PERSONS LOST IN THE BUSH.—The account of a man named Owen Davis being lost in the bush for three days, given in the last num-ber of our paper, has induced us to publish a few general hints for the guidance of persons travel-ling in the bush who may have lost their way. Our information has been derived from a person of long experience, and considerable knowledge of bush life, and we lay it before our readers in the belief that in general and ordinary cases the direc-tions laid down may be relied on. It is well known that scarcely a week passes that some traveller is not bushed for mere or less longer periods, in some instances for several days together, and there is much reason to fear that in a country extended as this is, where men are constantly travelling long distances from one part of it to the other, having neither tie nor connexion, any friends to ask or enquire, that many perish who have never been heard of or even missed. It sometimes happens that a shepherd, or stock-keeper, will fall across

the bones of some unfortunate traveller, who has thus met with an untimely fate, when an examina-tion takes place at some settler's station or bush public-house, but seldom any particulars are ob-tained respecting the discovery. When a traveller finds that he has lost his road, and is not going in the right direction, he should at once sit down before he proceeds a step further ; let him consider well the direction he has been travelling in, and what course he meant to have kept. A person not accustomed to the bush, in losing his way gene-rally turns back, and not finding his track, turns to the right, then to the left, so confusing himself that at last he is quite at a loss which way to go ; if he had considered as soon as he discovered he had been going wrong,-he might probably have regained his original track. After he finds him-self at a loss which way to proceed, he should then make for low ground, this will generally lead to creek or river ; he should never attempt to make for a hill (home or out-stations are seldom if ever built in such situations), but if he perseveres in making for the lowest land, keeping his course by the sun, or if that is clouded by taking a tree for a mark some distance a-head, making for that, and so o on to the next, he cannot fail in finding a creek, which he should follow down, taking care to keep at such a distance from it as will allow a good range of sight; stations are sometimes several hundred yards from the banks of a creek or river, and may be passed unnoticed unless the precaution is taken to look well about. Observe carefully if there are any signs of a habitation near at hand, such as trees having been cut down or wood taken away ; where this has been the case, be sure a station is not far distant. Be careful also not to mistake a cattle track for a foot path or dray track : the latter will generally lead in a direct line, only deviating to avoid such obstacles as trees, dead timber, or hills ; a cattle track com-mences anywhere and leads nowhere, making cir-cuitous turns, and leading in no particular direc-tion. A traveller should never attempt to make for any place after nightfall, unless there is good moonlight; when he finds it impossible to dis-criminate objects around him he must stop for daylight again ; if he has his fireworks with him (i. e. tinder-box, tinder, flint and steel, he should kindle a very large fire, as it is possible the light which is reflected by the heavens, and can be seen a great distance at night, may be the means of bringing some one to his assistance, particu-larly if it is known that he is lost. Above all, when lost, never allow yourself to be alarmed or confused ; anywhere within two hundred miles of Melbourne or Geelong, by keeping a direct course, you cannot fail of pulling up some road, which will always lead to a station or a hut ; it is only in turning back from the direction that has been followed up for some time, or altering the direct course, that a person gets finally lost. Should a person on horseback get bushed, he must not over-fatigue his, horse ; after finding the search for a road unsuccessful, give the horse the slack of his reins, he will generally find his way back to where he has, been accustomed to be stabled. When a person cooies (which, his own sense of danger will always teach him to do when lost) he should stoop

low and cooie along the ground.—Geelong Ad-vertiser, June 11.

Mr. Lowe's PAMPHLET.-The recent speech of Mr. Lowe on the squatting question was sparkling as a bumper of champagne ; his pamphlet on the same subject (see our front page) is like the vapid heeltap of the said bumper. The reporters did

more justice to him than he has done for himself.

His speech was clever, but his pamphlet simply stupid. He complains that the proposed Orders in Council will have the effect of alienating the interior lands of the colony forever. Although

the assumption is ridiculous, we shall, for the sake of argument, concede the point, and then look at

the remedy proposed by him. "It is this, reduce the price of land to its real value. Its real present value is what he specifies, for he eschews Earl Grey's opinion, that land should be kept un-til it is worth £1 per acre. Now, what would be the effect of Mr. Lowe's remedy. Why, wholesale alienation wah a vengeance, not only in the in-terior, but everywhere. No doubt the squatters would infinitely prefer purchasing at a real value, than to lease lands at the rent value. The only difference between Mr. Lowe's and Earl Grey's schemes, is this : Earl Grey would give the land at a fair rent for fourteen years, to the resident settler; Mr. Lowe would give it in fee-simple to absentee capitalists ; thus not only causing dis-persion, but giving up the interior to desolation, with nothing to represent its value (in many in-stances) but a musty parchment in some specula-tor's desk.-Geelong Advertiser.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE.-We received a few Cape papers yesterday, the latest date being April 16th. Our regular files are, we presume, on board H.M.S. Rattlesnake. The frontier continued in a very unsettled state. Robberies and depredations of all kinds were constantly being committed by the Kafirs, who had also several skirmishes with de-tachments and outposts. It appeared to be the opinion of those best acquainted with the native character, that a violent attack would be made on the colony early in May. Sir H. Pottinger was residing at Graham's Town. The Pekin steam-ship arrived at the Cape, after a fine run of forty-three days, having touched at Gibraltar and St. Helena. The Pottinger, another steamer, was fifty days. The Oriental Company have now pro-vided the three first-class boats they were bound to put on the line between Ceylon and China, so that the vessels hitherto employed in that service are now at liberty for any other line that may be opened. Three steamers belonging to the Spanish Government were at the Cape on their way to Manila, so that the steam fleet in the Indian Ocean will be greatly augmented during the present year,-Herald.

LIFE IN THE BUSH.-A wonderful change, has, within the last few years, taken place in the state of society in the bush ; such a change as is of the utmost importance, as much in a social as in a political view; for it cannot be denied that the best means of fixing resident capitalists, and pre-venting absenteeism, is to make the scene of their operations, as attractive as possible. Only so long as a bush life is a pleasant life, will the man who is independent in his movements make the bush his home. A very few years have passed since many settlers were compelled by necessity to keep to the bush, in order to ward off impending ruin, by personal exertion. Then they lived in solitary wretchedness, anxiously revolving in their minds

whether it would not be better to throw off their " fardels," and take to scavengering, or some other labour not inconsistent with peace of mind. Now, what a change ! The bush is as attractive as it was formerly tiresome. The establishment of Mr. Ferrer's hounds has been mainly instru-mental in infusing life into the extensive district hunted by him ; and nowhere, we will venture to say, is manly sport so eagerly pursued, or so fully enjoyed. Take for instance the last two meets, at Carngham and Mount Emu. At the former place, Messrs. Russell and Simson entertained sixteen at dinner, and out of the sixteen, no less than fifteen were arrayed in sporting costume, and one only was in mufti. At the latter place, twenty-one sat down to dinner the evening before the meet, at Mr. Goldsmith's hospitable board, and enjoyed themselves in such moderation as sportsmen who intend to be stirring at sunrise ought to observe. On the following morning, they were aroused before daylight by Compton's horn, and scarcely was the toilet over, ere a second bugle sounded for breakfast. That discussed, the horses and hounds engrossed all attention, and they were soon "off," in as pretty a run as the most enthusiastic could desire. There are those who look upon this state of things with an evil eye ; those who would rather drag others to their own level, than seek to raise themselves. To every well-constituted and gene-rous mind, however, the feelings awakened are those of satisfaction at the change.-Geelong



lowing is from a work recently published, entitled, " Five Years' Experience in Australia Felix" :-It was for some time a matter of doubt whether the blacks were cannibals; but in consequence of a number of facts which have come under my observation, I am sorry to say, no doubt remains but that they are so. On several occasions I have seen human flesh in their possession, and have been told by them without much scruple that they always made a point of eating certain portions of their enemies killed in battle or in treachery, under a feeling of revenge. When two tribes are about having a fair open fight, the head men of each challenge the others in nearly these words " Let us fight, we are not afraid, my warriors will kill you all, and eat you up." The part of the human body valued by them most is the kidney fat, to which they attribute supernatural powers, and think it acts as a charm in many cases. When going hunting, they say some black fel-low's fat rubbed over the soles of their feet will prevent the kangaroo and other game from hear-ing them walk in the bush; and there are scarcely any one who have not some portion of it in their possession, which is kept as carefully out of the sight of strangers as possible. The disgusting and cruel act of cutting out the fat is very often performed when life is still lingering in the victim;

several instances have occurred where they have been found alive several hours after having suffered from this horrid deed. It cannot be said that they are a warlike people, as nearly all their enemies are killed by treachery, and scarcely ever in fair and open fight. The usual plan of operation after they have determined on making war upon a tribe

is as follows : scouts are sent out in the direction

of the enemy's country, and as soon as marks of natives are discovered, the warriors all proceed stealthily along, examining every mark with the greatest attention ; a blade of crushed grass, or a

leaf, or a twig broken, is sufficient to point out to the experienced the direction in which to fall in with the foe. The tracts having been discovered, and the time at which they were made --for the native is able to judge the period which has elapsed since the passing of the enemy, and also their number--all their future operations are

guided by this. If several days have past, they push on, still keeping on the trail, travelling in a

line, and treading as much as possible in each other's footsteps. In this manner they proceed noiselessly on their road until the fresh tracts an-nounce that they are approaching the enemy. Every care is now taken to prevent a knowledge of their proximity. No fires are lighted lest the smoke should attract attention, and scarcely a word is spoken but in a whisper. At length, after journeying a day or two, smoke is observed, a halt is immediately made, and a council held. The position of the smoke is well defined, for towards evening, on the return of the blacks from hunt-ing, it rises up in volumes, leaving no doubt of the spot whence it springs. As it gets darker a stealthy approach is made towards the camp, until even the number of the fires can be determined. Weapons are now made ready ; if guns or rifles are amongst the party, the priming is looked to, and fresh caps fitted, but not a move is made until about an hour before daybreak, when the whole party of warriors crawl carefully along the ground on their bellies, in their motion very much re sembling that of the snake, and endeavour as they approach to spread themselves, so as to encompass the whole camp. This done they rest like the tiger in his lair until daylight points out to them the most advantageous mode of proceeding. Should one of them get up and look about him, it is a signal to commence the slaughter immediately ; and each warrior, having previously selected his man, makes the attack : the confusion of fear seizes the camp, and an attempt is made by all to hide in the neighbouring woods ; but every hollow stump and every tuft of grass is occupied by an enemy thirsting for blood, and spreading death wherever he can. The contest generally occupies but a few minutes, and the unfortunate wounded are assailed with blows and spears. Revenge, the prevailing passion, originating in some imaginary offence never committed by the sufferers, now drinks her fill ; the dead bodies are savagely lace-rated, and the kidney fat torn out ; large slices of flesh are cut from the legs, and every conceivable indignity offered to bodies so lately tabernacles of living souls. In an affray of this description few are spared ; young and old, the very infant and its mother, fall a common prey to the fiendish fury of the victors. Portions of their flesh are roasted and eaten on the spot, and the remainder of the mangled bodies are left as food for carrion crows, eagles, &c. Occasionally, a few young women are taken by the head warriors to them-selves for wives ; but if an attempt is made by them to escape, they are immediately slaughtered without mercy. This, I grieve to say, is a true picture of a black massacre, only rendered more deadly than formerly by the introduction of fire-arms among the tribes. Guns are bad enough in the hands of men who have been taught, from their youth, that mercy is the noblest feeling in a warrior, and who employ them under its influence; but when used by a savage, who glories more in the destruction of a foe than the preservation of a friend, they are deadly weapons indeed. On the return of such a party as I have described from one of these attacks, to the remaining part of their tribe (the women, very old men, and young children, never accompany a war party), those of the number who, for the first time, have been in action, decked with garlands of gum-leaves, are led into the tribe, and held up as noble examples to the youngsters, worthy of imitation. A great corrobery is held, and then the injury, on their part, is supposed to be wiped out, and awaits the death of one of their tribe for the same events, as I have endeavoured to describe, to occur again.