Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Saturday 4 October 1856, page 2


Sept. 27. Yarra Yarra, steamer, 450^tons, Bell,

from Sydney 23rd,-and Newcastle 24th ult. Passengers- Mr. and Mrs. James Gibbon and servant, Mr. L Kelly, Miss Gray, Mr. Reeve, Mr. Platt, Mr. Kings ford' Mr. Grimes, Mr. Joptin, Mr. Wig-gins, and l8 in the steerage.

Oct. 1. Iserbrook, ship, 250 tons, Kock from

Hamburgh, 24th May, with German immigrants.


Sept 27. Sable Chief, schooner, 100 tons, Lake

for Port Curtis. Passengers-Mrs. ' Palmer, Mrs. Brown, Mr. Clark, Mr.

Fitz, Mr. Connor, and 14 in (hesteeragr Oct. 1. Yarra Yarra, steamer, 450 tons, Bell, for

Sydney Passengers-Mr. P. Mitchell,

Mr. J Smith, Mr. G. Walker, Mr. Pol lard, Mr. Melfitt, Mr. Cooke, two Misses

West, and 34 in the steerage

i«.'8. Palermo, brig, 134 tons, Gold, for Syd

ney. Passengers- Capt. Wyborn, Mr. J. Greenwood, and one in the steerage.


Yarra Yarra: 9 iikg», Ahern ; 2 do, Andrew»; 2 hornes, Boner ; 1 bx, Bk N.S.W. ; 1 pig, Baker, Al pk-_i4, Biieklev i I |xl, Hartley ; 1 anvil, \ pair Ml»»», I viee, C1 bars &r, bdls iron, 1 keg sunda, Iioww* - 7 hg* maize, "ido bran, Barker ; 1 ese, <V»Uti ft HnMiard ; 1 cue fruit, Clarke ; 2 cl.s finit, ¡testado, Champion J I Box, Rer. J. Cart-er, 1 roll leather, R. Cribb 6 dil* te», 4 J-cliU dntv2 bgs nepiier, l'trk booie, i'ese-coffee, 1 pel punari CubhA Foete; I pkge, Ebsworth, 13 4>g* m-vieo, Eldridge, V esk batter, I do fruit, Femister ; Í truss, Frind ; 1 flag', Gov. Resident j 1 tin case, Galloway ;, 1 trk, I pel, I bag nails, T. Gray j I iron boiler, G>L_Gr»x; .6j?kgs1(JJri

ÉrïMgVf >r^o71fck», 1 c«e, 2 bars steel, | ¿ones A Co. » 7 eses drojiery, 11 no1, Kelly ; 2 pkgs, íV. Kent ; 8 «JOS, 2 trusses drapery, 1 cse, looking ¿lasses, 4 pVgs, Kingsford; 2 eses, 1 keg, Kent&-Drew; t tuiss,' Lester ; 17 cse», I ble, 1 trass drapery, ? roll« matting, 1 cse hats, 1 tin pkge, I «mv'es rai, I «se«offee, I bg rice, 1 «se prints, Markwell A Co. ; 34 bg* sugar, 21 bgsrice, 4 jikgs, li'Donald-, 6 grindstones, b drain« «M, S forge heck», 2 bdla «heel iron, 1 cse ironmongery, 1 liri do, 8 bxes tin, 10 bars iron Nott * EdVards ; 1 cse opium, Order ; 1 cse, coffre, 1 We bacon, 1 keg butter, Oliver ; 1 pkge tobácea, Peterson ; 4 keg» butter, Pettigrew ; 15 «nts, 1 ile, * trusses, 1 pel drapery, Reeve , 1 Mid ram, Scanlon ; 42 bgs potatoes, 6 els fruit, Steward : 'I cse, Sandeman ; 1 trk boots, fehap «ott ; 1 it, Sutherland ; t cse, Souter; 2 cse«, J. 8. Turner , 1 ese. Taylor-,"7 bira sagar, 1 bg rice, ,11 tigs "¿It, CO do potatoes, $ do bran, 9 pkges, Walker ; 1 'case, Rev. Mr. Warraker ; 3 Iwxes, WigginsY'l pkge tobacco, 3 cse» oil, Wilson ACo.

. ' , EXPORTS.

fWhle Chief : 939 board*, Lake ; 1 bg nails, 4 eheots rinc, L. Hay ; 3000 feet timber, Wilmott, and original «argo*from- Sydney. ' '

Yarra Yarra: 26Wes wool, Atkinson,* Ste-iften»; 21 do, Bucklei ; Cfchds tallow, 12 Idles ¿heepslcln», 4 blesdo, W hides, G. H.< .Wilson & Co. ; 2 emus, J.Sniith ; 1 ese, Jas. Smith ; 1 do, If. Maurice ; 1 pel. Grogan ; 1 do, Southerden ; l'trk.jCrego, 1 pel, Boni)! 1 «lo, Ebswoith; 1 do, (»alloway: 1 cse, White; 1 do, J. Pettigrew ,

fleming; 2 do tallow, CRaorke ; 3 do tongues, Mort & Laidley; 97 hams, 42'aides bacon, IO «k» tallow, 3dó twigB*«,1' G.-.Raff & Co. ; 7200 iionns. i Atkinson é Bt»|Älens.'1, ,"""'

> I s i . ?-, 'I, . Iii. |! " ''

> Tha Raven is daiK expected'from Sydney.

The Yarra Yarra, he««», last trip, "was only 54 fconrs from wharf to wharf. '\

The mail uhiiisJof the 5th. August and 5th Sept. were tht! Ocean Chief and the Slarco Polo.

He Palernjq cleared the Bay on Thuisday

«vening. * « >

The Iserbrook has brought 103 German immi-grants, all reported to be in good health. They are a respectable and industrious looking class of people. There was one birth on board but no deaths. They speak in high terms of the cap-tain's kind treatment of them during the passage. It is intended that the river steamer Bremer

will bring them all up to Brisbane, and will sail

immediately for Hong Kong in ballast.

EMIGRATION 70 MORETON BAY.-An English paper, of the 25th June, sais:-" Last Saturday «ftemooa,, J«'*« Broadfaot, Esq, Government Emigratiua Agent, forwarded, ]ier steamer Clar-ence, from,Granton Pier to London, thirty-six emigrant«, lo join the ship Lady M'Doiiald, 'from Southampton for Moreton Buy |'' which port she left on the 1st July, ami may now bedaifv looked for. The Emigration Commiaionera eiiartered ' the Lady M'Donald, '680 tons burdon, to take the , «migrants from Southampton to Moreton Bay at

£14 19». «d. per head.

lite new Australian'mail contract has been 'granted to the firm of Messrs. Patrick Hender-son and «Co., of Glasgow, uuder the new title'of the " Euro|>eun and Australian Steam Company," for five tears, wiih a subsidy of £185,000 per an - Thi-sL.i.^i.- ....... .

,) _ and Mclboarne, terminating at Svdney. The maximum tim« allowed will be'39 «lays outwards from Sties, and 35 days homeward [from Mel-bourne, 14 days additional being,,allowed to and from Suez to thiaeountry. .The Hue will be par tiallv ojiened in Oetpben and will be thoroughly «atablisheil from the lit of January next. Screw steamers are to be employed between Sues and Australia of 2,200 to 2.500 ton», with 500 to 630 horse |Mwer. Between Alexandria and this country they are to bo of not less than 1,600 tons. Four tenders wered'luered, but only two of them were Tor tlie servies, via Ceylon." The subsidy given to the European and Australian Comuani mnoh exceeds that required by the other com-pany; bat the advantage of an independent line of the effectlvo character thus proposed wera con-sidered by the Government" to warrant the ex-tended outlay. A strong feeling is nianifested in favour of an extra service ' via Panama, w hich it is hoped nil! he duly considered and acceded to by the Government. > A fortnightly mail is not moro than the Australian trade, -with its rapid growth, require«, and leside» this, the advantage» of the two route«, vis., the Panama and the Point do Galjo, could then be ascertained and compared with each other.-- Australian and Neto Zealand Gtitettt. Juno 28. 1 " « r 1 '1 >

Among the emigrant ships lost in 1855 are two to Australia, &c., the Iowa, which sailed April 29, 1854, and Guiding Star, which sailed 9th Jan, 1855, and which have never since been heard of. The former of these belongs more pro« perly to the losses of 1854, but when the report for that year was written, there was still hope that she might be safe. 'The latter vessel had on board 481 government emigrants, with officers and crew amounting to 62 persons, in all 543 souls. She was last spoken on 15th February, a little to the eastward of the Cape of Good Hope. After that her fate is left to conjecture. But as vessels which «wre making the passage between the Cape and Australia about the same time en countered very extensive fields of ice, in some instances received severe damage, we cannot but suppose that her loss must be thus accounted for.

In the charterpartíes it is now stipulated by the Emigration Commmissioners that their passenger ships shall not go beyond a certain south latitude; but during, 855 the ice is said to have come un usually far to the north, so as to have rendered any such restriction vlrt'ially useless. The oom missioners also state- "Deep as is our regret in having to record this loss, we cannot but feel that, having despatched to various colonies, dur-ing the fourteen year ending'in December last, 686 ships, carrying upwards of 200,000 persons, without the loss of a single life by shipwreck, except in this instance, we have in reality great cause for thankfulness, notwithttanding the acci dent to the Guiding Star. ibid, June21.

iiuMoi'Hku Loss 0» THE OckjAi» JQDKEN.-The probable loss of the A'nerican ship Ocean Queen, Captain Smith, commander,! one of the IXMUIOH and Kew York line of |»clet shi|ia. and upward» nf loo live», wa» retorted at Lloyd's on Saturday. Them i* too much reason to fear that she got be-sot bj thef great masxe» ot floating ice, whieb eaused tho dostructlon ot the Pacific steamer »uti

othei vessels that were crossing the Atlantic, and I Q toiiiulered. hhe Was ,;a «inierior class ship of I , about 1Ü00 tons burden ; with her passengers, of-1

lie«r», and crew she had on board, all told, about ' "*

X10. ' .*?