Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Saturday 7 October 1854, page 2



(From our own Correspondent.)

YOU are having a great temperance movement started. Ipswich has remained rather quiescent. But, whatever I may think of the benefits likely to accrue from the introduction of pledges, fetes, and such-like engines of agitation, I think it in-cumbent on all who have or can get, in any way, the ear of the public, to set their faces sturdily against the vice of drunkenness. I am aware that Ipswich has a name for this. But I believe there are at least an equal proportion with other towns of the colony of temperate residents in this town. I believe that much of the ill-repute arises from the periodical influx of careless and thirsty fools, who earn their money in the bush, and "melt their cheques" in Ipswich. At the same time there is one practice to which I feel that I ought to call imperatively the attention both of the public and of the public authorities. I allude to the practice of selling liquors on the Sunday, a practice carried to an outrageous extent by the publicans, and disgracefully winked at by the constables. The scenes which arise hence, are most offensive to all lovers of decency, and espe-cially to all who desire to see the Sabbath day kept holy. One instance, among many, will serve. It was communicated to me by one of the most respected inhabitants of this town, with a special request that I would make it public. As this gentleman was passing a certain public house in or near Little Ipswich, on Sunday, 17th ult., at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, four or five men turned out in the street, from the said public house, stripped naked to the waist, to have a fight, and this in the sight of a congregation returning from the warship of God. A constable need not wait till he has a spite against a publican, and then, from the desire to do an ill-turn, "nail" him in the act, and console himself for such discharge of his duty by claiming the reward of an informer. There is one course open to him against which no good objection can be raised : to give the publi-can fair warning, that he will report the next offence, and carry out his threat. If he fears the repute of ill-nature, or of covetousness. he can decline the reward. A constable who acted thus, would be sure of promotion. A publican, who submitted with a good grace, would be in a fair way to attain a respect and consequence, in society,

which no wealth will of itself ever insure him.

But if these parties are blind to their own interest in this matter, I call upon the magistrates, who certainly cannot manifest indifference on the sub-ject of public decency, to take the most energetic steps to enforce the law, and to destroy — not

abate — this intolerable nuisance.

On the 20th it appears we are to have a great quantity of Suburban land forced into the market. The 64 Lots comprise, I believe, the whole of the block ol' land between the allotments already sold on the East, and the Bundauba Creek.

We hod * very quiet sale, very quiet-on Mon-day, of four allotments in the Parish of Brassal, on the other side at the river. There were four or

five persons {resent, but only two purchasers', eaoh

of whom bought one allotment of 20 acres, at the upset price of £2 an acre.

ipswich, Oct. 3th, 1854.


TUB following town, suburban, and -country lots of land will be off'e ed for sale by public »motion at 11 o'clock, on Frida), the 20tb* day of October nest, at the places heiounder mentioned. Depd *lt, IO per cent. .." < ."

(At ti* Police Office, Ipswich',} >


Stanley, parish of Ipswioh, near Ipswich, upset, pra:e £Ü ptr acte - Lot 1, ita 3r llip; 2, 4a ir

11' 24p-¡ 3, la Ir 24p¿ 4, U at 12p , 3,-6* Or* 8p; Í> eui at; 7,'5a! 8-T7, 5a each : l«5a; 19, 4a ¡

' r20-M. 8à each . 22--S4, 16aeach ;i25-32,.2lto.

each; 83-Sp,'16(i enobf 30-3ty 8» aaeh ; 39, li« Or S2p r40.4,19B> Or 32p; 41,' l%i,ü.. 32p; .42; 19a 3p; 43-46, 24a each; 47,13a 2.W 48, 16a S» 4p ; 49, 30a Ir S4pv S9,¡34a 3p ; St, 274 2r 22p ; 52» 27a 3r ; 53, i6*~br': W,S6n. 2r lOp ', 55,26a 2r 30p ; 156, 27*S 57^59 wa eaen': 60-61,26« Sr 16p «ifich ;-62r3Sa Jr','63,'34* lr 10M { «4, 23a,2r. . . /' "

LECTURES.—We understand that the Rev. Dr Nelson, of Ipswich, is to give a lecture on "The

importance of becoming acquainted with our in-tellectual capabilities." on the 19th instant, in the Hall of the Brisbane School of Arts : and that he is to be followed by the Rev. Charlea Stewart, the Rev. Mr. Sinclair, the Rev. Mr. Griffiths, and other literary gentlemen, who have consented io give lectures on various subjects.

TEMPERANCE FESTIVAL.— The friends of social progress and reform must have been gratified by the general tenor of the proceedings at the Tem-perance festival held last Monday. Satisfactory evidence has now been afforded that Brisbane is

not disposed to lag behind the metropolis in efforts to suppress the prevalent vice of intoxica-tion. The Committee of the Temperance Society received a generous and effective co-operation on

the part of the public generally. Business was suspended at an early hour, and the ground be-hind the water reservoir presented an animated scene, in which Mr. McCabe's capacious indian tent, kindly lent for the occasion, proved a lead-ing feature. The arrangements for the festivities were judicious, and were executed in a spirited and liberal manner ; due attention being paid to the wishes of our "rising generation." A crowd-

ed, and interesting meeting held in the Court-house, the Rev., Nathaniel Turner in the chair, closed a day really worthy of remembrance. We would not be amenable to the charge of setting down "aught in malice" when we remind the Committee ot the Temperance Society that the advocacy of its principles in public or in private,

to be successful, must be free from acrimony. Harsh, thoughtless, or uncharitable language can only lead to disunion and animosity—to contra-

diction, refutation, and awkward apology. We make these remarks in a friendly spirit, and re-

gret that at so early a stage of the revived exist-ence of the Temperance Society, there should ap-pear to be any occasion for them. The demeanour

of its members should be calculated to conciliate,

not to repel ; and by such means we may be en-able to chronicle the future growth and perman-ent establishment ot the society.

THE OVERLAND MAIL -We understand that a communication has been received from the member for Clarence and Darling Downs, stating that the Government proposed, in compliance with a peti-tion forwarded from this district, to establish a separate post from Warwick to Ipswich and Bris-bane, to arrive here every Wednesday, the usual mail via Drayton being continued, as at present ; so that there will be two overland mails arriving in Brisbane each week, should this arrangement be carried out.—Since the above was in type, we observe that the tenders have been called for.

THE WEATHER. - Throughout the week the weather has been unusually close and sultry for this time of the year, and heavy thunder storms may be anticipated. On Sunday last a storm of hail swept over the town, followed by a short but heavy fall of rain. Some of the hailstones were an inch and a half in diameter, and the ground for a time was thickly strewn with them, over a large space.

CORONER'S INQUESTS — With much regret we record that the Coroner, Dr. Cannan, has had active employment in his office this week. On Monday an inquest was held on the body of an industrious and well conducted man named Daniel

Tracy, residing in Albert-street, North Brisbane. The deceased had been employed, with Mr. M'Lean and his son, in cutting down a tree near the three mile scrub, when the tree in falling got locked in another one near, a large branch from which broke off and, falling upon his head, killed him on the nota». The melancholy tidings were announced >> >> >> >> >>

wife of the unfortunate man, and her cries aTfíkr-^^-r^xhimifjK^^^f most pitiable, at she watched for the bearers of her hus-band's remains to his late home. The jury re-turned a verdict of "Accidental Death."— On Tues-day the Coroner held an inquest at South Bri-bane on the body of Ramsay, a boy of six years old, who had been burnt to death through the bed curtains accidently taking fire on the night ot the previous Sunday. The poor child, who was the son of Mr. James Ramsay, of South Brisbane, was in bed in the same room with several other children, when a candle, which had unfortunately been left on a table beside the bed, set fire to the table cloth, which soon spread to the bed curtains, and in a few minutes the bed was in a blaze, and the room filled with smoke. As soon as an alarm was made the neighbours has-tened to assist in extinguishing the flames, and all the other children were got out of the room in safety ; but the deceased was dreadfully scorch-ed. As soon as the fire was put out, medical assistance was summoned, and every attention paid to the poor little sufferer, but after lingering in agony until next morning, he expired. The jury returned a verdict according to these facts. —— On Thursday another inquest was held at South Brisbane, on view of the body of Frederick Harrison, many years a carrier in this district, and who had been found dead in his bed that morning. From the evidence adduced, it appeared that the deceased had been addicted to excessive

drinking, and the jury returned a verdict, that he had died in a fit of apoplexy, accelerated by that practice.

COMING OUT RATHER STRONG-The Sydney Morning Herald copies the following very roman-tic "Marriage in high life," from the Limerick Chronicle, of June 3rd. "At Sydney, N.S.W., on the 13th February, 1854, John O'Neil Brenan, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, High Sheriff of New South Wales, and eldest son of John Ryan Brenan, formerly of Garryowen, Esq., to Mary Elizabeth, fourth daughter of Captain G. H. Fitzgerald, late Mayor of Limerick, grand-daughter of the late Alderman D. F. G. Mahony, and grand-niece of the Mayor of Limerick. The bride was given away by the Rt. Hon. the Attorney-General of the colony. They were married first in the R. C. Cathedral of St. Mary's Sydney, by theRt. Rev. Dr. Davis, R.C. Bishop of Maitland, and afterwards at St. James's Church, by the Rev. Mr. Priddle. The dejeuner contained every luxury that money could produce, and all the elite of Sydney were invited to it. Amongst the distinguished were the Rt. Hon. the Attorney-General and Mrs. Plunkett; the Rt. Hon. Sir Alfred Stephen, Chief Justice; the Rt. Hon. Justice Therry, Mrs. and Miss Therry ; Sir Charles Nicholson Speaker of Legislative Council; Colonel Bloomfield, and Mr. Vigors, Xlth Regt. ; Regt. ; Mr. Darvall, member of the Legislative Council, and Mrs. Darvall ; Mr. Merewether, Auditor-General, and Mrs. Merewether ; Mr. North, Water Police Magistrate, besides several others. Dancing commenced after the dejeuner, and shortly after the happy pair set off to spend the honey moon at Penrith, about 35 miles from Sydney."

ACCEPTED TENDERS FOR RUNS.—It is notified for general information, that the Tenders of the undermentioned parties have been accepted for the Runs of Crown Lands mentioned opposite their respective names. 2. The first year's rent in each case, as hereunderstated, must be paid into the Colonial Treasury within sixty days from the present date, jn default of which the Tenderers will forfeit any right acquired by virtue of their Tenders. Maranoa District - Owen Brennan, Ballindine, rent £10; J. Beck and S. Brown, Gayndall, £12 ; do, Moondoomally, £12 ; do, Wal-lamba, £12; do, Cooroora, .£12; J. R. Atkins, F. Gardiner, and J. M. Jemott, Briglow Creek, £10 ; do, Ashby, £10; Wide Bay and Burnett District — Archibald Thomson; Boolyal, £10 4 ; John

and James Landsborough, Lower Chin Chin, £10 ; do, Upper Chin Chin, £10 ; Wm. Forster, Eureka, £10 1s, ; G. R. Griffiths and W. Fanning, South Mongere, £10 ; R. P. Marshall, Bingeera No. 1,

£10 ; Wm. Forster and Gregory Blaxaland, Elec-tra, £10 1d.; Clarence River District — Henry Monk, Nimben, £12 10s.

Woar.ïijuitMtftitlpubl ateo te it.At'n'j «al«o, uiunüiO,U at Drayton, ui 1M tUi lu l.n_ C.m/nun

THE MURDER OF ABRAHAM MARCUS.— John Hughes, who some months since was committed

in Sydney by Mr. Egan, to take his trial at Mel-bourne, for the murder of Mr. Abraham Marcus, near the Ovens diggings, in September, 1852, was on Friday last tried before the Supreme Court at Melbourne, found guilty of wilful murder, and sentenced to death. The prisoner was defended by Mr. Ireland, and throughout the trial mani-fested the same indifference which characterised his conduct while under examination before Mr. Egan at Sydney.

AN INDIAN CELEBRITY.— The son of the far-famed Runject Singh has arrived in England. He was once the ownor of the celebrated Koh-i-noor, or, mountain of light, now in the possession of the Queen. On his journey he was treated with distinguished honours by the British autho-rities at every port at which he touched. He speaks English well, and is a Christian. Some of the native members of his suite are very black, and look like the warriors who fought so bravely at Sobraon, Aliwal, and Ferozeshah.

A REVOLT.— ST. PETERSBURG JUNE 12.—A military, insurrection has taken place amongst the garrison of Sebastopol and the ships-of-war in the harbour, and it was suppressed with the greatest difficulty. A great many executions were the immediate consequence, and a major in the army, who was the leader, has taken to flight.

RUSSIAN PORTS IN THE PACIFIC.—BOSTON, MAY 27.- Despatches have been received at the state department from England, winch announce that the British government has come to the determi-nation of taking possession of the port of Sitka, and all the Russian ports in the Pacific - Boston Post (U.S.)

LOSS OF THE EUROPA.— -A great sensation has been caused by the loss of the troop ship Europa, bound for the east with a division of the Innis-killen Dragoons. The following is an account written by an officer of the 6th Dragoons, who was on board— We weighed anchor about eleven A.M. in Plymouth Sound, on Tuesday, the 30th May, 1854, and after being towed by a steamer a few miles, made sail, every arrangement having been made for the comfort of both men and horses, and precaution taken to guard against accident by fire. We. continued our way until about 10 P.M. of the 31st, when the alarm was given that the ship was on fire in the fore hatchway. The am-munition was immediately thrown overboard, and the crew and men tried to extinguish the fire, but without success. In less than half an hour the flames were coming up the main hatchway and the whole rigging forward ; indeed, in a few minutes, the whole ship, from the poop forward, was in flames. The men then rushed up to the boats, but were restrained by Lieut. Colonel Moore and the officers under his commarnd. A boat was filled with men and lowered by some of the crew, and I regret much to say that a number of them perish-ed at this time. The life-boat was then lowered

by the men, with twenty-five in it, and was taken up during the night by the barque Maranan, of Dundee, who approached the burning ship. We had still two boats on board, but were unable to launch the larger one (horse-boat). The lashings of the other boat were cut (Mr. Black, agent, and and Cornet Timson being in it), and was imme-diately filled with men, Dr. Macgregor and my-self having to swim to the boat, as I was run off a rope by one of the crew who was trying to get on board. We drifted by the ship, and were made fast by a rope until we had 26 on board, when one of the crew cut us adrift to prevent the boat from swamping. We were carried out to sea, leaving the captain and some men still on board. After about an hour's suffering from cold and rain (the sea running very high at the time), we were taken in tow by the mate and four of the crew, who had left the vessel in the government gig. and then made for a light, which proved to be the Prussian schooner Kennet Kingsford, bound for Pou-au Prince, and which was then about three miles dis-tant, as I was informed by the captain. We mustered on board this vessel three officers, six-teen men, one woman, and about twenty-six of the crew , and received every comfort and attention it was in their power to give until Sunday, the 4th of June, when we were taken on board her Maj-

esty's ship Tribune. The eight men who were ........ in the troopship Sir Robert Sale, on her way to the east with a division of the 4th Dragoon Guards, and are to be landed at Gibralter. The men who were saved by the barque Maranan are also on board the Tribune, having lost all their regimental necessaries, except canvas trousers, and frocks. ' I cannot conclude this letter without observing that the conduct of both officers and men under these trying circumstances was most exemplary, and doubtless prevented a much greater loss of life. All others on board the Europa were saved.' Names of ufficers, men, and one woman, belonging to the Dragoons, who were drowned from the wreck of the ship Europa. Lieut-Colonel Moore; - Kelly, veterinary surgeon; A. McClelland, farrier-major; Charles Montray, quartermaster -sergeant; Wm. Johnson, and Thomas W. Gore, hospital-sergeants ; John Watson, lance-sergeant ; Robert Wilson, lance-corporal ; John Coleman, John Evans, James Killender, Denis Mahon, Pa-trick Maguire, Philip M'Caffrey, William Strong, Abel Walters, John Watson, and Hoult Waning, privates; and Mrs. Parsons. Two of the crew of the Europa, who were drowned :— Oakely (ship's cook), aud a foreigner (name unknown), who jumped overboard.

THE QUEEN AT ASCOT HEATTH.—Notwith-standing the unpropitious state ot the weather in the forenoon of Thursday, and the complaints which were heard on all sides,by the time the bells rang for the first race, the assemblage of general company on the heath was very great ; the receipts at the Grand Stand were quite equal to the amount on the Czar's visit in 1844. The carriage of her Majesty (an open landeu-and-four). was preceded by the Earl of Bessborough, Master of the Royal Buckhounds, and a number of the Queen's hunts-men and grooms, in the Royal Livery, on horse-back. In the carriage with the Queen were the King of Portugal, the Duchess of Cambridge, and the Duke of Oporto. Five other carriages, three pony phaetons, and a char-a-banc completed the brilliant cortege. The principal occupants of the carriages were the Prince Albert, the Prince of Wales, Prince Alfred, the Princess Royal, the Princess Alice, her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, the Princess Mary of Cambridge, the Duke and Duchess of Wellington, the Duchess of Sutherland, the Duke of Tercetra, the Austrian and Portugese Ministers, and other distinguished per-sonages. The reception of her Majesty and Royal Family was most enthusiastic. No sooner had her carriage arrived opposite to the Grand Stand than hearty cheers burst from the crowding spec-tators, and were carried forward and continued on

both sides of the course, amidst waving of hats and handkerchiefs until the carriages had turned round the end of the New Stand. The cheering of the crowd on the course, waa renewed when her Majesty and Prince Albert appeared at the window while West Australian, the winner of the cup, was led past the Royal Stand. West Australian won by a head, Rataplan finished a length behind King-ston ; Orestes was a good fourth. During the race for the New Stakes, an incident occurred which was fortunately attended with no other result than a hearty laugh. Just as the horses had reached the Royal Stand, her Majesty, in her eagerness to see the race, not perceiving that the window where she had been standing had been put down, leant forward rather hastily to look out, and broke a pane of glass. The occurrence was per-ceived only by a few persons on the course, but it produced a great deal of merriment among the Royal party, the Queen herself setting the example. The Ascot Cup was the important prize of the

day. It is a large and handsome piece of plate, manufactured from a design by Mr. Cotterill, and represents Charles Luxembourg, the blind and aged King of Bohemia, having caused his horse's bridle to be made fast to the bridles of the horses of two knights between whom he rode at the battle of Crecy; and thus dashed sword in hand upon the English troops. The name of this prize was altered from the Ascot Gold Cup to the Emperor's Plate in 1845, in compliment to the Emperor of Russia who, being present at the race the preceding year, gave £500 annually for a piece of plate to be added to the stakes. Uuder the circumstances of the war with Russia, the gift of the Czar has been de-clined this year, and the prize has reverted to its original character and title.— Weekly News.

THE CAMP AT ST. OMER.— Hie following ap-pears in the Dublin Evening Post —"We un-derstand that inquiries have been made in Ireland

through a London firm, on behalf of the French government, with a view of ascertaining how far it would be practicable for that government to purchase live stock in this country, to supply the

army now being encamped at St Omer, on the north-west coast of France. Last week 16,000

quarters of oats were purchased in the London market for the use of the cavalry at St Omer "

COST OF THE BLOCKADES TO RUSSIA.— The enormous loss to the Russian government and to private individuals of the blockades now enforced in the black Sea and the Baltic, may be conceived from the fact, that the year before last about 3,300 vessels entered, and nearly the same number quitted, Russian Baltic ports , the whole of the latter fully laden. The same is applicable to the Black Sea, where 2,600 vessels entered, and the same number left Russian ports, carrying with them cargoes of national produce, the combined tonnage being upwards of 1,150,000 lasts

LANDING OF THE FIRST ALLIED TROOPS AT VARNA -On Monday Morning May 29, the fun began to get fast and furious. Soon after daybreak the harhour was crowded with shipping, and still every half hour up to ten o'clock a fresh steamer hove in sight, trailing after it a huge transport, and while still far in the offing, one could distinguish through a telescope the red-coats swarming like bees on the decks of both. At ten o'clock a heavy fog fell, covering land and sea, and still all that were expected had not yet arrived.The men of war in the bay instantly commenced firing signal guns to convey to those outside a knowledge of their position, the popula-tion of Varna turmd out almost to a man,and lined the streets or filled the quty, and in the midst of all this confusion, excitement, and bewilderment huge lighters crammed with riflemen, and towed now by French and now by English boats, might be seen looming through the fog and making for the quay. Lines of Turkish soldiers were drawn up on the jetty and as fast as each batch of Eng-

lish arrived, their oriental friends relieved them of their anns ind knapsacks, and assisted them in climbing up on the platform. The same aid was tendered as regarded the baggage, which was immediately carried off and packed in carts. As fast as each company disembarked it was formed on the quay, and marched off through the town to the place set apart for the encampment out-side the Shumla gate. Every one waa astonished at the size and vigorous appearance of the men, bul, more than all, by the smartness of their cloth-ing and equipments, the much despised, much abused uniform ot the British soldier, in the eyes of the pour Turks, appeared quite good enough for a general, and is in reality a good deal more daubing than any their own generals are in the habit of displaying. Their arms, knapsacks, belts, &c , were made the subjects of the minutest inspection, and seemed to elicit one still greater

admiration than another. All these marvels reached a climax when a boat from the Henri IV., rowed by six dashing French sailors, in snow white shirts and coquettish little glazed hats on the side ot their heads, shot up alongside the landing-place, and in the stern appeared the Earl and Countess of Errol, the former an officer in the rifles, and the latter intent upon sharing the dangers of the campaign with her husband. I think the old Civil Pasha, who was seated on a chair at a little distance, scarce knew whether he was on his head or his heels, when the lady was handed up out of the boat, and made her ap-pearance at the town gate, with a brace of pis-tols hung in a holster at her waist, and followed by a Bulgarian porter with a shoal of reticules and carpet bags, and books, and taking every thing as coolly as if she were an old soldier. The whole party followed the rifles to the field, and the coun-tess is at the present moment living under canvas. The disembarkation of the infantry of the line commenced in the afternoon, many of the trans-ports having entered immediately after the dis-appearance of the fog, which rose about mid-day.

The 88th were the first to reach the shore and the blaze of their scarlet formed for the spectators a very pleasant contrast to the dark hue of the rifle uniform. While waiting for the landing of the baggage, groups of the men might be seen at every comer discussing with the Turks or the French, in the language of signs however, the u",l,,.- details of their arms or dress, generally ending in very intelligible demonstration of the sort of treatment which all parties present were to inflict upon the Russians. The 88th was fol-lowed by the 19th, 33rd, and the 77th, and last of all came a troop of horse artillery.— Times Corresp.

GLORIOUS ADVENTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FLEET. —The Terrible and Retribution were dispatched to the offing of Sebastopol on the 28th. and the Firebrand to relieve the vessels cruising near the Sulina mouth of the Danubc. The London and Arethusa left the fleets on the 30th, to join the Bellerophon and Henri IV. at Varna, and lend their assistance in the landing of the troops thereat. The unexpected return to Balischik on the 31st of May, of the Terrible, unaccompanied by her consort, the Retribution, caused for the moment a little anxiety. It appears that at about 1 P.M. on the 30th, as the two steamers neared Sebastopol, they descried cruisiing about four miles from the port, two Russian line-of-battle ships, two frigates, a brig and a steamer ot war, and the wind being fair for returning into port this squadron ot six pendants stool away towards it immediately the English steamers hove in sight. Seeing, however, no more ships approaching and having observed none in the offing, the Russians made signals to the ships in the harbour, out of which four more steamers of war came, increas-ing the force to ten vessels, whereupon the liners anil frigates furled sails, and were taken in tow by the steamers , the brig and smaller steamer of war first seen then ran in, whilst the rest stood out gallantly and bravely to attack the two English cruisers— eight against two. They were allowed to approach within four miles, when it became high time to let them see that, under such disad-vantageous circumstances, the English were not so simple as to fight them, for it would have been rashness so to do.


BOSTON (U.S.)— A correspondent at Boston sup-plies us Weekly News with the facts attending the removal ot a fugitive slave, Burns, to his former state of misery. As the whole occurrence has excited much feeling throughout the United States, we have no hesitation in publishing the particulars. Boston, June 2nd.—The Court-house, this bright sunshiny morning, was com-plelely surrounded by the excited multitude. There were two hundred and forty-four United States marines, specially detailed from the Char-lestown Navy Yard in the vicinity, and near the door on the east side of the building were stationed twenty of them, besides a large brass cannon, which was posted in the face of the throng pressing its way into Court-square. These marines were busily performing the evolutions and exercises preliminary to firing, the crowd meanwhile insul-ting them with a storm of groans and ironical cheers, and adopting other complimentary modes of expressing their appreciation of the business in which the military were engaged. The com-mon, also, was the scene of a magnificent parade of infantry and cavalry, called out for the main-tenance of order. Court-street and State-street,

from the head of Tremant-street to Long Wharf, a length perhaps of half-a-mile, presented a sea of heads, blocking up the side-walks and streets, so that free passage was almost an impossibility. The upper windows and roofs were occupied by curious spectators, ladies and gentlemen, and the whole spectacle reminded one of the tumultu-ous festivities in which men were butchered to make a Eoman holiday. The court room was filled by the one hundred special constables armed with revolvers— or, as they are commonly termed '"bullies," to supply which the various brothels, gambling hells, and grogshops of the city were deprived of their keepers, owing to the difficulty ot procuring respectable Yankees to serve so distasteful an employment—and by such of the citizens as were fortunate enough to procure pas-ses. The whole room contained some three hundred people, so that you may judge how large a pro-portion of an audience is deemed necessary to secure the administration of justice. The reck-less and insolent conduct of these hirelings has excited the indignation of Bostonians to the last degree. It seems so complete a transformation from the usual quiet and dignified proceedings of our legal tribunals, that the resemblance could

hardly be recognised. The commissioner's deci-sion, which occupied some fifteen minutes in deli-very, astonished every one, and was as fair an

illustration of the effect of the fugitive slave law, in obscuring the judgment of our dispensers of justice, as has been thus far given. The decision was listened to with breathless interest by all present, and even the brutal features of the ruf-fianly gang of bullies, in charge ot the poor

victim, gave evidence of emotion as the irreversi-ble sentence consigned him to his taskmaster. The negro himself buwed his head, as if all hope had abandoned him , and I am sure, both from what he has since said, and from his appearance in the court room, that no one more keenly appre-ciates or more utterly abhors the lot to which

he is now obliged to look forward. He is by no means ignorant of the popular excitement with regard to his fate, for, being a tolerably well edu-

cated man, he was enabled to read the various journals of the day, with which his friends sup-plied him, and to correct any misstatements which come under his notice. At twenty minutes past two o'clock this P.M., the poor fellow was con-ducted, in a hollow square, surrounded and es-corted by United States troops and the city mili-tary companies, to the number of 2,000 men, ni presence of a throng of perhaps 3,000, down Court and State streets, to the ship which waa to bear him away. The stores by which he passed were many of them closed, and badges of mourn-ing were suspended from many windows, to indi-cate the public humiliation. I venture to say, that few witnessed that degrading spectacle who did not feel, though the supremacy of law had been vindicated, it had been vindicated at the ex-pense of the sovereignty of the commonwealth, and the fundamental rights of her citizens. The cost of the whole business of extradition is esti-

mated at from 30,000 dollars to 50.000 dollars, all of which, President Pierce says, shall be de-

frayed by the national treasury. Probably the outlay of all parties in returning Burns, is worth

the value of a hundred slaves.

NAVAL AND MILITARY ITEMS.— A new order of Army School Regulations has been issued, to take effect from the 1st proximo, and in these the schoolmasters are divided into three classes. The first-class schoolmaster is to be a warrant-officer, on seven shillings a day, taking a prece-dence of all non-commissioned officers, including the serjeant-major. He is to wear a handsome and distinctive uniform, to bave rooms when unprovided with special quarters, fuel, light, and furniture, to mess in his own quarters, and to have a pension superior by sixpence per diem to that of a serjeant-major. The Secretary-at-War has established two other degrees of schoolmas-ters, and even the second and third classes are placed next to the serjeant major, while assistant-

schoolmasters, on two shillings a day, are to take rank with serjeants. The pay of the second and third classes is four shillings and three shillings per diem respectively. Promotion is kept in the hands of the Secretary at War, who will act upon the recommendation of the Inspector Gene-ral of Schools, and the selection will be governed by merit only.— The 80th has arrived from India, after an absence of eighteen years. Some of the soldiers appear to have been very prudent and careful, for it is stated that among them are men worth £500 to £1000. This must have been

from sheer economy, for they have had little op-

portunity of getting prize-money, and none of making money by trade. The men appear to be much worn, and many of them will no doubt have to be invalided. They left India without knapsacks, as they were destroyed in Burmah, and they came ashore with haversacks only.— The colonelcies of the 19th and 64th regiments have been given to Major-Generals Rowan and W atherall, both men of great deserving -~ United

Service Gazette.

AN ELEPHANT AT LARGE -The elephant which got loose from his keepers on Monday, on the road jroni Pantucket to l'all Uiver, appears to have acted quito unbecomingly Xor an animal of bia .immense size and accustomed docilita Refait« stuiUijf, his keeper mudo him lift the hinder part. of a waggon, loa led with 3,5001b , foi the purpoiu of gutting io into line It is supposed that this although not unusual, might havo suggested lo turu the, mode oi attack which ihe adopted at toi

wards His fu st sortie w u» on the horse aid vaij* gou of Mr Stafford Short, who was in the waggon ihe.elephant thrust his tusks into the horse, and !if'*l horse, waggon, and ndei into the air 'He mangled tu» i " ... m,r,Wv, and, currying hm» about 50 feet, thictr the dead body into a pond lho waggon was biokeu to pieces, und Mr bbort. consulorublv hurt Tho elephant broke one x»i hw enormous iu&ks in this encounter Ho next attacked the hone and ^ waggon ot Mr. T. W. Peck , the hone «as wjuied and the wagyou broken Mr Peck wus wounded in the hip Wa copy the remainder of the account from tho Pro vtdeme Journal -" i'he next mun in the path was Mi Pearce, « ho was i idiug w ith his littleton in a one horse «nggon lia »as coming tonoidi tho elephant, mid boin"' »urned bv Mr Barney, turned round und ¿mt ¿us horse to his spty>d, hut the elephant oieitook lum, und, seizing the waj goo, threw it into tho an, diislini^ it to plane« ami breaking tlie collar bone and arm of Mr «¿Wee Ino hoi se, disengigcd from tho wnggon, escape 1 with the lure whuels, and the elephant gave elms» lor eijit miles, but did not catch lum Ihe olo phnnt came bick ti oin lus unsuccessful pursuit and took up his march again on the main load, whero ho next encountered Mr Jabez Eddy, with a horse und waggon Ho threw up the whola cstablibhment in the sime »ay as bcrfaie, smashe I the waggon, killed the horse, and wounded Mr Eddy Ho threw the horse 20 feet oiei a fen« i into an adjoining. Jot, then broke down ihe tome went ovei and picked up tlie dead horse, und de

ported him in the road «here'he hud first met lum Ho killed ona other horse and pin »ned another, »Inch fled to a barn Ihe elephant foi

lowed, but at the door was met bj a fceice bulldbi,', which bit hisje"' and drove him off. Once on ti e loute, tho kee|xir, bomg ahead of lum, saw bim plunge overa »«II and make for a bouse lint keepei gotinto tho housa first, hmned the frighi ened people within to tho upper sloiy, and'pro vided hunsell with «n axe, succeeded in driving off the furious bevst The elephant finally et

hausted his strength, and 1 ud himself down in the bushes about two milos from Slade's Ferry. Here ho »as secured with chains, and carried over tho ferry to Fall River. A part of the time he ran at the rate of a mile in three minutes "-Boston (United States) Paper,

TICKETS OF LEAVE CONVICTS.—It will be re-membered that a paragraph appeared a short time

since, stating that several cases had occurred at Exeter where convicts who had been liberated from Dartmoor and other government prisons, under the tieket-of-leave system, had committed fresh offences, and had otherwise misconducted them-selves. The attention of Lord Palmerston, the Home Secretary, was called to this statement, and under his lordship's directions a communication

was sent to the mayor of Exeter (Mr. J. Daw), requesting him to furnisb the government with the particulars of eaoh case which had come before tho city authorities. This request was promptly complied with, and his lordship at onco took measures for carrying out the provisions of the

act by which licensed convicts who misbehave ren-

der themselves liable to be sent back to prison for the remainder of their original term. A few days since two officers arrived at Exeter, bearing war-rants signed by Mr Hall, the chief Magistrate at Bow-street, for the apprehension of two licensed convicts who had been committed to Exeter gool Unfortunately, in one case the man, who had been committed for assaulting and threatening to mur-der a policeman, had been liberated the day pre-viously. In the other, the prisoner was in gaol on a charge of robbery, and the local magistrates had no power to remove him except by habeas. The warrant, however, will, we understand, be placed in the hands of the governor of the gaol, who, on the expiration of the term of imprison-ment for robbery, will hand him over to the go-vernment officers, so that he may be recommitted to Dartmoor Prison. This is, we understand, the first instance in which the Government have in-terfered with the convicts-Shipping Gazette

The Governor of Gibraltar reports to the Duke of Newcastle that the temporary quarantine im-posed by him in February last, has been raised.

The cholera is making serious ravages in several parts of France, and especially in the departments of the Aube and Upper Marne. There are no less than fifteen departments affected by this disease.