Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Monday 24 January 1921, page 6


On Wednesday next his Excellency the Governor will captain an eleven in a cricket match on the Adelaide Oval against a team of land agents.

The Chief Secretary (Hon. J. G. Bice) , is at present not in his usual good health. After his return from Melbourne on Sat-urday he co-isulU-d '!iU m.-uica! adCTser, | wbo "ordered nim ab&^JiW- rest i?r a *ort- . uight. While in Me:bonrne Mr. Bice ?:teuded tho ajoiiij'iy moetiiie ? the -Vus- ; tralia^ \YLwal Board, at wjjcH rontine j J,ii?ine? R-as itlei,ded t>- On .^nnday ] oiea-n^ t^e condition of the O.iief ; rctary ~ was reported V BO&mT J?" j provej. I The Minister of Education (Hon. G. Rit-chie) went to Victor Harbor on Sunday, I and on b:s way back ? t-iK" ci".' this moru : ins "je will perform Jie rts-ranony of onen i :n,r a new school at- -MidI*!* liiman Vai | ley. Senator SEBcn will leave London for Australia by the RJLS. Orvieto on *"eb rnary *i 6. i Tiie Rev. .Tas- E. Cresswc'J ratarned' frosn tbe Cook Islands on January 21. He had be n engaged in work for the london I Missioaan- i^'iaiety in this rrroop during ISci). Mr. Grffieird: a^> visited Tahiti and Rai?-:ea, of the .Society gronp, and ?-£B 'u-armly welcomed bj' representstivee of t":a Pars Evarajoijcil Missmnary b^-_ eiefcy He speaks m tje hjj'uest lenns o: j.he York of tSe Km Zeiiand Gov*rnmen+ in ::s jidminietratijn of Nine and the *?-ook jrnonp. Its -pot ?^"?al c*ro of _ t-ne natives is apprcdattd by tiiem, and is m sj? ii? .Uieir hearty coafedence. There some c:ood slAirlcs in "The Autobioirraphy of Andreir Carnegie,"' jo=i pnWjibL'd. Here are three:- Mattacv < taoM was not successful in vis lectures j in ;he Uuitt-J States, but he was anxious tc Irani, and he ask?-d ,?osh IJiUlnss hoi he held liis ;mdien<ss. '"Well, ne said, "you mustn't teer> them lang?ii"r: too lone, or they ?"B! think you are laughing it them. 'After giving the .uidience asnn?." -' mf-nt you mu4 become earnest and p:ay the serious role. For instance, 'T.iere are two tSings i;i tUjs life for irtrMi no man is ever prepared. Who will teSI me xrhat these are?-" F:na"Jy Boajeone eri out, Mieath.' 'Wefl, a-ho gives me iie other? Many respond—wealth, napi>;n??, strength marriasc. taxes At laet JoA bajins soJramiy— 'Xone of yon lias giren the- second. T&ere aro two thinas on ear;h lor wb:cli no man is ever prejrarea, and ibem^ t^-ne.' and the hoes? rfutes. Mr. Arnold did also. Mr. Ca-negie him ?el" had a story aboni Ohi=wo "A so ciety fcdy of Boston, visiting her s<aioo! mate friend in Chicago, vrh . ?naK about ta i>e niarried. vras OFeTwheimsd with atten tion. Asked, ?t a noted ciiraea onp even ins irijat had charmed her most in Ctx.csgo she srai-ioosly reolied—'VThat surprises me nirtsi ;sn;t the bustle of business, or .vomr rtmarkable development materially, or your gi?uid residences; it is ii^ degree oi culture and refinenjent-I find here.' Tiifl res;?iLSe proOTptly earner —'Ob. w are jas; d!zzv on cult on-t here, you bsL Foe third story fe about Herbert Spencer. "Od? day," saps Mr. Oaniog'.e, "my eidest nenhew vras seen to open the dcor <pueUy and peep in wheTe we vtvre eeated- His mother afterwards asked him M'hy he bad done so, and the "boy of 11 replied— 'Mamma, I wanted to see trie man who ?vrrote in a book that there was no use srtndving irrammar.' Spencer ws greatly pleased when be beard tfie --tory, and often referred to it. Haiad faitn in that nephew." "n>e King and Queen o-f Denmark an<l Princess Siarcaret, Queen Alexandra, the Queen of Xois^y, and Princess Victoria attended St. Cfement Dane's ChrartA, SB the Strand, Jjondon, on a recent Sunday morning, irhen a service in Danish was beld. 'Ike Rev. Aakel Brasteom, in the course of his eeranon, wiich was de livered in Banish, said:—'"lt is Trith a salemn feeling that w meet our King here at St. C;emect Dane's on this historY spot, trhere oa Vifcia? forrfathers heM fi/eir services a thousand years ago. where a kin? o; the Danish blood, ?aante's Ron, wcad bis last rface of rest. . Onr Kiw; omnes at a bajopv time in Danish history. Denmark, <vrhich had continnaily diminished during centcrjes, "began again _ to : grusr larger in tire days of Kinii Caristian the Tenth, thanks to the 6?ise ? justice and of the victorions Allies. In this csorch we cclebraited the reunion day of South Jutland wita tieo?ther country." Lientenant-Coionel F. Bell, of tie Sal vation Jusny, tsiio lias in^t been ap-pointeil firiocipal of the Training InstiCotJon for ofikers in Mefoonrae, J9 -at present visiting Adelaide. He was accorded an e?tnusi astic welcome at the Citadel, Pirierstreet, on Saturday evening by Liieutenant-Colonel Sharp, tae" officer "oi the jrork _in this State, and several Tnembers <M tne staH. The \-iffitor Jias had a distiagnidied career in connection with tae Salvation Army. Some years ago he -jraa <&ief officer <£ the men's"department <c the London Trairrinc Bsaae, and since then he has had cbaree of similar institotJon? in Canada- Hundredi of workers in the great organisation in all parts' of the world have received instruc tion (b) aoaiify them for the missions to wirieh ihey ha.v? dero^ed their lives under his direction. On Scndar lie gave im pre£?v£ evanffdiatic addreses at tic CStadel in the morning and orenins. and he took part io tiie mcefcire m the Botanic Park in the afternoon. He is making lum seli familiar -with -the work conducted at different ?enflr?3 here, and cc will address etrveral ooi3? Ixeore roUuniag to Me^ bourse. Dr. John Sprod, who died at his resi-dence. Norwood, on Saturday morning, was the oldest medical practitioner in South Australia. He was bom in Adelaide 71 years ago. At the age ot 18 he left this State to oontinue his studies at the University of Bristol, where he took the degree of M.R.C.S. On his return a few years later he entered into practice in partnership with the late Dr. Benson at Kensington and soon rose to a distinguished position in his profession. For several years he was health officer to the city of Adelaide, and during the time he held that position he introduced a number of improvements in the administration of the sanitation laws. He was a valued member of the honorary staff of the Adelaide Hospital for a long period. The doctor was strong and active until a short time before his death, and at-tended to all his own business matters, although he retired from practice some

years ago. He married Miss Cudmore, daughter of the late Mr. D. Cudmore, of the Yongala station and Clearmont. He practised his profession with much suc-cess at Kensington and North terrace, Adelaide. He was interested for some time in agriculture. Dr. Sprod had strong literary tastes and also took an interest in bowls, being at one time an expert player. He was a member of the Masonic craft, and many years ago was W.M. of Emulation Lodge, Norwood. He leaves a widow and four sons, one of whom, Mr. John Sprod, went to the war, and subsequently settled in Canada. His other sons are Dr. Milo Sprod, of Mannum. and Messrs. T. N. and H. Sprod. of Kensington. There are also two daughters —Misses N and A. Sprod— and five grandchildren. Mr. John Coulthard, of Port-road, Brompton, uriio recenUy dncd, ?ag btvrn jin Carlisle, Kngkind. ?n <Jc!-ober 2?, IMS. 1 For 30 years he was forem n at the works or Mea*rs. J. Kin? &, Sons, contractors. He w&e an enthusiastic bcr*ler, and was interested in benefit society work. Mr. ' Cooliiiard was a member ?nd officer of : the Peace Lodpe (U.A.0.D.) for about 45 years, and was connected with tlie Man i I Chester Unity (Oddfellows), lluring . I war be knitted 4fi iiiidervests, five scarfs, \ aud 173 pairs of cocks. j The Hi:;at Hon. Arthur Tyiris Sirton, ' i^eer^uiry of State in tae Canadian <j<> vernment, died <)B Friday ai ike age of 62. ;He w?9 a mv of a cotiixt S?K"ad;er of U.v j Mani;o'j.i A-jjcrabiy, and ?>ninvd publt? ;i!e in 18S3. A'irrr iiavin^ otx'npied a number 0/ imrw>rt;?jt admioistrativc f>osi-

Wl2, and ieid that of?oo in ?9njnnc!ioa i viia the jwriiolio of Eailsvaye and Teie jjhonep until 1318. Since t'aen he j?d ix?en Minisier of CasMms and Inland Revenue tor Canada, and for a. briet period Minister oi Public Woiis. Mr. .Siftou was a lawyer, 3nd crom iflCB to 1935 was Uiief Justice of tie Xorth-Wc?t Tarrrtorr. Aiier uhat he was lor nre yeans Chief Justice ot Alberta. t Field-Maisbal Mishitfl't, the lamoun f Serbian ?>mnEuidcr, idied in Boi^rade last) * ivoek. He ".vas verj popular irith bia t (-nontrymen because of bis successes in toe ? liiikon wars of 1912-13. % Mr. and Mrs. Gorp, of Nekou-rtreet, c Si&fmigy. criebrated the anniveraary s of th?r weeding on Friday. Tjev were t congraintated by a iacre uumber of fronds i _ and reiatlvcs. wbo asseuzbled at the home t of their dau'liter, Mrs. B. .laAson of * Stcpmr. lilr. and Mrs. Corp srere mar- f Tied ic'Rn^isod and arrived in South Aob tra3-a. in 1876. j. Application has been made by Elder's Trustee and Executor Company, Limited, for probate of the will of Mrs. Charlotte Ann Manton, of Wolseley, who died at Pinnaroo on January 8. The estate is sworn not to exceed in value £750. Probate has been granted of the will of Mr. John Moore, late of Roslyn Park. The estate, which is set down at £44,000, is left to the widow of the testator. Mr. F. Armand Bland, assistant director of University tutorial classes of the Work-ers' Educational Association of New South Wales, arrived by the express from Mel-bourne on Friday. Mr. Bland is also edi-tor of the "Highway," the association paper. Mr. G. Mc?iichie, general secretary ot ' the Workers* Educational Association, re- , turned ou Taiirsday irom Mdboamc, where be had Attended the Federal con ference of that body. Constable Charles Coulson Pyatt, the officer in charge of the Rosewater police-station, died on Saturday morning. He joined the force in 1910. A few months ago he contracted a severe cold while carrying out his duties, and never fully recovered from its effects.

j Tit? late Dr. Sprod. I